def getLabelCmsPrivateData( x1ndc = 0.6, y1ndc = 0.90, x2ndc = 0.9, y2ndc = 0.93): labelCmsPrivateSimulation = TPaveText(x1ndc,y1ndc,x2ndc,y2ndc,"NDC") labelCmsPrivateSimulation.AddText("#font[62]{CMS private work}, #font[72]{2015 data}") labelCmsPrivateSimulation.SetBorderSize(1) labelCmsPrivateSimulation.SetFillColor(0) # 0 == White return labelCmsPrivateSimulation
#gROOT.Reset() c1 = TCanvas('c1', 'Tree Data Structure', 200, 10, 750, 940) c1.Range(0, -0.1, 1, 1.15) gBenchmark.Start('tree') branchcolor = 26 leafcolor = 30 basketcolor = 42 offsetcolor = 43 #title = TPaveLabel(.3,1.05,.8,1.13,c1.GetTitle()) title = TPaveLabel(.3, 1.05, .8, 1.13, 'Tree Data Structure') title.SetFillColor(16) title.Draw() tree = TPaveText(.01, .75, .15, 1.00) tree.SetFillColor(18) tree.SetTextAlign(12) tnt = tree.AddText('Tree') tnt.SetTextAlign(22) tnt.SetTextSize(0.030) tree.AddText('fScanField') tree.AddText('fMaxEventLoop') tree.AddText('fMaxVirtualSize') tree.AddText('fEntries') tree.AddText('fDimension') tree.AddText('fSelectedRows') tree.Draw() farm = TPavesText(.01, 1.02, .15, 1.1, 9, 'tr') tfarm = farm.AddText('CHAIN') tfarm.SetTextSize(0.024)
def add_desc_to_canvas(config, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, size, content): txt1 = TPaveText(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, "NDC") txt1.SetFillColor(kWhite) txt1.SetFillStyle(0) txt1.SetBorderSize(0) txt1.SetTextAlign(12) # middle,left txt1.SetTextFont(42) # helvetica txt1.SetTextSize(size) if content["add_alice"]: txt1.AddText("ALICE work in progress") if content["add_gran"]: gran_desc = "#it{n}_{#it{#varphi}} #times #it{n}_{#it{r}} #times #it{n}_{#it{z}}" gran_str = "%d #times %d #times %d" % (config.grid_phi, config.grid_r, config.grid_z) txt1.AddText("%s = %s" % (gran_desc, gran_str)) if content["add_inputs"]: if config.opt_train[0] == 1 and config.opt_train[1] == 1: txt1.AddText("inputs: #it{#rho}_{SC} - <#it{#rho}_{SC}>, <#it{#rho}_{SC}>") elif config.opt_train[1] == 1: txt1.AddText("inputs: #it{#rho}_{SC} - <#it{#rho}_{SC}>") if content["add_events"]: txt1.AddText("#it{N}_{ev}^{training} = %d" % config.train_events) # txt1.AddText("#it{N}_{ev}^{validation} = %d" % config.val_events) # txt1.AddText("#it{N}_{ev}^{apply} = %d" % config.apply_events) if == "dnn": txt1.AddText("%d epochs" % config.epochs) return txt1
def main(): from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-i", "--inputfile", dest="inputfile") parser.add_option("-N", "--multiplicity", dest="N", type="int", default=3) parser.add_option("-x", "--exclusive", action="store_true",\ dest="isExclusive", default=False) parser.add_option("-l", "--label", dest="label", type="string", default="") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() N = options.N isExclusive = options.isExclusive label_text = options.label if isExclusive and not (N == 2 or N == 3): parser.error("Exclusive plot only for N =2 or 3") import configurations as config from ROOT import TFile, TCanvas, THStack, TLegend, TPaveText, gStyle, TMath from ModelParser import ModelKey gStyle.SetPadTopMargin(0.05) gStyle.SetPadRightMargin(0.05) suffix = "" if not isExclusive: suffix = "up" sm_files = [] for model in config.sm_models: f = TFile("%s/%s.root" % (config.sm_dir, model), "READ") sm_files.append(f) bh_weights = [] bh_files = [] from BHXsec import BHXsec xsec = BHXsec() for model in config.bh_showcase: f = TFile("%s/%s.root" % (config.bh_dir, model), "READ") bh_files.append(f) h = f.Get("plotsNoCut/ST") nEvents = h.GetEntries() bh_weights.append( xsec.get(model) / nEvents * config.integrated_luminosity) c = TCanvas("ST_Mul%d%s" % (N, suffix), "ST_Mul%d%s" % (N, suffix), 500, 500) hs = THStack() hs1 = THStack() infile = TFile(options.inputfile, "READ") hBkg = infile.Get("Background_N%d%s" % (N, suffix)) gBkg = infile.Get("BackgroundGraph_N%d%s" % (N, suffix)) hData = infile.Get("Data_N%d%s" % (N, suffix)) hBkg = infile.Get("Background_N%d%s" % (N, suffix)) hBkg.SetMarkerSize(0) hBkg_ = hBkg.Clone("BkgLine") hBkg.SetFillColor(33) hBkg.SetLineColor(33) hBkg_.SetLineWidth(3) hBkg_.SetLineColor(862) hs.Add(hBkg, "e3") legend = TLegend(0.3026613, 0.4919492, 0.6094355, 0.8816102) legend.SetTextSize(0.041) #was 0.02966102 legend.SetTextFont(42) legend.SetFillColor(0) legend.SetLineColor(0) if isExclusive: legend.SetHeader("Multiplicity, N = %d" % N) else: legend.SetHeader("Multiplicity, N #geq %d" % N) legend.AddEntry(hData, "Observed", "p") legend.AddEntry(hBkg_, "Background", "l") legend.AddEntry(hBkg, "Uncertainty", "f") legend_sm = TLegend(0.6271774, 0.6769492, 0.8308065, 0.8171186) legend_sm.SetTextSize(0.041) legend_sm.SetTextFont(42) legend_sm.SetFillColor(0) legend_sm.SetLineColor(0) #pulls hPull = infile.Get("Background_N%d%s" % (N, suffix)) for ibin in range(hData.GetNbinsX()): if hBkg.GetBinContent(ibin + 1) != 0 and hData.GetBinContent(ibin + 1) != 0: cont = hData.GetBinContent(ibin + 1) / hBkg.GetBinContent(ibin + 1) - 1 cont_err = cont * TMath.Sqrt( 1 / hData.GetBinContent(ibin + 1) + (hBkg.GetBinError(ibin + 1) / hBkg.GetBinContent(ibin + 1)) * (hBkg.GetBinError(ibin + 1) / hBkg.GetBinContent(ibin + 1))) print ibin + 1, hData.GetBinContent(ibin + 1), hBkg.GetBinContent( ibin + 1), hBkg.GetBinError(ibin + 1), hData.GetBinContent( ibin + 1) / hBkg.GetBinContent(ibin + 1) - 1, TMath.Sqrt( 1 / hData.GetBinContent(ibin + 1) + (hBkg.GetBinError(ibin + 1) / hBkg.GetBinContent(ibin + 1)) * (hBkg.GetBinError(ibin + 1) / hBkg.GetBinContent(ibin + 1))) for i, f in enumerate(bh_files): h = f.Get("plotsN%d%s/ST" % (N, suffix)) h.Rebin(config.rebin) h.Scale(bh_weights[i]) # Add background for ibin in range(h.GetNbinsX()): h.SetBinContent(ibin+1,\ h.GetBinContent(ibin+1)\ + hBkg.GetBinContent(ibin+1)) h.SetLineWidth(2) h.SetLineStyle(i + 2) hs.Add(h, "hist") model = ModelKey(config.bh_showcase[i]) bh_legend = "M_{D} = %.1f TeV, M_{BH}^{ min} = %.1f TeV, n = %d" % (\ model.parameter["MD"], model.parameter["M"], model.parameter["n"]) legend.AddEntry(h, bh_legend, "l") if isExclusive: for i, f in enumerate(sm_files): h = f.Get("plotsN%d%s/ST" % (N, suffix)) h.Rebin(config.rebin) h.Scale(config.integrated_luminosity) h.SetFillColor(config.sm_colors[i]) h.SetLineColor(config.sm_colors[i]) hs1.Add(h, "hist") legend_sm.AddEntry(h, config.sm_models[i], "f") #hs.Add(hData, "e") hs.Draw("nostack") hs1.Draw("same") c.SetLogy(1) hs.GetXaxis().SetTitle("S_{T} (GeV)") hs.GetYaxis().SetTitle(hData.GetYaxis().GetTitle()) hs.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.1) hs.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.045) hs.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.045) hs.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.045) hs.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.045) ibin = 0 if isExclusive: hs.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(config.fit_range[0], config.maxST) ibin = hData.FindBin(config.fit_range[0]) else: hs.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(config.norm_range[0], config.maxST) ibin = hData.FindBin(config.norm_range[0]) from Styles import formatUncertainty formatUncertainty(gBkg) gBkg.Draw("LX") hData.Draw("esame") hs.SetMinimum(2e-2) if isExclusive: hs.SetMaximum(hData.GetBinContent(ibin) * 200) else: #hs.SetMaximum(4e4) hs.SetMaximum(hData.GetBinContent(ibin) * 200) legend.Draw("plain") if isExclusive: legend_sm.Draw("plain") if isExclusive: cmslabel = TPaveText(0.45, 0.90, 0.60, 0.93, "brNDC") else: cmslabel = TPaveText(0.45, 0.90, 0.60, 0.93, "brNDC") cmslabel.AddText(config.cmsTitle) #cmslabel.AddText(config.cmsSubtitle) cmslabel.SetFillColor(0) cmslabel.SetTextSize(0.041) cmslabel.Draw("plain") label = TPaveText(0.8891129, 0.8644068, 0.9435484, 0.9258475, "brNDC") label.SetFillColor(0) label.SetTextSize(0.0529661) label.AddText(label_text) label.Draw("plain") if isExclusive: c.Print("ST_Mul%d.pdf" % N) c.Print("ST_Mul%d.png" % N) else: c.Print("ST_Mul%dup.pdf" % N) c.Print("ST_Mul%dup.png" % N) c.Update() raw_input("Press Enter to continue...")
