Exemplo n.º 1
def cb_renderer(args):
    request = args['request']
    config = request.getConfiguration()
    http = request.getHttp()
    form = http['form']

    # intercept ajax requests with our renderer
    if (form.has_key('ajax') and http.get('REQUEST_METHOD', '') == 'POST'):
        data = '&'.join(['%s=%s' % (arg.name, arg.value) for arg in form.list])
        tools.getLogger().info('AJAX request: %s' % data)
        return AjaxRenderer(request, request.getData())
Exemplo n.º 2
def cb_end(args):
    if timestamps_to_save:
        datadir = args['request'].getConfiguration()['datadir']
        datadir = os.path.normpath(datadir)
        tsfile = file(os.path.join(datadir, 'timestamps'), 'a')
        for filename, mtime in timestamps_to_save.items():
            time_str = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M', time.localtime(mtime))
            # strip the datadir prefix and directory separator slash
            filename = filename[len(datadir) + 1:]
            tsfile.write('%s %s\n' % (time_str, filename))
            tools.getLogger().info('Saved mtime %s for %s' % (time_str, filename))
Exemplo n.º 3
def cb_end(args):
    if timestamps_to_save:
        datadir = args["request"].getConfiguration()["datadir"]
        datadir = os.path.normpath(datadir)
        tsfile = file(os.path.join(datadir, "timestamps"), "a")
        for filename, mtime in timestamps_to_save.items():
            time_str = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M", time.localtime(mtime))
            # strip the datadir prefix and directory separator slash
            filename = filename[len(datadir) + 1 :]
            tsfile.write("%s %s\n" % (time_str, filename))
            tools.getLogger().info("Saved mtime %s for %s" % (time_str, filename))
Exemplo n.º 4
def start_openid_auth(request, openid_url):
    form = request.getForm()
    config = request.getConfiguration()
    data = request.getData()

    # Try to start OpenID verification
    session = Session(request)
    consumer = get_openid_consumer(request, session)
    if consumer is None:

    if check_url_rejected(config, openid_url, 'identity'):
        tools.getLogger().info('Rejected %r' % (openid_url, ))
        raise OpenIDCommentError(
            'That identity is not allowed to post to this blog')

    auth_req = consumer.begin(openid_url)

    # Make sure that the server and identity URL are allowed by the config
    server_id = auth_req.endpoint.getLocalID()
    server_url = auth_req.endpoint.server_url
    if (check_url_rejected(config, server_id, 'identity')
            or check_url_rejected(config, server_url, 'server')):
        tools.getLogger().info('Rejected %r or %r' % (server_id, server_url))
        raise OpenIDCommentError(
            'That identity is not allowed to post to this blog')

    if 'body' not in form:
        raise OpenIDCommentError('Comment body required')

    if 'openid_trust_root' in config:
        trust_root = config['openid_trust_root']
        trust_root = config['base_url']

    # Save the data for the return
    populate_comment_session(session, request, auth_req.assoc, trust_root)
    args = {
        sid_field: session.id(),
        'showcomments': 'yes',
    return_to = appendArgs(data['url'], args)

    redirect_url = auth_req.redirectURL(trust_root, return_to)

    renderer = data['renderer']
    renderer.addHeader('Status', '302 Found')
    renderer.addHeader("Location", redirect_url)
    renderer.rendered = 1
Exemplo n.º 5
def cb_handle(args):
    global OpenIDServer
    global oidserver

    request = args['request']
    config = request.getConfiguration()
    data = request.getData()
    http = request.getHttp()
    form = FieldStorage_to_dict(http['form'])
    response = request.getResponse()
    trigger = config.get('openid_trigger', DEFAULT_TRIGGER)

    # the libs are big, and importing them incurs a performance hit, so only
    # import them if we're actually handling the request.
    if http['PATH_INFO'].startswith(trigger):
        if not import_and_initialize(request):
            return False

    if http['PATH_INFO'] == trigger:
        # handle the openid request
            oidrequest = oidserver.decodeRequest(form)
            if not oidrequest:
                # cb_filelist() will show an info page about this endpoint
                return False

            if oidrequest.mode in ['checkid_immediate', 'checkid_setup']:
                if has_cookie(request):
                        'Has cookie, confirming identity to ' +
                    return respond(request, oidrequest.answer(True))
                elif oidrequest.immediate:
                    oidresponse = oidrequest.answer(
                        False, server_url=config['base_url'] + trigger)
                    return respond(request, oidresponse)
                    data['openid_login_oidrequest'] = oidrequest
                    # cb_filelist will show a login page
                    return False

            elif oidrequest.mode in ['associate', 'check_authentication']:
                return respond(request, oidserver.handleRequest(oidrequest))
                # cb_filelist() will show an info page about this endpoint
                return False

        except OpenIDServer.ProtocolError, why:
            return respond(request, why)
Exemplo n.º 6
def start_openid_auth(request, openid_url):
    form = request.getForm()
    config = request.getConfiguration()
    data = request.getData()

    # Try to start OpenID verification
    session = Session(request)
    consumer = get_openid_consumer(request, session)
    if consumer is None:

    if check_url_rejected(config, openid_url, 'identity'):
        tools.getLogger().info('Rejected %r' % (openid_url,))
        raise OpenIDCommentError(
            'That identity is not allowed to post to this blog')

    auth_req = consumer.begin(openid_url)

    # Make sure that the server and identity URL are allowed by the config
    server_id = auth_req.endpoint.getLocalID()
    server_url = auth_req.endpoint.server_url
    if (check_url_rejected(config, server_id, 'identity') or
        check_url_rejected(config, server_url, 'server')):
        tools.getLogger().info('Rejected %r or %r' % (server_id, server_url))
        raise OpenIDCommentError(
            'That identity is not allowed to post to this blog')

    if 'body' not in form:
        raise OpenIDCommentError('Comment body required')

    if 'openid_trust_root' in config:
        trust_root = config['openid_trust_root']
        trust_root = config['base_url']

    # Save the data for the return
    populate_comment_session(session, request, auth_req.assoc, trust_root)
    args = {sid_field: session.id(), 'showcomments': 'yes',}
    return_to = appendArgs(data['url'], args)

    redirect_url = auth_req.redirectURL(trust_root, return_to)

    renderer = data['renderer']
    renderer.addHeader('Status', '302 Found')
    renderer.addHeader("Location", redirect_url)
    renderer.rendered = 1
Exemplo n.º 7
def get_openid_consumer(request, session):
    """Initialize an OpenID store for authenticating comments.

