def rooFit106(): print ">>> setup model..." x = RooRealVar("x", "x", -3, 3) mean = RooRealVar("mean", "mean of gaussian", 1, -10, 10) sigma = RooRealVar("sigma", "width of gaussian", 1, 0.1, 10) gauss = RooGaussian("gauss", "gauss", x, mean, sigma) data = gauss.generate(RooArgSet(x), 10000) # RooDataSet gauss.fitTo(data) print ">>> plot pdf and data..." frame = x.frame(Name("frame"), Title("RooPlot with decorations"), Bins(40)) # RooPlot data.plotOn(frame) gauss.plotOn(frame) print ">>> RooGaussian::paramOn - add box with pdf parameters..." # # Layout(Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax, Double_t ymax) # left edge of box starts at 20% of x-axis gauss.paramOn(frame, Layout(0.55)) print ">>> RooDataSet::statOn - add box with data statistics..." # # x size of box is from 55% to 99% of x-axis range, top of box is at 80% of y-axis range) data.statOn(frame, Layout(0.20, 0.55, 0.8)) print ">>> add text and arrow..." text = TText(2, 100, "Signal") text.SetTextSize(0.04) text.SetTextColor(kRed) frame.addObject(text) arrow = TArrow(2, 100, -1, 50, 0.01, "|>") arrow.SetLineColor(kRed) arrow.SetFillColor(kRed) arrow.SetLineWidth(3) frame.addObject(arrow) print ">>> persist frame with all decorations in ROOT file..." file = TFile("rooFit106.root", "RECREATE") frame.Write() file.Close() # To read back and plot frame with all decorations in clean root session do # [0] TFile f("rooFit106.root") # [1] xframe->Draw() print ">>> draw functions and toy data on canvas..." canvas = TCanvas("canvas", "canvas", 100, 100, 800, 600) gPad.SetLeftMargin(0.15) gPad.SetRightMargin(0.05) frame.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.6) frame.GetYaxis().SetLabelOffset(0.010) frame.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.045) frame.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.042) frame.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.045) frame.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.042) frame.Draw() canvas.SaveAs("rooFit106.png")
def plot(path, pt_title, ecms, arrow_left, arrow_bottom, arrow_right, arrow_top): try: f_incMC1 = TFile(path[0]) f_incMC2 = TFile(path[1]) f_sigMC1 = TFile(path[2]) f_sigMC2 = TFile(path[3]) t_incMC1 = f_incMC1.Get('save') t_incMC2 = f_incMC2.Get('save') t_sigMC1 = f_sigMC1.Get('save') t_sigMC2 = f_sigMC2.Get('save') entries_incMC1 = t_incMC1.GetEntries() entries_incMC2 = t_incMC2.GetEntries() entries_sigMC1 = t_sigMC1.GetEntries() entries_sigMC2 = t_sigMC2.GetEntries()'inclusive MC (qqbar) entries :' + str(entries_incMC1))'inclusive MC (open charm) entries :' + str(entries_incMC2))'D1(2420) signal MC entries :' + str(entries_sigMC1))'psi(3770) signal MC entries :' + str(entries_sigMC2)) except: logging.error('Files are invalid!') sys.exit() mbc = TCanvas('mbc', 'mbc', 800, 600) set_canvas_style(mbc) xbins = 150 M_Dplus = 1.86965 step = (1.91965 - M_Dplus) / xbins h_FOM, ientry, arrow_top = cal_significance(t_incMC1, t_incMC2, t_sigMC1, t_sigMC2, xbins, step, ecms) h_FOM.Draw() if not os.path.exists('./figs/'): os.makedirs('./figs/') arrow_left = ientry * step + step arrow_right = ientry * step + step arrow_bottom = 0. arrow = TArrow(arrow_left, arrow_bottom, arrow_right, arrow_top, 0.01, '>') set_arrow(arrow) arrow.Draw() pt = TPaveText(0.6, 0.8, 0.85, 0.85, "BRNDC") set_pavetext(pt) pt.Draw() pt.AddText(pt_title) mass_low = str(M_Dplus - (step + step * ientry)) mass_up = str(M_Dplus + (step + step * ientry)) window_width = str(2 * (step + step * ientry)) range = 'Recoiling mass window of D^{+}#pi^{+}#pi^{-}: : [' + mass_low + ', ' + mass_up + '] GeV/c2' + ' with mass window width: ' + window_width + ' GeV/c2' print range mbc.Update() mbc.SaveAs('./figs/opt_rm_Dpipi_' + str(ecms) + '.pdf')
def DrawUL(gUL): alist = TList() for i in range(gUL.GetN()): a = TArrow(gUL.GetX()[i], gUL.GetY()[i], gUL.GetX()[i], gUL.GetY()[i] / 3., 0.01, ">") a.SetLineColor(gUL.GetLineColor()) a.Draw() alist.Add(a) return alist
def plot(path, pt_title, ecms, arrow_left, arrow_bottom, arrow_right, arrow_top): try: f_incMC1 = TFile(path[0]) f_incMC2 = TFile(path[1]) f_sigMC1 = TFile(path[2]) f_sigMC2 = TFile(path[3]) t_incMC1 = f_incMC1.Get('save') t_incMC2 = f_incMC2.Get('save') t_sigMC1 = f_sigMC1.Get('save') t_sigMC2 = f_sigMC2.Get('save') entries_incMC1 = t_incMC1.GetEntries() entries_incMC2 = t_incMC2.GetEntries() entries_sigMC1 = t_sigMC1.GetEntries() entries_sigMC2 = t_sigMC2.GetEntries()'inclusive MC (qqbar) entries :' + str(entries_incMC1))'inclusive MC (open charm) entries :' + str(entries_incMC2))'D1(2420) signal MC entries :' + str(entries_sigMC1))'psi(3770) signal MC entries :' + str(entries_sigMC2)) except: logging.error('Files are invalid!') sys.exit() mbc = TCanvas('mbc', 'mbc', 800, 600) set_canvas_style(mbc) xbins = 100 step = 100 / xbins h_FOM, ientry = cal_significance(t_incMC1, t_incMC2, t_sigMC1, t_sigMC2, xbins, step, ecms) h_FOM.Draw() if not os.path.exists('./figs/'): os.makedirs('./figs/') arrow = TArrow(arrow_left, arrow_bottom, arrow_right, arrow_top, 0.01, '>') set_arrow(arrow) arrow.Draw() pt = TPaveText(0.6, 0.8, 0.85, 0.85, "BRNDC") set_pavetext(pt) pt.Draw() pt.AddText(pt_title) range = 'chi2 of kinematic fit of D^{+}D_{miss}#pi^{+}#pi^{+}: ' + str( arrow_right) print range mbc.Update() mbc.SaveAs('./figs/opt_chi2_kf_' + str(ecms) + '.pdf')
def addLine(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, arrow="", arrowsize=0.1): if arrow == "": tl = TLine(x1, y1, x2, y2) elif arrow == "<->": tl = TArrow(x1, y1, x2, y2, arrowsize, "<|>") elif arrow == "->": print x2, y2, arrowsize tl = TArrow(x1, y1, x2, y2, arrowsize, "|>") tl.SetAngle(40) tl.SetLineWidth(1) tl.SetFillColor(1) tl.Draw("same") self.tlines.append(tl) return tl
def createOutOfRangeArrows(obj, minimum, maximum, arrowSize=0.01, arrowLength=0.2, arrowStyle='|>', style=Style(kRed, lineWidth=2, fillStyle=1001)): ## Creates TArrow objects to indicate where points lie if they are # outside of the given boundaries. # @param obj TGraph or TH1 object # @param minimum minimum to be considered # @param maximum maximum to be considered # @param arrowSize size of the arrow tip in units of the pad size # @param arrowLength length of the arrow in units of (maximum - minimum) # @param arrowStyle style of the arrow tip (see TArrow documentation) # @style Style object defining the arrow color # @return list of TArrow objects from ROOT import TArrow, TGraph, TH1, Double arrows = [] arrowLength = arrowLength * (maximum - minimum) if isinstance(obj, TH1): for iBin in xrange(1, obj.GetNbinsX() + 1): x = obj.GetBinCenter(iBin) y = obj.GetBinContent(iBin) if minimum > y: arrows.append( TArrow(x, minimum + 1.1 * arrowLength, x, minimum + 0.1 * arrowLength, arrowSize, arrowStyle)) elif maximum < y: arrows.append( TArrow(x, maximum - 1.1 * arrowLength, x, maximum - 0.1 * arrowLength, arrowSize, arrowStyle)) elif isinstance(obj, TGraph): x, y = (Double(), Double()) for iBin in xrange(0, obj.GetN()): obj.GetPoint(iBin, x, y) if minimum > y: arrows.append( TArrow(x, minimum + 1.1 * arrowLength, x, minimum + 0.1 * arrowLength, arrowSize, arrowStyle)) elif maximum < y: arrows.append( TArrow(x, maximum - 1.1 * arrowLength, x, maximum - 0.1 * arrowLength, arrowSize, arrowStyle)) if style: for arrow in arrows: style.apply(arrow) return arrows
def plot(path, pt_title, ecms): try: f_data = TFile(path[0]) f_sigMC = TFile(path[1]) t_data = f_data.Get('save') t_sigMC = f_sigMC.Get('save') entries_data = t_data.GetEntries() entries_sigMC = t_sigMC.GetEntries()'data entries :' + str(entries_data))'MC(DDPI) entries :' + str(entries_sigMC)) except: logging.error('Files are invalid!') sys.exit() mbc = TCanvas('mbc', 'mbc', 800, 600) set_canvas_style(mbc) if not os.path.exists('./figs/'): os.makedirs('./figs/') h_FOM = cal_significance(t_data, t_sigMC) h_FOM.Draw('col') pt = TPaveText(0.6, 0.6, 0.85, 0.85, "BRNDC") set_pavetext(pt) pt.Draw() pt.AddText(pt_title) D0_W = width('D0') Dm_W = width('Dm') Arr_Dm = TArrow(Dm_W, 0, Dm_W, 0.35, 0.01, '') set_arrow(Arr_Dm, 1) Arr_Dm.Draw() Arr_D0 = TArrow(0, D0_W, 0.3, D0_W, 0.01, '') set_arrow(Arr_D0, 1) Arr_D0.Draw() mbc.RedrawAxis() mbc.Update() mbc.SaveAs('./figs/opt_' + str(ecms) + '_2D.pdf') raw_input('Enter anything to end...')
