def make_histo(title, args, include_signal=True): """ Make and return a histogram describe by the above parameters """ histo = TH3F( title, "3D BumpHunter Test %s" % title, args.nbins, 0, args.nbins * args.binsize, args.nbins, 0, args.nbins * args.binsize, args.nbins, 0, args.nbins * args.binsize, ) histo.GetXaxis().SetTitle("X") histo.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(2) histo.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Y") histo.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(2) histo.GetZaxis().SetTitle("Z") histo.GetZaxis().SetTitleOffset(2) for i in range(args.nbkg): histo.Fill(gRandom.Exp(args.bkg_mean), gRandom.Exp(args.bkg_mean), gRandom.Exp(args.bkg_mean)) if include_signal: for i in range(args.nsig): x = gRandom.Gaus(args.sig_x, args.sig_spread_x) y = gRandom.Gaus(args.sig_y, args.sig_spread_y) z = gRandom.Gaus(args.sig_z, args.sig_spread_z) histo.Fill(x, y, z) return histo
def make_phi_hist_with_noise(rid, is_parallel, hist_dim, noise_stdev, normalize): """Makes a histogram of the phi angle with added noise.""" hist = TH1D("blurredHist" + str(rid), "blurredHist" + str(rid), hist_dim[0], hist_dim[1], hist_dim[2]) if is_parallel: letter = 'P' else: letter = 'A' file_path = srkdata.srkglobal.results_dir + "Results_RID" + str( rid) + "_" + letter + ".root" f = ROOT.TFile.Open(file_path) phi_list = [] for event in f.hitTree: phi_list.append(gRandom.Gaus(event.phi, noise_stdev)) mean = srkmisc.reduce_periodics(phi_list) stdev = srkmisc.careful_std(phi_list) for x in phi_list: if normalize: hist.Fill((x - mean) / stdev) else: hist.Fill(x) f.Close() ROOT.SetOwnership(hist, True) return hist
def addBranchToDirectory(): print ">>> Add branch to directory." file = TFile("tree.root", 'update') # make directory if it does not exist dir = file.GetDirectory("dir1") if not dir: print ">>> created dir1" dir = file.mkdir("dir1") # make this directory the current one: everything you write will be saved here # make new tree with a branch tree = TTree("tree2", "tree2") n = array('d', [0]) #n = numpy.zeros(1, dtype=float) tree.Branch("normal5", n, 'normal5/D') # fill tree for i in xrange(10000): n[0] = gRandom.Gaus(3, 2) tree.Fill() file.Write("", TFile.kOverwrite) file.Close()
def makeTH1(): """Create ROOT TH1 filled with a Gaussian distribution""" hist = TH1D("hist", "hist", 25, -10, 10) for i in range(500): hist.Fill(gRandom.Gaus(0, 3)) return hist
def writeTree(): print ">>> Writing a tree." # make new root file with new tree file = TFile("tree.root", 'recreate') tree = TTree("tree_name", "tree title") # create 1 dimensional float arrays as fill variables, in this way the float array serves # as a pointer which can be passed to the branch n = array('d', [0]) u = array('d', [0]) # using numpy instead of array class (note python's float datatype corresponds to C++ doubles): #n = numpy.zeros(1, dtype=float) #u = numpy.zeros(1, dtype=float) # create the branches and assign the fill-variables to them as doubles (D) tree.Branch("normal", n, 'normal/D') tree.Branch("uniform", u, 'uniform/D') # create some random numbers, assign them into the fill variables and call Fill() for i in xrange(10000): n[0] = gRandom.Gaus() u[0] = gRandom.Uniform() tree.Fill() # write the tree into the output file and close the file file.Write() file.Close()
def smear(xt): xeff = 0.3 + (1.0 - 0.3) / 20 * (xt + 10.0) # efficiency x = gRandom.Rndm() if x > xeff: return None xsmear = gRandom.Gaus(-2.5, 0.2) # bias and smear return xt + xsmear
def resolution(value, binw): delta = gRandom.Gaus(0.0, 1.0) deltaValue = value + delta * binw / 2.0 # if deltaValue <= 0.0: # deltaValue= 0.0001 # if deltaValue > 0.5: # deltaValue= 0.4999 return deltaValue
def cov_gen(C, x, NP): z = array('f', NP * [0.]) for i in xrange(NP): z[i] = gRandom.Gaus(0., 1.) for i in xrange(NP): x[i] = 0 for j in xrange(NP): if j > i: continue x[i] += C[i][j] * z[j]
def writeHistogramToFile(filename,name,Nbins=600,option='recreate',N=10000): print ">>> write a root file with a histogram." f = TFile(filename, option) h1 = TH1D(name,"Hists be histin'",Nbins,-4,8) for i in xrange(N): h1.Fill(gRandom.Gaus(2,2)) f.Write() f.Close()
def makeTTree(): """Create ROOT TTree filled with a Gaussian distribution in x and a uniform distribution in y""" tree = TTree("tree", "tree") px = array('d', [0]) py = array('d', [0]) tree.Branch("px", px, "px/D") tree.Branch("py", py, "py/D") for i in range(500): px[0] = gRandom.Gaus(0, 3) py[0] = gRandom.Uniform() * 30 - 15 tree.Fill() return tree
