Exemplo n.º 1
    def dd(self, his, xc=None, yc=None, logz=None):
        """Plot 2D histogram,

        his may be a positive integer (loads histogram from the data file)
        negative integer (2D plots registry) or Plot instance (must be a 2D

        xc is x range, yc is y range, that may be applied immediately, 
        see also xc() and yc() functions
        self.mode = 2

        for p in Experiment.maps:
            p.active = False

        plot = None

        if isinstance(his, int):
            if his > 0:
                data = self.hisfile.load_histogram(his)
                if data[0] != 2:
                    print('{} is not a 2D histogram'.format(his))
                    return None

                title = self.hisfile.histograms[his]['title'].strip()
                title = '{}:{}'.format(his, 
                histo = histogram.Histogram(dim=2)
                histo.title = title
                histo.x_axis = data[1]
                histo.y_axis = data[2]
                histo.weights = data[3]
                plot = Plot(histo, 'map', True)
                # plot histogram from the registry
                # Numbered by negative numbers (-1 being the latest)
                # Call show_registers for a list of available plots
                    plot = Experiment.maps[his]
                    Experiment.maps[his].active = True
                except IndexError:
                    print('There is no 2D plot in the registry under the',
                            'number', his, 'use show_registry() to see',
                            'available plots')
                    return None
        elif isinstance(his, Plot):
            # If instance of Plot class is given, mark it active and add
            # to the deque (if not already there)
            # and to the array to be returned at the end
            if his.histogram.dim != 2:
                print('This {} is not a 2D histogram'.format(his))
                return None
            his.active = True
            plot = his
            if his not in Experiment.maps:

        if xc is not None:
            Experiment.xlim2d = xc
        if yc is not None:
            Experiment.ylim2d = yc

        if logz is None:
            use_log = Experiment.logz
            use_log = logz
        if plot is not None:
            self.plotter.plot2d(plot, Experiment.xlim2d, 
                                Experiment.ylim2d, use_log)

        return [plot]
Exemplo n.º 2
    def gy(self, his, gate_y, gate_x=None, bg_gate=None, norm=1,
           bin_size=1, clear=True, plot=True):
        """Make projection on X axis of 2D histogram with gate
        set on Y (gate_y) and possibly on X (gate_x)
        see gx for more details
        if gate_y is None or len(gate_y) != 2:
            print('Please select gate on Y in a (min, max) format')
            return None
        if gate_x is not None and len(gate_x) != 2:
            print('Please select gate on X in a (min, max) format')
            return None

        # If clear flag used, clear the plotting area
        #if clear and plot:
        #    self.plotter.clear()

        # Switch mode to 1D
        self.mode = 1
        # Deactivate all plots if clear flag is used
        if clear and plot:
            for p in Experiment.plots:
                p.active = False

        data = self.hisfile.load_histogram(his)
        if data[0] != 2:
            print('{} is not a 2D histogram'.format(his))
            return None

        # x for x_axis data
        # y for y_axis data
        # w for weights  
        # g for gate (result)
        # bg for background gate
        x = data[1]
        y = data[2]
        w = data[3]
        if gate_x is None:
            gate_x = [0, len(x)-2]
        x = x[gate_x[0]:gate_x[1]+1]
        g = w[gate_x[0]:gate_x[1]+1, gate_y[0]:gate_y[1]+1].sum(axis=1)
        dg = self._standard_errors_array(g)
        if bg_gate is not None:
            if (bg_gate[1] - bg_gate[0]) != (gate_y[1] - gate_y[0]):
                print('#Warning: background and gate of different widths')

            bg = w[gate_x[0]:gate_x[1]+1, bg_gate[0]:bg_gate[1]+1].sum(axis=1)
            g = g - bg
            # Note that since the gate is adding bins, the formula
            # used for standard error is no longer valid
            # This approximation should be good enough though
            dbg = self._standard_errors_array(bg)
            dg = self._add_errors(dg, dbg)