def plot(path, pt_title, ecms): try: f_data = TFile(path[0]) f_sideband = TFile(path[1]) t_data = f_data.Get('save') t_sideband = f_sideband.Get('save') entries_data = t_data.GetEntries() entries_sideband = t_sideband.GetEntries()'data entries :' + str(entries_data))'data (sideband) entries :' + str(entries_sideband)) except: logging.error('Files are invalid!') sys.exit() mbc = TCanvas('mbc', 'mbc', 800, 600) set_canvas_style(mbc) h_FOM = cal_significance(t_data, t_sideband) h_FOM.Draw('colz') pt = TPaveText(0.6, 0.8, 0.85, 0.85, "BRNDC") set_pavetext(pt) pt.Draw() pt.AddText(pt_title) Arr_Vr = TArrow(0.55, 0, 0.55, 10., 0.01, '') set_arrow(Arr_Vr, 1) Arr_Vr.Draw() Arr_Vz = TArrow(0, 3., 1., 3., 0.01, '') set_arrow(Arr_Vz, 1) Arr_Vz.Draw() if not os.path.exists('./figs/'): os.makedirs('./figs/') mbc.RedrawAxis() mbc.Update() mbc.SaveAs('./figs/opt_Vr_Vz_' + str(ecms) + '.pdf') raw_input('Enter anything to end...')
def addArrow(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, color, option, thickness=0.): arrow = TArrow(x1, y1, x2, y2, 0.05, option) arrow.SetLineColor(color) if thickness: arrow.SetLineWidth(thickness) self.arrows.append(arrow)
def drawDataMC(region): hists=allHists() os.mkdir("plots/%s" % region) for variable in variables: hist_data=hists[region+"_"+variable+"_data"] hist_signal=hists[region+"_"+variable+"_tth"] mchists=[] for i in processes: if i != 'data' and i != 'tth': temp=hists[region+"_"+variable+"_"+i] mchists.append(temp) hs=makeStack(mchists) h_bkg, h_ratio, h_ratio_err, upArrowBins= makeRatio(hist_data, mchists, hs) c, pad1, pad2=createCanvasPads() XTitle, YTitle=(titles[variable[0:len(variable)-2]])[0], (titles[variable[0:len(variable)-2]])[1] #stack plot leg=TLegend(0.60,0.70,0.90,0.90) leg.SetNColumns(2) leg.SetFillStyle(0); leg.SetBorderSize(0); leg.AddEntry(hist_data, "data", "pe") leg.AddEntry(hist_signal, "tth", "l") for i in processes: if i != 'data' and i != 'tth': leg.AddEntry(hists[region+"_"+variable+"_"+i], i, "f") leg.AddEntry(h_bkg,"uncertainty",'f') Ymaximum = 3.*hist_data.GetBinContent(hist_data.GetMaximumBin()) hs.SetMaximum(Ymaximum) hs.SetMinimum(0.00001) hs.SetTitle("") hs.Draw("hist") # thstack must draw first hs.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.06) hs.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1) hs.GetYaxis().SetTitle(YTitle) hs.GetXaxis().SetTitle("") hs.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.) hs.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.) h_bkg.Draw("E2 same") hist_data.SetMarkerStyle(20) hist_data.SetMarkerSize(0.8) if region != 'OneL2tauSR' or isBlinded == False : hist_data.Draw("e x0 same") hist_signal.SetLineColor(kRed) hist_signal.SetLineStyle(kDashed) if hist_signal.Integral(0, hist_signal.GetNbinsX()+1) != 0: hist_signal.Scale(hist_data.Integral(0,hist_data.GetNbinsX()+1)/hist_signal.Integral(0, hist_signal.GetNbinsX()+1)) #scale to data hist_signal.Draw("hist same") createLabels() leg.Draw("same") #ratio plot h_ratio_err.SetMinimum(0.000001)# also to avoid drawing markers for ratio with 0 contents (P doesn't work) h_ratio_err.SetMaximum(2.0) h_ratio_err.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Data/Bkg") h_ratio_err.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.06) h_ratio_err.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1) h_ratio_err.GetXaxis().SetTitle(XTitle) h_ratio_err.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.14) h_ratio_err.GetXaxis().SetLabelOffset(0.025) h_ratio_err.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.13) h_ratio_err.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.05) h_ratio_err.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.1) h_ratio_err.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.14) h_ratio_err.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.40) h_ratio_err.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(505) h_ratio.SetMarkerStyle(20) h_ratio.SetMarkerSize(0.8) h_ratio_err.SetMarkerSize(0) h_ratio_err.SetFillColor(17) h_ratio_err.Draw("e2") if region != 'OneL2tauSR' or isBlinded == False : h_ratio.Draw("E0 P X0 SAME") for iBin in upArrowBins : binCenter = h_ratio.GetBinCenter(iBin) a = TArrow(binCenter,1.7,binCenter,1.95,0.01,"|>") a.SetLineWidth(3) a.SetLineColor(2) a.SetFillColor(2) a.Draw() line=TLine() line.DrawLine(h_ratio.GetXaxis().GetXmin(),1.0,h_ratio.GetXaxis().GetXmax(),1.0) line.SetLineColor(kBlack) line.SetLineStyle(kDashed) line.DrawLine(h_ratio.GetXaxis().GetXmin(),0.5,h_ratio.GetXaxis().GetXmax(),0.5) line.DrawLine(h_ratio.GetXaxis().GetXmin(),1.5,h_ratio.GetXaxis().GetXmax(),1.5) c.SaveAs("plots/%s/%s.pdf" %(region, variable))
def main(): cc.SetBorderMode(0) cc.SetFixedAspectRatio(1) cc.FeedbackMode(1) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) gStyle.SetGridStyle(1) gStyle.SetGridColor(11) hh = TH2D('hh', ';Y;X', 2, 2, 4, 14, 2, 16) hi = TH2I('hi', ';Y;X', 2, 2, 4, 14, 2, 16) setupHists([hh, hi]) xax, yax = hh.GetXaxis(), hh.GetYaxis() hh.Draw('COLZ') hi.Draw('TEXTSAME') gPad.SetLogz() gPad.SetGrid(1, 1) gPad.SetLeftMargin(0.05) gPad.SetRightMargin(0.12) tt1 = TPaveText(0.05, 0.94, 0.22, 1.0, 'NDC') ttL = TPaveText(0.05, 0.905, 0.2, 0.93, 'NDC') ttR = TPaveText(0.75, 0.905, 0.9, 0.93, 'NDC') ttLM = TPaveText(2, 0.5, 2.5, 1) ttRM = TPaveText(3.5, 0.5, 4, 1) ttM = TPaveText(0.6, 0.94, 0.9, 1, 'NDC') ttime = TPaveText(2.8, 1.5, 3.3, 1.9) tchan = TPaveText(0, 0, 0.9, 1) setupPaveTexts([tt1, ttM, ttime, tchan, ttL, ttR, ttLM, ttRM]) ttM.SetTextColor(2) tarrow = TText(2.9, 0.25, 'Beam Left') arrow = TArrow(2.85, 0.5, 2.75, 0.5, 0.02, '|>') arrow.SetAngle(40) arrow.SetFillColor(1) arrow.SetLineWidth(2) tt = TText() tt.SetTextColor(1) tt.SetTextAngle(90) tt.SetTextSize(0.04) tt.DrawText(4.07, 9, 'kHz') tt.SetTextAngle(0) tt.SetTextColor(2) tt.DrawTextNDC(0.23, 0.905, 'SHMS PCAL FADC SCALERS') ttL.AddText('Left+') ttR.AddText('-Right') for xx in [ttM, tt1, ttL, ttR, arrow, tarrow, ttime, ttLM, ttRM]: xx.Draw() tchan.Draw('NDC') xmin, xmax = xax.GetXmin(), xax.GetXmax() ymin, ymax = yax.GetXmin(), yax.GetXmax() gPad.SetEditable(0) while True: zvals = getScalars() for ii in range(len(zvals)): hh.SetBinContent(xax.FindBin(XVALS[ii] + 1), yax.FindBin(16 - YVALS[ii]), zvals[ii]) hi.SetBinContent(xax.FindBin(XVALS[ii] + 1), yax.FindBin(16 - YVALS[ii]), zvals[ii]) for xx in [ttime, ttM, tt1, ttLM, ttRM]: xx.Clear() [left, right, maximum] = calcRates(zvals) tt1.AddText('Total: %.1f MHz' % ((left + right) / 1000)) ttLM.AddText('Left total: %.1f MHz' % (left / 1000)) ttRM.AddText('Right total: %.1f MHz' % (right / 1000)) ttM.AddText('MAX SINGLE CRYSTAL = %.0f kHz' % (maximum)) ttime.AddText(makeTime()) if not gPad: sys.exit() #if gPad.GetEvent()==11: # xy=pix2xy(gPad) #ee=ECAL.findChannelXY(xy[0],xy[1]) #if ee: # tchan.Clear() #tchan.AddText(printChannel(ee)) # cc2.Modified() # cc2.Update() #elif gPad.GetEvent()==12: # tchan.Clear() # cc2.Modified() # cc2.Update() cc.Modified() cc.Update() time.sleep(1)
offset.AddText('Offset of events in fBuffer') offset.AddText('Array of fEventOffsetLen Integers') offset.AddText('(if variable length structure)') offset.SetFillColor(offsetcolor) offset.Draw() buffer = TPaveText(.55, .05, .9, .1) buffer.AddText('Basket buffer') buffer.AddText('Array of fBasketSize chars') buffer.SetFillColor(offsetcolor) buffer.Draw() zipbuffer = TPaveText(.55, -.05, .75, .0) zipbuffer.AddText('Basket compressed buffer') zipbuffer.AddText('(if compression)') zipbuffer.SetFillColor(offsetcolor) zipbuffer.Draw() ar1 = TArrow() ar1.SetLineWidth(2) ar1.SetLineColor(1) ar1.SetFillStyle(1001) ar1.SetFillColor(1) ar1.DrawArrow(.21, .275, .39, .275, 0.015, '|>') ar1.DrawArrow(.23, .375, .39, .375, 0.015, '|>') ar1.DrawArrow(.25, .775, .39, .775, 0.015, '|>') ar1.DrawArrow(.50, .775, .59, .775, 0.015, '|>') ar1.DrawArrow(.70, .775, .79, .775, 0.015, '|>') ar1.DrawArrow(.50, .275, .59, .275, 0.015, '|>') ar1.DrawArrow(.70, .275, .79, .275, 0.015, '|>') ar1.DrawArrow(.45, .175, .54, .175, 0.015, '|>') ar1.DrawArrow(.43, .075, .54, .075, 0.015, '|>') ar1.DrawArrow(.41, -.025, .54, -.025, 0.015, '|>') ldot = TLine(.95, .92, .99, .92)
def plot(data_path, pt_title, ecms, xmin, xmax, xbins, mode): try: f_data = TFile(data_path) t_data = f_data.Get('save') entries_data = t_data.GetEntries()'data entries :' + str(entries_data)) except: logging.error('File paths are invalid!') sys.exit() set_pub_style() set_prelim_style() window_low = 1.86965 - window(ecms) / 2. window_up = 1.86965 + window(ecms) / 2. window_side_low_up = window_low - (window_up - window_low) window_side_low_low = window_side_low_up - (window_up - window_low) window_side_up_low = window_up + (window_up - window_low) window_side_up_up = window_side_up_low + (window_up - window_low) mbc = TCanvas('mbc', 'mbc', 800, 600) content = (xmax - xmin) / xbins * 1000 ytitle = 'Events/%.1f MeV/c^{2}' % content xtitle = 'RM(D^{+}#pi_{d}^{+}#pi_{d}^{-}) (GeV/c^{2})' h_data = TH1F('data', 'data', xbins, xmin, float(xmax)) format_data_hist(h_data) if ecms == 4420 or ecms == 4680: h_data.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.15) h_data.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.99) name_axis(h_data, xtitle, ytitle) rm_Dpipi_fill(t_data, h_data, window_low, window_up) if not os.path.exists('./figs/'): os.makedirs('./figs/') if mode == 'after' and ecms == 4230: h_data.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 1.2 * h_data.GetMaximum()) h_data.Draw('E1') if ecms == 4420 and mode == 'before': low = 380 elif ecms == 4420 and mode == 'after': low = 240 elif ecms == 4230 and mode == 'before': low = 14 elif ecms == 4230 and mode == 'after': low = 0 elif ecms == 4680 and mode == 'before': low = 950 elif ecms == 4680 and mode == 'after': low = 620 else: low = 0 top = h_data.GetMaximum() if ecms == 4680: top = top / 0.88 arrow1 = TArrow(window_low, low, window_low, 0.8 * top, 0.02, '<-') set_arrow(arrow1, ROOT.kRed) arrow1.SetLineStyle(2) arrow1.Draw() arrow2 = TArrow(window_up, low, window_up, 0.8 * top, 0.02, '<-') set_arrow(arrow2, ROOT.kRed) arrow2.SetLineStyle(2) arrow2.Draw() arrow3 = TArrow(window_side_low_low, low, window_side_low_low, 0.8 * top, 0.02, '<-') set_arrow(arrow3, ROOT.kBlue) arrow3.Draw() arrow4 = TArrow(window_side_low_up, low, window_side_low_up, 0.8 * top, 0.02, '<-') set_arrow(arrow4, ROOT.kBlue) arrow4.Draw() arrow5 = TArrow(window_side_up_low, low, window_side_up_low, 0.8 * top, 0.02, '<-') set_arrow(arrow5, ROOT.kBlue) arrow5.Draw() arrow6 = TArrow(window_side_up_up, low, window_side_up_up, 0.8 * top, 0.02, '<-') set_arrow(arrow6, ROOT.kBlue) arrow6.Draw() leg = TLegend(position_convert(0.8 * (xmax - xmin) + xmin, xmin, xmax), position_convert(0.8 * (top - low) + low, low, top), position_convert(0.95 * (xmax - xmin) + xmin, xmin, xmax), position_convert((top - low) + low, low, top), 'BRNDC') set_legend(leg, h_data, 'Data', pt_title) leg.Draw() h_data.Draw('sameE1') mbc.SaveAs('./figs/rm_Dpipi_' + str(ecms) + '_' + mode + '.pdf') raw_input('Enter anything to end...')
