def get_kdl_chain_lwr(self): from PyKDL import Frame, Rotation, Vector, Joint, Chain, Segment from math import pi # arm segments that behave exactly like the DLR system. (Last pose in the middle of the potato) #Some parts of the DLR system take into account the TCP_T_EE transformation, for example to the Flange arm_segments = [ Segment(Joint(Joint.None), Frame(Rotation.Quaternion(0.428, 0.261, -0.435, 0.748), Vector(0.222, -0.339, 0.949))), Segment(Joint(Joint.None), Frame(Rotation.Identity(), Vector(0.0, 0.0, 0.11))), Segment(Joint(Joint.RotZ), Frame(Rotation.RotX(-pi/2), Vector(0.0, 0.0, 0.20))), Segment(Joint(Joint.RotZ, -1), Frame(Rotation.RotX(pi/2), Vector(0.0, -0.20, 0.0))), Segment(Joint(Joint.RotZ), Frame(Rotation.RotX(pi/2), Vector(0, 0, .20))), Segment(Joint(Joint.RotZ, -1), Frame(Rotation.RotX(-pi/2), Vector(0, 0.2, 0))), Segment(Joint(Joint.RotZ), Frame(Rotation.RotX(-pi/2), Vector(0, 0, 0.19))), Segment(Joint(Joint.RotZ, -1), Frame(Rotation.RotX(pi/2), Vector(0, 0, 0.0))), #-0.078 Segment(Joint(Joint.RotZ), Frame(Rotation.Identity(), Vector(0, 0, 0.0))), ] chain = Chain() for segment in arm_segments: chain.addSegment(segment) return(chain)
def build_chain(self): self.chain = Chain() for e in self._config: v = Vector(e["xyzrpy"][0], e["xyzrpy"][1], e["xyzrpy"][2]) r = Rotation.RPY(e["xyzrpy"][3], e["xyzrpy"][4], e["xyzrpy"][5]) j = Joint(e["name"], Joint.None) f = Frame(r, v) if e["type"] == "rotx": axis = Vector(1.0, 0.0, 0.0) j = Joint(e["name"], f.p, f.M * axis, Joint.RotAxis) elif e["type"] == "roty": axis = Vector(0.0, 1.0, 0.0) j = Joint(e["name"], f.p, f.M * axis, Joint.RotAxis) elif e["type"] == "rotz": axis = Vector(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) j = Joint(e["name"], f.p, f.M * axis, Joint.RotAxis) elif e["type"] == "transx": axis = Vector(1.0, 0.0, 0.0) j = Joint(e["name"], f.p, f.M * axis, Joint.TransAxis) elif e["type"] == "transy": axis = Vector(0.0, 1.0, 0.0) j = Joint(e["name"], f.p, f.M * axis, Joint.TransAxis) elif e["type"] == "transz": axis = Vector(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) j = Joint(e["name"], f.p, f.M * axis, Joint.TransAxis) self.chain.addSegment( Segment(e["name"] + "seg", j, f, RigidBodyInertia())) self.fksolverpos = ChainFkSolverPos_recursive(self.chain)
def compute_effector_position(self, msg): positions = JntArray(3) chain = Chain() kdl_frame = Frame() d = 0 theta = 0 order = [1, 2, 0] for i in order: joint = self.params[i] a = joint["a"] d = joint["d"] alpha = joint["alpha"] theta = joint["theta"] frame = kdl_frame.DH(a, alpha, d, theta) chain.addSegment(Segment(Joint(Joint.RotZ), frame)) positions[i] = msg.position[i] fk_solver = ChainFkSolverPos_recursive(chain) result = Frame() fk_solver.JntToCart(positions, result) kdl_pose = PoseStamped() kdl_pose.header.frame_id = 'base_link' kdl_pose.header.stamp = kdl_pose.pose.position.x = result.p[0] kdl_pose.pose.position.y = result.p[1] kdl_pose.pose.position.z = result.p[2] quat = result.M.GetQuaternion() kdl_pose.pose.orientation.x = quat[0] kdl_pose.pose.orientation.y = quat[1] kdl_pose.pose.orientation.z = quat[2] kdl_pose.pose.orientation.w = quat[3] return kdl_pose
def __init__(self,parent,handedness): '''parent is the finger parent''' #kinematics self.parent=parent self.config_hand=self.parent.config_hand ch=self.config_hand #from hands_kin import hands_kin, fingers_lim, fingers_coupling, motor_locked_joints, sensor_locked_joints, sensor_finger_coupling from PyKDL import Chain,ChainFkSolverPos_recursive,JntArray,Frame from PyKDL import ChainFkSolverVel_recursive,FrameVel from PyKDL import ChainJntToJacSolver, Jacobian, JntArrayVel from PyKDL import ChainIkSolverVel_wdls, Twist self.segments=ch.hands_kin[handedness][self.parent.num_finger] self.limits=ch.fingers_lim[self.parent.num_finger] self.coupling_matrix=ch.fingers_coupling[self.parent.num_finger] self.sensor_finger_coupling=ch.sensor_finger_coupling