    @param request: Pyblosxom request object

    @param session: session
    @type session: instance of C{Session}

    @return: An instance of OpenIDConsumer
    @rtype: OpenID consumer store or C{None}
    config = request.getConfiguration()
    logger = tools.getLogger()

    store_dir = config.get('openid_store_dir')
    if store_dir is None:
        logger.error('You must define openid_store_dir in your '
                     'config to enable OpenID comments.')
        return None

        store = filestore.FileOpenIDStore(store_dir)
        return openid.Consumer(session, store)
    except Exception:
        trace = traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())
        logger.error('Error initializing OpenID server:\n' + '\n'.join(trace))
        return None
Exemplo n.º 8
def cb_filestat(args):
    """Parse the entry filename looking for a date pattern. If the
    pattern matches and is a valid date, then override the mtime.
    from Pyblosxom import tools
    filepath = args['filename']
    filelst = os.path.split(filepath)
    filename = filelst[-1]
    datadir = args['request'].getConfiguration()['datadir']
    logger = tools.getLogger()
    # If we find a date pattern in the filename, load it into the args
    # dict and return. If a pattern is not found, or if the values
    # in the yyyy-mm-dd prefix do not constitute a valid date,
    # return args unmolested.
    m = filerex.match(filename)
    if m:
            year = int(m.group(1))
            month = int(m.group(2))
            day = int(m.group(3))
            # Time values all set to zero in this implementation
            mtime = time.mktime((year,month,day,0,0,0,0,0,-1))
            stattuple = args['mtime']
            args['mtime'] = tuple(list(stattuple[:8]) + [mtime] + list(stattuple[9:]))
        except Exception as e:
            logger.error("%s: %s" % (type(e), e.args))
            return args
    return args
Exemplo n.º 9
def get_openid_consumer(request, session):
    """Initialize an OpenID store for authenticating comments.

    @param request: Pyblosxom request object

    @param session: session
    @type session: instance of C{Session}

    @return: An instance of OpenIDConsumer
    @rtype: OpenID consumer store or C{None}
    config = request.getConfiguration()
    logger = tools.getLogger()

    store_dir = config.get('openid_store_dir')
    if store_dir is None:
        logger.error('You must define openid_store_dir in your '
                     'config to enable OpenID comments.')
        return None

        store = filestore.FileOpenIDStore(store_dir)
        return openid.Consumer(session, store)
    except Exception:
        trace = traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())
        logger.error('Error initializing OpenID server:\n' + '\n'.join(trace))
        return None
Exemplo n.º 10
def metaWeblog_editPost(request, postid, username, password, struct, publish):
    Edit an existing post
    Part of the metaWeblog API

    @param request: the pyblosxom Request instance
    @type  request: Request

    @param username: the username
    @type  username: string

    @param password: the password
    @type  password: string

    @param struct: the metaWeblog api struct
    @type  struct: dict

    @param publish: to publish (true) or not
    @type  publish: boolean

    @returns an xmlrpclib boolean -- true if the edit was successful, false otherwise
    logger = tools.getLogger()
    logger.debug("editPost %s %s %s" % (postid, struct, publish))

    authenticate(request, username, password)
    config = request.getConfiguration()
    ping = config.get('xmlrpc_metaweblog_ping',0)

    return xmlrpclib.Boolean(_writePost(config, username, postid, struct, publish, ping))
Exemplo n.º 11
def metaWeblog_getPost(request, postid, username, password):
    Get a single post from the server
    Part of the metaWeblog API

    @param request: the pyblosxom Request instance
    @type  request: Request

    @param postid: the id of the post
    @type postid: string

    @param username: the username
    @type  username: string

    @param password: the password
    @type  password: string

    @returns the post whose id is postid
    @rtype dict
    logger = tools.getLogger()
    logger.debug("getPost: postid: %s" % (postid,))
    authenticate(request, username, password)
    config = request.getConfiguration()

    logger.debug("datadir = %s, file = %s.txt" % (config['datadir'], postid))
    entry = FileEntry(request, os.path.join(config['datadir'],"%s.txt" % postid), config['datadir'])
    post = { 'permaLink': "%s/%s/%s/%s#%s" % (config['base_url'], entry['yr'],entry['mo_num'],entry['da'],entry['fn']),
             'postid':re.sub(r'^/', '', "%s/%s"% (entry['absolute_path'], entry['fn'])),
             'dateCreated':xmlrpclib.DateTime(entry['w3cdate']) }
    return post
Exemplo n.º 12
def metaWeblog_getCategories(request, blogid, username, password):
    Get the available categories
    Part of the metaWeblog API

    @param request: the pyblosxom Request instance
    @type  request: Request

    @param blogid: the id of the blog
    @type blogid: string

    @param username: the username
    @type  username: string

    @param password: the password
    @type  password: string

    @returns list of categories (each category is a string)
    @rtype list
    logger = tools.getLogger()
    logger.debug("getCategories blogid: %s" % blogid)
    authenticate(request, username, password)
    config = request.getConfiguration()

    clist = _getCategories(request)

    return clist
Exemplo n.º 13
def cb_truncatelist(args):
    """For each entry under a named category, parse the entry filename
       looking for a date pattern. If the pattern does not match,
       delete the file from the list.
    from Pyblosxom import tools
    logger = tools.getLogger()
    request = args['request']
    config = request.getConfiguration()
    categories = config['datedcategories']
    pagesdir = config['pagesdir']
    data = request.get_data()
    entry_list = args['entry_list']
    for i in range(len(entry_list) - 1, -1, -1):
        entry = entry_list[i]
        #print entry.keys()
        filepath = entry['file_path']
        # Check for path
        if filepath:
            # Split file path
            filelst = filepath.split(os.path.sep)
            # Check for index
            if filelst[-1] == "index":
            # Check for pages trigger
            if pagesdir and entry['filename'].startswith(pagesdir):
            # Check for dated config
            if categories:
                # Check for date pattern
                logger.debug("%s" % filelst[-1])
                if not filerex.match(filelst[-1]):
    return args['entry_list']
Exemplo n.º 14
def cb_story(args):
    logger = tools.getLogger()

    pagedelimiter = "BREAK"
    continue_template = '<br /><br />::<a href="%(url)s">READ MORE</a>'
    continued_template = '<br /><br /><span style="color: red;">::READ HERE</span>'
    entry = args["entry"]
    if not entry.has_key("body"):

