def deduplication(triplets):
    unique_pairs = []
    pair_confidence = []
    for t in triplets:
        key = '{}\t{}\t{}'.format(t['h'], t['r'], t['t'])
        conf = t['c']
        if key not in unique_pairs:

    unique_triplets = []
    for idx, unique_pair in enumerate(unique_pairs):
        h, r, t = unique_pair.split('\t')
            'h': h,
            'r': r,
            't': t,
            'c': pair_confidence[idx]

    return unique_triplets

if __name__ == "__main__":
    emb = GenericLookup("entity_word_embedding",
    p_e_m ="Bob", 'wiki')[:10]
Exemplo n.º 2
class MentionDetectionBase:
    def __init__(self, base_url, wiki_version):
        self.wiki_db = GenericLookup(
            os.path.join(base_url, wiki_version, "generated"))

    def get_ctxt(self, start, end, idx_sent, sentence, sentences_doc):
        Retrieves context surrounding a given mention up to 100 words from both sides.

        :return: left and right context

        # Iteratively add words up until we have 100
        left_ctxt = split_in_words(sentence[:start])
        if idx_sent > 0:
            i = idx_sent - 1
            while (i >= 0) and (len(left_ctxt) <= 100):
                left_ctxt = split_in_words(sentences_doc[i]) + left_ctxt
                i -= 1
        left_ctxt = left_ctxt[-100:]
        left_ctxt = " ".join(left_ctxt)

        right_ctxt = split_in_words(sentence[end:])
        if idx_sent < len(sentences_doc):
            i = idx_sent + 1
            while (i < len(sentences_doc)) and (len(right_ctxt) <= 100):
                right_ctxt = right_ctxt + split_in_words(sentences_doc[i])
                i += 1
        right_ctxt = right_ctxt[:100]
        right_ctxt = " ".join(right_ctxt)

        return left_ctxt, right_ctxt

    def get_candidates(self, mention):
        Retrieves a maximum of 100 candidates from the sqlite3 database for a given mention.

        :return: set of candidates

        # Performs extra check for ED.
        cands =, "wiki")
        if cands:
            return cands[:100]
            return []

    def preprocess_mention(self, m):
        Responsible for preprocessing a mention and making sure we find a set of matching candidates
        in our database.

        :return: mention

        # TODO: This can be optimised (less db calls required).
        cur_m = modify_uppercase_phrase(m)
        freq_lookup_cur_m =, "wiki", "freq")

        if not freq_lookup_cur_m:
            cur_m = m

        freq_lookup_m =, "wiki", "freq")
        freq_lookup_cur_m =, "wiki", "freq")

        if freq_lookup_m and (freq_lookup_m > freq_lookup_cur_m):
            # Cases like 'U.S.' are handed badly by modify_uppercase_phrase
            cur_m = m

        freq_lookup_cur_m =, "wiki", "freq")
        # If we cannot find the exact mention in our index, we try our luck to
        # find it in a case insensitive index.
        if not freq_lookup_cur_m:
            # cur_m and m both not found, verify if lower-case version can be found.
            find_lower =, "wiki", "lower")

            if find_lower:
                cur_m = find_lower

        freq_lookup_cur_m =, "wiki", "freq")
        # Try and remove first or last characters (e.g. 'Washington,' to 'Washington')
        # To be error prone, we only try this if no match was found thus far, else
        # this might get in the way of 'U.S.' converting to 'US'.
        # Could do this recursively, interesting to explore in future work.
        if not freq_lookup_cur_m:
            temp = re.sub(r"[\(.|,|!|')]", "", m).strip()
            simple_lookup =, "wiki", "freq")

            if simple_lookup:
                cur_m = temp

        return cur_m
Exemplo n.º 3
class MentionDetection:
    def __init__(self, base_url, wiki_subfolder):
        self.cnt_exact = 0
        self.cnt_partial = 0
        self.cnt_total = 0
        self.wiki_db = GenericLookup(
            "{}/{}/generated/".format(base_url, wiki_subfolder),