c1.Range(1, 1, 19, 24.5) title = TPaveLabel(4, 23, 16, 24.2, 'ROOT File/Directory/Key description') title.SetFillColor(16) title.Draw() keycolor = 42 dircolor = 21 objcolor = 46 file = TPaveText(2, 19, 6, 22) file.SetFillColor(39) file.Draw() file.SetTextSize(0.04) file.AddText('TFile') file.AddText('Header') arrow = TArrow(6, 20.5, 17, 20.5, 0.02, '|>') arrow.SetFillStyle(1001) arrow.SetLineWidth(2) arrow.Draw() free = TPaveText(8, 20, 11, 21) free.SetFillColor(18) free.Draw() free.AddText('First:Last') free2 = TPaveText(12, 20, 15, 21) free2.SetFillColor(18) free2.Draw() free2.AddText('First:Last') tfree = TText(6.2, 21.2, 'fFree = TList of free blocks') tfree.SetTextSize(0.02) tfree.Draw() tkeys = TText(5.2, 18.2, 'fKeys = TList of Keys')
def main(): cc.SetBorderMode(0) cc.SetFixedAspectRatio(1) cc.FeedbackMode(1) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) gStyle.SetGridStyle(1) gStyle.SetGridColor(11) hh=TH2D('hh',';X;Y',22,-10.5,11.5,22,-10.5,11.5) hi=TH2I('hi',';X;Y',22,-10.5,11.5,22,-10.5,11.5) setupHists([hh,hi]) xax,yax=hh.GetXaxis(),hh.GetYaxis() hh.Draw('COLZ') hi.Draw('TEXTSAME') gPad.SetLogz() gPad.SetGrid(1,1) gPad.SetLeftMargin(0.09) gPad.SetRightMargin(0.11) #tt2=TPaveText(0.7,0.96,0.9,0.99,'NDC') ttM=TPaveText(-3+0.05, 7-4.45, 4.0, 8-4.51) tt2=TPaveText(-3+0.05, 7-5.45, 4.0, 8-5.51) ttX=TPaveText(-2, 7-8.00, 3, 8-8.00) ttY=TPaveText(-2, 7-9.00, 3, 8-9.00) ttZ=TPaveText(-2, 6-8.80, 3, 8-9.30) ttZ.AddText("positive = beam top/right") ttime=TPaveText(-10,-12.5,10,-11.8) tchan=TPaveText(0,0,0.9,1) setupPaveTexts([tt2,ttM,ttime,tchan,ttX,ttY,ttZ]) ttM.SetTextColor(2) ttM.SetFillStyle(0) ttZ.SetFillStyle(0) tt2.SetFillStyle(0) tarrow=TText(-0.9,0.7,'Beam Right') tarrow.SetTextSizePixels(15) arrow=TArrow(-1.4,0.5,2.4,0.5,0.02,'|>') arrow.SetAngle(40) arrow.SetFillColor(1) arrow.SetLineWidth(2) tt=TText() tt.SetTextColor(1) tt.SetTextAngle(90) tt.SetTextSize(0.04) tt.DrawText(12.4,0,'kHz') tt.SetTextAngle(0) tt.SetTextColor(1) tt.DrawTextNDC(0.3,0.92,'FTC FADC SCALERS') bb=TBox() bb.SetFillStyle(1001) bb.SetFillColor(0) bb.SetLineWidth(1) bb.SetLineColor(1) bb.DrawBox(-3.47,-1.47,4.47,2.46) bb.DrawBox(-1.47,-3.47,2.49,4.47) bb.DrawBox(-2.47,-2.47,3.49,3.47) for xx in [ttM,tt2,ttime,arrow,tarrow,ttX,ttY,ttZ]: xx.Draw() tchan.Draw('NDC') gPad.SetEditable(0) while True: for ch in ECAL.chans: loadPV(ch) ch=ch.vals xx,yy=ch['X'],ch['Y'] #if (ch['PVVAL']>10): # print xx,yy,ch['PVVAL'] # swap x to make it downstream view: xx=-xx #after, fix the fact x=0 / y=0 don't exists if xx<0: xx+=1 if yy<0: yy+=1 hh.SetBinContent(xax.FindBin(xx),yax.FindBin(yy),ch['PVVAL']) hi.SetBinContent(xax.FindBin(xx),yax.FindBin(yy),ch['PVVAL']) for xx in [ttime,tt2,ttM,ttX,ttY]: xx.Clear() [total,maximum,top,bottom,left,right]=calcRates(ECAL.chans) tt2.AddText('Total: %.1f MHz'%(total/1000)) ttM.AddText('Max: %.0f kHz'%(maximum)) if total>1e2: xasy = (right-left)/total yasy = (top-bottom)/total ttX.AddText('X-Asy: %+.1f%%'%(100*xasy)) ttY.AddText('Y-Asy: %+.1f%%'%(100*yasy)) else: ttX.AddText('X-Asy: N/A') ttY.AddText('Y-Asy: N/A') ttime.AddText(makeTime()) if not gPad: sys.exit() if gPad.GetEvent()==11: xy=pix2xy(gPad) ee=ECAL.findChannelXY(xy[0],xy[1]) if ee: tchan.Clear() tchan.AddText(printChannel(ee)) cc2.Modified() cc2.Update() elif gPad.GetEvent()==12: tchan.Clear() cc2.Modified() cc2.Update() cc.Modified() cc.Update() time.sleep(2)
def main(options, args): from ROOT import gSystem, gROOT, gStyle gROOT.SetBatch() gSystem.Load("libRooFitCore") if options.doWebPage: from lip.Tools.rootutils import loadToolsLib, apply_modifs loadToolsLib() from ROOT import TFile, RooFit, RooArgSet, RooDataHist, RooKeysPdf, RooHistPdf, TCanvas, TLegend, TLatex, TArrow, TPaveText, RooAddPdf, RooArgList from ROOT import kWhite, kBlue, kOpenSquare if options.doWebPage: from ROOT import HtmlHelper, HtmlTag, HtmlTable, HtmlPlot rootglobestyle.setTDRStyle() gStyle.SetMarkerSize(1.5) gStyle.SetTitleYOffset(1.5) gStyle.SetPadLeftMargin(0.16) gStyle.SetPadRightMargin(0.05) gStyle.SetPadTopMargin(0.05) gStyle.SetPadBottomMargin(0.13) gStyle.SetLabelFont(42, "XYZ") gStyle.SetLabelOffset(0.007, "XYZ") gStyle.SetLabelSize(0.05, "XYZ") gStyle.SetTitleSize(0.06, "XYZ") gStyle.SetTitleXOffset(0.9) gStyle.SetTitleYOffset(1.24) gStyle.SetTitleFont(42, "XYZ") ## ## Read files ## options.outdir = "%s_m%1.0f" % (options.outdir, options.mH) if options.fp: options.outdir += "_fp" ncat = options.ncat cats = options.cats if cats is "": categories = ["_cat%d" % i for i in range(0, ncat)] else: categories = ["_cat%s" % i for i in cats.split(",")] if options.mva: clables = { "_cat0": ("MVA > 0.89", ""), "_cat1": ("0.74 #leq MVA", "MVA < 0.89"), "_cat2": ("0.545 #leq MVA", "MVA < 0.74"), "_cat3": ("0.05 #leq MVA", "MVA < 0.545"), "_cat4": ("Di-jet", "Tagged"), "_cat5": ("Di-jet", "Tagged"), "_combcat": ("All Classes", "Combined") } else: clables = { "_cat0": ("max(|#eta|<1.5", "min(R_{9})>0.94"), "_cat1": ("max(|#eta|<1.5", "min(R_{9})<0.94"), "_cat2": ("max(|#eta|>1.5", "min(R_{9})>0.94"), "_cat3": ("max(|#eta|>1.5", "min(R_{9})<0.94"), "_cat4": ("Di-jet", "Tagged"), "_cat5": ("Di-jet", "Tagged"), "_combcat": ("All Classes", "Combined") } helper = Helper() fin = TFile.Open(options.infile) helper.files.append(fin) ws = fin.Get("cms_hgg_workspace") mass = ws.var("CMS_hgg_mass") mass.SetTitle("m_{#gamma#gamma}") mass.setUnit("GeV") mass.setRange(100., 