    # override default breakpoint (pagedelimiter) if applicable from the
    # config.py file.
    if args["entry"].has_key("readmore_breakpoint"):
        readmore_breakpoint = args["entry"]["readmore_breakpoint"]
        if isinstance(readmore_breakpoint, type("")):
            pagedelimiter = readmore_breakpoint
                "py['readmore_breakpoint'] value is not a "
                + "string. It's type seems to be: %s" % type(readmore_breakpoint)

    # find the delimiter in the body of the text
    match = re.search(pagedelimiter, entry["body"])

    if match:
        if args["entry"].has_key("readmore_template"):
            readmore_template = args["entry"]["readmore_template"]
            if isinstance(readmore_template, type("")):
                continue_template = readmore_template
                continued_template = ""
            elif isinstance(readmore_template, type([])):
                if not readmore_template:
                    logger.error("py['readmore_template'] is an empty list.")
                    continue_template = readmore_template[0]
                    if len(readmore_template) > 1:
                        continued_template = readmore_template[1]
                    "py['readmore_template'] value is neither "
                    + "a string nor a list.  It's type seems to "
                    + "be: %s" % type(readmore_template)

        if entry["bl_type"] == "file":
            entry["body"] = re.sub(pagedelimiter, continued_template, entry["body"])
            base_url = entry["base_url"]
            file_path = entry["file_path"]
            flavour = entry["flavour"]
            m = {
                "url": "%s/%s.%s" % (base_url, file_path, flavour),
                "base_url": base_url,
                "file_path": file_path,
                "flavour": flavour,
            entry["body"] = entry["body"][: match.start()]
            entry["body"] += continue_template % m
Exemplo n.º 15
def cb_story(args):
    logger = tools.getLogger()

    pagedelimiter = 'BREAK'
    continue_template = '<br /><br />::<a href="%(url)s">READ MORE</a>'
    continued_template = '<br /><br /><span style="color: red;">::READ HERE</span>'
    entry = args['entry']
    if not entry.has_key('body'):

    # override default breakpoint (pagedelimiter) if applicable from the
    # config.py file.
    if args['entry'].has_key('readmore_breakpoint'):
        readmore_breakpoint = args['entry']['readmore_breakpoint']
        if isinstance(readmore_breakpoint, type('')):
            pagedelimiter = readmore_breakpoint
            logger.error("py['readmore_breakpoint'] value is not a " + \
                         "string. It's type seems to be: %s" % \

    # find the delimiter in the body of the text
    match = re.search(pagedelimiter, entry['body'])

    if match:
        if args['entry'].has_key('readmore_template'):
            readmore_template = args['entry']['readmore_template']
            if isinstance(readmore_template, type('')):
                continue_template = readmore_template
                continued_template = ''
            elif isinstance(readmore_template, type([])):
                if not readmore_template:
                    logger.error("py['readmore_template'] is an empty list.")
                    continue_template = readmore_template[0]
                    if len(readmore_template) > 1:
                        continued_template = readmore_template[1]
                logger.error("py['readmore_template'] value is neither " + \
                             "a string nor a list.  It's type seems to " + \
                             "be: %s" % type(readmore_template))

        if entry['bl_type'] == 'file':
            entry['body'] = re.sub(pagedelimiter, continued_template,
            base_url = entry['base_url']
            file_path = entry['file_path']
            flavour = entry['flavour']
            m = {
                'url': '%s/%s.%s' % (base_url, file_path, flavour),
                'base_url': base_url,
                'file_path': file_path,
                'flavour': flavour
            entry['body'] = entry['body'][:match.start()]
            entry['body'] += continue_template % m
Exemplo n.º 16
def metaWeblog_getRecentPosts(request, blogid, username, password, numberOfPosts):
    Get the most recent posts
    Part of the metaWeblog API

    @param request: the pyblosxom Request instance
    @type  request: Request

    @param blogid: the id of the blog
    @type blogid: string

    @param username: the username
    @type  username: string

    @param password: the password
    @type  password: string

    @param numberOfPosts: the number of posts to retreive
    @type  numberOfPosts: int

    @returns list of dicts, one per post
    @rtype list
    logger = tools.getLogger()
    logger.debug("getRecentPosts blogid:%s count:%s" % (blogid, numberOfPosts))
    authenticate(request, username, password)
    config = request.getConfiguration()

    filelist = tools.Walk(request, config['datadir'], int(config['depth']), pattern=_allEntriesPattern(request))

    entryList = []
    for f in filelist:
        entry = FileEntry(request, f, config['datadir'])
        entryList.append((entry._mtime, entry))
        numberOfPosts = int(numberOfPosts)
        logger.error("Couldn't convert numberOfPosts")
        numberOfPosts = 5
    entryList = [ x[1] for x in entryList ][: numberOfPosts]

    def fix_path(path):
        if path == "":
            return '/'
            return path

    posts = [ { 'permaLink': "%s/%s/%s/%s#%s" % (config['base_url'], x['yr'],x['mo_num'],x['da'],x['fn']),
                'postid':re.sub(r'^/', '', "%s/%s"% (x['absolute_path'], x['fn'])),
                'categories':[ fix_path(x['absolute_path'])],
                'dateCreated':xmlrpclib.DateTime(x['w3cdate']) }  for x in entryList ]

    return posts
Exemplo n.º 17
def cb_story(args):
    logger = tools.getLogger()
    pagedelimiter = 'BREAK'
    continue_template = '<br /><br />::<a href="%(url)s">READ MORE</a>'
    continued_template = '<br /><br /><span style="color: red;">::READ HERE</span>'
    entry = args['entry']
    if not entry.has_key('body'):