def CMSPrelim(dataset, channel, lowX, lowY): cmsprel = TPaveText(lowX, lowY+0.06, lowX+0.30, lowY+0.16, "NDC") cmsprel.SetBorderSize( 0 ) cmsprel.SetFillStyle( 0 ) cmsprel.SetTextAlign( 12 ) cmsprel.SetTextSize ( 0.04 ) cmsprel.SetTextColor( 1 ) cmsprel.SetTextFont ( 62 ) cmsprel.AddText(dataset) ## lumi = TPaveText(lowX+0.38, lowY+0.061, lowX+0.45, lowY+0.161, "NDC") ## lumi.SetBorderSize( 0 ) ## lumi.SetFillStyle( 0 ) ## lumi.SetTextAlign( 12 ) ## lumi.SetTextSize ( 0.04 ) ## lumi.SetTextColor( 1 ) ## lumi.SetTextFont ( 62 ) ## lumi.AddText(dataset) chan = TPaveText(lowX+0.68, lowY+0.061, lowX+0.80, lowY+0.161, "NDC") chan.SetBorderSize( 0 ) chan.SetFillStyle( 0 ) chan.SetTextAlign( 12 ) chan.SetTextSize ( 0.05 ) chan.SetTextColor( 1 ) chan.SetTextFont ( 62 ) chan.AddText(channel) return cmsprel, chan
metMinusOne.Multiply(triggerEfficiency) for i in range(0, metMinusOne.GetNbinsX() + 2): content = metMinusOne.GetBinContent(i) error = metMinusOne.GetBinError(i) upperEdge = metMinusOne.GetBinLowEdge( i) + metMinusOne.GetBinWidth(i) newContent = content * pPassVeto if self._metCut < upperEdge else 0.0 newError = error * pPassVeto if self._metCut < upperEdge else 0.0 metMinusOne.SetBinContent(i, newContent) metMinusOne.SetBinError(i, newError) metMinusOne = metMinusOne.Rebin(self._rebinFactor, "metMinusOne") pt = TPaveText(0.522556, 0.838501, 0.921053, 0.885013, "brNDC") pt.SetBorderSize(0) pt.SetFillStyle(0) pt.SetTextFont(42) pt.SetTextSize(0.0387597) pt.AddText(str(self._plotLabel)) cmsLabel = TPaveText(0.134085, 0.937984, 0.418546, 0.984496, "brNDC") cmsLabel.SetBorderSize(0) cmsLabel.SetFillStyle(0) cmsLabel.SetTextFont(62) cmsLabel.SetTextSize(0.0387597) cmsLabel.AddText("CMS Preliminary") lumiLabel = TPaveText(0.66416, 0.937339, 0.962406, 0.992894,
def plotMetForNback(self): if hasattr(self, "CandTrkIdPt35"): if self._fout and self._canvas: sample = self.CandTrkIdPt35["sample"] condorDir = self.CandTrkIdPt35["condorDir"] name = self.CandTrkIdPt35["name"] hist = "Track-met Plots/metNoMuMinusOnePtVsMaxSigmaForFiducialTracks" met = self.getHistFromProjectionZ( sample, condorDir, name + "Plotter", hist, alternate1DHist="Met Plots/metNoMu") # explicitly get metNoMuMinusOne instead of using # _metMinusOneHist since we plot both metNoMu and # metNoMuMinusOne here hist = self._Flavor + " Plots/" + self._flavor + "MetNoMuMinusOnePt" hist = "Track-" + self._flavor + " Plots/" + self._flavor + "NoMuMinusOnePtVsMaxSigmaForFiducialTracks" metMinusOne = self.getHistFromProjectionZ( sample, condorDir, name + "Plotter", hist, alternate1DHist=self._Flavor + " Plots/" + self._flavor + "MetNoMuMinusOnePt") if not isinstance(met, TObject) or not isinstance( metMinusOne, TObject): print "Warning [plotMetForNback]: Could not get required hists from sample=", sample, "condorDir=", condorDir, "name=", name return met.Rebin(self._rebinFactor) metMinusOne.Rebin(self._rebinFactor) pt = TPaveText(0.522556, 0.838501, 0.921053, 0.885013, "brNDC") pt.SetBorderSize(0) pt.SetFillStyle(0) pt.SetTextFont(42) pt.SetTextSize(0.0387597) pt.AddText(str(self._plotLabel)) cmsLabel = TPaveText(0.134085, 0.937984, 0.418546, 0.984496, "brNDC") cmsLabel.SetBorderSize(0) cmsLabel.SetFillStyle(0) cmsLabel.SetTextFont(62) cmsLabel.SetTextSize(0.0387597) cmsLabel.AddText("CMS Preliminary") lumiLabel = TPaveText(0.66416, 0.937339, 0.962406, 0.992894, "brNDC") lumiLabel.SetBorderSize(0) lumiLabel.SetFillStyle(0) lumiLabel.SetTextFont(42) lumiLabel.SetTextSize(0.0387597) lumiLabel.AddText(str(self._luminosityLabel)) setStyle(met) setAxisStyle(met, "E_{T}^{miss, no #mu} [GeV]", "Entries / " + str(met.GetBinWidth(1)) + " GeV") met.Draw() pt.Draw("same") cmsLabel.Draw("same") lumiLabel.Draw("same") self._canvas.Write("metForNback") setStyle(metMinusOne) setAxisStyle( metMinusOne, "E_{T}^{miss, no #mu} " + ("excluding selected " + self._flavor if self._flavor != "muon" else "") + "[GeV]", "Entries / " + str(metMinusOne.GetBinWidth(1)) + " GeV") metMinusOne.Draw() pt.Draw("same") cmsLabel.Draw("same") lumiLabel.Draw("same") self._canvas.Write("metMinusOneForNback") else: print "A TFile and TCanvas must be added. Not making plots..." else: print "CandTrkIdPt35 not defined. Not plotting MET for N_back..."
for iLB in listLB: if (nbHitInHot[iPath][iLB] != 0 or nbHitInHot[iPath2][iLB] != 0.): hCorrel[corr].Fill(nbHitInHot[iPath][iLB], nbHitInHot[iPath2][iLB]) print "LB: %d -> %.2f / %.2f" % ( iLB, nbHitInHot[iPath][iLB], nbHitInHot[iPath2][iLB]) if nbHitRatio[corr][iLB] != -999: hRatio[corr].Fill(nbHitRatio[corr][iLB]) if nbHitRatio[corr2][iLB] != -999: hRatio[corr2].Fill(nbHitRatio[corr2][iLB]) cCorrel[corr] = TCanvas("Correl-%s" % corr, "Correl-%s" % corr) hCorrel[corr].Draw("COLZ") paveCorrel[corr] = TPaveText(.1, .72, .9, .9, "NDC") paveCorrel[corr].SetFillColor(kBlue - 10) paveCorrel[corr].AddText( "Run %d / %d LBs in total - %d LBs with >=1 entry in either plot" % (runNumber, len(listLB), hCorrel[corr].GetEntries())) paveCorrel[corr].AddText("Correlation factor:%.3f" % (hCorrel[corr].GetCorrelationFactor())) fractionNonZero = hRatio[corr].Integral( 2, 100) / hRatio[corr].Integral(1, 100) if fractionNonZero != 0.: meanNonZero = hRatio[corr].GetMean() / fractionNonZero else: meanNonZero = 0. paveCorrel[corr].AddText( "When >=1 entry in X plot(%d LBs), %.0f %% events with >=1 entry in Y plot(<ratio>=%.2f)" % (hRatio[corr].Integral(
def plot(chan, plot_expected, plot_data, report_lumi=True): gROOT.SetBatch() gStyle.SetOptStat(0) c1 = TCanvas("c1", "Expected Bias Band Graph", 200, 10, 800, 800) #c1.SetGrid(); c1.DrawFrame(0.85, 0.75, 1.15, 1.25) # prepare data files if plot_data: fn_full, fn_notau, fn_stat = the_files[chan] file_full = TFile(fn_full) file_notau = TFile(fn_notau) file_stat = TFile(fn_stat) ttree_full = file_full.Get("limit") n = ttree_full.Draw(draw_command, "2*deltaNLL>0 && 2*deltaNLL< 10", "L") g_full = TGraph(n, ttree_full.GetV2(), ttree_full.GetV1()) ttree_notau = file_notau.Get("limit") n = ttree_notau.Draw(draw_command, "2*deltaNLL>0 && 2*deltaNLL< 10", "L") g_notau = TGraph(n, ttree_notau.GetV2(), ttree_notau.GetV1()) ttree_stat = file_stat.Get("limit") n = ttree_stat.Draw(draw_command, "2*deltaNLL>0 && 2*deltaNLL< 10", "L") g_stat = TGraph(n, ttree_stat.GetV2(), ttree_stat.GetV1()) g_full.SetLineWidth(3) g_notau.SetLineWidth(2) g_stat.SetLineWidth(2) g_stat.SetLineStyle(7) # removing the title #g_full .SetTitle(";\\text{fitted } #hat{r};") # ROOT latex cannot put a hat on a letter #g_full .SetTitle(";\\text{fitted } r;-2\\Delta ln L") #g_full .SetTitle(";\\text{fitted signal strength};-2\\Delta ln L") g_full.SetTitle(";\\text{visible cross section [pb]};-2\\Delta ln L") g_notau.SetTitle(";;") g_stat.SetTitle(";;") #g_full .GetXaxis().SetRange(0.75, 1.35) #g_notau.GetXaxis().SetRange(0.75, 1.35) #g_stat .GetXaxis().SetRange(0.75, 1.35) g_full.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0.75, 1.35) g_notau.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0.75, 1.35) g_stat.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0.75, 1.35) print "set up data plots", g_full # prepare expected files if plot_expected: fn_full, fn_notau, fn_stat = the_files_expected[chan] exp_file_full = TFile(fn_full) exp_file_notau = TFile(fn_notau) exp_file_stat = TFile(fn_stat) print fn_full, fn_notau, fn_stat exp_ttree_full = exp_file_full.Get("limit") n = exp_ttree_full.Draw(draw_command, "2*deltaNLL>0 && 2*deltaNLL< 10", "L") exp_g_full = TGraph(n, exp_ttree_full.GetV2(), exp_ttree_full.GetV1()) exp_ttree_notau = exp_file_notau.Get("limit") n = exp_ttree_notau.Draw(draw_command, "2*deltaNLL>0 && 2*deltaNLL< 10", "L") exp_g_notau = TGraph(n, exp_ttree_notau.GetV2(), exp_ttree_notau.GetV1()) exp_ttree_stat = exp_file_stat.Get("limit") n = exp_ttree_stat.Draw(draw_command, "2*deltaNLL>0 && 2*deltaNLL< 10", "L") exp_g_stat = TGraph(n, exp_ttree_stat.GetV2(), exp_ttree_stat.GetV1()) exp_g_full.SetLineWidth(3) exp_g_notau.SetLineWidth(2) exp_g_stat.SetLineWidth(2) exp_g_stat.SetLineStyle(7) # removing the title #g_full .SetTitle(";\\text{fitted } #hat{r};") # ROOT latex cannot put a hat on a letter #exp_g_full .SetTitle(";\\text{fitted } r;-2\\Delta ln L") #exp_g_full .SetTitle(";\\text{fitted signal strength};-2\\Delta ln L") exp_g_full.SetTitle( ";\\text{visible cross section [pb]};-2\\Delta ln L") exp_g_notau.SetTitle(";;") exp_g_stat.SetTitle(";;") #exp_g_full .GetXaxis().SetRange(0.75, 1.35) #exp_g_notau.GetXaxis().SetRange(0.75, 1.35) #exp_g_stat .GetXaxis().SetRange(0.75, 1.35) exp_g_full.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0.75, 1.35) exp_g_notau.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0.75, 1.35) exp_g_stat.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0.75, 1.35) print "set up expectation plots", exp_g_full ## add X axis title #g_full .SetXTitle("fitted \\mu") #g_notau.SetXTitle("fitted \\mu") #g_stat .SetXTitle("fitted \\mu") leg = TLegend(0.6, 0.7, 0.89, 0.89) if plot_expected and plot_data: print "plotting both" exp_g_full.SetLineStyle(7) exp_g_full.Draw("ap") # this cast makes the following work exp_g_full.Draw("L") #exp_g_notau.Draw("L same") #exp_g_stat .Draw("L same") leg.AddEntry(exp_g_full, "expected", "L") #leg.AddEntry(exp_g_full, "exp. full unc.", "L") #leg.AddEntry(exp_g_stat, "exp. stat unc.", "L") g_full.Draw("L same") #g_notau.Draw("L same") #g_stat .Draw("L same") leg.AddEntry(g_full, "observed", "L") #leg.AddEntry(g_full, "fitted full unc.", "L") #leg.AddEntry(g_stat, "fitted stat unc.", "L") elif plot_data: print "plotting data" g_full.Draw("ap") # this cast makes the following work g_full.Draw("L") g_notau.Draw("L same") g_stat.Draw("L same") leg.AddEntry(g_full, "fitted full unc.", "L") leg.AddEntry(g_notau, "#splitline{fitted unc.}{w.o. tau ID}", "L") leg.AddEntry(g_stat, "fitted stat unc.", "L") elif plot_expected: print "plotting expected" exp_g_full.SetLineColor(43) exp_g_notau.SetLineColor(43) exp_g_stat.SetLineColor(43) exp_g_full.Draw("ap") exp_g_full.Draw("L") exp_g_notau.Draw("L same") exp_g_stat.Draw("L same") leg.AddEntry(exp_g_full, "exp. full unc.", "L") leg.AddEntry(exp_g_notau, "#splitline{exp. unc.}{w.o. tau ID}", "L") leg.AddEntry(exp_g_stat, "exp. stat unc.", "L") #left_title = TPaveText(0.1, 0.9, 0.4, 0.94, "brNDC") #left_title.AddText("CMS preliminary at 13 TeV") #left_title.SetTextFont(1) left_title = TPaveText(0.15, 0.82, 0.3, 0.88, "brNDC") left_title.AddText("CMS") left_title.SetTextFont(1) left_title.SetFillColor(0) left_title.Draw("same") #right_title = TPaveText(0.75, 0.9, 0.9, 0.94, "brNDC") #right_title.AddText("L = %s fb^{-1}" % (31.3 if chan == 'el' else 35.8)) #right_title.SetTextFont(132) #right_title.SetFillColor(0) right_title = TPaveText(0.5, 0.9, 0.9, 0.95, "brNDC") both = True if report_lumi: right_title.AddText("%s fb^{-1} (13 TeV)" % (35.8 if chan == 'el' else 35.8)) elif both: right_title.AddText("%s fb^{-1} (13 TeV)" % '35.8') else: right_title.AddText("(13 TeV)") right_title.SetTextFont(132) right_title.SetFillColor(0) right_title.Draw("same") leg.Draw("same") plotted = '' plotted += '_exp' if plot_expected else '' plotted += '_obs' if plot_data else '' c1.SaveAs("uncertainty_scans_%s_%s%s.png" % (args.fit_release, chan, plotted))