        title = '{}:{} gy({},{})'.format(his, self.hisfile.\
                                         gate_y[0], gate_y[1])
        if bg_gate is not None:
            title += ' bg ({}, {})'.format(bg_gate[0], bg_gate[1])
        title = self._replace_latex_chars(title)

        histo = histogram.Histogram()
        histo.title = title
        histo.x_axis = x
        histo.weights = g
        histo.errors = dg
        gate_plot = Plot(histo, 'histogram', True)
        gate_plot.bin_size = bin_size
        gate_plot.norm = norm

        if plot:
            ylim = None
            if self.ylim is None:
                ylim = self._auto_scale_y()
                ylim = self.ylim
###            self.plotter.plot1d(gate_plot, Experiment.xlim, ylim)

        return gate_plot
Exemplo n.º 3
    def d(self, *args, norm=1, bin_size=1, clear=True):
    #def scatterplot(self,plotobj):
        Plot 1D histogram. 
        * args: is a list of histograms that may be given as:
              - positive integer: is interpreted as the histogram id
                                  from a currently open file
              - negative integer: is interpreted as the registry number
                                  (see (show_registers())
              - Plot object:       see Plot class
              - string:  in 'x-y' format where x and y are integers 
                        (note also mandatory quatation marks)
                        is interpreted as a range of histograms ids

        * norm: may be given as a single float or int value or an 'area' string,
                also a list of length matching the *args list may be used
                with any combination of the above accepted values
        * bin_size: must be an integer, a list of ints is 
                    also accepted (see norm)
        * clear: is True by default, which means that previous plot is 
                 cleared if False is given, the previous plots are not cleared.

        e.d(100, plot1, '105-106', -3, bin_size=[1, 2, 1, 1, 10], clear=False)

        plots = []

        his_list = self._expand_d_args(args)

        normalization = self._expand_norm(norm, len(his_list))
        if normalization is None:
            return None

        bin_sizes = self._expand_bin_sizes(bin_size, len(his_list))
        if bin_sizes is None:
            return None

        # Clear the plotting area (of clear is False, the currently
        # active plots are not deactivated, so they got replotted at
        # the end of this function)

        # Switch mode to 1D
        self.mode = 1
        # Deactivate current plots if clear flag is used
        if clear:
            for p in Experiment.plots:
                p.active = False

        # Prepare data for plotting
        for i_plot, his in enumerate(his_list):
            if isinstance(his, int):
                # load histograms from the file
                if his > 0:
                    data = self.hisfile.load_histogram(his)
                    if data[0] != 1:
                        print('{} is not a 1D histogram'.format(his))
                        return None
                    title = self.hisfile.histograms[his]['title'].strip()
                    title = '{}:{}'.format(his, 
                    histo = histogram.Histogram()
                    histo.title = title
                    histo.x_axis = data[1]
                    histo.weights = data[3]
                    histo.errors = self._standard_errors_array(data[3])
                    plot = Plot(histo, 'histogram', True)
                    plot.bin_size = bin_sizes[i_plot]
                    plot.norm = normalization[i_plot]
                    # plot histograms from registry
                    # Numbered by negative numbers (-1 being the latest)
                    # Call show_registers for a list of available plots
                        plot = Experiment.plots[his]
                        Experiment.plots[his].active = True
                        Experiment.plots[his].bin_size = bin_sizes[i_plot]
                        Experiment.plots[his].norm = normalization[i_plot]
                    except IndexError:
                        print('There is no plot in the registry under the',
                              'number', his, 'use show_registry() to see',
                              'available plots')
                        return None
            elif isinstance(his, Plot):
                # If instance of Plot class is given, mark it active and add
                # to the deque (if not already there)
                # and to the array to be returned at the end
                his.active = True
                his.bin_size = bin_sizes[i_plot]
                his.norm = normalization[i_plot]
                if his not in Experiment.plots:

        # Count the number of active plots
        active_plots = 0
        for plot in Experiment.plots:
            if plot.active:
                active_plots += 1