    # override default breakpoint (pagedelimiter) if applicable from the
    # config.py file.
    if args['entry'].has_key('readmore_breakpoint'):
        readmore_breakpoint = args['entry']['readmore_breakpoint']
        if isinstance(readmore_breakpoint, type('')):
            pagedelimiter = readmore_breakpoint
            logger.error("py['readmore_breakpoint'] value is not a " + \
                         "string. It's type seems to be: %s" % \

    # find the delimiter in the body of the text                         
    match = re.search(pagedelimiter, entry['body'])

    if match:
        if args['entry'].has_key('readmore_template'):
            readmore_template = args['entry']['readmore_template']
            if isinstance(readmore_template, type('')):
                continue_template = readmore_template
                continued_template = ''
            elif isinstance(readmore_template, type([])):
                if not readmore_template:
                    logger.error("py['readmore_template'] is an empty list.")
                    continue_template = readmore_template[0]
                    if len(readmore_template) > 1:
                        continued_template = readmore_template[1]
                logger.error("py['readmore_template'] value is neither " + \
                             "a string nor a list.  It's type seems to " + \
                             "be: %s" % type(readmore_template))

        if entry['bl_type' ] == 'file':
            entry['body'] = re.sub(pagedelimiter,
            base_url = entry['base_url']
            file_path = entry['file_path']
            flavour = entry['flavour']
            m = {'url':'%s/%s.%s' % (base_url, file_path, flavour),
            entry['body'] = entry['body'][:match.start()]
            entry['body'] += continue_template % m
Exemplo n.º 18
def generate_history_entry(request, history_fn):
    """ Calls history_fn and handles any exceptions. Then generates an entry,
  merges history_fn 's return value (a dictionary) into the entry's data,
  and returns it.

  history_fn should take an Entry and a request and return a dict.
    config = request.getConfiguration()
    data = request.getData()
    filename = data['root_datadir']

    # run history_fn
    backend_class = BACKENDS[config['history_backend']]
        versioned_entry = backend_class(filename)
        entryData = history_fn(versioned_entry)
    except (BadPath, BadVersion), msg:
        return  # make pyblosxom 404
Exemplo n.º 19
def generate_history_entry(request, history_fn):
  """ Calls history_fn and handles any exceptions. Then generates an entry,
  merges history_fn 's return value (a dictionary) into the entry's data,
  and returns it.

  history_fn should take an Entry and a request and return a dict.
  config = request.getConfiguration()
  data = request.getData()
  filename = data['root_datadir']

  # run history_fn
  backend_class = BACKENDS[config['history_backend']]
    versioned_entry = backend_class(filename)
    entryData = history_fn(versioned_entry)
  except (BadPath, BadVersion), msg:
    return  # make pyblosxom 404
Exemplo n.º 20
    def cleanup(self):
        """This cleans up Pyblosxom after a run.

        This should be called when Pyblosxom has done everything it
        needs to do before exiting.
        # log some useful stuff for debugging
        # this will only be logged if the log_level is "debug"
        log = tools.getLogger()
        response = self.get_response()
        log.debug("status = %s" % response.status)
        log.debug("headers = %s" % response.headers)
Exemplo n.º 21
    def cleanup(self):
        """This cleans up Pyblosxom after a run.

        This should be called when Pyblosxom has done everything it
        needs to do before exiting.
        # log some useful stuff for debugging
        # this will only be logged if the log_level is "debug"
        log = tools.getLogger()
        response = self.get_response()
        log.debug("status = %s" % response.status)
        log.debug("headers = %s" % response.headers)
Exemplo n.º 22
def readComment(filename, encoding, config):
    Read a comment from filename
    @param filename: filename containing a comment
    @type filename: string

    @param encoding: encoding of comment files
    @type encoding: string
    @param config: the pyblosxom configuration settings
    @type config: dictionary
    @returns: a comment dict
    from xml.sax import make_parser, SAXException
    from xml.sax.handler import feature_namespaces, ContentHandler
    class cmtHandler(ContentHandler):
        def __init__(self, cmt):
            self._data = ""
            self.cmt = cmt
        def startElement(self, name, atts):
            self._data = ""
        def endElement(self, name):
            self.cmt['cmt_'+name] = self._data
        def characters(self, content):
            self._data += content

    cmt = {}
        parser = make_parser()
        parser.setFeature(feature_namespaces, 0)
        handler = cmtHandler(cmt)
        cmt['cmt_time'] = float(cmt['cmt_pubDate'])                #time.time()
        cmt['cmt_pubDate'] = time.ctime(float(cmt['cmt_pubDate'])) #pretty time
        cmt['cmt_w3cdate'] = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ',
        if cmt['cmt_link']:
            link = add_dont_follow('<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (cmt['cmt_link'],
            cmt['cmt_optionally_linked_author'] = link
            cmt['cmt_optionally_linked_author'] = cmt['cmt_author']
        return cmt
    except: #don't error out on a bad comment
        logger = tools.getLogger()
        logger.error("bad comment file: %s\nerror was: %s" %
                     (filename, traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())))
Exemplo n.º 23
def cb_story(args):
    request = args['request']
    http = request.getHttp()
    data = request.getData()
    config = request.getConfiguration()
    flavour = args['renderer'].flavour
    trigger = config.get('openid_trigger', DEFAULT_TRIGGER)

    if http['PATH_INFO'].startswith(trigger):
        if data.has_key('openid_login_oidrequest'):
            tools.getLogger().info('Login request: ' +
            args['template'] = flavour.get('openid-login',
        elif data.has_key('openid_error'):
            tools.getLogger().error('error: ' + data['openid_error'])
            args['template'] = flavour.get('openid-error',
            args['template'] = flavour.get('openid-info',

    return args
Exemplo n.º 24
def cb_truncatelist(args):
    """For each entry under a named category, parse the entry filename
       looking for a date pattern. If the pattern does not match,
       delete the file from the list.
    from Pyblosxom import tools
    logger = tools.getLogger()
    request = args['request']
    config = request.getConfiguration()
    category_names = config['newslists'].keys()
    category_configs = config['newslists']
    if config.has_key('pagesdir'):
        pagesdir = config['pagesdir']
        pagesdir = False
    data = request.get_data()

    # The entry_list segment is a little funny inside
    # Pyblosxom. On most occasions it is double-nested when
    # this callback is invoked, so we don't return args
    # verbatim from this function.

