def buildArrowHead(self, x1, x2, y1, y2, leftInTrue):
        # draw the arrow head
        aSize = 20
        if leftInTrue:
            arrowHead = QPainterPath()
            arrowHead.moveTo(x2 + aSize, y2)
            arrowHead.lineTo(x2 - aSize, y2 - aSize)
            arrowHead.lineTo(x2 - aSize, y2 + aSize)
            arrowHead.lineTo(x2 + aSize, y2)
            arrowHead = QPainterPath()
            arrowHead.moveTo(x2 - aSize, y2)
            arrowHead.lineTo(x2 + aSize, y2 - aSize)
            arrowHead.lineTo(x2 + aSize, y2 + aSize)
            arrowHead.lineTo(x2 - aSize, y2)

        boundingRect = arrowHead.boundingRect()

        return arrowHead, boundingRect
Exemplo n.º 2
class Edge(SchemeItem):
    """An graphics item representing a bezier curve, connecting one node's output to another's input."""
    def __init__(self):
        super(Edge, self).__init__()
        self.setZValue(-1)  # Draw edges behind nodes

        self._source: Union[Output, None] = None
        """An edge is drawn from its source to its target. Node's output is edge's source.  
        This variable represents current source as a variable of type Output.
        self._target: Union[Input, None] = None
        """An edge is drawn from its source to its target. Node's input is edge's target.  
        This variable represents current target as a variable of type Input.

        self._source_pos: Union[QPointF, None] = None
        """An edge is drawn from its source to its target. Node's output is edge's source.  
        This variable represents current source coordinates in scene pixels.
        self._target_pos: Union[QPointF, None] = None
        """An edge is drawn from its source to its target. Node's input is edge's target.  
        This variable represents current target coordinates in scene pixels.

        self._path = QPainterPath()
        self._pen = QPen()


    # Observer functions ===============================================================================================
    def sourceNode(self) -> Union[Node, None]:
        """Return a node from which the edge originates, if it exists.  
        If the edge has no source connection, it consequently has no source node.
        if self.source():
            return self.source().parentItem()
        return None

    def targetNode(self) -> Union[Node, None]:
        """Return a node to which the edge goes, if it exists.  
        If the edge has no target connection, it consequently has no target node.
        return None

    def source(self) -> Union[Output, None]:
        """Return an output connection from which the edge goes, if it exists.  
        Note that an edge can have a source pos (as in coordinates), but not a source connection.
        return self._source

    def target(self) -> Union[Input, None]:
        """Return an input connection to which the edge goes, if it exists.  
        Note that an edge can have a target pos (as in coordinates), but not a target connection.
        return self._target

    def sourcePos(self) -> Union[QPointF, None]:
        """Return this edge's source position, if it exists.  
        If the edge is connected to a node on the source side, node's output's coordinates is this position. If it is
        not connected but has a statis position set, that is returned. Otherwise, this function returns None.
        return self._source_pos

    def targetPos(self) -> Union[QPointF, None]:
        """Return this edge's source position, if it exists.  
        If the edge is connected to a node on the target side, node's input's coordinates is this position. If it is
        not connected but has a statis position set, that is returned. Otherwise, this function returns None.
        return self._source_pos

    def dataType(self) -> Union[DataType, None]:
        """Return this edge's data type.  
        By themselves, edges do not have a data type. However, if an edge is connected to something, it assumes that
        connection's data type as its own.  
        If the edge is not connected to anything, returns None."""
        if self.source() is not None:
            return self.source().dataType()
        elif is not None:

        return None

    # Setter functions =================================================================================================
    def attach(self, connection: Connection):
        """Attach this edge to a connection.  
        This function is similar to setSource and setTarget, but determines which side to attach automatically.

    def detach(self, connection: Connection):
        """Detach this edge from a connection.  
        This function is similar to setSource(None) and setTarget(None), but determines which side to detach

    def detachAll(self):
        """Detach this edge from both source and target nodes."""
        if self.source() is not None:

        if is not None:

    def setTarget(self, target: Union[Input, None]):
        """Set (or unset) the target of this edge.

