Exemplo n.º 1
def parse_interface(interfacename):
    tree = xmlparse("views" + QDir.separator() + interfacename + ".xml").getroot() # get the tree
    Compiler.current_interfacename = interfacename # set the current interfacename
    imported = [] # this is the list of interfaces to parse after this one
    Compiler.code += "from PySide.QtGui import *\nfrom PySide.QtCore import *\n" # import PySide
    Compiler.code += "from oxide.widgets.all import *\n" # import Oxide
    if interfacename == Compiler.start: # if this is the start interface, create a QApplication
        Compiler.code += "import sys\n"         # using sys.argv,
        Compiler.code += "app = OxideApplication(sys.argv)\n" # create a QApplication
    add_util_funcs() # add the utility functions
    add_model(interfacename,"__main__") # now add the model code to the output file
    for element in tree: # iterate through the elements in the tree
        if element.tag.lower() == "animations": # here we handle the special 'animations' tag
            Compiler.to_be_own_class = False # there is no way that we're in the resources tag here
            for animation in element: # go through each animation
                parse_animation(animation) # and parse it
        elif element.tag.lower() == "window": # here we handle the window
            Compiler.to_be_own_class = False # there is no way that we're in the resources tag here
            parse_toplevel(element)       # using parse_window
        elif element.tag.lower() == "resources":
            Compiler.to_be_own_class = True
            for child in element:
                Compiler.direct_resources_child = True
                Compiler.direct_resources_child = False
            Compiler.direct_resources_child = False
        elif element.tag.lower() == "import":
            Compiler.code += "import " + element.get('interface') + "\n"
    if interfacename == Compiler.start: # to finish up, if this is the start file
        Compiler.code += "sys.exit(app.exec_())\n" # run the application
    # now it has come time to put the code on the filesystem        
    if not QDir("bin").exists(): # if the 'bin' folder doesn't exist
        QDir().mkdir("bin")     # create it
    interfacefile = open(Compiler.gendir + QDir.separator() + interfacename + ".py", 'w')
    interfacefile.write(Compiler.code) # write Compiler.code to the file
    Compiler.code = "" # reset Compiler.code
    for interface in imported:
Exemplo n.º 2
def processModels():
    for filename in QDir("models").entryList(QDir.Files):
        out = ""
        for line in open("models" + QDir.separator() + filename).readlines():
                if not line.strip()[0] == "#":
                    if line[:8] == "from " + app.manifest.get('gendir',"bin"): out += "# " + line;
                    else: out += line
                else: out += line
            except IndexError: # it must have just been a newline (lstrip makes it ""), so there is no index 0
                out += "\n"
        f = open("models" + QDir.separator() + filename, 'w')
Exemplo n.º 3
def getConfigStyleDict():
    styledict = {} #initialize the new styledict
    # get the tree from the style.xml file
    tree = xmlparse("config" + QDir.separator() + "style.xml").getroot()
    for styletype in tree: # iterate over the types of widget
        styletype_key = styletype.tag.lower() if styletype.tag.lower().startswith("default-") else styletype.tag
        styledict[styletype_key] = {} # create a new dictionary for the style-type
        for state in States:
            styledict[styletype_key][state] = {}
        styledict[styletype_key]['normal'] = {}
        styledict[styletype_key]['durations'] = {}

        for styledef_or_statedef in styletype:
            if styledef_or_statedef.tag.lower() in States:
                for styledef in styledef_or_statedef:
                    styledict[styletype_key][styledef_or_statedef.tag.lower()][styledef.tag.lower()] = getValue(styledef)
            elif styledef_or_statedef.tag.lower() in StateTransitions:
                if styledef_or_statedef.get('time') is None:
                    raise StyleError(styletype.tag + " => " + styledef_or_statedef.tag + " must have 'time' attribute")
                styledict[styletype_key]['durations'][styledef_or_statedef.tag.lower()] = int(styledef_or_statedef.get('time'))
                for state in States:
                    styledict[styletype_key][state][styledef_or_statedef.tag.lower()] = getValue(styledef_or_statedef)
                styledict[styletype_key]['normal'][styledef_or_statedef.tag.lower()] = getValue(styledef_or_statedef)
    return styledict
    def addImages(self, directory, images):
        self.directory = directory

        json_file_name = self.directory.path() + QDir.separator() + 'box2d.json'

        if os.path.exists(json_file_name):
                with open(json_file_name) as f:
                    self.images = [Image(self.directory, json_dict=js_image) for js_image in json.load(f)]
            except ValueError, e:
                self.images = [Image(self.directory, file_name=image) for image in images]
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, directory, filename):
        self.directory = directory
        self.filename = filename

        image = QImage(self.directory + QDir.separator() + self.filename)