    entry_list = args['entry_list']
    previewing = config['preview']
    for i in range(len(entry_list) - 1, -1, -1):
        entry = entry_list[i]
        filepath = entry['file_path']
        # Check for path
        if filepath:
                # Split file path
            filelst = filepath.split(os.path.sep)
            # Always pass through index pages
            if filelst[-1] == "index":
            # Always pass through static pages
            if pagesdir and entry['filename'].startswith(pagesdir):
            # Check for dated config
            if category_configs:
                # Check for date pattern. This doesn't check
                # for date validity, only a looks-like-a-date
                # pattern.
                logger.debug("%s" % filelst[-1])
                if not filerex.match(filelst[-1]):
                    if not previewing or not filelst[-1].startswith('X'):
                    if previewing:
    return args['entry_list']
Exemplo n.º 25
def cb_filestat(args):
    """Parse the entry file looking for a #published metadata value. If the
    entry has a suitable value then override the mtime.
    from Pyblosxom import tools
    # Parse the entry file.
    # Does a plugin really have to parse the entry file itself, it can't get a
    # parsed object from pyblosxom?
    filename = args['filename']
    datadir = args['request'].getConfiguration()['datadir']
    logger = tools.getLogger()
        entry = parsefile(os.path.join(datadir,filename))
    except IOError, e:
        return args
Exemplo n.º 26
    def __doPing(self):
        pingTime = int(time.time())
        # Save this data first else we'll go crazy with looping
        if not self.__saveResults(pingTime, "buffer", "buffer"):

        # Ping both servers now.
        logger = tools.getLogger()
            rpc = xmlrpclib.Server("http://ping.blo.gs/")
            response = rpc.weblogUpdates.extendedPing(self._title, self._site, self._xml, self._xml)
            rpc = xmlrpclib.Server("http://rpc.weblogs.com/RPC2")
            response1 = rpc.weblogUpdates.ping(self._title, self._site)

            # save result of ping in self._file, note, no output is done
            self.__saveResults(pingTime, response, response1)
            logger.error("Error during ping: %s, %s" % (str(sys.exc_type), str(sys.exc_value)))
Exemplo n.º 27
def metaWeblog_newMediaObject(request, blogid, username, password, struct):
    Create a new media object
    Part of the metaWeblog API

    @param request: the pyblosxom Request instance
    @type  request: Request

    @param blogid: the id of the blog
    @type blogid: string

    @param username: the username
    @type  username: string

    @param password: the password
    @type  password: string

    @param struct: the metaWeblog API struct
    @type  struct: dict
    logger = tools.getLogger()
    authenticate(request, username, password)
    config = request.getConfiguration()

    name = struct['name']
    mimeType = struct['type']
    bits = struct['bits']
    root = config['xmlrpc_metaweblog_image_dir']

    path = os.path.join("%s/%s" % (root, name))
    logger.debug("newMediaObject: %s,%s, %s, %s " % (name, path, mimeType, bits))
    f = None
        f = open(path, 'wb')
        if f is not None:
        return 0
#    return { 'url': "%s/%s%s" % (config['base_url'],config['xmlrpc_metaweblog_image_prefix'],name) }
    return { 'url': "%s/%s" % (config['base_url'],name) }
Exemplo n.º 28
def cb_comment_reject(args):
    req = args["request"]
    comment = args["comment"]
    blog_config = req.getConfiguration()

    max_age = blog_config.get("no_old_comments_max_age", 2419200)

    data = req.getData()
    entry = data["entry_list"][0]

    logger = tools.getLogger()

    logger.debug("%s -> %s" % (entry["mtime"], comment))

    if (time.time() - entry["mtime"]) >= max_age:
        logger.info("Entry too old, comment not posted!")
        return 1

    logger.info("Entry ok, comment posted!")
    return 0
Exemplo n.º 29
def cb_comment_reject(args):
    req = args["request"]
    comment = args["comment"]
    blog_config = req.getConfiguration()

    max_age = blog_config.get('no_old_comments_max_age', 2419200)

    data = req.getData()
    entry = data['entry_list'][0]

    logger = tools.getLogger()

    logger.debug( '%s -> %s' % (entry['mtime'], comment) )
    if ( (time.time() - entry['mtime']) >= max_age):
        logger.info('Entry too old, comment not posted!')
        return 1

    logger.info('Entry ok, comment posted!')
    return 0
Exemplo n.º 30
def _buildPostId(request, blogid, struct):
    Construct the id for the post

    The algorithm used for constructing the post id is to concatenate the
    pyblosxom category (directory path, with the datadir prefix removed) with
    the count of entries.  This means that postids are increasing integers.

    @param request: the HTTP Request
    @type request: Request

    @param blogid: the id of the blog
    @type blogid: string

    @param struct: the metaWeblog API struct
    @type struct: dict

    @return the post id
    @rtype string
    config = request.getConfiguration()

    category = ''
        category = struct['categories'][0]

    count = _getEntryCount(request)

    if not category == '':
        postId = os.path.join(category, "%d" % count)
        postId = os.path.join("%d" % count)

    logger = tools.getLogger()
    return postId
Exemplo n.º 31
def gen_recentposts(req):
    log = tools.getLogger()
        config = req.getConfiguration()
        root = config["datadir"]
        def to_url(ename):
            # trim root directory from entry name
            trimmed = ename[len(root)+1:]
            # trim possible extension, which pyblosxom will interpret
            # as a flavour
            trimmed = os.path.splitext(trimmed)[0]
            return "%s/%s" % (config.get("base_url", ""), trimmed)
        limit = config.get("recentposts_limit", DEFAULT_LIMIT)
        start = config.get("recentposts_start", DEFAULT_START)
        end = config.get("recentposts_end", DEFAULT_END)
        item = config.get("recentposts_item", DEFAULT_ITEM)
        # sort entries by mtime and clip off most recent limit entries
        # (or whole list if limit > len(elist))
        def cmp_mtime(a, b):
            return cmp(tools.filestat(req, a), tools.filestat(req, b))
        elist = sorted(tools.Walk(req, root), cmp_mtime)[(limit * -1):]
        # reverse for most-recent-first order
        # parse titles and map them to entry file name
        items = []
        for ename in elist:
            f = open(ename, 'r')
            # grab title (i.e., first line of post)
                l = f.readline().rstrip()
            d = { 'url': to_url(ename),
                  'title': l}
            items.append(item % d)
        return start + "%s" % '\n'.join(items) + end
    except Exception, e:
Exemplo n.º 32
def metaWeblog_newPost(request, blogid, username, password, struct, publish):
    Create a new entry on the server
    Part of the metaWeblog API

    if py['xmlrpc_metaweblog_ping'] == 'True' then autoping will be invoked to
    generate trackbacks and pingbacks

