def morph_hist(self, file, directory, name, lower, upper, value) : """ Load histograms with name NAME that correspond to upper and lower bound, determine morphed histogram corresponding to VALUE, and write the morphed histogram to file. """ #print "loading fingerprint: ", file, directory, name hist_lower = self.zero_safe(self.load_hist(file, directory, name.format(MASS=lower))) hist_upper = self.zero_safe(self.load_hist(file, directory, name.format(MASS=upper))) norm = self.norm_hist(hist_lower, hist_upper, float(lower), float(upper), float(value)) if self.trivial : if abs(float(value)-float(lower)) < abs(float(upper)-float(value)) : hist_morph = hist_lower.Clone(name.format(MASS=value)); hist_morph.SetTitle(name.format(MASS=value)); hist_morph.Scale(norm/hist_morph.Integral()) else : hist_morph = hist_upper.Clone(name.format(MASS=value)); hist_morph.SetTitle(name.format(MASS=value)); hist_morph.Scale(norm/hist_morph.Integral()) else : hist_morph = th1fmorph(name.format(MASS=value),name.format(MASS=value),hist_lower, hist_upper, float(lower), float(upper), float(value), norm, 0) # th1fmorph() will set a value null if you are right on top of it if not hist_lower and lower == value: hist_lower = hist_morph if not hist_upper and upper == value: hist_upper = hist_morph if self.verbose : print "writing morphed histogram to file: name =", hist_morph.GetName(), "integral =[ %.5f | %.5f | %.5f ]" % (hist_lower.Integral(), hist_morph.Integral(), hist_upper.Integral()) if directory == "" : else : hist_morph.Write(hist_morph.GetName())
def morph_hist(self, file, directory, name, lower, upper, value): """ Load histograms with name NAME that correspond to upper and lower bound, determine morphed histogram corresponding to VALUE, and write the morphed histogram to file. """ #print "loading fingerprint: ", file, directory, name hist_lower = self.zero_safe( self.load_hist(file, directory, name.format(MASS=lower))) hist_upper = self.zero_safe( self.load_hist(file, directory, name.format(MASS=upper))) norm = self.norm_hist(hist_lower, hist_upper, float(lower), float(upper), float(value)) hist_morph = th1fmorph(name.format(MASS=value), name.format(MASS=value), hist_lower, hist_upper, float(lower), float(upper), float(value), norm, 0) # th1fmorph() will set a value null if you are right on top of it if not hist_lower and lower == value: hist_lower = hist_morph if not hist_upper and upper == value: hist_upper = hist_morph if self.verbose: print "writing morphed histogram to file: name =", hist_morph.GetName( ), "integral =[ %.5f | %.5f | %.5f ]" % (hist_lower.Integral(), hist_morph.Integral(), hist_upper.Integral()) if directory == "": else: hist_morph.Write(hist_morph.GetName())
def morph(name, title, x, hist1, x1, hist2, x2): ''' Given to histograms, <hist1> and <hist2>, which correspond to the parameters <x1> and <x2>, return a TH1 with the given name and title, morphed to correspond to parameter <x>. The total yield for the target histogram is interpolated between the two base histograms. ''' yield1 = hist1.Integral() yield2 = hist2.Integral() interp_yield = interpolate(x1, yield1, x2, yield2, x) return th1fmorph(name, title, hist1, hist2, x1, x2, x, interp_yield, 0)