line1 = TLine(80.358, Min, 80.442, Min) line2 = TLine(80.358, Min + 1, 80.442, Min + 1) line3 = TLine(XMin, -1, XMin, Min + 1) line4 = TLine(XMin + 0.001 * stepEval, -1, XMin + 0.001 * stepEval, Min + 1) line5 = TLine(XMin - 0.001 * stepEval, -1, XMin - 0.001 * stepEval, Min + 1) # Save the plot c = TCanvas("c", "c", 800, 600) gStyle.SetPadBorderMode(1) gStyle.SetOptFit(1) Graph.Draw("AC*") line1.Draw("same") line2.Draw("same") line3.Draw("same") line4.Draw("same") line5.Draw("same") pt = TPaveText(0.14, 0.7, 0.4, 0.85, "NDC") pt.SetTextSize(0.04) pt.SetFillColor(0) pt.SetTextAlign(12) mwstring = "Mw = " + str(f1.GetMinimumX()) Statstring = "#delta^{Stat} = " + str(stepEval) + " MeV" pt.AddText(mwstring) pt.AddText(Statstring) pt.Draw("same") c.SaveAs("Chi2_Stat.pdf")
mglist.append( TMultiGraph('mg_' + str(listind), objs.GetTitle())) mglist[listind].Add(objarr[1][0][index], 'p') mglist[listind].Add(objs, 'p') mglist[listind].Draw('a') listind += 1 elif objs.InheritsFrom("TH1"): stacklist.append( THStack('stack_' + str(stackind), objs.GetTitle())) stacklist[stackind].Add(objarr[1][0][index]) stacklist[stackind].Add(objs) stacklist[stackind].Draw('nostack hist x0') stackind += 1 c3.Update() text = TPaveText(.05, .1, .95, .8) RMS1 = ROOT.TMath.RMS(240, array('d', objarr[0][0][1].GetY())) RMS2 = ROOT.TMath.RMS(240, array('d', objarr[1][0][1].GetY())) text.AddText("RMS (Mean) before calibration = " + str(RMS1)) text.AddText("RMS (Mean) after calibration = " + str(RMS2)) text.Draw() pixelvec = np.linspace(1, 288, num=288) TRIMDAC_graph = TGraphErrors(no_mpa_light * 48, pixelvec, final_TRIMDAC) TRIMDAC_graph.SetTitle("TRIMDACMATRIX; channel; TRIMDACVAL (a.U)") TRIMDAC_graph.SetMarkerStyle(6) TRIMDAC_graph.SetMarkerColor(2) TRIMDAC_graph.Draw("ap") c3.Update()
h_average.SetFillColor(7) h_day.SetFillColor(8) h_players.SetFillColor(9) h_day_vs_fdif_avg.SetMarkerStyle(3) h_day_vs_fdif_avg.SetMarkerColor(3) h_day_vs_fdif_avg.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Day") h_day_vs_fdif_avg.GetYaxis().SetTitle( "Average Fractional Difference between Player scores and Public scores") #h_day_vs_fdif_avg.SetStats(kFALSE) c_forgov = TCanvas("forgov", "Canvas for Gov. <3", 1000, 1000) h_fracdifference.GetXaxis().SetTitle("This is the x axis") h_fracdifference.GetYaxis().SetTitle("This is the y axis") h_fracdifference.Draw() text = TPaveText(0.1, 0.7, 0.3, 0.9) text.AddText("There is no z axis") text.Draw() c_forgov.BuildLegend() c_forgov.Print("canvasforgov.png") #tree_file = TFile("TreeSporcleAnalysis.root", "RECREATE") #tSporcleData.Write("SporcleData") #tree_file.Close() s_file = TFile("SporcleAnalysis.root", "RECREATE") h_difference.Write("Difference") h_fracdifference.Write("FractionalDifference") h_score.Write("Score") h_maximum.Write("Maximum") h_percentage.Write("Percentage")
def drawenergy1D(is2017, text_="Work in progress 2018", data=True): pt = TPaveText(0.0877181, 0.9, 0.9580537, 0.96, "brNDC") pt.SetBorderSize(0) pt.SetTextAlign(12) pt.SetFillStyle(0) pt.SetTextFont(52) cmstextSize = 0.07 preliminarytextfize = cmstextSize * 0.7 lumitextsize = cmstextSize * 0.7 pt.SetTextSize(cmstextSize) text = pt.AddText(0.063, 0.57, "#font[61]{CMS}") pt1 = TPaveText(0.0877181, 0.9, 0.9580537, 0.96, "brNDC") pt1.SetBorderSize(0) pt1.SetTextAlign(12) pt1.SetFillStyle(0) pt1.SetTextFont(52) pt1.SetTextSize(preliminarytextfize) text1 = pt1.AddText(0.215, 0.4, text_) pt2 = TPaveText(0.0877181, 0.9, 0.9580537, 0.96, "brNDC") pt2.SetBorderSize(0) pt2.SetTextAlign(12) pt2.SetFillStyle(0) pt2.SetTextFont(52) pt2.SetTextFont(42) pt2.SetTextSize(lumitextsize) # text3 = pt2.AddText(0.53,0.5,"#sqrt{s} = 13 TeV(2017)") #pavetext = '' #if is2017: pavetext = "#sqrt{s} = 13 TeV(2017)" #if not is2017: pavetext = "#sqrt{s} = 13 TeV(2018)" #text3 = pt2.AddText(0.61,0.5,pavetext) pavetext = '' if is2017 and data: pavetext = "(13 TeV)" if (not is2017) and data: pavetext = "(13 TeV)" if is2017 and not data: pavetext = "13 TeV" if (not is2017) and not data: pavetext = "13 TeV" if data: text3 = pt2.AddText(0.81, 0.5, pavetext) if not data: text3 = pt2.AddText(0.85, 0.5, pavetext) return [pt, pt1, pt2] return [pt, pt1, pt2]
def createPlots_(plot, geometry): """Cumulative material budget from simulation. Internal function that will produce a cumulative profile of the material budget inferred from the simulation starting from the single detectors that compose the tracker. It will iterate over all existing detectors contained in the DETECTORS dictionary. The function will automatically skip non-existent detectors. """ IBs = ["InnerServices", "Phase2PixelBarrel", "TIB", "TIDF", "TIDB"] theDirname = "Figures" if plot not in plots.keys(): print("Error: chosen plot name not known %s" % plot) return hist_X0_detectors = OrderedDict() hist_X0_IB = None hist_X0_elements = OrderedDict() for subDetector, color in DETECTORS.items(): h = get1DHisto_(subDetector, plots[plot].plotNumber, geometry) if not h: print('Warning: Skipping %s' % subDetector) continue hist_X0_detectors[subDetector] = h # Merge together the "inner barrel detectors". if subDetector in IBs: hist_X0_IB = assignOrAddIfExists_(hist_X0_IB, hist_X0_detectors[subDetector]) # category profiles for label, [num, color, leg] in hist_label_to_num.items(): if label is 'SUM': continue hist_label = get1DHisto_(subDetector, num + plots[plot].plotNumber, geometry) hist_X0_elements[label] = assignOrAddIfExists_( hist_X0_elements.setdefault(label, None), hist_label, ) hist_X0_elements[label].SetFillColor(color) cumulative_matbdg = TH1D("CumulativeSimulMatBdg", "CumulativeSimulMatBdg", hist_X0_IB.GetNbinsX(), hist_X0_IB.GetXaxis().GetXmin(), hist_X0_IB.GetXaxis().GetXmax()) cumulative_matbdg.SetDirectory(0) # colors for det, color in DETECTORS.items(): setColorIfExists_(hist_X0_detectors, det, color) # First Plot: BeamPipe + Pixel + TIB/TID + TOB + TEC + Outside # stack stackTitle_SubDetectors = "Tracker Material Budget;%s;%s" % ( plots[plot].abscissa, plots[plot].ordinate) stack_X0_SubDetectors = THStack("stack_X0", stackTitle_SubDetectors) for det, histo in hist_X0_detectors.items(): stack_X0_SubDetectors.Add(histo) cumulative_matbdg.Add(histo, 1) # canvas can_SubDetectors = TCanvas("can_SubDetectors", "can_SubDetectors", 800, 800) can_SubDetectors.Range(0, 0, 25, 25) can_SubDetectors.SetFillColor(kWhite) # Draw stack_X0_SubDetectors.SetMinimum(plots[plot].ymin) stack_X0_SubDetectors.SetMaximum(plots[plot].ymax) stack_X0_SubDetectors.Draw("HIST") stack_X0_SubDetectors.GetXaxis().SetLimits(plots[plot].xmin, plots[plot].xmax) # Legenda theLegend_SubDetectors = TLegend(0.180, 0.8, 0.98, 0.92) theLegend_SubDetectors.SetNColumns(3) theLegend_SubDetectors.SetFillColor(0) theLegend_SubDetectors.SetFillStyle(0) theLegend_SubDetectors.SetBorderSize(0) for det, histo in hist_X0_detectors.items(): theLegend_SubDetectors.AddEntry(histo, det, "f") theLegend_SubDetectors.Draw() # text text_SubDetectors = TPaveText(0.180, 0.727, 0.402, 0.787, "NDC") text_SubDetectors.SetFillColor(0) text_SubDetectors.SetBorderSize(0) text_SubDetectors.AddText("CMS Simulation") text_SubDetectors.SetTextAlign(11) text_SubDetectors.Draw() # Store can_SubDetectors.Update() if not checkFile_(theDirname): os.mkdir(theDirname) can_SubDetectors.SaveAs("%s/Tracker_SubDetectors_%s.pdf" % (theDirname, plot)) can_SubDetectors.SaveAs("%s/Tracker_SubDetectors_%s.root" % (theDirname, plot)) # Second Plot: BeamPipe + SEN + ELE + CAB + COL + SUP + OTH/AIR + # Outside stack stackTitle_Materials = "Tracker Material Budget;%s;%s" % ( plots[plot].abscissa, plots[plot].ordinate) stack_X0_Materials = THStack("stack_X0", stackTitle_Materials) stack_X0_Materials.Add(hist_X0_detectors["BeamPipe"]) for label, [num, color, leg] in hist_label_to_num.items(): if label is 'SUM': continue stack_X0_Materials.Add(hist_X0_elements[label]) # canvas can_Materials = TCanvas("can_Materials", "can_Materials", 800, 800) can_Materials.Range(0, 0, 25, 25) can_Materials.SetFillColor(kWhite) # Draw stack_X0_Materials.SetMinimum(plots[plot].ymin) stack_X0_Materials.SetMaximum(plots[plot].ymax) stack_X0_Materials.Draw("HIST") stack_X0_Materials.GetXaxis().SetLimits(plots[plot].xmin, plots[plot].xmax) # Legenda theLegend_Materials = TLegend(0.180, 0.8, 0.95, 0.92) theLegend_Materials.SetNColumns(3) theLegend_Materials.SetFillColor(0) theLegend_Materials.SetBorderSize(0) theLegend_Materials.AddEntry(hist_X0_detectors["BeamPipe"], "Beam Pipe", "f") for label, [num, color, leg] in hist_label_to_num.items(): if label is 'SUM': continue theLegend_Materials.AddEntry(hist_X0_elements[label], leg, "f") theLegend_Materials.Draw() # text text_Materials = TPaveText(0.180, 0.727, 0.402, 0.787, "NDC") text_Materials.SetFillColor(0) text_Materials.SetBorderSize(0) text_Materials.AddText("CMS Simulation") text_Materials.SetTextAlign(11) text_Materials.Draw() # Store can_Materials.Update() can_Materials.SaveAs("%s/Tracker_Materials_%s.pdf" % (theDirname, plot)) can_Materials.SaveAs("%s/Tracker_Materials_%s.root" % (theDirname, plot)) return cumulative_matbdg