        # Here the actual plotting happens
        i_plot = 0
        for plot in Experiment.plots:
            if plot.active:
                i_plot += 1
                # If ylim is not given explicitely, go through the
                # active plots to find the plot limits
                # This is run only for the last plot.
                # Note that this is neccesary as matplotlib is not
                # autoscaling Y axis when 
                # changing the X axis is being changed
                # If, in a future, the behaviour of matplotlib
                # changes, this part may dropped
                """ylim = None
                if self.ylim is None and i_plot == active_plots:
                    ylim = self._auto_scale_y()
                    ylim = self.ylim
                # Note that ylim is autoscaled above if self.ylim is None
                # But we still keep self.ylim None, 
                # to indicate autoscaling
                self.plotter.plot1d(plot, self.xlim, self.ylim)

        # Return plots that were added or activated
        return plots
Exemplo n.º 4
    def gx(self, his, gate_x, gate_y=None, bg_gate=None, norm=1,
           bin_size=1, clear=True, plot=True):
        """Make projection on Y axis of 2D histogram with gate
        set on X (gate_x) and possibly on Y (gate_y)

        his: is a histogram id in a file
        gate_x: is range of bins in (x0, x1) format, this selects the
                range of X columns to be projected on Y axis
        gate_y: is a range of bins in (y0, y1) format (optional), this
                truncates the range of the projection along the Y axis
        bg_gate: is a range of bins in (x0, x1) format (optional), this
                selects the background gate that is subtracted from the
                selected gate_x
        norm: normalization factor (see d())
        bin_size: binning factor (see d())
        clear: True by default, clears previous plots
        plot: True by default, if False no plotting is taking place, 
              only the plot object is being returned
        if gate_x is None or len(gate_x) != 2:
            print('Please select gate on X in a (min, max) format')
            return None
        if gate_y is not None and len(gate_y) != 2:
            print('Please select gate on Y in a (min, max) format')
            return None

        # If clear flag used, clear the plotting area
        if clear and plot:

        # Switch mode to 1D
        self.mode = 1
        # Deactivate all plots if clear flag is used
        if clear and plot:
            for p in Experiment.plots:
                p.active = False

        data = self.hisfile.load_histogram(his)
        if data[0] != 2:
            print('{} is not a 2D histogram'.format(his))
            return None

        # x for x_axis data
        # y for y_axis data
        # w for weights
        # g for gate (result)
        # bg for background gate
        x = data[1]
        y = data[2]
        w = data[3]
        if gate_y is None:
            gate_y = [0, len(y)-2]
        y = y[gate_y[0]:gate_y[1]+1]
        g = w[gate_x[0]:gate_x[1]+1, gate_y[0]:gate_y[1]+1].sum(axis=0)
        dg = self._standard_errors_array(g)
        if bg_gate is not None:
            if (bg_gate[1] - bg_gate[0]) != (gate_x[1] - gate_x[0]):
                print('#Warning: background and gate of different widths')
            bg = w[bg_gate[0]:bg_gate[1]+1, gate_y[0]:gate_y[1]+1].sum(axis=0)
            g = g - bg
            # Note that since the gate is adding bins, the formula
            # used for standard error is no longer valid
            # This approximation should be good enough though
            dbg = self._standard_errors_array(bg)
            dg = self._add_errors(dg, dbg)

        title = '{}:{} gx({},{})'.format(his, self.hisfile.\
                                         gate_x[0], gate_x[1])
        if bg_gate is not None:
            title += ' bg ({}, {})'.format(bg_gate[0], bg_gate[1])
        title = self._replace_latex_chars(title)

        histo = histogram.Histogram()
        histo.title = title
        histo.x_axis = y
        histo.weights = g
        histo.errors = dg
        gate_plot = Plot(histo, 'histogram', True)
        gate_plot.bin_size = bin_size
        gate_plot.norm = norm

        if plot:
            ylim = None
            if self.ylim is None:
                ylim = self._auto_scale_y()
                ylim = self.ylim
###            self.plotter.plot1d(gate_plot, Experiment.xlim, ylim)

        return gate_plot