Exemplo n.º 1
    def addRecords(self, forecastID, parserID, values):

            minMaxMap = {}
            for value in values:
                dayTimestamp = rmGetStartOfDay(value.timestamp)
                minMax = minMaxMap.get(dayTimestamp)

                if minMax is None:
                    minMax = self.getMinMax(parserID, dayTimestamp)
                    minMaxMap[dayTimestamp] = minMax

                minMax["minTemperature"] = self.__min(self.__min(value.minTemperature, value.temperature), minMax["minTemperature"])
                minMax["maxTemperature"] = self.__max(self.__max(value.maxTemperature, value.temperature), minMax["maxTemperature"])

                minMax["minRH"] = self.__min(self.__min(value.minRh, value.rh), minMax["minRH"])
                minMax["maxRH"] = self.__max(self.__min(value.maxRh, value.rh), minMax["maxRH"])

            valuesToInsert = []
            for value in values:
                dayTimestamp = rmGetStartOfDay(value.timestamp)
                minMax = minMaxMap[dayTimestamp]

                valuesToInsert.append((forecastID, parserID,

            self.clearHistory(parserID, False)

            self.database.executeMany("INSERT INTO parserData(forecastID, parserID, timestamp, "\
                                            "temperature, minTemperature, maxTemperature, rh, minRh, maxRh, "\
                                            "wind, solarRad, skyCover, rain, et0, pop, qpf, "\
                                            "condition, pressure, dewPoint, userData) "\
                                            "VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", valuesToInsert)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def parseStationYesterdayDataNoKey(self, data):
        #daily summary for yesterday
            l = RMWeatherDataLimits()

            temperature = self.__toFloat(data["TemperatureAvgC"])
            mintemp = self.__toFloat(data["TemperatureLowC"])
            maxtemp = self.__toFloat(data["TemperatureHighC"])
            rh = self.__toFloat(data["HumidityAvg"])
            minrh = self.__toFloat(data["HumidityLow"])
            maxrh = self.__toFloat(data["HumidityHigh"])
            dewpoint = self.__toFloat(data["DewpointAvgC"])
            wind = self.__toFloat(data["WindSpeedAvgKMH"])
            maxpressure = self.__toFloat(data["PressureMaxhPa"])
            minpressure = self.__toFloat(data["PressureMinhPa"])
            rain = self.__toFloat(
                data["PrecipitationSumCM"]) * 10.0  # from cm to mm

            if wind is not None:
                wind = wind / 3.6  # converted from kmetersph to mps

            if maxpressure is not None:
                maxpressure = l.sanitize(RMWeatherDataType.PRESSURE,
                                         maxpressure /
                                         10.0)  # converted to from hpa to kpa

            if minpressure is not None:
                minpressure = l.sanitize(RMWeatherDataType.PRESSURE,
                                         minpressure / 10.0)

            pressure = None
            if maxpressure is not None and minpressure is not None:
                pressure = (maxpressure + minpressure) / 2.0

            #log.info("rh:%s minrh: %s maxrh: %s pressure: %s temp: %s mintemp: %s maxtemp: %s" % (rh, minrh, maxrh, pressure, temperature, mintemp, maxtemp))

            timestamp = rmCurrentDayTimestamp()
            timestamp = rmGetStartOfDay(timestamp - 12 * 3600)

            self.addValue(RMParser.dataType.TEMPERATURE, timestamp,
                          temperature, False)
            self.addValue(RMParser.dataType.MINTEMP, timestamp, mintemp, False)
            self.addValue(RMParser.dataType.MAXTEMP, timestamp, maxtemp, False)
            self.addValue(RMParser.dataType.RH, timestamp, rh, False)
            self.addValue(RMParser.dataType.MINRH, timestamp, minrh, False)
            self.addValue(RMParser.dataType.MAXRH, timestamp, maxrh, False)
            self.addValue(RMParser.dataType.WIND, timestamp, wind, False)
            self.addValue(RMParser.dataType.RAIN, timestamp, rain, False)
            self.addValue(RMParser.dataType.DEWPOINT, timestamp, dewpoint,
            self.addValue(RMParser.dataType.PRESSURE, timestamp, pressure,

        except Exception, e:
            self.lastKnownError = "ERROR: Failed to get historical data"
            log.error("%s: %s" % (self.lastKnownError, e))
Exemplo n.º 3
    def getMinMax(self, parserID, dayTimestamp):
        ### Min and Max are computed only from the last forecast for that day.

        results = {
            "minTemperature": None,
            "maxTemperature": None,
            "minRH": None,
            "maxRH": None

        if self.database.isOpen():
            minForecastTimestamp = None
            maxForecastTimestamp = None
            maxDayTimestamp = dayTimestamp + 86400

            rows = self.database.execute("SELECT f.timestamp, pd.timestamp, pd.temperature, pd.minTemperature, pd.maxTemperature, pd.rh, pd.minRh, pd.maxRh "\
                                         "FROM forecast f, parserData pd "\
                                         "WHERE pd.parserID=? AND ?<=pd.timestamp AND pd.timestamp<=? AND pd.forecastID=f.ID ORDER BY pd.forecastID DESC",
                                         (parserID, dayTimestamp - 2 * 86400, dayTimestamp + 2 * 86400))
            for row in rows:
                timestamp = rmGetStartOfDay(row[1])

                if dayTimestamp <= timestamp < maxDayTimestamp:
                    forecastTimestamp = rmGetStartOfDay(row[0])
                    if maxForecastTimestamp is None:
                        minForecastTimestamp = forecastTimestamp
                        maxForecastTimestamp = forecastTimestamp + 86400

                    if minForecastTimestamp <= forecastTimestamp < maxForecastTimestamp:
                        minTemp = self.__val(row[3], row[2])
                        maxTemp = self.__val(row[4], row[2])