        Rect.__init__(self, Point(), Size(image.width(), image.height()))

        cropped_image, x, y, width, height = self.__getCrop(image, False)

        self.crop = Rect(Point(x, y), Size(width, height))

        self.rotated = False
Exemplo n.º 6
def old_add_model(interfacename,scope):   
    try: f = open("models" + QDir.separator() + interfacename + Compiler.model_extension) # try to open the model file
    except IOError: # there must not be a model for this interface name
        print "Warning: interface '" + interfacename + "' is missing a model"
    for line in f.readlines():
        # the if statement prevents generated files from importing each other when we don't want them to
        if not line.startswith("from " + Compiler.gendir + "."):
            Compiler.code += line # add the code, under the above condition
    Compiler.code += "\n" #in case there's not newline at the end of the file
Exemplo n.º 7
def rewrite_model(interfacename):
    try: in_file = open("models" + QDir.separator() + interfacename + Compiler.model_extension) # try to open the model file
    except IOError: # there must not be a model for this interface name
        print "Warning: interface '" + interfacename + "' is missing a model"
    outcode = "from PySide.QtGui import *\nfrom PySide.QtCore import *\nfrom oxide.widgets.all import *\nfrom oxide.widgets import util_funcs\nimport sys\n"
        # now we won't get errors on import of the rewritten model
    for line in in_file.readlines():
        # the if statement prevents generated files from importing each other when we don't want them to
        if not line.startswith("from " + Compiler.gendir + "."): # if the line does not import from the gendir
            match_object = re.match("class (\w+)" + Compiler.modelclass_extension + "\(\w+\):", line)
            if match_object:
                line = "class " + match_object.group(1) + Compiler.modelclass_extension + "():\n"
            outcode += line # add the code, under the above condition
    sep = QDir.separator()
    try: out_file = open(Compiler.gendir + sep + "tmp" + sep + "models" + sep + interfacename + Compiler.model_extension,'w') # create the new file
    except IOError: # could not create the new file
        print "Could not create file in gendir"
Exemplo n.º 8
    def addImages(self, directory, images):
        self.directory = directory

        json_file_name = self.directory.path() + QDir.separator(
        ) + 'box2d.json'

        if os.path.exists(json_file_name):
                with open(json_file_name) as f:
                    self.images = [
                        Image(self.directory, json_dict=js_image)
                        for js_image in json.load(f)
            except ValueError, e:
                self.images = [
                    Image(self.directory, file_name=image) for image in images
    def run(self):
        if not self.directory or not len(self.images):


        images = []
        for i, image in enumerate(self.images):
            self.prepare_progress_signal.emit(int(100 * (i + 1) / float(len(self.images))))
            images.append(Image(self.directory, image))

        bin_packing = self.method["type"](self.bin_size, images, bin_parameters=self.bin_parameter[self.method["name"]])
        bin_packing.saveAtlases(self.directory + QDir.separator())

Exemplo n.º 10
def print_error(type,error,tb):  # @ReservedAssignment
    # re-implementation of sys.excepthook
    tb = traceback.extract_tb(tb)
    if os.path.exists("models" + QDir.separator() + os.path.basename(tb[-1][0])):
        sys.stderr.write("Error in model " + ".".join(os.path.basename(tb[-1][0]).split(".")[:-1]) +
                         ", line " + str(tb[-1][1]) +
                         " in " + str(tb[-1][2]) + ":\n" + 
                         "    " + tb[-1][3] + "\n")
    elif issubclass(error.__class__,InterfaceError):
        sys.stderr.write("Error in view " + error.interface + ".xml:\n")
    sys.stderr.write(str(type)[:-2].split(".")[-1] + ": ")
    if not isinstance(error, IOError) and not isinstance(error, OSError):
        for arg in error.args:
Exemplo n.º 11
def add_model(interfacename, scope):    
    code = ""
    # get the rewritten model and load it up
    model = __import__("bin.tmp.models." + interfacename)
    exec "model = model.tmp.models." + interfacename
    sep = QDir.separator()
    tmp_model_dir = Compiler.gendir + sep + "tmp" + sep + "models" + sep + interfacename + Compiler.model_extension
    for cls in inspect.getmembers(model, inspect.isclass):
        try: # a TypeError can occur if objects are builtins
            # make sure the class we are inspecting was not imported, we only want classes defined in this file
            if inspect.getfile(cls[1]) == os.path.abspath(tmp_model_dir):

