Exemplo n.º 1
    def paint(self, qp):

        if self.pixmap is None:
            self.status_update_signal.emit("no image loaded")

        if self.showImage:
            qp.drawPixmap(0, 0, self.pixmap)

        if not self.showSpiral:

        image = self.pixmap.toImage()  # convert to image

        density = self.density
        dist = self.dist
        ampScale = self.ampScale
        start_time = time.time()

        radius = 1  # variable for the radius
        alpha = 0  # angle of current point
        aradius = 0

        # Calculates the first point
        # currently just the center
        # TODO: create button to set center with mouse
        k = density / radius
        alpha += k
        radius += dist / (360 / k)
        x = aradius * cos(radians(alpha)) + image.width() / 2
        y = -aradius * sin(radians(alpha)) + image.height() / 2
        samples = 0
        lines = 0

        # when have we reached the far corner of the image?
        # TODO: this will have to change if not centered
        endRadius = sqrt(
            pow((image.width() / 2), 2) + pow((image.height() / 2), 2))

        shapeOn = False
        points = QPolygon()

        # Have we reached the far corner of the image?
        while radius < endRadius:
            k = (density / 2) / radius
            alpha += k
            radius += dist / (360 / k)

            x = radius * cos(radians(alpha)) + image.width() / 2
            y = -radius * sin(radians(alpha)) + image.height() / 2

            # Are we within the the image?
            # If so check if the shape is open. If not, open it
            if ((x >= 0) and (x < image.width() - 1) and (y > 0)
                    and (y < image.height())):
                samples += 1
                # Get the color and brightness of the sampled pixel
                c = image.pixel(int(x), int(y))
                b = qGray(c)
                b = remap(b, 0, 255, dist * ampScale, 0)

                # Move up according to sampled brightness
                aradius = radius + (b / dist)
                xa = aradius * cos(radians(alpha)) + image.width() / 2
                ya = -aradius * sin(radians(alpha)) + image.height() / 2

                # Move around depending on density
                k = (density / 2) / radius
                alpha += k
                radius += dist / (360 / k)

                # Move down according to sampled brightness
                bradius = radius - (b / dist)
                xb = bradius * cos(radians(alpha)) + image.width() / 2
                yb = -bradius * sin(radians(alpha)) + image.height() / 2

                # Add vertices to shape
                if (shapeOn == False):
                    shapeOn = True

                points.append(QPoint(xa, ya))
                points.append(QPoint(xb, yb))

                # We are outside of the image so close the shape if it is open
                if shapeOn == True:
                    lines += len(points)
                    shapeOn = False

        if shapeOn:
            lines += len(points)

        process_time = time.time() - start_time
            "finished in %f secs, took %d samples, drew %d lines" %
            (process_time, samples, lines))