                        minRH = self.__val(row[6], row[5])
                        maxRH = self.__val(row[7], row[5])

                        results["minTemperature"] = self.__min(results["minTemperature"], minTemp)
                        results["maxTemperature"] = self.__max(results["maxTemperature"], maxTemp)

                        results["minRH"] = self.__min(results["minRH"], minRH)
                        results["maxRH"] = self.__max(results["maxRH"], maxRH)

        return results
 def perform(self):
     # Try to connect, and if it fail try to auto discover the device
     if self._connect() or self._discover():
         # Successfully connected to the GW1000 device, let's retrieve live data
         live_data = self._get_live_data()
         if self.startOfDayTimestamp == 0:
             # First usage, initialization of the start of the day variable
             self.startOfDayTimestamp = rmGetStartOfDay(
         # Check if the live data is for a new day
         elif rmGetStartOfDay(
                 self.currentTimestamp) != self.startOfDayTimestamp:
             # Report historical data of yesterday
             # Reset the observations data for a new day
         # Parser live data and add observations
         # A new observation, increment the observation counter
         self.observation_counter += 1
    def __getSimpleForecast(self):
            tuple = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(
            dayTimestamp = int(
                datetime.datetime(tuple.tm_year, tuple.tm_mon,
            maxDayTimestamp = dayTimestamp + globalSettings.parserDataSizeInDays * 86400
            simpleForecast = self.jsonResponse["forecast"]["simpleforecast"][

            timestamp = []
            temperatureMax = []
            temperatureMin = []
            wind = []
            humidity = []
            qpf = []
            condition = []

            for dayF in simpleForecast:
                tt = self.__toInt(dayF["date"]["epoch"])
                tt = rmGetStartOfDay(tt)
                if tt > maxDayTimestamp:
                windValue = self.__toFloat(dayF["avewind"]["kph"])
                if windValue is not None:
                    wind.append(windValue /
                                3.6)  # convertred from kmetersph to meterps

            temperatureMax = zip(timestamp, temperatureMax)
            temperatureMin = zip(timestamp, temperatureMin)
            wind = zip(timestamp, wind)
            humidity = zip(timestamp, humidity)
            qpf = zip(timestamp, qpf)
            condition = zip(timestamp, condition)

            self.addValues(RMParser.dataType.RH, humidity)
            self.addValues(RMParser.dataType.MAXTEMP, temperatureMax)
            self.addValues(RMParser.dataType.MINTEMP, temperatureMin)
            self.addValues(RMParser.dataType.QPF, qpf)
            self.addValues(RMParser.dataType.WIND, wind)
            self.addValues(RMParser.dataType.CONDITION, condition)

            log.error("Failed to get simple forecast")
    def importFromSprinklerV1Db(self, filePath):
        if self.database.isOpen():
            v1DB = RMDatabase(filePath)
            if not v1DB.open():
                return False

            result = False
                data = OrderedDict()
                valuesToInsert = []

                rows = v1DB.execute(
                    "SELECT ts_started, usersch_id, zid, user_sec, machine_sec, real_sec, flag FROM %s ORDER BY ts_started, zid"
                    % self._tableName
                for row in rows:
                    dayTimestamp = rmGetStartOfDay(int(row[0]))

                    dayData = data.get(dayTimestamp, None)
                    if dayData is None:
                        dayData = {"token": uuid.uuid4().hex, "tokenTimestamp": dayTimestamp}
                        data[dayTimestamp] = dayData


                if valuesToInsert:
                    self.database.execute("DELETE FROM %s" % self._tableName)
                        "INSERT INTO %s(ts_started, usersch_id, zid, user_sec, machine_sec, real_sec, flag, token, tokenTimestamp) "
                        "VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)" % self._tableName,
                    result = True
            except Exception, e:

            return result
Exemplo n.º 7
    def getRecordsByParserName(self, parserName):
        results = OrderedDict()
        if self.database.isOpen():
            #SELECT f.timestamp, f.processed, pd.* FROM parser p, forecast f, parserData pd WHERE p.name='ForecastIO Parser' AND p.id == pd.parserID AND f.id == pd.forecastID ORDER BY f.id DESC, pd.timestamp DESC;
            records = self.database.execute("SELECT f.timestamp, f.processed, pd.* FROM parser p, forecast f, parserData pd "\
                                            "WHERE p.name=? AND p.id == pd.parserID AND f.id == pd.forecastID "\
                                            "ORDER BY f.id DESC, pd.timestamp ASC", (parserName, ))
            for row in records:
                forecast = RMForecastInfo(row[2], row[0], row[1])

                weatherData = RMWeatherData(row[4])
                weatherData.temperature = row[5]
                weatherData.minTemperature = row[6]
                weatherData.maxTemperature = row[7]
                weatherData.rh = row[8]
                weatherData.minRh = row[9]
                weatherData.maxRh = row[10]
                weatherData.wind = row[11]
                weatherData.solarRad = row[12]
                weatherData.skyCover = row[13]
                weatherData.rain = row[14]
                weatherData.et0 = row[15]
                weatherData.pop = row[16]
                weatherData.qpf = row[17]
                weatherData.condition = row[18]
                weatherData.pressure = row[19]
                weatherData.dewPoint = row[20]
                weatherData.userData = row[21]

                dayTimestamp = rmGetStartOfDay(weatherData.timestamp)

                forecastValues = None
                if forecast in results:
                    forecastValues = results[forecast]
                    forecastValues = OrderedDict()
                    results[forecast] = forecastValues