def generate_dataset(Icase=1): xmin = 20. xmax = 230. func = TF1('func', ftrue, xmin, xmax, 3) func.SetParameters(0.01,1,0.2) Cs = TCanvas('Cs', '', 10, 10, 800, 600) func.Draw() func.GetXaxis().SetTitle('mass [GeV]') func.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Arbitrary Scale') Cs.SaveAs('Cs_func.png') Cs.SaveAs('Cs_func.pdf') f = TFile('data_'+str(Icase)+'.root', 'recreate') tree = TTree('nominal', '') mtrue = array('f', [0]) mrec = array('f', [0]) tree.Branch('mtrue', mtrue, 'mtrue/F') tree.Branch('mrec', mrec, 'mrec/F') num = 10000 for i in range(num): x0 = func.GetRandom(xmin, xmax) if Icase == 1: x = gRandom.Gaus(x0+5, 5) elif Icase == 2: x = gRandom.Gaus(x0+5, 10) elif Icase == 3: x = gRandom.Gaus(x0+5, 20) else: print('ERROR!!!') break #print(x0,x) mtrue[0]=x0 mrec[0] = x tree.Fill() tree.Write() f.Save() return
def addHist(): print ">>> Add histograms to a tree and one to a new branch." # reopen tree file file = TFile("tree.root", 'update') tree = file.Get("tree_name") # make new histogram hist = TH1D("normal3", "Haters be histin'", 50, -2, 6) # fill histogram for i in xrange(10000): hist.Fill(gRandom.Gaus(2, 2)) file.Write("", TObject.kOverwrite) file.Close()
def createhists(nhist=3): nbins = 50 xmin = 0 xmax = 100 nevts = 10000 rrange = 0.5 hists = [ ] gRandom.SetSeed(1777) for i in xrange(1,nhist+1): mu = 48+i sigma = 10 hname = "hist%d"%(i) htitle = "#mu = %s, #sigma = %s"%(mu,sigma) hist = TH1D(hname,hname,nbins,xmin,xmax) for j in xrange(nevts): hist.Fill(gRandom.Gaus(mu,sigma)) hists.append(hist) return hists
def addBranch(): print ">>> Add branch." # reopen tree file file = TFile("tree.root", 'update') tree = file.Get("tree_name") # make new variable n = array('d', [0]) #n = numpy.zeros(1, dtype=float) b = tree.Branch("normal2", n, 'normal2/D') # fill the branch N = tree.GetEntries() for i in xrange(N): tree.GetEntry(i) n[0] = gRandom.Gaus(3, 2) b.Fill() # overwrite the tree in the output file and close the file file.Write("", TFile.kOverwrite) file.Close()
def make_histo_1d(title, args, include_signal=True): """ Make and return a 1D TH2F. All the data will have a y coordinate of args.binsize/2.0 (to keep the data in the first bin) but the fit needs at least 4 points in y, so we make it 4 bins wide along y """ histo = TH2F(title, "1D BumpHunter2D Test %s" % title, args.nbins, 0, args.nbins * args.binsize, 4, 0, 4 * args.binsize) histo.GetXaxis().SetTitle("X") histo.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(2) histo.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Y") histo.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(2) for i in range(args.nbkg): histo.Fill(gRandom.Exp(args.bkg_mean), args.binsize / 2.0) if include_signal: for i in range(args.nsig): x, y = gRandom.Gaus(args.sig_x, args.sig_spread_x), args.binsize / 2.0 # print x, y histo.Fill(x, y) return histo
def addHistToDirectory(): print ">>> Add histogram to directory." # reopen tree file file = TFile("tree.root", 'update') # make directory if it does not exist dir = file.GetDirectory("dir1") if not dir: print ">>> created dir1" dir = file.mkdir("dir1") # make this directory the current one: everything you write will be saved here # declare histogram hist = TH1D("normal4", "Hist in folder", 50, -1, 9) # write histogram for i in xrange(10000): hist.Fill(gRandom.Gaus(4, 3)) file.Write("", TFile.kOverwrite) file.Close()
def makesamples(nevts=10000,**kwargs): """Create pseudo MC and data tree for quick and reproducible testing of Plotter tools.""" outdir = kwargs.get('outdir', 'plots' ) channel = kwargs.get('channel', 'mutau' ) samples = kwargs.get('sample', ['Data','ZTT','WJ','QCD','TT']) scales = kwargs.get('scales', None ) samples = unwraplistargs(samples) scaledict = { # relative contribtions to pseudo data 'ZTT': 1.00, 'WJ': 0.40, 'QCD': 0.25, 'TT': 0.15, 'DYJets': 1.0, 'DY1Jets': 0.5, 'DY2Jets': 0.3, 'DY3Jets': 0.2, 'DY4Jets': 0.1, } if scales: scaledict.update(scales) scaledict.pop('Data',None) vardict = { # uncorrelated pseudo distributions for variables 'm_vis': { '*': lambda gm: gRandom.Gaus( 72, 9) if gm==5 else gRandom.Gaus( 91, 2), # default 'ZTT': lambda gm: gRandom.Gaus( 72, 9), 'WJ': lambda gm: gRandom.Gaus( 65,28), 'QCD': lambda gm: gRandom.Gaus( 80,44), 'TT': lambda gm: gRandom.Gaus(110,70), }, 'genmatch_2': { # chance that genmatch_2==5 (real tau) '*': 0.9, # default 'ZTT': 1.0, 'WJ': 0.5, 'QCD': 0.5, 'TT': 0.8, }, 'pt_1': { '*': lambda: gRandom.Landau(30,2), # default 'QCD': lambda: gRandom.Landau(30,5), 'TT': lambda: gRandom.Landau(40,6), }, 'pt_2': { '*': lambda: gRandom.Landau(24,2), # default 'WJ': lambda: gRandom.Landau(24,2), 'QCD': lambda: gRandom.Landau(24,5), 'TT': lambda: gRandom.Landau(30,6), }, 'eta_1': { '*': lambda: gRandom.Uniform(-2.5,2.5), # default }, 'eta_2': { '*': lambda: gRandom.Uniform(-2.5,2.5), # default }, 'dm_2': { '*': lambda r: 0 if r<0.4 else 1 if r<0.6 else 10 if r<0.9 else 11, # default }, 'njets': { '*': lambda: gRandom.Poisson(0.2,), # default 'ZTT': lambda: gRandom.Poisson(0.2,), 'WJ': lambda: gRandom.Poisson(1.2,), 'QCD': lambda: gRandom.Poisson(2.0,), 'TT': lambda: gRandom.Poisson(2.5,), 'DYJets': lambda: gRandom.Poisson(0.2,), 'DY1Jets': lambda: 1, 'DY2Jets': lambda: 2, 'DY3Jets': lambda: 3, 'DY4Jets': lambda: 4, }, 'NUP': { '*': lambda: gRandom.Poisson(0.2,), # default 'ZTT': lambda: gRandom.Poisson(0.2,), 'WJ': lambda: gRandom.Poisson(1.2,), 'QCD': lambda: gRandom.Poisson(2.0,), 'TT': lambda: gRandom.Poisson(2.5,), 'DYJets': lambda: gRandom.Poisson(0.2,), 'DY1Jets': lambda: 1, 'DY2Jets': lambda: 2, 'DY3Jets': lambda: 3, 'DY4Jets': lambda: 4, }, 'weight': { '*': lambda: gRandom.Gaus(1.0,0.10), # default 'ZTT': lambda: gRandom.Gaus(1.0,0.10), 'WJ': lambda: gRandom.Gaus(1.0,0.10), 'QCD': lambda: gRandom.Gaus(1.0,0.05), 'TT': lambda: gRandom.Gaus(1.0,0.08), }, } # PREPARE TREES ensuredir(outdir) filedict = { } histdict = { } m_vis = np.zeros(1,dtype='f') pt_1 = np.zeros(1,dtype='f') pt_2 = np.zeros(1,dtype='f') dm_2 = np.zeros(1,dtype='f') eta_1 = np.zeros(1,dtype='f') eta_2 = np.zeros(1,dtype='f') njets = np.zeros(1,dtype='i') genmatch_2 = np.zeros(1,dtype='i') # genmatch_2: 5 = real tau; 0 = fake tau NUP = np.zeros(1,dtype='i') # number of LHE-level partons for jet stitching weight = np.zeros(1,dtype='f') def makesample(sample): # help function to create file with tree fname = "%s/%s_%s.root"%(outdir,sample,channel) file = TFile(fname,'RECREATE') hist = TH1D('cutflow','cutflow',20,0,20) tree = TTree('tree','tree') tree.Branch('m_vis', m_vis, 'm_vis/F') tree.Branch('pt_1', pt_1, 'pt_1/F') tree.Branch('pt_2', pt_2, 'pt_2/F') tree.Branch('dm_2', dm_2, 'dm_2/I') tree.Branch('eta_1', eta_1, 'eta_1/F') tree.Branch('eta_2', eta_2, 'eta_2/F') tree.Branch('njets', njets, 'njets/I') tree.Branch('genmatch_2', genmatch_2, 'genmatch_2/I') tree.Branch('NUP', NUP, 'NUP/I') tree.Branch('weight', weight, 'weight/F') tree.SetDirectory(file) hist.SetDirectory(file) hist.SetBinContent( 1,1) hist.SetBinContent(17,1) histdict[sample] = hist filedict[sample] = (file,tree) for sample in scaledict: makesample(sample) makesample('Data') def getgenerator(var,sample): # get random generator from dictionary if sample in vardict[var]: return vardict[var][sample] else: return vardict[var]['*'] def fill(sample,tree,nevts): # help function to fill trees for i in xrange(nevts): genmatch_2[0] = 5 if gRandom.Uniform(1.)<getgenerator('genmatch_2',sample) else 0 m_vis[0] = getgenerator('m_vis',sample)(genmatch_2[0]) pt_1[0] = getgenerator('pt_1', sample)() pt_2[0] = getgenerator('pt_2', sample)() if m_vis[0]<0 or pt_1[0]<0 or pt_2[0]<0: continue if pt_1[0]<pt_1[0]: pt_1[0], pt_2[0] = pt_2[0], pt_1[0] dm_2[0] = getgenerator('dm_2', sample)(gRandom.Uniform(1.)) eta_1[0] = getgenerator('eta_1', sample)() eta_2[0] = getgenerator('eta_2', sample)() njets[0] = getgenerator('njets', sample)() weight[0] = getgenerator('weight',sample)() if sample!='Data' else 1.0 tree.Fill() # PSEUDO MC print ">>> Generating pseudo MC..." #time0 = time.time() for sample in samples: if sample=='Data': continue #print ">>> %r"%(sample) file, tree = filedict[sample] fill(sample,tree,nevts) histdict[sample].Write() tree.Write() #print ">>> %.1f seconds"%(time.time()-time0) # PSEUDO DATA if 'Data' in samples: print ">>> Generating pseudo data..." file, tree = filedict['Data'] #time0 = time.time() for sample in samples: if sample=='Data': continue prob = scaledict.get(sample,1.0) ndevts = int(prob*nevts) # relative contribtion to pseudo data fill(sample,tree,ndevts) histdict[sample].Write() tree.Write() #print ">>> %.1f seconds"%(time.time()-time0) return filedict
from ROOT import THStack, TH1D, gRandom from math import sqrt hist1 = TH1D("hist1", "hist1", 10, 0, 100) hist2 = TH1D("hist2", "hist2", 10, 0, 100) hist1.Sumw2() hist2.Sumw2() stack = THStack("stack", "stack") for i in xrange(1000): weight1 = gRandom.Gaus(1, 0.1) weight2 = gRandom.Gaus(1, 0.2) hist1.Fill(gRandom.Gaus(55, 20), weight1) hist2.Fill(gRandom.Gaus(50, 25), weight2) stack.Add(hist1) stack.Add(hist2) hist_stack = stack.GetStack().Last() print "\n>>> hist_stack = stack.GetStack().Last()" print ">>> hist_stack = %s" % hist_stack print ">>> type(hist_stack) = %s" % type(hist_stack) print ">>> hist_stack.GetName() = %s" % hist_stack.GetName() print ">>> hist_stack.GetTitle() = %s" % hist_stack.GetTitle() print "\n>>> comparing integrals" print ">>> stack = %s" % hist_stack.Integral() print ">>> hist1 = %s" % hist1.Integral() print ">>> hist2 = %s" % hist2.Integral() print "\n>>> comparing entries"
