Exemplo n.º 1
def main(argv):

    startT = time.clock()
    inDir, outDir = ".", "."
    inFile, inFileName, outFileName = TFile(), "", ""
    gatTree = TTree()
    dsNum, subNum, runNum, theCut, inFileName = -1, -1, -1, "", ""
    saveLAT, savePacket, saveWave = False, False, False

    if len(argv) == 0: return
    for i, opt in enumerate(argv):
        if opt == "-f":
            # dsNum, subNum, inDir, outDir = int(argv[i+1]), int(argv[i+2]), str(argv[i+3]), str(argv[i+4])
            inDir, inFileName, outDir = str(argv[i + 1]), str(
                argv[i + 2]), str(argv[i + 3])
            # inFileName = "waveSkimDS{}_{}.root".format(dsNum, subNum)
        if opt == "-r":
            inDir, inFileName, outDir = str(argv[i + 1]), str(
                argv[i + 2]), str(argv[i + 3])
            # dsNum, runNum, inDir, outDir = int(argv[i+1]), int(argv[i+2]), str(argv[i+3]), str(argv[i+4])
            # inFileName = "waveSkimDS{}_run{}.root".format(dsNum, runNum)

    # inFileName = inDir + inFile
    print("Scanning File: {}".format(inFileName))
    inFile = TFile("%s/%s" % (inDir, inFileName))
    gatTree = inFile.Get("skimTree")
    theCut = inFile.Get("theCut").GetTitle()

    # Make files smaller for tests
    # theCut += " && sumEHL > 236 && sumEHL < 240 && mHL==2 && trapENFCal < 5"
    # Select only pulsers
    # theCut += " && EventDC1Bits > 0"

    print "Using cut:\n", theCut
    gatTree.Draw(">>elist", theCut, "entrylist")
    elist = gDirectory.Get("elist")
    nList = elist.GetN()
    print "Found", gatTree.GetEntries(), "input entries."
    print "Found", nList, "entries passing cuts."
    # Gimmicky but works... this bypasses creating the branches...

    # Mess of various branches
    channel = std.vector("int")()
    trapENFCal = std.vector("double")()
    trapENM = std.vector("double")()

    # Create map of branches to put into dataframe
    # This map is only for branches that we want to keep!
    keepMapBase = {
        'trapENFCal': gatTree.trapENFCal,
        'trapENM': gatTree.trapENM,
        "channel": gatTree.channel,
        "run": gatTree.run,
        "mHL": gatTree.mHL

    # Combine dictionaries, if keepMapLAT is empty it won't add any branches
    keepMap = dict(keepMapBase)
    # keepMap.update(keepMapLAT)

    dataList = []
    print 'Writing to: ', '%s/proc%s.h5' % (outDir, inFileName.split('.')[0])

    iList, removeNBeg, removeNEnd = -1, 500, 500
    # Loop over events
    while True:
        iList += 1
        if iList >= nList: break
        # if iList >= 5000: break
        entry = gatTree.GetEntryNumber(iList)
        nChans = gatTree.channel.size()
        numPass = gatTree.Draw("channel", theCut, "GOFF", 1, iList)
        chans = gatTree.GetV1()
        chanList = list(set(int(chans[n]) for n in xrange(numPass)))
        hitList = (iH for iH in xrange(nChans)
                   if gatTree.channel.at(iH) in chanList
                   )  # a 'generator expression'
        for iH in hitList:
            dataMap = {}
            wf = gatTree.MGTWaveforms.at(iH)
            signal = wl.processWaveform(wf, removeNBeg, removeNEnd)
            wave = np.array(signal.GetWaveRaw(), dtype=np.int16)
            for key, branch in keepMap.items():
                # Save branches that aren't vector<Template> (so far only run and mHL)
                if key == 'run' or key == 'mHL': dataMap[key] = int(branch)
                elif key == 'channel': dataMap[key] = int(branch.at(iH))
                else: dataMap[key] = float(branch.at(iH))
            dataMap['waveform'] = wave.tolist()

        if iList % 5000 == 0 and iList != 0:
            print "%d / %d entries saved (%.2f %% done), time: %s" % (
                iList, nList, 100 *
                (float(iList) / nList), time.strftime('%X %x %Z'))

    df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dataList)
    # Suppress stupid warning
                            message="^\nyour performance")

    # Chunk write like a sucker
    chunksize = 50000
    start = 0
    end = chunksize - 1
    i = 0
    # for i in len(df):
    while end < df.shape[0]:
        # chunk = df.iloc[(i*chunksize):min((i+1)*chunksize,len(df))]
        chunk = df.iloc[start:end]
                                                  inFileName.split('.')[0], i),
                             'trapENFCal', 'trapENM', 'channel', 'mHL',
        except (Exception) as e:
            print e
            print chunk
            print chunk.info()
        start += chunksize
        end += chunksize
        i += 1

    # df.to_hdf('%s/proc%s.h5' % (outDir,inFileName.split('.')[0]), key="skimTree", data_columns=['trapENFCal', 'trapENM','channel','mHL','waveform'], format='fixed', mode='w', complevel=9)

    stopT = time.clock()
    print("Stopped:", time.strftime('%X %x %Z'), "\nProcess time (min):",
          (stopT - startT) / 60)
    print(float(nList) / ((stopT - startT) / 60.), "entries per minute.")
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: lat.py Projeto: gothman5/LAT
def main(argv):

    print("LAT started:",time.strftime('%X %x %Z'))
    startT = time.clock()
    # gROOT.ProcessLine("gErrorIgnoreLevel = 3001;") # suppress ROOT error messages
    global batMode
    intMode, batMode, rangeMode, fileMode, gatMode, singleMode, pathMode, cutMode = False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False
    dontUseTCuts = False
    dsNum, subNum, runNum, plotNum = -1, -1, -1, 1
    pathToInput, pathToOutput, manualInput, manualOutput, customPar = ".", ".", "", "", ""

