def draw(hist, fit, channel, data, back, sign, snorm=1, lumi=-1, ratio=0, log=False): # If not present, create BkgSum if not 'BkgSum' in hist.keys(): hist['BkgSum'] = hist['data_obs'].Clone( "BkgSum") if 'data_obs' in hist else hist[back[0]].Clone("BkgSum") hist['BkgSum'].Reset("MICES") for i, s in enumerate(back): hist['BkgSum'].Add(hist[s]) hist['BkgSum'].SetMarkerStyle(0) setHistStyle(hist['BkgSum'], 1.1 if ratio else 1.0) # Create stack bkg = THStack( "Bkg", ";" + hist['BkgSum'].GetXaxis().GetTitle() + ";" + hist['BkgSum'].GetYaxis().GetTitle()) for i, s in enumerate(back): bkg.Add(hist[s]) # Legend n = len([x for x in data + back + ['BkgSum'] + sign if sample[x]['plot']]) leg = TLegend(0.69, 0.86 - 0.04 * n, 0.95, 0.86) leg.SetBorderSize(0) leg.SetFillStyle(0) leg.SetFillColor(0) if len(data) > 0: leg.AddEntry(hist[data[0]], sample[data[0]]['label'], "pl") for i, s in reversed(list(enumerate(['BkgSum'] + back))): leg.AddEntry(hist[s], sample[s]['label'], "f") for i, s in enumerate(sign): if sample[s]['plot']: leg.AddEntry(hist[s], sample[s]['label'].replace("m_{#Chi}=1 GeV", ""), "fl") ### data/bkg ratio and systematics err = hist['BkgSum'].Clone("BkgErr;") err.SetTitle("") err.GetYaxis().SetTitle("data / bkg") if fit == "prefit": err.SetFillColor(ROOT.kOrange - 2) elif fit == "postfit": err.SetFillColor(ROOT.kBlue) err.SetFillStyle(3001) for i in range(1, err.GetNbinsX() + 1): err.SetBinContent(i, 1) if hist['BkgSum'].GetBinContent(i) > 0: err.SetBinError( i, hist['BkgSum'].GetBinError(i) / hist['BkgSum'].GetBinContent(i)) errLine = err.Clone("errLine") errLine.SetLineWidth(1) errLine.SetFillStyle(0) res = hist['data_obs'].Clone("residues") for i in range(0, res.GetNbinsX() + 1): if hist['BkgSum'].GetBinContent(i) > 0: res.SetBinContent( i, res.GetBinContent(i) / hist['BkgSum'].GetBinContent(i)) res.SetBinError( i, res.GetBinError(i) / hist['BkgSum'].GetBinContent(i)) # Legend leg1 = TLegend(0.12, 0.45, 0.25, 0.5) leg1.SetBorderSize(0) leg1.SetFillStyle(0) leg1.SetFillColor(0) leg1.SetTextSize(0.05) leg1.AddEntry(err, "systematic uncertainty (" + fit + ")", "f") # --- Display --- c1 = TCanvas("c1", hist.values()[0].GetXaxis().GetTitle(), 800, 800 if ratio else 600) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) if ratio: c1.Divide(1, 2) setTopPad(c1.GetPad(1), ratio) setBotPad(c1.GetPad(2), ratio) c1.GetPad(bool(ratio)).SetTopMargin(0.08) c1.GetPad(bool(ratio)).SetRightMargin(0.05) c1.GetPad(bool(ratio)).SetTicks(1, 1) if log: c1.GetPad(bool(ratio)).SetLogy() # Draw bkg.Draw("HIST") # stack # hist['BkgSum'].Draw("SAME, E2") # sum of bkg if len(data) > 0: hist['data_obs'].Draw("SAME, PE") # data for i, s in enumerate(sign): if sample[s]['plot']: hist[s].DrawNormalized("SAME, HIST", hist[s].Integral() * snorm) # signals pass bkg.SetMaximum((2. if log else 1.1) * max( bkg.GetMaximum(), hist['data_obs'].GetMaximum() + hist['data_obs'].GetBinError(hist['data_obs'].GetMaximumBin()))) bkg.SetMinimum( max( min(hist['BkgSum'].GetBinContent(hist['BkgSum'].GetMinimumBin( )), hist['data_obs'].GetMinimum()), 1.e-1) if log else 0.) if log: bkg.GetYaxis().SetNoExponent(bkg.GetMaximum() < 1.e4) bkg.GetYaxis().SetMoreLogLabels(True) setHistStyle(bkg, 1.1 if ratio else 1.0) leg.Draw() # drawCMS(lumi, "Preliminary",True) drawCMS(lumi, "Private", True) drawRegion(channel) drawAnalysis(channel) drawFit(fit) if ratio: setBotStyle(err, 3, True) setBotStyle(res) err.Draw("E2") errLine.Draw("SAME, HIST") if len(data) > 0: res.Draw("SAME, PE0") drawRatio(hist['data_obs'], hist['BkgSum']) drawKolmogorov(hist['data_obs'], hist['BkgSum']) leg1.Draw() c1.Update() # return list of objects created by the draw() function return [c1, bkg, leg, leg1, err, errLine, res]
def myStack(fname_, region_, isSR, prefitbackgroundlist_, legendname_, colorlist_, regionName_, dirName_, isMerged, pad1ymax_): nbins = 4 edges = arr.array('f') openfile = TFile(fname_) print " " print "*************************" print region_, "for", dirName_ print " " prefit_path = "shapes_prefit/" + region_ + "/" postfit_path = "shapes_fit_b/" + region_ + "/" #get the histograms from prefit directory print "get histograms from", prefit_path print " " backgroundlist_ = [] for j in prefitbackgroundlist_: jh = openfile.Get(prefit_path + j) backgroundlist_.append(jh) if isSR: signal_ = openfile.Get(prefit_path + "signal") edges = arr.array('f') for i in range(nbins): low = backgroundlist_[0].GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(i + 1) edges.append(low) up = backgroundlist_[0].GetXaxis().GetBinUpEdge(nbins) edges.append(up) data = openfile.Get(prefit_path + "data") data_ = TH1F("data_", "", nbins, edges) nPoints = data.GetN() for i in range(nPoints): x = ROOT.Double(0) y = ROOT.Double(0) data.GetPoint(i, x, y) k = data_.FindFixBin(x) data_.SetBinContent(k, y) data_.SetBinError(i + 1, data.GetErrorY(i)) prefit_ = openfile.Get(prefit_path + "total_background") #get the histogram from post fit directory print "get histograms from", postfit_path print " " postfit_ = openfile.Get(postfit_path + "total_background") # draw the histograms # leg = myLegend(ncol=2) pad = myPad() pad[1].cd() gPad.SetLogy() data_.SetLineColor(1) data_.SetLineWidth(3) data_.SetMarkerStyle(20) data_.SetMarkerColor(1) data_.SetMarkerSize(1.5) data_.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0) data_.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05) data_.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.2) data_.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05) data_.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(510) data_.SetMaximum(pad1ymax_) data_.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Events/GeV") data_.Draw("e1") hs = THStack("hs", "") for j in range(len(colorlist_)): h = backgroundlist_[j] h.SetFillColor(colorlist_[j]) h.SetLineColor(colorlist_[j]) hs.Add(h, "") leg.AddEntry(h, legendname_[j], "f") hs.Draw("histsame") postfit_.SetLineColor(634) postfit_.SetLineWidth(4) leg.AddEntry(postfit_, "Post-fit", "l") postfit_.Draw("histsame") if isSR: signal_.SetLineColor(416) signal_.SetLineWidth(4) signal_.SetMarkerStyle(21) #signal_.SetMarkerColor(824) leg.AddEntry(signal_, "Signal", "l") signal_.Draw("histsame") leg.AddEntry(data_, "Data", "lep") data_.Draw("e1same") leg.Draw() drawE = drawenergy() for i in drawE: i.Draw() pt4 = TPaveText(0.2577181, 0.815, 0.5580537, 0.875, "brNDC") pt4.SetBorderSize(0) pt4.SetTextAlign(12) pt4.SetFillStyle(0) pt4.SetTextFont(52) pt4.AddText(regionName_) pt4.Draw() pad[2].cd() gPad.GetUymax() leg1 = myLegend(coordinate=[0.5, 0.80, 0.87, 0.95]) leg1.SetTextSize(0.1) prefithist = dataPredRatio(data_=data_, totalBkg_=prefit_) prefithist.SetLineColor(1) prefithist.SetLineWidth(3) prefithist.SetMarkerSize(1.5) prefithist.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.13) prefithist.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1) prefithist.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.13) prefithist.GetXaxis().SetTickLength(0.1) prefithist.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.12) prefithist.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(-0.5, 0.5) prefithist.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.5) prefithist.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.13) prefithist.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(505) prefithist.GetYaxis().SetTitle("#frac{Data-Pred}{Pred}") prefithist.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Recoil (GeV)") leg1.AddEntry(prefithist, "Prefit", "lep") prefithist.Draw("e1") postfithist = dataPredRatio(data_=data_, totalBkg_=postfit_) postfithist.SetLineColor(634) postfithist.SetLineWidth(3) postfithist.SetMarkerSize(1.5) postfithist.SetMarkerColor(634) postfithist.GetYaxis().SetTitle("#frac{Data-Pred}{Pred}") postfithist.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Recoil (GeV)") leg1.AddEntry(postfithist, "Postfit", "lep") postfithist.Draw("e1same") leg1.Draw() if not os.path.exists(dirName_): os.mkdir(dirName_) pad[0].Modified() pad[0].Update() if isMerged: pad[0].SaveAs(dirName_ + region_ + "_merged_2017.pdf") pad[0].SaveAs(dirName_ + region_ + "_merged_2017.png") if not isMerged: pad[0].SaveAs(dirName_ + region_ + "_resolved_2017.pdf") pad[0].SaveAs(dirName_ + region_ + "_resolved_2017.png")
def createPlotsReco_(reco_file, label, debug=False): """Cumulative material budget from reconstruction. Internal function that will produce a cumulative profile of the material budget in the reconstruction starting from the single detectors that compose the tracker. It will iterate over all existing detectors contained in the sDETS dictionary. The function will automatically stop everytime it encounters a non-existent detector, until no more detectors are left to try. For this reason the keys in the sDETS dictionary can be as inclusive as possible. """ cumulative_matbdg = None sPREF = ["Original_RadLen_vs_Eta_", "RadLen_vs_Eta_"] c = TCanvas("c", "c", 1024, 1024); diffs = [] if not checkFile_(reco_file): print("Error: missing file %s" % reco_file) raise RuntimeError file = TFile(reco_file) prefix = "/DQMData/Run 1/Tracking/Run summary/RecoMaterial/" for s in sPREF: hs = THStack("hs",""); histos = [] for det, color in sDETS.iteritems(): layer_number = 0 while True: layer_number += 1 name = "%s%s%s%d" % (prefix, s, det, layer_number) prof = file.Get(name) # If we miss an object, since we are incrementally # searching for consecutive layers, we may safely # assume that there are no additional layers and skip # to the next detector. if not prof: if debug: print("Missing profile %s" % name) break else: histos.append(prof.ProjectionX("_px", "hist")); diffs.append(histos[-1]); histos[-1].SetFillColor(color + layer_number); histos[-1].SetLineColor(color + layer_number + 1); name = "CumulativeRecoMatBdg_%s" % s if s == "RadLen_vs_Eta_": cumulative_matbdg = TH1D(name, name, histos[0].GetNbinsX(), histos[0].GetXaxis().GetXmin(), histos[0].GetXaxis().GetXmax()) cumulative_matbdg.SetDirectory(0) for h in histos: hs.Add(h) if cumulative_matbdg: cumulative_matbdg.Add(h, 1.) hs.Draw() hs.GetYaxis().SetTitle("RadLen") c.Update() c.Modified() c.SaveAs("%sstacked_%s.png" % (s, label)) hs = THStack("diff","") for d in range(0,len(diffs)/2): diffs[d+len(diffs)/2].Add(diffs[d], -1.) hs.Add(diffs[d+len(diffs)/2]); hs.Draw() hs.GetYaxis().SetTitle("RadLen") c.Update() c.Modified() c.SaveAs("RadLen_difference_%s.png" % label) return cumulative_matbdg
for i in range(0, N_hist): #printHistName = "nJets" #printHistName = "sigTop" printHistName = "leptauDR" hnames = sig1samples[sig1samples.keys()[0]]["hname"][i].split("_") if hnames[1] == printHistName: string0 = "%s \n" % hnames fNevt.write(string0) if hnames[1] == printHistName: print hnames[1], " ", hnames[2], " ", hnames[3] hs = THStack() l = TLegend(0.15, 0.71, 0.89, 0.87) l.SetNColumns(4) l.SetTextSize(0.04) l.SetLineColor(0) l.SetFillColor(0) ntotalbkg = 0 k = 0 for fname in bkgsamples.keys(): h_tmp = bkgsamples[fname]["file"].Get(bkgsamples[fname]["hname"][i]) nbins = h_tmp.GetNbinsX() h_tmp.AddBinContent(nbins, h_tmp.GetBinContent(nbins + 1)) #overflow h_tmp.SetFillColor(bkgsamples[fname]["col"]) scale = lumi / (bkgsamples[fname]["total"] / bkgsamples[fname]["xsection"])
def plot_hist(histlist, labellist, norm, log, overflow, filename, options, scaling=[]): canv = TCanvas("c1", "c1", 800, 600) canv.SetTopMargin(10) canv.SetRightMargin(100) if log: gPad.SetLogy() histstack = THStack("stack", histlist[0].GetTitle()) legend = TLegend(0.76, 0.88 - 0.08 * len(histlist), 0.91, 0.88, '', 'NDC') colorlist = [4, 8, 2, 6, 1] if len(scaling) > 1 and scaling[1] == 0: scaling = [] if options: options += " NOSTACK" else: options = "NOSTACK" maximum = 0 for i in range(len(histlist)): entries = histlist[i].GetEntries() mean = histlist[i].GetMean() histlist[i].SetLineColorAlpha(colorlist[i], 0.65) histlist[i].SetLineWidth(3) nbins = histlist[i].GetNbinsX() legend.AddEntry( histlist[i], "#splitline{" + labellist[i] + "}{#splitline{%d entries}{mean=%.2f}}" % (entries, mean), "l") if overflow: histlist[i].SetBinContent( nbins, histlist[i].GetBinContent(nbins) + histlist[i].GetBinContent(nbins + 1)) #overflow histlist[i].SetBinContent(1, histlist[i].GetBinContent(0) + histlist[i].GetBinContent(1)) #underflow if entries and norm: histlist[i].Scale(1. / entries) if histlist[i].GetMaximum() > maximum: maximum = histlist[i].GetMaximum() histstack.Add(histlist[i]) histstack.SetMaximum(maximum * 1.4) histstack.Draw(options) histstack.GetXaxis().SetTitle(histlist[0].GetXaxis().GetTitle()) histstack.GetYaxis().SetTitle(histlist[0].GetYaxis().GetTitle()) xlimit = [ histlist[0].GetBinLowEdge(1), histlist[0].GetBinLowEdge(histlist[0].GetNbinsX()) + histlist[0].GetBinWidth(histlist[0].GetNbinsX()) ] if len(scaling) != 0: top_axis = TGaxis(xlimit[0], maximum * 1.4, xlimit[1], maximum * 1.4, (xlimit[0] - scaling[0]) / scaling[1], (xlimit[1] - scaling[0]) / scaling[1], 510, "-") top_axis.SetTitle("normalized scale") top_axis.SetTickSize(0) top_axis.Draw("SAME") legend.SetTextSize(0.02) legend.SetFillStyle(0) legend.SetBorderSize(0) legend.Draw("SAME") canv.SaveAs(filename) if log: gPad.Clear() canv.Clear() del canv