                dailyValues = None
                if dayTimestamp in forecastValues:
                    dailyValues = forecastValues[dayTimestamp]
                    dailyValues = []
                    forecastValues[dayTimestamp] = dailyValues

                dailyValues.append([weatherData, ])

        return results
    def importFromSprinklerV1Db(self, filePath):
        if (self.database.isOpen()):
            v1DB = RMDatabase(filePath)
            if not v1DB.open():
                return False

            result = False
                data = OrderedDict()
                valuesToInsert = []

                rows = v1DB.execute(
                    "SELECT ts_started, usersch_id, zid, user_sec, machine_sec, real_sec, flag FROM %s ORDER BY ts_started, zid"
                    % self._tableName)
                for row in rows:
                    dayTimestamp = rmGetStartOfDay(int(row[0]))

                    dayData = data.get(dayTimestamp, None)
                    if dayData is None:
                        dayData = {
                            "token": uuid.uuid4().hex,
                            "tokenTimestamp": dayTimestamp
                        data[dayTimestamp] = dayData

                        row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4], row[5], row[6],
                        dayData["token"], dayData["tokenTimestamp"]

                if valuesToInsert:
                    self.database.execute("DELETE FROM %s" % self._tableName)
                    self.database.executeMany("INSERT INTO %s(ts_started, usersch_id, zid, user_sec, machine_sec, real_sec, flag, token, tokenTimestamp) "\
                                              "VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)" % self._tableName, valuesToInsert)
                    result = True
            except Exception, e:

            return result
Exemplo n.º 9
    def deleteRecordsHistoryByDayThreshold(self, parserID, minDayTimestampThresold, maxDayTimestampThresold, commit = True):
            # Delete very old data
            rows = self.database.execute("DELETE FROM parserData WHERE timestamp<?", (minDayTimestampThresold, ))
#SELECT f.ID, f.timestamp, p.rowid, p.timestamp, p.temperature, p.rh, p.wind, p.solarRad, p.skyCover, p.rain, p.et0, p.pop, p.qpf, p.condition, p.pressure, p.dewPoint, p.archived FROM parserData p, forecast f WHERE f.ID=p.forecastID ORDER BY p.timestamp DESC, p.forecastID DESC
            # Compute new data
            query = "SELECT f.ID, f.timestamp, p.rowid, p.timestamp, p.temperature, p.rh, p.wind, p.solarRad, p.skyCover, p.rain, p.et0, p.pop, p.qpf, p.condition, p.pressure, p.dewPoint, p.archived "\
                    "FROM parserData p, forecast f WHERE f.ID=p.forecastID AND p.parserID=? ORDER BY p.timestamp DESC, p.forecastID DESC"
            rows = self.database.execute(query, (parserID, ))

            tempData = OrderedDict()
            rowIdsToDelete = []
            rowIdsToKeep = []
            newData = []

            lastDayTimestamp = None
            lastForecastID = None

            for row in rows:
                forecastID = row[0]
                forecastDayTimestamp = rmGetStartOfDay(row[1])
                dayTimestamp = rmGetStartOfDay(row[3])

                if lastDayTimestamp != dayTimestamp: # Enter a new day
                    lastDayTimestamp = dayTimestamp
                    lastForecastID = forecastID

                if maxDayTimestampThresold <= forecastDayTimestamp:

                if lastForecastID != forecastID: # We want only the last forecast for this day

                timestamp = rmNormalizeTimestamp(row[3])
                #timestampOffset = timestamp - dayTimestamp

                dayData = tempData.get(dayTimestamp, None)
                if dayData is None:
                    tempData[dayTimestamp] = dayData = {}
                    dayData["count"] = 0
                    dayData["data"] = {
                        "rowid": row[2],
                        "forecastID": forecastID,
                        "condition": None,
                        "archived": row[16]

                dayData["count"] += 1
                dayData = dayData["data"]

                dayData["temperature"] = self.__sum(dayData.get("temperature", None), row[4])
                dayData["rh"] = self.__sum(dayData.get("rh", None), row[5])
                dayData["wind"] = self.__sum(dayData.get("wind", None), row[6])
                dayData["solarRad"] = self.__sum(dayData.get("solarRad", None), row[7])
                dayData["skyCover"] = self.__sum(dayData.get("skyCover", None), row[8])
                dayData["rain"] = self.__sum(dayData.get("rain", None), row[9])
                dayData["et0"] = row[10]
                dayData["pop"] = self.__sum(dayData.get("pop", None), row[11])
                dayData["qpf"] = self.__sum(dayData.get("qpf", None), row[12])
                dayData["pressure"] = self.__sum(dayData.get("pressure", None), row[14])
                dayData["dewPoint"] = self.__sum(dayData.get("dewPoint", None), row[15])

                if row[13]: # and 43200 <= timestampOffset <= 50400: # between 12-14.
                    dayData["condition"] = row[13]

            for dayTimestamp in tempData:
                dayData = tempData[dayTimestamp]

                count = dayData["count"]
                dayData = dayData["data"]

                if not dayData["archived"]:
                    if count > 1:
                        dayData["temperature"] = self.__avg(dayData.get("temperature", None), count)
                        dayData["rh"] = self.__avg(dayData.get("rh", None), count)
                        dayData["wind"] = self.__avg(dayData.get("wind", None), count)
                        dayData["solarRad"] = self.__avg(dayData.get("solarRad", None), count)
                        dayData["skyCover"] = self.__avg(dayData.get("skyCover", None), count)
                        dayData["rain"] = self.__avg(dayData.get("rain", None), count)
                        dayData["pop"] = self.__avg(dayData.get("pop", None), count)
                        dayData["pressure"] = self.__avg(dayData.get("pressure", None), count)
                        dayData["dewPoint"] = self.__avg(dayData.get("dewPoint", None), count)

                    newData.append((dayTimestamp, dayData["temperature"], dayData["rh"], dayData["wind"], dayData["solarRad"],
                                    dayData["skyCover"], dayData["rain"], dayData["et0"], dayData["pop"], dayData["qpf"],
                                    dayData["condition"], dayData["pressure"], dayData["dewPoint"], dayData["rowid"]))