    if len(argv)==0: return
    for i,opt in enumerate(argv):
        if opt == "-r":
            rangeMode, dsNum, subNum = True, int(argv[i+1]), int(argv[i+2])
            print("Scanning DS-%d sub-range %d" % (dsNum, subNum))
        if opt == "-p":
            pathMode, manualInput, manualOutput = True, argv[i+1], argv[i+2]
            print("Manually set input/output files:\nInput: %s\nOutput: %s" % (manualInput, manualOutput))
        if opt == "-d":
            pathToInput, pathToOutput = argv[i+1], argv[i+2]
            print("Custom paths: Input %s,  Output %s" % (pathToInput,pathToOutput))
        if opt == "-f":
            fileMode, dsNum, runNum = True, int(argv[i+1]), int(argv[i+2])
            print("Scanning DS-%d, run %d" % (dsNum, runNum))
        if opt == "-g":
            gatMode, runNum = True, int(argv[i+1])
            print("GATDataSet mode.  Scanning run %d" % (runNum))
        if opt == "-s":
            singleMode, pathToInput = True, argv[i+1]
            print("Single file mode.  Scanning {}".format(pathToInput))
        if opt == "-i":
            intMode, plotNum = True, int(argv[i+1])
            print("Interactive mode selected. Use \"p\" for previous and \"q\" to exit.")
        if opt == "-x":
            dontUseTCuts = True
            print("DC TCuts deactivated.  Retaining all events ...")
        if opt == "-c":
            cutMode, customPar = True, str(argv[i+1])
            print("Using custom cut parameter: {}".format(customPar))
        if opt == "-b":
            batMode = True
            import matplotlib
            # if os.environ.get('DISPLAY','') == '':
                # print('No display found. Using non-interactive Agg backend')
            print("Batch mode selected.  A new file will be created.")
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from matplotlib import gridspec
    import matplotlib.ticker as mtick
    from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm, Normalize

    # File I/O
    inFile, outFile, bltFile = TFile(), TFile(), TFile()
    gatTree, bltTree, out = TTree(), TTree(), TTree()
    theCut, inPath, outPath = "", "", ""

    # Set input and output files
    if rangeMode:
        inPath = "%s/waveSkimDS%d_%d.root" % (pathToInput, dsNum, subNum)
        outPath = "%s/latSkimDS%d_%d.root" % (pathToOutput, dsNum, subNum)
    if fileMode:
        inPath = "%s/waveSkimDS%d_run%d.root" % (pathToInput, dsNum, runNum)
        outPath = "%s/latSkimDS%d_run%d.root" % (pathToOutput, dsNum, runNum)
    if pathMode:
        inPath, outPath = manualInput, manualOutput
    if gatMode:
        ds = GATDataSet()
        gatPath = ds.GetPathToRun(runNum,GATDataSet.kGatified)
        bltPath = ds.GetPathToRun(runNum,GATDataSet.kBuilt)
        outPath = "%s/lat_run%d.root" % (pathToOutput, runNum)
    if pathMode and gatMode:
        outPath = manualOutput

    # Initialize trees
    if rangeMode or fileMode or pathMode:
        inFile = TFile(inPath)
        gatTree = inFile.Get("skimTree")
        print(gatTree.GetEntries(),"entries in input tree.")
    elif gatMode:
        inFile = TFile(gatPath)
        bltFile = TFile(bltPath)
        gatTree = inFile.Get("mjdTree")
        bltTree = bltFile.Get("MGTree")
    if singleMode:
        inFile = TFile(pathToInput)
        gatTree = inFile.Get("skimTree")

    # apply cut to tree
    if (rangeMode or fileMode or pathMode) and not dontUseTCuts:
            theCut = inFile.Get("theCut").GetTitle()
        except ReferenceError:
            theCut = ""
    if cutMode:
        # theCut += customPar
        # theCut = "(channel==672 || channel==674) && mH==2" # sync chan: 672, extp chan: 674
        # theCut += " && fitSlo < 10"
        # theCut = "trapENFCal > 1 && trapENFCal < 10 && riseNoise > 2"
        theCut = "trapENFCal > 20 && trapENFCal < 100 && riseNoise > 2"
        print("WARNING: Custom cut in use! : ",theCut)

    gatTree.Draw(">>elist", theCut, "entrylist")
    elist = gDirectory.Get("elist")
    nList = elist.GetN()
    print("Using cut:\n",theCut)
    print("Found",gatTree.GetEntries(),"input entries.")
    print("Found",nList,"entries passing cuts.")

    # Output: In batch mode (-b) only, create an output file+tree & append new branches.
    if batMode and not intMode:
        outFile = TFile(outPath, "RECREATE")
        print("Attempting tree copy to",outPath)
        out = gatTree.CopyTree("")
        cutUsed = TNamed("theCut",theCut)

    waveS1, waveS2 = std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")()
    waveS3, waveS4, waveS5 = std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")()
    bcMax, bcMin = std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")()
    bandMax, bandTime = std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")()
    den10, den50, den90 = std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")()
    oppie = std.vector("double")()
    fitMu, fitAmp, fitSlo = std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")()
    fitTau, fitBL = std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")()
    matchMax, matchWidth, matchTime = std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")()
    pol0, pol1, pol2, pol3 = std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")()
    fails, fitChi2, fitLL = std.vector("int")(), std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")()
    riseNoise = std.vector("double")()
    t0_SLE, t0_ALE, lat, latF = std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")()
    latAF, latFC, latAFC = std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")()
    nMS = std.vector("int")()
    tE50, latE50, wfStd = std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")()
    wfAvgBL, wfRMSBL = std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")()
    fitErr = std.vector("int")()

    # It's not possible to put the "out.Branch" call into a class initializer (waveLibs::latBranch). You suck, ROOT.
    b1, b2 = out.Branch("waveS1",waveS1), out.Branch("waveS2",waveS2)
    b3, b4, b5 = out.Branch("waveS3",waveS3), out.Branch("waveS4",waveS4), out.Branch("waveS5",waveS5)
    b7, b8 = out.Branch("bcMax",bcMax), out.Branch("bcMin",bcMin)
    b9, b10 = out.Branch("bandMax",bandMax), out.Branch("bandTime",bandTime)
    b11, b12, b13 = out.Branch("den10",den10), out.Branch("den50",den50), out.Branch("den90",den90)
    b14 = out.Branch("oppie",oppie)
    b15, b16, b17 = out.Branch("fitMu", fitMu), out.Branch("fitAmp", fitAmp), out.Branch("fitSlo", fitSlo)
    b18, b19 = out.Branch("fitTau",fitTau), out.Branch("fitBL",fitBL)
    b20, b21, b22 = out.Branch("matchMax", matchMax), out.Branch("matchWidth", matchWidth), out.Branch("matchTime", matchTime)
    b23, b24, b25, b26 = out.Branch("pol0", pol0), out.Branch("pol1", pol1), out.Branch("pol2", pol2), out.Branch("pol3", pol3)
    b27, b28, b29 = out.Branch("fails",fails), out.Branch("fitChi2",fitChi2), out.Branch("fitLL",fitLL)
    b30 = out.Branch("riseNoise",riseNoise)
    b31, b32, b33, b34 = out.Branch("t0_SLE",t0_SLE), out.Branch("t0_ALE",t0_ALE), out.Branch("lat",lat), out.Branch("latF",latF)
    b35, b36, b37 = out.Branch("latAF",latAF), out.Branch("latFC",latFC), out.Branch("latAFC",latAFC)
    b38 = out.Branch("nMS",nMS)
    b39, b40, b41 = out.Branch("tE50", tE50), out.Branch("latE50", latE50), out.Branch("wfStd", wfStd)
    b42, b43 = out.Branch("wfAvgBL", wfAvgBL), out.Branch("wfRMSBL", wfRMSBL)
    b44 = out.Branch("fitErr",fitErr)

