def __updateGeometry(self): """ Update the shadow geometry to fit the widget's changed geometry. """ widget = self.__widget parent = self.__widgetParent radius = self.radius_ pos = widget.pos() if parent != widget.parentWidget(): pos = widget.parentWidget().mapTo(parent, pos) geom = QRect(pos, widget.size()) geom.adjust(-radius, -radius, radius, radius) if geom != self.geometry(): self.setGeometry(geom) # Set the widget mask (punch a hole through to the `widget` instance. rect = self.rect() mask = QRegion(rect) transparent = QRegion(rect.adjusted(radius, radius, -radius, -radius)) mask = mask.subtracted(transparent) self.setMask(mask)
class MovingMessage(FadeMessage): def __init__(self, message, str = None, pos = None): cfg = Config('messages', message) if (pos is None): self.pos = QPoint(*cfg.get('position')) else: self.pos = QPoint(*pos) self.velocity = cfg.get('velocity') FadeMessage.__init__(self, message, str) def with_controller(self): self.rect = QRect(0, 0, self.controller.width(), self.controller.height()) self.rect.moveCenter(self.pos) def tick(self, elapsed): FadeMessage.tick(self, elapsed) self.pos.setX(self.pos.x() + self.velocity[0] * elapsed) self.pos.setY(self.pos.y() + self.velocity[1] * elapsed) self.rect.moveCenter(self.pos) def draw(self): FadeMessage.draw(self) if (self.color.alpha() == 0): self.rect = self.bounding_text_rect
def paintEvent(self, event): painter = QPainter() painter.begin(self) if not self.showRegionMap: painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, self.scaledOwnershipMap) rect = self.imageRect() if self.isEnabled(): if self.showRegionMap: painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, self.scaledRegionMap) else: if self.currentTerritory: painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, self.coloredMask(self.currentTerritory, QColor(* #draw active animations for a in self.animations: a.paint(painter) painter.restore() painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, self.scaledTroopCountMap) else: painter.fillRect(rect, QColor(0, 0, 0, 200)) painter.drawText(rect, Qt.AlignCenter, "Waiting for the game to start.") #remaining troops if and troopText = "Remaining troops: %d" % troopRect = QRect(0, 0, painter.fontMetrics().width(troopText) + 8, painter.fontMetrics().height() + 8) troopRect.moveBottomLeft(rect.bottomLeft()) painter.setPen(Qt.white) painter.setBrush(QColor(0, 0, 0, 200)) painter.drawRect(troopRect) painter.drawText(troopRect, Qt.AlignCenter, troopText) painter.end()
def draw_color_bar(self, painter, rect): h1, s1, v1, _ = self.light.getHsv() h2, s2, v2, _ = self.dark.getHsv() painter.setClipRect(rect) painter.setClipping(True) # painter.fillRect(rect, QBrush(self.dark)) if self.orientation == Qt.Horizontal: num_intervalls = rect.width() else: num_intervalls = rect.height() section = QRect() num_intervalls_shown = num_intervalls * self.height / 100 l = range(num_intervalls - num_intervalls_shown, num_intervalls) l.reverse() for i in l: if self.orientation == Qt.Horizontal: section.setRect(rect.x() + i, rect.y(), 1, rect.heigh()) else: section.setRect(rect.x(), rect.y() + i, rect.width(), 1) ratio = float(i) / float(num_intervalls) color = QColor() color.setHsv( h1 + int(ratio * (h2 - h1) + 0.5), s1 + int(ratio * (s2 - s1) + 0.5), v1 + int(ratio * (v2 - v1) + 0.5) ) painter.fillRect(section, color) painter.restore()
def paintEvent( self, event ): """ Das automatisch ausgelöste paintEvent, das das Widget bei jeder Fensterveränderung neu zeichnet. """ if self.__maximum > 0: frameWidth = 1 separatorWidth = 1 # Damit der Rahmen nicht irgendwie abgeschnitten wird, muß das Quadrat entsprechend kleiner sein. squareSideLength = 10 framePen = QPen( frameWidth ) framePen.setColor( self.__colorFrame ) squareSideLengthPlus = squareSideLength + 2 * frameWidth painter = QPainter( self ) windowWidth = self.width() / min( self.__maximum, self.__columnMax ) windowHeight = self.__maximum / self.__columnMax windowHeight = math.ceil( windowHeight ) windowHeight = self.height() / windowHeight side = min( windowWidth, windowHeight ) painter.setRenderHint( QPainter.Antialiasing ) # Wenn das Widget disabled ist, muß ich den Alphakanal meiner Farben verändern. if ( not self.isEnabled() ): painter.setOpacity( .5 ) #painter.translate( float( windowWidth ), float( windowHeight ) ) painter.scale( side / squareSideLengthPlus, side / squareSideLengthPlus ) painter.setPen( framePen ) painter.setBrush( self.__colorEmpty ) squareColumnIter = 0 squareLineIter = 0 squareCount = 0 for squareCount in range(self.__maximum): square = QRect( ( squareSideLength + separatorWidth ) * squareColumnIter + frameWidth * ( squareColumnIter + 1 ), ( squareSideLength + separatorWidth ) * squareLineIter + frameWidth * ( squareLineIter + 1 ), squareSideLength, squareSideLength ) painter.drawRect( square ) # Wir zeichnen die ausgekreuzten Quadrate if (self.__value > (self.__columnMax * squareLineIter + squareColumnIter)): painter.drawLine(square.bottomLeft(), square.topRight()) painter.drawLine(square.topLeft(), square.bottomRight()) squareColumnIter += 1 if ( squareColumnIter >= self.__columnMax ): squareColumnIter = 0 squareLineIter += 1 painter.restore()
def mouseMoveEvent (self, event): '''Overrides QWidget's mouseMoveEvent. Handles resizing and dragging operations on selection''' # pylint: disable=C0103 sel_rect = self._selection_rect if self._resize_start: resize_end = event.pos() / self._zoom sel_rect.setBottomRight(sel_rect.bottomRight() + (resize_end - self._resize_start)) self._resize_start = resize_end self.make_selection_square() self.update() elif self._drag_start is not None: drag_end = event.pos() / self._zoom sel_rect.translate(drag_end - self._drag_start) self._drag_start = drag_end self.update() # cursor shape: mouse_pos = event.pos() / self._zoom if (not sel_rect.isNull()) and sel_rect.contains(mouse_pos, True): handle_rect = QRect(sel_rect.bottomRight(), self._handle_size) if handle_rect.contains(mouse_pos): self.setCursor(Qt.SizeFDiagCursor) else: self.setCursor(Qt.OpenHandCursor) else: self.setCursor(Qt.CrossCursor)
