Exemplo n.º 1
class ExpirationDate:  # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
    Get, format and return the expiration date of a domain, if exist.
    def __init__(self):
        # We set the log separator.
        self.log_separator = "=" * 100 + " \n"

        # We initiate a variable which will save the extracted expiration date.
        self.expiration_date = ""

        # We initate a variable which will save our WHOIS record.s
        self.whois_record = ""

        # We initate an instance of Check
        self.checker = Check()

    def get(self):  # pragma: no cover
        Execute the logic behind the meaning of ExpirationDate + return the matched status.

            The status of the tested domain.
            Can be one of the official status.
        :rtype: str

        # We get the status of the domain validation.
        domain_validation = self.checker.is_domain_valid()
        # We get the status of the IPv4 validation.
        ip_validation = self.checker.is_ip_valid()

        if "current_test_data" in PyFunceble.INTERN:
            # The end-user want more information whith his test.

            # We update some index.

        if (domain_validation and not ip_validation or domain_validation
                or PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION["local"]):
            # * The element is a valid domain.
            # and
            # * The element is not ahe valid IPv4.
            # or
            # * The element is a valid domain.

            # * We get the HTTP status code of the currently tested element.
            # and
            # * We try to get the element status from the IANA database.
                "http_code": HTTPCode().get(),
                "referer": Referer().get()

            if not PyFunceble.INTERN["referer"]:
                # We could not get the referer.

                # We parse the referer status into the upstream call.
                return PyFunceble.INTERN["referer"]

            # The WHOIS record status is not into our list of official status.

            if PyFunceble.INTERN["referer"] and not self.checker.is_subdomain(
                # * The iana database comparison status is not None.
                # and
                # * The domain we are testing is not a subdomain.

                # We try to extract the expiration date from the WHOIS record.
                # And we return the matched status.
                return self._extract()

            # The iana database comparison status is None.

            # We log our whois record if the debug mode is activated.

            # And we return None, we could not extract the expiration date.
            return None

        if (ip_validation and not domain_validation or ip_validation
                or PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION["local"]):
            # * The element is a valid IPv4.
            # and
            # * The element is not a valid domain.
            # or
            # * The element is a valid IPv4.

            # We get the HTTP status code.
            PyFunceble.INTERN["http_code"] = HTTPCode().get()

            # We log our whois record if the debug mode is activated.

            # And we return None, there is no expiration date to look for.
            return None

        # The validation was not passed.

        # We log our whois record if the debug mode is activated.

        # And we return False, the domain could not pass the IP and domains syntax validation.
        return False

    def _convert_1_to_2_digits(cls, number):
        Convert 1 digit number to two digits.

        :param number: A number or a digit string.
        :type number: str|int

        :return: A 2 or more digit string.
        :rtype: str

        return str(number).zfill(2)

    def _convert_or_shorten_month(cls, data):
        Convert a given month into our unified format.

        :param data: The month to convert or shorten.
        :type data: str

        :return: The unified month name.
        :rtype: str

        # We map the different month and their possible representation.
        short_month = {
            "jan": [str(1), "01", "Jan", "January"],
            "feb": [str(2), "02", "Feb", "February"],
            "mar": [str(3), "03", "Mar", "March"],
            "apr": [str(4), "04", "Apr", "April"],
            "may": [str(5), "05", "May"],
            "jun": [str(6), "06", "Jun", "June"],
            "jul": [str(7), "07", "Jul", "July"],
            "aug": [str(8), "08", "Aug", "August"],
            "sep": [str(9), "09", "Sep", "September"],
            "oct": [str(10), "Oct", "October"],
            "nov": [str(11), "Nov", "November"],
            "dec": [str(12), "Dec", "December"],

        for month in short_month:
            # We loop through our map.

            if data in short_month[month]:
                # If the parsed data (or month if you prefer) is into our map.

                # We return the element (or key if you prefer) assigned to
                # the month.
                return month

        # The element is not into our map.

        # We return the parsed element (or month if you prefer).
        return data

    def _cases_management(self, regex_number, matched_result):
        A little internal helper of self.format. (Avoiding of nested loops)

        .. note::
            Please note that the second value of the case represent the groups
            in order :code:`[day,month,year]`.

            This means that a :code:`[2,1,0]` will be for example for a date
            in format :code:`2017-01-02` where
            :code:`01` is the month.