def single_template(self, dir, proc, mass, label, scale, MODE='MORPHED', debug=False) : """ Return a single template histogram for a given dir, proc, mass and label. The histogram will be scaled by scale (corresponding to the cross section times BR of the corresponding Higgs boson). Scale will be modified by a linear interpolation scale taking into account differences in acceptance and reconstruction efficiency as a function of mass. Two modes exist to determine the template: MORPHED - will use horizontal template morphing (the morphing will always be applied from the pivotal, which is closest to mass to minimize uncertainties from the interplation); NEAREST_NEIGHBOUR - will use the closest mass point in the list of pivotals w/o any additional horizontal inter- polation. """ ## window of closest pivotal masses below/above mass. Window can be None, if no pivotals exist for a given dir. In ## this case return None if self.ana_type=="Htaunu" and mass=="" : single_template = self.load_hist(dir+'/'+proc+label).Clone(proc+label+'_template'); single_template.Scale(scale) return single_template window = self.pivotal_mass_window(float(mass), self.pivotals[dir]) if not window : return None if float(window[0]) == float(mass) and float(mass) == float(window[1]) : ## exact match with pivotal: clone exact pivotal single_template = self.load_hist(dir+'/'+proc+mass+label).Clone(proc+mass+label+'_template'); single_template.Scale(scale) elif float(window[0]) > float(mass) : ## mass out of bounds of pivotals (too small) single_template = self.load_hist(dir+'/'+proc+window[0]+label).Clone(proc+window[0]+label+'_template'); single_template.Scale(scale) elif float(window[1]) < float(mass) : ## mass out of bounds of pivotals (too large) single_template = self.load_hist(dir+'/'+proc+window[1]+label).Clone(proc+window[1]+label+'_template'); single_template.Scale(scale) else : ## mass somewhere between pivotals: masses is the tuple of the embracing pivotals, histos is the tuple of ## corresponding template histograms. The closest pivotal to mass is the first element in each of the tuples, ## the further away pivotal is second. if (float(mass) - float(window[0])) < (float(window[1]) - float(mass)) : ## lower bound pivotal closer to mass masses = (float(window[0]),float(window[1])) histos = (self.load_hist(dir+'/'+proc+window[0]+label),self.load_hist(dir+'/'+proc+window[1]+label)) else : ## upper bound pivotal closer to mass masses = (float(window[1]),float(window[0])) histos = (self.load_hist(dir+'/'+proc+window[1]+label),self.load_hist(dir+'/'+proc+window[0]+label)) scale*= self.interpolation_scale((float(masses[0]),histos[0].Integral()), (float(masses[1]),histos[1].Integral()), float(mass), debug) if MODE == 'MORPHED' : single_template = th1fmorph(proc+str(mass)+label+'_template', proc+mass+label, histos[0], histos[1], masses[0], masses[1], float(mass), scale*histos[0].Integral(), 0) if MODE == 'NEAREST_NEIGHBOUR' : single_template = histos[0].Clone(proc+str(mass)+label+'_template'); single_template.Scale(scale) return single_template
def morph_hist(self, file, directory, name, lower, upper, value) : """ Load histograms with name NAME that correspond to upper and lower bound, determine morphed histogram corresponding to VALUE, and write the morphed histogram to file. """ #print "loading fingerprint: ", file, directory, name hist_lower = self.zero_safe(self.load_hist(file, directory, name.format(MASS=lower))) hist_upper = self.zero_safe(self.load_hist(file, directory, name.format(MASS=upper))) norm = self.norm_hist(hist_lower, hist_upper, float(lower), float(upper), float(value)) if self.trivial : if abs(float(value)-float(lower)) < abs(float(upper)-float(value)) : hist_morph = hist_lower.Clone(name.format(MASS=value)); hist_morph.SetTitle(name.format(MASS=value)); hist_morph.Scale(norm/hist_morph.Integral()) else : hist_morph = hist_upper.Clone(name.format(MASS=value)); hist_morph.SetTitle(name.format(MASS=value)); hist_morph.Scale(norm/hist_morph.Integral()) else : hist_morph = th1fmorph(name.format(MASS=value),name.format(MASS=value),hist_lower, hist_upper, float(lower), float(upper), float(value), norm, 0) # th1fmorph() will set a value null if you are right on top of it if not hist_lower and lower == value: hist_lower = hist_morph if not hist_upper and upper == value: hist_upper = hist_morph if self.verbose : if not "_fine_binning" in name: print "writing morphed histogram to file: name =", hist_morph.GetName(), "integral =[ %.5f | %.5f | %.5f ]" % (hist_lower.Integral(), hist_morph.Integral(), hist_upper.Integral()) else: print "writing morphed '_fine_binning' histogram to file: name =", hist_morph.GetName().replace("_fine_binning",""), "integral =[ %.5f | %.5f | %.5f ]" % (hist_lower.Integral(), hist_morph.Integral(), hist_upper.Integral()) if directory == "" : else : if "_fine_binning" in name: #rebin to the usual binning using the histogram without the '_fine_binning' label self.rebin_hist(hist_morph,self.load_hist(file, directory, hist_lower.GetName().replace("_fine_binning","").format(MASS=lower))) #save removing 'fine_binning' from the name hist_morph.Write(hist_morph.GetName().replace("_fine_binning","")) else : hist_morph.Write(hist_morph.GetName())
def main(args, opt): os.system('mkdir -p %s'%opt.outDir) mcfiles = {} # procname -> filename datafiles = {} # procname -> filename try: for fname in os.listdir(args[0]): if not osp.splitext(fname)[1] == '.root': continue isdata,procname,splitno = resolveFilename(fname) if isdata: if not procname in datafiles: datafiles[procname] = [] datafiles[procname].append(osp.join(args[0],fname)) else: if 'QCD' in procname: continue ## exclude QCD if procname == 'TTJets_MSDecays_172v5': continue ## have those already if 'SingleT' in procname: continue ## have those already if not procname in mcfiles: mcfiles[procname] = [] mcfiles[procname].append(osp.join(args[0],fname)) except IndexError: print "Please provide a valid input directory" exit(-1) ## Produce (or read) the histogram data bghistos = makeBackgroundHistos(mcfiles, opt) cachefile = open(".xsecweights.pck", 'r') xsecweights = pickle.load(cachefile) cachefile.close() print '>>> Read xsec weights from cache (.xsecweights.pck)' cachefile = open(".svldyscalefactors.pck", 'r') dySFs = pickle.load(cachefile) cachefile.close() print '>>> Read DY scale factors from cache (.svldyscalefactors.pck)' cachefile = open(".svlqcdtemplates.pck", 'r') qcdTemplates = pickle.load(cachefile) cachefile.close() print '>>> Read QCD templates from cache (.svlqcdtemplates.pck)' ## Read SV Track multiplicity weights: from extractNtrkWeights import extractNTrkWeights ntkWeights = extractNTrkWeights() ## Now add them up with proper scales mcprocesses = [k for k in mcfiles.keys() if not 'Data8TeV' in k] bghistos_added = sumBGHistos(processes=mcprocesses, bghistos=bghistos, xsecweights=xsecweights, ntkWeights=ntkWeights, dySFs=dySFs, qcdTemplates=qcdTemplates, opt=opt) bghistos_added_dyup = sumBGHistos(processes=mcprocesses, bghistos=bghistos, xsecweights=xsecweights, ntkWeights=ntkWeights, dySFs=dySFs, qcdTemplates=qcdTemplates, opt=opt, dyScale=1.3) bghistos_added_dydn = sumBGHistos(processes=mcprocesses, bghistos=bghistos, xsecweights=xsecweights, ntkWeights=ntkWeights, dySFs=dySFs, qcdTemplates=qcdTemplates, opt=opt, dyScale=0.7) bghistos_added_qcdup = sumBGHistos(processes=mcprocesses, bghistos=bghistos, xsecweights=xsecweights, ntkWeights=ntkWeights, dySFs=dySFs, qcdTemplates=qcdTemplates, opt=opt, qcdScale=1.1) bghistos_added_qcddn = sumBGHistos(processes=mcprocesses, bghistos=bghistos, xsecweights=xsecweights, ntkWeights=ntkWeights, dySFs=dySFs, qcdTemplates=qcdTemplates, opt=opt, qcdScale=0.9) ## Produce