def ensure_on_screen(rect): """ Ensure that the given rect is contained on screen. If the origin of the rect is not contained within the closest desktop screen, the rect will be moved so that it is fully on the closest screen. If the rect is larger than the closest screen, the origin will never be less than the screen origin. Parameters ---------- rect : QRect The geometry rect of interest. """ d = QApplication.desktop() pos = rect.topLeft() drect = d.screenGeometry(pos) if not drect.contains(pos): x = pos.x() if x < drect.x() or x > drect.right(): dw = drect.width() - rect.width() x = max(drect.x(), drect.x() + dw) y = pos.y() if x < or y > drect.bottom(): dh = drect.height() - rect.height() y = max(drect.y(), drect.y() + dh) rect = QRect(x, y, rect.width(), rect.height()) return rect
def request( self, qrect, along_through=None ): assert isinstance(qrect, QRect) # Widen request with a 1-pixel halo, to make sure edges on the tile borders are shown. qrect = QRect( qrect.x(), qrect.y(), qrect.width()+1, qrect.height()+1 ) s = rect2slicing(qrect) arrayreq = self._arraySource2D.request(s, along_through) return SegmentationEdgesItemRequest(arrayreq, self._layer, qrect)
def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event): """ Обрабатываем нажатие на иконку 'Интересно/Скучно' как нажатие на обычный чекбокс Решение достаточно грубое, но в данной ситуации вполне себе работает. Перехватывать нужно отпускание мыши, потому что в QAbstractItemView редактирование запускается именно по отпусканию. """ if event.pos().x() < settings.entryIconWidth(): item = self.itemAt(event.pos()) item.setSelected(True) rect = self.visualItemRect(item) iconRect = QRect(rect.left(),, settings.entryIconWidth(), settings.entryIconHeight()) if iconRect.contains(event.pos()): if item.checkState() == Qt.Checked: item.setCheckState(Qt.Unchecked) else: item.setCheckState(Qt.Checked) else: QListWidget.mousePressEvent(self, event)
def paint(self, painter): opacity = 1.0 - float(self.anim.currentTime()) / self.anim.duration() pen = QPen(QColor(255, 0, 0, opacity * 255)) pen.setWidth(3) painter.setPen(pen) painter.setBrush(Qt.transparent) rect = QRect(0, 0, self.radius * 2, self.radius * 2) rect.moveCenter( painter.drawEllipse(rect)
def paintEvent(self, event): painter = QPainter(self) rect = self.geometry() text_rect = QRect(0, 0, rect.width(), rect.height()) painter.translate(text_rect.bottomLeft()) painter.rotate(-90) painter.drawText(QRect(QPoint(0, 0), QSize(rect.height(), rect.width())), Qt.AlignCenter, self.text()) painter.end()
def _runImpl(self): processed = set() self._dataPending.wait() if self._numLayers == 0: return bbox = QRect() toUpdate = numpy.zeros((len(self._tiling),), dtype=numpy.uint8) while len(self._queue) > 0: self._dataPending.clear() layerNr, patchNr, image, tiling, numLayers = self._queue.popleft() if tiling != self._tiling or numLayers != self._numLayers: continue if (layerNr, patchNr) in processed: continue processed.add((layerNr, patchNr)) rect = self._tiling._imageRect[patchNr] bbox = bbox.united(rect) self._imageLayersNext[layerNr,patchNr] = image toUpdate[patchNr] = 1 firstOpaqueLayer = 1000000000000000000 for i, (visible, layerOpacity, layerImageSource) in enumerate(self._stackedIms): if visible and layerOpacity == 1.0 and layerImageSource.isOpaque(): firstOpaqueLayer = i break for patchNr in toUpdate.nonzero()[0]: self._compositeNext[patchNr] = QImage(self._tiling._imageRect[patchNr].size(), QImage.Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied) self._compositeNext[patchNr].fill(Qt.white) p = QPainter(self._compositeNext[patchNr]) for i, v in enumerate(reversed(self._stackedIms)): visible, layerOpacity, layerImageSource = v if not visible: continue layerNr = len(self._stackedIms) - i - 1 if layerNr > firstOpaqueLayer: continue patch = self._imageLayersNext[layerNr, patchNr] p.setOpacity(layerOpacity) if patch is not None: p.drawImage(0,0, patch) p.end() w = numpy.equal(self._compositeNext, None) self._compositeCurrent = numpy.where(numpy.equal(self._compositeNext, None), self._compositeCurrent, self._compositeNext) self._compositeNext[:] = None self.patchAvailable.emit(bbox)
def destinationsRect(self, destinations): """Return the rectangle containing all destinations.""" layout = self.view.surface().pageLayout() rect = QRect() for dest in destinations: for pageNum, r in dest: rect = rect.united(layout[pageNum].linkRect(r.normalized())) # not larger than viewport rect.setSize(rect.size().boundedTo(self.view.viewport().size())) return rect
def setGeometry(self, rect): QStackedLayout.setGeometry(self, rect) for i in range(self.count()): w = self.widget(i) hint = w.sizeHint() geom = QRect(rect) size = clipMinMax(rect.size(), w.minimumSize(), w.maximumSize()) size = fixSizePolicy(size, hint, w.sizePolicy()) geom.setSize(size) if geom != w.geometry(): w.setGeometry(geom)
def paintEvent(self, ev): image = self.viewer.image() painter = QPainter(self) if self.size() == image.size(): painter.drawImage(ev.rect(), image, ev.rect()) else: s = image.size() s.scale(self.size(), Qt.KeepAspectRatio) r = QRect() r.setSize(s) r.moveCenter(self.rect().center()) painter.drawPixmap(r, self.viewer.pixmap(s))
def paint (self, painter, option, index): if not (QStyle.State_Selected & option.state): r = QRect(option.rect) r.setX(0) # test if item/device is in use if painter.setBrush(QColor(255, 0, 0, 32)) else: painter.setBrush(QColor(0, 255, 0, 128)) painter.setPen(Qt.lightGray) painter.drawRect(r) QItemDelegate.paint(self, painter, option, index)
def rearangeDescriptionWidgets(self): self._activeSize = QSize(0.3 * self.width(), 0.1 * self.height()) self._prototypingRect = QRect(QPoint(0.5 * (self.width() - self._activeSize.width()), 0), self._activeSize) self._executionRect = QRect(QPoint(0, 0.635 * self.height()), self._activeSize) self._verifyingRect = QRect(QPoint(self.width() -self._activeSize.width(), 0.635 * self.height()), self._activeSize) self._descriptionActiveRects[0] = self._prototypingRect self._descriptionActiveRects[1] = self._executionRect self._descriptionActiveRects[2] = self._verifyingRect self._prototypingDescriptionWidget.move(self.mapToParent(self._prototypingRect.topLeft()) + QPoint((self._prototypingRect.width() - self._prototypingDescriptionWidget.width()) * 0.5, - self._prototypingDescriptionWidget.height())) self._executionDescriptionWidget.move(self.mapToParent(self._executionRect.topLeft()) - QPoint(self._executionDescriptionWidget.width(), - 0.5 * (self._executionRect.height() - self._executionDescriptionWidget.height()))) self._verifyingDescriptionWidget.move(self.mapToParent(self._verifyingRect.topRight()) - QPoint(0, - 0.5 * (self._verifyingRect.height() - self._verifyingDescriptionWidget.height())))
