Exemplo n.º 1
def q_test(request):

    context = add_parameters_to_context(request)

    project = QProject.objects.get(pk=1)

    # work out user roles...
    project_authenticated = project.authenticated
    current_user = request.user
    is_admin = is_admin_of(current_user, project)
    is_user = is_user_of(current_user, project)
    is_member = is_member_of(current_user, project)
    is_pending = is_pending_of(current_user, project)
    can_view = True
    can_edit = not project_authenticated or (is_user or is_admin)
    can_customize = not project_authenticated or is_admin
    can_join = current_user.is_authenticated() and not (is_member or is_user or is_admin)
    can_delete = is_admin
    can_manage = is_admin
    can_publish = is_user or is_admin

    # gather all the extra information required by the template
    template_context = {
        "project": project,
        "can_customize": can_customize,
        "can_edit": can_edit,
        "can_view": can_view,
        "can_join": can_join,
        "can_delete": can_delete,
        "can_manage": can_manage,
        "can_publish": can_publish,

    return render_to_response('questionnaire/q_test.html', template_context, context_instance=context)
    def has_object_permission(self, request, view, obj):
        # anybody can submit GET, HEAD, or OPTIONS requests
        if request.method in permissions.SAFE_METHODS:
            return True

        # anybody can manipulate objects in a non-authenticated project
        project = obj.project
        if not project.authenticated:
            return True

        # but every other request requires project admin permissions
        current_user = request.user
        return current_user.is_authenticated() and is_user_of(current_user, project)
Exemplo n.º 3
def q_project(request, project_name=None):

    context = add_parameters_to_context(request)

        project = QProject.objects.get(name=project_name)
    except QProject.DoesNotExist:
        if not project_name:
            msg = u"Please specify a project name."
            msg = u"Unable to locate project '%s'" % (project_name)
        return q_error(request, error_msg=msg)
    if not project.is_active:
        msg = u"This project has been disabled."
        return q_error(request, error_msg=msg)

    # work out user roles...
    project_authenticated = project.authenticated
    current_user = request.user
    can_view = True  # is_member_of(current_user, project) or not project_authenticated
    can_edit = not project_authenticated or (is_user_of(current_user, project) or is_admin_of(current_user, project))
    can_customize = not project_authenticated or is_admin_of(current_user, project)
    can_join = current_user.is_authenticated() and not (is_member_of(current_user, project) and is_user_of(current_user, project) and is_admin_of(current_user, project))
    can_delete = is_admin_of(current_user, project)
    # TODO:
    # has_published = project.models.published_documents().count() > 0
    has_published = project.models_bak.filter(is_document=True, is_root=True, is_published=True).count() > 0

    # gather all the extra information required by the template
    _dict = {
        "project": project,
        "can_customize": can_customize,
        "can_edit": can_edit,
        "can_view": can_view,
        "can_join": can_join,
        "can_delete": can_delete,
        "has_published": has_published,

    return render_to_response('questionnaire/q_project.html', _dict, context_instance=context)
def q_edit_new(request, project_name=None, ontology_key=None, document_type=None):

    # save any request parameters...
    # (in case of redirection)
    context = add_parameters_to_context(request)

    # check the arguments...
    validity, project, ontology, model_proxy, model_customization, msg = validate_view_arguments(
    if not validity:
        return q_error(request, msg)

    # check authentication...
    # (not using "@login_required" b/c some projects ignore authentication)
    current_user = request.user
    if project.authenticated:
        if not current_user.is_authenticated():
            next_page = add_parameters_to_url(reverse("account_login"), next=request.path)
            return HttpResponseRedirect(next_page)
        if not is_user_of(current_user, project):
            next_page = reverse("project", kwargs={"project_name": project_name})
            msg = "You have tried to view a restricted resource for this project.  Please consider joining."
            messages.add_message(request, messages.WARNING, msg)
            return HttpResponseRedirect(next_page)

    # get (or set) realization objects from the cache...
    session_key = get_key_from_request(request)
    cached_realizations_key = "{0}_realizations".format(session_key)
    model_realization = get_or_create_cached_object(request.session, cached_realizations_key,
            "project": project,
            "ontology": ontology,
            "model_proxy": model_proxy,
            "key": model_proxy.name,

    if current_user.is_authenticated():
        set_owner(model_realization, evaluate_lazy_object(current_user))
    model_realization.is_root = True  # TODO: COME UP W/ A BETTER WAY OF DEALING W/ "is_root"