def createPlots_(plot, compounddetectorname): """Cumulative material budget from simulation. Internal function that will produce a cumulative profile of the material budget inferred from the simulation starting from the single detectors that compose the tracker. It will iterate over all existing detectors contained in the DETECTORS dictionary. The function will automatically skip non-existent detectors. """ theDirname = "Figures" hist_X0_detectors = OrderedDict() if plot not in plots.keys(): print("Error: chosen plot name not known %s" % plot) return # We need to keep the file content alive for the lifetime of the # full function.... subDetectorFiles = [] hist_X0_elements = OrderedDict() prof_X0_elements = OrderedDict() for subDetector, color in DETECTORS.items(): subDetectorFilename = "matbdg_%s.root" % subDetector if not checkFile_(subDetectorFilename): print("Error opening file: %s" % subDetectorFilename) continue subDetectorFiles.append(TFile(subDetectorFilename)) subDetectorFile = subDetectorFiles[-1] print("Opening file: %s" % subDetectorFilename) prof_X0_XXX = subDetectorFile.Get("%d" % plots[plot].plotNumber) hist_X0_detectors[subDetector] = prof_X0_XXX.ProjectionX() # category profiles for label, [num, color, leg] in hist_label_to_num.items(): prof_X0_elements[label] = subDetectorFile.Get( "%d" % (num + plots[plot].plotNumber)) hist_X0_elements[label] = assignOrAddIfExists_( hist_X0_elements.setdefault(label, None), prof_X0_elements[label]) cumulative_matbdg = TH1D( "CumulativeSimulMatBdg", "CumulativeSimulMatBdg", hist_X0_detectors["BeamPipe"].GetNbinsX(), hist_X0_detectors["BeamPipe"].GetXaxis().GetXmin(), hist_X0_detectors["BeamPipe"].GetXaxis().GetXmax()) cumulative_matbdg.SetDirectory(0) # colors for det, color in DETECTORS.items(): setColorIfExists_(hist_X0_detectors, det, color) for label, [num, color, leg] in hist_label_to_num.items(): hist_X0_elements[label].SetFillColor(color) # First Plot: BeamPipe + Tracker + ECAL + HCal + HGCal + MB + MGNT # stack stackTitle_SubDetectors = "Material Budget;%s;%s" % (plots[plot].abscissa, plots[plot].ordinate) stack_X0_SubDetectors = THStack("stack_X0", stackTitle_SubDetectors) for det, histo in hist_X0_detectors.items(): stack_X0_SubDetectors.Add(histo) cumulative_matbdg.Add(histo, 1) # canvas can_SubDetectors = TCanvas("can_SubDetectors", "can_SubDetectors", 800, 800) #can_SubDetectors.Range(0,0,25,25) can_SubDetectors.SetFillColor(kWhite) # Draw stack_X0_SubDetectors.SetMinimum(plots[plot].ymin) stack_X0_SubDetectors.SetMaximum(plots[plot].ymax) stack_X0_SubDetectors.Draw("HIST") #stack_X0_SubDetectors.GetXaxis().SetLimits(plots[plot].xmin, plots[plot].xmax) # Legenda theLegend_SubDetectors = TLegend(0.130, 0.7, 0.93, 0.90) #(0.180,0.8,0.98,0.90) theLegend_SubDetectors.SetNColumns(2) theLegend_SubDetectors.SetFillColor(0) theLegend_SubDetectors.SetFillStyle(0) theLegend_SubDetectors.SetBorderSize(0) for det, histo in hist_X0_detectors.items(): theLegend_SubDetectors.AddEntry(histo, det, "f") theLegend_SubDetectors.Draw() # text text_SubDetectors = TPaveText(0.130, 0.627, 0.352, 0.687, "NDC") #(0.180,0.727,0.402,0.787,"NDC") text_SubDetectors.SetFillColor(0) text_SubDetectors.SetBorderSize(0) text_SubDetectors.AddText("CMS Simulation") text_SubDetectors.SetTextAlign(11) text_SubDetectors.Draw() # Store can_SubDetectors.Update() if not checkFile_(theDirname): os.mkdir(theDirname) can_SubDetectors.SaveAs("%s/MaterialBdg_%s_%s.pdf" % (theDirname, compounddetectorname, plot)) can_SubDetectors.SaveAs("%s/MaterialBdg_%s_%s.png" % (theDirname, compounddetectorname, plot)) can_SubDetectors.SaveAs("%s/MaterialBdg_%s_%s.root" % (theDirname, compounddetectorname, plot)) if plot == "x_vs_eta" or plot == "l_vs_eta": canname = "MBCan_1D_%s_%s_total" % (compounddetectorname, plot) can2 = TCanvas(canname, canname, 800, 800) can2.Range(0, 0, 25, 25) can2.SetFillColor(kWhite) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) gStyle.SetOptTitle(0) #title = TPaveLabel(.11,.95,.35,.99,"Total accumulated material budget","brndc") stack_X0_SubDetectors.GetStack().Last().SetMarkerStyle(34) stack_X0_SubDetectors.GetStack().Last().GetXaxis().SetRangeUser( 1.0, 3.5) stack_X0_SubDetectors.GetStack().Last().Draw() stack_X0_SubDetectors.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.15) can2.Update() can2.Modified() can2.SaveAs("%s/%s_%s_total_Zplus.pdf" % (theDirname, compounddetectorname, plot)) can2.SaveAs("%s/%s_%s_total_Zplus.png" % (theDirname, compounddetectorname, plot)) stack_X0_SubDetectors.GetStack().Last().GetXaxis().SetRangeUser( -3.5, -1.0) stack_X0_SubDetectors.GetStack().Last().Draw() stack_X0_SubDetectors.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.15) can2.Update() can2.Modified() can2.SaveAs("%s/%s_%s_total_Zminus.pdf" % (theDirname, compounddetectorname, plot)) can2.SaveAs("%s/%s_%s_total_Zminus.png" % (theDirname, compounddetectorname, plot)) #Also print them to give them exact numbers etavalues = [] matbudginX0 = [] matbudginIntLen = [] for binx in range( 0, stack_X0_SubDetectors.GetStack().Last().GetXaxis().GetNbins()): bincontent = stack_X0_SubDetectors.GetStack().Last().GetBinContent( binx) if bincontent == 0: continue etavalues.append( stack_X0_SubDetectors.GetStack().Last().GetBinCenter(binx)) if plot == "x_vs_eta": matbudginX0.append(bincontent) d1 = {'Eta': etavalues, 'MatBudInX0': matbudginX0} df1 = pd.DataFrame(data=d1).round(2) df1.to_csv( r'/afs/', sep=' ', index=False, header=False) #print df1 if plot == "l_vs_eta": matbudginIntLen.append(bincontent) d2 = {'Eta': etavalues, 'MatBudInIntLen': matbudginIntLen} df2 = pd.DataFrame(data=d2).round(2) df2.to_csv( r'/afs/', sep=' ', index=False, header=False) #print df2 return cumulative_matbdg
VI = n.array(b.P()) varrs = [PE, T, VI] j = 0 #Negative covariance - variable is inversely related!!!!! means = [n.mean(varrs[i]) for i in xrange(len(varrs))] names = ["Pot Energy", "Temp", "Virial"] corrs = [] corr = 0.0 CORR = [] tg = [TGraph() for i in xrange(len(varrs))] tc = [TCanvas() for i in xrange(len(varrs))] title = [ TPaveText(0.549569, 0.8241525, 0.950431, 0.8983051, "nbNDC") for t in xrange(3) ] for k in xrange(len(varrs)): corrs = [] for nn in xrange(0, 250): corr = 0.0 for i in xrange(len(varrs[k]) - nn): corr += (varrs[k][i + nn] - means[k]) * (varrs[k][i] - means[k]) corrs.append(corr / (len(varrs[k]) - nn)) tc[k].cd() for x in xrange(len(corrs)): tg[k].SetPoint(x, x, corrs[x] / corrs[0])
def main(): ############################################################################################# # Options # ############################################################################################# parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description= 'From given set of root files, make different histograms in a root file' ) parser.add_argument('-m', '--model', action='store', required=True, type=str, default='', help='NN model to be used') parser.add_argument('-f', '--file', action='store', required=False, type=str, default='', help='File (full path) to be used') parser.add_argument('--mA', action='store', required=False, type=int, default=0, help='Print as PDf only some of the mass config') parser.add_argument('--mH', action='store', required=False, type=int, default=0, help='Print as PDf only some of the mass config') parser.add_argument('-n', '--number', action='store', required=False, type=int, default=0, help='Number of events to build the likelihood map') parser.add_argument('--xmax', action='store', required=False, type=float, default=1500, help='Maximum values for mA in the graph') parser.add_argument('--ymax', action='store', required=False, type=float, default=1500, help='Maximum values for mH in the graph') parser.add_argument('--xmin', action='store', required=False, type=float, default=0, help='Minimum values for mA in the graph') parser.add_argument('--ymin', action='store', required=False, type=float, default=0, help='Minimum values for mH in the graph') parser.add_argument('--zmin', action='store', required=False, type=float, default=0, help='Minimum values for z axis in the graph') parser.add_argument('--zmax', action='store', required=False, type=float, default=None, help='Maximum values for z axis in the graph') parser.add_argument('--bins', action='store', required=False, type=int, default=100, help='Bins in both the graph axes') parser.add_argument( '--suffix', action='store', required=False, type=str, default='', help= 'Suffix to be added to output name (likelihood_suffix.pdf/.root), default to empty string' ) parser.add_argument('--PDF', action='store_true', required=False, default=False, help='Produce PDF from the root file') parser.add_argument( '--profile', action='store_true', required=False, default=False, help='Whether to make the profile likelihood starting from the TGraph2D' ) parser.add_argument('--zoom', action='store_true', required=False, default=False, help='Zoom the TGraph2D according to given boundaries') parser.add_argument( '--norm', action='store_true', required=False, default=False, help='Use the normalization by the visible cross section') parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', required=False, default=False, help='Show DEGUG logging') opt = parser.parse_args() # Logging # if opt.verbose: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') else: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') ############################################################################################# # Get objects in TFile # ############################################################################################# def getall(d, basepath="/"): "Generator function to recurse into a ROOT file/dir and yield (path, obj) pairs" for key in d.GetListOfKeys(): kname = key.GetName() if key.IsFolder(): for i in getall(d.Get(kname), basepath + kname + '/'): yield i else: yield basepath + kname, d.Get(kname) ############################################################################################# # Profile Likelihood # ############################################################################################# if opt.profile: # Path to graph # path_root = os.path.abspath( os.path.join('PDF', opt.model, 'likelihood_' + opt.suffix + '.root')) path_out = os.path.abspath(os.path.join('PDF', opt.model)) # Load TGraph2D # f = TFile(path_root) graphs = [(key, obj) for (key, obj) in getall(f)] for key, obj in graphs: if key.find('HToZA') == -1: continue mH_value = int(re.findall(r'\d+', key)[2]) mA_value = int(re.findall(r'\d+', key)[3]) if mH_value != opt.mH or mA_value != opt.mA: continue MakeProfile(graph=obj, mH=mH_value, mA=mA_value, N=10000, path=path_out, step=5, slices=10) sys.exit(0) ############################################################################################# # Make