def mousePressEvent(self, event): if event.button() != Qt.LeftButton: return size = self.height() / 2.0 rect = QRect(self.width() - size, size * 0.5, size, size) if rect.contains(event.pos()): self.clear() self.valid = True event.accept()
def createOnlineIcon(self,color): dim = QRect(0,0,32,32) img = QImage(dim.size(),QImage.Format_ARGB32) p = QPainter(img) p.setCompositionMode(QPainter.CompositionMode_Source) p.fillRect(dim,Qt.transparent) p.setCompositionMode(QPainter.CompositionMode_SourceOver) p.setRenderHints(QPainter.Antialiasing) p.setPen( p.setBrush(color) p.drawEllipse(dim.adjusted(1,1,-2,-2)) return img
def calculateLogicalRect(self, physicalRect): gridX = self.parent().width() / 40 gridY = self.parent().height() / 30 logicalRect = QRect() logicalRect.setTop(round( / gridY)) logicalRect.setLeft(round(physicalRect.left() / gridX)) logicalRect.setWidth(round(physicalRect.width() / gridX)) logicalRect.setHeight(round(physicalRect.height() / gridY)) return logicalRect
def fitRect(rect, targetrect): size = rect.size().boundedTo(targetgeom.size()) newrect = QRect(rect.topLeft(), size) dx, dy = 0, 0 if newrect.left() < targetrect.left(): dx = targetrect.left() - newrect.left() if < dy = - if newrect.right() > targetrect.right(): dx = targetrect.right() - newrect.right() if newrect.bottom() > targetrect.bottom(): dy = targetrect.bottom() - newrect.bottom() return newrect.translated(dx, dy)
def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): if self._interaction.moving: mouse_position = event.globalPos() offset = mouse_position - self._interaction.mouse_last_position if self.parent() is not None: parent_rect = self.parent().rect() old_geometry = self.geometry() new_geometry = old_geometry.translated(offset) if new_geometry.left() < 0: new_geometry.moveLeft(0) if < 0: new_geometry.moveTop(0) if new_geometry.right() > parent_rect.right(): new_geometry.moveRight(parent_rect.right()) if new_geometry.bottom() > parent_rect.bottom(): new_geometry.moveBottom(parent_rect.bottom()) offset = new_geometry.topLeft() - old_geometry.topLeft() self.move(self.pos() + offset) self._interaction.mouse_last_position += offset elif self._interaction.resizing: mouse_position = event.globalPos() delta_y = mouse_position.y() - self._interaction.mouse_last_position.y() geometry = self.geometry() if self._interaction.resize_corner is self.TopLeftCorner: delta_x = -(self.width_for_height(geometry.height() - delta_y) - geometry.width()) geometry.setTopLeft(geometry.topLeft() + QPoint(delta_x, delta_y)) elif self._interaction.resize_corner is self.TopRightCorner: delta_x = (self.width_for_height(geometry.height() - delta_y) - geometry.width()) geometry.setTopRight(geometry.topRight() + QPoint(delta_x, delta_y)) elif self._interaction.resize_corner is self.BottomLeftCorner: delta_x = -(self.width_for_height(geometry.height() + delta_y) - geometry.width()) geometry.setBottomLeft(geometry.bottomLeft() + QPoint(delta_x, delta_y)) else: delta_x = (self.width_for_height(geometry.height() + delta_y) - geometry.width()) geometry.setBottomRight(geometry.bottomRight() + QPoint(delta_x, delta_y)) if self.minimumHeight() <= geometry.height() <= self.maximumHeight() and (self.parent() is None or self.parent().rect().contains(geometry)): self.setGeometry(geometry) self._interaction.mouse_last_position = mouse_position elif self.interactive: mouse_position = event.pos() topbar_rect = QRect(0, 0, self.width(), 10) if self.rect().adjusted(0, 10, 0, -10).contains(mouse_position): self.setCursor(Qt.ArrowCursor) elif topbar_rect.contains(mouse_position): self.setCursor(self.cursors.resize_top) else: self.setCursor(self.cursors.resize_bottom)
def _handleMousePressEvent(self, event, superMethod): pos = event.pos() index = self.indexAt(pos) selected = index in self.selectedIndexes() superMethod(self, event) if not index.isValid(): return rect = self.visualRect(index) relativePos = QPoint(pos.x()-rect.x(), pos.y()-rect.y()) delegate = self.itemDelegate(index) # handleClick(index, relativePos, itemRect, selected) if hasattr(delegate, 'handleClick'): rect = QRect(0, 0, rect.width(), rect.height()) delegate.handleClick(index, relativePos, rect, selected)
def _handleMousePressEvent(self, event, superMethod): callsuper = True pos = event.pos() index = self.indexAt(pos) if index.isValid(): selected = index in self.selectedIndexes() rect = self.visualRect(index) relativePos = QPoint(pos.x()-rect.x(), pos.y()-rect.y()) delegate = self.itemDelegate(index) if hasattr(delegate, 'handleClick'): rect = QRect(0, 0, rect.width(), rect.height()) if delegate.handleClick(index, relativePos, rect, selected): callsuper = False if callsuper: superMethod(self, event)
def linkRect(self, linkarea): """Returns a QRect encompassing the linkArea (of a link) in coordinates of our rect().""" left, top, right, bottom = linkarea.normalized().getCoords() # rotate if self._rotation: if self._rotation == popplerqt4.Poppler.Page.Rotate90: left, top, right, bottom = 1-bottom, left, 1-top, right elif self._rotation == popplerqt4.Poppler.Page.Rotate180: left, top, right, bottom = 1-right, 1-bottom, 1-left, 1-top else: # 270 left, top, right, bottom = top, 1-right, bottom, 1-left rect = QRect() rect.setCoords(left * self.width(), top * self.height(), right * self.width(), bottom * self.height()) rect.translate(self.pos()) return rect
