Exemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, molecule, **kwargs):
     from PyQuante.Convergence import DIIS
     from PyQuante.DFunctionals import need_gradients
     self.molecule = molecule
     logging.info("DFT calculation on system %s" % self.molecule.name)
     self.basis_set = BasisSet(molecule, **kwargs)
     self.integrals = Integrals(molecule, self.basis_set, **kwargs)
     self.iterator = SCFIterator()
     self.h = self.integrals.get_h()
     self.S = self.integrals.get_S()
     self.ERI = self.integrals.get_ERI()
     self.Enuke = molecule.get_enuke()
     self.nel = molecule.get_nel()
     self.F = self.h
     self.functional = kwargs.get('functional', settings.DFTFunctional)
     kwargs['do_grad_dens'] = need_gradients[self.functional]
     self.setup_grid(molecule, self.basis_set.get(), **kwargs)
     self.dmat = None
     self.entropy = None
     self.DoAveraging = kwargs.get('DoAveraging', settings.DFTAveraging)
     if self.DoAveraging:
         self.Averager = DIIS(self.S)
     nel = molecule.get_nel()
     nclosed, nopen = molecule.get_closedopen()
     logging.info("Nclosed/open = %d, %d" % (nclosed, nopen))
     self.solver = SolverFactory(nel, nclosed, nopen, self.S, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, molecule, **kwargs):
     from PyQuante.Convergence import DIIS
     self.molecule = molecule
     logging.info("HF calculation on system %s" % self.molecule.name)
     self.basis_set = BasisSet(molecule, **kwargs)
     self.integrals = Integrals(molecule, self.basis_set, **kwargs)
     self.iterator = SCFIterator()
     self.h = self.integrals.get_h()
     self.S = self.integrals.get_S()
     self.ERI = self.integrals.get_ERI()
     self.Enuke = molecule.get_enuke()
     self.F = self.h
     self.dmat = None
     self.entropy = None
     self.DoAveraging = kwargs.get('DoAveraging', settings.Averaging)
     if self.DoAveraging:
         self.Averager = DIIS(self.S)
     nel = molecule.get_nel()
     nclosed, nopen = molecule.get_closedopen()
     logging.info("Nclosed/open = %d, %d" % (nclosed, nopen))
     self.solver = SolverFactory(nel, nclosed, nopen, self.S, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 3
from PyQuante.Ints import get2JmK,getbasis,getints
from PyQuante.Convergence import DIIS
from PyQuante.hartree_fock import get_energy

bfs = getbasis(h2,basis="3-21g")
nclosed,nopen = h2.get_closedopen()
nocc = nclosed
nel = h2.get_nel()
S,h,Ints = getints(bfs,h2)

orbe,orbs = geigh(h,S)

enuke = h2.get_enuke()
eold = 0

avg = DIIS(S)

for i in range(20):
    D = mkdens(orbs,0,nocc)
    G = get2JmK(Ints,D)
    F = h+G
    F = avg.getF(F,D)
    orbe,orbs = geigh(F,S)
    energy = get_energy(h,F,D,enuke)
    print i,energy,energy-eold
    if abs(energy-eold)<1e-5:
    eold = energy
print "Converged"
print energy, "(benchmark = -1.122956)"
Exemplo n.º 4
def rhf(mol,

    ##					Get the system information

    # size
    nbfs = len(bfs)

    # get the nuclear energy
    enuke = mol.get_enuke()

    # determine the number of electrons
    # and occupation numbers
    nelec = mol.get_nel()
    nclosed, nopen = mol.get_closedopen()
    nocc = nclosed

    # orthogonalization matrix
    X = SymOrthCutoff(S)

    if _ee_inter_ == 0:
        print '\t\t ==================================================='
        print '\t\t == Electrons-Electrons interactions desactivated =='
        print '\t\t ==================================================='

    if nopen != 0:
        print '\t\t ================================================================='
        print '\t\t Warning : using restricted HF with open shell is not recommended'
        print "\t\t Use only if you know what you're doing"
        print '\t\t ================================================================='

    # get a first DM
    #D = np.zeros((nbfs,nbfs))
    L, C = scla.eigh(Hcore, b=S)
    D = mkdens(C, 0, nocc)

    # initialize the old energy
    eold = 0.

    # initialize the DIIS
    if _diis_:
        avg = DIIS(S)

    #print '\t SCF Calculations'
    for iiter in range(MaxIter):