    # make a dictionary that can be iterated over (avoids code repetition in the loop)
    brDict = {
        "waveS1":[waveS1, b1], "waveS2":[waveS2, b2],
        "waveS3":[waveS3, b3], "waveS4":[waveS4, b4], "waveS5":[waveS5, b5],
        "bcMax":[bcMax, b7], "bcMin":[bcMin, b8],
        "bandMax":[bandMax, b9], "bandTime":[bandTime, b10],
        "den10":[den10, b11], "den50":[den50, b12], "den90":[den90, b13],
        "oppie":[oppie, b14],
        "fitMu":[fitMu, b15], "fitAmp":[fitAmp, b16], "fitSlo":[fitSlo, b17],
        "fitTau":[fitTau, b18], "fitBL":[fitBL,b19],
        "matchMax":[matchMax, b20], "matchWidth":[matchWidth, b21], "matchTime":[matchTime, b22],
        "pol0":[pol0, b23], "pol1":[pol1, b24], "pol2":[pol2, b25], "pol3":[pol3, b26],
        "fails":[fails,b27], "fitChi2":[fitChi2,b28], "fitLL":[fitLL,b29],
        "t0_SLE":[t0_SLE,b31], "t0_ALE":[t0_ALE,b32], "lat":[lat,b33], "latF":[latF,b34],
        "latAF":[latAF,b35], "latFC":[latFC,b36], "latAFC":[latAFC,b37],
        "nMS":[nMS,b38], "tE50":[tE50,b39], "latE50":[latE50,b40], "wfStd":[wfStd,b41],
        "wfAvgBL":[wfAvgBL,b42], "wfRMSBL":[wfRMSBL,b43],

    # Make a figure (-i option: select different plots)
    # fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,9), facecolor='w')
    fig = plt.figure()
    if plotNum==0 or plotNum==7 or plotNum==8:
        p0 = plt.subplot(111)  # 0-raw waveform, 7-new trap filters
    elif plotNum==1 or plotNum==2:
        p0 = plt.subplot(211)  # 1-wavelet, 2-time points, bandpass filters, tail slope
        p1 = plt.subplot(212)
    elif plotNum==3:
        p0 = plt.subplot2grid((2,5), (0,0), colspan=3)  # oppie / freq-domain matched filter
        p1 = plt.subplot2grid((2,5), (0,3), colspan=2)
        p2 = plt.subplot2grid((2,5), (1,0), colspan=3)
    elif plotNum==4:
        p0 = plt.subplot(111)  # time-domain matched filter
    elif plotNum==5:
        p0 = plt.subplot(111)  # bandpass / bandTime
    elif plotNum==6:
        p0 = plt.subplot2grid((6,10), (0,0), colspan=10, rowspan=3) # waveform fit
        p1 = plt.subplot2grid((6,10), (3,0), colspan=10, rowspan=1) # residual
        p2 = plt.subplot2grid((6,10), (4,0), colspan=2, rowspan=2) # traces
        p3 = plt.subplot2grid((6,10), (4,2), colspan=2, rowspan=2)
        p4 = plt.subplot2grid((6,10), (4,4), colspan=2, rowspan=2)
        p5 = plt.subplot2grid((6,10), (4,6), colspan=2, rowspan=2)
        p6 = plt.subplot2grid((6,10), (4,8), colspan=2, rowspan=2)
    elif plotNum==9:
        p0 = plt.subplot2grid((5,1), (0,0)) # 9- wpt on wf fit residual
        p1 = plt.subplot2grid((5,1), (1,0), rowspan=2)
        p2 = plt.subplot2grid((5,1), (3,0), rowspan=2)
    if not batMode: plt.show(block=False)

    # Load a fast signal template - used w/ the freq-domain matched filter
    # print("Generating signal template ...")
    tSamp, tR, tZ, tAmp, tST, tSlo = 5000, 0, 15, 100, 2500, 10
    # tOrig, tOrigTS = wl.MakeSiggenWaveform(tSamp,tR,tZ,tAmp,tST,tSlo) # Damn you to hell, PDSF
    templateFile = np.load("%s/data/lat_template.npz" % os.environ['LATDIR'])
    if dsNum==2 or dsNum==6: templateFile = np.load("%s/data/lat_ds2template.npz" % os.environ['LATDIR'])
    tOrig, tOrigTS = templateFile['arr_0'], templateFile['arr_1']

    # Load stuff from DS1 forced acq. runs
    npzfile = np.load("%s/data/fft_forcedAcqDS1.npz" % os.environ['LATDIR'])
    noise_asd, noise_xFreq, avgPwrSpec, xPwrSpec, data_forceAcq, data_fft = npzfile['arr_0'],npzfile['arr_1'],npzfile['arr_2'],npzfile['arr_3'],npzfile['arr_4'],npzfile['arr_5']

    # Loop over events
    print("Starting event loop ...")
    iList = -1
    while True:
        iList += 1
        if intMode==True and iList != 0:
            value = input()
            if value=='q': break        # quit
            if value=='p': iList -= 2   # go to previous
            if (value.isdigit()):
                iList = int(value)      # go to entry number
        elif intMode==False and batMode==False:
            plt.pause(0.00001)          # rapid-draw mode
        if iList >= nList: break        # bail out, goose!

        entry = gatTree.GetEntryNumber(iList);
        nChans = gatTree.channel.size()
        event = MGTEvent()
        if gatMode: event = bltTree.event

        # Reset all branch vectors
        # NOTE: The events sometimes contain 'straggler' hits that do not pass the
        # given TCut.  This line sets ALL the new parameters to -88888 by default.
        # If you see this value in a plot, then you must be including hits that
        # passed the cut in wave-skim but did not pass the (different?) cut in LAT.
        for key in brDict: brDict[key][0].assign(nChans,-88888)
        brDict["fails"][0].assign(nChans,0) # set error code to 'true' by default
        errorCode = [0,0,0,0]

        # Loop over hits passing cuts
        numPass = gatTree.Draw("channel",theCut,"GOFF",1,iList)
        chans = gatTree.GetV1()
        chanList = list(set(int(chans[n]) for n in range(numPass)))
        hitList = (iH for iH in range(nChans) if gatTree.channel.at(iH) in chanList)  # a 'generator expression'
        for iH in hitList:

            # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
            # Waveform processing

            # load data
            run = gatTree.run
            chan = gatTree.channel.at(iH)
            dataENFCal = gatTree.trapENFCal.at(iH)
            dataENM = gatTree.trapENM.at(iH)
            dataTSMax = gatTree.trapENMSample.at(iH)*10. - 4000
            wf = MGTWaveform()
            iEvent = 0
            if gatMode:
                wf = event.GetWaveform(iH)
                iEvent = entry
                wf = gatTree.MGTWaveforms.at(iH)
                iEvent = gatTree.iEvent

            # print("%d:  run %d  chan %d  trapENFCal %.2f" % (iList, run, chan, dataENFCal))

            # be absolutely sure you're matching the right waveform to this hit
            if wf.GetID() != chan:
                print("ERROR -- Vector matching failed.  iList %d  run %d  iEvent %d" % (iList,run,iEvent))

            # Let's start the show - grab a waveform.
            # Remove first 4 samples when we have multisampling
            # Remove last 2 samples to get rid of the ADC spike at the end of all wf's.
            truncLo, truncHi = 0, 2
            if dsNum==6 or dsNum==2: truncLo = 4
            signal = wl.processWaveform(wf,truncLo,truncHi)
            data = signal.GetWaveRaw()
            data_blSub = signal.GetWaveBLSub()
            dataTS = signal.GetTS()
            dataBL,dataNoise = signal.GetBaseNoise()

            # wavelet packet transform
            wp = pywt.WaveletPacket(data_blSub, 'db2', 'symmetric', maxlevel=4)
            nodes = wp.get_level(4, order='freq')
            wpCoeff = np.array([n.data for n in nodes],'d')
            wpCoeff = abs(wpCoeff)

            # wavelet parameters
            # First get length of wavelet on the time axis, the scale axis will always be the same
            # due to the number of levels in the wavelet
            wpLength = len(wpCoeff[1,:])
            waveS1[iH] = np.sum(wpCoeff[0:1,1:wpLength//4+1]) # python3 : floor division (//) returns an int
            waveS2[iH] = np.sum(wpCoeff[0:1,wpLength//4+1:wpLength//2+1])
            waveS3[iH] = np.sum(wpCoeff[0:1,wpLength//2+1:3*wpLength//4+1])
            waveS4[iH] = np.sum(wpCoeff[0:1,3*wpLength//4+1:-1])
            waveS5[iH] = np.sum(wpCoeff[2:-1,1:-1])
            S6 = np.sum(wpCoeff[2:9,1:wpLength//4+1])
            S7 = np.sum(wpCoeff[2:9,wpLength//4+1:wpLength//2+1])
            S8 = np.sum(wpCoeff[2:9,wpLength//2+1:3*wpLength//4+1])
            S9 = np.sum(wpCoeff[2:9,3*wpLength//4+1:-1])
            S10 = np.sum(wpCoeff[9:,1:wpLength//4+1])
            S11 = np.sum(wpCoeff[9:,wpLength//4+1:wpLength//2+1])
            S12 = np.sum(wpCoeff[9:,wpLength//2+1:3*wpLength//4+1])
            S13 = np.sum(wpCoeff[9:,3*wpLength//4+1:-1])
            sumList = [S6, S7, S8, S9, S10, S11, S12, S13]
            bcMax[iH] = np.max(sumList)
            bcMin[iH] = 1. if np.min(sumList) < 1 else np.min(sumList)

            # reconstruct waveform w/ only lowest frequency.
            new_wp = pywt.WaveletPacket(data=None, wavelet='db2', mode='symmetric')
            new_wp['aaa'] = wp['aaa'].data
            data_wlDenoised = new_wp.reconstruct(update=False)
            # resize in a smart way
            diff = len(data_wlDenoised) - len(data_blSub)
            if diff > 0: data_wlDenoised = data_wlDenoised[diff:]

            # waveform high/lowpass filters - parameters are a little arbitrary

            B1,A1 = butter(2, [1e5/(1e8/2),1e6/(1e8/2)], btype='bandpass')
            data_bPass = lfilter(B1, A1, data_blSub)

            # used in the multisite tagger
            B2, A2 = butter(1, 0.08)
            data_filt = filtfilt(B2, A2, data_blSub)
            data_filtDeriv = wl.wfDerivative(data_filt)
            filtAmp = np.amax(data_filtDeriv) # scale the max to match the amplitude
            data_filtDeriv = data_filtDeriv * (dataENM / filtAmp)

            B3, A3 = butter(2,1e6/(1e8/2), btype='lowpass')
            data_lPass = lfilter(B3, A3, data_blSub)

            idx = np.where((dataTS > dataTS[0]+100) & (dataTS < dataTS[-1]-100))
            windowingOffset = dataTS[idx][0] - dataTS[0]

            bandMax[iH] = np.amax(data_bPass[idx])
            bandTime[iH] = dataTS[ np.argmax(data_bPass[idx])] - windowingOffset

            # timepoints of low-pass waveforms
            tpc = MGWFTimePointCalculator();
            mgtLowPass = wl.MGTWFFromNpArray(data_lPass)
            den10[iH] = tpc.GetFromStartRiseTime(0)*10
            den50[iH] = tpc.GetFromStartRiseTime(1)*10
            den90[iH] = tpc.GetFromStartRiseTime(2)*10

            # ================ xgauss waveform fitting ================

            amp, mu, sig, tau, bl = dataENM, dataTSMax, 600., -72000., dataBL
            floats = np.asarray([amp, mu, sig, tau, bl])
            temp = xgModelWF(dataTS, floats)
            if not batMode: MakeTracesGlobal()

            # get the noise of the denoised wf
            denoisedNoise,_,_ = wl.baselineParameters(data_wlDenoised)

            # NOTE: fit is to wavelet-denoised data, BECAUSE there are no HF components in the model,
            # AND we'll still calculate fitChi2 w/r/t the data, not the denoised data.
            # datas = [dataTS, data, dataNoise] # fit data
            datas = [dataTS, data_wlDenoised + dataBL, denoisedNoise] # fit wavelet-denoised data w/ Bl added back in

            # Set bounds - A,mu,sig,tau,bl.
            # bnd = ((None,None),(None,None),(None,None),(None,None),(None,None))   # often gets caught at sig=0
            bnd = ((None,None),(None,None),(2.,None),(-72001.,-71999.),(None,None)) # gets caught much less often.