# Train with a Breit-Wigner, mean 0.3 and width 2.5. for i in xrange(100000): xt = gRandom.BreitWigner(0.3, 2.5) x = smear(xt) if x != None: response.Fill(x, xt) else: response.Miss(xt) print "==================================== TEST =====================================" hTrue = TH1D("true", "Test Truth", 40, -10.0, 10.0) hMeas = TH1D("meas", "Test Measured", 40, -10.0, 10.0) # Test with a Gaussian, mean 0 and width 2. for i in xrange(10000): xt = gRandom.Gaus(0.0, 2.0) x = smear(xt) hTrue.Fill(xt) if x != None: hMeas.Fill(x) print "==================================== UNFOLD ===================================" unfold = RooUnfoldBayes(response, hMeas, 4) # OR # unfold= RooUnfoldSvd (response, hMeas, 20); # OR # unfold= RooUnfoldTUnfold (response, hMeas); # OR # unfold= RooUnfoldIds (response, hMeas, 3); # OR hReco = unfold.Hreco() unfold.PrintTable(cout, hTrue) hReco.Draw() hMeas.Draw("SAME")
yd = int(l * 1. / xd * 1.) c1.Divide(xd, yd) for i in range(1, l + 1): Histos[i - 1].Draw() s = raw_input("return to continue") if __name__ == '__main__': gRandom.SetSeed() th = THisto() th.BookH1("s1", "This is the first signal", 100, -4, 4) th.BookH1("s2", "This is the second signal", 100, -4, 4) th.BookH2("s1s2", "This is the first versus the econd signal", 100, -4, 4, 100, -4, 4) for i in range(0, 500): xs1 = gRandom.Gaus(-0.5, 0.5) xs2 = gRandom.Landau(1, 0.15) th.FillH1("s1", xs1, 0.3) th.FillH1("s2", xs2, 0.2) th.FillH2("s1s2", xs1, xs2) print "histograms ={0}".format(th) th.DrawList(["s1", "s2"], xd=1, yd=2) th.DrawAll()
# Example: displaying a ROOT histogram from Python from ROOT import gRandom, TCanvas, TH1F, TFile # this is the "include" of python.. what does "from ROOT" mean? c1 = TCanvas('c1', 'Example', 200, 10, 700, 500) # the same method as in c++ (wow!) hpx = TH1F('hpx', 'px', 100, -4, 4) for i in xrange(25000): px = gRandom.Gaus() hpx.Fill(px) hpx.Draw() c1.Update() # some lines to save output file = TFile("HelloWorld_output.root", "recreate") print "Hello world. While I said this I also saved a .pdf with a gaussian distribution." hpx.Write("hpx") file.Close() print "Ciao!"
print gDirectory.GetName() print file = TFile("treeParticles.root", 'recreate') tree = TTree("tree_name", "tree title") nevts = 100 Nmax = 10 nParticles = array( 'i', [ 0 ] ) pt = array( 'd', Nmax*[ 0. ] ) tree.Branch( 'nParticles', nParticles, 'nParticles/I' ) tree.Branch( 'pt', pt, 'pt[nParticles]/D' ) for i in xrange(nevts): nParticles[0] = int(gRandom.Uniform()*10) for j in range(nParticles[0]): pt[j] = gRandom.Gaus(20,2) tree.Fill() tree.Draw("pt[0] >> h(100,0,10)") hist = gDirectory.Get("h") print gDirectory.GetName() print print hist print type(hist) file.Write() file.Close() def main(): print "\n>>> Hello, world!"
def Simulate(self, save=None, draw=None): ''' :param save: if True: saves the root file as well as the true signal distribution :param draw: if True draws the signal distribution :param ask: :return: ''' # Settings: MPV = self.MCAttributes['Landau_MPV_bkg'] # background for Landau MPV distribution sigma = self.MCAttributes['Landau_Sigma'] # Landau scaling sigma NPeaks = self.MCAttributes['NPeaks'] MCRunPath = self.MCAttributes['MCRunPath'].format(self.RunNumber) xmin = self.diamond.Position['xmin'] + 0.01 xmax = self.diamond.Position['xmax'] - 0.01 ymin = self.diamond.Position['ymin'] + 0.01 ymax = self.diamond.Position['ymax'] - 0.01 center_x = (xmax + xmin) / 2. center_y = (ymax + ymin) / 2. if draw != None: assert (type(draw) == t.BooleanType), "draw has to be boolean type" self.MCAttributes['DrawRealDistribution'] = draw if save != None: assert (type(save) == t.BooleanType), "save argument has to be of type boolean" self.MCAttributes['Save'] = save def ManualHitDistribution(x, par): ''' Probability density function for hit distribution based on 6 2d gaussian in a rectangular pattern. The PDF is NOT normalized to 1 :param x: array, x[0]: x position, x[1]: y position :param par: parameter array; :return: ''' result = 0.1 # bkg norm = 1. sigma = 0.04 for i in range(len(par) / 2): result += norm * TMath.Gaus(x[0], par[2 * i], sigma) * TMath.Gaus(x[1], par[2 * i + 1], sigma) return result def CreateRandomPeaksConfig(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, bkg=120, peak_height=0.5, npeaks=NPeaks): ''' Creates the input parameters for SignalShape, which describes the peak distribution in the Signal distribution :param xmin: window parameter :param xmax: window parameter :param ymin: window parameter :param ymax: window parameter :param bkg: background of signal response :param peak_height: height of one peak in % of bkg, if bkg==0: the peaks heights are set to 1 :param npeaks: number of peaks in window - if none it picks random between 0 and 15 :return: array containing the parameters ''' if npeaks == None: npeaks = int(round(gRandom.Uniform(0, 15))) if self.MCAttributes['SpecialDistribution'] in ["Central", "central"]: npeaks = 1 dxy = 0.02 parameters = np.zeros(7) parameters[0] = npeaks parameters[1] = bkg