def plotStack(name,histo,index,indexName,histoIntLumi,lumiBool,resStack,resCanvas,resLegend,recovBool = True,compBool = False,approvedPlots = False): # name: Mainly an index of the output. Also used to define TAxis Title # histo: dict of histograms or TProfile to be displayed # index: list of keys of histo to be displayed # indexName: dict of namesof index used for the TLegend # histoIntLumi : integrated lumi with the same x binning as histo # lumiBool : display results in term of lumi and not percent # resStack, resCanvas, resLegend: dict of (stacks, canvas, legend) outputs # recovBool: display the recoverable histograms (referenced as %%%__recov in histo # compBool: this is a 2 yearTag plots. Write all numbers in TLegend and not only last bin (that is not meaningful in yearTag) # unit is the main unit. unitAux is the complementary one used only the TLegend if (lumiBool): unit = "pb^{-1}" unitAux = "%%" else: unit = "%%" unitAux = "pb^{-1}" nameSplitted = name.split("--") # Assume that the name is "Veto/defect (y axis) - Year/Run (x axis)- Dataset name" xAxisTitle = nameSplitted[1] if unit == "%%": yAxisTitle = "Lost luminosity due to %s [%%]"%(nameSplitted[0]) else: yAxisTitle = "Lost luminosity due to %s [%s]"%(nameSplitted[0],unit) legendHeader = nameSplitted[2] resCanvas[name] = TCanvas(name,"%s - %s"%(yAxisTitle,xAxisTitle),200, 10, 1150, 500) resCanvas[name].SetLeftMargin(0.08) resCanvas[name].SetRightMargin(0.28) resCanvas[name].SetGridy(1) resStack[name] = THStack("%s_stack"%name,"") resLegend[name] = MakeLegend(0.725,0.8,0.98,0.95) # Y1 will be redefined later according tp the number of entries first = True totalIneff = 0. totalIneff1 = 0. nBinsX = histoIntLumi.GetNbinsX() totalIntegratedLumi = histoIntLumi.GetBinContent(nBinsX) if lumiBool: auxScaleFactor = 100./totalIntegratedLumi else: auxScaleFactor = totalIntegratedLumi/100. for iIndex in sorted(index,reverse=True): if first: # Create a recoverable histograms just in case of resStack["%s__recov"%name] = MakeTH1("h1_%s__recovTotal"%(name),"Recoverable","",-0.5,-0.5+nBinsX,nBinsX,1) resStack["%s__recov"%name].SetMarkerStyle(23) first = False iIndexName = iIndex.split("_")[0] # Fill histo["%s_toStack"] the main histo # and histo["%s_aux"] the complementary one used only for TLegend if (histo[iIndex]).IsA().InheritsFrom("TProfile"): histo['%s_toStack'%iIndex] = histo[iIndex].ProjectionX() histo['%s_toStack'%iIndex].SetFillColor(histo[iIndex].GetFillColor()) else: histo['%s_toStack'%iIndex] = histo[iIndex] if lumiBool: histo['%s_toStack'%iIndex].Multiply(histo['%s_toStack'%iIndex],histoIntLumi,0.01) resStack[name].Add(histo['%s_toStack'%iIndex]) entryNb = 0 for iIndex in sorted(index): # Reverse order to have the TLegend ordered as the stacks iIndexName = iIndex.split("__")[0] # Trick needed to get the defect name for the recoverable defect histogram baseEntry = "%s"%(strLumi(histo['%s_toStack'%iIndex].GetBinContent(nBinsX),unit)) auxEntry = "%s"%(strLumi(histo['%s_toStack'%iIndex].GetBinContent(nBinsX)*auxScaleFactor,unitAux)) if (recovBool and "%s__recov"%iIndex in histo.keys() and histo["%s__recov"%iIndex].GetBinContent(nBinsX) != 0.): baseEntryRecov = "%s"%(strLumi(histo["%s__recov"%iIndex].GetBinContent(nBinsX),unit)) entry = "#splitline{%s}{%s(recov:%s) / %s}"%(indexName[iIndexName],baseEntry,baseEntryRecov,auxEntry) # Second part of Legend to fix for iBin in range(nBinsX+1): resStack["%s__recov"%name].Fill(iBin-1,histo["%s__recov"%iIndex].GetBinContent(iBin)) else: entry = "#splitline{%s}{%s / %s}"%(indexName[iIndex],baseEntry,auxEntry) if (compBool): # This is a >=2 yearTag histograms if histo[iIndex].GetNbinsX() == 2: entry = "#splitline{%s}{%s / %s }"%(indexName[iIndexName],strLumi(histo[iIndex].GetBinContent(1),unit),strLumi(histo[iIndex].GetBinContent(2),unit)) elif histo[iIndex].GetNbinsX() == 3: entry = "#splitline{%s}{%s / %s / %s}"%(indexName[iIndexName],strLumi(histo[iIndex].GetBinContent(1),unit),strLumi(histo[iIndex].GetBinContent(2),unit),strLumi(histo[iIndex].GetBinContent(3),unit)) else: entry = "%s"%(indexName[iIndexName]) if (histo[iIndex].GetMaximum() != 0): resLegend[name].AddEntry(histo[iIndex],entry,"f") entryNb = entryNb+1 totalIneff = totalIneff + histo['%s_toStack'%iIndex].GetBinContent(nBinsX) if compBool: totalIneff1 = totalIneff1 + histo['%s_toStack'%iIndex].GetBinContent(1) mx = resStack[name].GetMaximum()*1.2 resStack[name].SetMaximum(mx) resStack[name].Draw("hist") resStack[name].GetXaxis().SetTitle("%s"%xAxisTitle) resStack[name].GetYaxis().SetTitle("%s"%yAxisTitle) resStack[name].GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.7) if resStack[name].GetMaximum()>10.: resCanvas[name].SetLogy(1) if compBool: resLegend[name].SetHeader("#splitline{%s}{Total loss: %s / %s}"%(legendHeader,strLumi(totalIneff1,unit),strLumi(totalIneff,unit))) else: totalIneffAux = totalIneff*auxScaleFactor if (approvedPlots): resLegend[name].SetHeader("#splitline{%s}{Total loss: %s / %s}"%(legendHeader,strLumi(totalIneff,unit),strLumi(totalIneffAux,unitAux))) else: resLegend[name].SetHeader("#splitline{%s (%s)}{Total loss: %s / %s}"%(legendHeader,strLumi(totalIntegratedLumi,"pb"),strLumi(totalIneff,unit),strLumi(totalIneffAux,unitAux))) if resStack["%s__recov"%name].GetEntries() != 0.: resStack["%s__recov"%name].SetMarkerStyle(20) resStack["%s__recov"%name].SetMarkerColor(kAzure+8) resStack["%s__recov"%name].Draw("PSAME HIST") resLegend[name].AddEntry(resStack["%s__recov"%name],"#splitline{Recoverable}{total: %.2f%%}"%(resStack["%s__recov"%name].GetBinContent(nBinsX)),"p") entryNb = entryNb + 1 resLegend[name].SetY1(max(0.83-entryNb*0.12,0.05)) resLegend[name].Draw() resCanvas[name].Update() return totalIneff # totalIneff is used only with the savePage1 option in DeMoStatus
def DrawHisto(self, doSF=False, name='', chan='', level='', rebin=1, log=True): self.SetChanAndLevel('', level) self.SetMode('SF' if doSF else 'OF') if name == '': name = 'DYDD_%s_%s' % ('SF' if doSF else 'OF', self.GetLevel()) hData = self.GetDYhisto(chan, level, True) hMC = self.GetDYhisto(chan, level, False) hemu = self.GetDYhisto('ElMu', level, True) hData.SetMarkerStyle(20) hData.SetMarkerColor(1) hData.SetLineColor(1) hData.SetMarkerSize(1.3) hMC.SetFillStyle(1000) hMC.SetLineColor(kAzure - 8) hMC.SetFillColor(kAzure - 8) hemu.SetFillStyle(1000) hemu.SetLineColor(kGray) hemu.SetFillColor(kGray) hData.Rebin(rebin) hemu.Rebin(rebin) hMC.Rebin(rebin) ke, kee = self.GetKfactor(elname) km, kme = self.GetKfactor(muname) hemu.Scale(0.5 * (ke if chan == 'ElE' else km)) hs = THStack() hs.Add(hemu) hs.Add(hMC) lab = 'e^{#pm}e^{#mp}' if chan == 'ElEl' else '#mu^{#pm}#mu^{#mp}' rlab = 'ee' if chan == 'ElEl' else '#mu#mu' processes = [ 'Z/#gamma*#rightarrow %s' % (lab), '0.5 k_{%s} #times Data(e#mu)' % rlab ] colors = {processes[0]: kAzure - 9, processes[1]: kGray} s = Stack(doRatio=False) s.SetXtitle(size=0.06, offset=0.8, nDiv=510, labSize=0.05) s.SetTextCMS(cmstex='CMS', x=0.13, y=0.88, s=0.06) s.SetTextCMSmode(texcmsMode='Preliminary', x=0.225, y=0.875, s=0.052) s.SetLumi(304.32) s.SetTextLumi(texlumi='%2.1f pb^{-1} (5.02 TeV)', texlumiX=0.68, texlumiY=0.95, texlumiS=0.045) s.SetDataHisto(hData) s.SetColors(colors) s.SetStack(hs) s.SetOutName('DYestimate_%s%s' % (chan, level) + ('_log' if log else '')) s.SetOutPath(self.outpath) plotMinimum = 0.5 if log else 0 plotMaxScale = 10 if log else 1.3 s.SetLogY(log) s.SetPlotMaxScale(plotMaxScale) s.SetPlotMinimum(plotMinimum) maximum = hData.GetMaximum() * (5 if log else 1.2) s.AddLine(76, 0.5, 76, maximum) s.AddLine(106, 0.5, 106, maximum) s.processes = processes s.SetLegendPos(x0=0.60, y0=0.55, x1=0.93, y1=0.91, size=0.042, ncol=1) s.DrawStack('m_{%s} (GeV)' % rlab)
def makeDiTauStack(outDir, inFile, rootDir, s, labelX, units="GeV", left=False, channel="", json="Golden", log=False, dndm=False, doRatio=False, year=2017, sign='OS', LTcut=0., cat='mmtt', wait='wait'): tdrstyle.setTDRStyle() writeExtraText = True # if extra text extraText = "Preliminary" # default extra text is "Preliminary" lumi_sqrtS = "13 TeV" if json == "Golden": lumi_13TeV = channel + " 41.8 fb^{-1}, 2017" iPeriod = 4 # 1=7TeV, 2=8TeV, 3=7+8TeV, 7=7+8+13TeV xR = 0.65 #legend parameters xR = 0.2 #legend parameters H = 600 W = 600 H_ref = 600 W_ref = 600 # references for T, B, L, R T = 0.08 * H_ref B = 0.12 * H_ref L = 0.16 * W_ref R = 0.04 * W_ref #margins for inbetween the pads in a ratio plot B_ratio = 0.1 * H_ref T_ratio = 0.03 * H_ref #margin required for lebal on bottom of raito plot B_ratio_label = 0.3 * H_ref c = TCanvas('c1', 'c1', 50, 50, W, H) c.SetFillColor(0) c.SetBorderMode(0) c.SetFrameFillStyle(0) c.SetFrameBorderMode(0) if not doRatio: c.SetLeftMargin(L / W) c.SetRightMargin(R / W) c.SetTopMargin(T / H) c.SetBottomMargin(B / H) ratioPad = TPad("pad2", "", 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.29) plotPad = TPad("pad1", "", 0.0016, 0.291, 1.0, 1.0) if doRatio: plotPad.SetTicks(0, 0) plotPad.SetLeftMargin(L / W) plotPad.SetRightMargin(R / W) plotPad.SetTopMargin(T / H) plotPad.SetBottomMargin(B_ratio / H) plotPad.SetFillColor(0) plotPad.SetBottomMargin(0) ratioPad.SetLeftMargin(L / W) ratioPad.SetRightMargin(R / W) ratioPad.SetTopMargin(T_ratio / H) ratioPad.SetTopMargin(0.007) ratioPad.SetBottomMargin(B_ratio_label / H) ratioPad.SetGridy(1) ratioPad.SetFillColor(4000) else: plotPad = TPad("pad1", "", 0.0, 0.03, 1.0, 1.0) plotPad.SetLeftMargin(L / W) plotPad.SetRightMargin(R / W) plotPad.SetTopMargin(T / H) plotPad.SetBottomMargin(B / H) plotPad.Draw() print("In makeStack inFile={0:s}".format(inFile)) f = TFile(inFile) groups = ['data', 'Reducible', 'Rare', 'ZZ4L', 'Signal'] histo = {} colors = { 'data': 0, 'Reducible': kMagenta - 10, 'Rare': kBlue - 8, 'ZZ4L': kAzure - 9, 'Signal': kRed } hs = THStack("hs", "") for group in groups: if len(cat) == 4: histo[group] = f.Get("h{0:s}_{1:s}_Mtt".format(group, cat)) else: histo[group] = f.Get("h{0:s}_ee{1:s}_Mtt".format(group, cat)) histo2 = f.Get("h{0:s}_mm{1:s}_Mtt".format(group, cat)) histo[group].Add(histo2) if dndm: convertToDNDM(histo[group]) if group == 'data': applyDATAStyle(histo[group]) else: applyStyle(histo[group], colors[group], 1, 1001) if group != 'data': hs.Add(histo[group]) try: hMax = 1.2 * max(histo['data'].GetMaximum(), hs.GetMaximum()) except KeyError: hMax = 1.2 * hs.GetMaximum() hs.SetMaximum(hMax) hs.Draw("HIST") try: histo['data'].Draw("e,SAME") except KeyError: pass if doRatio: hs.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0) else: if units != "": hs.GetXaxis().SetTitle(labelX + " [" + units + "]") else: hs.GetXaxis().SetTitle(labelX) hs.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Events") hs.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1) if dndm: hs.GetYaxis().SetTitle("dN/d" + labelX) if doRatio: data2 = histo['data'].Clone("data") mc = histo['Rare'] mc.Add(histo['Reducible']) mc.Add(histo['ZZ4L']) xmin = mc.GetXaxis().GetXmin() xmax = mc.GetXaxis().GetXmax() line = TLine(xmin, 1.0, xmax, 1.0) line.SetLineWidth(1) line.SetLineColor(kBlack) ratioPad.Draw() data2.Divide(data2, mc) data2.SetMarkerStyle(20) data2.SetTitleSize(0.12, "Y") data2.SetTitleOffset(0.40, "Y") data2.SetTitleSize(0.12, "X") data2.SetLabelSize(0.10, "X") data2.SetLabelSize(0.08, "Y") data2.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0.62, 1.38) data2.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(305) data2.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Obs/Exp ") if units != "": data2.GetXaxis().SetTitle(labelX + " [" + units + "]") else: data2.GetXaxis().SetTitle(labelX) data2.Draw("P") line.Draw() l = TLegend(xR, 0.55, xR + 0.28, 0.9) for group in groups: try: l.AddEntry(histo[group], group, "F") except KeyError: continue l.SetBorderSize(0) l.SetFillColor(0) l.SetFillStyle(0) l.SetTextSize(0.04) l.Draw() lTex1 = TLatex(120., 0.97 * hMax, 'Preliminary {0:d}'.format(year)) lTex1.SetTextSize(0.04) lTex1.Draw() signText = 'Same Sign' if sign == 'OS': signText = 'Opposite Sign' lTex2 = TLatex(120., 0.90 * hMax, '{0:s}'.format(signText)) lTex2.SetTextSize(0.04) lTex2.Draw() if len(cat) == 4: lt = { 'eeet': '#it{l}#it{l}#it{e}#tau', 'eemt': '#it{l}#it{l}#mu#tau', 'eett': '#it{l}#it{l}#tau#tau', 'mmet': '#mu#mu#it{e}#tau', 'mmmt': '#mu#mu#mu#tau', 'mmtt': '#mu#mu#tau#tau' } else: lt = { 'et': '#it{l}#it{l}#it{e}#tau', 'mt': '#it{l}#it{l}#mu#tau', 'tt': '#it{l}#it{l}#tau#tau' } lTex3 = TLatex(120., 0.83 * hMax, '{0:s} H_LT > {1:d} '.format(lt[cat], int(LTcut))) lTex3.SetTextSize(0.04) lTex3.Draw() plotPad.Draw() #CMS_lumi(plotPad,4,11) outFileBase = "Stack_{0:d}_{1:s}_{2:s}_LT{3:02d}".format( year, cat, sign, int(LTcut)) c.SaveAs("{0:s}.png".format(outFileBase)) c.SaveAs("{0:s}.root".format(outFileBase)) if wait == 'wait': raw_input() else: import time time.sleep(5.)