            # L-BGFS-B with numerical gradient.
            start = time.clock()
            result = op.minimize(lnLike, floats, args=datas, method="L-BFGS-B", options=None, bounds=bnd)
            fitSpeed = time.clock() - start

            fitErr[iH] = 0
            if not result["success"]:
                # print("fit fail: ", result["message"])
                fitErr[iH] = 1
                errorCode[0] = 1

            amp, mu, sig, tau, bl = result["x"]

            # save parameters

            fitMu[iH], fitAmp[iH], fitSlo[iH], fitTau[iH], fitBL[iH] = mu, amp, sig, tau, bl
            floats = np.asarray([amp, mu, sig, tau, bl])
            fit = xgModelWF(dataTS, floats)

            # print("%d/%d iH %d  e %-10.2f  fs %-8.2f  f %d" % (iList, nList, iH, dataENFCal, fitSlo[iH], fitErr[iH]))

            # log-likelihood of this fit
            fitLL[iH] = result["fun"]

            # chi-square of this fit
            # Textbook is (observed - expected)^2 / expected,
            # but we'll follow MGWFCalculateChiSquare.cc and do (observed - expected)^2 / NDF.
            # NOTE: we're doing the chi2 against the DATA, though the FIT is to the DENOISED DATA.
            fitChi2[iH] = np.sum(np.square(data-fit)) / (len(data)-1)/dataNoise

            # get wavelet coeff's for rising edge only.  normalize to bcMin
            # view this w/ plot 1

            # find the window of rising edge
            fit_blSub = fit - bl
            fitMaxTime = dataTS[np.argmax(fit_blSub)]
            fitStartTime = dataTS[0]
            idx = np.where(fit_blSub < 0.1)
            if len(dataTS[idx] > 0): fitStartTime = dataTS[idx][-1]
            fitRiseTime50 = (fitMaxTime + fitStartTime)/2.

            # bcMin is 32 samples long in the x-direction.
            # if we make the window half as wide, it'll have the same # of coeff's as bcMin.
            # this is still 'cheating' since we're not summing over the same rows.
            numXRows = wpCoeff.shape[1]
            wpCtrRise = int((fitRiseTime50 - dataTS[0]) / (dataTS[-1] - dataTS[0]) * numXRows)
            wpLoRise = wpCtrRise - 8
            if wpLoRise < 0: wpLoRise = 0
            wpHiRise = wpCtrRise + 8
            if wpHiRise > numXRows: wpHiRise = numXRows

            # sum all HF wavelet components for this edge.
            riseNoise[iH] = np.sum(wpCoeff[2:-1,wpLoRise:wpHiRise]) / bcMin[iH]

            # print("%d %d %d %d e %-5.2f  bmax %-6.2f  bmin %-6.2f  mu %-5.2f  a %-5.2f  s %-5.2f  bl %-5.2f  rn %.2f" % (run,iList,iH,chan,dataENFCal,bcMax[iH],bcMin[iH],fitMu[iH],fitAmp[iH],fitSlo[iH],fitBL[iH],riseNoise[iH]))

            # =========================================================

            # optimal matched filter (freq. domain)
            # we use the pysiggen fast template (not the fit result) to keep this independent of the wf fitter.

            # pull in the template, shift it, and make sure it's the same length as the data
            guessTS = tOrigTS - 15000.
            idx = np.where((guessTS > -5) & (guessTS < dataTS[-1]))
            guessTS, guess = guessTS[idx], tOrig[idx]
            if len(guess)!=len(data):
                if len(guess)>len(data):
                    guess, guessTS = guess[0:len(data)], guessTS[0:len(data)]
                    guess = np.pad(guess, (0,len(data)-len(guess)), 'edge')
                    guessTS = np.pad(guessTS, (0,len(data)-len(guessTS)), 'edge')

            data_fft = np.fft.fft(data_blSub) # can also try taking fft of the low-pass data
            temp_fft = np.fft.fft(guess)

            datafreq = np.fft.fftfreq(data.size) * 1e8
            power_vec = np.interp(datafreq, noise_xFreq, noise_asd) # load power spectra from file

            # Apply the filter
            optimal = data_fft * temp_fft.conjugate() / power_vec
            optimal_time = 2 * np.fft.ifft(optimal)

            # Normalize the output
            df = np.abs(datafreq[1] - datafreq[0]) # freq. bin size
            sigmasq = 2 * (temp_fft * temp_fft.conjugate() / power_vec).sum() * df
            sigma = np.sqrt(np.abs(sigmasq))
            SNR = abs(optimal_time) / (sigma)
            oppie[iH] = np.amax(SNR)

            # time-domain matched filter.  use the baseline-subtracted wf as data, and fit_blSub too.

            # make a longer best-fit waveform s/t it can be shifted L/R.
            matchTS = np.append(dataTS, np.arange(dataTS[-1], dataTS[-1] + 20000, 10)) # add 2000 samples
            match = xgModelWF(matchTS, [amp, mu+10000., sig, tau, bl]) # shift mu accordingly
            match = match[::-1] - bl # time flip and subtract off bl

            # line up the max of the 'match' (flipped wf) with the max of the best-fit wf
            # this kills the 1-1 matching between matchTS and dataTS (each TS has some offset)
            matchMaxTime = matchTS[np.argmax(match)]
            matchTS = matchTS + (fitMaxTime - matchMaxTime)

            # resize match, matchTS to have same # samples as data, dataTS.
            # this is the only case we really care about
            # ("too early" and "too late" also happen, but the shift is larger than the trigger walk, making it unphysical)
            if matchTS[0] <= dataTS[0] and matchTS[-1] >= dataTS[-1]:
                idx = np.where((matchTS >= dataTS[0]) & (matchTS <= dataTS[-1]))
                match, matchTS = match[idx], matchTS[idx]
                sizeDiff = len(dataTS)-len(matchTS)
                if sizeDiff < 0:
                    match, matchTS = match[:sizeDiff], matchTS[:sizeDiff]
                elif sizeDiff > 0:
                    match = np.hstack((match, np.zeros(sizeDiff)))
                    matchTS = np.hstack((matchTS, dataTS[-1*sizeDiff:]))
                if len(match) != len(data):
                    print("FIXME: match filter array manip is still broken.")