    @param request: the pyblosxom Request instance
    @type  request: Request

    @param username: the username
    @type  username: string

    @param password: the password
    @type  password: string

    @param struct: the metaWeblog API struct
    @type  struct: dict

    @param publish: to publish (true) or not
    @type  publish: boolean
    logger = tools.getLogger()
    logger.debug("newPost %s %s %s" % (blogid, struct, publish))
    authenticate(request, username, password)
    config = request.getConfiguration()
    ping = config.get('xmlrpc_metaweblog_ping',0)

    postId = _buildPostId(request, blogid, struct)
    result = _writePost(config, username, postId, struct, publish, ping)
    if result:
        return postId
        return xmlrpclib.Boolean(False)
Exemplo n.º 33
def _writePost(config, username, postid, struct, publish=True, ping=False):    
    Write a post file into pyblosxom

    @param config: the pyblosxom configuration
    @type config: config

    @param username: the username of the poster
    @type username: string

    @param postid: the id of the post to be written
    @type postid: string

    @param struct: the metaWeblog API struct
    @type struct: dict

    @param publish: to publish (true) or not
    @type publish: boolean

    @param ping: whether or not to invoke autoping (true) or not
    @type ping: boolean
    root = config['datadir']
    path = os.path.join(root,"%s.txt" % postid)

    logger = tools.getLogger()
    logger.debug("path = "+path)
    if not publish:
        path += '-'

    content = "%s\n#author %s\n%s" % (struct['title'], username, struct['description'])

        atime, mtime = (0, 0)
        if os.path.isfile(path):
            atime, mtime = os.stat(path)[7:9]
        if struct.has_key('dateCreated'):
            import types
            dc = struct['dateCreated']
            if type(dc) == types.StringType:
                mtime = time.mktime(time.strptime(dc, '%Y%m%dT%H:%M:%S'))
            elif type(dc) == types.InstanceType:
                mtime = time.mktime(time.strptime(str(dc), '%Y%m%dT%H:%M:%SZ'))
        f = open(path,'w')

        if atime != 0 and mtime != 0:
                os.utime(path, (atime, mtime))
        if f is not None:
        return 0
    if ping:
            import autoping
            autoping.autoping("%s.txt" % postid)
        except OSError:
            logger.error("autoping failed for %s with OSError %" % postid)
            logger.error("autoping failed for %s" % path)
    return 1
Exemplo n.º 34

import re, sgmllib, sys, urllib, xmlrpclib
from xml.sax import parseString, SAXParseException
from xml.sax.handler import ContentHandler
import cPickle, os, os.path

# Get our pyblosxom specifics here
from Pyblosxom import tools
from Pyblosxom.pyblosxom import blosxom_entry_parser
from Pyblosxom.Request import Request
import config

logdir = config.get("logdir", "/tmp")
logfile = os.path.normpath(logdir + os.sep + "autoping.log")
logger = tools.getLogger()

def excerpt(filename, title, body, blogname):
    """ filename,title,body => url,args

    Excerpt the body and urlencode the trackback arguments.

    body = re.split('<div\s+class="excerpt">(.*?)<\/div>',body)[:2][-1]

    body = re.sub('\n',' ',body)
    body = re.sub('&nbsp;',' ',body)
    body = re.sub('^(<p>)?<a\s+href="\S+">[\w\s\.]+<\/a>:\s*','',body)
    body = re.sub('<em>.*?<\/em>\.?\s*','',body)
    body = re.sub('<.*?>','',body)
Exemplo n.º 35
def pingback(request, source, target):
    logger = tools.getLogger()
    logger.info("pingback started")
    source_file = urllib.urlopen(source.split('#')[0])
    if source_file.headers.get('error', '') == '404':
        raise Fault(0x0010, "Target %s not exists" % target)
    source_page = parser()

    if source_page.title == "": source_page.title = source
    if target in source_page.hrefs:
        target_entry = fileFor(request, target)

        body = ''
            from rssfinder import getFeeds
            from rssparser import parse

            for feed in getFeeds(baseurl):
                for item in parse(feed)['items']:
                    if item['link']==source:
                        if 'title' in item: source_page.title = item['title']
                        if 'content_encoded' in item: body = item['content_encoded'].strip()
                        if 'description' in item: body = item['description'].strip() or body
                        body=re.sub('\s+',' ',body)
                        body=body[:body.rfind(' ',0,250)][:250] + " ...<br />"

        cmt = {'title':source_page.title, \
               'author':'Pingback from %s' % source_page.title,
               'pubDate' : str(time.time()), \
               'link': source,
               'source' : '',
               'description' : body}
        # run anti-spam plugins
        argdict = { "request": request, "comment": cmt }
        reject = tools.run_callback("trackback_reject",
                                    donefunc=lambda x:x != 0)
        if ((isinstance(reject, tuple) or isinstance(reject, list))
            and len(reject) == 2):
            reject_code, reject_message = reject
            reject_code, reject_message = reject, "Pingback rejected."
        if reject_code == 1:
            raise Fault(0x0031, reject_message)

        from comments import writeComment
        config = request.getConfiguration()
        data = request.getData()
        data['entry_list'] = [ target_entry ]

        # TODO: Check if comment from the URL exists
        writeComment(request, config, data, cmt, config['blog_encoding'])
        return "success pinging %s from %s\n" % (target, source)
        raise Fault(0x0011, "%s does not point to %s" % (source, target))
Exemplo n.º 36
def cb_handle(args):

