Exemplo n.º 1
class Traj_data:
    def __init__(self, file_name=None, pkl_traj_file="/home/naylor/Documents/Work/Files/pkl"):
        print ("Traj_data built")

        local_dir_hdf5 = pkl_traj_file
        local_dir_pkl = local_dir_hdf5

        self.files_hdf5 = []
        for fn in os.listdir(local_dir_hdf5):
            if "hdf5" in fn:
                self.files_hdf5.append(local_dir_hdf5 + "/" + fn)

        self.files_pkl = []
        for fn in os.listdir(local_dir_pkl):
            if "pkl" in fn:
                self.files_pkl.append(local_dir_pkl + "/" + fn)
        if file_name is not None:
            self.extracting("0015", "both_channels_0015.hdf5", "primary")
            self.data = pd.read_csv(file_name)

    def extracting(self, num_str, file_loc_hdf5=None, channel="primary"):
        File_num_pkl = [el for el in self.files_pkl if num_str in el]
        File_num_hdf5 = [el for el in self.files_hdf5 if num_str in el]
        for el in File_num_pkl:
            if "cycle_cens" in el:
                file_loc = el

        fp = open(file_loc, "r")
        a = pkl.load(fp)

        right_traj_ind = a["length"].keys()

        ## traj_noF_densities

        for el in File_num_pkl:
            if "traj_intQC" in el:
                file_loc = el

        fp = open(file_loc, "r")
        a = pkl.load(fp)

        first = a[a.keys()[0]].keys()[0]
        second = a[a.keys()[0]][first].keys()[0]

        a_1 = a[a.keys()[1]][first][second]

        self.trajectories = [a_1.lstTraj[ind] for ind in range(len(a_1.lstTraj)) if ind in right_traj_ind]
        self.all_trajectories = [a_1.lstTraj[ind] for ind in range(len(a_1.lstTraj))]

        if file_loc_hdf5 is None:
            file_loc = File_num_hdf5[0]
            file_loc = file_loc_hdf5

        self.hdf5_reader = Reader()
        self.hdf5_reader.hdf5_read(file_loc, line_id=True, channel=channel)
        self.names = self.hdf5_reader.names

        self.data = self.hdf5_reader.data

        self.Var_missing = self.hdf5_reader.names[[62, 92, 122, 152]]

        c = self.hdf5_reader.id_just_opened
        n, = c.shape
        self.mat_id = c[0:n]

        def id_t(x):
            return tuple(x)

        self.mat_id = map(id_t, self.mat_id)

        self.mat_id_inv = {}
        for i in range(len(self.mat_id)):
            self.mat_id_inv[self.mat_id[i]] = i

    def missing_features_data(self):
        for name in self.Var_missing:
            if name in self.data.columns:
                self.data = self.data.drop(name, 1)
        self.names = [el for el in self.names if el not in self.Var_missing]

    def missing_features_train(self):
        for name in self.Var_missing:
            if name in self.train.columns:
                self.train = self.train.drop(name, 1)
        self.names = [el for el in self.names if el not in self.Var_missing]

    def add_error(self):
        features1 = [2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 16, 17, 18, 23]
        features3 = [31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 42]
        features2 = [24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 62, 92, 122, 152]
        features4 = [0, 3, 153, 162, 164, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 237, 238]
        features = features1 + features2 + features3 + features4
        self.data.ix[self.data.index, self.data.columns[features]] += 1

    def label_finder(self, file_name):
        file_loc = "D:/cellcog/for cell cognition/classifier/annotations" + "/PLLT0001_01___P0015___T00001.xml"
        file_loc = file_name
        ##    file_loc="D:/cellcog/pcna_eth/classifier/three_phases/annotations/PLPlate1___P0015___T00001_bis.xml"
        tree = ET.parse(file_loc)
        root = tree.getroot()

        data_0015 = np.zeros(shape=(2000, 4))