            # compute match filter parameters
            matchMax[iH], matchWidth[iH], matchTime[iH] = -888, -888, -888
            if len(match)==len(data):
                smoothMF = gaussian_filter(match * data_blSub, sigma=5.)
                matchMax[iH] = np.amax(smoothMF)
                matchTime[iH] = matchTS[ np.argmax(smoothMF) ]
                idx = np.where(smoothMF > matchMax[iH]/2.)
                if len(matchTS[idx]>1):
                    matchWidth[iH] = matchTS[idx][-1] - matchTS[idx][0]

            # Fit tail slope to polynomial.  Guard against fit fails

            idx = np.where(dataTS >= fitMaxTime)
            tail, tailTS = data[idx], dataTS[idx]
            popt1,popt2 = 0,0
                popt1,_ = op.curve_fit(wl.tailModelPol, tailTS, tail)
                pol0[iH], pol1[iH], pol2[iH], pol3[iH] = popt1[0], popt1[1], popt1[2], popt1[3]
                # print("curve_fit tailModelPol failed, run %i  event %i  channel %i" % (run, iList, chan))
                errorCode[2] = 1

            # =========================================================

            # new trap filters.
            # params: t0_SLE, t0_ALE, lat, latF, latAF, latFC, latAFC

            # calculate trapezoids

            # standard trapezoid - prone to walking, less sensitive to noise.  use to find energy
            eTrap = wl.trapFilter(data_blSub, 400, 250, 7200.)
            eTrapTS = np.arange(0, len(eTrap)*10., 10)
            eTrapInterp = interpolate.interp1d(eTrapTS, eTrap)

            # short trapezoid - triggers more quickly, sensitive to noise.  use to find t0
            sTrap = wl.trapFilter(data_blSub, 100, 150, 7200.)
            sTrapTS = np.arange(0, len(sTrap)*10., 10)

            # asymmetric trapezoid - used to find the t0 only
            aTrap = wl.asymTrapFilter(data_blSub, 4, 10, 200, True) # (0.04us, 0.1us, 2.0us)
            aTrapTS = np.arange(0, len(aTrap)*10., 10)

            # find leading edges (t0 times)

            # limit the range from 0 to 10us, and use an ADC threshold of 1.0 as suggested by DCR
            t0_SLE[iH],_ = wl.walkBackT0(sTrap, eTrapTS[-1]+7000-4000-2000, 1., 0, 1000) # (in ns) finds leading edge from short trap
            t0_ALE[iH],_ = wl.walkBackT0(aTrap, eTrapTS[-1]+7000-4000-2000, 1., 0, 1000) # (in ns) finds leading edge from asymmetric trap

            # standard energy trapezoid w/ a baseline padded waveform
            data_pad = np.pad(data_blSub,(200,0),'symmetric')
            pTrap = wl.trapFilter(data_pad, 400, 250, 7200.)
            pTrapTS = np.linspace(0, len(pTrap)*10, len(pTrap))
            pTrapInterp = interpolate.interp1d(pTrapTS, pTrap)

            # calculate energy parameters
            # standard amplitude.  basically trapEM, but w/o NL correction if the input WF doesn't have it.
            lat[iH] = np.amax(eTrap)

            # Calculate DCR suggested amplitude, using the 50% to the left and right of the maximum point
            t0_F50,t0fail1 = wl.walkBackT0(pTrap, thresh=lat[iH]*0.5, rmin=0, rmax=len(pTrap)-1)
            t0_B50,t0fail2 = wl.walkBackT0(pTrap, thresh=lat[iH]*0.5, rmin=0, rmax=len(pTrap)-1, forward=True)
            t0_E50 = (t0_F50 + t0_B50)/2.0

            #TODO -- if it's necessary due to the trigger walk, we could potentially add a way to recursively increase the threshold until a timepoint is found, however it will still always fail for most noise events
            if not t0fail1 or not t0fail2:
                latE50[iH] = 0 # Set amplitude to 0 if one of the evaluations failed
                latE50[iH] = pTrapInterp(t0_E50) # Maybe I should call this latDCR50 to confuse people
            tE50[iH] = t0_B50 - t0_F50 # Save the difference between the middle points, can be used as a cut later

            # standard amplitude with t0 from the shorter traps
            # If either fixed pickoff time (t0) is < 0, use the first sample as the amplitude (energy).
            latF[iH] = eTrapInterp( np.amax([t0_SLE[iH]-7000+4000+2000, 0.]) ) # This should be ~trapEF
            latAF[iH] = eTrapInterp( np.amax([t0_ALE[iH]-7000+4000+2000, 0.]) )

            # amplitude from padded trapezoid, with t0 from short traps and a correction function
            # function is under development.  currently: f() = exp(p0 + p1*E), p0 ~ 7.8, p1 ~ -0.45 and -0.66
            # functional walk back distance is *either* the minimum of the function value, or 5500 (standard value)

            # t0_corr = -7000+6000+2000 # no correction
            t0_corr = -7000+6000+2000 - np.amin([np.exp(7.8 - 0.45*lat[iH]),1000.])
            t0A_corr = -7000+6000+2000 - np.amin([np.exp(7.8 - 0.66*lat[iH]),1000.])

            latFC[iH] = pTrapInterp( np.amax([t0_SLE[iH] + t0_corr, 0.]) )
            latAFC[iH] = pTrapInterp( np.amax([t0_ALE[iH] + t0A_corr, 0.]) )

            # =========================================================

            # the genius multisite event tagger - plot 8

            # decide a threshold
            dIdx = np.argmax(data_filtDeriv)
            dMax = data_filtDeriv[dIdx]
            dRMS,_,_ = wl.baselineParameters(data_filtDeriv)
            # msThresh = np.amax([dMax * .2, dRMS * 5.])
            # msThresh = dMax * .15
            msThresh = 50.  # I don't know.  this seems like a good value

            # run peak detect algorithm
            maxtab,_ = wl.peakdet(data_filtDeriv, msThresh)

            # profit
            msList = []
            for iMax in range(len(maxtab)):
                idx = int(maxtab[iMax][0])
                val = maxtab[iMax][1]
                # print("%d  idx %d  TS %d  val %.2f  thresh %.2f" % (iList, idx, dataTS[idx], val, msThresh))
            nMS[iH] = len(maxtab)

            # =========================================================
            # wfStd analysis
            wfAvgBL[iH] = dataBL
            wfRMSBL[iH] = dataNoise
            wfStd[iH] = np.std(data[5:-5])

            # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
            # End waveform processing.

