Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: qt.py Projeto: Doringber/blog
def get_qt_conf_file(qt_library_info):
    # No-op if requested Qt-based package is not available
    if qt_library_info.version is None:
        return []
    # Find ``qt.conf`` in location['PrefixPath']
    datas = [x for x in hooks.collect_system_data_files(
             if os.path.basename(x[0]) == 'qt.conf']
    return datas
Exemplo n.º 2
def collect_glib_etc_files(*path):
    """path is relative to the system config directory (eg, /etc)"""
    glib_config_dirs = get_glib_sysconf_dirs()
    if glib_config_dirs is None:
        return []

    destdir = os.path.join('etc', *path)

    # TODO: will this return too much?
    collected = []
    for config_dir in glib_config_dirs:
        p = os.path.join(config_dir, *path)
        collected += collect_system_data_files(p,

    return collected
Exemplo n.º 3
def collect_glib_share_files(*path):
    """path is relative to the system data directory (eg, /usr/share)"""
    glib_data_dirs = get_glib_system_data_dirs()
    if glib_data_dirs is None:
        return []

    destdir = os.path.join('share', *path)

    # TODO: will this return too much?
    collected = []
    for data_dir in glib_data_dirs:
        p = os.path.join(data_dir, *path)
        collected += collect_system_data_files(p,

    return collected
    if compat.is_win:
        rel_data_path = ['PySide2']
        rel_data_path = ['PySide2', 'Qt']

    pyside2_locations = pyside2_library_info.location
    if compat.is_darwin:
        # This is based on the layout of the Mac wheel from PyPi.
        data_path = pyside2_locations['DataPath']
        libraries = [
            'QtCore', 'QtWebEngineCore', 'QtQuick', 'QtQml', 'QtNetwork',
            'QtGui', 'QtWebChannel', 'QtPositioning'
        for i in libraries:
            datas += collect_system_data_files(
                os.path.join(data_path, 'lib', i + '.framework'),
                prefix_with_path(rel_data_path, 'lib'), True)
        datas += [(os.path.join(data_path, 'lib', 'QtWebEngineCore.framework',
                                'Resources'), os.curdir)]
        locales = 'qtwebengine_locales'
        resources = 'resources'
        datas += [
            # Gather translations needed by Chromium.
            (os.path.join(pyside2_locations['TranslationsPath'], locales),
             prefix_with_path(rel_data_path, 'translations', locales)),
            # Per the `docs
            # <https://doc.qt.io/qt-5.10/qtwebengine-deploying.html#deploying-resources>`_,
            # ``DataPath`` is the base directory for ``resources``.
Exemplo n.º 5
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (version 2
# or later) with exception for distributing the bootloader.
# The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0-or-later WITH Bootloader-exception)
import os

from PyInstaller.utils.hooks import collect_system_data_files
from PyInstaller.utils.hooks.qt import pyqt5_library_info, get_qt_binaries

# Ensure PyQt5 is importable before adding info depending on it.
if pyqt5_library_info.version:
    hiddenimports = [
        # PyQt5.10 and earlier uses sip in an separate package;
        # PyQt5.11 and later provides SIP in a private package. Support both.

    # Collect the ``qt.conf`` file.
    datas = [
        x for x in collect_system_data_files(
            pyqt5_library_info.location['PrefixPath'], 'PyQt5')
        if os.path.basename(x[0]) == 'qt.conf'

    # Collect required Qt binaries.
    binaries = get_qt_binaries(pyqt5_library_info)
Exemplo n.º 6
def get_qt_webengine_binaries_and_data_files(qt_library_info):
    binaries = []
    datas = []

    # Output directory (varies between PyQt and PySide and among OSes; the difference is abstracted by
    # qt_library_info.qt_rel_dir)
    rel_data_path = qt_library_info.qt_rel_dir