PDF # ############################################################################################# def ZoomHist(graph, bins, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax): x = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, bins) y = np.linspace(ymin, ymax, bins) X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y) X = X.ravel() Y = Y.ravel() valid = np.logical_and(np.greater_equal(Y, X), np.greater_equal(Y, 125)) X = X[valid] Y = Y[valid] N = X.shape[0] new_graph = TGraph2D(N) manager = enlighten.get_manager() pbar = manager.counter(total=N, desc='Progress', unit='Point') for i in range(N): content = graph.Interpolate(X[i], Y[i]) if content != 0 or Y[i] > 125: new_graph.SetPoint(i, X[i], Y[i], content) pbar.update() new_graph.SetTitle(graph.GetTitle()) return copy.deepcopy(new_graph) if opt.PDF or opt.zoom: path_root = os.path.abspath( os.path.join('PDF', opt.model, 'likelihood_' + opt.suffix + '.root')) path_pdf = os.path.abspath( os.path.join('PDF', opt.model, 'likelihood_' + opt.suffix + '.pdf')) path_zoom = os.path.abspath( os.path.join('PDF', opt.model, 'likelihood_' + opt.suffix + '_zoom.root')) f = TFile(path_root) if opt.PDF: c1 = TCanvas('c1', 'c1', 1100, 900) c1.SetGrid() #canvas = TCanvas('canvas','canvas',900,900) #canvas.Print(path_pdf+'[') c1.Print(path_pdf + '[') c1.SetTopMargin(0.05) c1.SetBottomMargin(0.18) c1.SetLeftMargin(0.18) c1.SetRightMargin(0.2) graphs = [(key, obj) for (key, obj) in getall(f)] graphs = sorted(graphs, key=lambda tup: tup[0]) # Sort according to name for i, (key, obj) in enumerate(graphs): mH_value = 0 mA_value = 0 if key.find('DY') != -1: title = 'DY' elif key.find('TT') != -1: title = 'TT' else: mH_value = int(re.findall(r'\d+', key)[2]) mA_value = int(re.findall(r'\d+', key)[3]) title = 'HToZATo2L2B_mH_%d_mA_%d' % (mH_value, mA_value) if (mH_value != opt.mH or mA_value != opt.mA) and opt.mA != 0 and opt.mH != 0: continue'Processing %s' % key) try: if opt.zoom: new_graph = ZoomHist(obj, opt.bins, opt.xmin, opt.xmax, opt.ymin, opt.ymax) if os.path.exists(path_zoom): root_file = TFile(path_zoom, "update") new_graph.Write(title, TObject.kOverwrite)"Zoomed Graph saved in %s" % path_zoom) else: root_file = TFile(path_zoom, "recreate") new_graph.Write(title)"Zoomed Graph replaced in %s" % path_zoom) if opt.PDF: base_hist = TH2F('', '', opt.bins, opt.xmin, opt.xmax, opt.bins, opt.ymin, opt.ymax) obj.SetHistogram(base_hist) hist = obj.GetHistogram() hist.SetContour(1000) hist.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(opt.xmin, opt.xmax) hist.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(opt.ymin, opt.ymax) hist.SetMinimum(max(opt.zmin, hist.GetMinimum())) amax = hist.GetMaximum() if opt.zmax is None else opt.zmax hist.SetMaximum(amax) hist.SetTitle(";M_{A} [GeV];M_{H} [GeV];-2 log L") hist.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.2) hist.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.2) hist.GetZaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.2) hist.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.04) hist.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.04) hist.GetZaxis().SetLabelSize(0.04) hist.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.06) hist.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.06) hist.GetZaxis().SetTitleSize(0.06) hist.Draw('colz') text = TPaveText(.55, .2, .80, .4, 'brNDC') text.AddText("Events with") text.AddText("M_{A} = %d GeV" % mA_value) text.AddText("M_{H} = %d GeV" % mH_value) text.SetTextColor(1) text.SetFillStyle(4100) text.Draw("same") #hist.SetTitle(obj.GetTitle()) c1.Print( path_pdf, 'Title:' + key.replace('.root', '').replace('/', '')) except Exception as e: logging.critical('Could not save %s due to error "%s"' % (key, e)) if opt.PDF: # canvas.Print(path_pdf) # canvas.Print(path_pdf+']')'PDF saved as %s' % path_pdf) c1.Print(path_pdf + ']') sys.exit() ############################################################################################# # Make likelihood map # ############################################################################################# # Get events from tree #'Looking at file %s' % opt.file) variables = [ 'lep1_p4.Pt()', 'lep1_p4.Eta()', 'lep2_p4.Pt()', 'lep2_p4.Eta()', 'lep2_p4.Phi()-lep1_p4.Phi()', 'jet1_p4.Pt()', 'jet1_p4.Eta()', 'jet1_p4.Phi()-lep1_p4.Phi()', 'jet2_p4.Pt()', 'jet2_p4.Eta()', 'jet2_p4.Phi()-lep1_p4.Phi()', 'met_pt', 'met_phi-lep1_p4.Phi()', ] events = Tree2Pandas(input_file=opt.file, variables=variables, n=opt.number).values if events.shape[0] == 0: raise RuntimeError("Did you forget -n ?") # Instantiate the map # likelihood = LikelihoodMap(name=opt.model, xmin=opt.xmin, ymin=opt.ymin, xmax=opt.xmax, ymax=opt.ymax, N=300, normalize=opt.norm) # Loop over events #'Adding events') manager = enlighten.get_manager() pbar = manager.counter(total=opt.number, desc='Progress', unit='Event') for i in range(events.shape[0]): likelihood.AddEvent(events[i, :]) pbar.update() manager.stop() # Make and print map # likelihood.MakeGraph(title=os.path.basename(opt.file), suffix=opt.suffix)
ccos = cos(2 * pi / numberOfPoints * i) + 1 esin = sin(2 * pi / (numberOfCircles * d) * j) + 1 x = j * (csin + esin) y = j * ccos z = j pm3d.SetPoint(i, x, y, z) # set marker size, color & style pm3d.SetMarkerSize(1) pm3d.SetMarkerColor(2 + (d == (j & d))) pm3d.SetMarkerStyle(3) # draw pm3d.Draw() # save a reference polymarkers.append(pm3d) gBenchmark.Show('tornado') ct = gBenchmark.GetCpuTime('tornado') timeStr = 'Execution time: %g sec.' % ct text = TPaveText(0.1, 0.81, 0.9, 0.97) text.SetFillColor(42) text.AddText('PyROOT example:') text.AddText(timeStr) text.Draw() sky.Update()
def plotTriggerEfficiency(self, passesHist, totalHist): if self._fout and self._canvas: passesHist = passesHist.Rebin(self._rebinFactor, "passesHist") totalHist = totalHist.Rebin(self._rebinFactor, "totalHist") self.makePassesConsistentWithTotal(passesHist, totalHist) metGraph = TGraphAsymmErrors(passesHist, totalHist) metGraph.SetEditable(0) pt = TPaveText(0.522556, 0.838501, 0.921053, 0.885013, "brNDC") pt.SetBorderSize(0) pt.SetFillStyle(0) pt.SetTextFont(42) pt.SetTextSize(0.0387597) pt.AddText(str(self._plotLabel)) cmsLabel = TPaveText(0.134085, 0.937984, 0.418546, 0.984496, "brNDC") cmsLabel.SetBorderSize(0) cmsLabel.SetFillStyle(0) cmsLabel.SetTextFont(62) cmsLabel.SetTextSize(0.0387597) cmsLabel.AddText("CMS Preliminary") lumiLabel = TPaveText(0.66416, 0.937339, 0.962406, 0.992894, "brNDC") lumiLabel.SetBorderSize(0) lumiLabel.SetFillStyle(0) lumiLabel.SetTextFont(42) lumiLabel.SetTextSize(0.0387597) lumiLabel.AddText(str(self._luminosityLabel)) setStyle(metGraph) metGraph.Draw("ap") setAxisStyle(metGraph, "E_{T}^{miss, no #mu} [GeV]", "trigger efficiency", (0.0, 500.0), (0.0, 1.4)) pt.Draw("same") cmsLabel.Draw("same") lumiLabel.Draw("same") self._canvas.Write("triggerEfficiency") else: print "A TFile and TCanvas must be added. Not making plots..."
def DrawOverlap(fileVec, histVec, titleVec, legendtext, pngname, logstatus=[0, 0], xRange=[-99999, 99999, 1]): gStyle.SetOptTitle(0) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) gStyle.SetTitleOffset(1.1, "Y") gStyle.SetTitleOffset(0.9, "X") gStyle.SetLineWidth(3) gStyle.SetFrameLineWidth(3) i = 0 histList_ = [] histList = [] histList1 = [] maximum = [] ## Legend leg = TLegend(0.1, 0.70, 0.89, 0.89) #,NULL,"brNDC"); leg.SetBorderSize(0) leg.SetNColumns(2) leg.SetLineColor(1) leg.SetLineStyle(1) leg.SetLineWidth(1) leg.SetFillColor(0) leg.SetFillStyle(0) leg.SetTextFont(22) leg.SetTextSize(0.045) c = TCanvas("c1", "c1", 0, 0, 500, 500) #c.SetBottomMargin(0.15) #c.SetLeftMargin(0.15) #c.SetLogy(0) #c.SetLogx(0) c1_2 = TPad("c1_2", "newpad", 0.04, 0.13, 1, 0.994) c1_2.Draw() print("you have provided " + str(len(fileVec)) + " files and " + str(len(histVec)) + " histograms to make a overlapping plot") print "opening rootfiles" c1_2.SetBottomMargin(0.13) c1_2.SetLogy(logstatus[1]) c1_2.SetLogx(logstatus[0]) ii = 0 inputfile = {} print str(fileVec[(len(fileVec) - 1)]) for ifile_ in range(len(fileVec)): print("opening file " + fileVec[ifile_]) inputfile[ifile_] = TFile(fileVec[ifile_]) print "fetching histograms" for ihisto_ in range(len(histVec)): print("printing histo " + str(histVec[ihisto_])) histo = inputfile[ifile_].Get(histVec[ihisto_]) #status_ = type(histo) is TGraphAsymmErrors histList.append(histo) # for ratio plot as they should nt be normalize histList1.append(histo) print histList[ii].Integral() #histList[ii].Rebin(xRange[2]) type_obj = type(histList[ii]) if (type_obj is TH1D) or (type_obj is TH1F) or ( type_obj is TH1) or (type_obj is TH1I): histList[ii].Rebin(5) histList[ii].Scale(1.0 / histList[ii].Integral()) maximum.append(histList[ii].GetMaximum()) maximum.sort() ii = ii + 1 print histList for ih in range(len(histList)): tt = type(histList[ih]) if logstatus[1] is 1: histList[ih].SetMaximum(maximum[(len(maximum) - 1)] * 25) #1.4 for log histList[ih].SetMinimum(1) #1.4 for log if logstatus[1] is 0: histList[ih].SetMaximum(maximum[(len(maximum) - 1)] * 1.2) #1.4 for log histList[ih].SetMinimum(0) #1.4 for log # print "graph_status =" ,(tt is TGraphAsymmErrors) # print "hist status =", (tt is TH1D) or (tt is TH1F) if ih == 0: if (tt is TGraphAsymmErrors) | (tt is TGraph): histList[ih].Draw("AL3") if (tt is TH1D) or (tt is TH1F) or (tt is TH1) or (tt is TH1I): histList[ih].Draw("CHIST") if ih > 0: #histList[ih].SetLineWidth(2) if (tt is TGraphAsymmErrors) | (tt is TGraph): histList[ih].Draw("L3 same") if (tt is TH1D) or (tt is TH1F) or (tt is TH1) or (tt is TH1I): histList[ih].Draw("CHISTsame") if (tt is TGraphAsymmErrors) | (tt is TGraph): histList[ih].SetMaximum(10000.0) histList[ih].SetMinimum(0.0001) histList[ih].SetMarkerColor(colors[ih]) histList[ih].SetLineColor(colors[ih]) histList[ih].SetLineWidth(3) histList[ih].SetLineStyle(linestyle[ih]) #histList[ih].SetMarkerStyle(markerStyle[ih]) #histList[ih].SetMarkerSize(1) leg.AddEntry(histList[ih], legendtext[ih], "PL") if (tt is TH1D) or (tt is TH1F) or (tt is TH1) or (tt is