    # def __verify_pos(self, ngram, start, end, sentence):
    #     ngram = ngram.lower()
    #     find_ngram = sentence[start:end].lower()
    #     find_ngram_ws_invariant = " ".join(
    #         [x.text for x in Sentence(find_ngram, use_tokenizer=True)]
    #     ).lower()

    #     assert (find_ngram == ngram) or (
    #         find_ngram_ws_invariant == ngram
    #     ), "Mention not found on given position: {};{};{};{}".format(
    #         find_ngram, ngram, find_ngram_ws_invariant, sentence
    #     )

    # def split_text(self, dataset):
    #     """
    #     Splits text into sentences. This behavior is required for the default NER-tagger, which during experiments
    #     was experienced to perform more optimally in such a fashion.
    #     :return: dictionary with sentences and optional given spans per sentence.
    #     """
    #     res = {}
    #     for doc in dataset:
    #         text, spans = dataset[doc]
    #         sentences = split_single(text)
    #         res[doc] = {}
    #         i = 0
    #         for sent in sentences:
    #             if len(sent.strip()) == 0:
    #                 continue
    #             # Match gt to sentence.
    #             pos_start = text.find(sent)
    #             pos_end = pos_start + len(sent)
    #             # ngram, start_pos, end_pos
    #             spans_sent = [
    #                 [text[x[0] : x[0] + x[1]], x[0], x[0] + x[1]]
    #                 for x in spans
    #                 if pos_start <= x[0] < pos_end
    #             ]
    #             res[doc][i] = [sent, spans_sent]
    #             i += 1
    #     return res

    def _get_ctxt(self, start, end, idx_sent, sentence):
        Retrieves context surrounding a given mention up to 100 words from both sides.

        :return: left and right context

        # Iteratively add words up until we have 100
        left_ctxt = split_in_words(sentence[:start])
        if idx_sent > 0:
            i = idx_sent - 1
            while (i >= 0) and (len(left_ctxt) <= 100):
                left_ctxt = split_in_words(self.sentences_doc[i]) + left_ctxt
                i -= 1
        left_ctxt = left_ctxt[-100:]
        left_ctxt = " ".join(left_ctxt)

        right_ctxt = split_in_words(sentence[end:])
        if idx_sent < len(self.sentences_doc):
            i = idx_sent + 1
            while (i < len(self.sentences_doc)) and (len(right_ctxt) <= 100):
                right_ctxt = right_ctxt + split_in_words(self.sentences_doc[i])
                i += 1
        right_ctxt = right_ctxt[:100]
        right_ctxt = " ".join(right_ctxt)

        return left_ctxt, right_ctxt

    def _get_candidates(self, mention):
        Retrieves a maximum of 100 candidates from the sqlite3 database for a given mention.

        :return: set of candidates

        # Performs extra check for ED.
        cands =, "wiki")
        if cands:
            return cands[:100]
            return []

    def format_spans(self, dataset):
        Responsible for formatting given spans into dataset for the ED step. More specifically,
        it returns the mention, its left/right context and a set of candidates.

        :return: Dictionary with mentions per document.

        dataset, _, _ = self.split_text(dataset)
        results = {}
        total_ment = 0

        for doc in dataset:
            contents = dataset[doc]
            self.sentences_doc = [v[0] for v in contents.values()]

            results_doc = []
            for idx_sent, (sentence, spans) in contents.items():
                for ngram, start_pos, end_pos in spans:
                    total_ment += 1