def print_single_min(vec_beg, vec_end, name, text): total_beg = vec_beg[0].Clone() c = 0 for v in vec_beg: if c != 0: total_beg.Add(vec_beg[c]) c = c + 1 norm = 1/total_beg.Integral() total_beg.Scale(norm) if 'buff' in name: legb = TLegend(0.25,0.93,0.90,0.60) legb.SetNColumns(5) else: legb = TLegend(0.60,0.80,0.90,0.60) legb.SetNColumns(2) legb.SetLineColor(0) legb.SetFillStyle(0) legb.SetShadowColor(0) legb.SetBorderSize(0) if 'buff' in name: lege = TLegend(0.25,0.93,0.90,0.60) lege.SetNColumns(5) else: lege = TLegend(0.22,0.90,0.52,0.70) lege.SetNColumns(2) lege.SetLineColor(0) lege.SetFillStyle(0) lege.SetShadowColor(0) lege.SetBorderSize(0) #vec_beg = sorted(vec_beg, key=lambda x: x.Integral(), reverse=True) stack1 = THStack("stack1","stack1") for v in vec_beg: if v.Integral() != 0: v.Scale(norm) legb.AddEntry(v, v.GetTitle()[4:], "f") stack1.Add(v) total_end = vec_end[0].Clone() c = 0 for v in vec_end: if c != 0: total_end.Add(vec_end[c]) c = c + 1 norm = 1/total_end.Integral() total_end.Scale(norm) stack2 = THStack("stack2","stack2") for v in vec_end: if v.Integral() != 0: v.Scale(norm) lege.AddEntry(v, v.GetTitle()[4:], "f") stack2.Add(v) total_beg.SetLineColor(kRed) total_beg.SetLineWidth(1) total_end.SetLineColor(kRed) total_end.SetLineWidth(1) total_beg.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Minutes after stable beams declared [min]") total_end.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Minutes before stable beams ended [min]") if '0_4' in name: total_beg.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Arbitrary units / 3 mins") total_end.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Arbitrary units / 3 mins") else: total_beg.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Arbitrary units / 5 mins") total_end.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Arbitrary units / 5 mins") c4 = TCanvas( 'c4', 'c4',1000, 1200) c4.Divide(1,2) total_beg.Draw("HIST") stack1.Draw("PFC PLC SAME HIST") total_beg.Draw("SAMEHIST") AtlasStyle.ATLAS_LABEL(0.18,.96, 1, "Internal") AtlasStyle.myText(0.40, 0.96, kBlack, text) legb.Draw() total_end.Draw("HIST") stack2.Draw("PFC PLC SAME HIST") total_end.Draw("SAMEHIST") AtlasStyle.ATLAS_LABEL(0.18,.96, 1, "Internal") AtlasStyle.myText(0.40, 0.96, kBlack, text) lege.Draw() c4.Update() c4.Print("plots/"+name+".pdf")
class Plot_Multi_TH1: def __init__(self,filepath,filename,tree,list_variable,weight,list_cut,list_legend,list_color,name,bins,xmin,xmax,title,xlabel,ylabel,option='hist',logx=False,logy=False,legend_pos=[0.5,0.5,0.9,0.85],stack=False,norm=False): self.filepath = filepath self.filename = filename self.tree = tree self.weight = weight = name self.bins = bins self.xmin = xmin self.xmax = xmax self.title = title self.xlabel = xlabel self.ylabel = ylabel self.legend_pos = legend_pos self.logx = logx self.logy = logy self.option = option self.stack = stack self.norm = norm if not isinstance(list_cut,list): list_cut = [list_cut] if not isinstance(list_variable,list): list_variable = [list_variable] if not isinstance(list_legend,list): list_legend = [list_legend] if len(list_variable) == 1 and len(list_cut) > 1: logging.debug('\tOnly one variable but several cuts') self.list_variable = list_variable*len(list_cut) self.list_cut = list_cut elif len(list_variable) > 1 and len(list_cut) == 1: logging.debug('\tOnly one cut but several variables') self.list_cut = list_cut*len(list_variable) self.list_variable = list_variable elif len(list_variable) == 1 and len(list_cut) == 1: logging.warning('\tWhy do you even need to stack ?') elif len(list_variable) != len(list_cut): raise RuntimeError('Inconsistent number of variables and cuts') print (len(list_variable)) print (len(list_cut)) else: self.list_variable = list_variable self.list_cut = list_cut if len(list_legend) != max(len(list_variable),len(list_cut)): raise RuntimeError('Inconsistent number of legends compared to variables and cuts') else: self.list_legend = list_legend if len(list_color) != len(list_legend): raise RuntimeError('Inconsistent number of colors compared to legends') else: self.list_color = list_color for i in range(len(self.list_color)): if isinstance(self.list_color[i],str): self.list_color[i] = ROOT.TColor.GetColor(self.list_color[i]) def MakeHisto(self): self.list_obj = [] for i in range(0,len(self.list_variable)): instance = Plot_TH1(filepath = self.filepath, filename = self.filename, tree = self.tree, variable = self.list_variable[i], weight = self.weight, cut = self.list_cut[i], name =, bins = self.bins, xmin = self.xmin, xmax = self.xmax, title = self.title, xlabel = self.xlabel, ylabel = self.ylabel, logx = self.logx, logy = self.logy) instance.MakeHisto() self.list_obj.append(copy.deepcopy(instance.histo)) def PlotOnCanvas(self,pdf_name): tdrstyle.setTDRStyle() # Canvas # canvas = TCanvas("c", "c", 600, 600) canvas.SetTopMargin(0.15) canvas.SetBottomMargin(0.15) canvas.SetRightMargin(0.05) canvas.SetLeftMargin(0.15) if self.title == '': canvas.SetTopMargin(0.05) if self.logx: canvas.SetLogx() if self.logy: canvas.SetLogy() self.list_obj[0].SetMinimum(10) # Norm # if self.norm: for obj in self.list_obj: if obj.Integral() != 0: obj.Scale(1./obj.Integral()) # Axes # maxY = max([h.GetMaximum() for h in self.list_obj]) if self.logy: maxY *= 2 else: maxY *= 1.1 self.list_obj[0].SetMaximum(maxY) self.list_obj[0].GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.03) self.list_obj[0].GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05) if len(self.xlabel) > 30: self.list_obj[0].GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.035) if len(self.xlabel) > 60: self.list_obj[0].GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.03) if "frac" in self.xlabel: self.list_obj[0].GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.03) self.list_obj[0].GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.9) else: self.list_obj[0].GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.6) self.list_obj[0].GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.5) self.list_obj[0].GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.03) self.list_obj[0].GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05) self.list_obj[0].GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(10) if len(self.ylabel) > 30: self.list_obj[0].GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.035) if len(self.ylabel) > 60: self.list_obj[0].GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.03) # Stacking # if self.stack: self.stack_hist = THStack("hs","") # Needs to be in self, otherwise destroyed at end of function opt = self.option for col,obj in zip(self.list_color,self.list_obj): obj.SetFillColor(col) obj.SetLineColor(col) self.stack_hist.Add(obj) obj.Draw(opt) if not "same" in opt : opt += " same" self.stack_hist.Draw(self.option+" same") maxY = self.stack_hist.GetMaximum() if self.logy: maxY *= 10 else: maxY *= 1.1 self.list_obj[0].SetMaximum(maxY) # Regular plotting else: opt = self.option for col,obj in zip(self.list_color,self.list_obj): obj.SetLineColor(col) obj.SetLineWidth(2) obj.Draw(opt) if not "same" in opt : opt += " same" # Legend # legend = TLegend(*self.legend_pos) for leg,obj in zip(self.list_legend,self.list_obj): legend.AddEntry(obj,leg,"f" if self.stack else "l") legend.SetBorderSize(0) legend.SetFillColor(0) legend.Draw() ROOT.SetOwnership(legend,0) # Otherwise goes out of scope and not printed return canvas,self.filename
def PlotOnCanvas(self,pdf_name): tdrstyle.setTDRStyle() # Canvas # canvas = TCanvas("c", "c", 600, 600) canvas.SetTopMargin(0.15) canvas.SetBottomMargin(0.15) canvas.SetRightMargin(0.05) canvas.SetLeftMargin(0.15) if self.title == '': canvas.SetTopMargin(0.05) if self.logx: canvas.SetLogx() if self.logy: canvas.SetLogy() self.list_obj[0].SetMinimum(10) # Norm # if self.norm: for obj in self.list_obj: if obj.Integral() != 0: obj.Scale(1./obj.Integral()) # Axes # maxY = max([h.GetMaximum() for h in self.list_obj]) if self.logy: maxY *= 2 else: maxY *= 1.1 self.list_obj[0].SetMaximum(maxY) self.list_obj[0].GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.03) self.list_obj[0].GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05) if len(self.xlabel) > 30: self.list_obj[0].GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.035) if len(self.xlabel) > 60: self.list_obj[0].GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.03) if "frac" in self.xlabel: self.list_obj[0].GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.03) self.list_obj[0].GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.9) else: self.list_obj[0].GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.6) self.list_obj[0].GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.5) self.list_obj[0].GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.03) self.list_obj[0].GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05) self.list_obj[0].GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(10) if len(self.ylabel) > 30: self.list_obj[0].GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.035) if len(self.ylabel) > 60: self.list_obj[0].GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.03) # Stacking # if self.stack: self.stack_hist = THStack("hs","") # Needs to be in self, otherwise destroyed at end of function opt = self.option for col,obj in zip(self.list_color,self.list_obj): obj.SetFillColor(col) obj.SetLineColor(col) self.stack_hist.Add(obj) obj.Draw(opt) if not "same" in opt : opt += " same" self.stack_hist.Draw(self.option+" same") maxY = self.stack_hist.GetMaximum() if self.logy: maxY *= 10 else: maxY *= 1.1 self.list_obj[0].SetMaximum(maxY) # Regular plotting else: opt = self.option for col,obj in zip(self.list_color,self.list_obj): obj.SetLineColor(col) obj.SetLineWidth(2) obj.Draw(opt) if not "same" in opt : opt += " same" # Legend # legend = TLegend(*self.legend_pos) for leg,obj in zip(self.list_legend,self.list_obj): legend.AddEntry(obj,leg,"f" if self.stack else "l") legend.SetBorderSize(0) legend.SetFillColor(0) legend.Draw() ROOT.SetOwnership(legend,0) # Otherwise goes out of scope and not printed return canvas,self.filename
myfile = TFile.Open(plotDirectory + "myZJets_Prefit.root", "recreate") for ih in summedHist: rebinnedHist[ih] = summedHist[ih].Rebin(len(binning) - 1, "", binning) rebinnedHist[ih].SetLineColor(template_category[ih]) rebinnedHist[ih].SetFillColor(template_category[ih]) rebinnedHist[ih].Write() rebinnedData = data_obs.Rebin(len(binning) - 1, "", binning) rebinnedData.Write() myfile.Close() sys.exit() else: if postfitPlots: rebinnedHist['myZJets'].Scale(ZJetSF) stack = THStack() stack.Add(rebinnedHist['myBackground']) stack.Add(rebinnedHist['myZJets']) canvasRatio = TCanvas('c1Ratio', 'c1Ratio', W, H) canvasRatio.SetFillColor(0) canvasRatio.SetBorderMode(0) canvasRatio.SetFrameFillStyle(0) canvasRatio.SetFrameBorderMode(0) canvasRatio.SetLeftMargin(L / W) canvasRatio.SetRightMargin(R / W) canvasRatio.SetTopMargin(T / H) canvasRatio.SetBottomMargin(B / H) canvasRatio.SetTickx(0) canvasRatio.SetTicky(0) canvasRatio.Draw()
def draw(hist, channel, data, back, sign, snorm=1, lumi=-1, ratio=0, log=False): # If not present, create BkgSum if not 'BkgSum' in hist.keys(): hist['BkgSum'] = hist['data_obs'].Clone( "BkgSum") if 'data_obs' in hist else hist[back[0]].Clone("BkgSum") hist['BkgSum'].Reset("MICES") for i, s in enumerate(back): hist['BkgSum'].Add(hist[s]) hist['BkgSum'].SetMarkerStyle(0) # Set Poisson error bars #if len(data) > 0: hist['data_obs'].SetBinErrorOption(1) # doesn't work alpha = 1 - 0.6827 hist['data_obs'].SetBinErrorOption(TH1.kPoisson) data_graph = TGraphAsymmErrors(hist['data_obs'].GetNbinsX()) data_graph.SetMarkerStyle(hist['data_obs'].GetMarkerStyle()) data_graph.SetMarkerSize(hist['data_obs'].GetMarkerSize()) res_graph = data_graph.Clone() for i in range(hist['data_obs'].GetNbinsX()): N = hist['data_obs'].GetBinContent(i + 1) B = hist['BkgSum'].GetBinContent(i + 1) L = 0 if N == 0 else ROOT.Math.gamma_quantile(alpha / 2, N, 1.) U = ROOT.Math.gamma_quantile_c(alpha / 2, N + 1, 1) data_graph.SetPoint(i, hist['data_obs'].GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(i + 1), N if not N == 0 else -1.e99) data_graph.SetPointError( i, hist['data_obs'].GetXaxis().GetBinWidth(i + 1) / 2., hist['data_obs'].GetXaxis().GetBinWidth(i + 1) / 2., N - L, U - N) res_graph.SetPoint(i, hist['data_obs'].GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(i + 1), N / B if not B == 0 and not N == 0 else -1.e99) res_graph.SetPointError( i, hist['data_obs'].GetXaxis().GetBinWidth(i + 1) / 2., hist['data_obs'].GetXaxis().GetBinWidth(i + 1) / 2., (N - L) / B if not B == 0 else -1.e99, (U - N) / B if not B == 0 else -1.e99) # Create stack bkg = THStack("Bkg", ";" + hist['BkgSum'].GetXaxis().GetTitle() + ";Events") for i, s in enumerate(back): bkg.Add(hist[s]) # Legend n = len([x for x in data + back + ['BkgSum'] + sign if sample[x]['plot']]) leg = TLegend(0.7, 0.9 - 0.05 * n, 0.95, 0.9) leg.SetBorderSize(0) leg.SetFillStyle(0) #1001 leg.SetFillColor(0) if len(data) > 0: leg.AddEntry(hist[data[0]], sample[data[0]]['label'], "pl") for i, s in reversed(list(enumerate(['BkgSum'] + back))): leg.AddEntry(hist[s], sample[s]['label'], "f") for i, s in enumerate(sign): if sample[s]['plot']: leg.AddEntry(hist[s], sample[s]['label'].replace("m_{#Chi}=1 GeV", ""), "fl") # --- Display --- c1 = TCanvas("c1", hist.values()[0].GetXaxis().GetTitle(), 800, 800 if ratio else 600) if ratio: c1.Divide(1, 2) setTopPad(c1.GetPad(1), ratio) setBotPad(c1.GetPad(2), ratio) c1.GetPad(bool(ratio)).SetTopMargin(0.06) c1.GetPad(bool(ratio)).SetRightMargin(0.05) c1.GetPad(bool(ratio)).SetTicks(1, 1) if log: c1.GetPad(bool(ratio)).SetLogy() # Draw bkg.Draw("HIST") # stack hist['BkgSum'].Draw("SAME, E2") # sum of bkg #if len(data) > 0: hist['data_obs'].Draw("SAME, PE") # data data_graph.Draw("SAME, PE") for i, s in enumerate(sign): if sample[s]['plot']: hist[s].DrawNormalized("SAME, HIST", hist[s].Integral() * snorm) # signals bkg.