Exemplo n.º 1
def rmsExternal(captured_night_dir, archived_night_dir, config):

    # Compute the capture duration from now
    start_time, duration = captureDuration(config.latitude, config.longitude,

    timenow = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    remaining_seconds = 0

    # Compute how long to wait before capture
    if start_time != True:

        waitingtime = start_time - timenow
        remaining_seconds = int(waitingtime.total_seconds())

    # Run the Istrastream shell script
    script_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
    os.system(script_path + " {:s} {:s} {:s} {:.6f} {:.6f} {:.1f} {:d} {:d} {:d}".format(config.stationID, \
     captured_night_dir, archived_night_dir, config.latitude, config.longitude, config.elevation, \
     config.width, config.height, remaining_seconds))
Exemplo n.º 2

    upload_manager = None
    if config.upload_enabled:

        # Init the upload manager
        log.info('Starting the upload manager...')
        upload_manager = UploadManager(config)

    # Automatic running and stopping the capture at sunrise and sunset
    while True:

        # Calculate when and how should the capture run
        start_time, duration = captureDuration(config.latitude,

        log.info('Next start time: ' + str(start_time) + ' UTC')

        # Don't start the capture if there's less than 15 minutes left
        if duration < 15 * 60:

                'Less than 15 minues left to record, waiting new recording session...'

            # Reset the Ctrl+C to KeyboardInterrupt

Exemplo n.º 3
def deleteOldObservations(data_dir, captured_dir, archived_dir, config, duration=None):
    """ Deletes old observation directories to free up space for new ones.

        data_dir: [str] Path to the RMS data directory which contains the Captured and Archived diretories
        captured_dir: [str] Captured directory name.
        archived_dir: [str] Archived directory name.
        config: [Configuration object]

    Keyword arguments:
        duration: [float] Duration of next video capturing in seconds. If None (by default), duration will
            be calculated for the next night.

        [bool]: True if there's enough space for the next night's data, False if not.


    captured_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, captured_dir)
    archived_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, archived_dir)

    ### Calculate the approximate needed disk space for the next night

    # If the duration of capture is not given
    if duration is None:

        # Time of next local noon
        #ct = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
        #noon_time = datetime.datetime(ct.year, ct.month, ct.date, 12)

        # Initialize the observer and find the time of next noon
        o = ephem.Observer()  
        o.lat = config.latitude
        o.long = config.longitude
        o.elevation = config.elevation
        sun = ephem.Sun()

        sunrise = o.previous_rising(sun, start=ephem.now())
        noon_time = o.next_transit(sun, start=sunrise).datetime()

        # if ct.hour > 12:
        #     noon_time += datetime.timedelta(days=1)

        # Get the duration of the next night
        _, duration = captureDuration(config.latitude, config.longitude, config.elevation, 

    # Calculate the approx. size for the night night
    next_night_bytes = (duration*config.fps)/256*config.width*config.height*4

    # Always leave at least 2 GB free for archive
    next_night_bytes += config.extra_space_gb*(1024**3)


    log.info("Need {:.2f} GB for next night".format(next_night_bytes/1024/1024/1024))

    # If there's enough free space, don't do anything
    if availableSpace(data_dir) > next_night_bytes:
        return True

    # Intermittently delete captured and archived directories until there's enough free space
    prev_available_space = availableSpace(data_dir)
    log.info("Available space before deleting: {:.2f} GB".format(prev_available_space/1024/1024/1024))
    nothing_deleted_count = 0
    free_space_status = False
    while True:

        # Delete one captured directory
        captured_dirs_remaining = deleteNightFolders(captured_dir, config)

        log.info("Deleted dir captured directory: {:s}".format(captured_dir))
        log.info("Free space: {:.2f} GB".format(availableSpace(data_dir)/1024/1024/1024))

        # Break the there's enough space
        if availableSpace(data_dir) > next_night_bytes:
            free_space_status = True

        # Delete one archived directory
        archived_dirs_remaining = deleteNightFolders(archived_dir, config)

        log.info("Deleted dir in archived directory: {:s}".format(archived_dir))
        log.info("Free space: {:.2f} GB".format(availableSpace(data_dir)/1024/1024/1024))

        # Break if there's enough space
        if availableSpace(data_dir) > next_night_bytes:
            free_space_status = True

        # Wait 10 seconds between deletes. This helps to balance out the space distribution if multiple
        #   instances of RMS are running on the same system
        log.info("Still not enough space, waiting 10 s...")

