def loadModel(self, model): self.model = model # set size and position based on the position of the node in the tree, also load data comes with model if not model.rect: if model.isLeaf(): self.model.rect = QRectF(-NodeGraphicsItem.LEAFSIZE[0] / 2, -NodeGraphicsItem.LEAFSIZE[1] / 2, *NodeGraphicsItem.LEAFSIZE) else: self.model.rect = QRectF(-NodeGraphicsItem.PARENTSIZE[0] / 2, -NodeGraphicsItem.PARENTSIZE[1] / 2, *NodeGraphicsItem.PARENTSIZE) if model.isLeaf(): self._resizable = False else: self._resizable = True self.setResizeHandle() if model.pos: self.setPos(model.pos) else: self.model.pos = QPointF(0, 0) if not model.color: self.model.color = QColor( qrand() % 256, qrand() % 256, qrand() % 256) if model.isLeaf() else QColor(Qt.lightGray) if not model.isLeaf(): for child in model.children: childitem = NodeGraphicsItem(child, self)
def generate_password(charcount, charset, seed): """Generate a password for the given charcount, charset and seed using the qsrand() and qrand() functions, just as the KDE paste applet would. Note that this is an example of how NOT to do it.""" qsrand(seed) return "".join([ charset[qrand() % len(charset)] for _ in range(charcount)])
def generate_password(charcount, charset, seed): """Generate a password for the given charcount, charset and seed using the qsrand() and qrand() functions, just as the KDE paste applet would. Note that this is an example of how NOT to do it.""" qsrand(seed) return "".join([charset[qrand() % len(charset)] for _ in range(charcount)])
def keyPressEvent(self, event): key = event.key() if key == Qt.Key_Up: self.centerNode.moveBy(0, -20) elif key == Qt.Key_Down: self.centerNode.moveBy(0, 20) elif key == Qt.Key_Left: self.centerNode.moveBy(-20, 0) elif key == Qt.Key_Right: self.centerNode.moveBy(20, 0) elif key == Qt.Key_Plus: self.scaleView(1.2) elif key == Qt.Key_Minus: self.scaleView(1 / 1.2) elif key == Qt.Key_Space or key == Qt.Key_Enter: for item in self.scene().items(): if isinstance(item, Node): item.setPos(-150 + qrand() % 300, -150 + qrand() % 300) else: super(GraphWidget, self).keyPressEvent(event)
def random(valA, valB=0): """ Gibt einen zufälligen Wert zwischen valMin und valMax zurück. [valMin, valMax] Sollte valB nicht angegeben werden, wird es als 0 angenommen. """ if (valB < valA): valueMin = valB valueMax = valA else: valueMin = valA valueMax = valB return valueMin + (qrand() % (valueMax - valueMin + 1))
def createGui(self): pNetworkAccessManager.instance().setCacheDirectory( qApp.applicationDirPath().append( "/tmp" ) ) self.twPages = QTabWidget( self ) self.setCentralWidget( self.twPages ) # initialize gui self.createMenuBar() self.createPlainTextEdit() self.createActionsTreeView() self.createConsole() self.createVersionsTests() self.createListEditors() self.createEnvironmentVariablesEditor() self.createCustomWidgets() self.createUpdateChecker() QTimer.singleShot( 3000, self.ucMkS.silentCheck ) # create fake dock widget for testing '''for ( i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) dw = QDockWidget( self ) dw.setObjectName( QString( "Dock%1" ).arg( i ) ) dw.toggleViewAction().setObjectName( QString( "DockViewAction%1" ).arg( i ) ) self.dockToolBar( Qt.LeftToolBarArea ).addDockWidget( dw, QString( "Dock %1" ).arg( i ), QIcon( scaledPixmap( ":/fresh/country-flags/ad.png", QSize( 96, 96 ) ) ) ) }''' # list dock widgets in the menu for dockWidget in self.findChildren(QDockWidget): #dockWidget.setAttribute( Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose ) action = dockWidget.toggleViewAction() self.mActionsModel.addAction( "mView/mDockWidgets/%s" % \ action.objectName() , action ) self.mActionsModel.setDefaultShortcut(action, QKeySequence( "Ctrl+%s" % chr( max( 32, qrand() % 127 ) ) ) )
def randomValue(): #a number between [ 0.0, 1.0 ] return (qrand() % 100000) / 100000.0