TH1I): histList[ih].SetLineStyle(linestyle[ih]) histList[ih].SetLineColor(colors[ih]) histList[ih].SetLineWidth(3) leg.AddEntry(histList[ih], legendtext[ih], "L") histList[ih].GetYaxis().SetTitle(titleVec[1]) histList[ih].GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.052) histList[ih].GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.88) histList[ih].GetYaxis().SetTitleFont(22) histList[ih].GetYaxis().SetLabelFont(22) histList[ih].GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(.052) histList[ih].GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(xRange[0], xRange[1]) histList[ih].GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.0000) histList[ih].GetXaxis().SetTitle(titleVec[0]) histList[ih].GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.052) histList[ih].GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.052) histList[ih].GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.04) histList[ih].GetXaxis().SetTitleFont(22) histList[ih].GetXaxis().SetTickLength(0.07) histList[ih].GetXaxis().SetLabelFont(22) histList[ih].GetYaxis().SetLabelFont(22) # histList[ih].GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(508) # i = i + 1 pt = TPaveText(0.0877181, 0.9, 0.9580537, 0.96, "brNDC") pt.SetBorderSize(0) pt.SetTextAlign(12) pt.SetFillStyle(0) pt.SetTextFont(22) pt.SetTextSize(0.046) text = pt.AddText(0.05, 0.5, "CMS Work in Progress") #text = pt.AddText(0.5,0.5,"12.9 fb^{-1} (13 TeV)") text = pt.AddText(0.8, 0.5, " (13 TeV)") text = pt.AddText(0.65, 0.5, " AK8") pt.Draw() # t2a = TPaveText(0.0877181,0.81,0.9580537,0.89,"brNDC") # t2a.SetBorderSize(0) # t2a.SetFillStyle(0) # t2a.SetTextSize(0.040) # t2a.SetTextAlign(12) # t2a.SetTextFont(62) # histolabel1= str(fileVec[(len(fileVec)-1)]) # text1 = t2a.AddText(0.06,0.5,"CMS Internal") # t2a.Draw() leg.Draw() # # outputdirname = 'MonoHPlots/' histname = outputdirname + pngname c.SaveAs(histname + '.png') c.SaveAs(histname + '.pdf') outputname = 'cp -r ' + outputdirname + ' /afs/' os.system(outputname)
## \author Wim Lavrijsen from ROOT import TCanvas, TPaveLabel, TPaveText, TText, TArrow, TLine from ROOT import gROOT c1 = TCanvas('c1', 'ROOT FilDir description', 700, 900) c1.Range(1, 1, 19, 24.5) title = TPaveLabel(4, 23, 16, 24.2, 'ROOT File/Directory/Key description') title.SetFillColor(16) title.Draw() keycolor = 42 dircolor = 21 objcolor = 46 file = TPaveText(2, 19, 6, 22) file.SetFillColor(39) file.Draw() file.SetTextSize(0.04) file.AddText('TFile') file.AddText('Header') arrow = TArrow(6, 20.5, 17, 20.5, 0.02, '|>') arrow.SetFillStyle(1001) arrow.SetLineWidth(2) arrow.Draw() free = TPaveText(8, 20, 11, 21) free.SetFillColor(18) free.Draw() free.AddText('First:Last') free2 = TPaveText(12, 20, 15, 21) free2.SetFillColor(18)
def DrawOverlap(fileVec, histVec, titleVec, legendtext, pngname, logstatus=[0, 0], xRange=[-99999, 99999, 1]): gStyle.SetOptTitle(0) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) gStyle.SetTitleOffset(1.1, "Y") gStyle.SetTitleOffset(0.9, "X") gStyle.SetLineWidth(3) gStyle.SetFrameLineWidth(3) i = 0 histList_ = [] histList = [] histList1 = [] maximum = [] ## Legend leg = TLegend(0.65, 0.650, 0.89, 0.85) #,NULL,"brNDC"); leg.SetBorderSize(0) # leg.SetNColumns(3) leg.SetLineColor(1) leg.SetLineStyle(1) leg.SetLineWidth(1) leg.SetFillColor(0) leg.SetFillStyle(0) leg.SetTextFont(22) leg.SetTextSize(0.045) c = TCanvas("c1", "c1", 0, 0, 500, 500) #c.SetBottomMargin(0.15) #c.SetLeftMargin(0.15) #c.SetLogy(0) #c.SetLogx(0) c1_2 = TPad("c1_2", "newpad", 0., 0.30, 1, 0.994) c1_2.Draw() c1_1 = TPad("c1_1", "newpad1", 0, 0.02, 1, 0.30) c1_1.Draw() print("you have provided " + str(len(fileVec)) + " files and " + str(len(histVec)) + " histograms to make a overlapping plot") print "opening rootfiles" c1_2.SetBottomMargin(0.013) c1_2.SetLogy(logstatus[1]) c1_2.SetLogx(logstatus[0]) ii = 0 inputfile = {} print str(fileVec[(len(fileVec) - 1)]) for ifile_ in range(len(fileVec)): print("opening file " + fileVec[ifile_]) inputfile[ifile_] = TFile(fileVec[ifile_]) print "fetching histograms" for ihisto_ in range(len(histVec)): print("printing histo " + str(histVec[ihisto_])) histo = inputfile[ifile_].Get(histVec[ihisto_]) #status_ = type(histo) is TGraphAsymmErrors histList.append(histo) # for ratio plot as they should nt be normalize histList1.append(histo) print histList[ii].Integral() histList[ii].Rebin(xRange[2]) print('after', histList[ii].Integral(0, -1)) histList[ii].Scale(1.0 / histList[ii].Integral(0, -1)) maximum.append(histList[ii].GetMaximum()) maximum.sort() ii = ii + 1 print histList for ih in range(len(histList)): tt = type(histList[ih]) if logstatus[1] is 1: histList[ih].SetMaximum(maximum[(len(maximum) - 1)] * 25) #1.4 for log histList[ih].SetMinimum(0.001) #1.4 for log if logstatus[1] is 0: histList[ih].SetMaximum(maximum[(len(maximum) - 1)] * 1.2) #1.4 for log histList[ih].SetMinimum(0) #1.4 for log # print "graph_status =" ,(tt is TGraphAsymmErrors) # print "hist status =", (tt is TH1D) or (tt is TH1F) if ih == 0: if tt is TGraphAsymmErrors: histList[ih].Draw("AP") if (tt is TH1D) or (tt is TH1F) or (tt is TH1) or (tt is TH1I): histList[ih].Draw("hist") if ih > 0: #histList[ih].SetLineWidth(2) if tt is TGraphAsymmErrors: histList[ih].Draw("P same") if (tt is TH1D) or (tt is TH1F) or (tt is TH1) or (tt is TH1I): histList[ih].Draw("hist same") if tt is TGraphAsymmErrors: histList[ih].SetMaximum(1.4) histList[ih].SetMarkerColor(colors[ih]) histList[ih].SetLineColor(colors[ih]) histList[ih].SetMarkerStyle(markerStyle[ih]) histList[ih].SetMarkerSize(1) leg.AddEntry(histList[ih], legendtext[ih], "PL") if (tt is TH1D) or (tt is TH1F) or (tt is TH1) or (tt is TH1I): histList[ih].SetLineStyle(linestyle[ih]) histList[ih].SetLineColor(colors[ih]) histList[ih].SetLineWidth(3) leg.AddEntry(histList[ih], legendtext[ih], "L") histList[ih].GetYaxis().SetTitle(titleVec[1]) histList[ih].GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.062) histList[ih].GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.78) histList[ih].GetYaxis().SetTitleFont(22) histList[ih].GetYaxis().SetLabelFont(22) histList[ih].GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(.062) histList[ih].GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(xRange[0], xRange[1]) histList[ih].GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.0000) histList[ih].GetXaxis().SetTitle(titleVec[0]) histList[ih].GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.052) histList[ih].GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.052) histList[ih].GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.04) histList[ih].GetXaxis().SetTitleFont(22) histList[ih].GetXaxis().SetTickLength(0.07) histList[ih].GetXaxis().SetLabelFont(22) histList[ih].GetYaxis().SetLabelFont(22) # histList[ih].GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(508) # i = i + 1 pt = TPaveText(0.0877181, 0.91, 0.9580537, 0.95, "brNDC") pt.SetBorderSize(0) pt.SetTextAlign(12) pt.SetFillStyle(0) pt.SetTextFont(22) pt.SetTextSize(0.046) # text = pt.AddText(0.05,0.5,"ATLAS Internal ") text = pt.AddText(0.65, 1.0, "#sqrt{s} = 13 TeV (36fb^{-1})") pt.Draw() t2a = TPaveText(0.277181, 0.81, 0.6780537, 0.89, "brNDC") t2a.SetBorderSize(0) t2a.SetFillStyle(0) t2a.SetTextSize(0.046) t2a.SetTextAlign(12) t2a.SetTextFont(22) histolabel1 = str(fileVec[(len(fileVec) - 1)]) text1 = t2a.AddText(0.065, 0.5, "ATLAS Internal") t2a.Draw() leg.Draw() # h_inc = histList1[0].Clone() h_vbs = histList1[1].Clone() h_qcd = histList1[2].Clone() h_int = histList1[3].Clone() h_inc.Add(h_vbs, -1) h_inc.Add(h_qcd, -1) ## ratio plot hdivide_1 = h_int.Clone() hdivide_1.Divide(h_vbs) # hdivide_1.GetYaxis().SetTitle(str(legendtext[(len(legendtext)-1)])) hdivide_1.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.11) hdivide_1.GetYaxis().SetTitle("ratio") hdivide_1.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.43) hdivide_1.GetYaxis().SetTitleFont(22) hdivide_1.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.13) hdivide_1.GetYaxis().CenterTitle() hdivide_1.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.14) hdivide_1.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.89) hdivide_1.GetXaxis().SetTitleFont(22) hdivide_1.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.14) hdivide_1.GetYaxis().SetLabelFont(22) # c1_1.Range(-7.862408,-629.6193,53.07125,486.5489) c1_1.SetFillColor(0) c1_1.SetTicky(1) c1_1.SetTopMargin(0.0510) c1_1.SetBottomMargin(0.3006666678814) c1_1.SetFrameFillStyle(0) c1_1.SetFrameBorderMode(0) c1_1.SetFrameFillStyle(0) c1_1.SetFrameBorderMode(0) c1_1.SetLogy(0) hdivide_1.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(xRange[0], xRange[1]) hdivide_1.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(505) c1_1.Draw() c1_1.SetGridy() hdivide_1.SetMarkerStyle(20) hdivide_1.SetMarkerColor(2) hdivide_1.SetMarkerSize(1) hdivide_1.Draw("P") hdivide_2 = h_int.Clone() hdivide_2.Divide(h_qcd) hdivide_2.SetMarkerStyle(21) hdivide_2.SetMarkerColor(4) hdivide_2.SetMarkerSize(1) hdivide_2.Draw("Psame") hdivide_3 = h_int.Clone() hdivide_3.Divide(h_inc) hdivide_3.SetMarkerStyle(22) hdivide_3.SetMarkerColor(1) hdivide_3.SetMarkerSize(1) hdivide_3.Draw("Psame") hdivide_1.SetMinimum(-1.01) hdivide_1.SetMaximum(3.20) outputdirname = 'plots/' histname = outputdirname + pngname c.SaveAs(histname + '.png') c.SaveAs(histname + '.pdf') c.SaveAs(histname + '.root') c.SaveAs(histname + '.C')
