Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_eemd_noiseSeed(self):
        T = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)
        S = np.sin(2 * np.pi * T + 4**T) + np.cos((T - 0.4)**2)

        # Compare up to machine epsilon
        cmpMachEps = lambda x, y: np.abs(x - y) <= 2 * np.finfo(x.dtype).eps

        config = {"processes": 1}
        eemd = EEMD(trials=10, **config)

        # First run random seed
        eIMF1 = eemd(S)

        # Second run with defined seed, diff than first
        eIMF2 = eemd(S)

        # Extremly unlikely to have same seed, thus different results
        msg_false = "Different seeds, expected different outcomes"
        if eIMF1.shape == eIMF2.shape:
            self.assertFalse(np.all(cmpMachEps(eIMF1, eIMF2)), msg_false)

        # Third run with same seed as with 2nd
        eIMF3 = eemd(S)

        # Using same seeds, thus expecting same results
        msg_true = "Used same seed, expected same results"
        self.assertTrue(np.all(cmpMachEps(eIMF2, eIMF3)), msg_true)
Exemplo n.º 2
def nonlinear_trend_test(trend):
    #Use surrogate method to test for EEMD trend significance
    t = len(trend)
    ts = trend.reshape(1, -1)  #reshape into 2d array for surrogate methods
    ts_sur = timeseries.surrogates.Surrogates(
        ts)  #generate an instance of surrogate class
    sur_list = [
    ]  #original time series is the first item in the surrogate list
    # Assign EEMD to `eemd` variable
    eemd = EEMD()
    #detect extrema using parabolic method
    emd = eemd.EMD
    emd.extrema_detection = "parabol"
    for i in range(19):  #0.05 significance level for one-sided test
        sur = ts_sur.refined_AAFT_surrogates(
            ts, 100
        )  #Return surrogates using the iteratively refined amplitude adjusted Fourier transform method.
        #detrend surrogate
        eIMFs_n = eemd.eemd(sur.flatten(), np.arange(t))
        sur_trend = eIMFs_n[-1]
    ta_list = [timeAsymmetry(ts.flatten())
               for ts in sur_list]  #test statistic: time asymmetry
    return np.array(ta_list)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_eemd_noiseSeed(self):
        T = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)
        S = np.sin(2*np.pi*T+ 4**T) + np.cos( (T-0.4)**2)

        # Compare up to machine epsilon
        cmpMachEps = lambda x, y: np.abs(x-y)<=2*np.finfo(x.dtype).eps

        config = {"processes": 1}
        eemd = EEMD(trials=10, **config)

        # First run random seed
        eIMF1 = eemd(S)

        # Second run with defined seed, diff than first
        eIMF2 = eemd(S)

        # Extremly unlikely to have same seed, thus different results
        msg_false = "Different seeds, expected different outcomes"
        if eIMF1.shape == eIMF2.shape:
            self.assertFalse(np.all(cmpMachEps(eIMF1,eIMF2)), msg_false)

        # Third run with same seed as with 2nd
        eIMF3 = eemd(S)

        # Using same seeds, thus expecting same results
        msg_true = "Used same seed, expected same results"
        self.assertTrue(np.all(cmpMachEps(eIMF2,eIMF3)), msg_true)
Exemplo n.º 4
def Signal():
    global E_imfNo
    E_imfNo = np.zeros(50, dtype=np.int)

    # EEMD options
    max_imf = 7
    tMax:采样结束时间 2*np.pi
    N = 500
    tMin, tMax = 0, 2 * np.pi
    T = np.linspace(tMin, tMax, N)
    # 信号S:是多个信号叠加信号
    S = 3 * np.sin(4 * T) + 4 * np.cos(9 * T) + np.sin(8.11 * T + 1.2)

    # EEMD计算
    eemd = EEMD()
    eemd.trials = 50

    E_IMFs = eemd.eemd(S)
    imfNo = E_IMFs.shape[0]