def paint(self, painter, option, index): """ Draw a button-style on root items """ model = index.model() assert model if not model.parent(index).isValid(): # this is a top-level item. buttonOption = QStyleOptionButton() buttonOption.state = option.state buttonOption.state &= ~QStyle.State_HasFocus buttonOption.rect = option.rect buttonOption.palette = option.palette buttonOption.features = QStyleOptionButton.None, buttonOption, painter, self.m_view) branchOption = QStyleOption() i = 15 ### hardcoded in qcommonstyle.cpp r = option.rect branchOption.rect = QRect(r.left() + i/2, + (r.height() - i)/2, i, i) branchOption.palette = option.palette # branchOption.state = QStyle.State_Children if self.m_view.isExpanded(index): branchOption.state |= QStyle.State_Open, branchOption, painter, self.m_view) # draw text textrect = QRect(r.left() + i*2,, r.width() - ((5*i)/2), r.height()) text = self.elidedText(option.fontMetrics, textrect.width(), Qt.ElideMiddle,, Qt.DisplayRole).toString()), textrect,Qt.AlignLeft|Qt.AlignVCenter, option.palette, self.m_view.isEnabled(), text) icon_variant = icon = QIcon(icon_variant) painter, option.rect, Qt.AlignLeft, icon.pixmap(icon.actualSize(QSize(20 ,20))) ) else: QItemDelegate.paint(self, painter, option, index)
def __updateWindowGeometry(self): if not self.isWindow() or self.__hasExplicitSize: return def framemargins(widget): frame, geom = widget.frameGeometry(), widget.geometry() return QMargins(geom.left() - frame.left(), -, geom.right() - frame.right(), geom.bottom() - frame.bottom()) def fitRect(rect, targetrect): size = rect.size().boundedTo(targetgeom.size()) newrect = QRect(rect.topLeft(), size) dx, dy = 0, 0 if newrect.left() < targetrect.left(): dx = targetrect.left() - newrect.left() if < dy = - if newrect.right() > targetrect.right(): dx = targetrect.right() - newrect.right() if newrect.bottom() > targetrect.bottom(): dy = targetrect.bottom() - newrect.bottom() return newrect.translated(dx, dy) margins = framemargins(self) minsize = QSize(120, 120) pixsize = self.__pixmap.size() available = QApplication.desktop().availableGeometry(self) available = available.adjusted(margins.left(),, -margins.right(), -margins.bottom()) # extra adjustment so the preview does not cover the whole desktop available = available.adjusted(10, 10, -10, -10) targetsize = pixsize.boundedTo(available.size()).expandedTo(minsize) pixsize.scale(targetsize, Qt.KeepAspectRatio) if not self.testAttribute(Qt.WA_WState_Created) or \ self.testAttribute(Qt.WA_WState_Hidden): center = else: center = self.geometry().center() targetgeom = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), pixsize) targetgeom.moveCenter(center) if not available.contains(targetgeom): targetgeom = fitRect(targetgeom, available) self.__inUpdateWindowGeometry = True self.setGeometry(targetgeom) self.__inUpdateWindowGeometry = False
def __testaxis(self, event): viewbox = self.parent() widget = event.widget() assert widget is not None view = widget.parent() assert isinstance(view, QtGui.QGraphicsView) pos = view.mapFromGlobal(event.screenPos()) hitarea = view.mapToScene(QRect(pos - QPoint(2, 2), QSize(4, 4))) hitarea = viewbox.mapFromScene(hitarea) hitarea = viewbox.mapToView(hitarea).boundingRect() center = if center.x() < 0: hitarea.moveCenter(QPointF(-center.x(), center.y())) cx = self.selection[1][1].x() cy = self.selection[1][1].y() if hitarea.contains(QPointF(cx, cy)): axes = Qt.Horizontal | Qt.Vertical elif hitarea.bottom() > cy > and hitarea.left() > cx: axes = Qt.Vertical elif hitarea.left() < cx < hitarea.right() and hitarea.bottom() > cy: axes = Qt.Horizontal else: axes = 0 return axes
def handleMousePressEvent(self, ev): """Handle mouse press for various operations - links to source, - magnifier, - selection highlight, If event was used, return true to indicate processing should stop. """ # As the event comes from the view, we need to map it locally. pos = self.mapFromParent(ev.pos()) # selecting? if self._selectionEnabled: if self.hasSelection(): edge = selectionEdge(pos, self.selection()) if edge == _OUTSIDE: self.clearSelection() else: if ev.button() != Qt.RightButton or edge != _INSIDE: self._selecting = True self._selectionEdge = edge self._selectionRect = self.selection() self._selectionPos = pos if edge == _INSIDE: self.setCursor(Qt.SizeAllCursor) return True if not self._selecting: if ev.modifiers() & Qt.ShiftModifier and ev.button() == Qt.LeftButton and self._linksEnabled: page, link = self.pageLayout().linkAt(pos) if link: self.linkClickEvent(ev, page, link) return True if ev.button() == Qt.RightButton or int(ev.modifiers()) & _SCAM: if not (int(ev.modifiers()) & _SCAM == self._magnifierModifiers and ev.button() == Qt.LeftButton): self._selecting = True self._selectionEdge = _RIGHT | _BOTTOM self._selectionRect = QRect(pos, QSize(0, 0)) self._selectionPos = pos return True # link? if self._linksEnabled: page, link = self.pageLayout().linkAt(pos) if link: self.linkClickEvent(ev, page, link) return True # magnifier? if (self._magnifier and int(ev.modifiers()) & _SCAM == self._magnifierModifiers and ev.button() == Qt.LeftButton): self._magnifier.moveCenter(pos) self._magnifier.raise_() self._magnifying = True self.setCursor(QCursor(Qt.BlankCursor)) return True return False
def splash_screen(): """ """ pm = QPixmap( pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, "icons/orange-splash-screen.png")) version = QCoreApplication.applicationVersion() size = 21 if len(version) < 5 else 16 font = QFont("Helvetica") font.setPixelSize(size) font.setBold(True) font.setItalic(True) font.setLetterSpacing(QFont.AbsoluteSpacing, 2) metrics = QFontMetrics(font) br = metrics.boundingRect(version).adjusted(-5, 0, 5, 0) br.moveCenter(QPoint(436, 224)) p = QPainter(pm) p.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing) p.setRenderHint(QPainter.TextAntialiasing) p.setFont(font) p.setPen(QColor("#231F20")) p.drawText(br, Qt.AlignCenter, version) p.end() return pm, QRect(88, 193, 200, 20)