    @param args: a dict of plugin arguments
    @type args: dict
    request = args['request']
    pyhttp = request.getHttp()
    config = request.getConfiguration()

    urltrigger = config.get('trackback_urltrigger','/trackback')

    logger = tools.getLogger()

    path_info = pyhttp['PATH_INFO']
    if path_info.startswith(urltrigger):
        response = request.getResponse()
        response.addHeader("Content-type", "text/xml")

        form = request.getForm()

        message = "A trackback must have at least a URL field (see http://www.sixapart.com/pronet/docs/trackback_spec )"

        if form.has_key("url"):
            from comments import decode_form
            encoding = config.get('blog_encoding', 'iso-8859-1')
            decode_form(form, encoding)
            import time
            cdict = { 'title': form.getvalue('title', ''),
                      'author' : form.getvalue('blog_name', ''),
                      'pubDate' : str(time.time()),
                      'link' : form['url'].value,
                      'source' : form.getvalue('blog_name', ''),
                      'description' : form.getvalue('excerpt', ''),
                      'ipaddress': pyhttp.get('REMOTE_ADDR', ''),
                      'type' : 'trackback'
            argdict = { "request": request, "comment": cdict }
            reject = tools.run_callback("trackback_reject",
                                        donefunc=lambda x:x != 0)
            if ((isinstance(reject, tuple) or isinstance(reject, list))
                and len(reject) == 2):
                reject_code, reject_message = reject
                reject_code, reject_message = reject, "Trackback rejected."
            if reject_code == 1:
                print >> response, tb_bad_response % reject_message
                return 1

            from Pyblosxom.entries.fileentry import FileEntry
            from Pyblosxom.pyblosxom import Request
            from Pyblosxom.pyblosxom import PyBlosxom

            datadir = config['datadir']

            from comments import writeComment    
                import os
                pi = path_info.replace(urltrigger,'')
                path = os.path.join(datadir, pi[1:])
                data = request.getData()
                ext = tools.what_ext(data['extensions'].keys(), path)
                entry = FileEntry(request, '%s.%s' % (path, ext), datadir )
                data = {}
                data['entry_list'] = [ entry ]
                # Format Author
                cdict['author'] = 'Trackback from %s' % form.getvalue('blog_name', '')
                writeComment(request, config, data, cdict, encoding)
                print >> response, tb_good_response
            except OSError:
                message = 'URI '+path_info+" doesn't exist"
                print >> response, tb_bad_response % message

            print >> response, tb_bad_response % message

        # no further handling is needed
        return 1
        return 0
Exemplo n.º 37
def cb_filelist(args):
    This handles kicking off wbgwiki functionality if we see a
    url that we handle.
    req = args["request"]

    pyhttp = req.getHttp()
    config = req.getConfiguration()
    pathinfo = pyhttp["PATH_INFO"]

    if not pathinfo.startswith("/" + TRIGGER):

    logger = tools.getLogger()

    data = req.getData()
    data[INIT_KEY] = 1
    datadir = config["datadir"]
    data['root_datadir'] = config['datadir']
    wikidir = config.get("wikidir", config['datadir'])

    # convert the / to os.sep so that we can use os.path stuff.
    wikidir = wikidir.replace("/", os.sep)
    if not wikidir.endswith(os.sep):
        wikidir = wikidir + os.sep

    page_name = pathinfo[len("/" + TRIGGER) + 1:]

    if not page_name:

    page_name = page_name.replace("/", os.sep)

    if not page_name:

    if page_name.endswith(os.sep):
        page_name = page_name[:-1]

    # if the page has a flavour, we use that.  otherwise
    # we default to the wiki flavour
    page_name, flavour = os.path.splitext(page_name)
    if flavour:
        data["flavour"] = flavour[1:]

    # wikifile should hold the absolute path on the file system to
    # the wiki file we're looking at.  if it's in a parent directory
    # of wikidir, then we abort.
    wikifile = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(wikidir, page_name))
    if not wikifile.startswith(wikidir):
        logger.info("wiki file requested '%s' is not in wikidir." % wikifile)
        return []

    # we build our own config dict for the fileentry to kind of
    # fake it into loading this file correctly rather than
    # one of the entries.
    newdatadir = wikidir

    ext = tools.what_ext(data["extensions"].keys(), wikifile)

    if not ext:
        logger.info("wiki file '%s' does not exist." % wikifile)
        return []

    data['root_datadir'] = page_name + '.' + ext
    data['bl_type'] = 'file'
    wikifile = wikifile + "." + ext

    if not os.path.isfile(wikifile):
        return []

    fe = FileEntry(req, wikifile, wikidir)

    # now we evaluate python code blocks
    body = fe.getData()
    body = eval_python_blocks(req, body)
    body = "<!-- STATIC PAGE START -->\n\n%s\n<!-- STATIC PAGE END -->\n" % body

    # now we evaluate for wikilinks
    body = connect_links(config["base_url"], data["extensions"].keys(),
                         wikidir, body)


    fe["absolute_path"] = TRIGGER
    fe["fn"] = page_name
    fe["file_path"] = TRIGGER + "/" + page_name
    fe["template_name"] = "wiki"

    data['blog_title_with_path'] = "%s : %s" % \
                   (config.get("blog_title", ""), fe.get("title_escaped", ""))

    # set the datadir back
    config["datadir"] = datadir

    return [fe]
Exemplo n.º 38
def cb_handle(args):

    @param args: a dict of plugin arguments
    @type args: dict
    request = args['request']
    pyhttp = request.getHttp()
    config = request.getConfiguration()

    urltrigger = config.get('trackback_urltrigger', '/trackback')

    logger = tools.getLogger()

    path_info = pyhttp['PATH_INFO']
    if path_info.startswith(urltrigger):
        response = request.getResponse()
        response.addHeader("Content-type", "text/xml")

        form = request.getForm()

        message = "A trackback must have at least a URL field (see http://www.sixapart.com/pronet/docs/trackback_spec )"

        if form.has_key("url"):
            from comments import decode_form
            encoding = config.get('blog_encoding', 'iso-8859-1')
            decode_form(form, encoding)
            import time
            cdict = {
                'title': form.getvalue('title', ''),
                'author': form.getvalue('blog_name', ''),
                'pubDate': str(time.time()),
                'link': form['url'].value,
                'source': form.getvalue('blog_name', ''),
                'description': form.getvalue('excerpt', ''),
                'ipaddress': pyhttp.get('REMOTE_ADDR', ''),
                'type': 'trackback'
            argdict = {"request": request, "comment": cdict}
            reject = tools.run_callback("trackback_reject",
                                        donefunc=lambda x: x != 0)
            if ((isinstance(reject, tuple) or isinstance(reject, list))
                    and len(reject) == 2):
                reject_code, reject_message = reject
                reject_code, reject_message = reject, "Trackback rejected."
            if reject_code == 1:
                print >> response, tb_bad_response % reject_message
                return 1