data histograms datahistos = makeDataHistos(datafiles, opt) datahistos_added = sumDataHistos(datafiles.keys(), datahistos) # Rebin also data, if required: if opt.rebin>0: for hist in datahistos_added.values(): hist.Rebin(opt.rebin) ## Save the background only shapes separately as templates for the fit cachefile = open(".svlbgtemplates.pck", 'w') pickle.dump(bghistos_added, cachefile, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) print '>>> Dumped bg templates to cache (.svlbgtemplates.pck)' cachefile.close() ## Read syst histos: cachefile = open(".svlsysthistos.pck", 'r') systhistos = pickle.load(cachefile) print '>>> Read systematics histograms from cache (.svlsysthistos.pck)' cachefile.close() ## Read mass scan histos: cachefile = open(".svlmasshistos.pck", 'r') masshistos = pickle.load(cachefile) print '>>> Read mass scan histograms from cache (.svlmasshistos.pck)' # (tag, chan, mass, comb) -> histo # (tag, chan, mass, comb, ntk) -> histo cachefile.close() ofi = ROOT.TFile.Open(osp.join(opt.outDir,'pe_inputs.root'),'RECREATE') ##################################################### ## Central mass point and syst samples for syst in ([s for s,_,_,_ in ALLSYSTS] + ['dyup','dydown','qcdup','qcddown','ntkmult']): odir = ofi.mkdir(syst + '_172v5') for tag,_,_ in SELECTIONS: for ntk,_ in NTRKBINS: hname = "SVLMass_%s_%s_%s" % (tag,syst+'_172v5',ntk) if not syst in ['dyup','dydown','qcdup','qcddown','ntkmult', 'tchscaleup','tchscaledown', 'twchscaleup','twchscaledown']: hfinal = systhistos[(tag,syst,'tot',ntk)].Clone(hname) else: hfinal = systhistos[(tag,'nominal','tot',ntk)].Clone(hname) try: ## Systs from separate samples if syst in ['tchscaleup','tchscaledown', 'twchscaleup','twchscaledown']: scale = LUMI*xsecweights[CHANMASSTOPROCNAME[('tt', 172.5)]] else: scale = LUMI*xsecweights[SYSTTOPROCNAME[syst][0]] except KeyError: ## Systs from event weights scale = LUMI*xsecweights[CHANMASSTOPROCNAME[('tt', 172.5)]] hfinal.Scale(scale) ## Renormalize some variations with event weights if syst in SYSTSTOBERENORMALIZED: normintegral = systhistos[(tag,'nominal','tot',ntk)].Integral() normintegral *= LUMI*xsecweights[CHANMASSTOPROCNAME[('tt', 172.5)]] normintegral /= hfinal.Integral() hfinal.Scale(normintegral) ## Add single top stProcs=['t', 'tbar', 'tW', 'tbarW'] stSystProcs=[] if 'tchscale' in syst: stProcs=['tW', 'tbarW'] stSystProcs=['t', 'tbar'] if 'twchscale' in syst: stProcs=['t', 'tbar'] stSystProcs=['tW', 'tbarW'] for st in stProcs: hsinglet = masshistos[(tag, st, 172.5,'tot',ntk)].Clone('%s_%s'%(hname,st)) hsinglet.Scale(LUMI*xsecweights[CHANMASSTOPROCNAME[(st, 172.5)]]) hfinal.Add(hsinglet) for st in stSystProcs: hsinglet = systhistos[(tag, syst, 'tot', ntk)].Clone('%s_%s'%(hname,st)) hsinglet.Scale(LUMI*xsecweights[CHANMASSTOPROCNAME[(st, 172.5)]]) hfinal.Add(hsinglet) ## Add the backgrounds if not syst in ['dyup','dydown','qcdup','qcddown']: hfinal.Add(bghistos_added[(tag,ntk)]) else: ## From the scaled bghistos if necessary bghistos_added_scaled = { 'dyup' : bghistos_added_dyup, 'dydown' : bghistos_added_dydn, 'qcdup' : bghistos_added_qcdup, 'qcddown' : bghistos_added_qcddn, }[syst] hfinal.Add(bghistos_added_scaled[(tag,ntk)]) ## Rebin if requested if opt.rebin>0: hfinal.Rebin(opt.rebin) ## Scale by SV track multiplicity weights: if not syst == 'ntkmult': hfinal.Scale(ntkWeights['inclusive'][ntk]) ## Write out to file hfinal.Write(hname, ROOT.TObject.kOverwrite) ##################################################### ## Non-central mass points ROOT.gSystem.Load('') from ROOT import th1fmorph # extract mass points from dictionary mass_points = sorted(list(set([key[2] for key in masshistos.keys()]))) mass_points = mass_points[1:-1] # remove outermost points debughistos = [] for mass in mass_points: if mass == 172.5: continue mname = 'nominal_%s' % str(mass).replace('.','v') odir = ofi.mkdir(mname) for tag,_,_ in SELECTIONS: for ntk,_ in NTRKBINS: hname = "SVLMass_%s_%s_%s" % (tag,mname,ntk) hfinal = masshistos[(tag,'tt',mass,'tot',ntk)].Clone(hname) hfinal.Scale(LUMI*xsecweights[CHANMASSTOPROCNAME[('tt', mass)]]) ## Add single top (t-channel, for which we have the samples) for st in ['t', 'tbar']: hsinglet = masshistos[(tag, st, mass,'tot',ntk)].Clone('%s_%s'%(hname,st)) hsinglet.Scale(LUMI*xsecweights[CHANMASSTOPROCNAME[(st, mass)]]) hfinal.Add(hsinglet) ## Add single top (tW-channel, for which we don't have samples) ## Morph between the two extreme mass points to get ## the non existing ones for st in ['tW', 'tbarW']: if mass not in [166.5, 178.5]: hsingletW = th1fmorph('%s_%s_morph'%(hname,st), '%s_%s_morphed'%(hname,st), masshistos[(tag, 'tW', 166.5,'tot',ntk)], masshistos[(tag, 'tW', 178.5,'tot',ntk)], 166.5, 178.5, mass, masshistos[(tag, 'tW', 166.5,'tot',ntk)].Integral()) hsingletW.Scale(LUMI*xsecweights[CHANMASSTOPROCNAME[(st, 166.5)]] * TWXSECS[mass]/TWXSECS[166.5]) hsingletW.SetDirectory(0) else: hsingletW = masshistos[(tag, st, mass,'tot',ntk)].Clone('%s_%s'%(hname,st)) hsingletW.Scale(LUMI*xsecweights[CHANMASSTOPROCNAME[(st, mass)]]) hfinal.Add(hsingletW) ## Add the combined backgrounds hfinal.Add(bghistos_added[(tag,ntk)]) ## Rebin if requested if opt.rebin>0: hfinal.Rebin(opt.rebin) ## Scale by SV track multiplicity weights: hfinal.Scale(ntkWeights['inclusive'][ntk]) ## Write out to file hfinal.Write(hname, ROOT.TObject.kOverwrite) ## Write also data histos odir = ofi.mkdir('data') for tag,_,_ in SELECTIONS: for ntk,_ in NTRKBINS: hname = "SVLMass_%s_data_%s" % (tag,ntk) datahistos_added[(tag,ntk)].Write(hname, ROOT.TObject.kOverwrite) print ('>>> Wrote pseudo experiment inputs to file (%s)' % osp.join(opt.outDir,'pe_inputs.root')) ofi.Write() ofi.Close() return 0
def main(args, opt): os.system('mkdir -p %s' % opt.outDir) mcfiles = {} # procname -> filename datafiles = {} # procname -> filename try: for fname in os.listdir(args[0]): if not osp.splitext(fname)[1] == '.root': continue isdata, procname, splitno = resolveFilename(fname) if isdata: if not procname in datafiles: datafiles[procname] = [] datafiles[procname].append(osp.join(args[0], fname)) else: if 'QCD' in procname: continue ## exclude QCD if procname == 'TTJets_MSDecays_172v5': continue ## have those already if 'SingleT' in procname: continue ## have those already if not procname in mcfiles: mcfiles[procname] = [] mcfiles[procname].append(osp.join(args[0], fname)) except IndexError: print "Please provide a valid input directory" exit(-1) ## Produce (or read) the histogram data bghistos = makeBackgroundHistos(mcfiles, opt) cachefile = open(".xsecweights.pck", 'r') xsecweights = pickle.load(cachefile) cachefile.close() print '>>> Read xsec weights from cache (.xsecweights.pck)' cachefile = open(".svldyscalefactors.pck", 'r') dySFs = pickle.load(cachefile) cachefile.close() print '>>> Read DY scale factors from cache (.svldyscalefactors.pck)' cachefile = open(".svlqcdtemplates.pck", 'r') qcdTemplates = pickle.load(cachefile) cachefile.close() print '>>> Read QCD templates from cache (.svlqcdtemplates.pck)' ## Read SV Track multiplicity weights: from extractNtrkWeights import extractNTrkWeights ntkWeights = extractNTrkWeights() ## Now add them up with proper scales mcprocesses = [k for k in mcfiles.keys() if not 'Data8TeV' in k] bghistos_added = sumBGHistos(processes=mcprocesses, bghistos=bghistos, xsecweights=xsecweights, ntkWeights=ntkWeights, dySFs=dySFs, qcdTemplates=qcdTemplates, opt=opt) bghistos_added_dyup = sumBGHistos(processes=mcprocesses, bghistos=bghistos, xsecweights=xsecweights, ntkWeights=ntkWeights, dySFs=dySFs, qcdTemplates=qcdTemplates, opt=opt, dyScale=1.3) bghistos_added_dydn = sumBGHistos(processes=mcprocesses, bghistos=bghistos, xsecweights=xsecweights, ntkWeights=ntkWeights, dySFs=dySFs, qcdTemplates=qcdTemplates, opt=opt, dyScale=0.7) bghistos_added_qcdup = sumBGHistos(processes=mcprocesses, bghistos=bghistos, xsecweights=xsecweights, ntkWeights=ntkWeights, dySFs=dySFs, qcdTemplates=qcdTemplates, opt=opt, qcdScale=1.1) bghistos_added_qcddn = sumBGHistos(processes=mcprocesses, bghistos=bghistos, xsecweights=xsecweights, ntkWeights=ntkWeights, dySFs=dySFs, qcdTemplates=qcdTemplates, opt=opt, qcdScale=0.9) ## Produce data histograms datahistos = makeDataHistos(datafiles, opt) datahistos_added = sumDataHistos(datafiles.keys(), datahistos) # Rebin also data, if required: if opt.rebin > 0: for hist in datahistos_added.values(): hist.Rebin(opt.rebin) ## Save the background only shapes separately as templates for the fit cachefile = open(".svlbgtemplates.pck", 'w') pickle.dump(bghistos_added, cachefile, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) print '>>> Dumped bg templates to cache (.svlbgtemplates.pck)' cachefile.close() ## Read syst histos: cachefile = open(".svlsysthistos.pck", 'r') systhistos = pickle.load(cachefile) print '>>> Read systematics histograms from cache (.svlsysthistos.pck)' cachefile.close() ## Read mass scan histos: cachefile = open(".svlmasshistos.pck", 'r') masshistos = pickle.load(cachefile) print '>>> Read mass scan histograms from cache (.svlmasshistos.pck)' # (tag, chan, mass, comb) -> histo # (tag, chan, mass, comb, ntk) -> histo cachefile.close() ## Signal only (tt+t+tW) shapes signalonly = {} ofi = ROOT.TFile.Open(osp.join(opt.outDir, 'pe_inputs.root'), 'RECREATE') ##################################################### ## Central mass point and syst samples to_be_processed = ([s for s, _, _, _ in ALLSYSTS] + ['dyup', 'dydown', 'qcdup', 'qcddown', 'ntkmult']) if opt.skip_systs: to_be_processed = ['nominal'] for syst in to_be_processed: odir = ofi.mkdir(syst + '_172v5') for tag, _, _ in SELECTIONS: for ntk, _ in NTRKBINS: hname = "SVLMass_%s_%s_%s" % (tag, syst + '_172v5', ntk) if not syst in [ 'dyup', 'dydown', 'qcdup', 'qcddown', 'ntkmult', 'tchscaleup', 'tchscaledown', 'twchscaleup', 'twchscaledown' ]: hfinal = systhistos[(tag, syst, 'tot', ntk)].Clone(hname) else: hfinal = systhistos[(tag, 'nominal', 'tot', ntk)].Clone(hname) try: ## Systs from separate samples if syst in [ 'tchscaleup', 'tchscaledown', 'twchscaleup', 'twchscaledown' ]: scale = LUMI * xsecweights[CHANMASSTOPROCNAME[('tt', 172.5)]] else: scale = LUMI * xsecweights[SYSTTOPROCNAME[syst][0]] except KeyError: ## Systs from event weights scale = LUMI * xsecweights[CHANMASSTOPROCNAME[('tt', 172.5)]] hfinal.Scale(scale) ## Renormalize some variations with event weights if syst in SYSTSTOBERENORMALIZED: normintegral = systhistos[(tag, 'nominal', 'tot', ntk)].Integral() normintegral *= LUMI * xsecweights[CHANMASSTOPROCNAME[ ('tt', 172.5)]] normintegral /= hfinal.Integral() hfinal.Scale(normintegral) ## Add single top stProcs = ['t', 'tbar', 'tW', 'tbarW'] stSystProcs = [] if 'tchscale' in syst: stProcs = ['tW', 'tbarW'] stSystProcs = ['t', 'tbar'] if 'twchscale' in syst: stProcs = ['t', 'tbar'] stSystProcs = ['tW', 'tbarW'] for st in stProcs: hsinglet = masshistos[(tag, st, 172.5, 'tot', ntk)].Clone('%s_%s' % (hname, st)) hsinglet.Scale( LUMI * xsecweights[CHANMASSTOPROCNAME[(st, 172.5)]]) hfinal.Add(hsinglet) for st in stSystProcs: hsinglet = systhistos[(tag, syst, 'tot', ntk)].Clone('%s_%s' % (hname, st)) hsinglet.Scale( LUMI * xsecweights[CHANMASSTOPROCNAME[(st, 172.5)]]) hfinal.Add(hsinglet) ## Save signal only shapes if syst == 'nominal': signalonly[(tag, 172.5, ntk)] = hfinal.Clone('%s_sigonly' % hname) signalonly[(tag, 172.5, ntk)].Scale(ntkWeights['inclusive'][ntk]) if opt.rebin > 0: signalonly[(tag, 172.5, ntk)].Rebin(opt.rebin) ## Add the backgrounds if not syst in ['dyup', 'dydown', 'qcdup', 'qcddown']: hfinal.Add(bghistos_added[(tag, ntk)]) else: ## From the scaled bghistos if necessary bghistos_added_scaled = { 'dyup': bghistos_added_dyup, 'dydown': bghistos_added_dydn, 'qcdup': bghistos_added_qcdup, 'qcddown': bghistos_added_qcddn, }[syst] hfinal.Add(bghistos_added_scaled[(tag, ntk)]) ## Rebin if requested if opt.rebin > 0: hfinal.Rebin(opt.rebin) ## Scale by SV track multiplicity weights: if not syst == 'ntkmult': hfinal.Scale(ntkWeights['inclusive'][ntk]) ## Write out to file hfinal.Write(hname, ROOT.TObject.kOverwrite) ##################################################### ## Non-central mass points ROOT.gSystem.Load('') from ROOT import th1fmorph # extract mass points from dictionary mass_points = sorted(list(set([key[2] for key in masshistos.keys()]))) mass_points = mass_points[1:-1] # remove outermost points debughistos = [] for mass in mass_points: if mass == 172.5: continue mname = 'nominal_%s' % str(mass).replace('.', 'v') odir = ofi.mkdir(mname) for tag, _, _ in SELECTIONS: for ntk, _ in NTRKBINS: hname = "SVLMass_%s_%s_%s" % (tag, mname, ntk) hfinal = masshistos[(tag, 'tt', mass, 'tot', ntk)].Clone(hname) hfinal.Scale(LUMI * xsecweights[CHANMASSTOPROCNAME[('tt', mass)]]) ## Add single top (t-channel, for which we have the samples) for st in ['t', 'tbar']: hsinglet = masshistos[(tag, st, mass, 'tot', ntk)].Clone('%s_%s' % (hname, st)) hsinglet.Scale(LUMI * xsecweights[CHANMASSTOPROCNAME[(st, mass)]]) hfinal.Add(hsinglet) ## Add single top (tW-channel, for which we don't have samples) ## Morph between the two extreme mass points to get ## the non existing ones for st in ['tW', 'tbarW']: if mass not in [166.5, 178.5]: hsingletW = th1fmorph( '%s_%s_morph' % (hname, st), '%s_%s_morphed' % (hname, st), masshistos[(tag, 'tW', 166.5, 'tot', ntk)], masshistos[(tag, 'tW', 178.5, 'tot', ntk)], 166.5, 178.5, mass, masshistos[(tag, 'tW', 166.5, 'tot', ntk)].Integral()) hsingletW.Scale( LUMI * xsecweights[CHANMASSTOPROCNAME[(st, 166.5)]] * TWXSECS[mass] / TWXSECS[166.5]) hsingletW.SetDirectory(0) else: hsingletW = masshistos[(tag, st, mass, 'tot', ntk)].Clone('%s_%s' % (hname, st)) hsingletW.Scale( LUMI * xsecweights[CHANMASSTOPROCNAME[(st, mass)]]) hfinal.Add(hsingletW) ## Save signal only shapes signalonly[(tag, mass, ntk)] = hfinal.Clone('%s_sigonly' % hname) signalonly[(tag, mass, ntk)].Scale(ntkWeights['inclusive'][ntk]) if opt.rebin > 0: signalonly[(tag, mass, ntk)].Rebin(opt.rebin) ## Add the combined backgrounds hfinal.Add(bghistos_added[(tag, ntk)]) ## Rebin if requested if opt.rebin > 0: hfinal.Rebin(opt.rebin) ## Scale by SV track multiplicity weights: hfinal.Scale(ntkWeights['inclusive'][ntk]) ## Write out to file hfinal.Write(hname, ROOT.TObject.kOverwrite) ## Save the signal only shapes (tt+t+tW) as input for the combined plot cachefile = open(".svlsignalshapes.pck", 'w') pickle.dump(signalonly, cachefile, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) print '>>> Dumped signal only shapes to cache (.svlsignalshapes.pck)' cachefile.close() ## Write also data histos odir = ofi.mkdir('data') for tag, _, _ in SELECTIONS: for ntk, _ in NTRKBINS: hname = "SVLMass_%s_data_%s" % (tag, ntk) datahistos_added[(tag, ntk)].Write(hname, ROOT.TObject.kOverwrite) print('>>> Wrote pseudo experiment inputs to file (%s)' % osp.join(opt.outDir, 'pe_inputs.root')) ofi.Write() ofi.Close() return 0