    # Plot results in a grid
    c = np.floor(np.sqrt(imfNo + 1))
    r = np.ceil((imfNo + 1) / c)

    plt.subplot(r, c, 1)
    plt.plot(T, S, 'r')
    plt.xlim((tMin, tMax))
    plt.title("Original signal")

    i = 1
    for imf in E_IMFs:
        plt.subplot(len(E_IMFs), 1, i)
        i += 1

    # for num in range(imfNo):
    #     plt.subplot(r, c, num + 2)
    #     plt.plot(T, E_IMFs[num], 'g')
    #     plt.xlim((tMin, tMax))
    #     plt.title("Imf " + str(num + 1))

             str(format(i, '.4f')),
Exemplo n.º 5
def prepare_data():
    con = engine.connect()
    # con.execute("truncate DOdataPrecictOnly")
    # con.execute("INSERT INTO DOdataPrecictOnly(Date,`Dissolved Oxygen`) ( SELECT Date,`Dissolved Oxygen` FROM DOdata order by Date ASC)")
    rv = con.execute("select `Dissolved Oxygen` from DOdataPrecictOnly")

    do = []
    for i in rv:

    DO = []
    for i in range(0, len(do)):
    scaler_DO = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(0, 1))
    DO = scaler_DO.fit_transform(DO)
    # DO = isolutionforest(DO)

    eemd = EEMD()
    imfs = eemd.eemd(DO.reshape(-1), None, 8)

    return imfs, scaler_DO
Exemplo n.º 6
    values = dataset.values
    groups = [0, 1, 2, 3]
    # fig, axs = plt.subplots(1)

    df = pd.DataFrame(dataset)  # 整体数据的全部字典类型
    do = df['Dissolved Oxygen']  # 返回溶解氧那一列,用字典的方式

    DO = []
    for i in range(0, len(do)):
    scaler_DO = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(0, 1))
    DO = scaler_DO.fit_transform(DO)

    eemd = EEMD()
    imfs = eemd.eemd(DO.reshape(-1), None, 8)
    c = int(len(do) * .85)
    lookback_window = 6
    imfs_prediction = []

    # i = 1
    # for imf in imfs:
    #    plt.subplot(len(imfs), 1, i)
    #    plt.plot(imf)
    #    i += 1
    # plt.savefig('res/result_imf.png')
    # plt.show()

    test = np.zeros([len(do) - c - lookback_window, 1])
Exemplo n.º 7
def protected_mask(path_nc4, path_protected_shp, lats, lons, mean_file):
    #read data and variables
    f = netCDF4.Dataset(path_nc4)
    f.set_auto_mask(False)  #missing value = -9999.0
    LAI = f.variables['LAI']
    time = f.variables['time']
    dates = num2date(time[:], time.units)
    latt, lonn = f.variables['lat'][:], f.variables['lon'][:]
    #get actual lon/lat range
    latbounds = list(latt[(latt <= lats[1]) & (latt >= lats[0])])
    lonbounds = list(lonn[(lonn <= lons[1]) & (lonn >= lons[0])])

    #create map polygon
    grid, rows, cols = create_grid(lonbounds[0], latbounds[0], lonbounds[-1],

    #read proctected shape file
    points_shape_map = gpd.read_file(path_protected_shp)
    points_shape_map.to_crs(epsg=4326, inplace=True)

    #identify grid cells in the shape file intersect with polygons
    data = []
    for index, protected in points_shape_map.iterrows():
        for index2, cell in grid.iterrows():
            if protected['geometry'].intersects(cell['geometry']):
                data.append({'geometry': cell['geometry']})
    df = gpd.GeoDataFrame(data, columns=['geometry'])

    #and drop duplicates by convert to wkb
    df["geometry"] = df["geometry"].apply(lambda geom: geom.wkb)
    df = df.drop_duplicates(["geometry"])
    # convert back to shapely geometry
    df["geometry"] = df["geometry"].apply(lambda geom: shapely.wkb.loads(geom))