self.motor_locked_joints=ch.motor_locked_joints[self.parent.num_finger] self.sensor_locked_joints=ch.sensor_locked_joints[self.parent.num_finger] print "Motor_locked", self.motor_locked_joints print "Sensor_locked", self.sensor_locked_joints #chain motor self.motor_chain=Chain() for segment in self.segments: self.motor_chain.addSegment(segment) self.motor_chain.setCoupling(self.motor_locked_joints,self.coupling_matrix.tolist()) #chain sensor self.sensor_chain=Chain(self.motor_chain) self.sensor_chain.setCoupling(self.sensor_locked_joints,self.sensor_finger_coupling.tolist()) #pos fk self.pfk_solver=ChainFkSolverPos_recursive(self.motor_chain) self.cur_jpos_kdl=JntArray(self.motor_chain.getNrOfJoints()) self.cur_frame_kdl=Frame() #vel fk self.vfk_solver=ChainFkSolverVel_recursive(self.motor_chain) self.cur_jvel_kdl=JntArrayVel(self.motor_chain.getNrOfJoints()) #TODO for the thumb we don't have joint velocity yet, it has to be calculated. self.cur_framevel_kdl=FrameVel() #vel ifk from numpy import finfo, double self.smallest=finfo(double).eps self.vik_solver=ChainIkSolverVel_wdls(self.motor_chain,self.smallest) #TODO: make set weights methods self.qdot_out_kdl=JntArray(self.motor_chain.getNrOfUnlockedJoints()) #jac solver self.jac_solver_sensors=ChainJntToJacSolver(self.sensor_chain) self.jac_solver_sensors self.jac_sensors=Jacobian(self.sensor_chain.getNrOfIndJoints()) self.forces=array([0.0]*6) #finger calibration values #angle offsets in radians of the finger joints self.base_angle_offset=0.0 self.proximal_angle_offset=0.0 self.distal_angle_offset=0.0 self.distal2_angle_offset=0.0 #weight matrices for the statics inverse self.static_weight_left=diag([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) self.static_weight_right=identity(self.sensor_chain.getNrOfIndJoints()) self.static_weight_right=identity(self.sensor_chain.getNrOfUnlockedJoints())
class Kinematics(object): '''This deals with the finger kinematics, forces, speeds, and positions in cartesian are here calculated, also the inverses of this''' def __init__(self,parent,handedness): '''parent is the finger parent''' #kinematics self.parent=parent self.config_hand=self.parent.config_hand ch=self.config_hand #from hands_kin import hands_kin, fingers_lim, fingers_coupling, motor_locked_joints, sensor_locked_joints, sensor_finger_coupling from PyKDL import Chain,ChainFkSolverPos_recursive,JntArray,Frame from PyKDL import ChainFkSolverVel_recursive,FrameVel from PyKDL import ChainJntToJacSolver, Jacobian, JntArrayVel from PyKDL import ChainIkSolverVel_wdls, Twist self.segments=ch.hands_kin[handedness][self.parent.num_finger] self.limits=ch.fingers_lim[self.parent.num_finger] self.coupling_matrix=ch.fingers_coupling[self.parent.num_finger] self.sensor_finger_coupling=ch.sensor_finger_coupling self.motor_locked_joints=ch.motor_locked_joints[self.parent.num_finger] self.sensor_locked_joints=ch.sensor_locked_joints[self.parent.num_finger] print "Motor_locked", self.motor_locked_joints print "Sensor_locked", self.sensor_locked_joints #chain motor self.motor_chain=Chain() for segment in self.segments: self.motor_chain.addSegment(segment) self.motor_chain.setCoupling(self.motor_locked_joints,self.coupling_matrix.tolist()) #chain sensor self.sensor_chain=Chain(self.motor_chain) self.sensor_chain.setCoupling(self.sensor_locked_joints,self.sensor_finger_coupling.tolist()) #pos fk self.pfk_solver=ChainFkSolverPos_recursive(self.motor_chain) self.cur_jpos_kdl=JntArray(self.motor_chain.getNrOfJoints()) self.cur_frame_kdl=Frame() #vel fk self.vfk_solver=ChainFkSolverVel_recursive(self.motor_chain) self.cur_jvel_kdl=JntArrayVel(self.motor_chain.getNrOfJoints()) #TODO for the thumb we don't have joint velocity yet, it has to be calculated. self.cur_framevel_kdl=FrameVel() #vel ifk from numpy import finfo, double self.smallest=finfo(double).eps