            # Delete unnecessary data
            if rowIdsToDelete:
                self.database.execute("DELETE FROM parserData WHERE rowid IN(%s)" % ",".join(rowIdsToDelete))

            # Update computed data
            if newData:
                query = "UPDATE parserData SET timestamp=?, temperature=?, rh=?, wind=?, solarRad=?, skyCover=?, rain=?, et0=?, pop=?, qpf=?, condition=?, pressure=?, dewPoint=?, archived=1 WHERE rowid=?"
                self.database.executeMany(query, newData)

            self.database.execute("DELETE FROM forecast WHERE processed <> 0 AND ID NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT forecastID FROM parserData)")

            if commit:
Exemplo n.º 10
    def parseStationDataWithKey(self, jsonData):
        # daily summary for yesterday
        tsToday = rmCurrentDayTimestamp()
        tsYesterDay = rmDeltaDayFromTimestamp(tsToday, -1)
        l = RMWeatherDataLimits()
            dailysummary = jsonData['summaries']
            for observation in dailysummary:
                tsDay = observation.get('epoch', None)
                tsDay = rmGetStartOfDay(tsDay)
                if tsDay == tsYesterDay:
                    temperature = self.__toFloat(
                    mintemp = self.__toFloat(observation['metric']['tempLow'])
                    maxtemp = self.__toFloat(observation['metric']['tempHigh'])
                    rh = self.__toFloat(observation["humidityAvg"])
                    minrh = self.__toFloat(observation["humidityLow"])
                    maxrh = self.__toFloat(observation["humidityHigh"])
                    dewpoint = self.__toFloat(
                    wind = self.__toFloat(
                    if wind is not None:
                        wind = wind / 3.6  # converted from kmetersph to mps

                    maxpressure = self.__toFloat(
                    minpressure = self.__toFloat(

                    if maxpressure is not None:
                        maxpressure = l.sanitize(
                            maxpressure / 10.0)  # converted to from hpa to kpa

                    if minpressure is not None:
                        minpressure = l.sanitize(RMWeatherDataType.PRESSURE,
                                                 minpressure / 10.0)

                    pressure = None
                    if maxpressure is not None and minpressure is not None:
                        pressure = (maxpressure + minpressure) / 2.0

                    rain = self.__toFloat(observation['metric']["precipTotal"])

                    self.addValue(RMParser.dataType.TEMPERATURE, tsYesterDay,
                                  temperature, False)
                    self.addValue(RMParser.dataType.MINTEMP, tsYesterDay,
                                  mintemp, False)
                    self.addValue(RMParser.dataType.MAXTEMP, tsYesterDay,
                                  maxtemp, False)
                    self.addValue(RMParser.dataType.RH, tsYesterDay, rh, False)
                    self.addValue(RMParser.dataType.MINRH, tsYesterDay, minrh,
                    self.addValue(RMParser.dataType.MAXRH, tsYesterDay, maxrh,
                    self.addValue(RMParser.dataType.WIND, tsYesterDay, wind,
                    self.addValue(RMParser.dataType.RAIN, tsYesterDay, rain,
                    self.addValue(RMParser.dataType.DEWPOINT, tsYesterDay,
                                  dewpoint, False)
                    self.addValue(RMParser.dataType.PRESSURE, tsYesterDay,
                                  pressure, False)
                    return True
            return False
            self.lastKnownError = "Warning: Failed to get yesterday data summary"
            return False
Exemplo n.º 11
 def _reset_observations(self):
     self.observations = dict.fromkeys(self.observations, None)
     self.observation_counter = 0
     self.startOfDayTimestamp = rmGetStartOfDay(self.currentTimestamp)
    def getRecordsEx(self,
        if (self.database.isOpen()):

            #if withManualPrograms:
            #    sqlCondition = " AND usersch_id != 0 "
            #    sqlConditionForced = " WHERE usersch_id != 0"
            #    sqlCondition = ""
            #    sqlConditionForced = ""

            if minTimestamp and maxTimestamp:
                records = self.database.execute("SELECT tokenTimestamp, SUM(real_sec) realDuration, SUM(user_sec) userDuration, usersch_id FROM %s "\
                                                 "WHERE ?<=tokenTimestamp AND tokenTimestamp<? GROUP BY tokenTimestamp "\
                                                 "ORDER BY tokenTimestamp" % self._tableName, (minTimestamp, maxTimestamp)
            elif minTimestamp:
                records = self.database.execute("SELECT tokenTimestamp, SUM(real_sec) realDuration, SUM(user_sec) userDuration, usersch_id FROM %s "\
                                                 "WHERE ?<=tokenTimestamp GROUP BY tokenTimestamp "\
                                                 "ORDER BY tokenTimestamp" % self._tableName, (minTimestamp, )
            elif maxTimestamp:
                records = self.database.execute("SELECT tokenTimestamp, SUM(real_sec), SUM(user_sec) userDuration duration, usersch_id FROM %s "\
                                                 "WHERE tokenTimestamp<? GROUP BY tokenTimestamp "\
                                                 "ORDER BY tokenTimestamp" % self._tableName, (maxTimestamp, )
                records = self.database.execute("SELECT tokenTimestamp, SUM(real_sec) realDuration, SUM(user_sec) userDuration, usersch_id FROM %s "\
                                                 "GROUP BY tokenTimestamp ORDER BY tokenTimestamp, usersch_id, zid" % self._tableName