parameters[2] = peak_height parameters[3] = gRandom.Uniform(center_x - dxy, center_x + dxy) parameters[4] = gRandom.Uniform(center_y - dxy, center_y + dxy) parameters[5] = gRandom.Uniform(self.MCAttributes['PeakSigmaX_min'], self.MCAttributes['PeakSigmaX_max']) parameters[6] = gRandom.Uniform(self.MCAttributes['PeakSigmaY_min'], self.MCAttributes['PeakSigmaY_max']) elif self.MCAttributes['SpecialDistribution'] in ["4Peaks", "4peaks", "L", "3Peaks"]: npeaks = 4 dxy = 0.02 parameters = np.zeros(3 + 4 * npeaks) parameters[0] = npeaks parameters[1] = bkg parameters[2] = peak_height # peaks: peaknr = 0 for x in [center_x - 0.07, center_x + 0.07]: for y in [center_y - 0.07, center_y + 0.07]: parameters[3 + 4 * peaknr] = gRandom.Uniform(x - dxy, x + dxy) parameters[4 + 4 * peaknr] = gRandom.Uniform(y - dxy, y + dxy) parameters[5 + 4 * peaknr] = gRandom.Uniform(self.MCAttributes['PeakSigmaX_min'], self.MCAttributes['PeakSigmaX_max']) parameters[6 + 4 * peaknr] = gRandom.Uniform(self.MCAttributes['PeakSigmaY_min'], self.MCAttributes['PeakSigmaY_max']) peaknr += 1 if self.MCAttributes['SpecialDistribution'] in ["L", "3Peaks"]: npeaks = 3 parameters[0] = npeaks parameters = parameters[:3 + 4 * npeaks] elif self.MCAttributes['SpecialDistribution'] in ["Testpattern", "testpattern", "Test", "test"]: npeaks = 8 Center_x = gRandom.Uniform(center_x - 0.01, center_x + 0.01) Center_y = gRandom.Uniform(center_y - 0.01, center_y + 0.01) parameters = np.zeros(3 + 4 * npeaks) parameters[0] = npeaks parameters[1] = bkg parameters[2] = peak_height parameters[3] = Center_x - 0.1 parameters[4] = Center_y + 0.08 parameters[5] = 0.02 parameters[6] = 0.02 parameters[7] = Center_x - 0.04 parameters[8] = Center_y + 0.08 parameters[9] = 0.02 parameters[10] = 0.02 parameters[11] = Center_x - 0.1 parameters[12] = Center_y parameters[13] = 0.025 parameters[14] = 0.025 parameters[15] = Center_x parameters[16] = Center_y parameters[17] = 0.02 parameters[18] = 0.02 parameters[19] = Center_x + 0.1 parameters[20] = Center_y parameters[21] = 0.03 parameters[22] = 0.03 parameters[23] = Center_x - 0.04 parameters[24] = Center_y - 0.06 parameters[25] = 0.015 parameters[26] = 0.015 parameters[27] = Center_x - 0.12 parameters[28] = Center_y - 0.12 parameters[29] = 0.03 parameters[30] = 0.03 parameters[31] = Center_x + 0.08 parameters[32] = Center_y - 0.12 parameters[33] = 0.04 parameters[34] = 0.04 else: parameters = np.zeros(3 + 4 * npeaks) parameters[0] = npeaks parameters[1] = bkg parameters[2] = peak_height for i in range(npeaks): parameters[3 + 4 * i] = gRandom.Uniform(xmin, xmax) parameters[4 + 4 * i] = gRandom.Uniform(ymin, ymax) parameters[5 + 4 * i] = gRandom.Uniform(0.02, 0.07) parameters[6 + 4 * i] = gRandom.Uniform(0.02, 0.07) self.MCAttributes['NPeaks'] = npeaks return parameters def SignalShape(x, par): ''' :param x: x[0]: x position x[1]: y position :param par: par[0]: number of peaks par[1]: mean bkg signal par[2]: peak height in percent of bkg par[3]: peak1 x position par[4]: peak1 y position par[5]: peak1 sigma in x par[6]: peak1 sigma in y ... par[3+4*n]: peakn x position par[4+4*n]: peakn y position par[5+4*n]: peakn sigma in x par[6+4*n]: peakn sigma in y :return: ''' norm = par[1] * par[2] result = par[1] if par[1] == 0: norm = 1 for i in range(int(par[0])): result += norm * TMath.Gaus(x[0], par[3 + 4 * i], par[5 + 4 * i]) * TMath.Gaus(x[1], par[4 + 4 * i], par[6 + 4 * i]) return result # Set seed for random number generator: today = seed = int((today - datetime(today.year, today.month,, 0, 0, 0, 0)).total_seconds() % 1800 * 1e6) gRandom.SetSeed(seed) # create track_info ROOT file if not os.path.exists(MCRunPath): os.makedirs(MCRunPath) if self.MCAttributes['Save']: file = TFile(MCRunPath + 'track_info.root', 'RECREATE') self.track_info = TTree('track_info', 'MC track_info') track_x = array('f', [0]) track_y = array('f', [0]) integral50 = array('f', [0]) calibflag = array('i', [0]) calib_offset = array('i', [0]) time_stamp = array('f', [0]) self.track_info.Branch('track_x', track_x, 'track_x/F') self.track_info.Branch('track_y', track_y, 'track_y/F') self.track_info.Branch('integral50', integral50, 'integral50/F') self.track_info.Branch('calibflag', calibflag, 'calibflag/I') self.track_info.Branch('calib_offset', calib_offset, 'calib_offset/I') self.track_info.Branch('time_stamp', time_stamp, 'time_stamp/F') # Create Manual Hit Distribution: if self.MCAttributes['HitDistributionMode'] == 'Manual': dx = 0.08 dy = 0.07 f_lateral = TF2('f_lateral', ManualHitDistribution, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, 12) f_lateral.SetNpx(80) f_lateral.SetNpy(80) # 6 gaus centers: par = np.array([center_x - dx / 2., # x1 center_y + dy, # y1 center_x + dx / 2., # x2 center_y + dy, # y2 center_x + dx / 