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(bkg.GetYaxis().GetTitleOffset() * 1.075) bkg.SetMaximum((2. if log else 1.2) * max( bkg.GetMaximum(), hist['data_obs'].GetBinContent(hist['data_obs'].GetMaximumBin()) + hist['data_obs'].GetBinError(hist['data_obs'].GetMaximumBin()))) bkg.SetMinimum( max( min(hist['BkgSum'].GetBinContent(hist['BkgSum'].GetMinimumBin( )), hist['data_obs'].GetMinimum()), 5.e-1) if log else 0.) if log: bkg.GetYaxis().SetNoExponent(bkg.GetMaximum() < 1.e4) bkg.GetYaxis().SetMoreLogLabels(True) #if log: bkg.SetMinimum(1) leg.Draw() drawCMS(lumi, "Preliminary") drawRegion(channel) drawAnalysis(channel) #if nm1 and not cutValue is None: drawCut(cutValue, bkg.GetMinimum(), bkg.GetMaximum()) #FIXME if len(sign) > 0: if channel.startswith('X') and len(sign) > 0: drawNorm(0.9 - 0.04 * (n + 1), "#sigma(X) #times B(X #rightarrow Vh) = %.1f pb" % snorm) #elif "SR" in channel: drawNorm(0.9-0.04*(n+1), "DM+bb/tt, scaled by %.0f" % snorm, "m_{#chi}=1 GeV, scalar mediator") elif "SR" in channel: drawNorm(0.9 - 0.04 * (n + 1), "DM+bb/tt, m_{#chi}=1 GeV", "scalar mediator") setHistStyle(bkg, 1.2 if ratio else 1.1) setHistStyle(hist['BkgSum'], 1.2 if ratio else 1.1) if ratio: err = hist['BkgSum'].Clone("BkgErr;") err.SetTitle("") err.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Data / Bkg") for i in range(1, err.GetNbinsX() + 1): err.SetBinContent(i, 1) if hist['BkgSum'].GetBinContent(i) > 0: err.SetBinError( i, hist['BkgSum'].GetBinError(i) / hist['BkgSum'].GetBinContent(i)) setBotStyle(err) errLine = err.Clone("errLine") errLine.SetLineWidth(1) errLine.SetFillStyle(0) res = hist['data_obs'].Clone("Residues") for i in range(0, res.GetNbinsX() + 1): if hist['BkgSum'].GetBinContent(i) > 0: res.SetBinContent( i, res.GetBinContent(i) / hist['BkgSum'].GetBinContent(i)) res.SetBinError( i, res.GetBinError(i) / hist['BkgSum'].GetBinContent(i)) setBotStyle(res) #err.GetXaxis().SetLabelOffset(err.GetXaxis().GetLabelOffset()*5) #err.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(err.GetXaxis().GetTitleOffset()*2) err.Draw("E2") errLine.Draw("SAME, HIST") if len(data) > 0: #res.Draw("SAME, PE0") res_graph.Draw("SAME, PE0") # if len(err.GetXaxis().GetBinLabel(1))==0: # Bin labels: not a ordinary plot # drawRatio(hist['data_obs'], hist['BkgSum']) # drawKolmogorov(hist['data_obs'], hist['BkgSum']) c1.Update() # return list of objects created by the draw() function return [c1, bkg, leg, err, errLine, res, data_graph, res_graph]
def plot(path, leg_title, ecms, xmin, xmax, xbins, runNolow, runNoup, ymax): try: f_data = TFile(path[0]) f_incMC1 = TFile(path[1]) f_incMC2 = TFile(path[2]) f_sigMC1 = TFile(path[3]) f_sigMC2 = TFile(path[4]) t_data = f_data.Get('save') t_incMC1 = f_incMC1.Get('save') t_incMC2 = f_incMC2.Get('save') t_sigMC1 = f_sigMC1.Get('save') t_sigMC2 = f_sigMC2.Get('save') entries_data = t_data.GetEntries() entries_incMC1 = t_incMC1.GetEntries() entries_incMC2 = t_incMC2.GetEntries() entries_sigMC1 = t_sigMC1.GetEntries() entries_sigMC2 = t_sigMC2.GetEntries()'data entries :' + str(entries_data))'inclusive MC(open charm) entries :' + str(entries_incMC1))'inclusive MC(qqbar) entries :' + str(entries_incMC2))'signal MC(D1(2420)) entries :' + str(entries_sigMC1))'signal MC(psi(3770)) entries :' + str(entries_sigMC2)) except: logging.error('File paths are invalid!') sys.exit() mbc = TCanvas('mbc', 'mbc', 800, 600) set_canvas_style(mbc) content = (xmax - xmin) / xbins * 1000 ytitle = 'Events/%.1f MeV' % content xtitle = 'M(D^{+}#pi^{0})(GeV)' h_data = TH1F('data', 'data', xbins, xmin, float(xmax)) h_incMC1 = TH1F('incMC1', 'inclusive MC: open charm', xbins, xmin, float(xmax)) h_incMC2 = TH1F('incMC2', 'inclusive MC: qqbar', xbins, xmin, float(xmax)) h_sigMC1 = TH1F('sigMC1', 'signal MC: D1(2420)', xbins, xmin, float(xmax)) h_sigMC2 = TH1F('sigMC2', 'signal MC: psi(3770)', xbins, xmin, float(xmax)) set_histo_style(h_data, h_incMC1, h_incMC2, h_sigMC1, h_sigMC2, xtitle, ytitle, ymax) rm_pipi_fill(t_data, t_incMC1, t_incMC2, t_sigMC1, t_sigMC2, h_data, h_incMC1, h_incMC2, h_sigMC1, h_sigMC2, runNolow, runNoup) if not os.path.exists('./figs/'): os.makedirs('./figs/') h_sigMC1.Scale(scale_factor(ecms, 'D1_2420')) h_sigMC2.Scale(scale_factor(ecms, 'psipp')) h_incMC1.Scale(scale_factor(ecms, 'DD')) h_incMC2.Scale(scale_factor(ecms, 'qq')) h_data.Draw('E1') h_incMC1.SetFillColor(ROOT.kBlue) h_incMC2.SetFillColor(ROOT.kYellow) h_sigMC1.SetFillColor(ROOT.kGreen) h_sigMC2.SetFillColor(ROOT.kRed) hs = THStack('hs', 'Stacked') hs.Add(h_sigMC1) hs.Add(h_sigMC2) hs.Add(h_incMC2) hs.Add(h_incMC1) hs.Draw('same') h_data.Draw('sameE1') legend = TLegend(0.55, 0.6, 0.8, 0.75) set_legend(legend, h_data, h_incMC1, h_incMC2, h_sigMC1, h_sigMC2, leg_title) legend.Draw() mbc.SaveAs('./figs/m_Dpi0_' + str(ecms) + '.pdf')
for ch in [ 'STHct_j3b3_01', 'STHct_j4b2_01', 'STHct_j4b3_01', 'STHut_j3b3_01', 'STHut_j4b2_01', 'STHut_j4b3_01' ]: gen = False bdt_data = TH1F('bdt_data', ch + ' BDT Score', 20, -0.3, 0.3) bdt_sig = TH1F('bdt_sig', '', 20, -0.3, 0.3) bdt_sig_gen = TH1F('bdt_sig_gen', '', 20, -0.3, 0.3) keras_data = TH1F('keras_data', ch + ' Keras Score', 20, 0, 1) keras_sig = TH1F('keras_sig', '', 20, 0, 1) keras_sig_gen = TH1F('keras_sig_gen', '', 20, 0, 1) hs_bdt_bkg = THStack() hs_keras_bkg = THStack() shape_file = TFile.Open( '/home/minerva1993/fcnc/analysis_2017/limitSetting/limitSettingInput/shape_' + tmva_version + '_' + ch + '.root') ######################################## bdt_ttbb = shape_file.Get('bdt_ttbb') bdt_ttbj = shape_file.Get('bdt_ttbj') bdt_ttcc = shape_file.Get('bdt_ttcc') bdt_ttLF = shape_file.Get('bdt_ttLF') bdt_singletop = shape_file.Get('bdt_singletop') bdt_others = shape_file.Get('bdt_others') bdt_data = shape_file.Get('bdt_data_obs') bdt_sig = shape_file.Get('bdt_sig')
def make_plot_all_rods(error_dict, rod_dict, name): leg = TLegend(0,0,0,0) if 'lock' in name: leg = TLegend(0.18,0.85,0.50,0.55) else: leg = TLegend(0.18,0.85,0.40,0.55) leg.SetLineColor(0) leg.SetFillStyle(0) leg.SetShadowColor(0) leg.SetBorderSize(0) leg.SetNColumns(3) gStyle.SetLegendTextSize(0.045) v_hists = [] #for e,c in zip(error_bits, error_colors): for e in error_bits: h = TH1F('h'+e,'h'+e, len(rod_dict), 0, len(rod_dict)) h.SetFillStyle(1001) h.SetLineWidth(0) v_hists.append(h) v_hists[-1].SetDirectory(0) if bin(int('0x'+e, 16))[2:].zfill(4) == '0111': leg.AddEntry(v_hists[-1],'GOL 3',"f"); elif bin(int('0x'+e, 16))[2:].zfill(4) == '1011': leg.AddEntry(v_hists[-1],'GOL 2',"f"); elif bin(int('0x'+e, 16))[2:].zfill(4) == '1101': leg.AddEntry(v_hists[-1],'GOL 1',"f"); elif bin(int('0x'+e, 16))[2:].zfill(4) == '1110': leg.AddEntry(v_hists[-1],'GOL 0',"f"); else: leg.AddEntry(v_hists[-1],bin(int('0x'+e, 16))[2:].zfill(4),"f"); h = leg.GetY2()-leg.GetY1(); w = leg.GetX2()-leg.GetX1()*.6; leg.SetMargin(leg.GetNColumns()*h/(leg.GetNRows()*w)) for key,val in error_dict.items(): idx_rod = 0 for i, key2 in enumerate(rod_dict): if key2 == key[:8]: idx_rod = i v_hists[int(key[11:12], 16)].Fill(idx_rod, val) stack = THStack("stack","stack") for hist in v_hists: stack.Add(hist) if 'buff' in name: c1 = TCanvas( 'c1', 'c1', 2000, 500) else: c1 = TCanvas( 'c1', 'c1', 1000, 500) h1 = TH1F('h_1','h_1', len(rod_dict), 0, len(rod_dict)) for i, key in enumerate(rod_dict): h1.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(i+1,key) h1.SetBinContent(i+1,rod_dict[key]) h1.GetXaxis().LabelsOption("v") h1.GetXaxis().SetTitle("ROD") h1.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(2.2) h1.GetYaxis().SetTitle("# of rocketio errors") h1.SetLineColor(kRed) h1.SetLineWidth(1) leg.AddEntry(h1,'total',"l"); c1.SetBottomMargin(0.23) h1.GetXaxis().SetTitle("ROD") h1.Draw("HIST") stack.Draw("PFC PLC SAME HIST") h1.Draw("SAMEHIST") AtlasStyle.ATLAS_LABEL(0.19,.88, 1, "Internal") leg.Draw() c1.Update() c1.Print("plots/"+name +".pdf") c1.Clear()
SipMCTTbar.append(histoMCTTbar_input.Get('Z_ExtraEl_SIP_MC_TTbar_hist')) SipMCTTbar.append(histoMCTTbar_input.Get('Z_ExtraEl_SIP_MC_TTbar_hist_EB')) SipMCTTbar.append(histoMCTTbar_input.Get('Z_ExtraEl_SIP_MC_TTbar_hist_EE')) SipMCTTbar.append(histoMCTTbar_input.Get('Z_ExtraMu_SIP_MC_TTbar_hist')) SipMCTTbar.append(histoMCTTbar_input.Get('Z_ExtraMu_SIP_MC_TTbar_hist_MB')) SipMCTTbar.append(histoMCTTbar_input.Get('Z_ExtraMu_SIP_MC_TTbar_hist_ME')) # ****************************** # do DATA vs MC comparison plots # ****************************** for i in range(len(SipDATA)): canvas = TCanvas("canvas", "canvas", 800, 800) hs = THStack("hs", "") norm = 1 # Normalize to MC cross-section #norm = SipDATA[i].Integral() / (SipMCTTbar[i].Integral() + SipMCDY[i].Integral()) # Normalize MC to data #DATA hist SipDATA[i].SetMarkerStyle(20) SipDATA[i].SetMarkerSize(0.6) #MC TTbar hist SipMCTTbar[i].Scale(norm) # MC normalization SipMCTTbar[i].SetFillColor(kAzure - 3) SipMCTTbar[i].SetLineColor(kBlack) hs.Add(SipMCTTbar[i]) #MC DY hist
def createCompoundPlots(detector, plot): """Produce the requested plot for the specified detector. Function that will plot the requested @plot for the specified @detector. The specified detector could either be a real detector or a compound one. The list of available plots are the keys of plots dictionary (imported from plot_utils. """ theDirname = 'Images' if not checkFile_(theDirname): os.mkdir(theDirname) goodToGo, theDetectorFilename = paramsGood_(detector, plot) if not goodToGo: return theDetectorFile = TFile(theDetectorFilename) # # get TProfiles prof_X0_elements = OrderedDict() hist_X0_elements = OrderedDict() for label, [num, color, leg] in hist_label_to_num.iteritems(): prof_X0_elements[label] = theDetectorFile.Get( "%d" % (num + plots[plot].plotNumber)) hist_X0_elements[label] = prof_X0_elements[label].ProjectionX() hist_X0_elements[label].SetFillColor(color) hist_X0_elements[label].SetLineColor(kBlack) files = [] if detector in COMPOUNDS.keys(): for subDetector in COMPOUNDS[detector][1:]: subDetectorFilename = "matbdg_%s.root" % subDetector # open file if not checkFile_(subDetectorFilename): continue subDetectorFile = TFile(subDetectorFilename) files.append(subDetectorFile) print("*** Open file... %s" % subDetectorFilename) # subdetector profiles for label, [num, color, leg] in hist_label_to_num.iteritems(): prof_X0_elements[label] = subDetectorFile.Get( "%d" % (num + plots[plot].plotNumber)) hist_X0_elements[label].Add( prof_X0_elements[label].ProjectionX( "B_%s" % prof_X0_elements[label].GetName()), +1.000) # stack stackTitle = "Material Budget %s;%s;%s" % (detector, plots[plot].abscissa, plots[plot].ordinate) stack_X0 = THStack("stack_X0", stackTitle) for label, [num, color, leg] in hist_label_to_num.iteritems(): stack_X0.Add(hist_X0_elements[label]) # canvas canname = "MBCan_1D_%s_%s" % (detector, plot) can = TCanvas(canname, canname, 800, 800) can.Range(0, 0, 25, 25) can.SetFillColor(kWhite) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) # Draw stack_X0.Draw("HIST") # Legenda theLegend = TLegend(0.70, 0.70, 0.89, 0.89) for label, [num, color, leg] in hist_label_to_num.iteritems(): theLegend.AddEntry(hist_X0_elements[label], leg, "f") theLegend.Draw() # Store can.Update() can.SaveAs("%s/%s_%s.pdf" % (theDirname, detector, plot)) can.SaveAs("%s/%s_%s.png" % (theDirname, detector, plot))
i = 0 #counter for histos lists for key in keyList : # debug # print key, massFitDATA_dict[key] # print key, widthFitDATA_dict[key] # print key, massFitMC_dict[key] # print key, widthFitMC_dict[key] if (ZTree and massFitDATA_dict[key]==0) : continue canvas = TCanvas("canvas","canvas",800,800) hs = THStack("hs","") norm = 1 # normalize to MC xsection # norm = ZMass_DATA[i].Integral() / (ZMass_MC_TTJets[i].Integral() + ZMass_MC_DY[i].Integral()) #normalize MC to data #DATA hist ZMass_DATA[i].SetMarkerStyle(20) ZMass_DATA[i].SetMarkerSize(0.6) #TTJets MC hist ZMass_MC_TTJets[i].Scale(norm) #normalize MC ZMass_MC_TTJets[i].SetFillColor(3) ZMass_MC_TTJets[i].SetLineColor(kBlack) hs.Add(ZMass_MC_TTJets[i])
def createPlots_(plot): """Cumulative material budget from simulation. Internal function that will produce a cumulative profile of the material budget inferred from the simulation starting from the single detectors that compose the tracker. It will iterate over all existing detectors contained in the DETECTORS dictionary. The function will automatically skip non-existent detectors. """ IBs = ["InnerServices", "Phase2PixelBarrel", "TIB", "TIDF", "TIDB"] theDirname = "Figures" hist_X0_detectors = OrderedDict() if plot not in plots.keys(): print("Error: chosen plot name not known %s" % plot) return hist_X0_IB = None # We need to keep the file content alive for the lifetime of the # full function.... subDetectorFiles = [] hist_X0_elements = OrderedDict() prof_X0_elements = OrderedDict() for subDetector, color in DETECTORS.iteritems(): subDetectorFilename = "matbdg_%s.root" % subDetector if not checkFile_(subDetectorFilename): print("Error opening file: %s" % subDetectorFilename) continue subDetectorFiles.append(TFile(subDetectorFilename)) subDetectorFile = subDetectorFiles[-1] print("Opening file: %s" % subDetectorFilename) prof_X0_XXX = subDetectorFile.Get("%d" % plots[plot].plotNumber) # Merge together the "inner barrel detectors". if subDetector in IBs: hist_X0_IB = assignOrAddIfExists_(hist_X0_IB, prof_X0_XXX) hist_X0_detectors[subDetector] = prof_X0_XXX.ProjectionX() # category profiles for label, [num, color, leg] in hist_label_to_num.iteritems(): prof_X0_elements[label] = subDetectorFile.Get( "%d" % (num + plots[plot].plotNumber)) hist_X0_elements[label] = assignOrAddIfExists_( hist_X0_elements.setdefault(label, None), prof_X0_elements[label]) cumulative_matbdg = TH1D("CumulativeSimulMatBdg", "CumulativeSimulMatBdg", hist_X0_IB.GetNbinsX(), hist_X0_IB.GetXaxis().GetXmin(), hist_X0_IB.GetXaxis().GetXmax()) cumulative_matbdg.SetDirectory(0) # colors for det, color in DETECTORS.iteritems(): setColorIfExists_(hist_X0_detectors, det, color) for label, [num, color, leg] in hist_label_to_num.iteritems(): hist_X0_elements[label].SetFillColor(color) # First Plot: BeamPipe + Pixel + TIB/TID + TOB + TEC + Outside # stack stackTitle_SubDetectors = "Tracker Material Budget;%s;%s" % ( plots[plot].abscissa, plots[plot].ordinate) stack_X0_SubDetectors = THStack("stack_X0", stackTitle_SubDetectors) for det, histo in hist_X0_detectors.iteritems(): stack_X0_SubDetectors.Add(histo) cumulative_matbdg.Add(histo, 1) # canvas can_SubDetectors = TCanvas("can_SubDetectors", "can_SubDetectors", 