            tempResults = OrderedDict()

            for row in records:
                if not withManualPrograms and int(row[3]) == 0:

                dayTimestamp = rmGetStartOfDay(int(row[0]))
                totalDurations = tempResults.get(
                    dayTimestamp, None)  # List with real and user durations

                if totalDurations is None:
                    totalDurations = [int(row[1]), int(row[2])]
                    totalDurations[0] += int(row[1])
                    totalDurations[1] += int(row[2])

                tempResults[dayTimestamp] = totalDurations

            results = {"days": []}

            for dayTimestamp in tempResults:
                date = rmTimestampToDateAsString(dayTimestamp, "%Y-%m-%d")

                day = {
                    "dayTimestamp": dayTimestamp,
                    "date": date,
                    "realDuration": tempResults.get(dayTimestamp)[0],
                    "userDuration": tempResults.get(dayTimestamp)[1]

            return results

        return None
    def getRecords(self, minTimestamp, maxTimestamp):
        if (self.database.isOpen()):
            if minTimestamp and maxTimestamp:
                records = self.database.execute("SELECT ts_started, usersch_id, zid, user_sec, machine_sec, real_sec, flag, token, tokenTimestamp FROM %s "\
                                                 "WHERE ?<=tokenTimestamp AND tokenTimestamp<? "\
                                                 "ORDER BY tokenTimestamp, usersch_id, zid" % self._tableName, (minTimestamp, maxTimestamp)
            elif minTimestamp:
                records = self.database.execute("SELECT ts_started, usersch_id, zid, user_sec, machine_sec, real_sec, flag, token, tokenTimestamp FROM %s "\
                                                 "WHERE ?<=tokenTimestamp "\
                                                 "ORDER BY tokenTimestamp, usersch_id, zid" % self._tableName, (minTimestamp, )
            elif maxTimestamp:
                records = self.database.execute("SELECT ts_started, usersch_id, zid, user_sec, machine_sec, real_sec, flag, token, tokenTimestamp FROM %s "\
                                                 "WHERE tokenTimestamp<? "\
                                                 "ORDER BY tokenTimestamp, usersch_id, zid" % self._tableName, (maxTimestamp, )
                records = self.database.execute("SELECT ts_started, usersch_id, zid, user_sec, machine_sec, real_sec, flag, token, tokenTimestamp FROM %s "\
                                                 "ORDER BY tokenTimestamp, usersch_id, zid" % self._tableName

            tempResults = OrderedDict()

            for row in records:
                token = row[7]
                dayTimestamp = rmGetStartOfDay(int(row[8]))

                dayGroup = tempResults.get(dayTimestamp, None)
                if dayGroup is None:
                    dayGroup = OrderedDict()
                    tempResults[dayTimestamp] = dayGroup

                programGroup = dayGroup.get(token, None)
                if programGroup is None:
                    programGroup = OrderedDict()
                    dayGroup[token] = programGroup

                zones = programGroup.get(row[1], None)
                if zones is None:
                    zones = OrderedDict()
                    programGroup[row[1]] = zones

                zone = zones.get(row[2], None)
                if zone is None:
                    zone = OrderedDict()
                    zone["uid"] = row[2]
                    zone["flag"] = row[6]
                    zone["cycles"] = []
                    zones[row[2]] = zone

                cycles = zone["cycles"]

                info = OrderedDict()

                info["id"] = len(cycles) + 1
                info["startTime"] = rmTimestampToDateAsString(row[0])
                info["startTimestamp"] = row[0]
                info["userDuration"] = row[3]
                info["machineDuration"] = row[4]
                info["realDuration"] = row[5]


            results = {"days": []}

            for dayTimestamp in tempResults:
                programs = []
                day = {
                    "date": rmTimestampToDateAsString(dayTimestamp,
                    "dateTimestamp": dayTimestamp,
                    "programs": programs

                dayGroup = tempResults[dayTimestamp]
                for token in dayGroup:

                    tempPrograms = dayGroup[token]
                    for programId in tempPrograms:
                        zones = []
                        program = OrderedDict()
                        program["id"] = programId
                        program["zones"] = zones

                        tempZones = tempPrograms[programId]
                        for zoneId in tempZones:

            return results

        return None
    def getRecordsEx(self, minTimestamp, maxTimestamp, withManualPrograms=False):
        if self.database.isOpen():

            # if withManualPrograms:
            #    sqlCondition = " AND usersch_id != 0 "
            #    sqlConditionForced = " WHERE usersch_id != 0"
            # else:
            #    sqlCondition = ""
            #    sqlConditionForced = ""

            if minTimestamp and maxTimestamp:
                records = self.database.execute(
                    "SELECT tokenTimestamp, SUM(real_sec) realDuration, SUM(user_sec) userDuration, usersch_id FROM %s "
                    "WHERE ?<=tokenTimestamp AND tokenTimestamp<? GROUP BY tokenTimestamp "
                    "ORDER BY tokenTimestamp" % self._tableName,
                    (minTimestamp, maxTimestamp),
            elif minTimestamp:
                records = self.database.execute(
                    "SELECT tokenTimestamp, SUM(real_sec) realDuration, SUM(user_sec) userDuration, usersch_id FROM %s "
                    "WHERE ?<=tokenTimestamp GROUP BY tokenTimestamp "
                    "ORDER BY tokenTimestamp" % self._tableName,
            elif maxTimestamp:
                records = self.database.execute(
                    "SELECT tokenTimestamp, SUM(real_sec), SUM(user_sec) userDuration duration, usersch_id FROM %s "
                    "WHERE tokenTimestamp<? GROUP BY tokenTimestamp "
                    "ORDER BY tokenTimestamp" % self._tableName,
                records = self.database.execute(
                    "SELECT tokenTimestamp, SUM(real_sec) realDuration, SUM(user_sec) userDuration, usersch_id FROM %s "
                    "GROUP BY tokenTimestamp ORDER BY tokenTimestamp, usersch_id, zid" % self._tableName