    if compat.is_darwin:
        # On macOS, Qt shared libraries are provided in form of .framework bundles. However, PyInstaller collects shared
        # library from the bundle into top-level application directory, breaking the bundle structure.
        # QtWebEngine and its underlying Chromium engine, however, have very strict data file layout requirements due to
        # sandboxing, and does not work if the helper process executable does not load the shared library from
        # QtWebEngineCore.framework (which also needs to contain all resources).
        # Therefore, we collect the QtWebEngineCore.framework manually, in order to obtain a working QtWebEngineProcess
        # helper executable. But because that bypasses our dependency scanner, we need to collect the dependent
        # .framework bundles as well. And we need to override QTWEBENGINEPROCESS_PATH in rthook, because the
        # QtWebEngineWidgets python extension actually loads up the copy of shared library that is located in
        # sys._MEIPASS (as opposed to the manually-copied one in .framework bundle). Furthermore, because the extension
        # modules use Qt shared libraries in sys._MEIPASS, we also copy all contents of
        # QtWebEngineCore.framework/Resources into sys._MEIPASS to make resource loading in the main process work.
        # Besides being ugly, this approach has three main ramifications:
        # 1. we bundle two copies of each Qt shared library involved: the copy used by main process, picked up by
        #    dependency scanner; and a copy in manually-collected .framework bundle that is used by the helper process.
        # 2. the trick with copying contents of Resource directory of QtWebEngineCore.framework does not work in onefile
        #    mode, and consequently QtWebEngine does not work in onefile mode.
        # 3. copying contents of QtWebEngineCore.framework/Resource means that its Info.plist ends up in sys._MEIPASS,
        #    causing the main process in onedir mode to be mis-identified as "QtWebEngineProcess".
        # In the near future, this quagmire will hopefully be properly sorted out, but in the mean time, we have to live
        # with what we have been given.
        data_path = qt_library_info.location['DataPath']
        libraries = [
            'QtCore', 'QtWebEngineCore', 'QtQuick', 'QtQml', 'QtQmlModels',
            'QtNetwork', 'QtGui', 'QtWebChannel', 'QtPositioning'
        for i in libraries:
            framework_dir = i + '.framework'
            datas += hooks.collect_system_data_files(
                os.path.join(data_path, 'lib', framework_dir),
                os.path.join(rel_data_path, 'lib', framework_dir), True)
        datas += [(os.path.join(data_path, 'lib', 'QtWebEngineCore.framework',
                                'Resources'), os.curdir)]
        # Windows and linux
        locales = 'qtwebengine_locales'
        resources = 'resources'

        # Translations
            os.path.join(rel_data_path, 'translations', locales),

        # Resources; ``DataPath`` is the base directory for ``resources``, as per the
        # `docs <https://doc.qt.io/qt-5.10/qtwebengine-deploying.html#deploying-resources>`_.
            (os.path.join(qt_library_info.location['DataPath'], resources),
             os.path.join(rel_data_path, resources)), )

        # Helper process executable (QtWebEngineProcess), located in ``LibraryExecutablesPath``.
        dest = os.path.join(
                          'QtWebEngineProcess*'), dest))

    # Add Linux-specific libraries.
    if compat.is_linux:
        # The automatic library detection fails for `NSS <https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libnss3>`_, which
        # is used by QtWebEngine. In some distributions, the ``libnss`` supporting libraries are stored in a
        # subdirectory ``nss``. Since ``libnss`` is not statically linked to these, but dynamically loads them, we need
        # to search for and add them.

        # First, get all libraries linked to ``QtWebEngineWidgets`` extension module.
        module_file = hooks.get_module_file_attribute(
            qt_library_info.namespace + '.QtWebEngineWidgets')
        module_imports = bindepend.getImports(module_file)
        for imp in module_imports:
            # Look for ``libnss3.so``.
            if os.path.basename(imp).startswith('libnss3.so'):
                # Find the location of NSS: given a ``/path/to/libnss.so``, add ``/path/to/nss/*.so`` to get the
                # missing NSS libraries.
                nss_glob = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(imp), 'nss', '*.so')
                if glob.glob(nss_glob):
                    binaries.append((nss_glob, 'nss'))

    return binaries, datas
Exemplo n.º 7
# The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0-or-later WITH Bootloader-exception)

import os
from PyInstaller.utils.hooks import collect_system_data_files
from PyInstaller.utils.hooks.qt import pyside2_library_info, get_qt_binaries
from PyInstaller.compat import is_win

# Only proceed if PySide2 can be imported.
if pyside2_library_info.version:

    hiddenimports = ['shiboken2']

    # Collect the ``qt.conf`` file.
    if is_win:
        target_qt_conf_dir = ['PySide2']
        target_qt_conf_dir = ['PySide2', 'Qt']

    datas = [
        x for x in collect_system_data_files(
        if os.path.basename(x[0]) == 'qt.conf'