800, 800) can_SubDetectors.Range(0, 0, 25, 25) can_SubDetectors.SetFillColor(kWhite) # Draw stack_X0_SubDetectors.SetMinimum(plots[plot].ymin) stack_X0_SubDetectors.SetMaximum(plots[plot].ymax) stack_X0_SubDetectors.Draw("HIST") stack_X0_SubDetectors.GetXaxis().SetLimits(plots[plot].xmin, plots[plot].xmax) # Legenda theLegend_SubDetectors = TLegend(0.180, 0.8, 0.98, 0.92) theLegend_SubDetectors.SetNColumns(3) theLegend_SubDetectors.SetFillColor(0) theLegend_SubDetectors.SetFillStyle(0) theLegend_SubDetectors.SetBorderSize(0) for det, histo in hist_X0_detectors.iteritems(): theLegend_SubDetectors.AddEntry(histo, det, "f") theLegend_SubDetectors.Draw() # text text_SubDetectors = TPaveText(0.180, 0.727, 0.402, 0.787, "NDC") text_SubDetectors.SetFillColor(0) text_SubDetectors.SetBorderSize(0) text_SubDetectors.AddText("CMS Simulation") text_SubDetectors.SetTextAlign(11) text_SubDetectors.Draw() # Store can_SubDetectors.Update() if not checkFile_(theDirname): os.mkdir(theDirname) can_SubDetectors.SaveAs("%s/Tracker_SubDetectors_%s.pdf" % (theDirname, plot)) can_SubDetectors.SaveAs("%s/Tracker_SubDetectors_%s.root" % (theDirname, plot)) # Second Plot: BeamPipe + SEN + ELE + CAB + COL + SUP + OTH/AIR + # Outside stack stackTitle_Materials = "Tracker Material Budget;%s;%s" % ( plots[plot].abscissa, plots[plot].ordinate) stack_X0_Materials = THStack("stack_X0", stackTitle_Materials) stack_X0_Materials.Add(hist_X0_detectors["BeamPipe"]) for label, [num, color, leg] in hist_label_to_num.iteritems(): stack_X0_Materials.Add(hist_X0_elements[label]) # canvas can_Materials = TCanvas("can_Materials", "can_Materials", 800, 800) can_Materials.Range(0, 0, 25, 25) can_Materials.SetFillColor(kWhite) # Draw stack_X0_Materials.SetMinimum(plots[plot].ymin) stack_X0_Materials.SetMaximum(plots[plot].ymax) stack_X0_Materials.Draw("HIST") stack_X0_Materials.GetXaxis().SetLimits(plots[plot].xmin, plots[plot].xmax) # Legenda theLegend_Materials = TLegend(0.180, 0.8, 0.95, 0.92) theLegend_Materials.SetNColumns(3) theLegend_Materials.SetFillColor(0) theLegend_Materials.SetBorderSize(0) theLegend_Materials.AddEntry(hist_X0_detectors["BeamPipe"], "Beam Pipe", "f") for label, [num, color, leg] in hist_label_to_num.iteritems(): theLegend_Materials.AddEntry(hist_X0_elements[label], leg, "f") theLegend_Materials.Draw() # text text_Materials = TPaveText(0.180, 0.727, 0.402, 0.787, "NDC") text_Materials.SetFillColor(0) text_Materials.SetBorderSize(0) text_Materials.AddText("CMS Simulation") text_Materials.SetTextAlign(11) text_Materials.Draw() # Store can_Materials.Update() can_Materials.SaveAs("%s/Tracker_Materials_%s.pdf" % (theDirname, plot)) can_Materials.SaveAs("%s/Tracker_Materials_%s.root" % (theDirname, plot)) return cumulative_matbdg
# FILTER EVENTS # configure total rate hist totalRateHist.SetMarkerStyle(22) totalRateHist.SetMarkerSize(1.2) if (last_lb - first_lb) > 600: totalRateHist.SetMarkerSize(0.6) totalRateHist.SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kBlack) totalRateHist.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlack) for bin in range(1, totalRateHist.GetNbinsX() + 1): totalRateHist.SetBinError(bin, 0) # no appreciable errors on rate # add total rpvll event hist entry to legend l1.AddEntry(totalRateHist, "Overall RPVLL Events", "lp") # initialize stack for all filter rate hists hs1 = THStack("hs1", "") # add individual filter rate hists to stack for i, hist in enumerate(rateHists): hist.SetFillColor(colors[i % len(colors)]) hist.SetLineColor(colors[i % len(colors)]) if i >= len(colors): hist.SetFillStyle(3004) hs1.Add(hist) # add individual event entries to legend l1.AddEntry(hist, filterNames_mAug[i], "f") # draw individual filter stack + overall rate hist hs1.Draw("HIST") totalRateHist.Draw("pSAME") ## configure axes
cAll = TCanvas("cAllPosts", "All Posts", 600, 600) hAllPosts.Draw("histo") cEmojis = TCanvas("cEmojis", "Emojis Relative", 600, 600) colour = 1 leg = TLegend(0.6, 0.7, 0.9, 0.9) leg.SetHeader("Emoticonos: uso relativo") gStyle.SetFillStyle(0) gStyle.SetLineWidth(0) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) gStyle.SetOptTitle(0) hs = THStack("hs", "") for h in histos: h.Divide(hAllPosts) h.SetLineColor(1) h.SetFillColor(colour) h.SetLineWidth(1) for binn in range(1, 8): h.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(binn, binlabels[binn-1]) leg.AddEntry(h, h.GetTitle(), "f") hs.Add(h) colour += 1 hs.Draw() leg.Draw()
def plot(path, ecms, xmin, xmax, num_charm): try: f_data = TFile(path[0]) t_data = f_data.Get('save') entries_data = t_data.GetEntries()'data entries :' + str(entries_data)) except: logging.error(path[0] + 'is invalid!') sys.exit() try: f_side1 = TFile(path[1]) t_side1 = f_side1.Get('save') entries_side1 = t_side1.GetEntries()'data(side1) entries :' + str(entries_side1)) except: logging.error(path[1] + ' is invalid!') sys.exit() try: f_side2 = TFile(path[2]) t_side2 = f_side2.Get('save') entries_side2 = t_side2.GetEntries()'data(side2) entries :' + str(entries_side2)) except: logging.error(path[2] + ' is invalid!') sys.exit() try: f_side3 = TFile(path[3]) t_side3 = f_side3.Get('save') entries_side3 = t_side3.GetEntries()'data(side3) entries :' + str(entries_side3)) except: logging.error(path[3] + ' is invalid!') sys.exit() try: f_side4 = TFile(path[4]) t_side4 = f_side4.Get('save') entries_side4 = t_side4.GetEntries()'data(side4) entries :' + str(entries_side4)) except: logging.error(path[4] + ' is invalid!') sys.exit() mbc = TCanvas('mbc', 'mbc', 800, 600) set_canvas_style(mbc) xbins = 100 ytitle = 'Eentries' xtitle = 'E(OtherTrks) (GeV)' h_data = TH1F('data', 'data', xbins, xmin, xmax) set_histo_style(h_data, xtitle, ytitle, 1, -1) E_othertrks_fill(t_data, h_data, num_charm) h_side1 = TH1F('side1', 'side1', xbins, xmin, xmax) set_histo_style(h_side1, xtitle, ytitle, 3, 3004) E_othertrks_fill(t_side1, h_side1, num_charm) h_side2 = TH1F('side2', 'side2', xbins, xmin, xmax) set_histo_style(h_side2, xtitle, ytitle, 3, 3004) E_othertrks_fill(t_side2, h_side2, num_charm) h_side3 = TH1F('side3', 'side3', xbins, xmin, xmax) set_histo_style(h_side3, xtitle, ytitle, 3, 3004) E_othertrks_fill(t_side3, h_side3, num_charm) h_side4 = TH1F('side4', 'side4', xbins, xmin, xmax) set_histo_style(h_side4, xtitle, ytitle, 3, 3004) E_othertrks_fill(t_side4, h_side4, num_charm) h_side1.Add(h_side2) h_side1.Scale(0.5) h_side3.Add(h_side4) h_side3.Scale(0.25) h_side1.Add(h_side3, -1) h_data.Draw('E1') hs = THStack('hs', 'Stacked') hs.Add(h_side1) hs.Draw('same') h_data.Draw('sameE1') legend = TLegend(0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 0.85) leg_title = str(ecms) + ' MeV' set_legend(legend, h_data, h_side1, leg_title) legend.Draw() if not os.path.exists('./figs/'): os.makedirs('./figs/') mbc.SaveAs('./figs/E_othertrks_' + str(ecms) + '_' + str(num_charm) + '.pdf') raw_input('Enter anything to end...')
legend = TLegend(0.5, 0.7, 0.9, 0.9) drawOpt = 'HE1' rf_stack = [] rf_sup = [] maxY = 0 for file in inputFiles: if (file in tofill): rf_stack.append(TFile(path + file, 'READ')) else: rf_sup.append(TFile(path + file, 'READ')) stack = THStack('stack', plottitle) hist_counter = 0 for rf in rf_stack: if (rebin): hist_oldbin = rf.Get(dir + '/' + histname) hist = hist_oldbin.Rebin(nBins, "new binning", xbins) else: hist = rf.Get(dir + '/' + histname) hist.SetFillColor(867 + hist_counter) hist.SetLineColor(867 + hist_counter) hist.SetTitle('stack') stack.Add(hist) hist_counter = hist_counter + 1
def plotStack(): inputfile = TFile(filename, "read") if inputfile.IsZombie(): print("inputfile is Zombie") sys.exit() # loop over features for feature, values in features.items(): file = open( "%s%s_%s_isNorm%s_wtStat%s_isBlind%s.txt" % (outputdir, feature, plotname, normalization, showStats, blind), "w") file.write( "\\begin{table}[]\n\\resizebox{!}{.33\\paperheight}{\n \\begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|}\n\\hline\nProcess & Yield & Entries \\\\ \\hline \n" ) # set up legend legend = TLegend(0.2, 0.6, 0.7, 0.88) legend.SetHeader("%i %s" % (year, region)) legend.SetNColumns(4) legend.SetBorderSize(0) c, pad1, pad2 = createCanvasPads() hstack = THStack("hstack", "hstack") hstack.SetTitle( "#scale[0.9]{#font[22]{CMS} #font[12]{Preliminary} %i at %.2f fb^{-1}(13TeV)}" % (year, luminosity[year])) histName = "TTH_" + feature # assuming TTH is always there if not inputfile.GetListOfKeys().Contains(histName): print("%s doesn't have histogram %s, please use another hist " % (inputfile, histName)) sys.exit() h0 = inputfile.Get(histName) h_totalsig = h0.Clone("h_totalsig") h_totalsig.SetDirectory(0) h_totalsig.Reset() h_totalsig.SetMarkerStyle(20) h_totalsig.Sumw2() h_totalbkg = h0.Clone("h_totalbkg") h_totalbkg.SetDirectory(0) h_totalbkg.Reset() h_totalbkg.SetMarkerStyle(20) h_totalbkg.Sumw2() h_totalmc = h0.Clone("h_totalmc") h_totalmc.SetDirectory(0) h_totalmc.Reset() h_totalmc.SetLineColor(kBlack) h_totalmc.SetFillColor(kGray + 3) h_totalmc.SetFillStyle(3001) h_totalmc.SetTitle("") #h_totalmc.SetMinimum(0.8) #h_totalmc.SetMaximum(1.35) h_totalmc.Sumw2() h_totalmc.SetStats(0) h_dataobs = h0.Clone("h_dataobs") h_dataobs.SetDirectory(0) h_dataobs.Reset() h_dataobs.SetMarkerStyle(20) # loop over samples for sample in Samples: hist = h_totalmc.Clone(sample) hist.SetDirectory(0) hist.Reset() if sample not in Process: print("sample %s is not in Process " % sample) continue # loop over data: if sample == "Data" or sample == "data": for p in Process[sample]: if p not in sampleName: print("process %s is not in sampleName " % s) continue hist_name = p + "_" + feature if not inputfile.GetListOfKeys().Contains(hist_name): print("%s doesn't have histogram %s" % (inputfile, hist_name)) continue h1 = inputfile.Get(hist_name).Clone(hist_name) h1.SetDirectory(0) h_dataobs.Add(h1) error = Double(0) h1.IntegralAndError(0, h1.GetNbinsX(), error) if not blind: file.write( "%s & %.2f +/- %.2f & %i \\\\ \\hline \n" % (p.replace('_', '\\_'), h1.Integral(), error, h1.GetEntries())) # loop over mc # loop over signal elif sample in Signals: for p in Process[sample]: if p not in sampleName: print("process %s is not in sampleName " % s) continue hist_name = p + "_" + feature if not inputfile.GetListOfKeys().Contains(hist_name): print("%s doesn't have histogram %s" % (filename, hist_name)) continue h1 = inputfile.Get(hist_name).Clone(hist_name) h1.SetDirectory(0) if p == "FakeSub" and sample == "Fakes": hist.Add(h1, -1) h_totalsig.Add(h1, -1) h_totalmc.Add(h1, -1) else: hist.Add(h1) h_totalsig.Add(h1) h_totalmc.Add(h1) error = Double(0) h1.IntegralAndError(0, h1.GetNbinsX(), error) if h1.Integral() < 0.05 or h1.GetEntries() < 100: file.write( "\\textcolor{red}{%s} & %.2f +/- %.2f & %i \\\\ \\hline \n" % (p.replace('_', '\\_'), h1.Integral(), error, h1.GetEntries())) else: file.write( "%s & %.2f +/- %.2f & %i \\\\ \\hline \n" % (p.replace('_', '\\_'), h1.Integral(), error, h1.GetEntries())) hist.SetFillColor(Color[sample]) hist.SetLineColor(kBlack) hist.SetFillStyle(Style[sample]) if sample == "TH" and tH != 1: hist.Scale(tH) hist.SetFillColor(Color[sample]) hist.SetLineColor(kBlack) hist.SetFillStyle(Style[sample]) hstack.Add(hist) legend.AddEntry(hist, "%s * %i" % (sample, tH), "f") else: hstack.Add(hist) legend.AddEntry(hist, sample, "f") # create required parts # loop over bkg else: for p in Process[sample]: if p not in sampleName: print("process %s is not in sampleName " % p) continue hist_name = p + "_" + feature if not inputfile.GetListOfKeys().Contains(hist_name): print("%s doesn't have histogram %s" % (filename, hist_name)) continue h1 = inputfile.Get(hist_name).Clone(hist_name) h1.SetDirectory(0) if p == "FakeSub" and sample == "Fakes": hist.Add(h1, -1) h_totalmc.Add(h1, -1) h_totalbkg.Add(h1, -1) else: hist.Add(h1) h_totalmc.Add(h1) h_totalbkg.Add(h1) error = Double(0) h1.IntegralAndError(0, h1.GetNbinsX(), error) if h1.Integral() < 0.05 or h1.GetEntries() < 100: file.write( "\\textcolor{red}{%s} & %.2f +/- %.2f & %i \\\\ \\hline \n" % (p.replace('_', '\\_'), h1.Integral(), error, h1.GetEntries())) else: file.write( "%s & %.2f +/- %.2f & %i \\\\ \\hline \n" % (p.replace('_', '\\_'), h1.Integral(), error, h1.GetEntries())) hist.SetFillColor(Color[sample]) hist.SetLineColor(kBlack) hist.SetFillStyle(Style[sample]) if sample == "TH" and tH != 1: hist.Scale(tH) hist.SetFillColor(Color[sample]) hist.SetLineColor(kBlack) hist.SetFillStyle(Style[sample]) hstack.Add(hist) legend.AddEntry(hist, "%s * %i" % (sample, tH), "f") else: hstack.Add(hist) legend.AddEntry(hist, sample, "f") error = Double(0) h_totalsig.IntegralAndError(0, h_totalsig.GetNbinsX(), error) file.write("signal & %.2f +/- %.2f & %i \\\\ \\hline \n" % (h_totalsig.Integral(), error, h_totalsig.GetEntries())) error = Double(0) h_totalbkg.IntegralAndError(0, h_totalbkg.GetNbinsX(), error) file.write("bkg & %.2f +/- %.2f & %i \\\\ \\hline \n" % (h_totalbkg.Integral(), error, h_totalbkg.GetEntries())) # create required parts if blind: h_sqrtB = createSqrt(h_totalbkg) h_MCerr = createTotalMCErr(h_sqrtB, values["xlabel"]) h_ratio = createRatio(h_totalsig, h_sqrtB, values["xlabel"], normalization) else: h_MCerr = createTotalMCErr(h_totalmc, feature) h_ratio = createRatio(h_dataobs, h_totalmc, values["xlabel"], normalization) legend.AddEntry(h_dataobs, "observed", "lep") legend.AddEntry(h_totalmc, "Uncertainty", "f") # draw everything if values["logy"] == 1: pad1.SetLogy() maximum = h_dataobs.GetMaximum() upperbound = 2. * maximum lowerbound = -maximum / 40. if values["logy"] == 1: upperbound = 1000 * maximum lowerbound = 0.1 hstack.SetMinimum(lowerbound) hstack.SetMaximum(upperbound) hstack.Draw("HISTY") # Adjust y-axis settings y = hstack.GetYaxis() y.SetTitle("Events ") y.SetTitleSize(25) y.SetTitleFont(43) y.SetTitleOffset(1.55) y.SetLabelFont(43) y.SetLabelSize(20) nbins = h_ratio.GetNbinsX() #hstack.GetXaxis().SetRange(0, nbins+1) hstack.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(values["min"], values["max"]) h_totalmc.Draw("e2same") if not blind: h_dataobs.Draw("same") legend.Draw("same") if blind: h_ratio.SetMinimum(0.) #maximum = h_ratio.GetMaximum() #upperbound = 1.5*maximum #h_ratio.SetMaximum(upperbound) h_ratio.SetMaximum(3.) h_ratio.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(values["min"], values["max"]) h_ratio.Draw("") else: h_MCerr.SetMinimum(0.5) h_MCerr.SetMaximum(1.8) h_MCerr.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(values["min"], values["max"]) h_MCerr.Draw("e2") h_ratio.Draw("same") c.SaveAs( "%s%s_%s_isNorm%s_wtStat%s_isBlind%s_stack.png" % (outputdir, feature, plotname, normalization, showStats, blind)) file.write("\\end{tabular}\n}\n\\end{table}\n") file.close() inputfile.Close()