def producePlots(filelist_handle,identifier): """ produce plots for filelist """ files = {} plots = [] failures = [] for line in filelist_handle.readlines(): array = line.split() if len(array) > 3 : name = str(array[0]) size = float(float(array[1])/1000000000000) events = int(array[2]) run = int(array[3]) lumi = int(array[4]) if array[-1] != 'GMT' : failures.append(line) else : thetime = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(' '.join(array[5:]),'%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z'))) if name in files.keys(): files[name]['lumi'].append(lumi) else : entry = {} entry['size'] = size entry['events'] = events entry['run'] = [run] entry['lumi'] = [lumi] entry['time'] = thetime files[name] = entry if debug == 1 : for name in files.keys(): print name,'size:',files[name]['size'],'events:',files[name]['events'],'runs:',','.join(map(str,files[name]['run'])),'lumis:',','.join(map(str,files[name]['lumi'])),'date:',files[name]['time'] # print failures if len(failures) > 0 : print "" print "failures:" for line in failures : print line # define time axis times = [ files[name]['time'] for name in files ] times.sort() first_day = times[0]-times[0]%86400 last_day = times[len(times)-1]+(86400-times[len(times)-1]%86400) days = int((last_day - first_day)/86400.) # determine x axis division if days%10 == 0: bigdiv = 10 smalldiv = days/10 elif days%9 == 0: bigdiv = 9 smalldiv = days/9 elif days%8 == 0: bigdiv = 8 smalldiv = days/8 elif days%7 == 0: bigdiv = 7 smalldiv = days/7 elif days%6 == 0: bigdiv = 6 smalldiv = days/6 elif days%5 == 0: bigdiv = 5 smalldiv = days/5 elif days%4 == 0: bigdiv = 4 smalldiv = days/4 elif days%3 == 0: bigdiv = 3 smalldiv = days/3 elif days%2 == 0: bigdiv = 2 smalldiv = days/2 else : bigdiv = 1 smalldiv = days gROOT.SetBatch(1) myStyle = TStyle("Default","Default");; myStyle.SetFrameBorderMode(0); myStyle.SetCanvasBorderMode(0); myStyle.SetPadBorderMode(0); myStyle.SetPadColor(0); myStyle.SetCanvasColor(0); myStyle.SetTitleFillColor(0); myStyle.SetTitleBorderSize(1); myStyle.SetStatColor(0); myStyle.SetStatBorderSize(1); myStyle.SetOptStat(0); myStyle.SetTimeOffset(first_day+86400) c = TCanvas() c.SetLeftMargin(0.171) c.SetRightMargin(0.04) c.SetBottomMargin(0.093) c.SetTopMargin(0.08) c.SetGridx(1) c.SetGridy(1) # events histogram print 'Drawing histograms for average number of events per day' h_events = TH1D("NumberOfEvents" + identifier,"",days,0.,days*86400.) h_events.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Number of events [1/24h]") h_events.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.08) h_events.GetYaxis().SetTitleColor(4) h_events.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.14) h_events.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.07) h_events.GetYaxis().SetLabelOffset(0.01) h_events.GetXaxis().SetTimeDisplay(1) h_events.GetXaxis().SetTimeFormat("%m/%d") h_events.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05) h_events.GetXaxis().SetLabelOffset(0.035) h_events.GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(smalldiv * 100 + bigdiv,0) h_events.SetLineColor(4) h_events.SetLineWidth(3) total_events = 0 for name in files.keys(): total_events += files[name]['events'] h_events.Fill(files[name]['time']-first_day,files[name]['events']) h_events.SetMaximum(h_events.GetMaximum()*1.3) h_events.Draw() t_events = TPaveText(0.2,0.75,0.9,0.9,'brNDC') t_events.AddText('CMS 2010: %s' % identifier) t_events.AddText('Total number of events: %.2E' % (total_events)) t_events.AddText('Last updated on: %s' % (timestring)) t_events.SetFillColor(0) t_events.SetFillStyle(0) t_events.SetBorderSize(0) t_events.SetTextAlign(12) t_events.Draw() name = timefilestring + '_events' + identifier.replace('/','_') + '.png' plots.append(name) c.SaveAs(name) c.Clear() # rate histogram print 'Drawing histograms for average rate per day' h_rate = TH1D("Rate" + identifier,"",days,0.,days*86400.) h_rate.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Average Rate [Hz/24h]") h_rate.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.08) h_rate.GetYaxis().SetTitleColor(4) h_rate.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.14) h_rate.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.07) h_rate.GetYaxis().SetLabelOffset(0.01) h_rate.GetXaxis().SetTimeDisplay(1) h_rate.GetXaxis().SetTimeFormat("%m/%d") h_rate.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05) h_rate.GetXaxis().SetLabelOffset(0.035) h_rate.GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(smalldiv * 100 + bigdiv,0) h_rate.SetLineColor(4) h_rate.SetLineWidth(3) h_rate_max = 0. for bin in range(days): rate = h_events.GetBinContent(bin+1)/24./3600. if rate > h_rate_max : h_rate_max = rate h_rate.SetBinContent(bin+1,rate) h_rate.SetMaximum(h_rate_max*1.3) h_rate.Draw() t_rate = TPaveText(0.2,0.75,0.9,0.9,'brNDC') t_rate.AddText('CMS 2010: %s' % identifier) t_rate.AddText('Average rate: %.2f Hz' % (float(total_events)/float(days)/24./3600.)) t_rate.AddText('Last updated on: %s' % (timestring)) t_rate.SetFillColor(0) t_rate.SetFillStyle(0) t_rate.SetBorderSize(0) t_rate.SetTextAlign(12) t_rate.Draw() name = timefilestring + '_rate' + identifier.replace('/','_') + '.png' plots.append(name) c.SaveAs(name) c.Clear() # size histogram print 'Drawing histograms for average size per day' h_size = TH1D("Size"+identifier,"",days,0.,days*86400.) h_size.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Size [TB/24h]") h_size.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.08) h_size.GetYaxis().SetTitleColor(4) h_size.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.12) h_size.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.07) h_size.GetYaxis().SetLabelOffset(0.01) h_size.GetXaxis().SetTimeDisplay(1) h_size.GetXaxis().SetTimeFormat("%m/%d") h_size.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.05) h_size.GetXaxis().SetLabelOffset(0.035) h_size.GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(smalldiv * 100 + bigdiv,0) h_size.SetLineColor(4) h_size.SetLineWidth(3) total_size = 0. for name in files.keys(): total_size += files[name]['size'] h_size.Fill(files[name]['time']-first_day,files[name]['size']) h_size.SetMaximum(h_size.GetMaximum()*1.3) h_size.Draw() t_size = TPaveText(0.2,0.75,0.9,0.9,'brNDC') t_size.AddText('CMS 2010: %s' % identifier) t_size.AddText('Total size: %.2f TB' % (total_size)) t_size.AddText('Last updated on: %s' % (timestring)) t_size.SetFillColor(0) t_size.SetFillStyle(0) t_size.SetBorderSize(0) t_size.SetTextAlign(12) t_size.Draw() #raw_input('Press Enter...') name = timefilestring + '_size' + identifier.replace('/','_') + '.png' plots.append(name) c.SaveAs(name) c.Clear() return plots
def makeCombinedEtaPlot(self, tight=False): hist = self.makeL1TimeVsEtaPlot(('tight_' if tight else '') + 'dtOnly_bxidVsEta')[2] countsInL1 = [] for x in np.arange(-.95, 1.05, 0.1): totalCounter = 0 zeroCount = 0 for y in range(-2, 3): totalCounter += hist.GetBinContent(hist.FindBin(x, y)) if y == 0: zeroCount = hist.GetBinContent(hist.FindBin(x, y)) countsInL1.append({ 'total': totalCounter, 'zero': zeroCount, 'eta': x }) #Graph for results graph1 = TEfficiency(hist.GetName(), "", 8, -9.195, -.5) graph2 = TEfficiency(hist.GetName(), "", 8, .5, 9.195) for item in countsInL1: if item['total'] == 0: continue print item['total'], item['zero'], item['eta'] if item['eta'] < 0: graph1.SetTotalEvents( graph1.FindFixBin(-0.5 + item['eta'] / 0.087), int(item['total'])) graph1.SetPassedEvents( graph1.FindFixBin(-0.5 + item['eta'] / 0.087), int(item['zero'])) else: graph2.SetTotalEvents( graph2.FindFixBin(0.5 + item['eta'] / 0.087), int(item['total'])) graph2.SetPassedEvents( graph2.FindFixBin(0.5 + item['eta'] / 0.087), int(item['zero'])) histHo = None if tight: histHo = self.plotTightHoTimeVsEta()[3][1] else: histHo = self.plotHoTimeVsEta()[3][1] histHo.SetTitle(('Tight ' if tight else '') + 'Unmatched DT + HO') canvas = TCanvas( 'combinedPlot' + ('Tight ' if tight else '') + hist.GetName(), 'combinedPlot') histHo.Draw('ap') canvas.Update(), 0) histHo.SetMarkerStyle(2) histHo.SetLineColor(colorRwthDarkBlue) histHo.SetMarkerColor(colorRwthDarkBlue) histHo.GetPaintedGraph().GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(-12, 12) histHo.GetPaintedGraph().GetXaxis().SetLabelColor(colorRwthDarkBlue) histHo.GetPaintedGraph().GetXaxis().SetTitleColor(colorRwthDarkBlue) histHo.GetPaintedGraph().GetXaxis().SetAxisColor(colorRwthDarkBlue) yMax = gPad.GetFrame().GetY2() yMin = gPad.GetFrame().GetY1() #Print average Fraction excluding iEta +/-2 x = Double(0) y = Double(0) mean = 0 var = 0 for i in range(0, histHo.GetPaintedGraph().GetN()): histHo.GetPaintedGraph().GetPoint(i, x, y) if abs(x) == 2: continue mean += y var += histHo.GetPaintedGraph().GetErrorY( i) * histHo.GetPaintedGraph().GetErrorY(i) mean /= histHo.GetPaintedGraph().GetN() - 2 sigma = sqrt(var / (histHo.GetPaintedGraph().GetN() - 2)) self.debug( "Average fraction excluding iEta +/- 2 %s: %5.2f%% +/- %5.2f%%" % ('[Tight]' if tight else '', mean * 100, sigma * 100)) nTotal = 0 nPassed = 0 for item in countsInL1: if fabs(item['eta']) == 2 or fabs(item['eta'] == 0): continue nTotal += item['total'] nPassed += item['zero'] #Print again with ClopperPearson uncertainty, the counts are for L1!!! mean = nPassed / nTotal * 100 sigmaPlus = TEfficiency.ClopperPearson(int(nTotal), int(nPassed), .68, 1) * 100 - mean sigmaMinus = mean - TEfficiency.ClopperPearson( int(nTotal), int(nPassed), .68, 0) * 100 #self.debug("Average fraction excluding iEta +/- 2 %s with Clop.Pear.: %5.2f%% +%5.2f%% -%5.2f%%" # % ('[Tight]' if tight else '',mean,sigmaPlus,sigmaMinus)) #Left axis part f1 = TF1("f1", "x", -0.87, 0) A1 = TGaxis(-10, yMax, -0.5, yMax, "f1", 010, "-") A1.SetLineColor(colorRwthRot) A1.SetLabelColor(colorRwthRot) A1.Draw() #Right axis part f2 = TF1("f2", "x", 0, 0.87) A2 = TGaxis(0.5, yMax, 10, yMax, "f2", 010, "-") A2.SetLineColor(colorRwthRot) A2.SetLabelColor(colorRwthRot) A2.Draw() #Box for shading out 0 box = TBox(-.5, yMin, 0.5, yMax) box.SetLineColor(colorRwthDarkGray) box.SetFillColor(colorRwthDarkGray) box.SetFillStyle(3013) box.Draw('same') #Left L1 eta graph1.SetMarkerColor(colorRwthRot) graph1.SetLineColor(colorRwthRot) graph1.SetMarkerStyle(20) graph1.Draw('same,p') #Right L1Eta graph2.SetMarkerColor(colorRwthRot) graph2.SetLineColor(colorRwthRot) graph2.SetMarkerStyle(20) graph2.Draw('same,p') #Label for extra axis axisLabel = TPaveText(0.83, 0.85, 0.89, 0.9, "NDC") axisLabel.AddText('#eta_{L1}') axisLabel.SetBorderSize(0) axisLabel.SetFillStyle(0) axisLabel.SetTextColor(colorRwthRot) axisLabel.SetTextSize(0.05) axisLabel.Draw() #Legend legend = getLegend(x1=0.1, y1=0.1, x2=0.4, y2=.35) legend.AddEntry(histHo, 'HO #in #pm12.5 ns', 'pe') legend.AddEntry(graph1, ('Tight ' if tight else '') + 'L1 BXID = 0', 'pe') legend.Draw() canvas.Update() self.storeCanvas(canvas, "combinedFractionL1AndHo" + ('Tight' if tight else ''), drawMark=False) return histHo, graph1, canvas, A1, f1, A2, f2, box, graph2, axisLabel, legend
print "******" print "mistag SF:", SF SFfinal = round(SF, 2) SFtext = "SF = "+str(SFfinal) sfMerge.SetLineColor(797) sfMerge.SetMarkerColor(797) sfMerge.SetLineWidth(3) sfMerge.SetMaximum(1.2) sfMerge.SetMinimum(0.6) sfMerge.GetXaxis().SetTitle(" ") sfMerge.GetXaxis().SetLabelOffset(999) sfMerge.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0) sfMerge.GetXaxis().SetTickLength(0) sfMerge.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.1) sfMerge.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(404) sfMerge.Draw("e1hist") pt = TPaveText(0.21, 0.72, 0.31, 0.8, "brNDC") pt.SetBorderSize(0) pt.SetTextAlign(12) pt.SetFillStyle(0) pt.SetTextFont(42) pt.SetTextSize(0.1) pt.AddText(SFtext) pt.Draw() c3.SaveAs("Merge_SF.pdf")