def print_results(self): printer = QtGui.QPrinter() printer.setCreator(self.o_results.toHtml()) printer.setDocName(_(u"Results") + "-" + str(self.o_page.value())) printer.setPageSize(printer.A4) dialog = QtGui.QPrintDialog(printer, None) if dialog.exec_(): pass painter = QtGui.QPainter(printer) painter.drawText( 10, 10, _("This is not a bug,Printing will be available in next releases insha'allah" )) painter.setFont(QtGui.QFont("Arabeyesqr")) metrics = (painter.device().width(), painter.device().height()) marginHeight = 6 marginWidth = 8 body = QRect(marginWidth, marginHeight, metrics[0] - 2 * marginWidth, metrics[1] - 2 * marginHeight) #painter.drawRect(body) i = 0 for line in self.o_results.toPlainText().split("\n"): i += 1 if "[" not in line: painter.drawText(10, 30 + 10 * i, line) painter.end()
def __init__(self, parent): QThread.__init__(self) self.result = None self.parent = parent self._stopped = False self.mutex = QMutex() self.filePrefix = None self.fileFormat = None self.wallColoring = None self.cellColoring = None self.pointColoring = None self.extraDrawing = [] self.pointSize = None self.pointLineColor = None self.pointLineThickness = None self.ellipsisDraw = None self.overSampling = None self.wallThickness = None self.bgColor = None self.loading = False self._crop = QRect(0,0,1,1) self._pix = None self._end_image_plot = False self._loading_arguments = {} self.retryObject = None
def editorEvent(self, event, model, option, index): """edit right aligned checkbox""" flags = model.flags(index) # make sure that the item is checkable if (not (flags & Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable) or not (flags & Qt.ItemIsEnabled)): return False # make sure that we have a check state value = if not value.isValid(): return False # make sure that we have the right event type if event.type() == QEvent.MouseButtonRelease: textMargin = self.__textMargin() checkRect = QStyle.alignedRect( option.direction, Qt.AlignRight, option.decorationSize, QRect(option.rect.x() + (2 * textMargin), option.rect.y(), option.rect.width() - (2 * textMargin), option.rect.height())) if not checkRect.contains(event.pos()): return False elif event.type() == QEvent.KeyPress: if event.key() not in (Qt.Key_Space, Qt.Key_Select): return False else: return False if value.toInt()[0] == Qt.Checked: state = Qt.Unchecked else: state = Qt.Checked return model.setData(index, state, Qt.CheckStateRole)
def setupLayout(self): self.containerWidget = QWidget(self) self.widgetHeight = 0 self.containerWidget.setGeometry(QRect(0,0,451,self.widgetHeight)) self.layout = QVBoxLayout() self.containerWidget.setLayout(self.layout)
def _layoutChildren(self, rect, appl=True): left, top, right, bottom = self.getContentsMargins() r = rect.adjusted(+left, +top, -right, -bottom) x, y = r.x(), r.y() lineHeight = 0 for item in self._items: wid = item.widget() spaceX =, QSizePolicy.PushButton, Qt.Horizontal) spaceY =, QSizePolicy.PushButton, Qt.Vertical) sz_hint = item.sizeHint() if x != r.x() and x + sz_hint.width() >= r.right(): # start new line x = r.x() y += lineHeight + spaceY lineHeight = 0 if appl: item.setGeometry(QRect(QPoint(x, y), sz_hint)) x += sz_hint.width() + spaceX lineHeight = max(lineHeight, sz_hint.height()) return y + lineHeight - r.y() + top + bottom
class SlicingToolsTest(unittest.TestCase): slicing = (slice(5, 7), slice(10, 18)) qrect = QRect(5, 10, 2, 8) def test_slicing2rect(self): qrect = st.slicing2rect(self.slicing) self.assertEquals(qrect, self.qrect) def test_rect2slicing(self): slicing = st.rect2slicing(self.qrect) self.assertEquals(slicing, self.slicing) def test_slicing_rect_inversion(self): """Ensures that slicing2rect and rect2slicing are inverse operations. """ a = self.slicing b = st.slicing2rect(a) c = st.rect2slicing(b) self.assertEquals(a, c) a = self.qrect b = st.rect2slicing(a) c = st.slicing2rect(b) self.assertEquals(a, c)
def paintEvent(self, event): painter = QPainter(self) painter.fillRect(event.rect(), self.numberBarColor) block = self.editor.firstVisibleBlock() # Iterate over all visible text blocks in the document. while block.isValid(): blockNumber = block.blockNumber() block_top = self.editor.blockBoundingGeometry(block).translated(self.editor.contentOffset()).top() # Check if the position of the block is outside of the visible area. if not block.isVisible() or block_top >= event.rect().bottom(): break # We want the line number for the selected line to be bold. if blockNumber == self.editor.textCursor().blockNumber(): self.font.setBold(True) painter.setPen(QColor("#000000")) else: self.font.setBold(False) painter.setPen(QColor("#717171")) painter.setFont(self.font) # Draw the line number right justified at the position of the line. paint_rect = QRect(0, block_top, self.width(), self.editor.fontMetrics().height()) painter.drawText(paint_rect, Qt.AlignRight, str(blockNumber + 1)) block = painter.end() QWidget.paintEvent(self, event)
def __init__(self, tileSource, parent=None): """Constructor. Args: tileSource(MapTileSource): Source for loading the tiles. parent(QObject): Parent object, default `None` """ QGraphicsScene.__init__(self) self._zoom = 15 self._tileSource = tileSource self._tileSource.setParent(self) self._tileSource.tileReceived.connect(self.setTilePixmap) tdim = self._tileSource.tileSize() self._emptyTile = QPixmap(tdim, tdim) self._emptyTile.fill(Qt.lightGray) self._tilesRect = QRect() self._tilePixmaps = {} self._tileInDownload = list() self.setSceneRect(0.0, 0.0, 400, 300) self.sceneRectChanged.connect(self.onSceneRectChanged)
def mouseMoveEvent(self, ev): """ On mouse move event """ if self.state == 1: self.rb.setGeometry( QRect(self.origin, ev.globalPos()).normalized())
def get_sprite(sprite_id): sprite_file = get_sprite_file(sprite_id) if sprite_file == None: return None sprite_file = os.path.join(SPRITE_DIR, sprite_file) if not os.path.isfile(sprite_file): sprite_file = os.path.join(SPRITE_DIR, "bustup_%02d_%02d.png" % (99, 99)) out = QImage(IMG_W, IMG_H, QImage.Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied) out.fill(QColor(0, 0, 0, 0).rgba()) painter = QPainter(out) sprite = QImage(sprite_file) # Center the sprite on our image. sprite_x = (out.width() - sprite.width()) / 2 sprite_y = 0 painter.drawImage( QRect(sprite_x, sprite_y, sprite.width(), sprite.height()), sprite, sprite.rect()) painter.end() return out