def single_template(self, dir, proc, mass, label, scale, MODE='MORPHED', debug=False): """ Return a single template histogram for a given dir, proc, mass and label. The histogram will be scaled by scale (corresponding to the cross section times BR of the corresponding Higgs boson). Scale will be modified by a linear interpolation scale taking into account differences in acceptance and reconstruction efficiency as a function of mass. Two modes exist to determine the template: MORPHED - will use horizontal template morphing (the morphing will always be applied from the pivotal, which is closest to mass to minimize uncertainties from the interplation); NEAREST_NEIGHBOUR - will use the closest mass point in the list of pivotals w/o any additional horizontal inter- polation. """ ## window of closest pivotal masses below/above mass. Window can be None, if no pivotals exist for a given dir. In ## this case return None if self.ana_type == "Htaunu" and mass == "": single_template = self.load_hist(dir + '/' + proc + label).Clone(proc + label + '_template') single_template.Scale(scale) return single_template window = self.pivotal_mass_window(float(mass), self.pivotals[dir]) if not window: return None if float(window[0]) == float(mass) and float(mass) == float(window[1]): ## exact match with pivotal: clone exact pivotal single_template = self.load_hist(dir + '/' + proc + mass + label).Clone(proc + mass + label + '_template') single_template.Scale(scale) elif float(window[0]) > float(mass): ## mass out of bounds of pivotals (too small) single_template = self.load_hist(dir + '/' + proc + window[0] + label).Clone(proc + window[0] + label + '_template') single_template.Scale(scale) elif float(window[1]) < float(mass): ## mass out of bounds of pivotals (too large) single_template = self.load_hist(dir + '/' + proc + window[1] + label).Clone(proc + window[1] + label + '_template') single_template.Scale(scale) else: ## mass somewhere between pivotals: masses is the tuple of the embracing pivotals, histos is the tuple of ## corresponding template histograms. The closest pivotal to mass is the first element in each of the tuples, ## the further away pivotal is second. if (float(mass) - float(window[0])) < (float(window[1]) - float(mass)): ## lower bound pivotal closer to mass masses = (float(window[0]), float(window[1])) histos = (self.load_hist(dir + '/' + proc + window[0] + label), self.load_hist(dir + '/' + proc + window[1] + label)) else: ## upper bound pivotal closer to mass masses = (float(window[1]), float(window[0])) histos = (self.load_hist(dir + '/' + proc + window[1] + label), self.load_hist(dir + '/' + proc + window[0] + label)) scale *= self.interpolation_scale( (float(masses[0]), histos[0].Integral()), (float(masses[1]), histos[1].Integral()), float(mass), debug) if MODE == 'MORPHED': single_template = th1fmorph( proc + str(mass) + label + '_template', proc + mass + label, histos[0], histos[1], masses[0], masses[1], float(mass), scale * histos[0].Integral(), 0) if MODE == 'NEAREST_NEIGHBOUR': single_template = histos[0].Clone(proc + str(mass) + label + '_template') single_template.Scale(scale) return single_template