            from Pyblosxom.entries.fileentry import FileEntry
            from Pyblosxom.pyblosxom import Request
            from Pyblosxom.pyblosxom import PyBlosxom

            datadir = config['datadir']

            from comments import writeComment
                import os
                pi = path_info.replace(urltrigger, '')
                path = os.path.join(datadir, pi[1:])
                data = request.getData()
                ext = tools.what_ext(data['extensions'].keys(), path)
                entry = FileEntry(request, '%s.%s' % (path, ext), datadir)
                data = {}
                data['entry_list'] = [entry]
                # Format Author
                cdict['author'] = 'Trackback from %s' % form.getvalue(
                    'blog_name', '')
                writeComment(request, config, data, cdict, encoding)
                print >> response, tb_good_response
            except OSError:
                message = 'URI ' + path_info + " doesn't exist"
                print >> response, tb_bad_response % message

            print >> response, tb_bad_response % message

        # no further handling is needed
        return 1
        return 0
Exemplo n.º 39
def pingback(request, source, target):
    logger = tools.getLogger()
    logger.info("pingback started")
    source_file = urllib.urlopen(source.split('#')[0])
    if source_file.headers.get('error', '') == '404':
        raise Fault(0x0010, "Target %s not exists" % target)
    source_page = parser()

    if source_page.title == "": source_page.title = source
    if target in source_page.hrefs:
        target_entry = fileFor(request, target)

        body = ''
            from rssfinder import getFeeds
            from rssparser import parse

            for feed in getFeeds(baseurl):
                for item in parse(feed)['items']:
                    if item['link']==source:
                        if 'title' in item: source_page.title = item['title']
                        if 'content_encoded' in item: body = item['content_encoded'].strip()
                        if 'description' in item: body = item['description'].strip() or body
                        body=re.sub('\s+',' ',body)
                        body=body[:body.rfind(' ',0,250)][:250] + " ...<br />"

        cmt = {'title':source_page.title, \
               'author':'Pingback from %s' % source_page.title,
               'pubDate' : str(time.time()), \
               'link': source,
               'source' : '',
               'description' : body}
        # run anti-spam plugins
        argdict = { "request": request, "comment": cmt }
        reject = tools.run_callback("trackback_reject",
                                    donefunc=lambda x:x != 0)
        if ((isinstance(reject, tuple) or isinstance(reject, list))
            and len(reject) == 2):
            reject_code, reject_message = reject
            reject_code, reject_message = reject, "Pingback rejected."
        if reject_code == 1:
            raise Fault(0x0031, reject_message)

        from comments import writeComment
        config = request.getConfiguration()
        data = request.getData()
        data['entry_list'] = [ target_entry ]

        # TODO: Check if comment from the URL exists
        writeComment(request, config, data, cmt, config['blog_encoding'])
        return "success pinging %s from %s\n" % (target, source)
        raise Fault(0x0011, "%s does not point to %s" % (source, target))
Exemplo n.º 40
def cb_start(args):
    request = args["request"]
    config = request.getConfiguration()

    logger = tools.getLogger()
    logger.info("finished config")
Exemplo n.º 41
def cb_handle(args):
    req = args["request"]
    pyhttp = req.http
    pathinfo = pyhttp.get("PATH_INFO", "")

    logger = tools.getLogger()

    # breaks the pathinfo into nice pieces
    pieces = [urllib.unquote(p) for p in pathinfo.split("/") if p]

    logger.info("%s" % repr(pieces))

    if len(pieces) == 0 or pieces[0] != "flavour":

    cfg = req.config
    response = req.getResponse()

    flavourdir = cfg.get("flavourdir", None)
    if not flavourdir:

    logger.info("checking safety of %s and %s" % (pieces[1], pieces[2]))

    if not is_piece_safe(pieces[1]) or not is_piece_safe(pieces[2]):

    # FIXME - test fn for extensions

    fn = os.path.join(flavourdir, "%s.flav" % pieces[1], pieces[2])
    logger.info("looking at %s" % fn)
    if not os.path.isfile(fn):

    logger.info("looking good....")

    # this is based on the filekicker.py plugin
    contenttype, enc = mimetypes.guess_type(fn)
    logger.info("content-type: %s" % repr(contenttype))
    logger.info("encoding: %s" % repr(enc))

    if contenttype:
        response.addHeader('Content-Type', contenttype)

    if enc:
        response.addHeader('Content-Encoding', enc)

    length = os.stat(fn)[stat.ST_SIZE]
    response.addHeader('Content-Length', str(length))

    logger.info("length: %s" % repr(length))

    f = open(fn, "rb", 4096)
    while True:
        block = f.read(4096)
        if not block:

    return 1
Exemplo n.º 42
def cb_start(args):
    request = args["request"]
    config = request.getConfiguration()

    logger = tools.getLogger()
Exemplo n.º 43
            message = Message.fromPostArgs(form)
            endpoint = config['base_url'] + trigger
            oidrequest = OpenIDServer.CheckIDRequest.fromMessage(
                message, endpoint)
            exception = traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())
            data['openid_error'] = ('Error decoding login request:\n%s\n%s' %
                                    (str(form), '\n'.join(exception)))
            # cb_filelist() will show an error page
            return False

        if form.has_key('continue') and form.has_key('password'):
            if form['password'] == config['openid_password']:
                if form.get('remember', '') == 'yes':
                        'Setting cookie to remember openid login')
                    response.addHeader('Set-Cookie', 'openid_remembered=yes')
                tools.getLogger().info('Logged in, confirming identity to ' +
                return respond(request, oidrequest.answer(True))
                    'openid_error'] = 'Incorrect password. Click Back to try again.'
                # cb_filelist() will show an error page
                return False

        elif form.has_key('cancel'):
            tools.getLogger().info('Login cancelled, sending cancel to ' +
            return respond(request, oidrequest.answer(False))