                    # end_pos = start_pos + length
                    # ngram = text[start_pos:end_pos]
                    mention = preprocess_mention(ngram, self.wiki_db)
                    left_ctxt, right_ctxt = self._get_ctxt(
                        start_pos, end_pos, idx_sent, sentence)

                    chosen_cands = self._get_candidates(mention)
                    res = {
                        "mention": mention,
                        "context": (left_ctxt, right_ctxt),
                        "candidates": chosen_cands,
                        "gold": ["NONE"],
                        "pos": start_pos,
                        "sent_idx": idx_sent,
                        "ngram": ngram,
                        "end_pos": end_pos,
                        "sentence": sentence,

            results[doc] = results_doc
        return results, total_ment

    # def find_mentions(self, dataset, tagger_ner=None):
    #     """
    #     Responsible for finding mentions given a set of documents. More specifically,
    #     it returns the mention, its left/right context and a set of candidates.
    #     :return: Dictionary with mentions per document.
    #     """
    #     if tagger_ner is None:
    #         raise Exception(
    #             "No NER tagger is set, but you are attempting to perform Mention Detection.."
    #         )
    #     dataset, _, _ = self.split_text(dataset)
    #     results = {}
    #     total_ment = 0
    #     for doc in dataset:
    #         contents = dataset[doc]
    #         self.sentences_doc = [v[0] for v in contents.values()]
    #         result_doc = []
    #         sentences = [
    #             Sentence(v[0], use_tokenizer=True) for k, v in contents.items()
    #         ]
    #         tagger_ner.predict(sentences)
    #         for (idx_sent, (sentence, ground_truth_sentence)), snt in zip(
    #             contents.items(), sentences
    #         ):
    #             illegal = []
    #             for entity in snt.get_spans("ner"):
    #                 text, start_pos, end_pos, conf = (
    #                     entity.text,
    #                     entity.start_pos,
    #                     entity.end_pos,
    #                     entity.score,
    #                 )
    #                 total_ment += 1
    #                 m = preprocess_mention(text, self.wiki_db)
    #                 cands = self._get_candidates(m)
    #                 if len(cands) == 0:
    #                     continue
    #                 ngram = sentence[start_pos:end_pos]
    #                 illegal.extend(range(start_pos, end_pos))
    #                 left_ctxt, right_ctxt = self._get_ctxt(
    #                     start_pos, end_pos, idx_sent, sentence
    #                 )
    #                 res = {
    #                     "mention": m,
    #                     "context": (left_ctxt, right_ctxt),
    #                     "candidates": cands,
    #                     "gold": ["NONE"],
    #                     "pos": start_pos,
    #                     "sent_idx": idx_sent,
    #                     "ngram": ngram,
    #                     "end_pos": end_pos,
    #                     "sentence": sentence,
    #                     "conf_md": conf,
    #                     "tag": entity.tag,
    #                 }
    #                 result_doc.append(res)
    #         results[doc] = result_doc
    #     return results, total_ment

    def split_text(self, dataset):
        Splits text into sentences. This behavior is required for the default NER-tagger, which during experiments
        was experienced to perform more optimally in such a fashion.

        :return: dictionary with sentences and optional given spans per sentence.

        res = {}
        splits = [0]
        processed_sentences = []
        for doc in dataset:
            text, spans = dataset[doc]
            sentences = split_single(text)
            res[doc] = {}

            i = 0
            for sent in sentences:
                if len(sent.strip()) == 0:
                # Match gt to sentence.
                pos_start = text.find(sent)
                pos_end = pos_start + len(sent)

                # ngram, start_pos, end_pos
                spans_sent = [[text[x[0]:x[0] + x[1]], x[0], x[0] + x[1]]
                              for x in spans if pos_start <= x[0] < pos_end]
                res[doc][i] = [sent, spans_sent]
                if len(spans) == 0:
                        Sentence(sent, use_tokenizer=True))
                i += 1
            splits.append(splits[-1] + i)
        return res, processed_sentences, splits

    def find_mentions(self, dataset, tagger_ner=None):
        Responsible for finding mentions given a set of documents in a batch-wise manner. More specifically,
        it returns the mention, its left/right context and a set of candidates.

