Exemplo n.º 1
def _render_cms_page(request, context, page_content=None):
    render the cms page.
    - render a normal cms request
    - render a _command request: The page.content is the output from the plugin.
    if request.anonymous_view == False:
        # TODO: remove in v0.9, see: ticket:161
        # context["robots"] was set in contex_processors.static()
        # Hide the response from search engines
        context["robots"] = "NONE,NOARCHIVE"

    context["anonymous_view"] = request.anonymous_view

    current_page = context["PAGE"]

    if page_content:
        # The page content comes e.g. from the _command plugin
#        current_page.content = page_content
        page_content = escape_django_tags(page_content)
        # get the current page data from the db
        page_content = current_page.content

        markup_no = current_page.markup
        page_content = apply_markup(page_content, context, markup_no)

    # Render only the CMS page content:
        page_content = render_string_template(page_content, context)
        # If a user access a public viewable cms page, but in the page content
        # is a lucidTag witch is a restricted method, the pylucid plugin
        # manager would normaly raise a AccessDenied.
        # The Problem is, if settings.TEMPLATE_DEBUG is on, we didn't get a
        # AccessDenied directly, we always get a TemplateSyntaxError! All
        # other errors will catched and raised a TemplateSyntaxError, too.
        # See django/template/debug.py
        # TODO: Instead of a redirect to the login command, we can insert
        # the ouput from auth.login directly
    except TemplateSyntaxError, err:
        # Check if it was a AccessDenied exception
        if hasattr(err, "exc_info"):
            # sys.exc_info() added in django/template/debug.py
            error_class = err.exc_info[1]
            if isinstance(error_class, AccessDenied):
                return _redirect_access_denied(request)
        raise # raise the original error
Exemplo n.º 2
    def all_pages(self):
        current_page = self.context["PAGE"]
        current_page.title = "all pages"
        current_page_id = current_page.id

#        page_data = Page.objects.values(
#            "id", "parent", "shortcut", "name", "title",
#            "template", "content", "markup"
#        ).order_by("position")

        pages = Page.objects.all().order_by("position")
        page_data = []
        for page in pages:
            content = escape_django_tags(page.content)
            parent = getattr(page.parent, "id", None)
            url = page.get_absolute_url()

                "id": page.id,
                "parent": parent,
                "shortcut": page.shortcut,
                "name": page.name,
                "title": page.title,
                "content": content,
                "template": page.template.id,
                "markup": page.markup,
                "url": url,
#        self.page_msg(page_data)

        tree = TreeGenerator(page_data)
        page_list = tree.get_group_list(
            group_key="template", id=current_page_id
        for page in page_list:
            content = page["content"]
            markup_object = page["markup"]
            content = apply_markup(content, self.context, markup_object)
            page["content"] = content
#        self.page_msg(page_list)

        context = {
            "page_list": page_list,
        self._render_template("all_pages", context)#, debug=True)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _preview(self, context, page_form, markup_form):
        # Apply the markup witch is selected in the form
        content = apply_markup(
        if "submit_dest_markup" in self.request.POST:
            # We should convert the markup
            self._convert_markup(content, page_form, markup_form)                    

        preview_escape = page_form.cleaned_data["preview_escape"]
        if preview_escape == True:
            # escape django template tags for preview
            content = escape_django_tags(content)

        content = render_string_template(content, self.context)
        context["preview_content"] = content
Exemplo n.º 4
            lexer = lexers.get_lexer_by_name(ext)
    except lexers.ClassNotFound, err:
        info = _("unknown type")
        lexer_name = u'<small title="%s">%s</small>' % (err, info)
        html = no_hightlight(sourcecode)
        return html, lexer_name

    lexer_name = lexer.name

    formatter = get_formatter()

    out_object = SimpleStringIO()
        highlight(sourcecode, lexer, formatter, out_object)
    except Exception, err:
        if settings.DEBUG:
        html = no_hightlight(sourcecode)
        lexer_name += " (Error: %s)" % err
        html = out_object.getvalue()

        # If there is e.g. html code with django tags, we must escape this:
        html = escape_django_tags(html)
        html = html.decode("utf-8")

    return html, lexer_name

Exemplo n.º 5
        for regex in STRIP_CONTENT:
                content = regex.sub(u"",content)
            except Exception, err:
                if self.request.debug:
                    self.page_msg.red("Error strip content:", err)


        if escape:
            # Escape "&", "<", ">" and django template tags, e.g. "{" and "}"
            content = html_escape(content)
            # Escape only django template tags chars, e.g. "{" and "}"
            content = escape_django_tags(content)

        # turn django auto-escaping off
        content = mark_safe(content)

        # setup preformat
        if preformat==None and "html" in content_type:
            preformat = False
            preformat = True

        context = {
            "duration_time": duration_time,
            "url": url,
            "title": title,
            "content": content,