Exemplo n.º 1
def put_in_world_h36m(states):
    joints = states[:, :-4]
    root_x = states[:, -4]
    root_y = states[:, -3]
    root_z = states[:, -2]
    root_r = states[:, -1]

    joints = joints.reshape(joints.shape[:1] + (-1, 3))
    joints[:, :, 0] = joints[:, :, 0] - joints[0:1, 0:1, 0]
    joints[:, :, 2] = joints[:, :, 2] - joints[0:1, 0:1, 2]

    rotation = Quaternions.id(1)
    rotations = []
    offsets = []
    translation = np.array([[0, 0, 0]])

    for i in range(len(joints)):
        rotation = Quaternions.from_angle_axis(-root_r[i], np.array(
            [0, 1, 0])) * rotation
        rotations.append(rotation.qs[:, None, :])
        joints[i, :, :] = rotation * joints[i]
        joints[i, :, 0] = joints[i, :, 0] + translation[0, 0]
        joints[i, :, 1] = joints[i, :, 1] + translation[0, 1]
        joints[i, :, 2] = joints[i, :, 2] + translation[0, 2]
        offsets.append(rotation * np.array([0, 0, 1]))
        translation = translation + rotation * np.array(
            [root_x[i], root_y[i], root_z[i]])

    return joints[None], Quaternions(np.concatenate(rotations, axis=0))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def from_numpy(self, motions, frametime=None, quater=False):
        if frametime is not None:
            self.frametime = frametime
        motions = motions.copy()
        positions = motions[:, -3:]
        self.anim.positions = positions[:, np.newaxis, :]
        if quater:
            rotations = motions[:, :-3].reshape(motions.shape[0], -1, 4)
            norm = rotations[:, :,
                             0]**2 + rotations[:, :,
                                               1]**2 + rotations[:, :,
                                                                 2]**2 + rotations[:, :,
            norm = np.repeat(norm[:, :, np.newaxis], 4, axis=2)
            rotations /= norm
            rotations = Quaternions(rotations)
            rotations = np.degrees(rotations.euler())
            rotations = motions[:, -3:].reshape(motions.shape[0], -1, 3)
        rotations_full = np.zeros((rotations.shape[0], self.anim.shape[1], 3))

        for i in range(self.anim.shape[1]):
            if i in self.corps:
                pt = self.corps.index(i)
                rotations_full[:, i, :] = rotations[:, pt, :]
        self.anim.rotations = rotations_full
Exemplo n.º 3
def compute_joints_from_dofs(dofs, cam):
    global j3d, root_rot
    frame_num = 1
    axis_angle = np.zeros((frame_num, 17, 3))
    # 28 - (tx, ty, tz, rx, ry, rz) = 22
    axis_angle[0, 0] = root_rot
    axis_angle[0, 1] = dofs[0:3]
    axis_angle[0, 2, 0] = dofs[3]
    axis_angle[0, 4] = dofs[4:7]
    axis_angle[0, 5, 0] = dofs[7]
    axis_angle[0, 7] = dofs[8:11]
    axis_angle[0, 9] = dofs[11:14]
    axis_angle[0, 11] = dofs[14:17]
    axis_angle[0, 12, 1] = dofs[17]
    axis_angle[0, 14] = dofs[18:21]
    axis_angle[0, 15, 1] = dofs[21]
    quaternions = Quaternions.from_angle_axis(
        np.sqrt(np.sum(axis_angle**2, axis=-1)), axis_angle)
    # y-up, z-forward, x-right
    offsets = input_tpose_j3d - input_tpose_j3d[j17_parents]
    offsets[0] = j3d[0] * 100  # m -> cm
    positions = offsets[np.newaxis].repeat(frame_num,
                                           axis=0)  # (frames, jointsNum, 3)
    orients = Quaternions.id(0)
    for i in range(offsets.shape[0]):
        orients.qs = np.append(orients.qs, np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0]]), axis=0)
    anim = Animation.Animation(quaternions, positions, orients, offsets,
    j3d_pre = Animation.positions_global(anim) / 100  # cm -> m
    j2d_pre = np.dot(
        np.divide(j3d_pre, j3d_pre[:, :, 2:], where=j3d_pre[:, :, 2:] != 0),
        cam.T)[:, :, :2]
    return j3d_pre[0], j2d_pre[0]
Exemplo n.º 4
def posture_chain(postures_list):
    nb_frames = len(postures_list)
    positions = np.array([[[0.0] * 3] * 23] * nb_frames)
    orients = Quaternions(np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] * 23))
    offsets = np.array([[0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000],
                        [0.00000, 10.3548, 0.00650000],
                        [0.00000, 10.04358, -0.0132000],
                        [0.00000, 10.03937, 0.00000],
                        [0.00000, 10.03831, 0.00000],
                        [0.00000, 10.56940, 0.00000],
                        [0.00000, 9.71100, -0.0280000],
                        [-3.15720, 10.03675, 0.00000],
                        [-10.44825, 0.00000, 0.00000],
                        [0.00000, -30.17078, 0.00000],
                        [0.00000, -20.56593, 0.00000],
                        [3.15720, 10.03675, 0.00000],
                        [10.44825, 0.00000, 0.00000],
                        [0.00000, -30.17078, 0.00000],
                        [0.00000, -20.56593, 0.00000],
                        [-8.36560, -0.0321000, -0.00320000],
                        [0.00000, -40.39800, 0.00310000],
                        [0.00000, -40.28828, 0.00520000],
                        [0.00000, -4.91550, 10.08263],
                        [8.36560, -0.0321000, -0.00320000],
                        [0.00000, -40.39800, 0.00310000],
                        [0.00000, -40.28828, 0.00520000],
                        [0.00000, -4.91550, 10.08263]])
    parents = np.array([
        -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 7, 8, 9, 4, 11, 12, 13, 0, 15, 16, 17, 0, 19,
        20, 21
    generated_anim = Animation.Animation(Quaternions(postures_list), positions,
                                         orients, offsets, parents)
    return generated_anim
Exemplo n.º 5
    def write(self,
              frametime=1.0 / 30,
        if order == 'quaternion':
            norm = rotations[:, :,
                             0]**2 + rotations[:, :,
                                               1]**2 + rotations[:, :,
                                                                 2]**2 + rotations[:, :,
            norm = np.repeat(norm[:, :, np.newaxis], 4, axis=2)
            rotations /= norm
            rotations = Quaternions(rotations)
            rotations = np.degrees(rotations.euler())
            order = 'xyz'