2., # x3 center_y, # y3 center_x - dx / 2., # x4 center_y, # y4 center_x - dx / 2., # x5 center_y - dy, # y5 center_x + dx / 2., # x6 center_y - dy # y6 ]) f_lateral.SetParameters(par) a = Double() b = Double() # Generate Signal Distribution: if self.MCAttributes['SignalMode'] == 'Landau': self.SignalParameters = CreateRandomPeaksConfig(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, peak_height=self.MCAttributes['PeakHeight'], bkg=MPV) else: self.SignalParameters = CreateRandomPeaksConfig(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, peak_height=self.MCAttributes['PeakHeight'], bkg=100) f_signal = TF2('f_signal', SignalShape, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, len(self.SignalParameters)) f_signal.SetNpx(40) # Resolution f_signal.SetNpy(40) f_signal.SetParameters(self.SignalParameters) if self.MCAttributes['DrawRealDistribution']: canvas = TCanvas('canvas', 'canvas') gStyle.SetPalette(55) # a Rain Bow palette == used. gStyle.SetNumberContours(8) f_signal.Draw('surf1') gPad.Print(MCRunPath + 'RealSignalDistribution.png') if self.ShowAndWait: answer = input('for data creation, type `yes`: ') else: answer = 'yes' else: answer = 'yes' # Set the Hit distribution for Manual or Import if self.MCAttributes['HitDistributionMode'] == 'Manual': HitsTemplate = f_lateral elif self.MCAttributes['HitDistributionMode'] == 'Import': HitsTemplate = self.counthisto mc_start_timestamp = 42. # arbitrary timestamp for the first MC event MCEventDeltaTime = 30. * 60. / 300000. # 1800s/300000Hits = 0.006s/Hit tmp_time = mc_start_timestamp # Generate Toy Data: if answer == 'yes': if self.verbose: self.ShowMCConfig() self.verbose_print('Creating Toy Data with {0} Hits'.format(self.NumberOfHits)) integral50_max = self.MCAttributes['integral50_max'] # Maximum of Signal response allowed (data: 500 ?) i = 0 j = 0 while i < self.NumberOfHits and j < 2 * self.NumberOfHits: # Get x and y if self.MCAttributes['HitDistributionMode'] == 'Uniform': track_x[0] = gRandom.Uniform(xmin, xmax) track_y[0] = gRandom.Uniform(ymin, ymax) else: HitsTemplate.GetRandom2(a, b) track_x[0] = gRandom.Gaus(a, self.MCAttributes['TrackResolution']) # 0.002 = 20mu track resolution (first guess) track_y[0] = gRandom.Gaus(b, self.MCAttributes['TrackResolution']) # Get Signal at x and y if self.MCAttributes['SignalMode'] == 'Landau': integral50[0] = gRandom.Landau(f_signal(track_x[0], track_y[0]), sigma) else: integral50[0] = gRandom.Gaus(f_signal(track_x[0], track_y[0]), 0.6 * f_signal(track_x[0], track_y[0]) - 33) # check if found values fulfill requirements if xmin < track_x[0] < xmax and ymin < track_y[0] < ymax and integral50[0] < integral50_max: tmp_time += MCEventDeltaTime time_stamp[0] = tmp_time self.track_info.Fill() self.Data['track_x'].append(track_x[0]) self.Data['track_y'].append(track_y[0]) self.Data['integral50'].append(integral50[0]) i += 1 j += 1 if not j < 2 * self.NumberOfHits: # if too many times requirements were not fulfilled assert (False), "Bad MC Parameters" # Save root file and true Signal Shape: if self.MCAttributes['Save']: file.Write() f_signal.SaveAs(MCRunPath + 'RealSignalDistribution.root') self.verbose_print(MCRunPath + 'track_info.root has been written') self.TrackingPadAnalysis['ROOTFile'] = MCRunPath + 'track_info.root' # Print Settings of created data: if self.verbose: print("\nToydata containing {:.0f} peaks generated.".format(self.SignalParameters[0])) if self.MCAttributes['SignalMode'] == 'Landau': for i in range(int(self.SignalParameters[0])): x = self.SignalParameters[3 + 4 * i] y = self.SignalParameters[4 + 4 * i] print("Peak {0:.0f} at position: ({1:.3f}/{2:.3f}) with Laundau Response MPV: {3:.2f} Sigma: {4:.1f}".format(i + 1, x, y, f_signal(x, y), sigma)) else: integral50[0] = gRandom.Gaus(f_signal(track_x[0], track_y[0]), 0.6 * f_signal(track_x[0], track_y[0]) - 33) for i in range(int(self.SignalParameters[0])): x = self.SignalParameters[3 + 4 * i] y = self.SignalParameters[4 + 4 * i] print("Peak {0:.0f} at position: ({1:.3f}/{2:.3f}) with Gaussian Response Mean: {3:.2f} Sigma: {4:.1f}".format(i + 1, x, y, f_signal(x, y), 0.6 * f_signal(x, y) - 33)) self.DataIsMade = True self.verbose_print('Monte Carlo Toy Data created.\n')