    #map back to lat,lon list
    #extract all coordinates from geometry column
    g = [i for i in df.geometry]
    #map all polygons to coordinates
    all_coords = [mapping(item)["coordinates"] for item in g]
    #loop through all coordinates to find corresponding lat, lon tuple
    list_protected = []
    for coords in all_coords:
        idx_tup = coords[0][0]
        idx_lat = np.where(latt == idx_tup[1])[0][0]
        idx_lon = np.where(lonn == idx_tup[0])[0][0]
        list_protected.append([idx_lat, idx_lon])

    #get all monthly data, perform detrending using EEMD, and perform surrogate test for significance
    # Assign EEMD to `eemd` variable
    eemd = EEMD()
    #detect extrema using parabolic method
    emd = eemd.EMD
    emd.extrema_detection = "parabol"
    #initial result dataframe
    lai_monthly_mkt, lai_monthly_cat = [], []
    for i in range(12):
        t = mean_file.shape[1]  #get time-length, lat length, lon length
        lai_cat = np.zeros(
            (len(latt), len(lonn)))  #initiate global mask for categorization
        lai_mkt = np.zeros(
             len(lonn)))  #initiate global mask for stipling significance

        for coords in list_protected:
            lat, lon = coords[0], coords[1]
            lai_monthly = mean_file[
                i, :, lat,
                lon]  #subset per month per lat lon, using the calculated mean_file
            if lai_monthly.all() < 0:  #missing data present
                lai_cat[lat, lon] = 0
                lai_mkt[lat, lon] = 0
                eIMFs_n = eemd.eemd(lai_monthly, np.arange(t))
                trend = eIMFs_n[-1]
                if check_increasing(trend):
                    lai_cat[lat, lon] = 1
                    #test for significance:
                    ta_list = nonlinear_trend_test(trend)
                    if np.argmax(ta_list) == 0:
                        lai_mkt[lat, lon] = 1
                elif check_decreasing(trend):
                    lai_cat[lat, lon] = -1
                    #test for significance:
                    ta_list = nonlinear_trend_test(trend)
                    if np.argmin(ta_list) == 0:
                        lai_mkt[lat, lon] = -1
                        lon] = 5  #flag out inflection shape trend series if any

    #convert the result list back to arrays
    lai_monthly_mkt = np.array(lai_monthly_mkt)
    lai_monthly_cat = np.array(lai_monthly_cat)

    # subset the region of interest by lon lat indexes
    # latitude lower and upper index
    latli = np.argmin(np.abs(latt - lats[0]))
    latui = np.argmin(np.abs(latt - lats[1]))

    # longitude lower and upper index
    lonli = np.argmin(np.abs(lonn - lons[0]))
    lonui = np.argmin(np.abs(lonn - lons[1]))

    lai_cat = lai_monthly_cat[:, latli:latui, lonli:lonui]
    lai_mkt = lai_monthly_mkt[:, latli:latui, lonli:lonui]

    # Write the array to disk
    with open('cat_sg3_ken_sur.txt', 'w') as outfile:
        outfile.write('# Array shape: {0}\n'.format(lai_cat.shape))
        for data_slice in lai_cat:
            np.savetxt(outfile, data_slice, fmt='%-7.2f')
            outfile.write('# New slice\n')
    # Write the array to disk
    with open('mkt_sg3_ken_sur.txt', 'w') as outfile:
        outfile.write('# Array shape: {0}\n'.format(lai_mkt.shape))
        for data_slice in lai_mkt:
            np.savetxt(outfile, data_slice, fmt='%-7.2f')
            outfile.write('# New slice\n')
    #print out any infletion point index
    print(np.where(lai_cat == 5))
    return lai_cat, lai_mkt, latbounds, lonbounds, '20 SG3 models mean'