        # If no folders left to delete, try to delete archived files
        if (len(captured_dirs_remaining) == 0) and (len(archived_dirs_remaining) == 0):

            log.info("Deleted all Capture and Archived directories, deleting archived bz2 files...")

            archived_files_remaining = deleteFiles(archived_dir, config)

            # If there's nothing left to delete, return False
            if len(archived_files_remaining) == 0:
                free_space_status = False

        # Break the there's enough space
        if availableSpace(data_dir) > next_night_bytes:
            free_space_status = True

        # If nothing was deleted in this loop, count how may time this happened
        if availableSpace(data_dir) == prev_available_space:
            log.info("Nothing got deleted...")
            nothing_deleted_count += 1

            nothing_deleted_count = 0

        # If nothing was deleted for 100 loops, indicate that no more space can be freed
        if nothing_deleted_count >= 100:
            free_space_status = False

        prev_available_space = availableSpace(data_dir)

    # If there is still not enough space, wait 10 seconds to see if perhaps other users are clearing their
    #   space if this is a multiuser setup
    if free_space_status == False:


        # If there's still not enough space, return False
        if availableSpace(data_dir) < next_night_bytes:
            return False

    return True
Exemplo n.º 4
def deleteOldObservations(data_dir,
    """ Deletes old observation directories to free up space for new ones.

        data_dir: [str] Path to the RMS data directory which contains the Captured and Archived diretories
        captured_dir: [str] Captured directory name.
        archived_dir: [str] Archived directory name.
        config: [Configuration object]

    Keyword arguments:
        duration: [float] Duration of next video capturing in seconds. If None (by default), duration will
            be calculated for the next night.

        [bool]: True if there's enough space for the next night's data, False if not.


    captured_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, captured_dir)
    archived_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, archived_dir)

    ### Calculate the approximate needed disk space for the next night

    # If the duration of capture is not given
    if duration is None:

        # Time of next local noon
        #ct = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
        #noon_time = datetime.datetime(ct.year, ct.month, ct.date, 12)

        # Initialize the observer and find the time of next noon
        o = ephem.Observer()
        o.lat = config.latitude
        o.long = config.longitude
        o.elevation = config.elevation
        sun = ephem.Sun()

        sunrise = o.previous_rising(sun, start=ephem.now())
        noon_time = o.next_transit(sun, start=sunrise).datetime()

        # if ct.hour > 12:
        #     noon_time += datetime.timedelta(days=1)

        # Get the duration of the next night
        _, duration = captureDuration(config.latitude,

    # Calculate the approx. size for the night night
    next_night_bytes = (duration *
                        config.fps) / 256 * config.width * config.height * 4

    # Always leave at least 2 GB free for archive
    next_night_bytes += 2 * (1024**3)


    # If there's enough free space, don't do anything
    if availableSpace(data_dir) > next_night_bytes:
        return True

    # Intermittently delete captured and archived directories until there's enough free space
    while True:

        # Delete one captured directory
        captured_dirs_remaining = deleteNightFolders(captured_dir, config)

        # Break the there's enough space
        if availableSpace(data_dir) > next_night_bytes:

        # Delete one archived directory
        archived_dirs_remaining = deleteNightFolders(archived_dir, config)

        # Break the there's enough space
        if availableSpace(data_dir) > next_night_bytes:

        # If there's nothing left to delete, return False
        if (len(captured_dirs_remaining)
                == 0) and (len(archived_dirs_remaining) == 0):
            return False

    return True
def deleteOldObservations(data_dir, captured_dir, archived_dir, config, duration=None):
    """ Deletes old observation directories to free up space for new ones.

        data_dir: [str] Path to the RMS data directory which contains the Captured and Archived diretories
        captured_dir: [str] Captured directory name.
        archived_dir: [str] Archived directory name.
        config: [Configuration object]

    Keyword arguments:
        duration: [float] Duration of next video capturing in seconds. If None (by default), duration will
            be calculated for the next night.

        [bool]: True if there's enough space for the next night's data, False if not.


    captured_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, captured_dir)
    archived_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, archived_dir)

    ### Calculate the approximate needed disk space for the next night

    # If the duration of capture is not given
    if duration is None:

        # Time of next local noon
        #ct = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
        #noon_time = datetime.datetime(ct.year, ct.month, ct.date, 12)

        # Initialize the observer and find the time of next noon
        o = ephem.Observer()  
        o.lat = config.latitude
        o.long = config.longitude
        o.elevation = config.elevation
        sun = ephem.Sun()

        sunrise = o.previous_rising(sun, start=ephem.now())
        noon_time = o.next_transit(sun, start=sunrise).datetime()

        # if ct.hour > 12:
        #     noon_time += datetime.timedelta(days=1)

        # Get the duration of the next night
        _, duration = captureDuration(config.latitude, config.longitude, config.elevation, 

    # Calculate the approx. size for the night night
    next_night_bytes = (duration*config.fps)/256*config.width*config.height*4

    # Always leave at least 2 GB free for archive
    next_night_bytes += 2*(1024**3)


    # If there's enough free space, don't do anything
    if availableSpace(data_dir) > next_night_bytes:
        return True

    # Intermittently delete captured and archived directories until there's enough free space
    while True:

        # Delete one captured directory
        captured_dirs_remaining = deleteNightFolders(captured_dir, config)

        # Break the there's enough space
        if availableSpace(data_dir) > next_night_bytes:

        # Delete one archived directory
        archived_dirs_remaining = deleteNightFolders(archived_dir, config)

        # Break the there's enough space
        if availableSpace(data_dir) > next_night_bytes:

        # If there's nothing left to delete, return False
        if (len(captured_dirs_remaining) == 0) and (len(archived_dirs_remaining) == 0):
            return False

    return True
Exemplo n.º 6
                               help="Station latitude from .config file")
    config_parser.add_argument('--longitude', type=float, \
                               help="Station longitude from .config file")
    config_parser.add_argument('--elevation', type=float, \
                               help="Station elevation from .config file")
    args = config_parser.parse_args()
    lat = args.latitude
    lon = args.longitude
    elev = args.elevation

    print("WriteCapture.py, Latitude:  ", lat)
    print("WriteCapture.py, Longitude: ", lon)
    print("WriteCapture.py, Elevation: ", elev)

    # Compute and write out the next start time and capture time datetime.
    start_time, duration_float = captureDuration(lat, lon, elev)
    if start_time is True:
        # We will use the ephemeris code directly
        # to compute the previous sunset time, to get start_time and duration.
        # Code copied fromCaptureDuration.py

        # Initialize the observer
        o = ephem.Observer()
        o.lat = str(lat)
        o.long = str(lon)
        o.elevation = elev

        # The Sun should be about 5.5 degrees below the horizon when the capture should begin/end
        o.horizon = '-5:26'
        # Calculate the locations of the Sun
        s = ephem.Sun()
Exemplo n.º 7
def rmsExternal(captured_night_dir, archived_night_dir, config):
    initLogging(config, 'iStream_')
    log = logging.getLogger("logger")
    log.info('iStream external script started')

    # create lock file to avoid RMS rebooting the system
    lockfile = os.path.join(config.data_dir, config.reboot_lock_file)
    with open(lockfile, 'w') as _:

    # Compute the capture duration from now
    start_time, duration = captureDuration(config.latitude, config.longitude, config.elevation)

    timenow = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    remaining_seconds = 0

    # Compute how long to wait before capture
    if start_time != True:
        waitingtime = start_time - timenow
        remaining_seconds = int(waitingtime.total_seconds())		

    # Run the Istrastream shell script
    script_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "iStream.sh")
    log.info('Calling {}'.format(script_path))

    command = [

    proc = subprocess.Popen(command,stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    # Read iStream script output and append to log file
    while True:
        line = proc.stdout.readline()
        if not line:

    exit_code = proc.wait()
    log.info('Exit status: {}'.format(exit_code))
    log.info('iStream external script finished')

    # relase lock file so RMS is authorized to reboot, if needed

    # Reboot the computer (script needs sudo priviledges, works only on Linux)
        log.info("Rebooting system...")
        os.system('sudo shutdown -r now')
    except Exception as e:
        log.debug('Rebooting failed with message:\n' + repr(e))