        rotations_full = np.zeros((rotations.shape[0], self.joint_num, 3))
        for idx, edge in enumerate(self.edge2joint):
            if edge != -1:
                rotations_full[:, idx, :] = rotations[:, edge, :]
        if root_y is not None: rotations_full[0, 0, 1] = root_y

        if offset is None: offset = self.offset
        return write_bvh(self.parent, offset, rotations_full, positions,
                         self.names, frametime, order, path)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def __call__(self):
        children = AnimationStructure.children_list(self.animation.parents)
        for i in range(self.iterations):
            for j in AnimationStructure.joints(self.animation.parents):
                c = np.array(children[j])
                if len(c) == 0: continue

                anim_transforms = Animation.transforms_global(self.animation)
                anim_positions = anim_transforms[:,:,:3,3] # look at the translation vector inside a rotation matrix
                anim_rotations = Quaternions.from_transforms(anim_transforms)
                # self.animation.rotations[1,0]*(self.animation.offsets[1] + self.animation.rotations[1,1]*self.animation.offsets[2]) ==
                #         anim_positions[1, 2]

                jdirs = anim_positions[:,c] - anim_positions[:,np.newaxis,j]  #  limb vectors given by animation
                ddirs = self.positions[:,c] - self.positions[:,np.newaxis,j]  #  limb vectors given by input positions (target)

                if len(c) > 1 and (jdirs==0).all() and (ddirs==0).all(): # there was an expansion of high degree vertices (expand_topology())
                    # self.animation.rotations[:, j] remains untouched

                jsums = np.sqrt(np.sum(jdirs**2.0, axis=-1)) + 1e-20
                dsums = np.sqrt(np.sum(ddirs**2.0, axis=-1)) + 1e-20
                jdirs = jdirs / jsums[:,:,np.newaxis]
                ddirs = ddirs / dsums[:,:,np.newaxis]
                angles = np.arccos(np.sum(jdirs * ddirs, axis=2).clip(-1, 1))

                axises = np.cross(jdirs, ddirs)
                if jdirs.shape[1] == 1: # for a single child reconstruction should be exact
                    assert np.allclose(Quaternions.from_angle_axis(angles, np.cross(jdirs, ddirs)) * jdirs, ddirs)
                axises = -anim_rotations[:,j,np.newaxis] * axises

                # find out which of the given bones are not of zero length
                # zero length bones produces a meaningless rotation
                jdirs_positive = (jsums > 1e-4)
                ddirs_positive = (dsums > 1e-4)
                dirs_positive = jdirs_positive[0]

                rotations = Quaternions.from_angle_axis(angles, axises)

                if rotations.shape[1] == 1:
                    averages = rotations[:,0]
                    averages = Quaternions.exp(rotations[:,dirs_positive].log().mean(axis=-2))

                self.animation.rotations[:,j] = self.animation.rotations[:,j] * averages
            if not self.silent:
                anim_positions = Animation.positions_global(self.animation)
                error = np.mean(np.sum((anim_positions - self.positions)**2.0, axis=-1)**0.5) # axis=-1)
                print('[BasicInverseKinematics] Iteration %i Error: %f' % (i+1, error))
        return self.animation
 def unravel(cls, anim, shape, parents):
     nf, nj = shape
     rotations = anim[nf * nj * 0:nf * nj * 3]
     positions = anim[nf * nj * 3:nf * nj * 6]
     orients = anim[nf * nj * 6 + nj * 0:nf * nj * 6 + nj * 3]
     offsets = anim[nf * nj * 6 + nj * 3:nf * nj * 6 + nj * 6]
     return cls(Quaternions.exp(rotations), positions,
                Quaternions.exp(orients), offsets, parents.copy())
def nrot_for_forwardBVH(rot, skel=skel):
    input: new! rotations [J * 4 + 3 + 1, T]
    output: global positions [T, J, 3] & rotation -> facing z+
    rot = np.swapaxes(rot, -1, -2)
    rotations, rt_positions, rt_rotations = rot[..., :-4], rot[...,
                                                               -4:-1], rot[...,