150.) mass.setBins(100, "plot") mass.setBins(5000) print ws aset = RooArgSet(mass) helper.objs.append(mass) helper.objs.append(aset) fitopt = (RooFit.Minimizer("Minuit2", ""), RooFit.Minos(False), RooFit.SumW2Error(False), RooFit.NumCPU(8)) if not options.binned and not options.refit: finpdf = TFile.Open(options.infilepdf) helper.files.append(finpdf) wspdf = finpdf.Get("wsig") else: wspdf = ws for c in categories: processes = ["ggh", "vbf", "wzh"] if options.fp: processes = ["vbf", "wzh"] ### elif clables[c][0] == "Di-jet": ### processes = [ "vbf", "ggh" ] dsname = "sig_mass_m%1.0f%s" % (options.mH, c) print dsname print ws ds ="sig_%s_mass_m%1.0f%s" % (processes[0], options.mH, c)).Clone(dsname) for proc in processes[1:]: ds.append("sig_%s_mass_m%1.0f%s" % (proc, options.mH, c))) helper.dsets.append(ds) if options.binned: binned_ds = RooDataHist("binned_%s" % dsname, "binned_%s" % dsname, aset, ds) pdf = RooKeysPdf("pdf_%s_%s" % (dsname, f), "pdf_%s" % dsname, mass, ds) plot_pdf = RooHistPdf("pdf_%s" % dsname, "pdf_%s" % dsname, aset, plot_ds) helper.add(binned_ds, binned_ds.GetName()) else: if options.refit: if options.refitall and clables[c][0] != "Di-jet": rpdfs = [] for proc in processes: for ngaus in range(1, 4): pp = build_pdf(ws, "%s_%s" % (c, proc), ngaus, ngaus == 3) pp.fitTo("sig_%s_mass_m%1.0f%s" % (proc, options.mH, c)), RooFit.Strategy(0), *fitopt) rpdfs.append(pp) pdf = RooAddPdf("hggpdfrel%s" % c, "hggpdfrel%s" % c, RooArgList(*tuple(rpdfs))) else: if options.refitall and clables[c][0] == "Di-jet": for ngaus in range(1, 5): pdf = build_pdf(ws, c, ngaus, ngaus == 5) pdf.fitTo(ds, RooFit.Strategy(0), *fitopt) else: for ngaus in range(1, 4): pdf = build_pdf(ws, c, ngaus, ngaus == 3) pdf.fitTo(ds, RooFit.Strategy(0), *fitopt) else: pdfs = (wspdf.pdf("hggpdfrel%s_%s" % (c, p)) for p in processes) pdf = RooAddPdf("hggpdfrel%s" % c, "hggpdfrel%s" % c, RooArgList(*pdfs)) helper.add(pdf, pdf.GetName()) plot_pdf = pdf.Clone("pdf_%s" % dsname) plot_ds = RooDataHist("plot_%s" % dsname, "plot_%s" % dsname, aset, "plot") plot_ds.add(ds) cdf = pdf.createCdf(aset) hmin, hmax, hm = get_FWHM(mass, pdf, cdf, options.mH - 10., options.mH + 10.) wmin, wmax = get_eff_sigma(mass, pdf, cdf, options.mH - 10., options.mH + 10.) ### hmin, hmax, hm = get_FWHM( points ) helper.add(plot_ds, plot_ds.GetName()) helper.add(plot_pdf, plot_pdf.GetName()) helper.add((wmin, wmax), "eff_sigma%s" % c) helper.add((hmin, hmax, hm), "FWHM%s" % c) helper.add(ds.sumEntries(), "sumEntries%s" % c) # signal model integral # data integral for PAS tables data ="data_mass%s" % c) helper.add( data.sumEntries("CMS_hgg_mass>=%1.4f && CMS_hgg_mass<=%1.4f" % (options.mH - 10., options.mH + 10.)), "data_sumEntries%s" % c) del cdf del pdf dsname = "sig_mass_m%1.0f_combcat" % options.mH print dsname combined_ds = helper.dsets[0].Clone(dsname) for d in helper.dsets[1:]: combined_ds.append(d) if options.binned: binned_ds = RooDataHist("binned_%s" % dsname, "binned_%s" % dsname, aset, combined_ds) pdf = RooKeysPdf("pdf_%s" % (dsname), "pdf_%s" % dsname, mass, combined_ds) plot_pdf = RooHistPdf("pdf_%s" % dsname, "pdf_%s" % dsname, aset, plot_ds) helper.add(binned_ds, binned_ds.GetName()) else: #### pdf = build_pdf(ws,"_combcat") #### pdf.fitTo(combined_ds, RooFit.Strategy(0), *fitopt ) #### plot_pdf = pdf.Clone( "pdf_%s" % dsname ) pdf = RooAddPdf( "pdf_%s" % dsname, "pdf_%s" % dsname, RooArgList(*(helper.histos["hggpdfrel%s" % c] for c in categories))) plot_pdf = pdf cdf = pdf.createCdf(aset) plot_ds = RooDataHist("plot_%s" % dsname, "plot_%s" % dsname, aset, "plot") plot_ds.add(combined_ds) wmin, wmax = get_eff_sigma(mass, pdf, cdf, options.mH - 10., options.mH + 10.) hmin, hmax, hm = get_FWHM(mass, pdf, cdf, options.mH - 10., options.mH + 10.) helper.add(plot_ds, plot_ds.GetName()) helper.add(plot_pdf, plot_pdf.GetName()) helper.add((wmin, wmax), "eff_sigma_combcat") helper.add((hmin, hmax, hm), "FWHM_combcat") helper.add(plot_ds.sumEntries(), "sumEntries_combcat") mass.setRange("higgsrange", options.mH - 25., options.mH + 15.) del cdf del pdf del helper.dsets ### label = TLatex(0.1812081,0.8618881,"#scale[0.8]{#splitline{CMS preliminary}{Simulation}}") label = TLatex(0.7, 0.86, "#scale[0.65]{#splitline{CMS preliminary}{Simulation}}") label.SetNDC(1) ## ## Make web page with plots ## if options.doWebPage: hth = HtmlHelper(options.outdir) hth.navbar().cell(HtmlTag("a")).firstChild().txt("..").set( "href", "../?C=M;O=D") hth.navbar().cell(HtmlTag("a")).firstChild().txt("home").set( "href", "./") tab = hth.body().add(HtmlTable()) ip = 0 for c in ["_combcat"] + categories: ### for c in categories: if options.doWebPage and ip % 4 == 0: row = tab.row() ip = ip + 1 dsname = "sig_mass_m%1.0f%s" % (options.mH, c) canv = TCanvas(dsname, dsname, 600, 600) helper.objs.append(canv) ### leg = TLegend(0.4345638,0.6835664,0.9362416,0.9178322) leg = TLegend(0.2, 0.96, 0.5, 0.55) #apply_modifs( leg, [("SetLineColor",kWhite),("SetFillColor",kWhite),("SetFillStyle",0),("SetLineStyle",0)] ) hplotcompint = mass.frame(RooFit.Bins(250), RooFit.Range("higgsrange")) helper.objs.append(hplotcompint) helper.objs.append(leg) plot_ds = helper.histos["plot_%s" % dsname] plot_pdf = helper.histos["pdf_%s" % dsname] wmin, wmax = helper.histos["eff_sigma%s" % c] hmin, hmax, hm = helper.histos["FWHM%s" % c] print hmin, hmax, hm style = (RooFit.LineColor(kBlue), RooFit.LineWidth(2), RooFit.FillStyle(0)) style_seff = ( RooFit.LineWidth(2), RooFit.FillStyle(1001), RooFit.VLines(), RooFit.LineColor(15), ) style_ds = (RooFit.MarkerStyle(kOpenSquare), ) plot_ds.plotOn(hplotcompint, RooFit.Invisible()) plot_pdf.plotOn(hplotcompint, RooFit.NormRange("higgsrange"), RooFit.Range(wmin, wmax), RooFit.FillColor(19), RooFit.DrawOption("F"), *style_seff) seffleg = hplotcompint.getObject(int(hplotcompint.numItems() - 1)) plot_pdf.plotOn(hplotcompint, RooFit.NormRange("higgsrange"), RooFit.Range(wmin, wmax), RooFit.LineColor(15), *style_seff) plot_pdf.plotOn(hplotcompint, RooFit.NormRange("higgsrange"), RooFit.Range("higgsrange"), *style) pdfleg = hplotcompint.getObject(int(hplotcompint.numItems() - 1)) plot_ds.plotOn(hplotcompint, *style_ds) pointsleg = hplotcompint.getObject(int(hplotcompint.numItems() - 1)) iob = int(hplotcompint.numItems() - 1) leg.AddEntry(pointsleg, "Simulation", "pe") leg.AddEntry(pdfleg, "Parametric model", "l") leg.AddEntry(seffleg, "#sigma_{eff} = %1.2f GeV " % (0.5 * (wmax - wmin)), "fl") clabel = TLatex(0.74, 0.65, "#scale[0.65]{#splitline{%s}{%s}}" % clables[c]) clabel.SetNDC(1) helper.objs.append(clabel) hm = hplotcompint.GetMaximum() * 0.5 * 0.9 ### hm = pdfleg.GetMaximum()*0.5 fwhmarrow = TArrow(hmin, hm, hmax, hm) fwhmarrow.SetArrowSize(0.03) helper.objs.append(fwhmarrow) fwhmlabel = TPaveText(0.20, 0.58, 0.56, 0.48, "brNDC") fwhmlabel.SetFillStyle(0) fwhmlabel.SetLineColor(kWhite) reducedFWHM = (hmax - hmin) / 2.3548200 fwhmlabel.AddText("FWHM/2.35 = %1.2f GeV" % reducedFWHM) helper.objs.append(fwhmlabel) hplotcompint.SetTitle("") hplotcompint.GetXaxis().SetNoExponent(True) hplotcompint.GetXaxis().SetTitle("m_{#gamma#gamma} (GeV)") hplotcompint.GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(509) ## hplotcompint.GetYaxis().SetTitle("A.U."); ## hplotcompint.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0.,hplotcompint.GetMaximum()*1.4); hplotcompint.Draw() leg.Draw("same") label.Draw("same") clabel.Draw("same") fwhmarrow.Draw("<>") fwhmlabel.Draw("same") plot_ds.sumEntries() if options.doWebPage: hpl = HtmlPlot(canv, False, "", True, True, True) hpl.caption("<i>%s</i>" % canv.GetTitle()) row.cell(hpl) else: if os.path.isdir(options.outdir) is False: os.mkdir(options.outdir) for ext in "C", "png", "pdf": canv.SaveAs( os.path.join(options.outdir, "%s.%s" % (canv.GetName(), ext))) if "comb" in c: ip = 0 if options.doWebPage: print "Creating pages..." hth.dump() for f in helper.files: f.Close() gROOT.Reset() from pprint import pprint pprint(helper) print 'Summary statistics per event class' print 'Cat\tSignal\t\tData/GeV (in %3.1f+/-10)\tsigEff\tFWHM/2.35' % options.mH sigTotal = 0. dataTotal = 0. for c in categories: sigVal = helper.histos["sumEntries%s" % c] datVal = helper.histos["data_sumEntries%s" % c] sigTotal += sigVal dataTotal += datVal for c in categories: sigVal = helper.histos["sumEntries%s" % c] datVal = helper.histos["data_sumEntries%s" % c] effSig = 0.5 * (helper.histos["eff_sigma%s" % c][1] - helper.histos["eff_sigma%s" % c][0]) fwhm = (helper.histos["FWHM%s" % c][1] - helper.histos["FWHM%s" % c][0]) / 2.3548200 print c, '\t%3.1f (%3.1f%%)\t%3.1f (%3.1f%%)\t\t\t%2.2f\t%2.2f' % ( sigVal, 100. * sigVal / sigTotal, datVal / (10. + 10.), 100. * datVal / dataTotal, effSig, fwhm) print "Done."
def plot(path, pt_title, ecms, arrow_left, arrow_bottom, arrow_right, arrow_top, D_sample, D_type): try: f_incMC = TFile(path[0]) f_sigMC = TFile(path[1]) t_incMC = f_incMC.Get('save') t_sigMC = f_sigMC.Get('save') entries_incMC = t_incMC.GetEntries() entries_sigMC = t_sigMC.GetEntries()'inclusive MC entries :' + str(entries_incMC))'signal MC entries :' + str(entries_sigMC)) except: logging.error('Files are invalid!') sys.exit() mbc = TCanvas('mbc', 'mbc', 800, 600) set_canvas_style(mbc) xbins = 100 M_D1 = 0. M_D2 = 0. step = 0. if D_sample == 'Dplus' and D_type == 'D': M_D1 = 1.86483 M_D2 = 1.86965 step = (1.89555 - M_D1) / xbins if D_sample == 'Dplus' and D_type == 'Dst': M_D1 = 2.00685 M_D2 = 1.86965 step = (2.15 - M_D1) / xbins if D_sample == 'D0' and D_type == 'D': M_D1 = 1.86965 M_D2 = 1.86483 step = (1.95 - M_D1) / xbins h_FOM, ientry, arrow_top = cal_significance(t_incMC, t_sigMC, xbins, step, ecms, M_D1, M_D2, D_sample, D_type) h_FOM.Draw() # arrow_left = ientry*step + step # arrow_right = ientry*step + step arrow_top = 1.95 # arrow_bottom = 0. arrow = TArrow(arrow_left, arrow_bottom, arrow_right, arrow_top, 0.01, '>') set_arrow(arrow) arrow.Draw() pt = TPaveText(0.6, 0.8, 0.85, 0.85, "BRNDC") set_pavetext(pt) pt.Draw() pt.AddText(pt_title) mass_low = 0. mass_up = 0. window = 0. if D_sample == 'Dplus' or D_sample == 'D0': mass_low = str(M_D1 - arrow_left) mass_up = str(M_D1 + arrow_left) window = str(2 * arrow_left) # mass_low = str(M_D1 - (ientry*step + step)) # mass_up = str(M_D1 + (ientry*step + step)) # window = str(2*(ientry*step + step)) range = 'Mass window of rm_Dpi : [' + mass_low + ', ' + mass_up + '] GeV/c2' + ' with mass window width: ' + window + ' GeV/c2' print range if not os.path.exists('./txts/'): os.makedirs('./txts/') path_out = './txts/window_rm_Dpi_' + str( ecms) + '_' + D_sample + '_' + D_type + '.txt' f_out = open(path_out, 'w') f_out.write(range) f_out.close() if not os.path.exists('./figs/'): os.makedirs('./figs/') mbc.Update() mbc.SaveAs('./figs/opt_rm_Dpi_' + str(ecms) + '_' + D_sample + '_' + D_type + '.pdf') raw_input('Enter anything to end...')