self.vik_solver=ChainIkSolverVel_wdls(self.motor_chain,self.smallest) #TODO: make set weights methods self.qdot_out_kdl=JntArray(self.motor_chain.getNrOfUnlockedJoints()) #jac solver self.jac_solver_sensors=ChainJntToJacSolver(self.sensor_chain) self.jac_solver_sensors self.jac_sensors=Jacobian(self.sensor_chain.getNrOfIndJoints()) self.forces=array([0.0]*6) #finger calibration values #angle offsets in radians of the finger joints self.base_angle_offset=0.0 self.proximal_angle_offset=0.0 self.distal_angle_offset=0.0 self.distal2_angle_offset=0.0 #weight matrices for the statics inverse self.static_weight_left=diag([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) self.static_weight_right=identity(self.sensor_chain.getNrOfIndJoints()) self.static_weight_right=identity(self.sensor_chain.getNrOfUnlockedJoints()) def get_cart_pos(self,segment_num=-1): if self.pfk_solver.JntToCart(self.cur_jpos_kdl,self.cur_frame_kdl,segment_num)<0: print "Error in cart pos calculation" def get_cart_vel(self): #TODO: not tested yet # for i,(angle,speed) in enumerate(zip(self.parent.cur_joint_pos,self.parent.cur_joint_vel)): # self.cur_jpos_kdl[i]=angle # self.cur_jvel_kdl.q[i]=angle # self.cur_jvel_kdl.qdot[i]=speed if self.vfk_solver.JntToCart(self.cur_jvel_kdl,self.cur_framevel_kdl)<0: print "Error in cart vel calculation" def calc_vik(self,tw_list): if len(tw_list)==6: for i in xrange(6):[i]=tw_list[i] if self.vik_solver.CartToJnt(self.cur_jpos_kdl,,self.qdot_out_kdl)<0: print "Error in velocity inverse kinematics" return(-1) else: print "Error wrong number of values" return(-1) return(0) def update_cur_jvel_kdl(self): j=0 temp=concatenate((self.parent.cur_joint_vel,array([self.parent.cur_joint_vel[-1]]))) for i,locked in enumerate(self.sensor_locked_joints): self.cur_jvel_kdl.q[i]=self.cur_jpos_kdl[i] if locked: self.cur_jvel_kdl.qdot[i]=temp[j] j+=1 else: self.cur_jvel_kdl.qdot[i]=0.0 def update_cur_jpos_kdl(self): j=0 temp=concatenate((self.parent.cur_joint_pos,array([self.parent.cur_joint_pos[-1]]))) for i,locked in enumerate(self.sensor_locked_joints): if locked: self.cur_jpos_kdl[i]=temp[j] j+=1 else: self.cur_jpos_kdl[i]=0.0 def get_forces(self): self.update_cur_jpos_kdl() #print "Test1" #print "Cur jpos kdl", [self.cur_jpos_kdl[i] for i in xrange(8)] if self.jac_solver_sensors.JntToJac(self.cur_jpos_kdl,self.jac_sensors,True)<0: print "Error in sensor jacobian calculation" return #print "Test2" jac_sensors_np=kdl_jac_to_numpy_array(self.jac_sensors) # print "pinv(jac.T)", pinv(jac_sensors_np.T) # print "cur torques", self.parent.cur_torques #print "Test3" try: self.forces=dot(weighted_pseudo_inverse(jac_sensors_np.T,self.static_weight_right,self.static_weight_left),self.parent.cur_torques) except Exception,e: print "Error during force calculation, force value not updated. Error:", e
class DhChain: def __init__(self, config=[[0, 0, 0, 0]]): # Determine number of links # import code; code.interact(local=locals()) # try: self._M = len(config['dh']) rospy.logdebug("Initializing dh chain with [%u] links", self._M) param_mat = config['dh'] # self._length = param_mat.size # The number of params needed to configure this chain # self._config = param_mat # Mx4 matrix. Each row is a link, containing [theta, alpha, a, d] self._length = len(param_mat * 6) self._config = param_mat self._cov_dict = config['cov'] self._gearing = config['gearing'] # except: # self._cov_dict=config['cov'] # self._M=len(self._cov_dict['joint_angles']) # param_mat = numpy.matrix([[0]*4]*self._M, float) # self._length = param_mat.size # The number of params needed to configure this chain # self._config = param_mat # Mx4 matrix. Each row is a link, containing [theta, alpha, a, d] # self._gearing=[0]*self._M def calc_free(self, free_config): # import code; code.interact(local=locals()) # print len(free_config['dh']) # print self._M if free_config is None: free_config = {} if 'dh' not