                # if the main model should be selected
                if scope == "__main__":
                    # this covers the scoping issue, any classes not ending with "_model" can be used for this scope
                    if cls[0].endswith("_model"): continue
                    # for all lines except the definition line
                    for line in inspect.getsource(cls[1]).split("\n"): #[1:]:
                        # make sure that classmethod and staticmethod decorators are ignored
#                         if not line.lstrip().startswith("@classmethod") and not line.lstrip().startswith("@staticmethod"):
                        code += line + "\n"
                            # add the line, but minus one indent
#                             code += line.replace(Compiler.model_indent,"",1) + "\n"
                    # this covers the scoping issue, any class named Scope_model will be used
                    if scope + Compiler.modelclass_extension != cls[0]: continue
                    # add the members of this class to the output code, all but the line for the definition
                    code += "\n".join( inspect.getsource(cls[1]).split("\n")[1:] )
        except TypeError: pass
    Compiler.code += code 
Exemplo n.º 12
def compile(interfacename, dist=False):  # @ReservedAssignment
    code = ""
    mainWindowId = None

    code += "from PySide.QtGui import *\nfrom PySide.QtCore import *\nimport sys\n"
    if interfacename == app.manifest['start']:
        code += "app = QApplication(sys.argv)\n"
        a = captan.style.parseStyle()
        code += "app.setStyleSheet('''" + a + "''')\n"
        print a
    # only create a QApplication if it is the main file
    for filename in [ f for f in os.listdir("views") if os.path.isfile(os.path.join("views",f)) ]:
        if not filename == interfacename + ".xml" and interfacename == app.manifest['start']:
            code += "import "
            if not dist:
                code += "bin."
            code += ".".join(filename.split(".")[:-1]) + " as " + ".".join(filename.split(".")[:-1]) + "\n"
    code += getFuncs(interfacename)
    if interfacename == app.manifest['start']:
        try: # call the end function if it exists
            exec "models." + interfacename + ".init" 
            code += "init(sys.argv)\n"
        except: pass # init should only be called for the main file     
    tree = xmlparse("views" + QDir.separator() + interfacename + '.xml')
    tree = tree.getroot() # get the tree
    for element in tree: # parse the top-level tags
        if element.tag.lower() == "window": # the MainWindow
            if element.get("id") is None:
            mainWindowId = element.get("id")
            code += parseWindow(element, tree, mainWindowId, interfacename)
            # delegate the task to captan.main.parseWindow
        elif element.tag.lower() == "buffer":
            code += parseBuffer(element,interfacename)
    if mainWindowId is not None: # show the MainWindow, if there is one
        code += mainWindowId + ".show()\n"
    if interfacename == app.manifest['start']: # execute the app if it is the main view
        code += "APP_RESULT = app.exec_()\n" # execute the application and get the result
        try: # call the end function if it exists
            exec "models." + interfacename + ".end" 
            code += "end(APP_RESULT)\n"
        except: pass
        code += "sys.exit(APP_RESULT)\n"

    f = open(getProjectFile(interfacename + ".py"),'w')
Exemplo n.º 13
 def loadImage(self):
     self.image = QImage(self.directory.path() + QDir.separator() + self.file_name)
 def save(self):
     with open(self.directory.path() + QDir.separator() + 'box2d.json', 'w') as js:
         figures_ = [image.getDict() for image in self.images]
         json.dump(obj=figures_, fp=js, separators=(',', ':'), indent=4)
Exemplo n.º 15
 def __fileNameWoExt(self):
     image = QFileInfo(self.directory + QDir.separator() + self.filename)
     return image.absoluteDir().absolutePath() + QDir.separator() + image.baseName()
Exemplo n.º 16
 def save(self):
     with open(self.directory.path() + QDir.separator() + 'box2d.json',
               'w') as js:
         figures_ = [image.getDict() for image in self.images]
         json.dump(obj=figures_, fp=js, separators=(',', ':'), indent=4)
Exemplo n.º 17
def compile():  # @ReservedAssignment
    open("id.num.txt","w").write("0") # initialize the id.num.txt file, see 'oxide.parsing.util.defaultId'
    parse_interface(Compiler.start) # now we parse the starting interface of the oxide app
    copy_tree("config",Compiler.gendir + QDir.separator() + "config") # copy data/settings into output folder
    copy_tree("resources",Compiler.gendir + QDir.separator() + "resources") # copy resources into output folder