            tempResults = OrderedDict()

            for row in records:
                if not withManualPrograms and int(row[3]) == 0:

                dayTimestamp = rmGetStartOfDay(int(row[0]))
                totalDurations = tempResults.get(dayTimestamp, None)  # List with real and user durations

                if totalDurations is None:
                    totalDurations = [int(row[1]), int(row[2])]
                    totalDurations[0] += int(row[1])
                    totalDurations[1] += int(row[2])

                tempResults[dayTimestamp] = totalDurations

            results = {"days": []}

            for dayTimestamp in tempResults:
                date = rmTimestampToDateAsString(dayTimestamp, "%Y-%m-%d")

                day = {
                    "dayTimestamp": dayTimestamp,
                    "date": date,
                    "realDuration": tempResults.get(dayTimestamp)[0],
                    "userDuration": tempResults.get(dayTimestamp)[1],

            return results

        return None
    def getRecords(self, minTimestamp, maxTimestamp):
        if self.database.isOpen():
            if minTimestamp and maxTimestamp:
                records = self.database.execute(
                    "SELECT ts_started, usersch_id, zid, user_sec, machine_sec, real_sec, flag, token, tokenTimestamp FROM %s "
                    "WHERE ?<=tokenTimestamp AND tokenTimestamp<? "
                    "ORDER BY tokenTimestamp, usersch_id, zid" % self._tableName,
                    (minTimestamp, maxTimestamp),
            elif minTimestamp:
                records = self.database.execute(
                    "SELECT ts_started, usersch_id, zid, user_sec, machine_sec, real_sec, flag, token, tokenTimestamp FROM %s "
                    "WHERE ?<=tokenTimestamp "
                    "ORDER BY tokenTimestamp, usersch_id, zid" % self._tableName,
            elif maxTimestamp:
                records = self.database.execute(
                    "SELECT ts_started, usersch_id, zid, user_sec, machine_sec, real_sec, flag, token, tokenTimestamp FROM %s "
                    "WHERE tokenTimestamp<? "
                    "ORDER BY tokenTimestamp, usersch_id, zid" % self._tableName,
                records = self.database.execute(
                    "SELECT ts_started, usersch_id, zid, user_sec, machine_sec, real_sec, flag, token, tokenTimestamp FROM %s "
                    "ORDER BY tokenTimestamp, usersch_id, zid" % self._tableName

            tempResults = OrderedDict()

            for row in records:
                token = row[7]
                dayTimestamp = rmGetStartOfDay(int(row[8]))

                dayGroup = tempResults.get(dayTimestamp, None)
                if dayGroup is None:
                    dayGroup = OrderedDict()
                    tempResults[dayTimestamp] = dayGroup

                programGroup = dayGroup.get(token, None)
                if programGroup is None:
                    programGroup = OrderedDict()
                    dayGroup[token] = programGroup

                zones = programGroup.get(row[1], None)
                if zones is None:
                    zones = OrderedDict()
                    programGroup[row[1]] = zones

                zone = zones.get(row[2], None)
                if zone is None:
                    zone = OrderedDict()
                    zone["uid"] = row[2]
                    zone["flag"] = row[6]
                    zone["cycles"] = []
                    zones[row[2]] = zone

                cycles = zone["cycles"]

                info = OrderedDict()

                info["id"] = len(cycles) + 1
                info["startTime"] = rmTimestampToDateAsString(row[0])
                info["startTimestamp"] = row[0]
                info["userDuration"] = row[3]
                info["machineDuration"] = row[4]
                info["realDuration"] = row[5]


            results = {"days": []}

            for dayTimestamp in tempResults:
                programs = []
                day = {
                    "date": rmTimestampToDateAsString(dayTimestamp, "%Y-%m-%d"),
                    "dateTimestamp": dayTimestamp,
                    "programs": programs,

                dayGroup = tempResults[dayTimestamp]
                for token in dayGroup:

                    tempPrograms = dayGroup[token]
                    for programId in tempPrograms:
                        zones = []
                        program = OrderedDict()
                        program["id"] = programId
                        program["zones"] = zones

                        tempZones = tempPrograms[programId]
                        for zoneId in tempZones:

            return results

        return None
Exemplo n.º 16
    def perform(self):
        station = self.params.get("station", None)
        if station is None or station == "":
            station = "10637"
            log.debug("No station set, using Frankfurt am Main (%s)" % station)

        url = "http://opendata.dwd.de/weather/local_forecasts/mos/MOSMIX_L/single_stations/" + str(
            station) + "/kml/MOSMIX_L_LATEST_" + str(station) + ".kmz"

            datafile = self.openURL(url)
            if datafile is None:
                self.lastKnownError = "Cannot read data from DWD Service."
                log.debug("Successfully loaded the KML file")
                kmz = zipfile.ZipFile(BufferedRandomReader(datafile), 'r')
                for name in kmz.namelist():
                    kml = kmz.read(name)

                root = ElementTree.fromstring(kml)

                ns = {

                # temporary storage of forecast values
                tmp = dict()
                forecastDict = dict()
                timestamps = []
                forecasts = dict()