        :param regex_number: The identifiant of the regex.
        :type regex_number: int

        :param matched_result: The matched result to format.
        :type matched_result: list

            A list representing the expiration date.
            The list can be "decoded" like :code:`[day, month, year]`
        :rtype: list|None

        # We map our regex numbers with with the right group order.
        # Note: please report to the method note for more information about the mapping.
        cases = {
            "first": [[1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 22, 26, 27, 28, 29, 32, 34, 38],
                      [0, 1, 2]],
            "second": [[14, 15, 31, 33, 36, 37], [1, 0, 2]],
            "third": [
                    4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24,
                    25, 30, 35
                [2, 1, 0],

        for case in cases:
            # We loop through the cases.

            # We get the case data.
            case_data = cases[case]

            if int(regex_number) in case_data[0]:
                # The regex number is into the currently read case data.

                # We return a list with the formatted elements.
                # 1. We convert the day to 2 digits.
                # 2. We convert the month to the unified format.
                # 3. We return the year.
                return [

        # The regex number is not already mapped.

        # We return the parsed data.
        return matched_result  # pragma: no cover

    def _format(self, date_to_convert=None):
        Format the expiration date into an unified format (01-jan-1970).

        :param date_to_convert:
            The date to convert. In other words, the extracted date.
        :type date_to_convert: str

        :return: The formatted expiration date.
        :rtype: str

        if not date_to_convert:  # pragma: no cover
            # The date to conver is given.

            # We initiate the date we are working with.
            date_to_convert = self.expiration_date

        # We map the different possible regex.
        # The regex index represent a unique number which have to be reported
        # to the self._case_management() method.
        regex_dates = {
            # Date in format: 02-jan-2017
            "1": r"([0-9]{2})-([a-z]{3})-([0-9]{4})",
            # Date in format: 02.01.2017 // Month: jan
            "2": r"([0-9]{2})\.([0-9]{2})\.([0-9]{4})$",
            # Date in format: 02/01/2017 // Month: jan
            "3": r"([0-3][0-9])\/(0[1-9]|1[012])\/([0-9]{4})",
            # Date in format: 2017-01-02 // Month: jan
            "4": r"([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})$",
            # Date in format: 2017.01.02 // Month: jan
            "5": r"([0-9]{4})\.([0-9]{2})\.([0-9]{2})$",
            # Date in format: 2017/01/02 // Month: jan
            "6": r"([0-9]{4})\/([0-9]{2})\/([0-9]{2})$",
            # Date in format: 2017.01.02 15:00:00
            # Date in format: 20170102 15:00:00 // Month: jan
            "8": r"([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})\s[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}",
            # Date in format: 2017-01-02 15:00:00 // Month: jan
            # Date in format: 02.01.2017 15:00:00 // Month: jan
            # Date in format: 02-Jan-2017 15:00:00 UTC
            r"([0-9]{2})-([A-Z]{1}[a-z]{2})-([0-9]{4})\s[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}\s[A-Z]{1}.*",  # pylint: disable=line-too-long
            # Date in format: 2017/01/02 01:00:00 (+0900) // Month: jan
            # Date in format: 2017/01/02 01:00:00 // Month: jan
            # Date in format: Mon Jan 02 15:00:00 GMT 2017
            r"[a-zA-Z]{3}\s([a-zA-Z]{3})\s([0-9]{2})\s[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}\s[A-Z]{3}\s([0-9]{4})",  # pylint: disable=line-too-long
            # Date in format: Mon Jan 02 2017
            "15": r"[a-zA-Z]{3}\s([a-zA-Z]{3})\s([0-9]{2})\s([0-9]{4})",
            # Date in format: 2017-01-02T15:00:00 // Month: jan
            # Date in format: 2017-01-02T15:00:00Z // Month: jan${'7}
            # Date in format: 2017-01-02T15:00:00+0200 // Month: jan
            # Date in format: 2017-01-02T15:00:00+0200.622265+03:00 //
            # Month: jan
            r"([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}\.[0-9].*[+-][0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}",  # pylint: disable=line-too-long
            # Date in format: 2017-01-02T15:00:00+0200.622265 // Month: jan
            # Date in format: 2017-01-02T23:59:59.0Z // Month: jan
            # Date in format: 02-01-2017 // Month: jan
            "22": r"([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{4})",
            # Date in format: 2017. 01. 02. // Month: jan
            "23": r"([0-9]{4})\.\s([0-9]{2})\.\s([0-9]{2})\.",
            # Date in format: 2017-01-02T00:00:00+13:00 // Month: jan
            r"([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}[+-][0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}",  # pylint: disable=line-too-long
            # Date in format: 20170102 // Month: jan
            "25": r"(?=[0-9]{8})(?=([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2}))",
            # Date in format: 02-Jan-2017
            "26": r"([0-9]{2})-([A-Z]{1}[a-z]{2})-([0-9]{4})$",
            # Date in format: 02.1.2017 // Month: jan
            "27": r"([0-9]{2})\.([0-9]{1})\.([0-9]{4})",
            # Date in format: 02 Jan 2017
            "28": r"([0-9]{1,2})\s([A-Z]{1}[a-z]{2})\s([0-9]{4})",
            # Date in format: 02-January-2017
            "29": r"([0-9]{2})-([A-Z]{1}[a-z]*)-([0-9]{4})",
            # Date in format: 2017-Jan-02.
            "30": r"([0-9]{4})-([A-Z]{1}[a-z]{2})-([0-9]{2})\.",
            # Date in format: Mon Jan 02 15:00:00 2017
            r"[a-zA-Z]{3}\s([a-zA-Z]{3})\s([0-9]{1,2})\s[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}\s([0-9]{4})",  # pylint: disable=line-too-long
            # Date in format: Mon Jan 2017 15:00:00
            # Date in format: January 02 2017-Jan-02
            "33": r"([A-Z]{1}[a-z]*)\s([0-9]{1,2})\s([0-9]{4})",
            # Date in format: 2.1.2017 // Month: jan
            "34": r"([0-9]{1,2})\.([0-9]{1,2})\.([0-9]{4})",
            # Date in format: 20170102000000 // Month: jan
            "35": r"([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})[0-9]+",
            # Date in format: 01/02/2017 // Month: jan
            "36": r"(0[1-9]|1[012])\/([0-3][0-9])\/([0-9]{4})",
            # Date in format: January  2 2017
            "37": r"([A-Z]{1}[a-z].*)\s\s([0-9]{1,2})\s([0-9]{4})",
            # Date in format: 2nd January 2017
            "38": r"([0-9]{1,})[a-z]{1,}\s([A-Z].*)\s(2[0-9]{3})",

