Exemplo n.º 1
def autostart(reason, **kwargs):
    global rssPoller

    # Instanciate when autostart active, session present and enigma2 is launching
    if config.plugins.simpleRSS.autostart.value and \
     kwargs.has_key("session") and reason == 0:

        from RSSPoller import RSSPoller
        rssPoller = RSSPoller()
    elif reason == 1:
        if rssPoller is not None:
            rssPoller = None
Exemplo n.º 2
def main(session, **kwargs):
    # Get Global rssPoller-Object
    global rssPoller

    # Create one if we have none (no autostart)
    if rssPoller is None:
        from RSSPoller import RSSPoller
        rssPoller = RSSPoller()

    # Show Overview when we have feeds (or retrieving them from google)
    if rssPoller.feeds or config.plugins.simpleRSS.enable_google_reader.value:
        from RSSScreens import RSSOverview
        session.openWithCallback(closed, RSSOverview, rssPoller)
    # Show Setup otherwise
        from RSSSetup import RSSSetup
        session.openWithCallback(closed, RSSSetup, rssPoller)
Exemplo n.º 3
def main(session, **kwargs):
    # Get Global rssPoller-Object
    global rssPoller

    # Create one if we have none (no autostart)
    if rssPoller is None:
        from RSSPoller import RSSPoller
        rssPoller = RSSPoller()

    # Show Overview when we have feeds
    if rssPoller.feeds:
        from RSSScreens import RSSOverview
        session.openWithCallback(closed, RSSOverview, rssPoller)
    # Show Setup otherwise
        from RSSSetup import RSSSetup
        session.openWithCallback(closed, RSSSetup, rssPoller)
Exemplo n.º 4
def autostart(reason, **kwargs):
	global rssPoller

	if "session" in kwargs and config.plugins.simpleRSS.update_notification.value == "ticker":
		import RSSTickerView as tv
		if tv.tickerView is None:
			tv.tickerView = kwargs["session"].instantiateDialog(tv.RSSTickerView)

	# Instanciate when enigma2 is launching, autostart active and session present or installed during runtime
	if reason == 0 and config.plugins.simpleRSS.autostart.value and \
		(not plugins.firstRun or "session" in kwargs):

		from RSSPoller import RSSPoller
		rssPoller = RSSPoller()
	elif reason == 1:
		if rssPoller is not None:
			rssPoller = None