            # Calculate error code
            fails[iH] = 0
            for i,j in enumerate(errorCode):
                if j==1: fails[iH] += int(j)<<i
            # print("fails:",fails[iH])

            # Make plots!
            if batMode: continue
            if plotNum==0: # raw data
                p0.set_title("Run %d  Entry %d  Channel %d  ENFCal %.2f" % (run,iList,chan,dataENFCal))
                p0.set_xlabel("Time (ns)", ha='right', x=1.)
                p0.set_ylabel("Voltage (ADC)", ha='right', y=1.)

            if plotNum==1: # wavelet plot
                p0.plot(dataTS,data_blSub,color='blue',label='data (%.2f keV)' % dataENFCal)
                p0.axvline(fitRiseTime50,color='green',label='fit 50%',linewidth=2)
                # p0.set_title("Run %d  Entry %d  Channel %d  ENFCal %.2f  flo %.0f  fhi %.0f  fhi-flo %.0f" % (run,iList,chan,dataENFCal,fitStartTime,fitMaxTime,fitMaxTime-fitStartTime))
                p0.set_xlabel("Time (ns)", ha='right', x=1.)
                p0.set_ylabel("Voltage (ADC)", ha='right', y=1.)

                p1.imshow(wpCoeff, interpolation='nearest', aspect="auto", origin="lower",extent=[0, 1, 0, len(wpCoeff)],cmap='viridis')
                # p1.set_title("waveS5 %.2f  bcMax %.2f  bcMin %.2f  riseNoise %.2f" % (waveS5[iH], bcMax[iH], bcMin[iH], riseNoise[iH]))
                # p1.set_xlabel("Time (%wf)", ha='right', x=1.)
                p1.set_ylabel("WPT Coefficients", ha='right', y=1.)

            if plotNum==2: # time points, bandpass filters, tail slope
                if errorCode[2]!=1: p0.plot(tailTS, wl.tailModelPol(tailTS, *popt1), color='orange',linewidth=2, label='tailPol')
                p0.set_title("Run %d  Entry %d  Channel %d  ENFCal %.2f" % (run,iEvent,chan,dataENFCal))


            if plotNum==3: # freq-domain matched filter
                p0.set_title("Run %d  Entry %d  Channel %d  ENFCal %.2f" % (run,iEvent,chan,dataENFCal))

                data_asd, data_xFreq = plt.psd(data, Fs=1e8, NFFT=2048, pad_to=2048, visible=False)
                temp_asd, temp_xFreq = plt.psd(temp, Fs=1e8, NFFT=2048, pad_to=2048, visible=False)

                p1.loglog(data_xFreq, np.sqrt(data_asd), 'b')
                p1.loglog(noise_xFreq, np.sqrt(noise_asd), 'g')
                p1.loglog(temp_xFreq, np.sqrt(temp_asd), 'r')
                p1.set_xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')

                p2.plot(dataTS, SNR)
                p2.set_title('oppie %.1f' % (oppie[iH]))
                p2.set_xlabel('Offset time (s)')

            if plotNum==4: # time domain match filter plot
                p0.set_xlabel('Time (s)')
                p0.set_ylabel('Voltage (arb)')
                p0.set_title("Run %d  Entry %d  Channel %d  ENFCal %.2f  matchMax %.2f  matchTime %.2f  matchWidth %.2f" % (run,iEvent,chan,dataENFCal,matchMax[iH],matchTime[iH],matchWidth[iH]))

            if plotNum==5: # bandTime plot
                p0.set_xlabel('Time (ns)')
                p0.set_ylabel('ADC (arb)')
                p0.set_title("Run %d  Entry %d  Channel %d  ENFCal %.2f" % (run,iEvent,chan,dataENFCal))

            if plotNum==6: # waveform fit plot
                # p0.plot(dataTS,data_wlDenoised,color='cyan',label='wlDenoised',alpha=0.5)
                p0.plot(dataTS,temp,color='orange',label='xgauss guess')
                p0.plot(dataTS,fit,color='red',label='xgauss fit')
                p0.set_title("Run %d  evt %d  chan %d  trapENFCal %.1f  trapENM %.1f  deltaBL %.1f\n  amp %.2f  mu %.2f  sig %.2f  tau %.2f  chi2 %.2f  spd %.3f" % (run,iList,chan,dataENFCal,dataENM,dataBL-bl,amp,mu,sig,tau,fitChi2[iH],fitSpeed))

                print(gatTree.fitSlo.at(iH), sig)

            if plotNum==7: # new traps plot
                p0.plot(dataTS, data_blSub, color='blue', label='data')
                p0.plot(sTrapTS, sTrap, color='red', label='sTrap')
                p0.axvline(t0_SLE[iH], color='red')
                p0.plot(aTrapTS, aTrap, color='orange', label='aTrap')
                p0.axvline(t0_ALE[iH], color='orange')
                p0.plot(eTrapTS, eTrap, color='green', label='eTrap')
                p0.plot(pTrapTS, pTrap, color='magenta', label='pTrap')
                p0.axhline(latAFC[iH], color='magenta')
                p0.axhline(latE50[iH], color='cyan')
                p0.set_title("trapENFCal %.2f  trapENM %.2f || latEM %.2f  latEF %.2f  latEAF %.2f  latEFC %.2f  latEAFC %.2f  latE50 %.2f" % (dataENFCal,dataENM,lat[iH],latF[iH],latAF[iH],latFC[iH],latAFC[iH], latE50[iH]))

            if plotNum==8: # multisite tag plot
                p0.plot(dataTS, data_blSub, color='blue', label='data')
                p0.plot(dataTS, data_filtDeriv, color='red', label='filtDeriv')
                for mse in msList: p0.axvline(mse, color='green')

            if plotNum==9: # wavelet vs wf fit residual plot

                # wavelet packet transform on wf fit residual
                fitResid = data-fit
                wpRes = pywt.WaveletPacket(fitResid, 'db2', 'symmetric', maxlevel=4)
                nodesRes = wpRes.get_level(4, order='freq')
                wpCoeffRes = np.array([n.data for n in nodesRes], 'd')
                wpCoeffRes = abs(wpCoeffRes)
                R6 = np.sum(wpCoeffRes[2:9,1:wpLength//4+1])
                R7 = np.sum(wpCoeffRes[2:9,wpLength//4+1:wpLength//2+1])
                R8 = np.sum(wpCoeffRes[2:9,wpLength//2+1:3*wpLength//4+1])
                R9 = np.sum(wpCoeffRes[2:9,3*wpLength//4+1:-1])
                R10 = np.sum(wpCoeffRes[9:,1:wpLength//4+1])
                R11 = np.sum(wpCoeffRes[9:,wpLength//4+1:wpLength//2+1])
                R12 = np.sum(wpCoeffRes[9:,wpLength//2+1:3*wpLength//4+1])
                R13 = np.sum(wpCoeffRes[9:,3*wpLength//4+1:-1])
                RsumList = [R6, R7, R8, R9, R10, R11, R12, R13]
                bcMinRes = 1. if np.min(RsumList) < 1 else np.min(RsumList)
                riseNoiseRes = np.sum(wpCoeffRes[2:-1,wpLoRise:wpHiRise]) / bcMinRes
                rnCut = 1.1762 + 0.00116 * np.log(1 + np.exp((dataENFCal-7.312)/0.341))