def read_file(arr, meas_type, mapsa_fitter_inst, path): if not os.path.isfile(str(path + arr[0])): print "Root file not found at", str(path + arr[0]) #sys.exit(1) return f = TFile(str(path + arr[0]), 'READ') if (f.IsZombie()): print "Error opening file" return else: print "Reading File ", arr[0] tree = f.Get('tree') f_GlobalData_Map = ROOT.TMap() f_GlobalData_Map.Add(ROOT.TObjString("tree"), tree) #tree.Print() outfile = TString(arr[0]) outfile.ReplaceAll(".root", "") outfile.ReplaceAll(" ", "") # print outfile if (meas_type == 0): outfile = "pedestal" if (not g.FindKey(str(outfile))): g.mkdir(str(outfile)) else: return channels = 288 if (arr[2] == 'inv'): channels = 96 mapsa_mat = [[1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0]] elif (arr[2] == 'norm'): channels = 288 mapsa_mat = [[1, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1]] #print "channels", channels #print "mapsa_mat", mapsa_mat c1 = TCanvas('c1', 'Pixel Monitor ', 700, 900) c2 = TCanvas('c2', 'Pixel Monitor ', 500, 500) c3 = TCanvas('c3', 'Pixel Monitor ', 1280, 720) c4 = TCanvas('c4', 'Pixel Monitor ', 500, 500) c5 = TCanvas('c5', 'Pixel Monitor ', 500, 500) f_GlobalData_Map.Add(ROOT.TObjString("c1"), c1) f_GlobalData_Map.Add(ROOT.TObjString("c2"), c2) f_GlobalData_Map.Add(ROOT.TObjString("c3"), c3) f_GlobalData_Map.Add(ROOT.TObjString("c4"), c4) f_GlobalData_Map.Add(ROOT.TObjString("c5"), c5) # c2.Divide(2,1) c1.Divide(3, 2) for i in range(1, 7): ROOT.gPad.SetGridx() ROOT.gPad.SetGridy() # channelcounts = TH2I('HitMap','Counts; Channel; DAC Value (1.456 mV)', 288, .5,288.5,256, .5, 256.5) channelcounts = TH2I('HitMap', 'Counts; Channel; DAC Value (a.u.)', 288, .5, 288.5, 256, .5, 256.5) channelcounts_norm = TH2F('HitMap_norm', 'Occupancy ; Channel; DAC Value (a.u.)', 288, .5, 288.5, 256, .5, 256.5) f_GlobalData_Map.Add(ROOT.TObjString("HitMap"), channelcounts) f_GlobalData_Map.Add(ROOT.TObjString("HitMap"), channelcounts_norm) norm_2d = TH2F('Norm2D', 'Normalization; Column; Row', 48, .5, 48.5, 6, .5, 6.5) mean_2d = TH2F('Mean2D', 'Mean; Column; Row', 48, .5, 48.5, 6, .5, 6.5) sigma_2d = TH2F('Sigma2D', 'Sigma; Column; Row', 48, .5, 48.5, 6, .5, 6.5) chisquare = TH2F('Chisquare2D', 'Chisquare; Column; Row', 48, .5, 48.5, 6, .5, 6.5) f_GlobalData_Map.Add(ROOT.TObjString("Norm2D"), norm_2d) f_GlobalData_Map.Add(ROOT.TObjString("Mean2D"), mean_2d) f_GlobalData_Map.Add(ROOT.TObjString("Sigma2D"), sigma_2d) f_GlobalData_Map.Add(ROOT.TObjString("Chisquare2D"), chisquare) objarr2d = [] objarr2d.append(norm_2d) objarr2d.append(mean_2d) objarr2d.append(sigma_2d) objarr2d.append(chisquare) normgraph = TGraphErrors() meangraph = TGraphErrors() sigmagraph = TGraphErrors() chisquaregraph = TGraphErrors() mean_corrgraph = TGraphErrors() f_GlobalData_Map.Add(ROOT.TObjString("normgraph "), normgraph) f_GlobalData_Map.Add(ROOT.TObjString("meangraph "), meangraph) f_GlobalData_Map.Add(ROOT.TObjString("sigmagraph "), sigmagraph) f_GlobalData_Map.Add(ROOT.TObjString("chisquaregraph"), chisquaregraph) f_GlobalData_Map.Add(ROOT.TObjString("mean_corrgraph"), mean_corrgraph) meanhist = TH1F('meanhist', 'Mean DAC; DAC Value (a.u.); counts', 2560, 0, 255) sigmahist = TH1F('sigmahist', 'Sigma DAC; DAC Value (a.u.); counts', 100, 0, 10) meanhist_std = TH1F('meanhist_std', 'Mean DAC Standard; DAC Value (a.u.); counts', 2560, 0, 255) sigmahist_std = TH1F('sigmahist_std', 'Sigma DAC Standard; DAC Value (a.u.); counts', 100, 0, 10) meanhist_double = TH1F('meanhist_double', 'Mean DAC Double; DAC Value (a.u.); counts', 2560, 0, 255) sigmahist_double = TH1F('sigmahist_double', 'Sigma DAC Double; DAC Value (a.u.); counts', 100, 0, 10) meanhist_double_neighbour = TH1F( 'meanhist_double_neighbour', 'Mean DAC Double Neighbour; DAC Value (a.u.); counts', 2560, 0, 255) sigmahist_double_neighbour = TH1F( 'sigmahist_double_neighbour', 'Sigma DAC Double Neighbour; DAC Value (a.u.); counts', 100, 0, 10) objarr = [] objarr.append(normgraph) objarr.append(meangraph) objarr.append(sigmagraph) objarr.append(chisquaregraph) objarr.append(mean_corrgraph) f_GlobalData_Map.Add(ROOT.TObjString('meanhist'), meanhist) f_GlobalData_Map.Add(ROOT.TObjString('sigmahist'), sigmahist) f_GlobalData_Map.Add(ROOT.TObjString('meanhist_std'), meanhist_std) f_GlobalData_Map.Add(ROOT.TObjString('sigmahist_std'), sigmahist_std) f_GlobalData_Map.Add(ROOT.TObjString('meanhist_double'), meanhist_double) f_GlobalData_Map.Add(ROOT.TObjString('sigmahist_double'), sigmahist_double) f_GlobalData_Map.Add(ROOT.TObjString('meanhist_double_neighbour'), meanhist_double_neighbour) f_GlobalData_Map.Add(ROOT.TObjString('sigmahist_double_neighbour'), sigmahist_double_neighbour) objarr.append(meanhist) objarr.append(sigmahist) objarr.append(meanhist_std) objarr.append(sigmahist_std) objarr.append(meanhist_double) objarr.append(sigmahist_double) objarr.append(meanhist_double_neighbour) objarr.append(sigmahist_double_neighbour) for objs in objarr: objs.SetMarkerColor(2) objs.SetMarkerStyle(20) objs.SetMarkerSize(1) normgraph.SetName('normgraph') meangraph.SetName('meangraph') sigmagraph.SetName('sigmagraph') chisquaregraph.SetName('chisquare') mean_corrgraph.SetName('mean_corr') normgraph.SetTitle('Normalization; Channel; Normalization') meangraph.SetTitle('Mean; Channel; DAC Value (a.u.)') sigmagraph.SetTitle('Sigma; Channel; DAC Value (a.u.)') chisquaregraph.SetTitle('Chisquared/NDF_gr; Channel; Chisquared/NDF ') ROOT.gStyle.SetOptFit(1111) stack = THStack('a', ';DAC Value (a.u.); Occupancy') f_GlobalData_Map.Add(ROOT.TObjString("stack"), stack) fitfuncs = [] fitparams = [] gr1 = [] for pixel in range(0, channels): gr1.append( TH1D( str(pixel).zfill(3), str(pixel + 1).zfill(3) + ';DAC Value (a.u.); Occupancy ', 256, 0.5, 256.5)) f_GlobalData_Map.Add(ROOT.TObjString(str(pixel).zfill(3)), gr1[pixel]) #gr2.append(TH1F('th1f_'+str(pixel).zfill(3),str(pixel+1).zfill(3)+';DAC Value (a.u.); Occupancy',256,0.5,256.5)) color = pixel % 8 + 1 formating_th1(gr1[pixel], color) if (meas_type == 0): fitfuncs.append( TF1('gauss' + str(pixel + 1).zfill(3), 'gaus(0)', 0, 256)) fitfuncs[pixel].SetNpx(256) fitfuncs[pixel].SetLineColor(color) f_GlobalData_Map.Add( ROOT.TObjString('gauss' + str(pixel).zfill(3)), fitfuncs[pixel]) #Here we read the data and fill the histogram for event in tree: eventstr = [] for counter, vals in enumerate(tree.AR_MPA): #eventstr.append(vals) channelcounts.Fill(counter, tree.THRESHOLD, vals) if (counter < channels): gr1[counter].Fill(tree.THRESHOLD, vals) #if tree.THRESHOLD%20==0 and tree.REPETITION==0: #print eventstr #print ("Threshold %d Repetion %d" % (tree.THRESHOLD,tree.REPETITION)) #print tree.AR_MPA #now we make a small analysis of the curves fitting different functions to it: print "Finished Reading the Tree\n Normalization of Histograms\n" for pixel in range(0, channels): #gr1[pixel].ResetStats() for j in range(0, gr1[pixel].GetXaxis().GetNbins() + 1): gr1[pixel].SetBinError( gr1[pixel].GetBin(j), TMath.Sqrt(gr1[pixel].GetBinContent(gr1[pixel].GetBin(j)))) #if(pixel==0): #gr1[pixel].Print("all") #gr1[pixel].Sumw2(ROOT.kTRUE) gr1[pixel].Scale(1 / arr[1]) #if(pixel==0): #gr1[pixel].Print("all") stack.Add(gr1[pixel]) #first create a THStack with histograms: iterator = stack.GetHists() if (meas_type == 0): for idx, it in enumerate(iterator): fitparams.append([]) if (it.Integral() > 0): if (idx < channels): #fitfuncs.append(TF1('combined'+str(idx),combined, 0,256,5)) #fitfuncs.append(TF1('combined_same_mean'+str(idx),combined_mean, 0,256,4)) #fitfuncs.append(TF1('double_gauss'+str(idx),'gaus(0)+gaus(3)',0,256)) #fitfuncs.append(TF1('gauss'+str(idx),'gaus(0)',0,256)) #fitfuncs.append(TF1('double_gauss_same_mean'+str(idx),double_gauss, 0,256,5)) #print it.GetName(), idx #fitfuncs[idx].SetParameters(it.GetMaximum(),it.GetMean()+1,it.GetRMS(),it.GetMean()-1,it.GetRMS()); #fitfuncs[idx].SetParameters(it.GetMaximum(),it.GetMean(),it.GetRMS()*0.1,it.GetRMS()*0.1); #print ("Channels %f\t%f\t%f\n" % (it.GetMaximum(),it.GetMean(),it.GetRMS())) fitfuncs[idx].SetParameters(it.GetMaximum(), it.GetMean(), it.GetRMS()) #fitfuncs[idx].SetParameters(0.999*it.GetMaximum(),it.GetMean(),.7*it.GetRMS(),0.001*it.GetMaximum(),it.GetMean(),10*it.GetRMS()); #fitfuncs[idx].SetParameters(0.999*it.GetMaximum(),it.GetMean(),.7*it.GetRMS(),0.001*it.GetMaximum(),10*it.GetRMS()); #it.Fit(fitfuncs[idx],'lr0 rob=0.95','same',0,256) #it.Fit(fitfuncs[idx],'lr0q ','',0,256) it.Fit(fitfuncs[idx], 'r0q ', '', 0, 256) fitparams[idx].append(fitfuncs[idx].GetParameter(0)) fitparams[idx].append(fitfuncs[idx].GetParameter(1)) fitparams[idx].append(fitfuncs[idx].GetParameter(2)) fitparams[idx].append(fitfuncs[idx].GetParError(0)) fitparams[idx].append(fitfuncs[idx].GetParError(1)) fitparams[idx].append(fitfuncs[idx].GetParError(2)) if (fitfuncs[idx].GetNDF() > 0): fitparams[idx].append(fitfuncs[idx].GetChisquare() / fitfuncs[idx].GetNDF()) else: for kk in range(0, 7): fitparams[idx].append(0) #print "fitparamarray" fitarray = np.array(fitparams) ## print fitarray for pointno, it in enumerate(fitarray): if (fitarray[pointno][0] > 0): normgraph.SetPoint(pointno, pointno + 1, fitarray[pointno][0]) normgraph.SetPointError(pointno, 0, fitarray[pointno][3]) meangraph.SetPoint(pointno, pointno + 1, fitarray[pointno][1]) meangraph.SetPointError(pointno, 0, fitarray[pointno][4]) meanhist.Fill(fitarray[pointno][1]) sigmagraph.SetPoint(pointno, pointno + 1, fitarray[pointno][2]) sigmagraph.SetPointError(pointno, 0, fitarray[pointno][5]) sigmahist.Fill(fitarray[pointno][2]) chisquaregraph.SetPoint(pointno, pointno + 1, fitarray[pointno][6]) chisquaregraph.SetPointError(pointno, 0, 0) ## # Map the data to the pixel layout: tmp_objarr = [] tmp_objarr.extend( [meanhist_std, meanhist_double, meanhist_double_neighbour]) tmp_objarr.extend( [sigmahist_std, sigmahist_double, sigmahist_double_neighbour]) for i in tmp_objarr: print str(i.GetName()) fill2d(fitarray[:, 0], mapsa_mat, objarr2d[0]) fill2d(fitarray[:, 1], mapsa_mat, objarr2d[1]) fill2d(fitarray[:, 2], mapsa_mat, objarr2d[2]) fill2d(fitarray[:, 6], mapsa_mat, objarr2d[3]) fill1d_edges(objarr2d[1], tmp_objarr[0:3]) fill1d_edges(objarr2d[2], tmp_objarr[3:]) mapsa_fitter_inst.Make_dirs() mapsa_fitter_inst.Set_run_no(outfile) if (meas_type == 1): for idx, it in enumerate(iterator): if (it.Integral() > 0): if (idx < channels): mapsa_fitter_inst.Find_signal(it, idx, 0.0025, 3) #g.mkdir(str(outfile)+"/Channels")"/Channels") #iterator.Write() g.mkdir(str(outfile) + "/Overview") ## iterator.First().Print("all") Maximum = TMath.Power(10, (round(TMath.Log10(stack.GetMaximum())) - 1)) #Minimum = TMath.Power(10,(round(TMath.Log10(stack.GetMinimum()))+1)) Minimum = .1 ROOT.gStyle.SetLabelSize(0.06, "xyz") ROOT.gStyle.SetTitleSize(0.06, "xyz") ROOT.gStyle.SetTitleOffset(1.2, "y") ROOT.gStyle.SetTitleOffset(.825, "x") ROOT.gStyle.SetPadGridX(1) ROOT.gStyle.SetPadGridY(1) ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(0) # ROOT.gStyle.SetPadLeftMargin(.2); # ROOT.gStyle.SetPadRightMargin(.1); stack.Draw("nostack hist e1 x0") stack.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 256) stack.SetMinimum(Minimum) stack.SetMaximum(Maximum) ROOT.gPad.SetLogy() stack.Draw("nostack hist e1 x0") #if(outfile.Contains("SR_90_on_top")): #stack.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0,256) #else: #stack.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0,100) stack.SetMinimum(Minimum) stack.SetMaximum(Maximum) ROOT.gPad.SetLeftMargin(.15) ROOT.gPad.SetRightMargin(.05) ROOT.gPad.SetLogy() ROOT.gPad.Update() #for idx, it in enumerate(fitfuncs): ## if idx>0 and idx<7: #fitfuncs[idx].Draw("same") #fitfuncs[idx].DrawCopy("psame") ## it.SetLineColor(idx%9+1) ## it.Draw("same")"/Channels") #it.Write("HitMap_py_"+str(idx+1)+"_fit") + "/Overview") chisquaregraph.Draw("ap") normgraph.Draw("ap") sigmagraph.Draw("ap") sigmagraph.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 5) sigmagraph.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0, channels + 1) sigmagraph.Draw("ap") ROOT.gPad.SetLeftMargin(.15) ROOT.gPad.SetRightMargin(.05) meangraph.Draw("ap") channelcounts.Draw("colz") channelcounts.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0, channels + 1) # ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(0) ROOT.gPad.SetRightMargin(.15) ROOT.gPad.SetLeftMargin(.15) ROOT.gPad.SetGrid(0) copy = channelcounts.DrawCopy("colz") #f_GlobalData_Map.Add(ROOT.TObjString("copy"),copy) #if(outfile.Contains("SR_90_on_top")): #copy.SetMaximum(100) #copy.SetMinimum(1) copy.GetYaxis().SetTitle("DAC Value (a.u.)") ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(0) ROOT.gPad.SetRightMargin(.15) ROOT.gPad.SetLeftMargin(.15) ROOT.gPad.SetGrid(0) copy1 = sigma_2d.DrawCopy("colz") #f_GlobalData_Map.Add(ROOT.TObjString("copy1"),copy1) copy1.GetZaxis().SetTitle("Sigma (a.u.)") copy1.GetZaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.2) ROOT.gPad.SetRightMargin(.2) if (arr[2] == 'inv'): copy1.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(.5, 16.5) copy1.SetMaximum(5) copy1.SetMinimum(0) ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(0) ROOT.gPad.SetRightMargin(.15) ROOT.gPad.SetLeftMargin(.15) ROOT.gPad.SetGrid(0) #copy1 = chisquare.DrawCopy("colz") #f_GlobalData_Map.Add(ROOT.TObjString("copy2"),copy1) copy1 = sigma_2d.DrawCopy("colz") #f_GlobalData_Map.Add(ROOT.TObjString("copy2"),copy1) copy1.GetZaxis().SetTitle("sigma (a.u.)") if (arr[2] == 'inv'): copy1.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(.5, 16.5) copy1.SetMaximum(5) copy1.SetMinimum(0) c1.Update() c1.Modified() c2.Update() c2.Modified() c3.Update() c3.Modified() c4.Update() c4.Modified() c5.Update() c5.Modified() ## c1.SaveAs("double_gauss_same_mean.pdf") ## time.sleep(2) + "/Overview") #for objs in objarr: #objs.Write(objs.GetName()) #norm_2d.GetZaxis().SetRangeUser(1E5,2E6) #mean_2d.GetZaxis().SetRangeUser(54,64) ## norm_2d.GetZaxis().SetRangeUser(TMath.Power(10,(round(TMath.Log10(norm_2d.GetStdDev(3))-2)), TMath.Power(10,(round(TMath.Log10(norm_2d.GetStdDev(3)))-1))) ## mean_2d.GetZaxis().SetRangeUser(TMath.Power(10,(round(TMath.Log10(mean_2d.mean_2d.GetStdDev(3)))-1))-5,TMath.Power(10,(round(TMath.Log10(mean_2d.GetStdDev(3)))-1))+5) #sigma_2d.GetZaxis().SetRangeUser(0,5) #chisquare.GetZaxis().SetRangeUser(0,10000 ) #for objs in objarr2d: #objs.Write(objs.GetName()) #c1.Write("c1") #outfile1=outfile+TString(".pdf") #c2.SaveAs(str(outfile1)) #c2.Write("c2") #c3.SaveAs("c3"+str(outfile1)) #c3.Write("c3") #c4.SaveAs("c4"+str(outfile1)) #c4.Write("c4") ## while (TObject(iterator.Next())): ## print iterator.Next().Title() #stack.Write("stack") #channelcounts.Write(str(outfile)) #f.Close() c1.Close() c2.Close() c3.Close() c4.Close() c5.Close() f_GlobalData_Map.DeleteAll() f.Close()