if 'pt' in params['FILE_PREFIX']: xplot_range = [ params['PT_BINS'][0], params['PT_BINS'][len(params['PT_BINS']) - 1] ] else: xplot_range = [ params['CT_BINS'][0], params['CT_BINS'][len(params['CT_BINS']) - 1] ] frame = gPad.DrawFrame( xplot_range[0], rangePad[0], xplot_range[1], rangePad[1], label['title'] + ";" + xlabel + ";" + label[meas][0] + "[ GeV" + label[meas][1] + "]") pinfo2 = TPaveText(0.5, 0.65, 0.88, 0.86, "NDC") pinfo2.SetBorderSize(0) pinfo2.SetFillStyle(0) pinfo2.SetTextAlign(22) pinfo2.SetTextFont(43) pinfo2.SetTextSize(33) string1 = '#bf{ALICE Internal}' string2 = 'Pb-Pb #sqrt{#it{s}_{NN}} = 5.02 TeV, 0-90%' pinfo2.AddText(string1) pinfo2.AddText(string2) string = label[meas][0] + ' = {:.2f} #pm {:.2f} '.format( pol0.GetParameter(0) * 10**(3), pol0.GetParError(0) * 10**(3)) + 'MeV' + label[meas][1] if bkgModels == 'pol2': pol2_meas.append( [pol0.GetParameter(0),
def Fitting(scalestring,Fit_id): list_scale = scalestring.split(",") # Set up canvas, remove titles and stats boxes gStyle.SetOptTitle(0) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) c = TCanvas("c","c",1600,800) # Legend mylegend = TLegend(1.0,0.3,0.75,1.0,"Legend") mylegend.SetTextSize(0.04) dict_scale_hist= {} dict_gaus_fit= {} dict_bukin_fit= {} colorcounter= 1 for scale in list_scale: histname = "Higgs_"+scale+"_M" dict_scale_hist[scale] = file.Get(histname) h=dict_scale_hist[scale] xmin = h.GetMean()-3*h.GetRMS() xmax = h.GetMean()+3*h.GetRMS() # If error here, check has: import math dict_gaus_fit[scale] = TF1 ("Gauss",Gauss(),xmin,xmax,3) dict_bukin_fit[scale] = TF1 ("Bukin",Bukin(),xmin,xmax,6) for scale in list_scale: h=dict_scale_hist[scale] if Fit_id==1: print print "The ROOT Gaussian fit produces: " h.Fit("gaus","0 +") # zero option to not draw print print "The user defined Gaussian fit produces: " dict_gaus_fit[scale].SetParName(0,"User_Constant") dict_gaus_fit[scale].SetParName(1,"User_Mean") dict_gaus_fit[scale].SetParName(2,"User_Sigma") dict_gaus_fit[scale].SetLineColor(colorcounter) dict_gaus_fit[scale].SetParameters(100, h.GetMean(),h.GetRMS()) # Add legend entry for Gaussian mylegend.AddEntry(dict_gaus_fit[scale],scale+"_Gauss","l") if DrawBothHistAndFit: h.Fit(dict_gaus_fit[scale],"+ R") f = h.GetFunction("Gauss") f.SetLineColor(colorcounter) if DrawJustFit: h.Fit(dict_gaus_fit[scale],"RQ","RO SAME",xmin,xmax) f = h.GetFunction("Gauss") f.SetLineColor(colorcounter) elif Fit_id==2: print print "The Bukin fit produces: " dict_bukin_fit[scale].SetParameters(0, h.GetMean(), h.GetRMS(), 0, 0, 0) dict_bukin_fit[scale].SetLineColor(colorcounter) # Add legend entry mylegend.AddEntry(dict_bukin_fit[scale],scale+"_Bukin","l") if DrawBothHistAndFit: h.Fit(dict_bukin_fit[scale],"+ R") f = h.GetFunction("Bukin") f.SetLineColor(colorcounter) if DrawJustFit: h.Fit(dict_bukin_fit[scale],"RQ","RO SAME",xmin,xmax) f = h.GetFunction("Bukin") f.SetLineColor(colorcounter) colorcounter += 1 for scale in list_scale: h=dict_scale_hist[scale] if DrawBothHistAndFit: h.Draw("same") if DrawJustFit: h.Draw("func same") #Set Canvas Title pave = TPaveText(0.00,0.9,0.3,1.0,"tblrNDC") pave.SetTextColor(1) pave.SetTextSize(0.05) pave.AddText("Histogram Fits") pave.Draw("same") # Draw legend mylegend.Draw("same") c.Print("output/fitted.pdf")
def createPlots2D_(plot, compounddetectorname): """2D material budget map to know exactly what we are adding. """ #IBs = ["InnerServices", "Phase2PixelBarrel", "TIB", "TIDF", "TIDB"] theDirname = "Figures" hist_X0_detectors = OrderedDict() if plot not in plots.keys(): print("Error: chosen plot name not known %s" % plot) return # We need to keep the file content alive for the lifetime of the # full function.... subDetectorFiles = [] hist_X0_elements = OrderedDict() prof_X0_elements = OrderedDict() for subDetector, color in DETECTORS.items(): subDetectorFilename = "matbdg_%s.root" % subDetector if not checkFile_(subDetectorFilename): print("Error opening file: %s" % subDetectorFilename) continue subDetectorFiles.append(TFile(subDetectorFilename)) subDetectorFile = subDetectorFiles[-1] print("Opening file: %s" % subDetectorFilename) prof_X0_XXX = subDetectorFile.Get("%d" % plots[plot].plotNumber) #hist_X0_detectors[subDetector] = prof_X0_XXX hist_X0_detectors[subDetector] = prof_X0_XXX.ProjectionXY("_pxy", "B") print(subDetector) # First Plot: BeamPipe + Tracker + ECAL + HCal + HGCal + MB + MGNT # Create "null" histo minX = 1.03 * hist_X0_detectors["BeamPipe"].GetXaxis().GetXmin() maxX = 1.03 * hist_X0_detectors["BeamPipe"].GetXaxis().GetXmax() minY = 1.03 * hist_X0_detectors["BeamPipe"].GetYaxis().GetXmin() maxY = 1.03 * hist_X0_detectors["BeamPipe"].GetYaxis().GetXmax() frame = TH2F("frame", "", 10, minX, maxX, 10, minY, maxY) frame.SetMinimum(0.1) frame.SetMaximum(10.) frame.GetXaxis().SetTickLength(frame.GetXaxis().GetTickLength() * 0.50) frame.GetYaxis().SetTickLength(frame.GetXaxis().GetTickLength() / 4.) hist2d_X0_total = hist_X0_detectors["BeamPipe"] # stack hist2dTitle = ( '%s %s;%s;%s;%s' % (plots[plot].quotaName, "All detectors", plots[plot].abscissa, plots[plot].ordinate, plots[plot].quotaName)) hist2d_X0_total.SetTitle(hist2dTitle) frame.SetTitle(hist2dTitle) frame.SetTitleOffset(0.5, "Y") #If here you put different histomin,histomaxin plot_utils you won't see anything #for the material plots. if plots[plot].histoMin != -1.: hist2d_X0_total.SetMinimum(plots[plot].histoMin) if plots[plot].histoMax != -1.: hist2d_X0_total.SetMaximum(plots[plot].histoMax) # # canvas can_SubDetectors = TCanvas("can_SubDetectors", "can_SubDetectors", 2480 + 248, 580 + 58 + 58) can_SubDetectors.SetTopMargin(0.1) can_SubDetectors.SetBottomMargin(0.1) can_SubDetectors.SetLeftMargin(0.04) can_SubDetectors.SetRightMargin(0.06) can_SubDetectors.SetFillColor(kWhite) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) gStyle.SetTitleFillColor(0) gStyle.SetTitleBorderSize(0) gStyle.SetOptTitle(0) hist2d_X0_total.GetYaxis().SetTickLength( hist2d_X0_total.GetXaxis().GetTickLength() / 4.) hist2d_X0_total.GetYaxis().SetTickLength( hist2d_X0_total.GetXaxis().GetTickLength() / 4.) hist2d_X0_total.SetTitleOffset(0.5, "Y") hist2d_X0_total.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.50) #hist2d_X0_total.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.15); #hist2d_X0_total.GetXaxis().SetNoExponent(True) #hist2d_X0_total.GetYaxis().SetNoExponent(True) # colors for det, color in DETECTORS.items(): hist_X0_detectors[det].SetMarkerColor(color) hist_X0_detectors[det].SetFillColor(color) for det, histo in hist_X0_detectors.items(): print(det) histo.Draw("same") # Legenda theLegend_SubDetectors = TLegend(0.100, 0.7, 0.90, 0.90) #(0.180,0.8,0.98,0.90) theLegend_SubDetectors.SetNColumns(3) theLegend_SubDetectors.SetFillColor(0) theLegend_SubDetectors.SetFillStyle(0) theLegend_SubDetectors.SetBorderSize(0) for det, histo in hist_X0_detectors.items(): theLegend_SubDetectors.AddEntry(histo, det, "f") #theLegend_SubDetectors.AddEntry(hgbound1, "HGCal Eta Boundaries [1.3, 3.0]", "l") theLegend_SubDetectors.Draw() # text text_SubDetectors = TPaveText(0.100, 0.627, 0.322, 0.687, "NDC") #(0.180,0.727,0.402,0.787,"NDC") text_SubDetectors.SetFillColor(0) text_SubDetectors.SetBorderSize(0) text_SubDetectors.AddText("CMS Simulation") text_SubDetectors.SetTextAlign(11) text_SubDetectors.Draw() #Add eta labels keep_alive = [] if plots[plot].iDrawEta: keep_alive.extend(drawEtaValues()) # Store can_SubDetectors.Update() if not checkFile_(theDirname): os.mkdir(theDirname) can_SubDetectors.SaveAs("%s/MaterialBdg_%s_%s.png" % (theDirname, compounddetectorname, plot)) #It seems that it is too heavy to create .pdf and .root #can_SubDetectors.SaveAs("%s/MaterialBdg_FromVertexToEndofHGCal_%s.pdf" % (theDirname, plot)) #can_SubDetectors.SaveAs("%s/MaterialBdg_FromVertexToEndofHGCal_%s.root" % (theDirname, plot)) hist2d_X0_total.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0., 7000.) #Draw eta values in the zoom case keep_alive = [] keep_alive.extend(drawHalfEtaValues()) #hist2d_X0_total.Draw("COLZ") can_SubDetectors.Update() can_SubDetectors.Modified() can_SubDetectors.SaveAs("%s/MaterialBdg_%s_%s_Zpluszoom.png" % (theDirname, compounddetectorname, plot))
## \file ## \ingroup tutorial_pyroot ## Display demo help. ## ## \macro_code ## ## \author Wim Lavrijsen import os from ROOT import TCanvas, TPaveText from ROOT import gROOT chelp = TCanvas('chelp', 'Help to run demos', 200, 10, 700, 500) welcome = TPaveText(.1, .8, .9, .97) welcome.AddText('Welcome to the ROOT demos') welcome.SetTextFont(32) welcome.SetTextColor(4) welcome.SetFillColor(24) welcome.Draw() hdemo = TPaveText(.05, .05, .95, .7) hdemo.SetTextAlign(12) hdemo.SetTextFont(52) text = """- Run demo first. Then in any order - Click left mouse button to execute one demo - Click right mouse button to see the title of the demo - Click on 'Close Bar' to exit from the demo menu - Select 'File/Print' to print a Postscript view of the canvas - You can execute a demo with the mouse or type commands
hs.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(15) hs.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Events") # legend legend = TLegend(0.74, 0.68, 0.94, 0.87) legend.AddEntry(ZMass_DATA[i], "Data", "p") legend.AddEntry(ZMass_MC_DY[i], "Drell-Yan", "f") legend.AddEntry(ZMass_MC_TTJets[i], "t#bar{t}", "f") legend.SetFillColor(kWhite) legend.SetLineColor(kBlack) legend.SetTextFont(43) legend.SetTextSize(20) legend.Draw() # box with fit results pv = TPaveText(0.64, 0.35, 0.94, 0.65, "brNDC") pv.AddText("DATA:") pv.AddText("Z DCBmean = " + str(round(massFitDATA_dict[key], 2)) + " GeV") pv.AddText("Z DCBwidth = " + str(round(widthFitDATA_dict[key], 2)) + " GeV") pv.AddText("MC:") pv.AddText("Z DCBmean = " + str(round(massFitMC_dict[key], 2)) + " GeV") pv.AddText("Z DCBwidth = " + str(round(widthFitMC_dict[key], 2)) + " GeV") pv.SetFillColor(kWhite) pv.SetBorderSize(1) pv.SetTextFont(40) pv.SetTextSize(0.037) pv.SetTextFont(42) pv.SetTextAlign(12) #text left aligned # cange color of text if "ele" in nameList[i]: