Exemplo n.º 1
    def showImage(self):
        """ Show one image file on the screen and refresh it in a given interval. """

        # Repeat until the process is killed from the outside
        first_run = True
        while not self.exit.is_set():

            if os.path.isfile(self.dir_path):
                # Load the image
                img = loadImage(self.dir_path)
                text = ""

                # If an FF files could not be loaded on the first run, show an empty image
                if first_run:
                    img = np.zeros((720, 1280))
                    text = "The image {:s} could not be loaded.".format(self.dir_path)

                # Otherwise, just wait one more pause interval

            self.updateImage(img, text, self.update_interval)

            first_run = False
Exemplo n.º 2
def loadMask(mask_file):
    """ Load the mask image. """

    # If there is no mask file
    if not os.path.isfile(mask_file):
        return None

    # Load the mask file
        mask = loadImage(mask_file, flatten=0)

        print("WARNING! The mask file could not be loaded! File path: {:s}".
        return None

    # Convert the RGB image to one channel image (if not already one channel)
        mask = mask[:, :, 0]

    mask_struct = MaskStructure(mask)

    return mask_struct
Exemplo n.º 3
def loadMask(mask_file):
    """ Load the mask image. """

    # If there is no mask file
    if not os.path.isfile(mask_file):
        return None

    # Load the mask file

        # Load a mask from zip
        if mask_file.endswith('.zip'):

            with zipfile.ZipFile(mask_file, 'r') as archive:

                data = archive.read('mask.bmp')
                mask = cv2.imdecode(np.frombuffer(data, np.uint8), 1)


            mask = loadImage(mask_file, flatten=0)

        print("WARNING! The mask file could not be loaded! File path: {:s}".
        return None

    # Convert the RGB image to one channel image (if not already one channel)
        mask = mask[:, :, 0]

    mask_struct = MaskStructure(mask)

    return mask_struct
Exemplo n.º 4

    dir_path = cml_args.dir_path[0]

    first_img = True

    # List all FF files in the current dir
    for ff_name in os.listdir(dir_path):
        if ff_name.endswith('.' + cml_args.input_file_format[0]):

            print('Stacking: ', ff_name)

            # Load the image
            img = loadImage(os.path.join(dir_path, ff_name), -1)

            # Deinterlace the image
            if cml_args.deinterlace:
                img = deinterlaceBlend(img)

            if first_img:
                merge_img = np.copy(img)
                first_img = False

            # Blend images 'if lighter'
            merge_img = blendLighten(merge_img, img)
Exemplo n.º 5
def makeFlat(dir_path, config, nostars=False, use_images=False):
    """ Makes a flat field from the files in the given folder. CALSTARS file is needed to estimate the
        quality of every image by counting the number of detected stars.

        dir_path: [str] Path to the directory which contains the FF files and a CALSTARS file.
        config: [config object]

    Keyword arguments:
        nostars: [bool] If True, all files will be taken regardless of if they have stars on them or not.
        use_images: [bool] Use image files instead of FF files. False by default.

        [2d ndarray] Flat field image as a numpy array. If the flat generation failed, None will be returned.

    # If only images are used, then don't look for a CALSTARS file
    if use_images:
        nostars = True

    # Load the calstars file if it should be used
    if not nostars:

        # Find the CALSTARS file in the given folder
        calstars_file = None
        for calstars_file in os.listdir(dir_path):
            if ('CALSTARS' in calstars_file) and ('.txt' in calstars_file):

        if calstars_file is None:
            print('CALSTARS file could not be found in the given directory!')
            return None

        # Load the calstars file
        calstars_list = CALSTARS.readCALSTARS(dir_path, calstars_file)

        # Convert the list to a dictionary
        calstars = {ff_file: star_data for ff_file, star_data in calstars_list}

        print('CALSTARS file: ' + calstars_file + ' loaded!')

        # A list of FF files which have any stars on them
        calstars_ff_files = [line[0] for line in calstars_list]

        calstars = {}
        calstars_ff_files = []

    # Use image files
    if use_images:

        # Find the file type with the highest file frequency in the given folder
        file_extensions = []
        for file_name in os.listdir(dir_path):
            file_ext = file_name.split('.')[-1]
            if file_ext.lower() in ['jpg', 'png', 'bmp']:

        # Get only the most frequent file type
        file_freqs = np.unique(file_extensions, return_counts=True)
        most_freq_type = file_freqs[0][0]

        print('Using image type:', most_freq_type)

        # Take only files of that file type
        ff_list = [file_name for file_name in sorted(os.listdir(dir_path)) \
            if file_name.lower().endswith(most_freq_type)]

    # Use FF files
        ff_list = []

        # Get a list of FF files in the folder
        for file_name in os.listdir(dir_path):
            if validFFName(file_name) and ((file_name in calstars_ff_files)
                                           or nostars):

        # Check that there are any FF files in the folder
        if not ff_list:
            print('No valid FF files in the selected folder!')
            return None

    ff_list_good = []
    ff_times = []

    # Take only those FF files with enough stars on them
    for ff_name in ff_list:

        if (ff_name in calstars) or nostars:

            # Disable requiring minimum number of stars if specified
            if not nostars:

                # Get the number of stars detected on the FF image
                ff_nstars = len(calstars[ff_name])

                ff_nstars = 0

            # Check if the number of stars on the image is over the detection threshold
            if (ff_nstars > config.ff_min_stars) or nostars:

                # Add the FF file to the list of FF files to be used to make a flat

                # If images are used, don't compute the time
                if use_images:
                    ff_time = 0

                    # Calculate the time of the FF files
                    ff_time = date2JD(*getMiddleTimeFF(
                        ff_name, config.fps, ret_milliseconds=True))


    # Check that there are enough good FF files in the folder
    if (len(ff_times) < config.flat_min_imgs) and (not nostars):
        print('Not enough FF files have enough stars on them!')
        return None

    # Make sure the files cover at least 2 hours
    if (not (max(ff_times) - min(ff_times)) * 24 > 2) and (not nostars):
        print('Good FF files cover less than 2 hours!')
        return None

    # Sample FF files if there are more than 200
    max_ff_flat = 200
    if len(ff_list_good) > max_ff_flat:
        ff_list_good = sorted(random.sample(ff_list_good, max_ff_flat))

    print('Using {:d} files for flat...'.format(len(ff_list_good)))

    c = 0
    img_list = []
    median_list = []

    # Median combine all good FF files
    for i in range(len(ff_list_good)):

        # Load 10 files at the time and median combine them, which conserves memory
        if c < 10:

            # Use images
            if use_images:
                img = loadImage(os.path.join(dir_path, ff_list_good[i]), -1)

            # Use FF files
                ff = readFF(dir_path, ff_list_good[i])

                # Skip the file if it is corruped
                if ff is None:

                img = ff.avepixel


            c += 1


            img_list = np.array(img_list)

            # Median combine the loaded 10 (or less) images
            ff_median = np.median(img_list, axis=0)

            img_list = []
            c = 0

    # If there are more than 1 calculated median image, combine them
    if len(median_list) > 1:

        # Median combine all median images
        median_list = np.array(median_list)
        ff_median = np.median(median_list, axis=0)

        if len(median_list) > 0:
            ff_median = median_list[0]
            ff_median = np.median(np.array(img_list), axis=0)

    # Stretch flat to 0-255
    ff_median = ff_median / np.max(ff_median) * 255

    # Convert the flat to 8 bits
    ff_median = ff_median.astype(np.uint8)

    return ff_median