    # Collect required Qt binaries.
    binaries = get_qt_binaries(pyside2_library_info)
Exemplo n.º 8
from PyInstaller.compat import is_darwin
import os

if is_darwin:
    # Assume we're using homebrew to install GDAL and collect data files
    # accordingly.
    from PyInstaller.utils.hooks import get_homebrew_path
    from PyInstaller.utils.hooks import collect_system_data_files

    datas = collect_system_data_files(path=os.path.join(
        get_homebrew_path('gdal'), 'share', 'gdal'),
Exemplo n.º 9
# Ensure PyQt5 is importable before adding info depending on it.
if pyqt5_library_info.version:
    hiddenimports, binaries, datas = add_qt5_dependencies(__file__)

    # Include the web engine process, translations, and resources.
    rel_data_path = ['PyQt5', 'Qt']
    if compat.is_darwin:
        # This is based on the layout of the Mac wheel from PyPi.
        data_path = pyqt5_library_info.location['DataPath']
        libraries = [
            'QtCore', 'QtWebEngineCore', 'QtQuick', 'QtQml', 'QtNetwork',
            'QtGui', 'QtWebChannel', 'QtPositioning'
        for i in libraries:
            datas += collect_system_data_files(
                os.path.join(data_path, 'lib', i + '.framework'),
                os.path.join(*(rel_data_path + ['lib'])), True)
        datas += [(os.path.join(data_path, 'lib', 'QtWebEngineCore.framework',
                                'Resources'), os.curdir)]
        locales = 'qtwebengine_locales'
        resources = 'resources'
        datas += [
            # Gather translations needed by Chromium.
             os.path.join('PyQt5', 'Qt', 'translations', locales)),
            # Per the `docs <https://doc.qt.io/qt-5.10/qtwebengine-deploying.html#deploying-resources>`_,
            # ``DataPath`` is the base directory for ``resources``.
            # When Python 3.4 goes EOL (see `PEP 448`_, this is better written as
Exemplo n.º 10
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) 2005-2019, PyInstaller Development Team.
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License with exception
# for distributing bootloader.
# The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
import os.path

from PyInstaller.utils.hooks import collect_system_data_files
from PyInstaller.utils.hooks.qt import pyside2_library_info, get_qt_binaries

hiddenimports = ['shiboken2']

# Collect the ``qt.conf`` file.
datas = [x for x in
         if os.path.basename(x[0]) == 'qt.conf']

# Collect required Qt binaries.
binaries = get_qt_binaries(pyside2_library_info)
Exemplo n.º 11
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (version 2
# or later) with exception for distributing the bootloader.
# The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0-or-later WITH Bootloader-exception)
import os

from PyInstaller.utils.hooks import collect_system_data_files
from PyInstaller.utils.hooks.qt import pyqt5_library_info, get_qt_binaries

# Ensure PyQt5 is importable before adding info depending on it.
if pyqt5_library_info.version is not None:
    hiddenimports = [
        # PyQt5.10 and earlier uses sip in an separate package;
        # PyQt5.11 and later provides SIP in a private package. Support both.

    # Collect the ``qt.conf`` file.
    datas = [
        x for x in collect_system_data_files(
            os.path.join('PyQt5', 'Qt')) if os.path.basename(x[0]) == 'qt.conf'

    # Collect required Qt binaries.
    binaries = get_qt_binaries(pyqt5_library_info)
Exemplo n.º 12
import pkg_resources
from PyInstaller.utils.hooks import collect_system_data_files

path = pkg_resources.resource_filename('tornado_swagger_ui', '')
datas = (
Exemplo n.º 13
# Copyright (c) 2005-2020, PyInstaller Development Team.
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (version 2
# or later) with exception for distributing the bootloader.
# The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0-or-later WITH Bootloader-exception)

import os
from PyInstaller.utils.hooks import collect_system_data_files
from PyInstaller.utils.hooks.qt import pyside2_library_info, get_qt_binaries
from PyInstaller.compat import is_win

hiddenimports = ['shiboken2']

# Collect the ``qt.conf`` file.
if is_win:
    target_qt_conf_dir = os.curdir
    target_qt_conf_dir = 'PySide2'

datas = [x for x in
         if os.path.basename(x[0]) == 'qt.conf']

# Collect required Qt binaries.
binaries = get_qt_binaries(pyside2_library_info)
# Ensure PyQt5 is importable before adding info depending on it.
if pyqt5_library_info.version is not None:
    hiddenimports, binaries, datas = add_qt5_dependencies(__file__)