lrh = TPave( 2.5, 8.5, 3.3, 11, 1 ) lrh.SetFillColor( 33 ) lrh.Draw() lrh.DrawPave( 6.9, 8.5, 7.7, 11, 1 ) lrh.DrawPave( 10.5, 8.5, 11.3, 11, 1 ) lrh.DrawPave( 14.5, 8.5, 15.3, 11, 1 ) ldot = TLine( 1, 8.5, 0.5, 6.5 ) ldot.SetLineStyle( 2 ) ldot.Draw() ldot.DrawLine( 2.5, 8.5, 9.4, 6.5 ) ldot.DrawLine( 10.5, 8.5, 10, 6.5 ) ldot.DrawLine( 11.3, 8.5, 19.5, 6.5 ) line = TLine( 2.6, 11, 2.6, 11.5 ) line.Draw() line.DrawLine( 2.6, 11.5, 7, 11.5 ) arrow = TArrow( 7, 11.5, 7, 11.1, 0.01, '|>' ) arrow.SetFillStyle( 1001 ) arrow.Draw() line.DrawLine( 7, 8.5, 7, 8.0 ) line.DrawLine( 7, 8.0, 10.6, 8 ) arrow.DrawArrow( 10.6,8, 10.6, 8.4, 0.01, '|>' ) line.DrawLine( 10.6, 11, 10.6, 11.5 ) line.DrawLine( 10.6, 11.5, 14.6, 11.5 ) arrow.DrawArrow( 14.6, 11.5, 14.6, 11.1, 0.01, '|>' ) line.DrawLine( 14.6, 8.5, 14.6, 8.0 ) line.DrawLine( 14.6, 8.0, 16, 8 ) ldot.DrawLine( 16, 8, 19, 8 ) vert = TText( 1.5, 9.75, 'File' ) vert.SetTextAlign( 21 ) vert.SetTextAngle( 90 ) vert.SetTextSize( 0.025 )
def draw(): os.mkdir("plots/lowBDTOSFakes") hists_data=getHists("data","OneL2taulowBDTOS") hists_signal=getHists("tth","OneL2taulowBDTOS") for idy in range(len(variables)): variable=variables[idy] hist_data=hists_data[idy] hist_signal=hists_signal[idy] mchists=[] temps=[] for i in range(len(bkgs)): if bkgs[i]=='fakes' : temps=getHists(bkgs[i],"OneL2taulowBDTSS") else: temps=getHists(bkgs[i],"OneL2taulowBDTOStruth") mchists.append(temps[idy]) hs=makeStack(mchists) h_bkg, h_ratio, h_ratio_err, upArrowBins= makeRatio(hist_data, mchists, hs) c, pad1, pad2=createCanvasPads() XTitle, YTitle=(titles[variable[0:len(variable)-2]])[0], (titles[variable[0:len(variable)-2]])[1] #stack plot leg=TLegend(0.60,0.70,0.90,0.90) leg.SetNColumns(2) leg.SetFillStyle(0); leg.SetBorderSize(0); leg.AddEntry(hist_data, "data", "pe") leg.AddEntry(hist_signal, "tth", "l") for i in range(len(bkgs)): leg.AddEntry(mchists[i], bkgs[i], "f") leg.AddEntry(h_bkg,"uncertainty",'f') Ymaximum = 3.*hist_data.GetBinContent(hist_data.GetMaximumBin()) hs.SetMaximum(Ymaximum) hs.SetMinimum(0.001) hs.SetTitle("") hs.Draw("hist") # thstack must draw first hs.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.06) hs.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1) hs.GetYaxis().SetTitle(YTitle) hs.GetXaxis().SetTitle("") hs.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.) hs.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.) h_bkg.Draw("E2 same") hist_data.SetMarkerStyle(20) hist_data.SetMarkerSize(0.8) hist_data.Draw("e x0 same") hist_signal.SetLineColor(kRed) hist_signal.SetLineStyle(kDashed) hist_signal.Scale(hist_data.Integral()/hist_signal.Integral()) #scale to data hist_signal.Draw("hist same") createLabels() leg.Draw("same") #ratio plot h_ratio.SetMinimum(0.0) h_ratio.SetMaximum(2.0) h_ratio.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Data/Bkg") h_ratio.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.06) h_ratio.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1) h_ratio.GetXaxis().SetTitle(XTitle) h_ratio.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.14) h_ratio.GetXaxis().SetLabelOffset(0.025) h_ratio.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.13) h_ratio.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.05) h_ratio.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.1) h_ratio.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.14) h_ratio.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.40) h_ratio.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(505) h_ratio.SetMarkerStyle(20) h_ratio.SetMarkerSize(0.8) h_ratio_err.SetMarkerSize(0) h_ratio_err.SetFillColor(17) h_ratio.Draw("e x0") h_ratio_err.Draw("e2 same") h_ratio.Draw("axis same") h_ratio.Draw("e x0 same") for iBin in upArrowBins : binCenter = h_ratio.GetBinCenter(iBin) a = TArrow(binCenter,1.7,binCenter,1.95,0.01,"|>") a.SetLineWidth(3) a.SetLineColor(2) a.SetFillColor(2) a.Draw() line=TLine() line.DrawLine(h_ratio.GetXaxis().GetXmin(),1.0,h_ratio.GetXaxis().GetXmax(),1.0) line.SetLineColor(kBlack) line.SetLineStyle(kDashed) line.DrawLine(h_ratio.GetXaxis().GetXmin(),0.5,h_ratio.GetXaxis().GetXmax(),0.5) line.DrawLine(h_ratio.GetXaxis().GetXmin(),1.5,h_ratio.GetXaxis().GetXmax(),1.5) c.SaveAs("plots/lowBDTOSFakes/%s.pdf" %variable)
if 'x2' in g: if g['x2'] == "center": x2 = (level2.GetX1() + level2.GetX2()) / 2.0 elif g['x2'] == "left": x2 = level2.GetX1() elif g['x2'] == "right": x2 = level2.GetX2() if x1 == x2: for arrow in arrows: if x1 == arrow.GetX1() and x1 == arrow.GetX2() and not ( (y1 > arrow.GetY1() and y2 > arrow.GetY2()) or (y1 < arrow.GetY1() and y2 < arrow.GetY2())): x1 = x1 + 10 x2 = x2 + 10 arrows.append(TArrow(x1, y1, x2, y2)) if 'energy' in g: gtexts.append( TText((x1 + x2) / 2.0 + param['GTextOffset'], (level1.GetY1() + level2.GetY1()) / 2.0, str(g['energy']))) else: gtexts.append( TText((x1 + x2) / 2.0 + param['GTextOffset'], (level1.GetY1() + level2.GetY1()) / 2.0, str(level1.GetY1() - level2.GetY1()))) for arrow in arrows: arrow.SetLineWidth(param['ArrowWidth']) arrow.SetArrowSize(param['ArrowSize']) arrow.SetAngle(param['ArrowAngle']) arrow.Draw(param['ArrowOption'])
phiSpot + deltaSpot, maxH) box[iHisto].SetLineColor(kRed + 1) box[iHisto].SetLineWidth(3) box[iHisto].SetFillStyle(0) box[iHisto].Draw() elif (histoType == "1d_integralAbove"): maxH = histo[iHisto].GetMaximum() * 1.2 histo[iHisto].SetMaximum(maxH) histo[iHisto].Draw() if not b_wholeHisto: line[iHisto] = TLine(integralAbove, 0, integralAbove, maxH) line[iHisto].SetLineColor(kRed + 1) line[iHisto].SetLineWidth(3) line[iHisto].Draw() arrow[iHisto] = TArrow( integralAbove, 0.2 * histo[iHisto].GetMaximum(), histo[iHisto].GetBinLowEdge(histo[iHisto].GetNbinsX()), 0.2 * histo[iHisto].GetMaximum(), 0.02, ">") arrow[iHisto].SetLineColor(kRed + 1) arrow[iHisto].SetLineWidth(3) arrow[iHisto].Draw() ######################################################################### # Extract the list of bins where to count. # Scans the window to find all bins that fall in the window # The regionBins is defined for each histogram allowing different binning regionBins = {} for iHisto in histoKeys: if b_wholeHisto: regionBins[iHisto] = [] if ("2d" in histoType): maxBin = (histo[iHisto].GetNbinsX() +