                # Find all forecasts
                for element in root.findall('.//dwd:Forecast', ns):

                # Find all timestamps
                for element in root.findall('.//dwd:TimeStep', namespaces=ns):

                for timestep in timestamps:
                    for measure, values in forecasts.iteritems():
                        tmp.update({measure: values.pop(0)})
                    forecastDict.update({timestep: dict(tmp)})

                # Add retreived data to DB
                for time, forecast in forecastDict.iteritems():
                    timestamp = rmTimestampFromDateAsString(
                        time[:-5], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
                    yesterdayTimestamp = rmGetStartOfDay(timestamp -
                                                         12 * 60 * 60)
                    if timestamp is None:
                            "Cannot convert timestamp: %s to unix timestamp" %
                    # Temperature
                    if forecast['TTT'] != '-':
                        TTT = float(forecast['TTT']) - 273.15
                        self.addValue(RMParser.dataType.TEMPERATURE, timestamp,
                    # Minimum temperature last 24h
                    if forecast['TN'] != '-':
                        TN = float(forecast['TN']) - 273.15
                                      timestamp - 12 * 60 * 60, TN)
                    # Maximum temperature last 24h
                    if forecast['TX'] != '-':
                        TX = float(forecast['TX']) - 273.15
                                      timestamp - 12 * 60 * 60, TX)
                    # Windspeed
                    if forecast['FF'] != '-':
                        FF = float(forecast['FF'])
                        self.addValue(RMParser.dataType.WIND, timestamp, FF)
                    # Precipation last 24h
                    if forecast['RRdc'] != '-':
                        RRdc = float(forecast['RRdc'])
                                      yesterdayTimestamp, RRdc)
                    # Atmospheric pressure
                    if forecast['PPPP'] != '-':
                        PPPP = float(forecast['PPPP']) / 1000
                        self.addValue(RMParser.dataType.PRESSURE, timestamp,
                    # Dewpoint
                    if forecast['Td'] != '-':
                        Td = float(forecast['Td']) - 273.15
                        self.addValue(RMParser.dataType.DEWPOINT, timestamp,

        except Exception as e:
            log.error("*** Error running DWD parser")
    def wfUDPData(self):
        air_count = 0
        sky_count = 0
        temp_total = 0
        humd_total = 0
        pres_total = 0
        wind_total = 0
        srad_total = 0
        rain_total = 0
        dewp_total = 0
        bufferSize = 1024  # whatever you need
        port = 50222
        day_of_year = 0

        log.debug("Start listening on port %d" % port)
            s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
            s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
            s.bind(('', port))
            log.Error("Socket failure")

        log.debug("Start recieve loop")
        while self.started:
            hub = s.recvfrom(bufferSize)
            data = json.loads(hub[0])  # hub is a truple (json, ip, port)

            now = datetime.now()

            # Check if this is a new day, if so
            if day_of_year != now.timetuple().tm_yday:
                # clear counters
                air_count = 0
                sky_count = 0
                temp_total = 0
                humd_total = 0
                pres_total = 0
                wind_total = 0
                srad_total = 0
                rain_total = 0
                dewp_total = 0
                self.report = {
                    'temperature': 0,
                    'humidity': 0,
                    'pressure': 0,
                    'dewpoint': 0,
                    'wind': 0,
                    'srad': 0,
                    'rain': 0,
                    'max_temp': -100,
                    'min_temp': 100,
                    'max_humid': 0,
                    'min_humid': 100

                day_of_year = now.timetuple().tm_yday
                self.parserData[1] = self.parserData[0]

                self.newDay += 1  # signal that just rolled into a new day, need to send a yesterday summary onetime

                # reset yesterday's timestamp to start of day
                if 'ts' in self.parserData[1]:
                    self.parserData[1]['ts'] = rmGetStartOfDay(

            #log.debug("type = %s broadcast s/n = %s  TEMPEST target: %s" % (data["type"], data["serial_number"], self.params["TempestSerialNum"]))

            debugMsg = "Observation: "

            if (((data["type"] == "obs_air") and
                 (data["serial_number"] == self.params["AirSerialNumber"])) or
                ((data["type"] == "obs_st") and
                 (data["serial_number"] == self.params["TempestSerialNum"]))):

                if data["type"] == "obs_air":
                    pres_idx = 1  # UDP packet data indexes for Air device
                    temp_idx = 2
                    humd_idx = 3
                    pres_idx = 6  # UDP packet data indexes for TEMPEST device
                    temp_idx = 7
                    humd_idx = 8

                air_count += 1

                temp_total += data["obs"][0][temp_idx]
                self.report["temperature"] = float(temp_total) / float(

                humd_total += data["obs"][0][humd_idx]
                self.report["humidity"] = float(humd_total) / float(air_count)

                # report pressure in hpa so convert from mb to hpa
                pres_total += (data["obs"][0][pres_idx] / 10.0)
                self.report["pressure"] = float(pres_total) / float(air_count)

                # Calculate dewpoint
                b = (17.625 * data["obs"][0][temp_idx]) / (
                    243.04 + data["obs"][0][temp_idx])
                rh = float(data["obs"][0][humd_idx]) / 100.0
                c = math.log(rh)
                dewpoint = (243.04 * (c + b)) / (17.625 - c - b)
                dewp_total += dewpoint
                self.report["dewpoint"] = dewp_total / air_count

