Exemplo n.º 1
def _setupRoot6IfNeeded():
    import cppyy
        # try to touch ROOT5-only attribute (success means we have ROOT5)
    except AttributeError:
        # ROOT 6
        from PyUtils.Helpers import ROOT6Setup
Exemplo n.º 2
import re
import ROOT
import cppyy
import string
from AthenaROOTAccess.persTypeToTransType import persTypeToTransType
from AthenaROOTAccess.gaudiSvcExists import gaudiSvcExists
from RootUtils import PyROOTFixes

import ROOT
import glob
import sys
import os

from PyUtils.Helpers import ROOT6Setup

# Turn off annoying dict auto-generation --- it doesn't work anyway.

# Make sure the proper dictionaries are loaded.

# Make sure abstract base classes have streaminfos built.
# Otherwise, we can get crashes from TTree::Scan.

# Prevent AthenaBarCodeImpl from trying to create JobIDSvc.
import os
import uuid
os.environ['_ATHENABARCODEIMPL_JOBUUID'] = uuid.uuid1().hex
Exemplo n.º 3
def main(args):
    """check that 2 ROOT files have same content (containers and sizes)
    global g_args
    g_args = args

    import PyUtils.RootUtils as ru
    root = ru.import_root()

    import PyUtils.Logging as L
    msg = L.logging.getLogger('diff-root')

    from PyUtils.Helpers import ShutUp, ROOT6Setup

    if args.entries == '':
        args.entries = -1

    msg.info('comparing tree [%s] in files:', args.tree_name)
    msg.info(' old: [%s]', args.old)
    msg.info(' new: [%s]', args.new)
    msg.info('ignore  leaves: %s', args.ignore_leaves)
    msg.info('enforce leaves: %s', args.enforce_leaves)
    msg.info('hacks:          %s', args.known_hacks)
    msg.info('entries:        %s', args.entries)
    msg.info('mode:           %s', args.mode)
    msg.info('error mode:     %s', args.error_mode)

    import PyUtils.Helpers as H
    with H.ShutUp():
        fold = ru.RootFileDumper(args.old, args.tree_name)
        fnew = ru.RootFileDumper(args.new, args.tree_name)

    def tree_infos(tree, args):
        nentries = tree.GetEntriesFast()
        # l.GetBranch().GetName() gives the full leaf path name
        leaves = [
            l.GetBranch().GetName() for l in tree.GetListOfLeaves()
            if l.GetBranch().GetName() not in args.ignore_leaves
        return {
            'entries': nentries,
            'leaves': set(leaves),

    def diff_tree(fold, fnew, args):
        infos = {
            'old': tree_infos(fold.tree, args),
            'new': tree_infos(fnew.tree, args),

        nentries = min(infos['old']['entries'], infos['new']['entries'])
        itr_entries = nentries
        if args.entries in (-1, '', '-1'):
            #msg.info('comparing over [%s] entries...', nentries)
            itr_entries = nentries
            if infos['old']['entries'] != infos['new']['entries']:
                msg.info('different numbers of entries:')
                msg.info(' old: [%s]', infos['old']['entries'])
                msg.info(' new: [%s]', infos['new']['entries'])
                msg.info('=> comparing [%s] first entries...', nentries)
            itr_entries = args.entries
        msg.info('comparing over [%s] entries...', itr_entries)

        old_leaves = infos['old']['leaves'] - infos['new']['leaves']
        if old_leaves:
            msg.warning('the following variables exist only in the old file !')
            for l in old_leaves:
                msg.warning(' - [%s]', l)
        new_leaves = infos['new']['leaves'] - infos['old']['leaves']
        if new_leaves:
            msg.warning('the following variables exist only in the new file !')
            for l in new_leaves:
                msg.warning(' - [%s]', l)
        skip_leaves = old_leaves | new_leaves | set(args.ignore_leaves)

        leaves = infos['old']['leaves'] & infos['new']['leaves']
        msg.info('comparing [%s] leaves over entries...', len(leaves))
        all_good = True
        n_good = 0
        n_bad = 0
        import collections
        from itertools import izip
        summary = collections.defaultdict(int)