def draw(): hists = allHists() for region in regions: os.mkdir("plots/%s" % region) for variable in variables: hist_data = hists[region + "_" + variable + "_data"] mchists = [] for i in processes: if i != 'data': temp = hists[region + "_" + variable + "_" + i] mchists.append(temp) hs = makeStack(mchists) h_bkg, h_ratio, h_ratio_err, upArrowBins = makeRatio( hist_data, mchists, hs) c, pad1, pad2 = createCanvasPads() XTitle, YTitle = (titles[variable])[0], (titles[variable])[1] #stack plot leg = TLegend(0.60, 0.70, 0.90, 0.90) leg.SetNColumns(2) leg.SetFillStyle(0) leg.SetBorderSize(0) leg.AddEntry(hist_data, "data", "pe") for i in processes: if i != 'data': leg.AddEntry(hists[region + "_" + variable + "_" + i], i, "f") leg.AddEntry(h_bkg, "uncertainty", 'f') Ymaximum = 3.5 * hist_data.GetBinContent(hist_data.GetMaximumBin()) hs.SetMaximum(Ymaximum) hs.SetMinimum(0.001) hs.SetTitle("") hs.Draw("hist") # thstack must draw first hs.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.06) hs.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1) hs.GetYaxis().SetTitle(YTitle) hs.GetXaxis().SetTitle("") hs.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.) hs.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.) h_bkg.Draw("E2 same") hist_data.SetMarkerStyle(20) hist_data.SetMarkerSize(0.8) hist_data.Draw("e x0 same") createLabels() leg.Draw("same") #ratio plot h_ratio.SetMinimum(0.0) h_ratio.SetMaximum(2.0) h_ratio.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Data/Bkg") h_ratio.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.06) h_ratio.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1) h_ratio.GetXaxis().SetTitle(XTitle) h_ratio.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.14) h_ratio.GetXaxis().SetLabelOffset(0.025) h_ratio.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.13) h_ratio.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.05) h_ratio.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.1) h_ratio.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.14) h_ratio.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.40) h_ratio.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(505) h_ratio.SetMarkerStyle(20) h_ratio.SetMarkerSize(0.8) h_ratio_err.SetMarkerSize(0) h_ratio_err.SetFillColor(17) h_ratio.Draw("e x0") h_ratio_err.Draw("e2 same") h_ratio.Draw("axis same") h_ratio.Draw("e x0 same") for iBin in upArrowBins: binCenter = h_ratio.GetBinCenter(iBin) a = TArrow(binCenter, 1.7, binCenter, 1.95, 0.01, "|>") a.SetLineWidth(3) a.SetLineColor(2) a.SetFillColor(2) a.Draw() line = TLine() line.DrawLine(h_ratio.GetXaxis().GetXmin(), 1.0, h_ratio.GetXaxis().GetXmax(), 1.0) line.SetLineColor(kBlack) line.SetLineStyle(kDashed) line.DrawLine(h_ratio.GetXaxis().GetXmin(), 0.5, h_ratio.GetXaxis().GetXmax(), 0.5) line.DrawLine(h_ratio.GetXaxis().GetXmin(), 1.5, h_ratio.GetXaxis().GetXmax(), 1.5) c.SaveAs("plots/%s/%s.pdf" % (region, variable))
def main(): if True: mf=TGMainFrame(gClient.GetRoot(),1500,475) gvf=TGVerticalFrame(mf,1500,475) rec=TRootEmbeddedCanvas("ccc",gvf,1500,450) rec2=TRootEmbeddedCanvas("ccc2",gvf,1500,25) gvf.AddFrame(rec,TGLayoutHints(ROOT.kLHintsExpandX|ROOT.kLHintsTop)) gvf.AddFrame(rec2,TGLayoutHints(ROOT.kLHintsExpandX|ROOT.kLHintsBottom)) mf.AddFrame(gvf,TGLayoutHints(ROOT.kLHintsExpandX)) cc=rec.GetCanvas() cc2=rec2.GetCanvas() mf.SetEditable(0) mf.SetWindowName('HPS ECAL FADC SCALERS') mf.MapSubwindows() mf.Resize(1501,476)# resize to get proper frame placement mf.MapWindow() else: cc=TCanvas('cc','',1500,450) cc.SetBorderMode(0) cc.SetFixedAspectRatio(1) cc.FeedbackMode(1) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) gStyle.SetGridStyle(1) gStyle.SetGridColor(11) hh=TH2D('hh',';X;Y',46,-22,24,11,-5,6) hi=TH2I('hi',';X;Y',46,-22,24,11,-5,6) setupHists([hh,hi]) xax,yax=hh.GetXaxis(),hh.GetYaxis() hh.Draw('COLZ') hi.Draw('TEXTSAME') gPad.SetLogz() gPad.SetGrid(1,1) gPad.SetLeftMargin(0.05) tt1=TPaveText(0.1,0.9,0.3,1.0,'NDC') tt2=TPaveText(0.7,0.91,0.9,0.99,'NDC') ttT=TPaveText(-22+13+0.05,6-5,-22+22,7-5-0.05) ttB=TPaveText(-22+13+0.05,4-5+0.05,-22+22,5-5) ttM=TPaveText(-22+0+0.05,5-5+0.05,-22+13,6-5.01) ttime=TPaveText(-10,-6.5,10,-5.8) tchan=TPaveText(0,0,0.9,1) setupPaveTexts([tt1,tt2,ttT,ttB,ttM,ttime,tchan]) ttM.SetTextColor(2) bb=TBox() bb.SetFillStyle(1001) bb.SetFillColor(0) bb.SetLineWidth(1) bb.SetLineColor(1) bb.DrawBox(-9+0.05,-1,0,1.97) bb.DrawBox(-24,0,24.05,0.97) tarrow=TText(14.5,0.3,'Beam Left') arrow=TArrow(19,0.5,23,0.5,0.02,'|>') arrow.SetAngle(40) arrow.SetFillColor(1) arrow.SetLineWidth(2) tt=TText() tt.SetTextColor(1) tt.SetTextAngle(90) tt.SetTextSize(0.08) tt.DrawText(25.4,0,'kHz') tt.SetTextAngle(0) tt.SetTextColor(2) tt.DrawTextNDC(0.3,0.92,'ECAL FADC SCALERS') for xx in [tt2,ttT,ttB,ttM,arrow,tarrow,ttime]: xx.Draw() tchan.Draw('NDC') ll=TLine() ll.DrawLine(xax.GetXmin(),yax.GetXmin(),xax.GetXmax(),yax.GetXmin()) ll.DrawLine(xax.GetXmin(),yax.GetXmax(),xax.GetXmax(),yax.GetXmax()) ll.DrawLine(xax.GetXmin(),yax.GetXmin(),xax.GetXmin(),0) ll.DrawLine(xax.GetXmax(),yax.GetXmin(),xax.GetXmax(),0) ll.DrawLine(xax.GetXmin(),yax.GetXmax(),xax.GetXmin(),1) ll.DrawLine(xax.GetXmax(),yax.GetXmax(),xax.GetXmax(),1) ll.DrawLine(xax.GetXmax(),0,0,0) ll.DrawLine(xax.GetXmax(),1,0,1) ll.DrawLine(xax.GetXmin(),0,-9,0) ll.DrawLine(xax.GetXmin(),1,-9,1) ll.DrawLine(-9,-1,0,-1) ll.DrawLine(-9,2,0,2) ll.DrawLine(-9,1,-9,2) ll.DrawLine(-9,-1,-9,0) ll.DrawLine(0,-1,0,0) ll.DrawLine(0,1,0,2) gPad.SetEditable(0) while True: # try: zvals=getPVS() for ii in range(len(zvals)): hh.SetBinContent(xax.FindBin(XVALS[ii]),yax.FindBin(YVALS[ii]),zvals[ii]) hi.SetBinContent(xax.FindBin(XVALS[ii]),yax.FindBin(YVALS[ii]),zvals[ii]) for xx in [ttime,tt2,ttT,ttB,ttM]: xx.Clear() [top,bottom,maximum]=calcRates(zvals) tt2.AddText('Total: %.1f MHz'%((top+bottom)/1000)) ttT.AddText('%.1f MHz'%(top/1000)) ttB.AddText('%.1f MHz'%(bottom/1000)) ttM.AddText('MAX SINGLE CRYSTAL = %.0f kHz'%(maximum)) ttime.AddText(makeTime()) if gPad.GetEvent()==11: xy=pix2xy(gPad) ee=ECAL.findChannelXY(xy[0],xy[1]) if ee: tchan.Clear() tchan.AddText(printChannel(ee)) cc2.Modified() cc2.Update() elif gPad.GetEvent()==12: tchan.Clear() cc2.Modified() cc2.Update() cc.Modified() cc.Update() time.sleep(1)