        :return: Dictionary with mentions per document.

        if tagger_ner is None:
            raise Exception(
                "No NER tagger is set, but you are attempting to perform Mention Detection.."

        dataset, processed_sentences, splits = self.split_text(dataset)
        results = {}
        total_ment = 0

        tagger_ner.predict(processed_sentences, mini_batch_size=32)

        for i, doc in enumerate(dataset):
            contents = dataset[doc]

            self.sentences_doc = [v[0] for v in contents.values()]
            sentences = processed_sentences[splits[i]:splits[i + 1]]
            result_doc = []

            for (idx_sent, (sentence, ground_truth_sentence)), snt in zip(
                    contents.items(), sentences):
                illegal = []
                for entity in snt.get_spans("ner"):
                    text, start_pos, end_pos, conf = (
                    total_ment += 1

                    m = preprocess_mention(text, self.wiki_db)
                    cands = self._get_candidates(m)

                    if len(cands) == 0:

                    ngram = sentence[start_pos:end_pos]
                    illegal.extend(range(start_pos, end_pos))

                    left_ctxt, right_ctxt = self._get_ctxt(
                        start_pos, end_pos, idx_sent, sentence)

                    res = {
                        "mention": m,
                        "context": (left_ctxt, right_ctxt),
                        "candidates": cands,
                        "gold": ["NONE"],
                        "pos": start_pos,
                        "sent_idx": idx_sent,
                        "ngram": ngram,
                        "end_pos": end_pos,
                        "sentence": sentence,
                        "conf_md": conf,
                        "tag": entity.tag,


            results[doc] = result_doc

        return results, total_ment
Exemplo n.º 4
class MentionDetection:
    Class responsible for mention detection.
    def __init__(self, base_url, wiki_subfolder):
        if isinstance(base_url, str):
            base_url = Path(base_url)

        self.cnt_exact = 0
        self.cnt_partial = 0
        self.cnt_total = 0
        self.wiki_db = GenericLookup(
            base_url / wiki_subfolder / "generated",

    # def __verify_pos(self, ngram, start, end, sentence):
    #     ngram = ngram.lower()
    #     find_ngram = sentence[start:end].lower()
    #     find_ngram_ws_invariant = " ".join(
    #         [x.text for x in Sentence(find_ngram, use_tokenizer=True)]
    #     ).lower()

    #     assert (find_ngram == ngram) or (
    #         find_ngram_ws_invariant == ngram
    #     ), "Mention not found on given position: {};{};{};{}".format(
    #         find_ngram, ngram, find_ngram_ws_invariant, sentence
    #     )

    def split_text(self, dataset):
        Splits text into sentences. This behavior is required for the default NER-tagger, which during experiments
        was experienced to perform more optimally in such a fashion.

        :return: dictionary with sentences and optional given spans per sentence.

        res = {}
        for doc in dataset:
            text, spans = dataset[doc]
            sentences = split_single(text)
            res[doc] = {}

            i = 0
            for sent in sentences:
                if len(sent.strip()) == 0:
                # Match gt to sentence.
                pos_start = text.find(sent)
                pos_end = pos_start + len(sent)

                # ngram, start_pos, end_pos
                spans_sent = [
                    [text[x[0] : x[0] + x[1]], x[0], x[0] + x[1]]
                    for x in spans
                    if pos_start <= x[0] < pos_end
                res[doc][i] = [sent, spans_sent]
                i += 1
        return res

    def _get_ctxt(self, start, end, idx_sent, sentence):
        Retrieves context surrounding a given mention up to 100 words from both sides.