def draw(self,p,source,target,subsource = None): #这里很难写,回头还要看看写的对不对 '''Draw image using QPainter @param p painter used to draw image @param source source rectangle - which part of image to draw @param target destination rectangle - which area to draw to @param subsource subpixel-accurate subset of source''' wx=source.width() wy=source.height() x0=source.left() source0 = QRect(0,0,wx,wy) theBytes=wx*wy*4 #RGBA if self.d.pix_w !=wx or self.d.pix_h !=wy: #Size was changed since last time del self.d.pixdata self.d.pixdata=None if not self.d.pixdata: #self.d.pixdata=(int *)malloc(theBytes) self.d.pix_x=x0 self.d.pix_y=y0 self.d.pix_w=wx self.d.pix_h=wy if subsource == None: p.drawImage(target,self.d.i,source0) else: subsource0 = QtCore.QRectF(frac(subsource.left()),frac(,subsource.width(),subsource.height()) p.drawImage(target,self.d.i,subsource0)
def __init__(self): super(NotificationPresenter, self).__init__() rect = QApplication.desktop().availableGeometry() self.setGeometry(QRect(rect.width() - 300, 0, 300, rect.height())) self.setWindowFlags(Qt.FramelessWindowHint | Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint | Qt.Popup | Qt.Tool) self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_TranslucentBackground, True) self.webview = QWebView(self) self.webview.settings().setAttribute(QWebSettings.JavascriptEnabled, True) self.webview.settings().setAttribute( QWebSettings.DeveloperExtrasEnabled, True) self.webview.settings().setAttribute( QWebSettings.LocalContentCanAccessRemoteUrls, True) self.webview.settings().setAttribute(QWebSettings.LocalStorageEnabled, True) self.webview.settings().setLocalStoragePath(AppProperty.HomeDir + "/data") self.webview.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.NoContextMenu) self.webview.settings().setDefaultTextEncoding("utf-8") self.webview.setGeometry(0, 0, self.width(), self.height()) self.webview.setStyleSheet( "QWebView{background-color: rgba(255, 193, 245, 0%); }") self.webview.load( QUrl.fromLocalFile(AppProperty.HomeDir + "/html/notification.html")) self.setJavaScriptObject)
def paintEvent(self, paint_event): """Paints the box""" painter = QPainter(self) rect = self.contentsRect() tile_count = 3 tile_size = rect.width() / tile_count painter.translate(rect.x(), rect.y()) color_index = 0 for y in range(tile_count): if y % 2 == 1: color_index = 1 else: color_index = 0 for x in range(tile_count): tile_rect = QRect(x * tile_size, y * tile_size, tile_size, tile_size) painter.fillRect(tile_rect, self.tile_colors[color_index]) color_index += 1 if color_index >= len(self.tile_colors): color_index = 0 painter.restore() painter.fillRect(rect, self.color) QFrame.paintEvent(self, paint_event)
def _onLayerDirty(self, dirtyImgSrc, dataRect): sceneRect = self.tiling.data2scene.mapRect(dataRect) if dirtyImgSrc not in self._sims.viewImageSources(): return visibleAndNotOccluded = self._sims.isVisible( dirtyImgSrc ) \ and not self._sims.isOccluded( dirtyImgSrc ) # Is EVERYTHING dirty? if not sceneRect.isValid() or dataRect == QRect( 0, 0, *self.tiling.sliceShape): # Everything is dirty. # This is a FAST PATH for quickly setting all tiles dirty. # (It makes a HUGE difference for very large tiling scenes.) with self._cache: for ims in self._sims.viewImageSources(): self._cache.setLayerDirtyAllTiles(ims) if visibleAndNotOccluded: self._cache.setAllTilesDirty() else: # Slow path: Mark intersecting tiles as dirty. with self._cache: for tile_no in self.tiling.intersected(sceneRect): for ims in self._sims.viewImageSources(): self._cache.setLayerDirtyAllStacks(ims, tile_no, True) if visibleAndNotOccluded: self._cache.setTileDirtyAllStacks(tile_no, True) if visibleAndNotOccluded: self.sceneRectChanged.emit(QRectF(sceneRect))
def paintEvent(self, ev): painter = QtGui.QPainter() painter.begin(self) rect = self.rect() gs = self._gridSize brushT = QColor('#795122') brushF = penG = Qt.darkGray penT = Qt.white penF = Qt.darkGray value = int(self._value) tflag = Qt.AlignCenter | Qt.AlignVCenter for i in range(self._bitSize): col = i % 8 row = int(i / 8) x0 = gs * col y0 = gs * row gridRect = QRect(x0, y0, gs, gs) bit = bool(value & (1 << i)) if bit: painter.setBrush(brushT) painter.setPen(penG) else: painter.setBrush(brushF) painter.setPen(penG) painter.drawRect(gridRect) if bit: painter.setPen(penT) else: painter.setPen(penF) painter.drawText(gridRect, tflag, '%d' % i) painter.end()
def testRequest( self ): imr = self.ims.request(QRect(0,0,512,512)) def check(result, codon): self.assertEqual(codon, "unique") self.assertTrue(type(result) == QImage) imr.notify(check, codon="unique")
def paint(self, painter, option, index): # if item selected, override default theme # Keeps verdict color for cells and use a bold font if option.state & QStyle.State_Selected: option.state &= ~QStyle.State_Selected option.font.setBold(True) QStyledItemDelegate.paint(self, painter, option, index) item = index.model().get_item(index) if item and item.downloading: # Draw progress bar progressBarOption = QStyleOptionProgressBarV2() progressBarHeight = option.rect.height() / 4 progressBarOption.rect = QRect( option.rect.x(), option.rect.y() + (option.rect.height() - progressBarHeight), option.rect.width(), progressBarHeight) progressBarOption.minimum = 0 progressBarOption.maximum = 100 progressBarOption.textAlignment = Qt.AlignCenter progressBarOption.progress = item.progress, progressBarOption, painter)
def drawIcon(self, colorRamp): # input color ramp object: QgsVectorColorRampV2 object. # QgsVectorColorRampV2 is a virtual object, the real object name in # this case is QgsVectorGradientColorRampV2 object. mStops = colorRamp.stops() linearGradient = QLinearGradient(0.0, 50.0, 200.0, 50.0) for item in mStops: linearGradient.setColorAt(item.offset, item.color) linearGradient.setSpread(QGradient.PadSpread) svgName = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), self.text() + '.svg') pix = QSvgGenerator() pix.setFileName(svgName) pix.setSize(QSize(200, 100)) painter = QPainter() painter.begin(pix) br = QBrush(linearGradient) painter.setBrush(br) painter.drawRect(QRect(0, 0, 200, 100)) painter.end() pixmap = QPixmap(svgName) icon = QIcon(pixmap) self.svgName = svgName return icon