        # form the G matrix from the
        # density matrix and  the 2electron integrals
        G = get2JmK(Ints, D)

        # form the Fock matrix
        F = Hcore + _ee_inter_ * G + mu

        # if DIIS
        if _diis_:
            F = avg.getF(F, D)

        # orthogonalize the Fock matrix
        Fp = np.dot(X.T, np.dot(F, X))

        # diagonalize the Fock matrix
        Lp, Cp = scla.eigh(Fp)

        # form the density matrix in the OB
        if nopen == 0:
            Dp = mkdens(Cp, 0, nocc)
            Dp = mkdens_spinavg(Cp, nclosed, nopen)

        # pass the eigenvector back to the AO
        C = np.dot(X, Cp)

        # form the density matrix in the AO
        if nopen == 0:
            D = mkdens(C, 0, nocc)
        #	D = mkdens_spinavg(C,nclosed,nopen)

        # compute the total energy
        e = np.sum(D * (Hcore + F)) + enuke

        print "\t\t Iteration: %d    Energy: %f    EnergyVar: %f" % (
            iiter, e.real, np.abs((e - eold).real))

        # stop if done
        if (np.abs(e - eold) < eps_SCF):
            eold = e

    if iiter < MaxIter:
            "\t\t SCF for HF has converged in %d iterations, Final energy %1.3f Ha\n"
            % (iiter, e.real))

        print("\t\t SCF for HF has failed to converge after %d iterations")

    # compute the density matrix in the
    # eigenbasis of F
    P = np.dot(Cp.T, np.dot(Dp, Cp))
    #print D

    return Lp, C, Cp, F, Fp, D, Dp, P, X
Exemplo n.º 5
def rhf(mol, bfs, S, Hcore, Ints, MaxIter=100, eps_SCF=1E-4, _diis_=True):

    ##					Get the system information

    # size
    nbfs = len(bfs)

    # get the nuclear energy
    enuke = mol.get_enuke()

    # determine the number of electrons
    # and occupation numbers
    nelec = mol.get_nel()
    nclosed, nopen = mol.get_closedopen()
    nocc = nclosed

    if nopen != 0:
        print '\t\t ================================================================='
        print '\t\t Warning : using restricted HF with open shell is not recommended'
        print "\t\t Use only if you know what you're doing"
        print '\t\t ================================================================='

    # get a first DM
    #D = np.zeros((nbfs,nbfs))
    L, C = scla.eigh(Hcore, b=S)
    D = mkdens(C, 0, nocc)

    # initialize the old energy
    eold = 0.

    # initialize the DIIS
    if _diis_:
        avg = DIIS(S)

    #print '\t SCF Calculations'
    for iiter in range(MaxIter):

        # form the G matrix from the
        # density matrix and  the 2electron integrals
        G = get2JmK_mpi(Ints, D)

        # form the Fock matrix
        F = Hcore + G

        # if DIIS
        if _diis_:
            F = avg.getF(F, D)

        # diagonalize the Fock matrix
        L, C = scla.eigh(F, b=S)

        # new density mtrix
        D = mkdens(C, 0, nocc)

        # compute the total energy
        e = np.sum(D * (Hcore + F)) + enuke

        print "\t\t Iteration: %d    Energy: %f    EnergyVar: %f" % (
            iiter, e.real, np.abs((e - eold).real))

        # stop if done
        if (np.abs(e - eold) < eps_SCF):
            eold = e

    if iiter < MaxIter - 1:
            "\t\t SCF for HF has converged in %d iterations, Final energy %1.3f Ha\n"
            % (iiter, e.real))

        print("\t\t SCF for HF has failed to converge after %d iterations")

    # compute the density matrix in the
    # eigenabsis of the Fock matrix

    # orthogonalization matrix
    X = SymOrthCutoff(S)
    Xm1 = np.linalg.inv(X)

    # density matrix in ortho basis
    Dp = np.dot(Xm1, np.dot(D, Xm1.T))

    # eigenvector in ortho basis
    Cp = np.dot(Xm1, C)

    # density matrix
    P = np.dot(Cp.T, np.dot(Dp, Cp))

    # done
    return L, C, P