    rotations = rotations.reshape(rotations.shape[:-1] +
                                  (-1, 4))  # [..., J, 4]
    norm = np.sqrt(np.sum(rotations**2, axis=-1, keepdims=True))
    rotations = rotations / norm
    # based on distance
    # 0: z+, 1: x+, 2: z-, 3: x-,
    trail = np.zeros(4)
    trail[1] = rt_positions[-1, 0] - rt_positions[0, 0]
    trail[3] = -trail[1]
    trail[0] = rt_positions[-1, 2] - rt_positions[0, 2]
    trail[2] = -trail[0]

    dir = np.argmax(trail)

    # based on forward direction in rt_rotations
    # 0: z+, 1: x+, 2: z-, 3: x-,
    trail = np.zeros(4)
    for dir in range(4):
        tmp = rt_rotations - dir * np.pi * 0.5 * np.ones(rt_rotations.shape)
        tmp = np.abs(tmp)
        tmp = np.minimum(tmp, 2.0 * np.pi * np.ones(rt_rotations.shape) - tmp)
        trail[dir] = np.sum(tmp)

    dir = np.argmin(trail)

    rt_rotations = rt_rotations - dir * np.pi * 0.5 * np.ones(

    # np.set_printoptions(precision=3, suppress=True)

    # print(rt_positions)

    for d in range(dir):
        tmp = rt_positions[..., 0].copy()
        rt_positions[..., 0] = -rt_positions[..., 2].copy()
        rt_positions[..., 2] = tmp

    # print(rt_positions)

    rt_rotations = Quaternions(np.array(Pivots(rt_rotations).quaternions()))
    ori_rt_rotations = Quaternions(rotations)[:, 0:1]
    ori_rt_rotations = rt_rotations * ori_rt_rotations
    rotations[:, 0:1, :] = np.array(ori_rt_rotations)  # [T, J, 4]

    return _rot_to_pos(rotations, rtpos=rt_positions, trim=False), rotations
Exemplo n.º 9
def import_fbx_as_anim(filename, pelvis_name=None):
    joint_names, parents, offsets, qs, ts, qs_global, ts_global = import_fbx(
        filename, pelvis_name)
    orients = Quaternions.id(len(joint_names))
    # anim = Animation(rotations=Quaternions.id((qs.shape[0], qs.shape[1])),
    #                  positions=ts, orients=orients, offsets=offsets, parents=parents)
    anim = Animation(rotations=Quaternions(qs),

    return joint_names, parents, offsets, anim, ts_global
Exemplo n.º 10
    def recover_global_positions(processed, initRot, initTrans):
        Recovers the original global positions given the Holden form
        :param processed: Holden data format gestures (F, 73)
        :param initRot: intial rotation of the skeleton
        :param initTrans: initial translation of the skeleton
        recovered_joints = []

        for k in range(processed.shape[0]):

            # split into joints and root velocities
            joints = processed[k, :, :-7]
            root_x, root_z, root_r = processed[k, :, -7], processed[
                k, :, -6], processed[k, :, -5]

            # reshape into the right format
            joints = joints.reshape(len(joints), -1, 3)

            # set initial rotation and translation
            if initRot is None:
                rotation = Quaternions.id(1)
                rotation = initRot[k]

            if initTrans is None:
                translation = np.array([[0, 0, 0]])
                translation = initTrans[k]

            # maintain a list of the offsets
            offsets = []

            # integrate over time to recover original values
            for i in range(len(joints)):
                joints[i, :, :] = rotation * joints[i]
                joints[i, :, 0] = joints[i, :, 0] + translation[0, 0]
                joints[i, :, 2] = joints[i, :, 2] + translation[0, 2]
                rotation = Quaternions.from_angle_axis(
                    -root_r[i], np.array([0, 1, 0])) * rotation
                offsets.append(rotation * np.array([0, 0, 1]))
                translation = translation + rotation * np.array(
                    [root_x[i], 0, root_z[i]])

            joints = HoldenDataFormat.floor_skelton(joints[:, 1:])
            # joints = joints[:, 1:]
                filters.gaussian_filter1d(joints, 1, axis=0, mode='nearest'))
        return np.array(recovered_joints)
Exemplo n.º 11
 def rotate(self, theta, axis):
     q = Quaternions(np.hstack((np.cos(theta/2), np.sin(theta/2) * axis)))
     position = self.anim.positions[:, 0, :].copy()
     rotation = self.anim.rotations[:, 0, :]
     position[1:, ...] -= position[0:-1, ...]
     q_position = Quaternions(np.hstack((np.zeros((position.shape[0], 1)), position)))
     q_rotation = Quaternions.from_euler(np.radians(rotation))
     q_rotation = q * q_rotation
     q_position = q * q_position * (-q)
     self.anim.rotations[:, 0, :] = np.degrees(q_rotation.euler())
     position = q_position.imaginaries
     for i in range(1, position.shape[0]):
         position[i] += position[i-1]
     self.anim.positions[:, 0, :] = position
Exemplo n.º 12
    def __call__(self):

        children = AnimationStructure.children_list(self.animation.parents)

        for i in range(self.iterations):

            for j in AnimationStructure.joints(self.animation.parents):

                c = np.array(children[j])
                if len(c) == 0: continue

                anim_transforms = Animation.transforms_global(self.animation)
                anim_positions = anim_transforms[:, :, :3, 3]
                anim_rotations = Quaternions.from_transforms(anim_transforms)

                jdirs = anim_positions[:, c] - anim_positions[:, np.newaxis, j]
                ddirs = self.positions[:, c] - anim_positions[:, np.newaxis, j]

                jsums = np.sqrt(np.sum(jdirs**2.0, axis=-1)) + 1e-10
                dsums = np.sqrt(np.sum(ddirs**2.0, axis=-1)) + 1e-10

                jdirs = jdirs / jsums[:, :, np.newaxis]
                ddirs = ddirs / dsums[:, :, np.newaxis]

                angles = np.arccos(np.sum(jdirs * ddirs, axis=2).clip(-1, 1))
                axises = np.cross(jdirs, ddirs)
                axises = -anim_rotations[:, j, np.newaxis] * axises

                rotations = Quaternions.from_angle_axis(angles, axises)

                if rotations.shape[1] == 1:
                    averages = rotations[:, 0]
                    averages = Quaternions.exp(rotations.log().mean(axis=-2))

                                         j] = self.animation.rotations[:,
                                                                       j] * averages

            if not self.silent:
                anim_positions = Animation.positions_global(self.animation)
                error = np.mean(np.sum((anim_positions - self.positions)**2.0,
                print('[BasicInverseKinematics] Iteration %i Error: %f' %
                      (i + 1, error))

        return self.animation
Exemplo n.º 13
    def get_windows(self, motions):
        new_windows = []

        for motion in motions:
            self.total_frame += motion.shape[0]
            motion = self.subsample(motion)
            step_size = self.args.window_size // 2
            window_size = step_size * 2
            n_window = motion.shape[0] // step_size - 1
            for i in range(n_window):
                begin = i * step_size
                end = begin + window_size

                new = motion[begin:end, :]
                if self.args.rotation == 'quaternion':
                    new = new.reshape(new.shape[0], -1, 3)
                    rotations = new[:, :-1, :]
                    rotations = Quaternions.from_euler(
                    rotations = rotations.reshape(rotations.shape[0], -1)
                    positions = new[:, -1, :]
                    positions = np.concatenate(
                        (new, np.zeros((new.shape[0], new.shape[1], 1))),
                    new = np.concatenate(
                        (rotations, new[:, -1, :].reshape(new.shape[0], -1)),

                new = new[np.newaxis, ...]

                new_window = torch.tensor(new, dtype=torch.float32)

        return torch.cat(new_windows)
Exemplo n.º 14
def _rot_to_pos(rotations, rtpos=None, skel=skel, trim=True):
    input: rotations [(B, ) T, J, 4], rtpos [(B, ) T, 3]
    output: pos [(B, ) T, J, 3]
    norm = np.sqrt(np.sum(rotations**2, axis=-1, keepdims=True))
    norm = 1.0 / norm
    rotations *= norm
    # rotations = rotations / norm
    transforms = Quaternions(rotations).transforms()  # [..., J, 3, 3]

    glb = np.zeros(rotations.shape[:-1] + (3, ))  # [..., J, 3]
    if rtpos is not None:
        glb[..., 0, :] = rtpos
    for i, pi in enumerate(skel.topology):
        if pi == -1:
            assert i == 0
        glb[..., i, :] = np.matmul(transforms[..., pi, :, :], skel.offset[i])
        glb[..., i, :] += glb[..., pi, :]
        transforms[..., i, :, :] = np.matmul(transforms[..., pi, :, :],
                                             transforms[..., i, :, :])
    if trim:
        return glb[..., needed_joints, :]
        return glb
Exemplo n.º 15
def yrot_from_glb(positions):
    input: positions [(B, )T, J, 3]
    output: y-axis rotations in quaternions & pivots: [(B, ) T, 1, 4], [(B, )T, 1]
    quaters to apply to motions, pivots for appending to the representation
    """ Remove root translations """
    rt_positions = positions[..., 0:1, :].copy()  # [..., 1, 3]
    positions -= rt_positions  # relative positions, [..., J, 3]
    rt_positions -= rt_positions[0, :, :].copy()  # set init pos to zero
    """ Get forward direction """
    # as long as the joints are all present (including root),
    # it doesn't matter whether the positions passed are relative or not
    across = across_from_glb(positions)

    direction_filterwidth = 20
    forward = np.cross(across, np.array([[0, 1, 0]]))
    forward = filters.gaussian_filter1d(forward,
    forward = forward / np.sqrt((forward**2).sum(axis=-1))[..., np.newaxis]
    """ Remove Y Rotation """
    target = np.tile(np.array([0, 0, 1]), forward.shape[:-1] + (1, ))
    rotations = Quaternions.between(
        forward, target)[..., np.newaxis, :]  # from [B, T, 4] to [B, T, 1, 4]

    # -rotation corresponds to the "global rotations"
    rt_rotations = Pivots.from_quaternions(-rotations).ps  # [...T, 1]

    return rotations, rt_rotations
Exemplo n.º 16
def rotations_global(anim):
    Global Animation Rotations
    This relies on joint ordering
    being incremental. That means a joint
    J1 must not be a ancestor of J0 if
    J0 appears before J1 in the joint
    anim : Animation
        Input animation
    points : (F, J) Quaternions
        global rotations for every frame F 
        and joint J

    joints = np.arange(anim.shape[1])
    parents = np.arange(anim.shape[1])
    locals = anim.rotations
    globals = Quaternions.id(anim.shape)

    globals[:, 0] = locals[:, 0]

    for i in range(1, anim.shape[1]):
        globals[:, i] = globals[:, anim.parents[i]] * locals[:, i]

    return globals
Exemplo n.º 17
def dofs_local2world(dofs):
    frame = dofs.shape[0]
    dofs_new = np.zeros((dofs.shape[0], 18, 3))
    dofs_new[:, 0] = dofs[:, 0:3]
    dofs_new[:, 1] = dofs[:, 3:6]
    dofs_new[:, 2] = dofs[:, 6:9]
    dofs_new[:, 3, 0] = dofs[:, 9]
    dofs_new[:, 5] = dofs[:, 10:13]
    dofs_new[:, 6, 0] = dofs[:, 13]
    dofs_new[:, 8] = dofs[:, 14:17]
    dofs_new[:, 10] = dofs[:, 17:20]
    dofs_new[:, 12] = dofs[:, 20:23]
    dofs_new[:, 13, 1] = dofs[:, 23]
    dofs_new[:, 15] = dofs[:, 24:27]
    dofs_new[:, 16, 1] = dofs[:, 27]
    global_rot_mat = np.zeros((frame, 17, 3, 3))
    axis_angle = dofs_new[:, 1:]
    local_rot_mat = axis_angles_to_matrixs(axis_angle)  # (frame, 17, 3, 3)
    global_rot_mat[:, 0] = local_rot_mat[:, 0]
    for i in range(1, axis_angle.shape[1]):
        global_rot_mat[:, i] = ut.matrix_multiply(
            global_rot_mat[:, j17_parents[i]], local_rot_mat[:, i])
    angles, axis = Quaternions.from_transforms(global_rot_mat).angle_axis()
    angle_axis_world = angles[..., np.newaxis] * axis
    dofs_world = dofs_new
    dofs_world[:, 1:] = angle_axis_world
    return dofs_world
Exemplo n.º 18
def add_noise(rots, level):
    """adds random noise to a rotation matrix."""

    noised_rots = [[np.random.uniform(-level, level, 4)] * 23] * rots.shape[0]
    noised_rots = Quaternions(np.array(noised_rots))

    return rots + noised_rots
Exemplo n.º 19
def get_Holden_Data_73(skel_list, ignore_root=False):

    skel_list_output = []
    footsteps_output = []

    for ai in range(len(skel_list)):
        anim = np.swapaxes(skel_list[ai].copy(), 0, 1)  # frameNum x 73

        joints, root_x, root_z, root_r = anim[:, :
                                              -7], anim[:,
                                                        -7], anim[:,
                                                                  -6], anim[:,
        joints = joints.reshape(
            (len(joints), -1, 3))  #(frameNum,66) -> (frameNum, 22, 3)

        rotation = Quaternions.id(1)
        offsets = []
        translation = np.array([[0, 0, 0]])

        if not ignore_root:
            for i in range(len(joints)):
                joints[i, :, :] = rotation * joints[i]
                joints[i, :, 0] = joints[i, :, 0] + translation[0, 0]
                joints[i, :, 2] = joints[i, :, 2] + translation[0, 2]
                rotation = Quaternions.from_angle_axis(
                    -root_r[i], np.array([0, 1, 0])) * rotation
                offsets.append(rotation * np.array([0, 0, 1]))
                translation = translation + rotation * np.array(
                    [root_x[i], 0, root_z[i]])