        old_dump_iter = fold.dump(args.tree_name, itr_entries)
        new_dump_iter = fnew.dump(args.tree_name, itr_entries)

        def leafname_fromdump(entry):
            return '.'.join([s for s in entry[2] if not s.isdigit()])

        def reach_next(dump_iter, skip_leaves):
            keep_reading = True
            while keep_reading:
                    entry = dump_iter.next()
                except StopIteration:
                    return None
                entry[2][0] = entry[2][0].rstrip('.\0')  # clean branch name
                name = []
                skip = False
                for n in leafname_fromdump(entry).split('.'):
                    if '.'.join(name) in skip_leaves:
                        skip = True
                if not skip:
                    return entry
                # print 'SKIP:', leafname_fromdump(entry)

        read_old = True
        read_new = True
        d_old = None
        d_new = None

        while True:
            if read_old:
                prev_d_old = d_old
                d_old = reach_next(old_dump_iter, skip_leaves)
            if read_new:
                prev_d_new = d_new
                d_new = reach_next(new_dump_iter, skip_leaves)

            if not d_new and not d_old:

            read_old = True
            read_new = True
            if d_old == d_new:
                n_good += 1

            if d_old:
                tree_name, ientry, name, iold = d_old
            if d_new:
                tree_name, ientry, name, inew = d_new

            # FIXME: that's a plain (temporary?) hack
            if name[-1] in args.known_hacks:

            n_bad += 1

            in_synch = d_old and d_new and d_old[:-1] == d_new[:-1]
            if not in_synch:
                if not _is_summary():
                    if d_old:
                        print '::sync-old %s' % '.'.join(["%03i" % ientry] +
                                                         map(str, d_old[2]))
                        print '::sync-old ABSENT'
                    if d_new:
                        print '::sync-new %s' % '.'.join(["%03i" % ientry] +
                                                         map(str, d_new[2]))
                        print '::sync-new ABSENT'
                # remember for later
                if not d_old:
                    fold.allgood = False
                    summary[d_new[2][0]] += 1
                elif not d_new:
                    fnew.allgood = False
                    summary[d_old[2][0]] += 1
                    branch_old = '.'.join(["%03i" % ientry, d_old[2][0]])
                    branch_new = '.'.join(["%03i" % ientry, d_new[2][0]])
                    if branch_old < branch_new:
                        if not _is_summary():
                            print '::sync-old skipping entry'
                        summary[d_old[2][0]] += 1
                        fnew.allgood = False
                        read_new = False
                    elif branch_old > branch_new:
                        if not _is_summary():
                            print '::sync-new skipping entry'
                        summary[d_new[2][0]] += 1
                        fold.allgood = False
                        read_old = False
                        # MN: difference in the leaves
                        prev_leaf_old = leafname_fromdump(prev_d_old)
                        prev_leaf_new = leafname_fromdump(prev_d_new)
                        leaf_old = leafname_fromdump(d_old)
                        leaf_new = leafname_fromdump(d_new)
                        if prev_leaf_old == prev_leaf_new:
                            # array size difference?
                            if leaf_old == leaf_new and leaf_old == prev_leaf_old:
                                # could be a size difference in >1 dim arrays
                                # hard to sync, skipping both
                            elif leaf_old == prev_leaf_old:
                                # old has bigger array, skip old entry
                                read_new = False
                                if not _is_summary():
                                    print '::sync-old skipping entry'
                                summary[leaf_old] += 1
                            elif leaf_new == prev_leaf_new:
                                # new has bigger array, skip new entry
                                read_old = False
                                if not _is_summary():
                                    print '::sync-new skipping entry'
                                summary[leaf_new] += 1