        for regx in regex_dates:
            # We loop through our map.

            # We try to get the matched groups if the date to convert match the currently
            # read regex.
            matched_result = Regex(date_to_convert,

            if matched_result:
                # The matched result is not None or an empty list.

                # We get the date.
                date = self._cases_management(regx, matched_result)

                if date:
                    # The date is given.

                    # We return the formatted date.
                    return "-".join(date)

        # We return an empty string as we were not eable to match the date format.
        return ""

    def _extract(self):  # pragma: no cover
        Extract the expiration date from the whois record.

        :return: The status of the domain.
        :rtype: str

        # We try to get the expiration date from the database.
        expiration_date_from_database = Whois().get_expiration_date()

        if expiration_date_from_database:
            # The hash of the current whois record did not changed and the
            # expiration date from the database is not empty not equal to
            # None or False.

            # We generate the files and print the status.
            # It's an active element!

            # We handle und return the official up status.
            return PyFunceble.STATUS["official"]["up"]

        # We get the whois record.
        self.whois_record = Lookup().whois(PyFunceble.INTERN["referer"])

        # We list the list of regex which will help us get an unformatted expiration date.
        to_match = [
            r"expire on:(.*)",
            r"Expiry Date:(.*)",
            r"Expiration date:(.*)",
            r"Expiry date:(.*)",
            r"Expire Date:(.*)",
            r"renewal date:(.*)",
            r"Expiration Date             :(.*)",
            r"Expiry :(.*)",
            r"expires at:(.*)",
            r"Data de expiração \/ Expiration Date \(dd\/mm\/yyyy\):(.*)",
            r"Fecha de expiración \(Expiration date\):(.*)",
            r"\[Expires on\](.*)",
            r"Record expires on(.*)(\(YYYY-MM-DD\))",
            r"status:      OK-UNTIL(.*)",
            r"Exp date:(.*)",
            r"Expires On:(.*)",
            r"Fecha de vencimiento:(.*)",
            r"Fecha de Vencimiento:(.*)",
            r"Registry Expiry Date:(.*)",
            r"Expires on..............:(.*)",
            r"Expiration Time:(.*)",
            r"Expiration Date:(.*)",
            r"Date d'expiration:(.*)",
            r"expiration date:(.*)",

        if self.whois_record:
            # The whois record is not empty.

            if "current_test_data" in PyFunceble.INTERN:
                # The end-user want more information whith his test.