in free_config: free_config['dh']["xyzrpy"] = [[0] * 6] * self._M #else: #print free_config["dh"] #print [f for f in free_config["dh"]] #free_config['dh'] = [f["xyzrpy"] for f in free_config["dh"]] if 'gearing' not in free_config: free_config['gearing'] = [0] * self._M assert (len(free_config['dh']) == self._M) assert (len(free_config['gearing']) == self._M) # Flatten the config flat_config = [] if isinstance(free_config["dh"][0], dict): for cfg in free_config["dh"]: flat_config.extend(cfg["xyzrpy"]) else: flat_config = sum(free_config['dh'], []) assert (len(flat_config) == self._M * 6) flat_config = flat_config + free_config['gearing'] # Convert int list into bool list flat_free = [x == 1 for x in flat_config] return flat_free def params_to_config(self, param_vec): assert (param_vec.shape == (self._M * 7, 1) ) # 6 pose params + 1 gearing per joint dh_param_vec = param_vec[0:(self._M * 6), 0] gearing_param_vec = param_vec[(self._M * 6):, 0] param_mat = reshape(dh_param_vec.T, (-1, 6)) config_dict = {} config_dict['dh'] = self._config for sc, c in zip(config_dict["dh"], param_mat): sc["xyzrpy"] = c.tolist()[:][0] config_dict['gearing'] = (array(gearing_param_vec)[:, 0]).tolist() config_dict['cov'] = self._cov_dict return config_dict # Convert column vector of params into config def inflate(self, param_vec): param_mat = param_vec[:self._M * 6, :] config = reshape(param_mat, (-1, 6)) for sc, c in zip(self._config, config): sc["xyzrpy"] = c.tolist()[:][0] gearing = array(param_vec[self._M * 6:, :])[:, 0].tolist() if len(gearing) is len(self._gearing): self._gearing = gearing # Return column vector of config def deflate(self): # param_vec = reshape(self._config, (-1,1)) # param_vec = numpy.concatenate([param_vec, matrix(self._gearing).T]) param_vec = [] for joint in self._config: param_vec.extend(joint["xyzrpy"]) param_vec.extend(self._gearing) param_vec = matrix(param_vec).T return param_vec # Returns # of params needed for inflation & deflation def get_length(self): return self._M * 7 # Returns 4x4 numpy matrix of the pose of the tip of # the specified link num. Assumes the last link's tip # when link_num < 0 def fk(self, chain_state, link_num=-2): if link_num < 0: link_num -= 1 link_num += 1 if link_num < 0: link_num = self._M pos_scaled = [ cur_pos * cur_gearing for cur_pos, cur_gearing in zip( chain_state.actual.positions, self._gearing) ] #pos_scaled = JntArray(pos_scaled) jnt_states = JntArray(len(pos_scaled)) for i, s in enumerate(pos_scaled): jnt_states[i] = s self.build_chain() F1 = Frame() assert (0 == self.fksolverpos.JntToCart(jnt_states, F1, link_num)) out = [] for i in range(3): line = [] for j in range(3): line.append(F1.M[i, j]) line.append(F1.p[i]) out.append(line) out.append([0, 0, 0, 1]) out = matrix(out) return out def build_chain(self): self.chain = Chain() for e in self._config: v = Vector(e["xyzrpy"][0], e["xyzrpy"][1], e["xyzrpy"][2]) r = Rotation.RPY(e["xyzrpy"][3], e["xyzrpy"][4], e["xyzrpy"][5]) j = Joint(e["name"], Joint.None) f = Frame(r, v) if e["type"] == "rotx": axis = Vector(1.0, 0.0, 0.0) j = Joint(e["name"], f.p, f.M * axis, Joint.RotAxis) elif e["type"] == "roty": axis = Vector(0.0, 1.0, 0.0) j = Joint(e["name"], f.p, f.M * axis, Joint.RotAxis) elif e["type"] == "rotz": axis = Vector(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) j = Joint(e["name"], f.p, f.M * axis, Joint.RotAxis) elif e["type"] == "transx": axis = Vector(1.0, 0.0, 0.0) j = Joint(e["name"], f.p, f.M * axis, Joint.TransAxis) elif e["type"] == "transy": axis = Vector(0.0, 1.0, 0.0) j = Joint(e["name"], f.p, f.M * axis, Joint.TransAxis) elif e["type"] == "transz": axis = Vector(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) j = Joint(e["name"], f.p, f.M * axis, Joint.TransAxis) self.chain.addSegment( Segment(e["name"] + "seg", j, f, RigidBodyInertia())) self.fksolverpos = ChainFkSolverPos_recursive(self.chain)