        Unsetting the target sets the target position to None, which causes the edge to not be drawn, until another
        target (or target position) is supplied.
        if (self._target is not None) and (self._target is not target):
            # Remove self direcly from self._target.edges instead of calling self._target.detach
            # to prevent infinite recursion.

        if target is not None:

        self._target = target
        self._target_pos = None


    def setSource(self, source: Union[Output, None]):
        """Set (or unset) the source of this edge.

        Unsetting the source sets the source position to None, which causes the edge to not be drawn, until another
        source (or source position) is supplied.
        if (self._source is not None) and (self._source is not source):
            # Remove self direcly from self._target.edges instead of calling self._target.detach
            # to prevent infinite recursion.

        if source is not None:

        self._source = source
        self._source_pos = None  # Is set to None in case source is None. If needed, will be changed by adjust()


    def setTargetPos(self, pos: QPointF):
        """Set target position not from a target connection, but to some static coordinates.

        Useful when drawing an edge to the tip of the mouse. This function sets edge's target to None.
        pos is in scene pixel coordinates.
        self._target = None
        self._target_pos = pos


    def setSourcePos(self, pos: QPointF):
        """Set source position not from a source connection, but to some static coordinates.

        Useful when drawing an edge to the tip of the mouse. This function sets edge's source to None.
        pos is in scene pixel coordinates.
        self._source = None
        self._source_pos = pos


    # Geometry and drawing =============================================================================================
    def path(self):
        """Compute and return QPainterPath that is used to draw the curved line.  
        Internal function use this to reset their path in response to external changes. 
        if self._source_pos is None or self._target_pos is None:
            return QPainterPath()

        result = QPainterPath()
        result.cubicTo(self._bezier_point_1(), self._bezier_point_2(),

        return result

    def _bezier_offset(self) -> QPointF:
        """Symmetric offset of a control point from source/target.
        Bezier calculation functions assume that sourcePos() and targetPos() are not None.
        close_distance =
        point_offset =

        closeness_factor = min(
            QLineF(self._source_pos, self._target_pos).length() /
            close_distance, 1)

        return QPointF(point_offset, 0) * closeness_factor

    def _bezier_point_1(self) -> QPointF:
        """Bezier control point 1 for drawing the edge on the screen.
        Bezier calculation functions assume that sourcePos() and targetPos() are not None.
        return self._source_pos + self._bezier_offset()

    def _bezier_point_2(self) -> QPointF:
        """Bezier control point 2 for drawing the edge on the screen.
        Bezier calculation functions assume that sourcePos() and targetPos() are not None.
        return self._target_pos - self._bezier_offset()

    def boundingRect(self) -> QRectF:
        if self._source_pos is None or self._target_pos is None:
            return QRectF()

        edge_width =

        return self._path.boundingRect().adjusted(0, -edge_width / 2, 0,
                                                  edge_width / 2)

    def shape(self) -> QPainterPath:
        return self._path

    def paint(self, painter: QPainter, option, widget=...) -> None:
        if self._source_pos is None or self._target_pos is None:


    # Utility functions ================================================================================================
    def adjust(self):
        """Adjust the edge's coordinates to match those of the input and output of nodes.  
        Call this function if the node moved or source/target was changed.
        self.setPos(0, 0)  # Edge is always at position 0

        if self._source is not None:
            self._source_pos = self._source.mapToScene(self._source.stemTip())

        if self._target is not None:
            self._target_pos = self._target.mapToScene(self._target.stemTip())

        self._path = self.path()  # Recompute path

    def checkDataType(self):
        """Check if the data type of two connections matches and raise a ValueError if it does not."""
        if self._source is None or self._target is None:

        if not convertible(self._source.dataType(), self._target.dataType()):
            raise ValueError(
                "data types of connections (\"{}\" and \"{}\") are not compatible"

    # Events ===========================================================================================================
    def itemChange(self, change, value):
        # ItemSelectedChange -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # When a selection change is requested, ensure that an edge can be selected on it's own. Otherwise, follow
        # autoSelect policy.
        if change == self.ItemSelectedChange:
            scheme = self.scene()

            if len(scheme.selection().nodes) != 0:
                # If nodes are selected, edges are allowed to be selected only between two nodes.
                value = self._autoSelectValue()
        # ItemSelectedHasChanged ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # When a selection status has changed, propagate it to connections on both sides.
        elif change == self.ItemSelectedHasChanged:
            if self.source(
            ) is not None and self.source().isSelected() != value:

            ) is not None and != value:

        return super().itemChange(change, value)

    def autoSelect(self):
        """Automatically determine if the edge needs to be selected or not.  
        This function considers edge selected if nodes on both ends are selected.

    def _autoSelectValue(self) -> bool:
        """Value of selection when autoselecting."""
        return (self.sourceNode() is not None and self.targetNode() is not None
                and self.sourceNode().isSelected()
                and self.targetNode().isSelected())

    # Style and palette ================================================================================================
    def styleChange(self):
        style =

        self._pen = style.edgePen(self.palette())
        self._path = self.path()  # Recompute path with new parameters

    def paletteChange(self):
        self._pen =

    def buildPath(self, x1, x2, y1, y2):
		This function is used to build the path for the visibility behavior.
		It has some basic arrow routing algorithm:
		1. src is at right, dest is at left, just cubic to it
		#. src is at left, dest is at right
			a. y is almost the same, cubic to it
			#. distance is bigger than 1/3 * root.width, go around the root component
					i. src is higher than dest, go around from the top
					#. bb src is lower than dest, go around from the bottom
			#. horizontal distance is smaller than 1/3 * root.width, zigzag to it
		.. todo::
			Improve on the algorithm (add collision detector)
		:param x1: the x coordinate for the src component
		:type x1: float
		:param x2: the x coordinate for the dest component
		:type x2: float
		:param y1: the y coordinate for the src component
		:type y1: float
		:param y2: the x coordinate for the dest component
		:type y2: float
		:return path: return the path of the visibility behavior
		:rtype path: QPainterPath

        baseComponent = self.getOneComponentDownRoot()
        baseBR = self.scene().getGraphics(baseComponent).boundingRect(
        basePos = self.scene().getGraphics(baseComponent).scenePos()
        baseComponentWidth = baseBR.width()
        baseComponentHeight = baseBR.height()
        path = QPainterPath()

        #TODO: If the component is the root component, VBGraphics may overlap with other components easily.FIX IT
        if x1 > x2:
            path.moveTo(x1, y1)
            path.cubicTo(x1 + 100, y1 + 100, x2 - 200, y2 - 200, x2, y2)
            leftInTrue = False
        elif abs(y2 - y1) < 50:
            path.moveTo(x1, y1)
            path.cubicTo(x1 + 100, y1 + 100, x2 - 200, y2 - 200, x2, y2)
            leftInTrue = True
        elif (x2 - x1) < (1 / 3 * baseComponentWidth):
            path.moveTo(x1, y1)
            path.lineTo(x1 - 200, y1)
            path.lineTo(x1 - 200, y2)
            path.lineTo(x2, y2)
            leftInTrue = True
        elif (x2 - x1) > (1 / 3 * baseComponentWidth) and y1 <= y2:
            path.moveTo(x1, y1)
            path.lineTo(basePos.x() - x1 / 3, y1)
            path.lineTo(basePos.x() - x1 / 3, basePos.y() - y1 / 3)
            path.lineTo(baseComponentWidth + x1, basePos.y() - y1 / 3)
            path.lineTo(baseComponentWidth + x1, y2)
            path.lineTo(x2, y2)
            leftInTrue = False
        elif (x2 - x1) > (1 / 3 * baseComponentWidth) and y1 > y2:
            path.moveTo(x1, y1)
            path.lineTo(basePos.x() - x1 / 3, y1)
            path.lineTo(basePos.x() - x1 / 3, baseComponentHeight + y1 / 3)
            path.lineTo(baseComponentWidth + x1, baseComponentHeight + y1 / 3)
            path.lineTo(baseComponentWidth + x1, y2)
            path.lineTo(x2, y2)
            leftInTrue = False
            #exception, then fix it
            path.moveTo(x1, y1)
            path.lineTo(x1, 30)
            path.lineTo(x2, 30)
            path.lineTo(x2, y2)
            leftInTrue = False

        boundingRect = path.boundingRect()

        return path, leftInTrue, boundingRect