                # We update the whois_record index.
                    "whois_record"] = self.whois_record

            for string in to_match:
                # We loop through the list of regex.

                # We try tro extract the expiration date from the WHOIS record.
                expiration_date = Regex(self.whois_record,

                if expiration_date:
                    # The expiration date could be extracted.

                    # We get the extracted expiration date.
                    self.expiration_date = expiration_date[0].strip()

                    # We initate a regex which will help us know if a number
                    # is present into the extracted expiration date.
                    regex_rumbers = r"[0-9]"

                    if Regex(self.expiration_date,
                        # The extracted expiration date has a number.

                        # We format the extracted expiration date.
                        self.expiration_date = self._format()

                        if (self.expiration_date and not Regex(
                            # The formatted expiration date does not match our unified format.

                            # We log the problem.

                            # We log the whois record.

                        if "current_test_data" in PyFunceble.INTERN:
                            # The end-user want more information whith his test.

                            # We update the expiration_date index.
                                "expiration_date"] = self.expiration_date

                        # We generate the files and print the status.
                        # It's an active element!

                        # We log the whois record.

                        # We save the whois record into the database.

                        # We handle und return the official up status.
                        return PyFunceble.STATUS["official"]["up"]

                    # The extracted expiration date does not have a number.

                    # We log the whois record.

                    # We return None, we could not get the expiration date.
                    return None

        # The whois record is empty.

        # We return None, we could not get the whois record.
        return None
Exemplo n.º 2
class AdBlock:  # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
    Provide the adblock decoding logic.

    :param list_from_file: The file in list format.
    :type list_from_file: list
    def __init__(self, list_from_file, aggressive=False):
        self.to_format = self._remove_ignored(list_from_file)
        self.aggressive = aggressive

        # We set the options separator.
        self.options_separator = "$"

        # We set the separator of options
        self.option_separator = ","

        # We create an instance of the checker.
        self.checker = Check()

    def _remove_ignored(self, list_from_file):
        Removed the ignored element from the given list.

        :param list_from_file:
            The list which represent the file we are decoding.
        :type list_from_list: list

        :return: The filtered list.
        :rtype: list

        return [x for x in list_from_file if not self._is_to_ignore(x)]

    def _is_to_ignore(cls, line):
        Check if we have to ignore the given line.

        :param line: The line from the file.
        :type line: str

        # We set the list of regex to match to be
        # considered as ignored.
        to_ignore = [r"(^!|^@@|^\/|^\[|^\.|^-|^_|^\?|^&)"
                     ]  # , r"(\$|,)(image)"]

        for element in to_ignore:
            # We loop through the list of regex.

            if Regex(line, element, return_data=False).match():
                # The currently read line match the currently read
                # regex.

                # We return true, it has to be ignored.
                return True

        # Wer return False, it does not has to be ignored.
        return False

    def _handle_options(self, options):
        Handle the data from the options.

        :param options: The list of options from the rule.
        :type options: list

        :return: The list of domains to return globally.
        :rtype: list

        # We initiate a variable which will save our result
        result = []

        # We initiate the regex which will be used to extract the domain listed
        # under the option domain=
        regex_domain_option = r"domain=(.*)"

        for option in options:
            # We loop through the list of option.
                # We try to extract the list of domains from the currently read
                # option.
                domains = Regex(option,

                if domains:
                    # We could extract something.

                    if self.aggressive:  # pragma: no cover
                            x for x in domains.split("|")
                            if x and not x.startswith("~")
                        # We return True.
                        return True
            except TypeError:

        # We return the result.
        return result

    def _extract_base(self, element):
        Extract the base of the given element.

        .. example:
            given "hello/world?world=beautiful" return "hello"

        :param element: The element we are working with.
        :type element: str|list

        if isinstance(element, list):
            # The given element is a list.