    # Include the web engine process, translations, and resources.
    rel_data_path = ['PyQt5', 'Qt']
    if compat.is_darwin:
        # This is based on the layout of the Mac wheel from PyPi.
        data_path = pyqt5_library_info.location['DataPath']
        libraries = ['QtCore', 'QtWebEngineCore', 'QtQuick', 'QtQml',
                     'QtQmlModels', 'QtNetwork', 'QtGui', 'QtWebChannel',
        for i in libraries:
            framework_dir = i + '.framework'
            datas += collect_system_data_files(
                os.path.join(data_path, 'lib', framework_dir),
                os.path.join(*rel_data_path, 'lib', framework_dir), True)
        datas += [(os.path.join(data_path, 'lib', 'QtWebEngineCore.framework',
                                'Resources'), os.curdir)]
        locales = 'qtwebengine_locales'
        resources = 'resources'
        datas += [
            # Gather translations needed by Chromium.
             os.path.join('PyQt5', 'Qt', 'translations', locales)),
            # Per the `docs <https://doc.qt.io/qt-5.10/qtwebengine-deploying.html#deploying-resources>`_,
            # ``DataPath`` is the base directory for ``resources``.
            # When Python 3.4 goes EOL (see `PEP 448`_, this is better written as
Exemplo n.º 15
from PyInstaller.compat import is_darwin
from PyInstaller.utils.hooks import (collect_system_data_files,
                                     collect_data_files, collect_submodules)
import os

if is_darwin:
    # Assume we're using a local conda env to install gdal.
    # glob for gcs.csv instead of passing the env name.
    import glob

    datas = collect_system_data_files(path=os.path.dirname(
        glob.glob('**/gcs.csv', recursive=True)[0]),
    datas = collect_data_files('osgeo')
    # Include the web engine process, translations, and resources.
    # According to https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-642?focusedCommentId=461015&page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels%3Acomment-tabpanel#comment-461015,
    # there's no subdir for windows
    rel_data_path = ['PySide2'
                     ] if sys.platform == 'win32' else ['PySide2', 'Qt']
    if compat.is_darwin:
        # This is based on the layout of the Mac wheel from PyPi.
        data_path = pyside2_library_info.location['DataPath']
        libraries = [
            'QtCore', 'QtWebEngineCore', 'QtQuick', 'QtQml', 'QtNetwork',
            'QtGui', 'QtWebChannel', 'QtPositioning'
        for i in libraries:
            datas += collect_system_data_files(
                os.path.join(data_path, 'lib', i + '.framework'),
                os.path.join(*(rel_data_path + ['lib'])), True)
        datas += [(os.path.join(data_path, 'lib', 'QtWebEngineCore.framework',
                                'Resources'), os.curdir)]
        locales = 'qtwebengine_locales'
        resources = 'resources'
        datas += [
            # Gather translations needed by Chromium.
             os.path.join(*(rel_data_path + ['translations', locales]))),
            # Per the `docs <https://doc.qt.io/qt-5.10/qtwebengine-deploying.html#deploying-resources>`_,
            # ``DataPath`` is the base directory for ``resources``.
            # When Python 3.4 goes EOL (see `PEP 448`_, this is better written as
Exemplo n.º 17
import PyInstaller.compat as compat

hiddenimports, binaries, datas = add_qt5_dependencies(__file__)

# Include the web engine process, translations, and resources.
rel_data_path = ['PyQt5', 'Qt']
if compat.is_darwin:
    # This is based on the layout of the Mac wheel from PyPi.
    data_path = pyqt5_library_info.location['DataPath']
    resources = ['lib', 'QtWebEngineCore.framework', 'Resources']
    web_engine_process = ['lib', 'QtWebEngineCore.framework', 'Helpers']
    # When Python 3.4 goes EOL (see
    # `PEP 448 <https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0448/>`_, this is
    # better written as ``os.path.join(*rel_data_path, *resources[:-1])``.
    datas += collect_system_data_files(
        os.path.join(data_path, *resources),
        os.path.join(*(rel_data_path + resources[:-1])), True)
    datas += collect_system_data_files(
        os.path.join(data_path, *web_engine_process),
        os.path.join(*(rel_data_path + web_engine_process[:-1])), True)
    locales = 'qtwebengine_locales'
    resources = 'resources'
    datas += [
        # Gather translations needed by Chromium.
         os.path.join('PyQt5', 'Qt', 'translations', locales)),
        # Per the `docs <https://doc.qt.io/qt-5.10/qtwebengine-deploying.html#deploying-resources>`_,
        # ``DataPath`` is the base directory for ``resources``.