        seq = 0
        for i in range(len(root[1])):
            if len(root[1][i]) != 0 and len(root[1][i]) != 1:
                for j in range(len(root[1][i])):
                    if len(root[1][i][j]) == 0:
                        Type = root[1][i][j].text
                        data_0015[seq, :] = [Type, root[1][i][j][0].text, root[1][i][j][1].text, root[1][i][j][2].text]
                        seq = seq + 1
        for i in range(len(data_0015)):
            if data_0015[i, 1] == 0:
        data_0015 = data_0015[0:i, :]
        data_0015 = pd.DataFrame(data_0015)
        data_0015.columns = ["Type", "x_c", "y_c", "time_idx"]
        full_data_0015 = self.data[
            [self.hdf5_reader.well + "_id_frame", self.hdf5_reader.well + "_pos_x", self.hdf5_reader.well + "_pos_y"]
        full_data_0015.columns = ["time_idx", "x", "y"]
        full_data_0015["Type"] = 0

        for frame in set(list(data_0015["time_idx"])):
            A_f = data_0015[data_0015["time_idx"] == frame]
            B_f = full_data_0015[full_data_0015["time_idx"] == frame]
            for A_line in A_f.index:
                x_c = A_f.loc[A_line]["x_c"]
                y_c = A_f.loc[A_line]["y_c"]
                B_f_temp = B_f
                B_f_temp["Distance"] = (B_f_temp["x"] - x_c) ** 2 + (B_f_temp["y"] - y_c) ** 2
                min_ind = B_f_temp["Distance"].idxmin(axis=1)
                full_data_0015.ix[min_ind, "Type"] = A_f.loc[A_line]["Type"]
        self.labels_and_line = full_data_0015[full_data_0015["Type"] != 0]
        self.labels_and_line.columns = [
            self.hdf5_reader.well + "_id_frame",
            self.hdf5_reader.well + "_pos_x",
            self.hdf5_reader.well + "_pos_y",

    def renaming_and_merge(self):
        def bij(val_string):
            val_string = int(val_string)
            if val_string == 1:
                return "1"
            elif val_string == 2:
                return "S"
            elif val_string == 3:
                return "S"
            elif val_string == 4:
                return "S"
            elif val_string == 5:
                return "2"
                return "M"

        self.labels_and_line["Type"] = self.labels_and_line.apply(lambda r: bij(r["Type"]), axis=1)
        self.data = self.data.join(self.labels_and_line["Type"])
        self.train = self.data[pd.notnull(self.data["Type"])]

    def Add_traj(self, normalize=False, all_traj=False, average=False, diff=False, num_traj=0):
        ## It can be improved with a grouby and lambda function (once they have traj
        if all_traj:
            traj_dic = self.all_trajectories
            traj_dic = self.trajectories

        if num_traj != 0:
            traj_dic = [traj_dic[i] for i in range(num_traj)]
        i = 0
        for traj in traj_dic:

            list_feat = []
            for key in traj.lstPoints.keys():
                if key in self.mat_id_inv.keys():
                    print key
                    print "this is not the best signe..., maybe wrong xml file or wrong hdf5, or wrong traj"

            if normalize:
                if average:
                    X_nor = self.data[self.names].mean(axis=0)
                    X_nor = self.data.ix[list_feat[0], self.names]
                if diff:
                    X_ = self.data.ix[list_feat, self.names] - X_nor
                    X_ = self.data.ix[list_feat, self.names] / X_nor
                self.data.ix[list_feat, self.names] = X_

            self.data.ix[list_feat, "traj"] = i
            i += 1
        self.Group_of_traj = self.data.groupby("traj")
        first_word = "Normalized" if normalize else "Unnormalzied"
        second_word = "Averaged" if average else ""
        if normalize:
            third_word = "Subtracted" if diff else "Divided"
            third_word = ""
        self.caract = first_word + "_" + second_word + "_" + third_word

    def update(self, show=True):
        self.Group_of_traj = self.data.groupby("traj")
        if show:
            print "Updated member Group_of_traj"
        we = "0015"
        self.labels_and_line = self.data[[we + "_id_frame", we + "_pos_x", we + "_pos_y", "Type"]]
        self.labels_and_line = self.labels_and_line[pd.notnull(self.labels_and_line["Type"])]
        self.train = self.data[pd.notnull(self.data["Type"])]

    def filter_length_traj(self, mu):
        new_data = self.data.groupby("traj").filter(lambda x: len(x) >= mu)
        self.data = new_data