def MakeOneDHist(pathToDir, distribution): numFittingSamples = 0 HeaderLabel = TPaveLabel(header_x_left, header_y_bottom, header_x_right, header_y_top, HeaderText, "NDC") HeaderLabel.SetTextAlign(32) HeaderLabel.SetBorderSize(0) HeaderLabel.SetFillColor(0) HeaderLabel.SetFillStyle(0) LumiLabel = TPaveLabel(topLeft_x_left, topLeft_y_bottom, topLeft_x_right, topLeft_y_top, LumiText, "NDC") LumiLabel.SetBorderSize(0) LumiLabel.SetFillColor(0) LumiLabel.SetFillStyle(0) NormLabel = TPaveLabel() NormLabel.SetDrawOption("NDC") NormLabel.SetX1NDC(topLeft_x_left) NormLabel.SetX2NDC(topLeft_x_right) NormLabel.SetBorderSize(0) NormLabel.SetFillColor(0) NormLabel.SetFillStyle(0) NormText = "" if arguments.normalizeToUnitArea: NormText = "Scaled to unit area" elif arguments.normalizeToData: NormText = "MC scaled to data" NormLabel.SetLabel(NormText) YieldsLabel = TPaveText(0.39, 0.7, 0.59, 0.9, "NDC") YieldsLabel.SetBorderSize(0) YieldsLabel.SetFillColor(0) YieldsLabel.SetFillStyle(0) YieldsLabel.SetTextAlign(12) RatiosLabel = TPaveText() RatiosLabel.SetDrawOption("NDC") RatiosLabel.SetBorderSize(0) RatiosLabel.SetFillColor(0) RatiosLabel.SetFillStyle(0) RatiosLabel.SetTextAlign(32) Legend = TLegend() Legend.SetBorderSize(0) Legend.SetFillColor(0) Legend.SetFillStyle(0) fittingIntegral = 0 scaleFactor = 1 HistogramsToFit = [] TargetDataset = distribution['target_dataset'] FittingLegendEntries = [] DataLegendEntries = [] FittingHistogramDatasets = [] Stack_list = [] Stack_list.append(THStack("stack_before", distribution['name'])) Stack_list.append(THStack("stack_after", distribution['name'])) fileName = condor_dir + "/" + distribution['target_dataset'] + ".root" if not os.path.exists(fileName): return inputFile = TFile(fileName) if inputFile.IsZombie() or not inputFile.GetNkeys(): return Target = inputFile.Get("OSUAnalysis/" + distribution['channel'] + "/" + distribution['name']).Clone() Target.SetDirectory(0) inputFile.Close() Target.SetMarkerStyle(20) Target.SetMarkerSize(0.8) Target.SetFillStyle(0) Target.SetLineColor(colors[TargetDataset]) Target.SetLineStyle(1) Target.SetLineWidth(2) targetIntegral = Target.Integral() if (arguments.normalizeToUnitArea and Target.Integral() > 0): Target.Scale(1. / Target.Integral()) if arguments.rebinFactor: RebinFactor = int(arguments.rebinFactor) #don't rebin histograms which will have less than 5 bins or any gen-matching histograms if Target.GetNbinsX() >= RebinFactor * 5 and Target.GetName().find( "GenMatch") is -1: Target.Rebin(RebinFactor) ### formatting target histogram and adding to legend legendIndex = 0 Legend.AddEntry(Target, labels[TargetDataset], "LEP") legendIndex = legendIndex + 1 if not outputFile.Get("OSUAnalysis"): outputFile.mkdir("OSUAnalysis") if not outputFile.Get("OSUAnalysis/" + distribution['channel']): outputFile.Get("OSUAnalysis").mkdir(distribution['channel']) for sample in distribution[ 'datasets']: # loop over different samples requested to be fit dataset_file = "%s/%s.root" % (condor_dir, sample) inputFile = TFile(dataset_file) HistogramObj = inputFile.Get(pathToDir + "/" + distribution['channel'] + "/" + distribution['name']) if not HistogramObj: print "WARNING: Could not find histogram " + pathToDir + "/" + distribution[ 'channel'] + "/" + distribution[ 'name'] + " in file " + dataset_file + ". Will skip it and continue." continue Histogram = HistogramObj.Clone() Histogram.SetDirectory(0) inputFile.Close() if arguments.rebinFactor: RebinFactor = int(arguments.rebinFactor) #don't rebin histograms which will have less than 5 bins or any gen-matching histograms if Histogram.GetNbinsX() >= RebinFactor * 5 and Histogram.GetName( ).find("GenMatch") is -1: Histogram.Rebin(RebinFactor) xAxisLabel = Histogram.GetXaxis().GetTitle() unitBeginIndex = xAxisLabel.find("[") unitEndIndex = xAxisLabel.find("]") if unitBeginIndex is not -1 and unitEndIndex is not -1: #x axis has a unit yAxisLabel = "Entries / " + str(Histogram.GetXaxis().GetBinWidth( 1)) + " " + xAxisLabel[unitBeginIndex + 1:unitEndIndex] else: yAxisLabel = "Entries per bin (" + str( Histogram.GetXaxis().GetBinWidth(1)) + " width)" if not arguments.makeFancy: histoTitle = Histogram.GetTitle() else: histoTitle = "" legLabel = labels[sample] if (arguments.printYields): yieldHist = Histogram.Integral() legLabel = legLabel + " (%.1f)" % yieldHist FittingLegendEntries.append(legLabel) if (types[sample] == "bgMC"): numFittingSamples += 1 fittingIntegral += Histogram.Integral() Histogram.SetLineStyle(1) if (arguments.noStack): Histogram.SetFillStyle(0) Histogram.SetLineColor(colors[sample]) Histogram.SetLineWidth(2) else: Histogram.SetFillStyle(1001) Histogram.SetFillColor(colors[sample]) Histogram.SetLineColor(1) Histogram.SetLineWidth(1) elif (types[sample] == "signalMC"): numFittingSamples += 1 Histogram.SetFillStyle(0) Histogram.SetLineColor(colors[sample]) Histogram.SetLineStyle(1) Histogram.SetLineWidth(2) if (arguments.normalizeToUnitArea and Histogram.Integral() > 0): Histogram.Scale(1. / Histogram.Integral()) HistogramsToFit.append(Histogram) FittingHistogramDatasets.append(sample) #scaling histograms as per user's specifications if targetIntegral > 0 and fittingIntegral > 0: scaleFactor = targetIntegral / fittingIntegral for fittingHist in HistogramsToFit: if arguments.normalizeToData: fittingHist.Scale(scaleFactor) if arguments.normalizeToUnitArea and not arguments.noStack and fittingIntegral > 0: fittingHist.Scale(1. / fittingIntegral) elif arguments.normalizeToUnitArea and arguments.noStack and fittingHist.Integral( ) > 0: fittingHist.Scale(1. / fittingHist.Integral()) def fitf(x, par): xBin = HistogramsToFit[0].FindBin(x[0]) value = 0.0 for i in range(0, len(HistogramsToFit)): value += par[i] * HistogramsToFit[i].GetBinContent(xBin) + par[ i + len(HistogramsToFit)] * HistogramsToFit[i].GetBinError(xBin) return value lowerLimit = Target.GetBinLowEdge(1) upperLimit = Target.GetBinLowEdge(Target.GetNbinsX()) + Target.GetBinWidth( Target.GetNbinsX()) if 'lowerLimit' in distribution: lowerLimit = distribution['lowerLimit'] if 'upperLimit' in distribution: upperLimit = distribution['upperLimit'] func = TF1("fit", fitf, lowerLimit, upperLimit, 2 * len(HistogramsToFit)) for i in range(0, len(HistogramsToFit)): if 'fixed_datasets' in distribution and distribution['datasets'][ i] in distribution['fixed_datasets']: func.FixParameter(i, 1.0) else: func.SetParameter(i, 1.0) # func.SetParLimits (i, 0.0, 1.0e2) # comment this out so we don't have to pre-normalize the QCD input sample func.SetParName(i, labels[FittingHistogramDatasets[i]]) shiftedScaleFactors = [] if arguments.parametricErrors: # loop over all input histograms and shift them +- 1 sigma for i in range(0, len(HistogramsToFit)): sfs = [] # -1 => -1 sigma, +1 => +1 sigma for j in [-1, 1]: # loop over the parameters holding the errors for each dataset, fixing all to 0 for k in range(len(HistogramsToFit), 2 * len(HistogramsToFit)): func.FixParameter(k, 0) # fix the error of the dataset of interest to +-1 func.FixParameter(i + len(HistogramsToFit), j) # perform new fit for k in range(0, distribution['iterations'] - 1): if j == -1: print "Scale down " + labels[FittingHistogramDatasets[ i]] + " iteration " + str(k + 1) + "..." if j == 1: print "Scale up " + labels[FittingHistogramDatasets[ i]] + " iteration " + str(k + 1) + "..." Target.Fit("fit", "QEMR0") Target.Fit("fit", "VEMR0") # save the new scale factors for each dataset for k in range(0, len(HistogramsToFit)): sfs.append(func.GetParameter(k)) shiftedScaleFactors.append(sfs) # reset the parameters with the errors of each dataset to 0 for i in range(len(HistogramsToFit), 2 * len(HistogramsToFit)): func.FixParameter(i, 0) # do the fit to get the central values for i in range(0, distribution['iterations'] - 1): print "Iteration " + str(i + 1) + "..." Target.Fit("fit", "QEMR0") Target.Fit("fit", "VEMR0") if arguments.parametricErrors: # make a list of the largest errors on each contribution by shifting any other contribution parErrors = [] # loop over all the datasets for i in range(0, len(HistogramsToFit)): centralValue = func.GetParameter(i) maxError = 0 # find the maximum deviation from the central value and save that for shiftedScaleFactor in shiftedScaleFactors[i]: currentError = abs(shiftedScaleFactor - centralValue) if currentError > maxError: maxError = currentError parErrors.append(maxError) finalMax = 0 if not arguments.noStack: for fittingHist in HistogramsToFit: finalMax += fittingHist.GetMaximum() else: for fittingHist in HistogramsToFit: if (fittingHist.GetMaximum() > finalMax): finalMax = fittingHist.GetMaximum() if (Target.GetMaximum() > finalMax): finalMax = Target.GetMaximum() Target.SetMaximum(1.1 * finalMax) Target.SetMinimum(0.0001) Canvas = TCanvas(distribution['name'] + "_FitFunction") Target.Draw() func.Draw("same")"OSUAnalysis/" + distribution['channel']) Canvas.Write() if arguments.savePDFs: if histogram == input_histograms[0]: Canvas.Print(pdfFileName + "(", "pdf") else: Canvas.Print(pdfFileName, "pdf") Target.SetStats(0) ### formatting bgMC histograms and adding to legend legendIndex = numFittingSamples - 1 for Histogram in reversed(HistogramsToFit): if (arguments.noStack): Legend.AddEntry(Histogram, FittingLegendEntries[legendIndex], "L") else: Legend.AddEntry(Histogram, FittingLegendEntries[legendIndex], "F") legendIndex = legendIndex - 1 ### Drawing histograms to canvas makeRatioPlots = arguments.makeRatioPlots makeDiffPlots = arguments.makeDiffPlots yAxisMin = 0.0001 if arguments.setYMin: yAxisMin = float(arguments.setYMin) ### Draw everything to the canvases !!!! for i in range(0, 2): # 0 => before, 1 => after integrals = [] ratios = [] errors = [] if i == 1: # loop over each dataset, saving it's yield and the errors on it for j in range(0, len(HistogramsToFit)): integrals.append(HistogramsToFit[j].Integral()) HistogramsToFit[j].Scale(func.GetParameter(j)) ratios.append(func.GetParameter(j)) errors.append(func.GetParError(j)) for fittingHist in HistogramsToFit: if not arguments.noStack: Stack_list[i].Add(fittingHist) #creating the histogram to represent the statistical errors on the stack if not arguments.noStack: ErrorHisto = HistogramsToFit[0].Clone("errors") ErrorHisto.SetFillStyle(3001) ErrorHisto.SetFillColor(13) ErrorHisto.SetLineWidth(0) if i == 1: Legend.AddEntry(ErrorHisto, "Stat. Errors", "F") for Histogram in HistogramsToFit: if Histogram is not HistogramsToFit[0]: ErrorHisto.Add(Histogram) if i == 0: Canvas = TCanvas(distribution['name'] + "_Before") if i == 1: Canvas = TCanvas(distribution['name'] + "_After") if makeRatioPlots or makeDiffPlots: Canvas.SetFillStyle(0) Canvas.Divide(1, 2) gPad.SetPad(0, 0.25, 1, 1) gPad.SetMargin(0.15, 0.05, 0.01, 0.07) gPad.SetFillStyle(0) gPad.Update() gPad.Draw() if arguments.setLogY: gPad.SetLogy() gPad.SetPad(0, 0, 1, 0.25) # format: gPad.SetMargin(l,r,b,t) gPad.SetMargin(0.15, 0.05, 0.4, 0.01) gPad.SetFillStyle(0) gPad.SetGridy(1) gPad.Update() gPad.Draw() ### finding the maximum value of anything going on the canvas, so we know how to set the y-axis finalMax = 0 if numFittingSamples is not 0 and not arguments.noStack: finalMax = ErrorHisto.GetMaximum() + ErrorHisto.GetBinError( ErrorHisto.GetMaximumBin()) else: for bgMCHist in HistogramsToFit: if (bgMCHist.GetMaximum() > finalMax): finalMax = bgMCHist.GetMaximum() if (Target.GetMaximum() > finalMax): finalMax = Target.GetMaximum() + Target.GetBinError( Target.GetMaximumBin()) finalMax = 1.15 * finalMax if arguments.setYMax: finalMax = float(arguments.setYMax) if not arguments.noStack: # draw stacked background samples Stack_list[i].SetTitle(histoTitle) Stack_list[i].Draw("HIST") Stack_list[i].GetXaxis().SetTitle(xAxisLabel) Stack_list[i].GetYaxis().SetTitle(yAxisLabel) Stack_list[i].SetMaximum(finalMax) Stack_list[i].SetMinimum(yAxisMin) if makeRatioPlots or makeDiffPlots: Stack_list[i].GetHistogram().GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0) #draw shaded error bands ErrorHisto.Draw("A E2 SAME") else: #draw the unstacked backgrounds HistogramsToFit[0].SetTitle(histoTitle) HistogramsToFit[0].Draw("HIST") HistogramsToFit[0].GetXaxis().SetTitle(xAxisLabel) HistogramsToFit[0].GetYaxis().SetTitle(yAxisLabel) HistogramsToFit[0].SetMaximum(finalMax) HistogramsToFit[0].SetMinimum(yAxisMin) for bgMCHist in HistogramsToFit: bgMCHist.Draw("A HIST SAME") Target.Draw("A E X0 SAME") #legend coordinates, empirically determined :-) x_left = 0.6761745 x_right = 0.9328859 x_width = x_right - x_left y_max = 0.9 entry_height = 0.05 if (numFittingSamples is not 0): #then draw the data & bgMC legend numExtraEntries = 2 # count the target and (lack of) title Legend.SetX1NDC(x_left) numExtraEntries = numExtraEntries + 1 # count the stat. errors entry Legend.SetY1NDC(y_max - entry_height * (numExtraEntries + numFittingSamples)) Legend.SetX2NDC(x_right) Legend.SetY2NDC(y_max) Legend.Draw() RatiosLabel.SetX1NDC(x_left - 0.1) RatiosLabel.SetX2NDC(x_right) RatiosLabel.SetY2NDC(Legend.GetY1NDC() - 0.1) RatiosLabel.SetY1NDC(RatiosLabel.GetY2NDC() - entry_height * (numFittingSamples)) # Deciding which text labels to draw and drawing them drawLumiLabel = False drawNormLabel = False offsetNormLabel = False drawHeaderLabel = False if not