    # no forms are created here,
    # instead the load-on-demand paradigm is used,

    # work out various paths, so that ng can reload things as needed...
    view_url_dirname = request.path.rsplit('/', 1)[0]
    api_url_dirname = reverse("realization-list").rsplit('/', 1)[0]

    # gather all the extra information required by the template...
    template_context = {
        "project": project,
        "ontology": ontology,
        "proxy": model_proxy,
        "view_url_dirname": view_url_dirname,
        "api_url_dirname": api_url_dirname,
        "session_key": session_key,
        "customization": model_customization,
        "realization": model_realization,
        "read_only": "false",  # passing "false" instead of False b/c this is a JS variable
    return render_to_response('questionnaire/q_edit.html', template_context, context_instance=context)
def q_edit_existing(request, project_name=None, ontology_key=None, document_type=None, realization_pk=None):

    # save any request parameters...
    # (in case of redirection)
    context = add_parameters_to_context(request)

    # check the arguments...
    validity, project, ontology, model_proxy, model_customization, msg = validate_view_arguments(
    if not validity:
        return q_error(request, msg)

    # check authentication...
    # (not using "@login_required" b/c some projects ignore authentication)
    current_user = request.user
    if project.authenticated:
        if not current_user.is_authenticated():
            next_page = add_parameters_to_url(reverse("account_login"), next=request.path)
            return HttpResponseRedirect(next_page)
        if not is_user_of(current_user, project):
            next_page = reverse("project", kwargs={"project_name": project_name})
            msg = "You have tried to view a restricted resource for this project.  Please consider joining."
            messages.add_message(request, messages.WARNING, msg)
            return HttpResponseRedirect(next_page)

    # get (or set) realization objects from the cache...
    # note that unlike in "q_edit_new" above, this bit is enclosed in a try/catch block
        session_key = get_key_from_request(request)
        cached_realizations_key = "{0}_realizations".format(session_key)
        model_realization = get_or_create_cached_object(request.session, cached_realizations_key,
                "project": project,
                "ontology": ontology,
                "model_proxy": model_proxy,
                "model_id": realization_pk
    except ObjectDoesNotExist:
        msg = "Cannot find a document with an id of '{0}' for that project/ontology/document type combination.".format(realization_pk)
        return q_error(request, msg)

    # no forms are created here,
    # instead the load-on-demand paradigm is used,

    # work out various paths, so that ng can reload things as needed...
    # (notice these are slightly different than in "q_edit_new" above
    view_url_dirname = request.path.rsplit('/', 1)[0]
    api_url_dirname = reverse("realization-detail", kwargs={"pk": model_realization.pk}).rsplit('/', 2)[0]

    # gather all the extra information required by the template...
    template_context = {
        "project": project,
        "ontology": ontology,
        "proxy": model_proxy,
        "view_url_dirname": view_url_dirname,
        "api_url_dirname": api_url_dirname,
        "session_key": session_key,
        "customization": model_customization,
        "realization": model_realization,
        "read_only": "false",  # passing "false" instead of False b/c this is a JS variable
    return render_to_response('questionnaire/q_edit.html', template_context, context_instance=context)
Exemplo n.º 6
def q_edit_new(request, project_name=None, ontology_key=None, document_type=None):

    # save any request parameters...
    # (in case of redirection)
    context = add_parameters_to_context(request)

    # check the arguments...
    validity, project, ontology, model_proxy, model_customization, msg = validate_view_arguments(
    if not validity:
        return q_error(request, msg)

    # check authentication...
    # (not using "@login_required" b/c some projects ignore authentication)
    current_user = request.user
    if project.authenticated:
        if not current_user.is_authenticated():
            next_page = "/login/?next=%s" % request.path
            return HttpResponseRedirect(next_page)
        if not is_user_of(current_user, project):
            next_page = "/%s/" % project_name
            msg = "You have tried to view a restricted resource for this project.  Please consider joining."
            messages.add_message(request, messages.WARNING, msg)
            return HttpResponseRedirect(next_page)