def smear(mu, sigma0, smearfactor, N=100000, lcut=None, ucut=None, nbins=80): print ">>> smearing for N(%s,%s) with a factor of %s" % (mu, sigma0, smearfactor) # HISTS xmin, xmax = mu - sigma0 * 5, mu + sigma0 * 4 sigma1 = sigma0 * (1 + smearfactor) histname0 = "unsmeared" histname1 = "smeared" histtitle0 = "unsmeared, #sigma_{0} = %s" % (sigma0) histtitle1 = "smeared, #sigma_{new} = %s" % (sigma1) hist0 = TH1F(histname0, histtitle0, nbins, xmin, xmax) hist1 = TH1F(histname1, histtitle1, nbins, xmin, xmax) # FIT FUNCTIONS xminf = xmin if lcut == None else lcut xmaxf = xmax if ucut == None else ucut gaus0 = TF1("gaus0", "gaus", xminf, xmaxf) gaus1 = TF1("gaus1", "gaus", xminf, xmaxf) gaus0.SetTitle("%s fit" % histname0) gaus1.SetTitle("%s fit" % histname1) gaus0.SetParameters(N, mu, sigma0) gaus1.SetParameters(N, mu, sigma1) #gaus0.SetParLimits(2,sigma0*0.9,sigma0*1.1) #gaus1.SetParLimits(2,sigma1*0.9,sigma1*1.1) hists = [(hist0, gaus0), (hist1, gaus1)] # SMEAR & FILL #sigma1 = smearfactor #sigma1 = (smearfactor**2)/2. #sigma1 = sqrt(2.*(smearfactor)) #sigma1 = sqrt(-2.*log(smearfactor)) #sigma1 = 1./(2*smearfactor**2) sigma2 = sqrt(sigma1**2 - sigma0**2) print ">>> sigma0 = %.3f, sigma1 = %.3f, sigma2 = %.3f" % ( sigma0, sigma1, sigma2) print ">>> generating %s events..." % (N) for i in xrange(N): xval0 = gRandom.Gaus(mu, sigma0) if lcut != None and xval0 < lcut: continue if ucut != None and xval0 > ucut: continue #rand = gRandom.Gaus(1,smearfactor) #xval1 = xval0 * rand #rand = gRandom.Gaus(0,1+smearfactor) #xval1 = xval0 + rand rand = gRandom.Gaus(0, 1) xval1 = xval0 + sigma2 * rand hist0.Fill(xval0) if lcut != None and xval1 < lcut: continue if ucut != None and xval1 > ucut: continue hist1.Fill(xval1) # PLOT SETTINGS xtitle = "x variable" ytitle = "events" title = "Gauss(%s,%s)" % (mu, "#sigma") canvasname = "smear_%.1f-%.1f_by_%.2f" % (mu, sigma0, smearfactor) if lcut != None: canvasname += "_gt%.1f" % (lcut) if ucut != None: canvasname += "_lt%.1f" % (ucut) canvasname = canvasname.replace('.', 'p') ymin, ymax = 0, 1.14 * max(hist0.GetMaximum(), hist1.GetMaximum()) rmin, rmax = 0.60, 1.40 lmargin, rmargin = 0.14, 0.04 # CANVAS print ">>> plotting..." canvas = TCanvas("canvas", "canvas", 100, 100, 800, 800) canvas.Divide(2) # MAIN plot gPad.SetPad("pad1", "pad1", 0, 0.33, 1, 1, 0, -1, 0) gPad.SetFillColor(0) gPad.SetBorderMode(0) gPad.SetFrameFillStyle(0) gPad.SetFrameBorderMode(0) gPad.SetTopMargin(0.06) gPad.SetBottomMargin(0.02) gPad.SetLeftMargin(lmargin) gPad.SetRightMargin(rmargin) gPad.SetGrid() textsize = 0.050 x1, width = 0.18, 0.25 y1, height = 0.89, textsize * 1.08 * 5 legend = TLegend(x1, y1, x1 + width, y1 - height) legend.SetTextSize(textsize) legend.SetBorderSize(0) legend.SetFillStyle(0) legend.SetFillColor(0) legend.SetTextFont(62) legend.SetHeader(title) legend.SetTextFont(42) # FRAME frame = gPad.DrawFrame(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) frame.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.070) frame.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.070) frame.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.000) frame.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.060) frame.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.00) frame.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.06) frame.GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(508) frame.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xtitle) frame.GetYaxis().SetTitle(ytitle) # DRAW & FIT print ">>> fitting..." fits = [] for i, (hist, gaus) in enumerate(hists): color = colors[i % len(colors)] hist.SetLineColor(color) hist.SetLineWidth(2) hist.SetLineStyle(1) gaus.SetLineColor(color + 1) gaus.SetLineWidth(2) gaus.SetLineStyle(2) hist.Fit(gaus.GetName(), '0', '', xminf, xmaxf) hist.Draw('SAME') gaus.Draw('SAME') gtitle = "#sigma_{fit} = %.3f" % (gaus.GetParameter(2) ) #gaus.GetTitle() legend.AddEntry(hist, hist.GetTitle(), 'l') legend.AddEntry(gaus, gtitle, 'l') print ">>> real unsmeared sigma: %5.3f" % (sigma0) print ">>> fitted unsmeared sigma: %5.3f" % (gaus0.GetParameter(2)) print ">>> real smear factor: %5.3f" % (smearfactor) print ">>> fitted smeared sigma: %5.3f" % (gaus1.GetParameter(2)) legend.Draw() frame.Draw('SAMEAXIS') gPad.Modified() # RATIO plot gPad.SetPad("pad2", "pad2", 0, 0, 1, 0.32, 0, -1, 0) gPad.SetTopMargin(0.04) gPad.SetBottomMargin(0.29) gPad.SetLeftMargin(lmargin) gPad.SetRightMargin(rmargin) # RATIO FRAME rframe = gPad.DrawFrame(xmin, rmin, xmax, rmax) rframe.GetYaxis().CenterTitle() rframe.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.144) rframe.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.140) rframe.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.130) rframe.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.120) rframe.GetXaxis().SetLabelOffset(0.012) rframe.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.85) rframe.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.53) rframe.GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(508) rframe.GetYaxis().CenterTitle(True) rframe.GetYaxis().SetTitle("ratio") rframe.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xtitle) rframe.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(5) # RATIO ratios = [] for i, (hist, gaus) in enumerate(hists): #if i==0: continue #ratio = hist.Clone(hist.GetName()+"_ratio") #ratio.Divide(hist0) ratio = divideHists(hist, hist0, name=hist.GetName() + "_ratio") ratio.Draw('HISTSAME') ratios.append(ratio) #ratiof = createTH1FromTF1(gaus,nbins,xmin,xmax) #ratiof.Divide(hist0) ratiof = divideTF1ByTH1(gaus, hist0, name=gaus.GetName() + "_ratio") ratiof.Draw('HISTSAME') ratios.append(ratiof) print ratiof #line = TLine(xmin,1.,xmax,1.) #line.SetLineColor(hist0.GetLineColor()) #line.SetLineWidth(hist0.GetLineWidth()) #line.SetLineStyle(1) #line.Draw('SAME') gPad.SetGrid() gPad.Modified() rframe.Draw('sameaxis') canvas.SaveAs(canvasname + ".png") canvas.SaveAs(canvasname + ".pdf") canvas.Close() print ">>> "
