Exemplo n.º 1
def setLastUsedDir(filePath):
    settings = QSettings()
    fileInfo = QFileInfo(filePath)
    if fileInfo.isDir():
      dirPath = fileInfo.filePath()
      dirPath = fileInfo.path()
    settings.setValue( "/GdalTools/lastUsedDir", dirPath )
Exemplo n.º 2
 def newFile(self, bookPath):
     if not bookPath.isNull(): # this was successful File>Open
         finf = QFileInfo(bookPath)
         self.pngPath = finf.absolutePath().append(u"/pngs/")
         finf = QFileInfo(self.pngPath)
         if finf.exists() and finf.isDir(): # looking good
             self.ready = True
             # We could inform the user we couldn't find a pngs folder,
             # but you know -- the user is probably already aware of that.
             self.clear() # just put up the gray default image
     else: # It was a File>New
 def __workingDirectory(path_):
     Private function to determine working directory for the file dialog.
     @param path_ path of the intended working directory (string or QString)
     @return calculated working directory (QString)
     path = QString(path_)
     if not path.isEmpty():
         info = QFileInfo(path)
         if info.exists() and info.isDir():
             return info.absoluteFilePath()
         return info.absolutePath()
     return QDir.currentPath()
Exemplo n.º 4
def getFiles(pattern, directory):
	files = []

	d = QDir(directory)
	for f in d.entryList():
		if f=="." or f=="..":

		fi = QFileInfo(d, f)

		if fi.isDir():
			files.extend( getFiles( pattern, unicode( fi.filePath() ) ) )
		elif re.search( pattern, f):
			files.append( os.path.abspath( unicode( fi.filePath() ) ) )

	return files
Exemplo n.º 5
def getFiles(pattern, directory):
    files = []

    d = QDir(directory)
    for f in d.entryList():
        if f == "." or f == "..":

        fi = QFileInfo(d, f)

        if fi.isDir():
            files.extend(getFiles(pattern, unicode(fi.filePath())))
        elif re.search(pattern, f):

    return files
Exemplo n.º 6
class FileSystemItem(QObject):
    An element in the FileSystemModel.
    iconProvider = QFileIconProvider()
    fileExtensions = ['*.qlr']
    xmlSearchableTags = ['title', 'abstract','layername', 'attribution']

    def __init__(self, file, recurse = True, recursion_counter = None, namingregex = None):
        super(FileSystemItem, self).__init__()

        # Raise exception if root path has too many child elements
        if recursion_counter:

        if isinstance(file, QFileInfo):
            self.fileinfo = file
            self.fileinfo = QFileInfo(file)
        self.fullpath = self.fileinfo.absoluteFilePath()
        self.basename = self.fileinfo.completeBaseName()
        self.displayname = self.fileinfo.fileName() if self.fileinfo.isDir() else self.fileinfo.completeBaseName()
        if namingregex:
            self.displayname = namingregex.match(self.displayname).group(1)
        self.icon = FileSystemItem.iconProvider.icon(self.fileinfo)
        self.isdir = self.fileinfo.isDir()
        self.children = [] if self.isdir else None
        if self.isdir and recurse:
            qdir = QDir(self.fullpath)
            for finfo in qdir.entryInfoList(
                    FileSystemItem.fileExtensions , QDir.Files | QDir.AllDirs | QDir.NoDotAndDotDot,QDir.Name):
                self.children.append(FileSystemItem(finfo, recurse, recursion_counter, namingregex))
            # file
            # Populate this if and when needed
            self.searchablecontent = None

    def filtered(self, filter):
        Filters the root path.
        :filter is a string. Is it contained in the basename or displayname then this item will be rendered.
        :return: the directory item. If nothing is found returns None.
        if not filter:
            return self
        filterlower = filter.lower()
        namematch = self.name_matches(filter)
        if self.isdir:
            if namematch:
                # Stop searching. Return this dir and all sub items
                return FileSystemItem(self.fullpath, True)
                # Only return dir if at least one sub item is a filter match
                diritem = FileSystemItem(self.fullpath, False)
                for child in self.children:
                    childmatch = child.filtered(filter)
                    if childmatch is not None:
                if len(diritem.children) > 0:
                    return diritem
            if self.searchablecontent is None:
                self.searchablecontent = self.get_searchable_content().lower()
            if namematch or self.content_matches(filter):
                return FileSystemItem(self.fullpath, False)
        return None

    def matches(self, searchterm):
        """Returns true if this item mathces the searchterm"""
        return self.name_matches(searchterm) or self.content_matches(searchterm)

    def name_matches(self, searchterm):
        """Returns true if the searchterm matches the name of this item"""
        lowered = searchterm.lower()
        return lowered in self.basename.lower() or lowered in self.displayname.lower()

    def content_matches(self, searchterm):
        """Returns True if the searchterm matches content of this item"""
        if self.isdir:
            return False
        lowered = searchterm.lower()
        if self.searchablecontent is None:
                self.searchablecontent = self.get_searchable_content().lower()
        return lowered in self.searchablecontent

    def get_searchable_content(self):
        Pulls out tags from the object and returns them in order to be used by the filtered() method.
        f = QFile(self.fileinfo.absoluteFilePath())
        #stream = QTextStream(f)
            doc = QDomDocument()
            doc.setContent( f.readAll() )
            docelt = doc.documentElement()

            texts = []

            for tagName in FileSystemItem.xmlSearchableTags:
                nodes = docelt.elementsByTagName(tagName)
                for i in range(nodes.count()):
                    node = nodes.at(i)
                    value = node.firstChild().toText().data()
                    #print value
                    texts.append( value )

            # Add keywords
            nodes = docelt.elementsByTagName("keywordList")
            for i in range(nodes.count()):
                kwnode = nodes.at(i)
                valnodes = kwnode.toElement().elementsByTagName("value")
                for j in range(valnodes.count()):
                    value = valnodes.at(j).firstChild().toText().data()

            return u' '.join(texts)
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: dyr.py Projeto: iacopy/dyr
 def open_path(self, path):
     qfi = QFileInfo(path)
     if qfi.isDir():
     elif qfi.isFile():