def __visualRectForSelection(self, rect): h, w = self.image.shape rect = rect.normalized() rect = rect.intersected(QRect(0, 0, w, h)) r1, r2 =, rect.bottom() + 1 c1, c2 = rect.left(), rect.right() + 1 return QRectF(QPointF(c1, r1), QPointF(c2, r2))
def draw_filled_polygon(self, outline_pen_with=0): if not self.scale_polygon_colors == None: painter_filled_polygon = QPainter(self) painter_filled_polygon.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing) # Koordinatenursprung in die Mitte der Flaeche legen painter_filled_polygon.translate(self.width() / 2, self.height() / 2) painter_filled_polygon.setPen(Qt.NoPen) self.pen.setWidth(outline_pen_with) if outline_pen_with > 0: painter_filled_polygon.setPen(self.pen) colored_scale_polygon = self.create_polygon_pie( ((self.widget_diameter / 2) - (self.pen.width() / 2)) * self.gauge_color_outer_radius_factor, (((self.widget_diameter / 2) - (self.pen.width() / 2)) * self.gauge_color_inner_radius_factor), self.scale_angle_start_value, self.scale_angle_size) gauge_rect = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), QSize(self.widget_diameter / 2 - 1, self.widget_diameter - 1)) grad = QConicalGradient(QPointF(0, 0), - self.scale_angle_size - self.scale_angle_start_value + self.angle_offset - 1) # todo definition scale color as array here for eachcolor in self.scale_polygon_colors: grad.setColorAt(eachcolor[0], eachcolor[1]) # grad.setColorAt(.00, # grad.setColorAt(.1, Qt.yellow) # grad.setColorAt(.15, # grad.setColorAt(1, Qt.transparent) painter_filled_polygon.setBrush(grad) # self.brush = QBrush(QColor(255, 0, 255, 255)) # painter_filled_polygon.setBrush(self.brush) painter_filled_polygon.drawPolygon(colored_scale_polygon)
def __init__(self, canvas, forms, snapradius = 2): MapTool.__init__(self, canvas, []) self.canvas = canvas self.radius = snapradius self.forms = forms = QgsRubberBand(self.canvas),162,16)) self.selectband = None self.selectrect = QRect() self.dragging = False self.cursor = QCursor(QPixmap(["16 16 3 1", " c None", ". c #FF0000", "+ c #FFFFFF", " ", " +.+ ", " ++.++ ", " +.....+ ", " +. .+ ", " +. . .+ ", " +. . .+ ", " ++. . .++", " ... ...+... ...", " ++. . .++", " +. . .+ ", " +. . .+ ", " ++. .+ ", " ++.....+ ", " ++.++ ", " +.+ "]))
def __init__(self, parent, args): super(WebPage, self).__init__(parent) # variable declarations self.m_paperSize = {} self.m_clipRect = QRect() self.m_libraryPath = '' self.m_scrollPosition = QPoint() self.setObjectName('WebPage') self.m_webPage = CustomPage(self) self.m_mainFrame = self.m_webPage.mainFrame() self.m_mainFrame.javaScriptWindowObjectCleared.connect(self.initialized) self.m_webPage.loadStarted.connect(self.loadStarted) self.m_webPage.loadFinished.connect(self.finish) # Start with transparent background palette = self.m_webPage.palette() palette.setBrush(QPalette.Base, Qt.transparent) self.m_webPage.setPalette(palette) # Page size does not need to take scrollbars into account self.m_webPage.mainFrame().setScrollBarPolicy(Qt.Horizontal, Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) self.m_webPage.mainFrame().setScrollBarPolicy(Qt.Vertical, Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) self.m_webPage.settings().setAttribute(QWebSettings.OfflineStorageDatabaseEnabled, True) self.m_webPage.settings().setOfflineStoragePath(QDesktopServices.storageLocation(QDesktopServices.DataLocation)) self.m_webPage.settings().setAttribute(QWebSettings.LocalStorageDatabaseEnabled, True) self.m_webPage.settings().setAttribute(QWebSettings.OfflineWebApplicationCacheEnabled, True) self.m_webPage.settings().setOfflineWebApplicationCachePath(QDesktopServices.storageLocation(QDesktopServices.DataLocation)) self.m_webPage.settings().setAttribute(QWebSettings.FrameFlatteningEnabled, True) self.m_webPage.settings().setAttribute(QWebSettings.LocalStorageEnabled, True) self.m_webPage.settings().setLocalStoragePath(QDesktopServices.storageLocation(QDesktopServices.DataLocation)) # Ensure we have a document.body. self.m_webPage.mainFrame().setHtml(self.blankHtml) # Custom network access manager to allow traffic monitoring self.m_networkAccessManager = NetworkAccessManager(self.parent(), args) self.m_webPage.setNetworkAccessManager(self.m_networkAccessManager) self.m_networkAccessManager.resourceRequested.connect(self.resourceRequested) self.m_networkAccessManager.resourceReceived.connect(self.resourceReceived) self.m_webPage.setViewportSize(QSize(400, 300)) do_action('WebPageInit')
def initUI(self): self.setWindowIcon(QIcon(':/icon/export')) self.setWindowTitle("Export Well") self.layout = QGridLayout(self) # add QLabel self.label_0 = QLabel(self) self.label_0.setGeometry(QRect(0, 24, 31, 20)) self.label_0.setAlignment(Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignTrailing | Qt.AlignVCenter) self.label_0.setText("Well to export:") self.layout.addWidget(self.label_0, 0, 0) # add QComboBox self.well_comboBox = QComboBox(self) self.well_comboBox.setGeometry(QRect(10, 10, 101, 24)) self.layout.addWidget(self.well_comboBox, 0, 1, 1, 1) # add QCheckBox self.checkbox = QCheckBox(self) self.checkbox.setText("Full LAS") self.checkbox.setCheckState(Qt.Unchecked) self.layout.addWidget(self.checkbox, 0, 2) # add QListWidget self.logs_listWidget = QListWidget(self) self.logs_listWidget.setGeometry(QRect(0, 0, 101, 201)) # self.well_comboBox.setMaximumHeight(151) self.layout.addWidget(self.logs_listWidget, 1, 1) # add QLabel self.label_1 = QLabel(self) self.label_1.setGeometry(QRect(0, 24, 31, 20)) self.label_1.setAlignment(Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignTrailing | Qt.AlignVCenter) self.label_1.setText("Output File:") self.layout.addWidget(self.label_1, 2, 0) # add QLineEdit self.file_path_lineEdit = QLineEdit(self) self.file_path_lineEdit.setGeometry(QRect(50, 24, 81, 20)) self.layout.addWidget(self.file_path_lineEdit, 2, 1) # add Button self.select_Button = QPushButton(self) self.select_Button.setMaximumSize(QSize(61, 24)) self.select_Button.setText("Select") self.layout.addWidget(self.select_Button, 2, 2) # add QDialogButtonBox self.button_box = QDialogButtonBox(self) self.export_Button = self.button_box.addButton( "Export", QDialogButtonBox.ApplyRole) self.button_box.addButton(QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) self.layout.addWidget(self.button_box, 3, 0, 1, 3)