arguments.normalizeToUnitArea: #don't draw the lumi label if there's no data and it's scaled to unit area drawLumiLabel = True # move the normalization label down before drawing if we drew the lumi. label offsetNormLabel = True if arguments.normalizeToUnitArea or arguments.normalizeToData: drawNormLabel = True if arguments.makeFancy: drawHeaderLabel = True drawLumiLabel = False # now that flags are set, draw the appropriate labels if drawLumiLabel: LumiLabel.Draw() if drawNormLabel: if offsetNormLabel: NormLabel.SetY1NDC(topLeft_y_bottom - topLeft_y_offset) NormLabel.SetY2NDC(topLeft_y_top - topLeft_y_offset) else: NormLabel.SetY1NDC(topLeft_y_bottom) NormLabel.SetY2NDC(topLeft_y_top) NormLabel.Draw() if drawHeaderLabel: HeaderLabel.Draw() YieldsLabel.Clear() mcYield = Stack_list[i].GetStack().Last().Integral() dataYield = Target.Integral() if i == 0: YieldsLabel.AddText("Before Fit to Data") if i == 1: YieldsLabel.AddText("After Fit to Data") YieldsLabel.AddText("data yield: " + '%.1f' % dataYield) YieldsLabel.AddText("bkgd yield: " + '%.1f' % mcYield) YieldsLabel.AddText("data/bkgd: " + '%.2f' % (dataYield / mcYield)) if i == 1: for j in range(0, len(FittingLegendEntries)): if abs(ratios[j] - 1) < 0.001 and abs( errors[j] ) < 0.001: #then it probably was held fixed continue if arguments.showFittedYields: yield_ = ratios[j] * integrals[j] yielderror_ = errors[j] * yield_ text = FittingLegendEntries[ j] + " yield: " + '%.0f' % yield_ + ' #pm %.0f' % yielderror_ else: text = FittingLegendEntries[ j] + " ratio: " + '%.2f' % ratios[ j] + ' #pm %.2f' % errors[j] text = text + " (fit)" if arguments.parametricErrors: yield_ = ratios[j] * integrals[j] yieldParError_ = parErrors[j] * yield_ if arguments.showFittedYields: text += ' #pm %.2f' % yieldParError_ else: text += ' #pm %.2f' % parErrors[j] text = text + " (sys)" RatiosLabel.AddText(text) YieldsLabel.Draw() RatiosLabel.Draw() # drawing the ratio or difference plot if requested if (makeRatioPlots or makeDiffPlots): BgSum = Stack_list[i].GetStack().Last() if makeRatioPlots: if arguments.ratioRelErrMax: Comparison = ratioHistogram(Target, BgSum, arguments.ratioRelErrMax) else: Comparison = ratioHistogram(Target, BgSum) elif makeDiffPlots: Comparison = Target.Clone("diff") Comparison.Add(BgSum, -1) Comparison.SetTitle("") Comparison.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Data-Bkgd") Comparison.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xAxisLabel) Comparison.GetYaxis().CenterTitle() Comparison.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.1) Comparison.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.5) Comparison.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.15) Comparison.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.1) Comparison.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.15) if makeRatioPlots: RatioYRange = 1.15 if arguments.ratioYRange: RatioYRange = float(arguments.ratioYRange) Comparison.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(-1 * RatioYRange, RatioYRange) elif makeDiffPlots: YMax = Comparison.GetMaximum() YMin = Comparison.GetMinimum() if YMax <= 0 and YMin <= 0: Comparison.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(-1.2 * YMin, 0) elif YMax >= 0 and YMin >= 0: Comparison.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 1.2 * YMax) else: #axis crosses y=0 if abs(YMax) > abs(YMin): Comparison.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser( -1.2 * YMax, 1.2 * YMax) else: Comparison.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser( -1.2 * YMin, 1.2 * YMin) Comparison.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(205) Comparison.Draw("E0") if i == 0: Canvas.Write(distribution['name'] + "_Before") if arguments.savePDFs: pathToDirString = plainTextString(pathToDir) Canvas.SaveAs(condor_dir + "/fitting_histogram_pdfs/" + pathToDirString + "/" + distribution['name'] + "_Before.pdf") if i == 1: Canvas.Write(distribution['name'] + "_After") if arguments.savePDFs: pathToDirString = plainTextString(pathToDir) Canvas.SaveAs(condor_dir + "/fitting_histogram_pdfs/" + pathToDirString + "/" + distribution['name'] + "_After.pdf")
def main(): from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-i", "--inputfile", dest="inputfile") parser.add_option("-N", "--multiplicity", dest="N", type="int", default=3) parser.add_option("-x", "--exclusive", action="store_true",\ dest="isExclusive", default=False) parser.add_option("-l", "--label", dest="label", type="string", default="") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() N = options.N isExclusive = options.isExclusive label_text = options.label if isExclusive and not (N == 2 or N == 3): parser.error("Exclusive plot only for N =2 or 3") import configurations as config from ROOT import TFile, TCanvas, THStack, TLegend, TPaveText, gStyle from ModelParser import ModelKey gStyle.SetPadTopMargin(0.05) gStyle.SetPadRightMargin(0.05) suffix = "" if not isExclusive: suffix = "up" sm_files = [] for model in config.sm_models: f = TFile("%s/%s.root" % (config.sm_dir, model), "READ") sm_files.append(f) bh_weights = [] bh_files = [] from BHXsec import BHXsec xsec = BHXsec() for model in config.bh_showcase: f = TFile("%s/%s.root" % (config.bh_dir, model), "READ") bh_files.append(f) h = f.Get("plotsNoCut/ST") nEvents = h.GetEntries() bh_weights.append( xsec.get(model) / nEvents * config.integrated_luminosity) c = TCanvas("ST_Mul%d%s" % (N, suffix), "ST_Mul%d%s" % (N, suffix), 500, 500) hs = THStack() infile = TFile(options.inputfile, "READ") hBkg = infile.Get("Background_N%d%s" % (N, suffix)) gBkg = infile.Get("BackgroundGraph_N%d%s" % (N, suffix)) hData = infile.Get("Data_N%d%s" % (N, suffix)) hBkg = infile.Get("Background_N%d%s" % (N, suffix)) hBkg.SetMarkerSize(0) hBkg_ = hBkg.Clone("BkgLine") hBkg.SetFillColor(33) hBkg.SetLineColor(33) hBkg_.SetLineWidth(3) hBkg_.SetLineColor(862) hs.Add(hBkg, "e3") legend = TLegend(0.3326613, 0.6419492, 0.9294355, 0.9216102) legend.SetTextSize(0.02966102) legend.SetTextFont(42) legend.SetFillColor(0) legend.SetLineColor(0) if isExclusive: legend.SetHeader("N = %d" % N) else: legend.SetHeader("N #geq %d" % N) legend.AddEntry(hData, "Data", "p") legend.AddEntry(hBkg_, "Background", "l") legend.AddEntry(hBkg, "Uncertainty", "f") legend_sm = TLegend(0.6471774, 0.7669492, 0.8508065, 0.8771186) legend_sm.SetTextSize(0.02966102) legend_sm.SetTextFont(42) legend_sm.SetFillColor(0) legend_sm.SetLineColor(0) for i, f in enumerate(bh_files): h = f.Get("plotsN%d%s/ST" % (N, suffix)) h.Rebin(config.rebin) h.Scale(bh_weights[i]) # Add background for ibin in range(h.GetNbinsX()): h.SetBinContent(ibin+1,\ h.GetBinContent(ibin+1)\ + hBkg.GetBinContent(ibin+1)) h.SetLineWidth(2) h.SetLineStyle(i + 2) hs.Add(h, "hist") model = ModelKey(config.bh_showcase[i]) bh_legend = "M_{D} = %.1f TeV, M_{BH}^{ min} = %.1f TeV, n = %d" % (\ model.parameter["MD"], model.parameter["M"], model.parameter["n"]) legend.AddEntry(h, bh_legend, "l") if isExclusive: for i, f in enumerate(sm_files): h = f.Get("plotsN%d%s/ST" % (N, suffix)) h.Rebin(config.rebin) h.Scale(config.integrated_luminosity) h.SetFillColor(config.sm_colors[i]) h.SetLineColor(config.sm_colors[i]) hs.Add(h, "hist") legend_sm.AddEntry(h, config.sm_models[i], "f") #hs.Add(hData, "e") hs.Draw("nostack") c.SetLogy(1) hs.GetXaxis().SetTitle("S_{T} (GeV)") hs.GetYaxis().SetTitle(hData.GetYaxis().GetTitle()) hs.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.2) ibin = 0 if isExclusive: hs.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(config.fit_range[0], config.maxST) ibin = hData.FindBin(config.fit_range[0]) else: hs.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(config.norm_range[0], config.maxST) ibin = hData.FindBin(config.norm_range[0]) from Styles import formatUncertainty formatUncertainty(gBkg) gBkg.Draw("LX") hData.Draw("esame") hs.SetMinimum(5e-2) if isExclusive: hs.SetMaximum(hData.GetBinContent(ibin) * 20) else: #hs.SetMaximum(4e4) hs.SetMaximum(hData.GetBinContent(ibin) * 20) legend.Draw("plain") if isExclusive: legend_sm.Draw("plain") if isExclusive: cmslabel = TPaveText(0.5544355, 0.5127119, 0.8991935, 0.6292373, "brNDC") else: cmslabel = TPaveText(0.1955645, 0.1631356, 0.5403226, 0.279661, "brNDC") cmslabel.AddText(config.cmsTitle) cmslabel.AddText(config.cmsSubtitle) cmslabel.SetFillColor(0) cmslabel.Draw("plain") label = TPaveText(0.6891129, 0.8644068, 0.9435484, 0.9258475, "brNDC") label.SetFillColor(0) label.SetTextSize(0.0529661) label.AddText(label_text) label.Draw("plain") c.Update() raw_input("Press Enter to continue...")
def createCompoundPlots(detector, plot): """Produce the requested plot for the specified detector. Function that will plot the requested @plot for the specified @detector. The specified detector could either be a real detector or a compound one. The list of available plots are the keys of plots dictionary (imported from plot_utils. """ theDirname = 'Images' if not checkFile_(theDirname): os.mkdir(theDirname) goodToGo, theDetectorFilename = paramsGood_(detector, plot) if not goodToGo: return theDetectorFile = TFile(theDetectorFilename) # # get TProfiles prof_X0_elements = OrderedDict() hist_X0_elements = OrderedDict() for label, [num, color, leg] in hist_label_to_num.iteritems(): #print label, num, color, leg prof_X0_elements[label] = theDetectorFile.Get("%d" % (num + plots[plot].plotNumber)) hist_X0_elements[label] = prof_X0_elements[label].ProjectionX() hist_X0_elements[label].SetFillColor(color) hist_X0_elements[label].SetLineColor(kBlack) files = [] if detector in COMPOUNDS.keys(): for subDetector in COMPOUNDS[detector][1:]: subDetectorFilename = "matbdg_%s.root" % subDetector # open file if not checkFile_(subDetectorFilename): continue subDetectorFile = TFile(subDetectorFilename) files.append(subDetectorFile) print("*** Open file... %s" % subDetectorFilename) # subdetector profiles for label, [num, color, leg] in hist_label_to_num.iteritems(): prof_X0_elements[label] = subDetectorFile.Get("%d" % (num + plots[plot].plotNumber)) hist_X0_elements[label].Add(prof_X0_elements[label].ProjectionX("B_%s" % prof_X0_elements[label].GetName()) , +1.000) # stack stackTitle = "Material Budget %s;%s;%s" % (detector, plots[plot].abscissa, plots[plot].ordinate) stack_X0 = THStack("stack_X0", stackTitle); for label, [num, color, leg] in hist_label_to_num.iteritems(): stack_X0.Add(hist_X0_elements[label]) # canvas canname = "MBCan_1D_%s_%s" % (detector, plot) can = TCanvas(canname, canname, 800, 800) can.Range(0,0,25,25) can.SetFillColor(kWhite) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) gStyle.SetOptTitle(1); # Draw stack_X0.Draw("HIST"); stack_X0.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.15); # Legenda theLegend = TLegend(0.40, 0.65, 0.60, 0.89) if plot == "x_vs_phi" or plot == "l_vs_phi": theLegend = TLegend(0.65, 0.30, 0.89, 0.70) if plot == "x_vs_R" or plot == "l_vs_R": theLegend = TLegend(0.75, 0.60, 0.95, 0.90) for label, [num, color, leg] in hist_label_to_num.iteritems(): theLegend.AddEntry(hist_X0_elements[label], leg, "f") theLegend.Draw(); # Store can.Update(); can.SaveAs( "%s/%s_%s.pdf" % (theDirname, detector, plot)) can.SaveAs( "%s/%s_%s.png" % (theDirname, detector, plot)) #Let's also save the total accumulated budget vs eta since muon id relies #on adequate calorimeter thickness if plot == "x_vs_eta" or plot == "l_vs_eta": canname = "MBCan_1D_%s_%s_total" % (detector, plot) can2 = TCanvas(canname, canname, 800, 800) can2.Range(0,0,25,25) can2.SetFillColor(kWhite) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) gStyle.SetOptTitle(0); #title = TPaveLabel(.11,.95,.35,.99,"Total accumulated material budget","brndc") stack_X0.GetStack().Last().GetXaxis().SetRangeUser( 0., 3.) stack_X0.GetStack().Last().Draw(); stack_X0.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.15); can2.Update() can2.Modified() can2.SaveAs("%s/%s_%s_total_Zplus.pdf" % (theDirname, detector, plot)) can2.SaveAs("%s/%s_%s_total_Zplus.png" % (theDirname, detector, plot)) stack_X0.GetStack().Last().GetXaxis().SetRangeUser( -3., 0.) stack_X0.GetStack().Last().Draw(); stack_X0.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.15); can2.Update() can2.Modified() can2.SaveAs("%s/%s_%s_total_Zminus.pdf" % (theDirname, detector, plot)) can2.SaveAs("%s/%s_%s_total_Zminus.png" % (theDirname, detector, plot))
def plot(path, pt_title, ecms, xmin, xmax, xbins, ymax): try: f_data = TFile(path[0]) t_data = f_data.Get('save') entries_data = t_data.GetEntries()'data entries :' + str(entries_data)) except: logging.error(path[0] + ' is invalid!') sys.exit() try: f_DDPIPI = TFile(path[1]) t_DDPIPI = f_DDPIPI.Get('save') entries_DDPIPI = t_DDPIPI.GetEntries()'DDPIPI entries :' + str(entries_DDPIPI)) except: logging.error(path[1] + ' is invalid!') sys.exit() try: f_DDPI = TFile(path[2]) t_DDPI = f_DDPI.Get('save') entries_DDPI = t_DDPI.GetEntries()'DDPI entries :' + str(entries_DDPI)) except: logging.error(path[2] + ' is invalid!') sys.exit() mbc = TCanvas('mbc', 'mbc', 800, 600) set_canvas_style(mbc) content = (xmax - xmin) / xbins * 1000 ytitle = 'Events/%.1f MeV' % content xtitle = 'RM(D^{+}#pi_{0}^{+}#pi_{0}^{-})(GeV)' h_data = TH1F('data', 'data', xbins, xmin, float(xmax)) set_histo_style(h_data, xtitle, ytitle, 1, False) rm_Dpipi_fill(t_data, h_data) h_DDPIPI = TH1F('DDPIPI', 'DDPIPI', xbins, xmin, float(xmax)) set_histo_style(h_DDPIPI, xtitle, ytitle, 2, True) rm_Dpipi_fill(t_DDPIPI, h_DDPIPI) h_DDPI = TH1F('DDPI', 'DDPI', xbins, xmin, float(xmax)) set_histo_style(h_DDPI, xtitle, ytitle, 3, True) rm_Dpipi_fill(t_DDPI, h_DDPI) if not os.path.exists('./figs/'): os.makedirs('./figs/') F_DDPIPI = scale(ecms, 'DDPIPI') F_DDPI = scale(ecms, 'DDPI') h_DDPIPI.Scale(F_DDPIPI) h_DDPI.Scale(F_DDPI) h_data.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0, ymax) h_data.Draw('E1') hs = THStack('hs', 'Stacked') hs.Add(h_DDPIPI) hs.Add(h_DDPI) hs.Draw('same') h_data.Draw('sameE1') if ecms > 4320: legend = TLegend(0.2, 0.25, 0.5, 0.55) if ecms < 4320: legend = TLegend(0.2, 0.2, 0.55, 0.4) set_legend(legend, h_data, h_DDPIPI, h_DDPI, pt_title, ecms) legend.Draw() mbc.SaveAs('./figs/rm_Dpipi_' + str(ecms) + '_raw_sideband.pdf') raw_input('Enter anything to end...')