Exemplo n.º 1
    def test3AccessToGlobalsFromROOT(self):
        """Test creation and access of new ROOT globals"""

        import ROOT
        ROOT.gMyOwnGlobal = 3.1415

        proxy = gROOT.GetGlobal('gMyOwnGlobal', 1)
        self.assertEqual(proxy.__get__(proxy), 3.1415)
def printPSet(bPrintPset, folderName="signalAnalysis"):
    def printPSet():
    Simple module that prints the parameters set in running the analysis
    if bPrintPset:
        from ROOT import gROOT
        gDirectory = gROOT.GetGlobal("gDirectory")
        named = gDirectory.Get("%s/parameterSet" % (folderName))
        print named.GetTitle()
        raw_input("*** Press \"any\" key to continue: ")
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test2AccessToGlobals(self):
        """Test overwritability of ROOT globals"""

        import ROOT
        oldval = ROOT.gDebug

        # get proxy before setting, otherwise the AutoLoader will have printout
        proxy = gROOT.GetGlobal('gDebug', 1)

        ROOT.gDebug = -1
        self.assertEqual(proxy.__get__(proxy), -1)

        ROOT.gDebug = oldval
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test3AccessToGlobalsFromROOT(self):
        """Test creation and access of new ROOT globals"""

        import ROOT
        ROOT.gMyOwnGlobal = 3.1415

        proxy = gROOT.GetGlobal('gMyOwnGlobal', 1)
            self.assertEqual(proxy.__get__(proxy), 3.1415)
        except AttributeError:
            # In the old PyROOT, if we try to bind a new global,
            # such global is defined on the C++ side too, but
            # only if its type is basic or string (see ROOT.py).
            # The new PyROOT will discontinue this feature.

            # Note that in the new PyROOT we can still define a
            # global in C++ and access/modify it from Python
            ROOT.gInterpreter.Declare("int gMyOwnGlobal2 = 1;")
            self.assertEqual(ROOT.gMyOwnGlobal2, 1)
            ROOT.gMyOwnGlobal2 = -1
            self.assert_(gROOT.ProcessLine('gMyOwnGlobal2 == -1'))