def _partition_data(self, zone): subzone_width = zone.rect.width() / 2 subzone_height = zone.rect.height() / 2 if subzone_width < 100 or subzone_height < 100 or len( zone.lines) <= 10: return subzones = [ Zone( QRect(zone.rect.x(), zone.rect.y(), subzone_width, subzone_height), zone.colour_item), Zone( QRect(zone.rect.x() + subzone_width, zone.rect.y(), subzone_width, subzone_height), zone.colour_item), Zone( QRect(zone.rect.x(), zone.rect.y() + subzone_height, subzone_width, subzone_height), zone.colour_item), Zone( QRect(zone.rect.x() + subzone_width, zone.rect.y() + subzone_height, subzone_width, subzone_height), zone.colour_item) ] lines = [] for line in zone.lines: for subzone in subzones: # If a line is completely within a subzone, add it to the # subzone and ignore all other subzones. if subzone.rect.contains(line.p1()) and subzone.rect.contains( line.p2()): subzone.lines.append(line) break else: # If a line is not completely within a zone, add it to the list # of lines to keep in the zone. lines.append(line) zone.lines = lines for subzone in subzones: if subzone.lines: zone.subzones.append(subzone) self._partition_data(subzone)
def _onLayerDirty(self, dirtyImgSrc, dataRect ): """ Called when one of the image sources we depend on has become dirty. Mark the appropriate entries in our tile/layer caches as dirty. """ # Clip the dataRect to the boundaries of the tiling, to ensure # that the 'fast path' below is active when appropriate. # (datasources are permitted to mark wider dirty regions than the # scene boundaries, but the roi outside the scene bounds is just ignored.) tileshape = self.tiling.sliceShape datastart = ( max(0, dataRect.left()), max(0, ) datastop = ( min(tileshape[0], dataRect.x() + dataRect.width()), # Don't use right()! min(tileshape[1], dataRect.y() + dataRect.height())) # Don't use bottom()! dataRect = QRect( datastart[0], datastart[1], datastop[0] - datastart[0], datastop[1] - datastart[1] ) sceneRect = self.tiling.data2scene.mapRect(dataRect) if dirtyImgSrc not in self._sims.viewImageSources(): return visibleAndNotOccluded = self._sims.isVisible( dirtyImgSrc ) \ and not self._sims.isOccluded( dirtyImgSrc ) # Is EVERYTHING dirty? if not sceneRect.isValid() or dataRect == QRect(0,0,*self.tiling.sliceShape): # Everything is dirty. # This is a FAST PATH for quickly setting all tiles dirty. # (It makes a HUGE difference for very large tiling scenes.) with self._cache: self._cache.setLayerDirtyAllTiles(dirtyImgSrc) if visibleAndNotOccluded: self._cache.setAllTilesDirty() else: # Slow path: Mark intersecting tiles as dirty. with self._cache: for tile_no in self.tiling.intersected(sceneRect): self._cache.setLayerDirtyAllStacks(dirtyImgSrc, tile_no, True) if visibleAndNotOccluded: self._cache.setTileDirtyAllStacks(tile_no, True) if visibleAndNotOccluded: self.sceneRectChanged.emit( QRectF(sceneRect) )
def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.runaction = OWAction("Compute", self) self.runaction.triggered.connect(self.compute) self.addAction(self.runaction) geom = QApplication.desktop().availableGeometry() self.setGeometry(QRect(round(geom.width()*0.05), round(geom.height()*0.05), round(min(geom.width()*0.98, self.MAX_WIDTH)), round(min(geom.height()*0.95, self.MAX_HEIGHT)))) self.setMaximumHeight(self.geometry().height()) self.setMaximumWidth(self.geometry().width()) self.controlArea.setFixedWidth(self.CONTROL_AREA_WIDTH) box0 = gui.widgetBox(self.controlArea, "", orientation="horizontal") #widget buttons: compute, set defaults, help gui.button(box0, self, "Compute", callback=self.compute) gui.button(box0, self, "Defaults", callback=self.defaults) gui.button(box0, self, "Help", callback=self.help1) gui.separator(self.controlArea, height=10) self.build_gui() self.process_showers() gui.rubber(self.controlArea) self.main_tabs = gui.tabWidget(self.mainArea) plot_tab = gui.createTabPage(self.main_tabs, "Results") out_tab = gui.createTabPage(self.main_tabs, "Output") view_box = oasysgui.widgetBox(plot_tab, "Results Options", addSpace=False, orientation="horizontal") view_box_1 = oasysgui.widgetBox(view_box, "", addSpace=False, orientation="vertical", width=350) self.view_type_combo = gui.comboBox(view_box_1, self, "view_type", label="View Results", labelWidth=220, items=["No", "Yes"], callback=self.set_ViewType, sendSelectedValue=False, orientation="horizontal") = [] self.tabs = gui.tabWidget(plot_tab) self.initializeTabs() self.xoppy_output = QtGui.QTextEdit() self.xoppy_output.setReadOnly(True) out_box = gui.widgetBox(out_tab, "System Output", addSpace=True, orientation="horizontal") out_box.layout().addWidget(self.xoppy_output) self.xoppy_output.setFixedHeight(600) self.xoppy_output.setFixedWidth(600) gui.rubber(self.mainArea)
def viewport_rect(self): """ Return the bounding rect of the document's viewport on the scene. """ view = self.document.view() vsize = view.viewport().size() viewportrect = QRect(0, 0, vsize.width(), vsize.height()) return view.mapToScene(viewportrect).boundingRect()
def newAppCreation(self): self.usertabel.setHidden(True) self.groupstabel.setHidden(True) self.noPermissionAccessLabel = QtGui.QLabel(self.tabs[4]) self.noPermissionAccessLabel.setGeometry(QRect(50, 50, 420, 100)) self.noPermissionAccessLabel.setText( 'You have to save and upload the new application once\nfirst, then you can edit it\'s permissions' )
def noPermissionAccess(self): self.usertabel.setHidden(True) self.groupstabel.setHidden(True) self.noPermissionAccessLabel = QtGui.QLabel(self.tabs[4]) self.noPermissionAccessLabel.setGeometry(QRect(50, 50, 420, 50)) self.noPermissionAccessLabel.setText( 'Could not access application permissions. User permission is not high enough' )
def mousePressEvent(self, event): if not self.doc: return self.dragPosition = event.pos() if not self.rubberBand: self.rubberBand = QRubberBand(QRubberBand.Rectangle, self) self.rubberBand.setGeometry(QRect(self.dragPosition, QSize()))