    # get (or set) realization objects from the cache...
    session_key = get_key_from_request(request)
#    # no need to cache customizations; I access them as needed during form creation
#    # cached_customizations_key = "{0}_customizations".format(session_key)
#    # model_customization = get_or_create_cached_object(request.session, cached_customizations_key,
#    #     get_existing_customizations,
#    #     **{
#    #         "project": project,
#    #         "ontology": ontology,
#    #         "model_proxy": model_proxy,
#    #         "customization_id": customization.id,
#    #     }
#    # )
    cached_realizations_key = "{0}_realizations".format(session_key)
    model_realization = get_or_create_cached_object(request.session, cached_realizations_key,
            "project": project,
            "ontology": ontology,
            "model_proxy": model_proxy,
            "key": model_proxy.name,
            "customization": model_customization,
    if current_user.is_authenticated():
        set_owner(model_realization, evaluate_lazy_object(current_user))

    # TODO: (MOST LIKELY IT SHOULD BE IN "Q.questionnaire.models.models_realizations.QModel#reset")
    model_realization.is_root = True

    # no need to generate any forms or formsets; I do that all via the load-on-demand paradigm

    # work out the various paths,
    # so that ng can reload things as needed
    view_url = request.path
    view_url_sections = [section for section in view_url.split('/') if section]
    view_url_dirname = '/'.join(view_url_sections[:])
    api_url = reverse("realization-list", kwargs={})
    api_url_sections = [section for section in api_url.split('/') if section]
    api_url_dirname = '/'.join(api_url_sections[:])

    # gather all the extra information required by the template
    _dict = {
        "session_key": session_key,
        "view_url_dirname": "/{0}/".format(view_url_dirname),
        "api_url_dirname": "/{0}/".format(api_url_dirname),
        "project": project,
        "ontology": ontology,
        "proxy": model_proxy,
        "realization": model_realization,
        "customization": model_customization,
        "read_only": "false",

    return render_to_response('questionnaire/q_edit.html', _dict, context_instance=context)
Exemplo n.º 7
def q_edit_existing(request, project_name=None, ontology_key=None, document_type=None, realization_pk=None):
    # save any request parameters...
    # (in case of redirection)
    context = add_parameters_to_context(request)

    # check the arguments...
    validity, project, ontology, model_proxy, model_customization, msg = validate_view_arguments(
    if not validity:
        return q_error(request, msg)

    # check authentication...
    # (not using "@login_required" b/c some projects ignore authentication)
    current_user = request.user
    if project.authenticated:
        if not current_user.is_authenticated():
            next_page = "/login/?next=%s" % request.path
            return HttpResponseRedirect(next_page)
        if not is_user_of(current_user, project):
            next_page = "/%s/" % project_name
            msg = "You have tried to view a restricted resource for this project.  Please consider joining."
            messages.add_message(request, messages.WARNING, msg)
            return HttpResponseRedirect(next_page)

    # get (or set) realization objects from the cache...
    # note that unlike in "q_edit_new" above, this bit is enclosed in a try/catch block
    # this is to deal w/ the possibility of an invalid realization_pk
        session_key = get_key_from_request(request)
        cached_realizations_key = "{0}_realizations".format(session_key)
        model_realization = get_or_create_cached_object(request.session, cached_realizations_key,
                "project": project,
                "ontology": ontology,
                "model_proxy": model_proxy,
                "model_id": realization_pk,
    except ObjectDoesNotExist:
        msg = "Cannot find a document with an id of '{0}' for that project/ontology/model combination.".format(
        return q_error(request, msg)

    # no need to generate any forms or formsets; I do that all via the load-on-demand paradigm

    # work out the various paths,
    # so that ng can reload things as needed
    # (notice these are slightly different than in "q_edit_new" above
    view_url = request.path
    view_url_sections = [section for section in view_url.split('/') if section]
    view_url_dirname = '/'.join(view_url_sections[:-1])
    api_url = reverse("realization-detail", kwargs={"pk": model_realization.pk})
    api_url_sections = [section for section in api_url.split('/') if section]
    api_url_dirname = '/'.join(api_url_sections[:-1])

    # gather all the extra information required by the template
    _dict = {
        "session_key": session_key,
        "view_url_dirname": "/{0}/".format(view_url_dirname),
        "api_url_dirname": "/{0}/".format(api_url_dirname),
        "project": project,
        "ontology": ontology,
        "proxy": model_proxy,
        "realization": model_realization,
        "customization": model_customization,
        "read_only": "false",

    return render_to_response('questionnaire/q_edit.html', _dict, context_instance=context)