            # We get the base of each element of the list.
            return [self._extract_base(x) for x in element]

        # We get the base if it is an URL.
        base = self.checker.is_url_valid(url=element, return_base=True)

        if base:
            # It is an URL.

            # We return the extracted base.
            return base

        if "/" in element:
            # / is in the given element.

            # We return the first element before the
            # first /
            return element.split("/")[0]

        # / is not in the given element.

        # We return the given element.
        return element

    def decode(self):
        Decode/extract the domains to test from the adblock formated file.

        :return: The list of domains to test.
        :rtype: list

        # We initiate a variable which will save what we are going to return.
        result = []

        # We initiate the first regex we are going to use to get
        # the element to format.
        regex = r"^(?:.*\|\|)([^\/\$\^]{1,}).*$"

        # We initiate the third regex we are going to use to get
        # the element to format.
        regex_v3 = (

        # We initiate the fourth regex we are going to use to get
        # the element to format.
        regex_v4 = r"^\|(.*\..*)\|$"

        for line in self.to_format:
            # We loop through the different line.

            rematch = rematch_v3 = rematch_v4 = None

            # We extract the different group from our first regex.
            rematch = Regex(line,

            # We extract the different group from our fourth regex.
            # Note: We execute the following in second because it is more
            # specific that others.
            rematch_v4 = Regex(line,

            # We extract the different group from our third regex.
            rematch_v3 = Regex(line,

            if rematch:
                # The first extraction was successfull.

                if self.options_separator in line:
                    options = line.split(self.options_separator)[-1].split(

                    if (not options[-1] or "third-party" in options
                            or "script" in options or "popup" in options
                            or "xmlhttprequest" in options):
                        # We extend the result with the extracted elements.

                    extra = self._handle_options(options)

                    if extra and isinstance(extra, list):  # pragma: no cover
                    elif extra:

                    # We extend the result with the extracted elements.

            if rematch_v4:
                # The fourth extraction was successfull.

                # We extend the formatted elements from the extracted elements.

            if rematch_v3:
                # The second extraction was successfull.

                # We extend the formatted elements from the extracted elements.

        # We return the result.
        return List(result).format()

    def _format_decoded(self, to_format, result=None):  # pragma: no cover
        Format the exctracted adblock line before passing it to the system.

        :param to_format: The extracted line from the file.
        :type to_format: str

        :param result: A list of the result of this method.
        :type result: list

        :return: The list of domains or IP to test.
        :rtype: list

        if not result:
            # The result is not given.

            # We set the result as an empty list.
            result = []

        for data in List(to_format).format():
            # We loop through the different lines to format.

            if data:
                # The currently read line is not empty.

                if "^" in data:
                    # There is an accent in the currently read line.

                    # We recall this method but with the current result state
                    # and splited data.
                    return self._format_decoded(data.split("^"), result)

                if "#" in data:
                    # There is a dash in the currently read line.

                    # We recall this method but with the current result state
                    # and splited data.
                    return self._format_decoded(data.split("#"), result)

                if "," in data:
                    # There is a comma in the currently read line.

                    # We recall this method but with the current result state
                    # and splited data.
                    return self._format_decoded(data.split(","), result)

                if "!" in data:
                    # There is an exclamation mark in the currently read line.

                    # We recall this method but with the current result state
                    # and splited data.
                    return self._format_decoded(data.split("!"), result)

                if "|" in data:
                    # There is a vertival bar in the currently read line.

                    # We recall this method but with the current result state
                    # and splited data.
                    return self._format_decoded(data.split("|"), result)

                if data:
                    # The currently read line is not empty.

                    data = self._extract_base(data)

                    if data and (self.checker.is_domain_valid(data)
                                 or self.checker.is_ip_valid(data)):
                        # The extraced base is not empty.
                        # and
                        # * The currently read line is a valid domain.
                        # or
                        # * The currently read line is a valid IP.

                        # We append the currently read line to the result.
                    elif data:
                        # * The currently read line is not a valid domain.
                        # or
                        # * The currently read line is not a valid IP.

                        # We try to get the url base.
                        url_base = self.checker.is_url_valid(data,

                        if url_base:
                            # The url_base is not empty or equal to False or None.

                            # We append the url base to the result.

        # We return the result element.
        return result