def main(optunf="Bayes"): optunfs = ["Bayes", "SVD", "TUnfold", "Invert", "Reverse"] if not optunf in optunfs: txt = "Unfolding option " + optunf + " not recognised" raise ValueError(txt) global hReco, hMeas, hTrue print "==================================== TRAIN ====================================" # Create response matrix object for 40 measured and 20 # unfolded bins: response = RooUnfoldResponse(40, -10.0, 10.0, 20, -10.0, 10.0) # Train with a Breit-Wigner, mean 0.3 and width 2.5. for i in xrange(100000): # xt= gRandom.BreitWigner( 0.3, 2.5 ) xt = gRandom.Gaus(0.0, 5.0) x = smear(xt) if x != None: response.Fill(x, xt) else: response.Miss(xt) print "==================================== TEST =====================================" hTrue = TH1D("true", "Test Truth", 20, -10.0, 10.0) hMeas = TH1D("meas", "Test Measured", 40, -10.0, 10.0) # Test with a Gaussian, mean 0 and width 2. for i in xrange(10000): # xt= gRandom.Gaus( 0.0, 2.0 ) xt = gRandom.BreitWigner(0.3, 2.5) x = smear(xt) hTrue.Fill(xt) if x != None: hMeas.Fill(x) print "==================================== UNFOLD ===================================" print "Unfolding method:", optunf if "Bayes" in optunf: # Bayes unfoldung with 4 iterations # unfold= RooUnfoldBayes( response, hMeas, 4 ) unfold = RooUnfoldBayes(response, hMeas, 10, False, True) elif "SVD" in optunf: # SVD unfoding with free regularisation # unfold= RooUnfoldSvd( response, hMeas, 20 ) unfold = RooUnfoldSvd(response, hMeas) elif "TUnfold" in optunf: # TUnfold with fixed regularisation tau=0.002 # unfold= RooUnfoldTUnfold( response, hMeas ) unfold = RooUnfoldTUnfold(response, hMeas, 0.002) elif "Invert" in optunf: unfold = RooUnfoldInvert(response, hMeas) elif "Reverse" in optunf: unfold = RooUnfoldBayes(response, hMeas, 1) hReco = unfold.Hreco() # unfold.PrintTable( cout, hTrue ) unfold.PrintTable(cout, hTrue, 2) hReco.Draw() hMeas.Draw("SAME") hTrue.SetLineColor(8) hTrue.Draw("SAME") return
outFileName = "../input/myTMVA.root" outFile = TFile(outFileName, "recreate") print "[] Hello, I just created ", outFileName TreeS = TTree("TreeS", "Tree of signal events TMVA") TreeB = TTree("TreeB", "Tree of background events TMVA") x1 = array("f", [0.]) x2 = array("f", [0.]) TreeS.Branch("x1", x1, "x1/F") TreeS.Branch("x2", x2, "x2/F") TreeB.Branch("x1", x1, "x1/F") TreeB.Branch("x2", x2, "x2/F") for i in range(100000): #signal x1[0] = gRandom.Gaus(1., 1.) x2[0] = gRandom.Gaus(10., 1.) TreeS.Fill() #background x1[0] = gRandom.Gaus(2., 1.) x2[0] = gRandom.Gaus(9., 0.8) TreeB.Fill() #------------------------------- outFile.Write() outFile.Close() print "[] Goodbye!" #### HOW TO DECLARE ARRAYS IN PYTHON #maxn = 10 #n = array('i',[0]) # array int[1] #d = array('f',maxn*[0.]) # array float[maxn]
from ROOT import THStack, TH1D, gRandom from math import sqrt hist1 = TH1D("hist1", "hist1", 10, 0, 100) hist1.Sumw2() for i in xrange(1000): weight1 = gRandom.Gaus(1, 0.1) hist1.Fill(gRandom.Gaus(55, 20), weight1) bincontents1 = [] for i, binc in enumerate(hist1): bincontents1.append((i, binc, hist1.GetBinError(i))) print "\n>>> before scaling" print ">>> hist1.Integral() = %s" % hist1.Integral() print ">>> hist1.GetEntries() = %s" % hist1.GetEntries() scale = 0.5 hist1.Scale(scale) bincontents2 = [] for i, binc in enumerate(hist1): bincontents2.append((i, binc, hist1.GetBinError(i))) print "\n>>> after scaling with scale=%s" % scale print ">>> hist1.Integral() = %s" % hist1.Integral() print ">>> hist1.GetEntries() = %s" % hist1.GetEntries() print "\n>>> comparing bin contents" print ">>> %3s %20s %20s" % ("", "before scaling", "after scaling") print ">>> %3s %8s %8s %8s %8s" % ("bin", "content", "error",
import ROOT from ROOT import TCanvas, TH1F from ROOT import gROOT, gRandom h = ROOT.TH1F("h", "h", 100, -5, 5) for i in range(1000000): d = gRandom.Gaus(0) h.Fill(d)
def smear(self, xt): xsmear = gRandom.Gaus(self.mean, self.sigma) return xt + xsmear
#Tianai from ROOT import TH1D, gRandom h1 = TH1D("hist","histogram",100,-5,5) for i in xrange(10000): hist = gRandom.Gaus() h1.Fill(hist) h1.Draw()