                        if read_old and read_new:
                            summary[d_new[2][0]] += 1
                            if not _is_summary():
                                print '::sync-old+new skipping both entries'
                        fold.allgood = False
                        fnew.allgood = False

                if _is_exit_early():
                    print "*** exit on first error ***"

            n = '.'.join(map(str, ["%03i" % ientry] + name))
            diff_value = 'N/A'
                diff_value = 50. * (iold - inew) / (iold + inew)
                diff_value = '%.8f%%' % (diff_value, )
            except Exception:
            if not _is_summary():
                print '%s %r -> %r => diff= [%s]' % (n, iold, inew, diff_value)
            summary[leafname_fromdump(d_old)] += 1

            if name[0] in args.enforce_leaves:
                msg.info("don't compare further")
                all_good = False
            pass  # loop over events/branches

        msg.info('Found [%s] identical leaves', n_good)
        msg.info('Found [%s] different leaves', n_bad)

        if not _is_summary():
            keys = sorted(summary.keys())
            for n in keys:
                v = summary[n]
                msg.info(' [%s]: %i leaves differ', n, v)

        if (not fold.allgood) or (not fnew.allgood):
            msg.info('NOTE: there were errors during the dump')
            msg.info('fold.allgood: %s' % fold.allgood)
            msg.info('fnew.allgood: %s' % fnew.allgood)
            n_bad += 0.5
        return n_bad

    ndiff = diff_tree(fold, fnew, args)
    if ndiff != 0:
        msg.info('files differ!')
        return 2
    msg.info('all good.')
    return 0
Exemplo n.º 4
def setupCommonServices():
    from AthenaCommon import CfgMgr
    from AthenaCommon.Logging import logging
    from AthenaCommon.Constants import INFO
    from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr as svcMgr, theApp
    from AthenaCommon.ConcurrencyFlags import jobproperties as jps

    # Setup messaging for Python and C++
    from AthenaCommon.Logging import log
    log.setFormat("%(asctime)s  Py:%(name)-31s %(levelname)7s %(message)s")

    # Create our own logger
    log = logging.getLogger('TriggerUnixStandardSetup::setupCommonServices:')

    from TrigServices.TrigServicesConfig import setupMessageSvc

    # Do the default Atlas job configuration first
    import AthenaCommon.AtlasUnixStandardJob  # noqa: F401

    # Now do HLT/thread specific configuration (see e.g. AtlasThreadedJob.py)
    from StoreGate.StoreGateConf import SG__HiveMgrSvc
    svcMgr += SG__HiveMgrSvc("EventDataSvc",

    import StoreGate.StoreGateConf as StoreGateConf
    svcMgr += StoreGateConf.StoreGateSvc("ConditionStore")

    # Configure the CoreDumpSvc
    if not hasattr(svcMgr, "CoreDumpSvc"):
        from AthenaServices.Configurables import CoreDumpSvc
        svcMgr += CoreDumpSvc()

    # ThreadPoolService thread local initialization
    from GaudiHive.GaudiHiveConf import ThreadPoolSvc
    svcMgr += ThreadPoolSvc("ThreadPoolSvc")
    svcMgr.ThreadPoolSvc.ThreadInitTools = ["ThreadInitTool"]

    from GaudiHive.GaudiHiveConf import AlgResourcePool
    svcMgr += AlgResourcePool(OutputLevel=INFO,

    from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
    from SGComps.SGCompsConf import SGInputLoader
    topSequence = AlgSequence()
    topSequence += SGInputLoader(
        FailIfNoProxy=False)  # change to True eventually

    from AthenaCommon.AlgScheduler import AlgScheduler

    # Setup SGCommitAuditor to sweep new DataObjects at end of Alg execute
    theApp.AuditAlgorithms = True
    from SGComps.SGCompsConf import SGCommitAuditor
    svcMgr.AuditorSvc += SGCommitAuditor()