        :return: left and right context

        # Iteratively add words up until we have 100
        left_ctxt = split_in_words(sentence[:start])
        if idx_sent > 0:
            i = idx_sent - 1
            while (i >= 0) and (len(left_ctxt) <= 100):
                left_ctxt = split_in_words(self.sentences_doc[i]) + left_ctxt
                i -= 1
        left_ctxt = left_ctxt[-100:]
        left_ctxt = " ".join(left_ctxt)

        right_ctxt = split_in_words(sentence[end:])
        if idx_sent < len(self.sentences_doc):
            i = idx_sent + 1
            while (i < len(self.sentences_doc)) and (len(right_ctxt) <= 100):
                right_ctxt = right_ctxt + split_in_words(self.sentences_doc[i])
                i += 1
        right_ctxt = right_ctxt[:100]
        right_ctxt = " ".join(right_ctxt)

        return left_ctxt, right_ctxt

    def _get_candidates(self, mention, top_n=100):
        Retrieves a maximum of n candidates from the sqlite3 database for a given mention.

        :param top_n: number of candidates to return
        :return: set of candidates

        # Performs extra check for ED.
        # TODO: Add `LIMIT n` to the SQL Query to better performance
        candidates =, "wiki")
        if candidates:
            return candidates[:top_n]
            return []

    def format_spans(self, dataset):
        Responsible for formatting given spans into dataset for the ED step. More specifically,
        it returns the mention, its left/right context and a set of candidates.

        :return: Dictionary with mentions per document.

        dataset = self.split_text(dataset)
        results = {}
        total_ment = 0

        for doc in dataset:
            contents = dataset[doc]
            self.sentences_doc = [v[0] for v in contents.values()]

            results_doc = []
            for idx_sent, (sentence, spans) in contents.items():
                for ngram, start_pos, end_pos in spans:
                    total_ment += 1

                    # end_pos = start_pos + length
                    # ngram = text[start_pos:end_pos]
                    mention = preprocess_mention(ngram, self.wiki_db)
                    left_ctxt, right_ctxt = self._get_ctxt(
                        start_pos, end_pos, idx_sent, sentence

                    chosen_cands = self._get_candidates(mention)
                    res = {
                        "mention": mention,
                        "context": (left_ctxt, right_ctxt),
                        "candidates": chosen_cands,
                        "gold": ["NONE"],
                        "pos": start_pos,
                        "sent_idx": idx_sent,
                        "ngram": ngram,
                        "end_pos": end_pos,
                        "sentence": sentence,

            results[doc] = results_doc
        return results, total_ment

    def find_mentions(self, dataset, tagger_ner=None):
        Responsible for finding mentions given a set of documents. More specifically,
        it returns the mention, its left/right context and a set of candidates.

        :return: Dictionary with mentions per document.

        if tagger_ner is None:
            raise Exception(
                "No NER tagger is set, but you are attempting to perform Mention Detection.."

        dataset = self.split_text(dataset)
        results = {}
        total_ment = 0

        for doc in dataset:
            contents = dataset[doc]

            self.sentences_doc = [v[0] for v in contents.values()]
            result_doc = []

            sentences = [
                Sentence(v[0], use_tokenizer=True) for k, v in contents.items()


            for (idx_sent, (sentence, ground_truth_sentence)), snt in zip(
                contents.items(), sentences
                illegal = []
                for entity in snt.get_spans("ner"):
                    text, start_pos, end_pos, conf = (
                    total_ment += 1

                    m = preprocess_mention(text, self.wiki_db)
                    cands = self._get_candidates(m)

                    if len(cands) == 0:

                    ngram = sentence[start_pos:end_pos]
                    illegal.extend(range(start_pos, end_pos))

                    left_ctxt, right_ctxt = self._get_ctxt(
                        start_pos, end_pos, idx_sent, sentence

                    res = {
                        "mention": m,
                        "context": (left_ctxt, right_ctxt),
                        "candidates": cands,
                        "gold": ["NONE"],
                        "pos": start_pos,
                        "sent_idx": idx_sent,
                        "ngram": ngram,
                        "end_pos": end_pos,
                        "sentence": sentence,
                        "conf_md": conf,


            results[doc] = result_doc

        return results, total_ment