                # Track Min/Max
                if (data["obs"][0][temp_idx] > self.report["max_temp"]):
                    self.report["max_temp"] = data["obs"][0][temp_idx]

                if (data["obs"][0][temp_idx] < self.report["min_temp"]):
                    self.report["min_temp"] = data["obs"][0][temp_idx]

                if (data["obs"][0][humd_idx] > self.report["max_humid"]):
                    self.report["max_humid"] = data["obs"][0][humd_idx]

                if (data["obs"][0][humd_idx] < self.report["min_humid"]):
                    self.report["min_humid"] = data["obs"][0][humd_idx]

                debugMsg += "Temp (dF)= %.2f, " % (
                    (float(data["obs"][0][temp_idx]) * 9 / 5) + 32
                )  # convert degC to degF
                debugMsg += "Humid  = %.2f, " % data["obs"][0][humd_idx]
                debugMsg += "Press (inHg) = %.2f, " % (
                    float(data["obs"][0][pres_idx]) / 33.8639)

            if (((data["type"] == "obs_sky") and
                 (data["serial_number"] == self.params["SkySerialNumber"])) or
                ((data["type"] == "obs_st") and
                 (data["serial_number"] == self.params["TempestSerialNum"]))):

                if data["type"] == "obs_sky":
                    wind_idx = 5  # UDP  Packet data indexes for Sky device
                    srad_idx = 10
                    rain_idx = 11
                    wind_idx = 2  # UDP packet data indexes for TEMPEST device
                    srad_idx = 11
                    rain_idx = 12

                sky_count += 1

                wind_total += data["obs"][0][wind_idx]
                self.report["wind"] = float(wind_total) / float(sky_count)

                srad_total += data["obs"][0][srad_idx]
                self.report["srad"] = float(srad_total) / float(sky_count)

                rain_total += data["obs"][0][rain_idx]
                self.report["rain"] = rain_total

                debugMsg += "Cumulative Rain (inch) = %.2f" % (rain_total /

            ts = mod_time.mktime(now.timetuple()) + now.microsecond / 1e6
            self.parserData[0] = {'ts': ts, 'report': self.report}

        log.debug("Receive thread exiting")
        self.started = False
Exemplo n.º 18
    def wfUDPData(self):
        air_count = 0
        sky_count = 0
        temp_total = 0
        humd_total = 0
        pres_total = 0
        wind_total = 0
        srad_total = 0
        rain_total = 0
        dewp_total = 0
        prev_air_hour = 0
        prev_sky_hour = 0
        prev_air_day = 0
        prev_sky_day = 0
        bufferSize = 1024 # whatever you need
        port = 50222
        day_of_year = 0

        log.debug("Start listening on port %d" % port)
            s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
            s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
            s.bind(('', port))
            log.Error("Socket failure")

        log.debug("Start recieve loop")
        while self.started:
            hub = s.recvfrom(bufferSize)
            data = json.loads(hub[0]) # hub is a truple (json, ip, port)

            now = datetime.now()

            # Check if this is a new day, if so 
            if day_of_year != now.timetuple().tm_yday:
                # clear counters
                air_count = 0
                sky_count = 0
                temp_total = 0
                humd_total = 0
                pres_total = 0
                dewp_total = 0
                srad_total = 0
                rain_total = 0
                self.report = {
                        'temperature': 0,
                        'humidity': 0,
                        'pressure': 0,
                        'dewpoint': 0,
                        'wind': 0,
                        'srad': 0,
                        'rain': 0,
                        'max_temp': -100,
                        'min_temp': 100,
                        'max_humid': 0,
                        'min_humid': 100

                day_of_year = now.timetuple().tm_yday
                self.parserData[1] = self.parserData[0]

                # reset yesterday's timestamp to start of day
                if 'ts' in self.parserData[1]:
                    self.parserData[1]['ts'] = rmGetStartOfDay(self.parserData[1]['ts'])

            #log.debug("type = %s s/n = %s" % (data["type"], data["serial_number"]))

            if (data["type"] == "obs_air") and (data["serial_number"] == self.params["AirSerialNumber"]):

                air_count += 1

                temp_total += data["obs"][0][2]
                self.report["temperature"] = float(temp_total) / float(air_count)

                humd_total += data["obs"][0][3]
                self.report["humidity"] = float(humd_total) / float(air_count)

                # report pressure in hpa so convert from mb to hpa
                pres_total += (data["obs"][0][1] / 10.0)
                self.report["pressure"] = float(pres_total) / float(air_count)

                # Calculate dewpoint
                b = (17.625 * data["obs"][0][2]) / (243.04 + data["obs"][0][2])
                rh = float(data["obs"][0][3]) / 100.0
                c = math.log(rh)
                dewpoint = (243.04 * (c + b)) / (17.625 - c - b)
                dewp_total += dewpoint
                self.report["dewpoint"] = dewp_total / air_count

                # Track Min/Max
                if (data["obs"][0][2] > self.report["max_temp"]):
                    self.report["max_temp"] = data["obs"][0][2]

                if (data["obs"][0][2] < self.report["min_temp"]):
                    self.report["min_temp"] = data["obs"][0][2]

                if (data["obs"][0][3] > self.report["max_humid"]):
                    self.report["max_humid"] = data["obs"][0][3]

                if (data["obs"][0][3] < self.report["min_humid"]):
                    self.report["min_humid"] = data["obs"][0][3]

            if (data["type"] == "obs_sky") and (data["serial_number"] == self.params["SkySerialNumber"]):
                sky_count += 1

                wind_total += data["obs"][0][5]
                self.report["wind"] = float(wind_total) / float(sky_count)

                srad_total += data["obs"][0][10]
                self.report["srad"] = float(srad_total) / float(sky_count)

                rain_total += data["obs"][0][3]
                self.report["rain"] = rain_total

            ts = mod_time.mktime(now.timetuple()) + now.microsecond / 1e6
            self.parserData[0] = {
                    'ts': ts,

        log.debug("Receive thread exiting")
        self.started = False