        #joints dim:(frameNum, 22, 3)
        joints[:, :, :] = joints[:, :, :] * 5  #m -> cm
        joints[:, :, 1] = joints[:, :, 1] * -1  #Flip Y axis

        joints = joints.reshape(joints.shape[0], joints.shape[1] *
                                joints.shape[2])  # frameNum x 66
        joints = np.swapaxes(joints, 0, 1)  # 66  x frameNum

        footsteps_output.append(anim[:, -4:])

    skel_list_output = np.asarray(skel_list_output)

    return skel_list_output
Exemplo n.º 20
def quat_to_euler(rotations):
    norm = rotations[:, :,
                     0]**2 + rotations[:, :,
                                       1]**2 + rotations[:, :,
                                                         2]**2 + rotations[:, :,
    norm = np.repeat(norm[:, :, np.newaxis], 4, axis=2)
    rotations /= norm
    rotations = Quaternions(rotations)
    local_to_word = Quaternions(np.array([[[-0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5]]]))
    rotations = local_to_word * rotations
    # rotations[:,2] =  -rotations[:,1]*rotations[:,2]
    # rotations[:,1] =  -rotations[:,0]*rotations[:,1]
    # rotations[:,5] = -rotations[:,4]*rotations[:,5]
    # rotations[:,4] = -rotations[:,3]*rotations[:,4]
    rotations = np.degrees(rotations.euler())
    return rotations
Exemplo n.º 21
def make_animation(generated_rots, original_anim):
    """make a proper animation object from rotations by using a model from the real data for static parameters (orients, offsets ...) """

    generated_anim = (Animation.Animation(Quaternions(generated_rots),
    return generated_anim
Exemplo n.º 22
    def set_new_root(self, new_root):
        euler = torch.tensor(self.anim.rotations[:, 0, :], dtype=torch.float)
        transform = ForwardKinematics.transform_from_euler(euler, 'xyz')
        offset = torch.tensor(self.anim.offsets[new_root], dtype=torch.float)
        new_pos = torch.matmul(transform, offset)
        new_pos = new_pos.numpy() + self.anim.positions[:, 0, :]
        self.anim.offsets[0] = -self.anim.offsets[new_root]
        self.anim.offsets[new_root] = np.zeros((3, ))
        self.anim.positions[:, new_root, :] = new_pos
        rot0 = Quaternions.from_euler(np.radians(self.anim.rotations[:, 0, :]),
        rot1 = Quaternions.from_euler(np.radians(
            self.anim.rotations[:, new_root, :]),
        new_rot1 = rot0 * rot1
        new_rot0 = (-rot1)
        new_rot0 = np.degrees(new_rot0.euler())
        new_rot1 = np.degrees(new_rot1.euler())
        self.anim.rotations[:, 0, :] = new_rot0
        self.anim.rotations[:, new_root, :] = new_rot1

        new_seq = []
        vis = [0] * self.anim.rotations.shape[1]
        new_idx = [-1] * len(vis)
        new_parent = [0] * len(vis)

        def relabel(x):
            nonlocal new_seq, vis, new_idx, new_parent
            new_idx[x] = len(new_seq)
            vis[x] = 1
            for y in range(len(vis)):
                if not vis[y] and (self.anim.parents[x] == y
                                   or self.anim.parents[y] == x):
                    new_parent[new_idx[y]] = new_idx[x]

        self.anim.rotations = self.anim.rotations[:, new_seq, :]
        self.anim.offsets = self.anim.offsets[new_seq]
        names = self._names.copy()
        for i, j in enumerate(new_seq):
            self._names[i] = names[j]
        self.anim.parents = np.array(new_parent, dtype=np.int)
Exemplo n.º 23
def orients_global(anim):
    locals = anim.orients
    globals = Quaternions.id(anim.shape[1])

    globals[:, 0] = locals[:, 0]

    for i in range(1, anim.shape[1]):
        globals[:, i] = globals[:, anim.parents[i]] * locals[:, i]

    return globals
Exemplo n.º 24
    def jacobian(self, x, fp, fr, goal, weights, des_r, des_t):
        """ Find parent rotations """
        prs = fr[:, self.animation.parents]
        prs[:, 0] = Quaternions.id((1))
        """ Get partial rotations """
        qys = Quaternions.from_angle_axis(x[:, 1:prs.shape[1] * 3:3],
                                          np.array([[[0, 1, 0]]]))
        qzs = Quaternions.from_angle_axis(x[:, 2:prs.shape[1] * 3:3],
                                          np.array([[[0, 0, 1]]]))
        """ Find axis of rotations """
        es = np.empty((len(x), fr.shape[1] * 3, 3))
        es[:, 0::3] = ((prs * qzs) * qys) * np.array([[[1, 0, 0]]])
        es[:, 1::3] = ((prs * qzs) * np.array([[[0, 1, 0]]]))
        es[:, 2::3] = ((prs * np.array([[[0, 0, 1]]])))
        """ Construct Jacobian """
        j = fp.repeat(3, axis=1)
        j = des_r[np.newaxis, :, :, :,
                  np.newaxis] * (goal[:, np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis] -
                                 j[:, :, np.newaxis, np.newaxis])
        j = np.sum(j * weights[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :, :, np.newaxis], 3)
        j = self.cross(es[:, :, np.newaxis, :], j)
        j = np.swapaxes(
            j.reshape((len(x), fr.shape[1] * 3, goal.shape[1] * 3)), 1, 2)

        if self.translate:

            es = np.empty((len(x), fr.shape[1] * 3, 3))
            es[:, 0::3] = prs * np.array([[[1, 0, 0]]])
            es[:, 1::3] = prs * np.array([[[0, 1, 0]]])
            es[:, 2::3] = prs * np.array([[[0, 0, 1]]])

            jt = des_t[np.newaxis, :, :, :,
                       np.newaxis] * es[:, :, np.newaxis,
                                        np.newaxis, :].repeat(goal.shape[1],
            jt = np.sum(jt * weights[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :, :, np.newaxis],
            jt = np.swapaxes(
                jt.reshape((len(x), fr.shape[1] * 3, goal.shape[1] * 3)), 1, 2)

            j = np.concatenate([j, jt], axis=-1)

        return j
Exemplo n.º 25
def ConvertTrajectory_velocityForm(posData, bodyNormalData):
    for i in range(len(posData)):
        targetPos = np.swapaxes(posData[i],0,1) #framesx2
        velocity = (targetPos[1:,:] - targetPos[:-1,:]).copy()      #(frames,2)
        frameLeng = velocity.shape[0]
        velocity_3d = np.zeros( (frameLeng,3) )
        velocity_3d[:,0] = velocity[:,0]
        velocity_3d[:,2] = velocity[:,1]        #(frames,3)
        velocity_3d = np.expand_dims(velocity_3d,1)   #(frames,1, 3)
        """ Compute Rvelocity"""
        targetNormal = np.swapaxes(bodyNormalData[i],0,1) #(frames, 2)

        if targetNormal.shape[1] ==2:
            forward = np.zeros( (targetNormal.shape[0],3) )
            forward[:,0]  = targetNormal[:,0]
            forward[:,2]  = targetNormal[:,1]
            forward = targetNormal

        forward = forward / np.sqrt((forward**2).sum(axis=-1))[...,np.newaxis]
        target = np.array([[0,0,1]]).repeat(len(forward), axis=0)
        rotation = Quaternions.between(forward, target)[:,np.newaxis]    #forward:(frame,3)

        velocity_3d = rotation[1:] * velocity_3d

        """ Get Root Rotation """
        rvelocity = Pivots.from_quaternions(rotation[1:] * -rotation[:-1]).ps

        """ Save output """
        trajData = np.zeros( (frameLeng,3))
        trajData[:,0] = velocity_3d[:,0,0] * 0.2    #0.2 to make holden data scale
        trajData[:,1] = velocity_3d[:,0,2] * 0.2    #0.2 to make holden data scale
        trajData[:,2] = rvelocity[:,0]

        initTrans = np.zeros( (1,3) )
        initTrans[0,0] = targetPos[0,0]
        initTrans[0,2] = targetPos[0,1]
        initTrans = initTrans*0.2

        trajData = np.swapaxes(trajData,0,1) 

        initRot = -rotation[0] #Inverse to move [0,0,1] -> original Forward

    return traj_list, initTrans_list,initRot_list
Exemplo n.º 26
def nrot_to_glb_and_rot(rot, skel=skel):
    input: new! rotations [(B, ) J * 4 + 3 + 1, T]
    output: global positions [(B, ) T, J, 3]
    rot = np.swapaxes(rot, -1, -2)
    rotations, rt_positions, rt_rotations = rot[..., :-4], rot[...,
                                                               -4:-1], rot[...,
    rotations = rotations.reshape(rotations.shape[:-1] +
                                  (-1, 4))  # [..., J, 4]
    norm = np.sqrt(np.sum(rotations**2, axis=-1, keepdims=True))
    rotations = rotations / norm

    rt_rotations = Quaternions(np.array(Pivots(rt_rotations).quaternions()))
    ori_rt_rotations = Quaternions(rotations)[:, 0:1]
    ori_rt_rotations = rt_rotations * ori_rt_rotations
    rotations[:, 0:1, :] = np.array(ori_rt_rotations)  # [T, J, 4]

    return _rot_to_pos(rotations, rtpos=rt_positions, trim=False), rotations
Exemplo n.º 27
    def jacobian(self, x, fp, fr, ts, dsc, tdsc):
        """ Find parent rotations """
        prs = fr[:, self.animation.parents]
        prs[:, 0] = Quaternions.id((1))
        """ Find global positions of target joints """
        tps = fp[:, np.array(list(ts.keys()))]
        """ Get partial rotations """
        qys = Quaternions.from_angle_axis(x[:, 1:prs.shape[1] * 3:3],
                                          np.array([[[0, 1, 0]]]))
        qzs = Quaternions.from_angle_axis(x[:, 2:prs.shape[1] * 3:3],
                                          np.array([[[0, 0, 1]]]))
        """ Find axis of rotations """
        es = np.empty((len(x), fr.shape[1] * 3, 3))
        es[:, 0::3] = ((prs * qzs) * qys) * np.array([[[1, 0, 0]]])
        es[:, 1::3] = ((prs * qzs) * np.array([[[0, 1, 0]]]))
        es[:, 2::3] = ((prs * np.array([[[0, 0, 1]]])))
        """ Construct Jacobian """
        j = fp.repeat(3, axis=1)
        j = dsc[np.newaxis, :, :,
                np.newaxis] * (tps[:, np.newaxis, :] - j[:, :, np.newaxis])
        j = self.cross(es[:, :, np.newaxis, :], j)
        j = np.swapaxes(j.reshape((len(x), fr.shape[1] * 3, len(ts) * 3)), 1,

        if self.translate:

            es = np.empty((len(x), fr.shape[1] * 3, 3))
            es[:, 0::3] = prs * np.array([[[1, 0, 0]]])
            es[:, 1::3] = prs * np.array([[[0, 1, 0]]])
            es[:, 2::3] = prs * np.array([[[0, 0, 1]]])

            jt = tdsc[np.newaxis, :, :,
                      np.newaxis] * es[:, :, np.newaxis, :].repeat(
                          tps.shape[1], axis=2)
            jt = np.swapaxes(
                jt.reshape((len(x), fr.shape[1] * 3, len(ts) * 3)), 1, 2)

            j = np.concatenate([j, jt], axis=-1)

        return j
Exemplo n.º 28
    def split_into_subjects(self, predictions, targets, batch):
        # separate right and left seller
        haggling = self.haggling
        batch_size = int(targets.shape[0] / 2)

        r_target = haggling.denormalize_data(
        r_prediction = haggling.denormalize_data(
        l_target = haggling.denormalize_data(
        l_prediction = haggling.denormalize_data(
        buyer = haggling.denormalize_data(

        # get initRot and initTrans
        initRotRightSeller = Quaternions(
        initTransRightSeller = batch['rightSeller']['initTrans'].cpu().numpy()
        initRotLeftSeller = Quaternions(
        initTransLeftSeller = batch['leftSeller']['initTrans'].cpu().numpy()
        initRotBuyer = Quaternions(batch['buyer']['initRot'].cpu().numpy())
        initTransBuyer = batch['buyer']['initTrans'].cpu().numpy()

        prediction_subjects = [
            (r_prediction.copy(), initRotRightSeller, initTransRightSeller),
            (l_prediction.copy(), initRotLeftSeller, initTransLeftSeller),
            (buyer.copy(), initRotBuyer, initTransBuyer),

        target_subjects = [
            (r_target.copy(), initRotRightSeller, initTransRightSeller),
            (l_target.copy(), initRotLeftSeller, initTransLeftSeller),
            (buyer.copy(), initRotBuyer, initTransBuyer)

        return prediction_subjects, target_subjects
Exemplo n.º 29
def attention2Direction(targetPos, rightPos, leftPos, binaryAtten):

    if targetPos.shape[0] == 2:
        targetPos = data_2dTo3D(targetPos)

    if rightPos.shape[0] == 2:
        rightPos = data_2dTo3D(rightPos)

    if leftPos.shape[0] == 2:
        leftPos = data_2dTo3D(leftPos)

    binaryAtten = binaryAtten[:targetPos.shape[1]]

    pos2right = rightPos - targetPos  #me->right (l->b): 0
    pos2left = leftPos - targetPos

    pos2right = np.swapaxes(normalize(pos2right, axis=0), 0, 1)  #(frame,3)
    pos2left = np.swapaxes(normalize(pos2left, axis=0), 0, 1)  #(frame,3)

    rotation_right2left = Quaternions.between(
        pos2right, pos2left)[:, np.newaxis]  #rot from 0->1
    angle_right2left = Pivots.from_quaternions(
        rotation_right2left).ps  #(frame,1)

    angleValue_right2FaceNormal = binaryAtten * np.squeeze(
        angle_right2left)  #This much angle from pos2Other_0

    eurlers_right2FaceNormal = np.zeros(
        (len(angleValue_right2FaceNormal), 3))  #(frame,3)
    eurlers_right2FaceNormal[:, 1] = angleValue_right2FaceNormal  #(frame,3)

    rotation_right2FaceNormal = Quaternions.from_euler(
        eurlers_right2FaceNormal)  #(frame,)
    faceNormal_byAtten = rotation_right2FaceNormal * pos2right  #(frame,3)

    faceNormal_byAtten = np.swapaxes(faceNormal_byAtten, 0, 1)  #(3,frame)

    return faceNormal_byAtten
Exemplo n.º 30
def linear_interpolate(quaternions, tgt_len):
    src_len = quaternions.shape[0]
    src_points = np.linspace(0, 1, src_len)
    tgt_points = np.linspace(0, 1, tgt_len)
    result = np.zeros([tgt_len] + list(quaternions.shape[1:]) + [4])
    for i, tgt_point in enumerate(tgt_points):
        down_val = np.max(src_points[src_points <= tgt_point])
        up_val = np.min(src_points[src_points >= tgt_point])
        p = (tgt_point -
             down_val) / float(up_val - down_val) if up_val > down_val else 0.0
        quat1 = quaternions[src_points == down_val, ...]
        quat2 = quaternions[src_points == up_val, ...]
        result[i] = np.array(Quaternions.slerp(quat1, quat2, p))
    return result