Exemplo n.º 1
    def getFoldableBlocks(self, block: QTextBlock) -> list:
        rootIndentation: int = len(block.text()) - len(block.text().strip())
        nextBlock: QTextBlock = block.next()
        foldableBlocks: list = []
        lastBlock = None
        while nextBlock.isValid():
            strippedText = nextBlock.text().strip()

            currentBlockIndentation: int = len(
                nextBlock.text()) - len(strippedText)

            if currentBlockIndentation <= rootIndentation:

                if (
                        len(strippedText) != 0
                ):  # This evaluates to true when we we reach a block that is not in our scope to fold

            if (
                    len(strippedText) != 0
            ):  # Last block with actual code in it, no white space contained
                lastBlock = nextBlock

            nextBlock = nextBlock.next()

        for index, foldableBlock in enumerate(foldableBlocks):

            if foldableBlocks[index] == lastBlock:

                return foldableBlocks[:index + 1]
Exemplo n.º 2
 def getBlockUnderCursor(self, event: QMouseEvent) -> QTextBlock:
     height = self.fontMetrics().height()
     y = event.pos().y()
     for array in self.currentlyVisibleBlocks:
         if array[0] < y < height + array[0]:
             return array[1]
     emptyBlock: QTextBlock = QTextBlock()
     return emptyBlock
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, document):
        QSyntaxHighlighter.__init__(self, document)
        self.cursor = self.parent().parent().parent().textCursor()
        self.Line = QTextBlock(self.cursor.block())
        rules = []
        self.rules = []
        Highlighter.temp_object = self

        # Keyword, operator, and brace rules
        for w in Highlighter.keywords:
            rules += [(r'%c' % w, 0, STYLES['character'])]
        for o in Highlighter.operators:
            rules += [(r'%s' % o, 0, STYLES['line'])]

            # Build a QRegExp for each pattern

        for (pat, index, fmt) in rules:
            self.rules.append([(QRegExp(pat), index, fmt)])
Exemplo n.º 4
 def update_line_index(self, block: QtGui.QTextBlock) -> None:
     ch_str = self.chapter_keyword
     chapters = [Chapter()]
     chapter_line_numbers = [0]
     current_chunk_start = 0
     n = 0
     while block.isValid():
         line = block.text()
         user_data = cast(LineFormatData, block.userData())
         state = user_data.text if user_data is not None else ''
         if state == 'chapter':
             chapters[-1].sections[-1].line_count = n - current_chunk_start
                 title=line[len(ch_str):].strip('✓ \t'),
             current_chunk_start = n
         elif state == 'section':
             chapters[-1].sections[-1].line_count = n - current_chunk_start
             current_chunk_start = n
         elif state in ('desc', 'time', 'tags'):
             if state == 'desc':
                 chapters[-1].desc = line.rstrip()[2:-2].strip()
             elif state == 'time':
                 chapters[-1].time = line[1:].strip()
             elif state == 'tags':
                 chapters[-1].tags = {tag.strip()[1:]
                                      for tag in line.split(',') if tag.strip()}
         n += 1
         block = block.next()
     chapters[-1].sections[-1].line_count = n - current_chunk_start
     # Shitty hack to fix the metadata line count
     for c in chapters:
         l = sum(x is not None for x in [c.title, c.desc, c.tags, c.time])
         c.metadata_line_count = l
         c.sections[0].line_count -= l
     self.chapters = chapters
     self.chapter_line_numbers = chapter_line_numbers
Exemplo n.º 5
def backwards(block, until=QTextBlock()):
    """Yields the block and all preceding blocks.
    If until is a valid block, yields the blocks until the specified block.
    if until.isValid():
        while block.isValid() and block >= until:
            yield block
            block = block.previous()
        while block.isValid():
            yield block
            block = block.previous()
Exemplo n.º 6
def forwards(block, until=QTextBlock()):
    """Yields the block and all following blocks.
    If until is a valid block, yields the blocks until the specified block.
    if until.isValid():
        while block.isValid() and block <= until:
            yield block
            block = block.next()
        while block.isValid():
            yield block
            block = block.next()
Exemplo n.º 7
class Highlighter(QSyntaxHighlighter):
    temp_object = ""
    f_text, s_text = "", ""

    line = []

    allLine = []
    onlyChar = []

    keywords = ["T", "t", "s", "f"]

    # Python operators
    operators = [
        "\.", ",", "!"]

    result = []

    def __init__(self, document):
        QSyntaxHighlighter.__init__(self, document)
        self.cursor = self.parent().parent().parent().textCursor()
        self.Line = QTextBlock(self.cursor.block())
        rules = []
        self.rules = []
        Highlighter.temp_object = self

        # Keyword, operator, and brace rules
        for w in Highlighter.keywords:
            rules += [(r'%c' % w, 0, STYLES['character'])]
        for o in Highlighter.operators:
            rules += [(r'%s' % o, 0, STYLES['line'])]

            # Build a QRegExp for each pattern

        for (pat, index, fmt) in rules:
            self.rules.append([(QRegExp(pat), index, fmt)])

    # Get text editor from Window
    def returnParent(self):
        return self.parent().parent().parent()

    def getAllLine(self,ind):

    def findLines(self):

        # self.cursor.setPosition()
        # print("SON",self.cursor.atBlockEnd())
        # print("BAŞ",self.cursor.atBlockStart())

    def highlightBlock(self, text):


        first, second = self.parent().parent().parent().parent().returnTextWindow()

        if Highlighter.temp_object is self:
            Highlighter.f_text = first.toPlainText()
            text = self.returnParent().toPlainText()
            joinText(text, Highlighter.temp_object)
        if Highlighter.temp_object is not self:
            Highlighter.s_text = second.toPlainText()
            text = self.returnParent().toPlainText()
        Highlighter.result = retResult()

        # print(Highlighter.result)

        # for ind, index in Highlighter.result:
        # self.cursor.setBlockFormat(self.Line)
        # self.setCurrentBlockState(0)
        # self.cursor.setPosition(0)