                # p0.plot(dataTS,data_wlDenoised,color='cyan',label='denoised',alpha=0.7)
                # p0.axvline(fitRiseTime50,color='green',label='fit 50%',linewidth=2)
                # p0.set_title("Run %d  Entry %d  Channel %d  ENFCal %.2f  flo %.0f  fhi %.0f  fhi-flo %.0f" % (run,iList,chan,dataENFCal,fitStartTime,fitMaxTime,fitMaxTime-fitStartTime))
                # p0.legend(loc='best')
                p0.set_title("Run %d  Entry %d  Channel %d  ENFCal %.2f  flo %.0f  fhi %.0f  fhi-flo %.0f  approxFitE %.2f" % (run,iList,chan,dataENFCal,fitStartTime,fitMaxTime,fitMaxTime-fitStartTime,fitAmp[iH]*0.4))


                p2.set_title("riseNoise %.2f  rnCut %.2f  riseNoiseRes %.2f  bcMinRes %.2f  bcMin %.2f  max %.2f" % (riseNoise[iH],rnCut,riseNoiseRes,bcMinRes,bcMin[iH],wpCoeffRes.max()))
                p2.imshow(wpCoeffRes, interpolation='nearest', aspect="auto", origin="lower",extent=[0, 1, 0, len(wpCoeff)],cmap='viridis')

            # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

        # End loop over hits, fill branches
        if batMode:
            for key in brDict:
            if iList%5000 == 0 and iList!=0:
                print("%d / %d entries saved (%.2f %% done), time: %s" % (iList,nList,100*(float(iList)/nList),time.strftime('%X %x %Z')))

    # End loop over events
    if batMode and not intMode:
        print("Wrote",out.GetBranch("channel").GetEntries(),"entries in the copied tree,")
        print("and wrote",b1.GetEntries(),"entries in the new branches.")

    stopT = time.clock()
    print("Stopped:",time.strftime('%X %x %Z'),"\nProcess time (min):",(stopT - startT)/60)
    print(float(nList)/((stopT-startT)/60.),"entries per minute.")
Exemplo n.º 3
def main(argv):
    Matplotlib animation tutorial:
    Requires ffmpeg.  (brew install ffmpeg)
    chans = [1176, 672, 648, 660]
    chan = chans[0]

    dummyTree = ROOT.TChain("skimTree")
    # dummyTree.Add("/global/homes/w/wisecg/project/cal/lat/latSkimDS5_run2549*.root")
    # dummyTree.Add("/global/homes/w/wisecg/project/cal/lat/latSkimDS5_run2550*.root")
    print("Found %d entries." % (dummyTree.GetEntries()))

    theCut = "trapENFCal > 2000 && trapENFCal < 2200 && channel==%d && avse>-1" % chan

    gatTree = TTree()
    gatTree = dummyTree.CopyTree(theCut)
    outFile = "../plots/movie-5c-%d.mp4" % chan

    # Print cut and events passing cut
    print("Using cut:\n", theCut, "\n")
    gatTree.Draw(">>elist", theCut, "entrylist")
    elist = gDirectory.Get("elist")
    nList = elist.GetN()
    print("Found", nList, "entries passing cuts.")

    nWFLimit = 1000 if nList > 1000 else nList

    # First set up the figure, the axis, and the plot element we want to animate
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10), facecolor='w')
    fig.set_size_inches(20, 10, True)
    a1 = plt.subplot(111)
    a1.set_xlabel("Time (ns)")
    p1, = a1.plot(np.ones(1), np.ones(1), color='blue')

    # initialization function: plot the background of each frame
    def init():
        p1.set_data([], [])
        return p1,

    # animation function.  This is called sequentially (it's the loop over events.)
    def animate(iList):

        entry = gatTree.GetEntryNumber(iList)
        nChans = gatTree.channel.size()
        numPass = gatTree.Draw("channel", theCut, "GOFF", 1, iList)
        chans = gatTree.GetV1()
        chanList = list(set(int(chans[n]) for n in range(numPass)))

        # Loop over hits passing cuts
        hitList = (iH for iH in range(nChans)
                   if gatTree.channel.at(iH) in chanList
                   )  # a 'generator expression'
        for iH in hitList:
            wf = gatTree.MGTWaveforms.at(iH)
            iEvent = entry
            run = gatTree.run
            chan = gatTree.channel.at(iH)
            energy = gatTree.trapENFCal.at(iH)
            dcr = gatTree.dcr99.at(iH)
            # fs = gatTree.fitSlo.at(iH)
            # rn = gatTree.riseNoise.at(iH)
            signal = wl.processWaveform(wf)
            waveRaw = signal.GetWaveRaw()
            waveTS = signal.GetTS()

            baseline = np.sum(waveRaw[:50]) / 50

            # fill the figure
            # plt.title("Run %d  Ch %d  Entry %d  trapENFCal %.1f  fitSlo %.2f  riseNoise %.2f" % (run,chan,iList,energy, fs, rn))
            plt.title("Run %d  Ch %d  Entry %d  trapENFCal %.1f  dcr99 %.8f" %
                      (run, chan, iList, energy, dcr))

            # dynamically scale the axes
            xmin, xmax = np.amin(waveTS), np.amax(waveTS)
            # a1.set_xlim([xmin,xmax])
            a1.set_xlim([9000, xmax])
            # if energy > 1000:
            # a1.set_ylim(0,1000)
            # else:
            ymin, ymax = np.amin(waveRaw), np.amax(waveRaw)
            # a1.set_ylim([ymin-abs(0.1*ymin),ymax+abs(0.1*ymax)])
            a1.set_ylim([ymax - abs(0.35 * ymax), ymax + abs(0.2 * ymax)])
            # a1.set_ylim([5000,6000])

            # print(progress)
            # print("%d / %d  Run %d  nCh %d  chan %d  trapE %.1f  samp %d" % (iList,nList,run,nChans,chan,energy,wf.GetLength()))
            if iList % 500 == 0 and iList != 0:
                print("%d / %d entries saved (%.2f %% done)." %
                      (iList, nList, 100 * (float(iList) / nList)))
            return p1,

    # call the animator.  blit=True means only re-draw the parts that have changed.
    # anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, init_func=init, frames=elist.GetN(), interval=0, blit=True)
    anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig,

    # save the animation as an mp4.  This requires ffmpeg or mencoder to be
    # installed.  The extra_args ensure that the x264 codec is used, so that
    # the video can be embedded in html5.  You may need to adjust this for
    # your system: for more information, see
    # http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/api/animation_api.html
    anim.save(outFile, fps=20)  #, extra_args=['-vcodec', 'libx264'])