    # setup ROOT6
    from PyUtils.Helpers import ROOT6Setup

    # Setup online THistSvc unless specifically configured otherwise
    #    setup the THistSvc early and force the creation of the THistSvc
    #    so that it can be used by infrastructure services to book histograms
    #    (to avoid problems e.g. with histograms in ROBDataProviderSvc)
    if _Conf.useOnlineTHistSvc:
        if hasattr(svcMgr, 'THistSvc'):
                "The offline histogramming THistSvc is already in place.")
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Cannot setup online histogramming TrigMonTHistSvc")
        log.debug("Using online histogramming service (TrigMonTHistSvc)")
        from TrigServices.TrigServicesConf import TrigMonTHistSvc
        svcMgr += TrigMonTHistSvc("THistSvc")
        log.debug("Using offline histogramming service (THistSvc)")
        from GaudiSvc.GaudiSvcConf import THistSvc
        svcMgr += THistSvc()

    # StoreGateSvc
    svcMgr.StoreGateSvc.ActivateHistory = False

    # ProxyProviderSvc services configuration
    svcMgr += CfgMgr.ProxyProviderSvc()

    # --- ByteStreamAddressProviderSvc configuration
    svcMgr += CfgMgr.ByteStreamAddressProviderSvc()
    svcMgr.ProxyProviderSvc.ProviderNames += ["ByteStreamAddressProviderSvc"]
    theApp.CreateSvc += [svcMgr.ByteStreamAddressProviderSvc.getFullName()]

    # Initialization of DetDescrCnvSvc
    svcMgr += CfgMgr.DetDescrCnvSvc(
        # specify primary Identifier dictionary to be used

    theApp.CreateSvc += [svcMgr.DetDescrCnvSvc.getFullName()]
    svcMgr.EventPersistencySvc.CnvServices += ["DetDescrCnvSvc"]

    # Online services for ByteStream input/output
    from TrigByteStreamCnvSvc.TrigByteStreamCnvSvcConf import TrigEventSelectorByteStream
    from TrigByteStreamCnvSvc.TrigByteStreamCnvSvcConfig import TrigByteStreamInputSvc, TrigByteStreamCnvSvc
    svcMgr += TrigByteStreamCnvSvc(
        "ByteStreamCnvSvc")  # this name is hard-coded in some converters
    svcMgr.EventPersistencySvc.CnvServices += ["ByteStreamCnvSvc"]
    svcMgr += TrigByteStreamInputSvc("ByteStreamInputSvc")
    svcMgr += TrigEventSelectorByteStream(
        "EventSelector", ByteStreamInputSvc=svcMgr.ByteStreamInputSvc)
    theApp.EvtSel = "EventSelector"

    # Online event loop manager
    from TrigServices.TrigServicesConfig import HltEventLoopMgr
    loopMgr = HltEventLoopMgr("HltEventLoopMgr")
    loopMgr.WhiteboardSvc = "EventDataSvc"
    loopMgr.SchedulerSvc = AlgScheduler.getScheduler().getName()
    loopMgr.EvtSel = svcMgr.EventSelector
    loopMgr.OutputCnvSvc = svcMgr.ByteStreamCnvSvc
    svcMgr += loopMgr
    theApp.EventLoop = loopMgr.name()

    from TrigOutputHandling.TrigOutputHandlingConfig import HLTResultMTMakerCfg
    svcMgr.HltEventLoopMgr.ResultMaker = HLTResultMTMakerCfg()

    # Configuration of Interval of Validity Service
    svcMgr += CfgMgr.IOVSvc()

    # Configure COOL update helper tool
    from TrigServices.TrigServicesConfig import TrigCOOLUpdateHelper
    svcMgr.HltEventLoopMgr.CoolUpdateTool = TrigCOOLUpdateHelper()

    # Configure the online ROB data provider service
    from TrigServices.TrigServicesConfig import HltROBDataProviderSvc
    svcMgr += HltROBDataProviderSvc()

    # Explicitly set a few OutputLevels (needed because some services are created in
    # different order when running with the PSC)
    svcMgr.IncidentSvc.OutputLevel = theApp.OutputLevel
    svcMgr.ProxyProviderSvc.OutputLevel = theApp.OutputLevel
    svcMgr.StoreGateSvc.OutputLevel = theApp.OutputLevel
