Exemplo n.º 1
def refineReconciledTreeWithTransferBack(RT):
    adds transferBack events where they were omitted

        - RT (ReconciledTree) : a reconciled tree obtained from an ale string


    for n in RT.traverse():
        if n.is_root():

        lastEventParent = n.up.getEvent(-1)

        if lastEventParent.eventCode in ["speciationOut", "So"]:
            ## parent is an outgoing transfer

            firstEvent = n.getEvent(0)

            if firstEvent.species == lastEventParent.species:
                continue  ## this is the "kept" child --> continue

            if firstEvent.eventCode in [
                    "Tb", "transferBack", "Bo", "bifurcationOut"
                continue  ## already the correct annotation

            TbEvent = RecEvent("Tb", species=firstEvent.species)

            n.addEvent(TbEvent, append=False)
Exemplo n.º 2
def refineReconciledTreeLosses(RT, spTree):
    adds species to the losses

        - RT (ReconciledTree) : a reconciled tree obtained from an ale string
        - spTree (ete3.Tree) : a species tree


    for n in RT.traverse():
        if n.is_root():

        firstEvent = n.getEvent(0)

        if first.eventCode in ["L", "loss"]:
            ## loss!

            lastEventParent = n.up.getEvent(-1)

            if firstEvent.species == lastEventParent.species:
                continue  ## this is the "kept" child --> continue

            if firstEvent.eventCode in [
                    "Tb", "transferBack", "Bo", "bifurcationOut"
                continue  ## already the correct annotation

            TbEvent = RecEvent("Tb", species=firstEvent.species)

            n.addEvent(TbEvent, append=False)
Exemplo n.º 3
def PrIMEAnnotationToRecEvent(annot):
    """ returns a RecEvent OR None in case of problem """

    evtType = None
    name = annot.get("name", None)
    sp = None
    if not name is None:
        sp = name.rpartition("_")[2]

    Vtype = annot.get("VERTEXTYPE", None)
    if not Vtype is None:
        if Vtype == "Duplication":
            evtType = "D"
        elif Vtype == "Speciation":
            evtType = "S"  ## may be a SL. we check this later as this info is in the child
        elif Vtype == "Transfer":
            evtType = "So"  ## we will have to add the transferBack later to the child
        elif Vtype == "Loss":
            evtType = "L"
        elif Vtype == "Leaf":
            evtType = "C"
            print "UNKNOWN EVENT TYPE", Vtype, "!"

    if (sp is None) or (evtType is None):
        print "error when trying to assign event. data:", annot
        return None

    addInfo = {}
    if evtType == "C":
        addInfo["geneName"] = name

    return RecEvent(evtType, sp, additionnalInfo=addInfo)
Exemplo n.º 4
def NotungAnnotationToRecEvent(annot):
    """ returns a RecEvent OR None in case of problem """

    evtType = None
    sp = annot.get("S",None)

    if annot.has_key("D"): # duplication
        if annot["D"] == "Y":
            evtType = "D"

    if annot.has_key("H"):# transfer reception
        if annot["H"].startswith("Y"):
            evtType = "Tb"
            ## the destination species is already in the S field. The sending species
            #sHinfo = annot["H"].split("@")
            ## typical line : 'Y@MOUSE@GORILLA' for a transfer from mouse to gorilla

    if evtType is None:
        # speciation, speciationOut or Loss or leaf!
        if annot["name"].endswith("*LOST"):
            evtType = "L"
            evtType = "S" ## between leaf, S and So, always put S and we'll complement later

    if ( sp is None ) or (evtType is None):
        print "error when trying to assign event. data:", annot
        return None
    return RecEvent(evtType,sp)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def parse_eventsRec(self, element, obsoleteTagsBehaviour = 1 ):
        *recursive funtion*
            - element (Element) : element with the "eventsRec" tag
            - obsoleteTagsBehaviour (int) [default = 1]: 0 : ignore
                                                         1 : warning
                                                         2 : throw exception

            None : error
            (ReconciledTree) : the reconciled tree
        TAG = "eventsRec"
        if not self.isOfTag(element, TAG):
            raise Exception('BadTagException. The element is of tag ' + element.tag + " instead of " + TAG + "." )
        children = element.getchildren()
        events = []
        for ch in children:
            evtCode = self.tagCorrection( ch.tag )
            if obsoleteTagsBehaviour>0:
                if evtCode in OBSOLETE_EVENT_TAGS:
                    print OBSOLETEWARNINGTXT(evtCode)

                    if obsoleteTagsBehaviour>1:
                        raise Exception("ERROR. obsolete tag " + evtCode + " encoutered")

            evtCode = REVERSE_EVENTTAGCORRESPONDANCE.get(evtCode, evtCode) ## replace by special code when known tag, otherwise keep as is

            species = None
            speciesTAGs  = ["destinationSpecies" , "speciesLocation"]
            ts = None
            tsTAG = "ts"
            additionnalInfo = {}
            it = ch.items()
            for k,v in it:
                if k in speciesTAGs:
                    species = v
                elif k == tsTAG:
                    ts = int(v)
                    additionnalInfo[k] = v
            evt = RecEvent(evtCode , species, ts, additionnalInfo)
        return events
Exemplo n.º 6
def addSpeciationAndLoss(node, keptSpeciesNode):
    *modifies node in place*

        - node (ReconciledTree): node where a SpeciationLoss must take place
        - keptSpeciesNode (ete3.TreeNode): node of the species tree where the lineage survived (ie. the sister species of the one where the loss occured)
    parentSpeciesNode = keptSpeciesNode.up
    lossSpeciesNode = getSister(keptSpeciesNode)
    lossName = ""
    if lossSpeciesNode != None:
        lossName = lossSpeciesNode.name

    lossNode = ReconciledTree()
    lossNode.addEvent(RecEvent("loss", lossSpeciesNode.name))
    lossNode.name = "-"

    # 2. create the kept child

    keptNode = ReconciledTree()

    ##transfering the events of node to keptNode
    while len(node.eventRecs) > 0:
        keptNode.addEvent(node.popEvent(0), append=False)
    tmp = keptNode.name
    keptNode.name = node.name
    node.name = tmp

    # 3. link children to kept child
    while len(node.children) > 0:
        c = node.children[0]

    # 4. branching loss and kept to original node


    # 5. editing the event
    e = RecEvent("S", keptSpeciesNode.up.name)
    node.addEvent(e, append=False)  ##will insert the evt in first position

Exemplo n.º 7
def MakeLossIndependentNode(node,
    *modifies node*

         - node (ReconciledTree): reconciled node where the *Loss event occurs
         - LossIndex (int): index of the speciationLoss or branchingOutLoss event
         - lostSpecies (str) [default = ""] : species of the loss
         - lostTS (int) [default = None]: timeSlice is the loss
         - lostAdditional [default = {}]: additional information to give to the new loss event
         - keptChildNameSuffix (str) [default = ".c"] : suffix to add to the name of the new child of node that is NOT a loss

    #print( MakeLossIndependentNode , node , lostTS )

    # 1. create the loss child

    lossNode = ReconciledTree()
    lossNode.name = "LOSS"

    # 2. create the kept child

    keptNode = ReconciledTree()
    keptNode.name = node.name + keptChildNameSuffix

    while len(node.eventRecs) > (LossIndex + 1):
        #print LossIndex, LossIndex+1 , len(node.eventRecs)
        keptNode.addEvent(node.popEvent(LossIndex + 1))

    # 3. link children to kept child

    while len(node.children) > 0:
        c = node.children[0]

    # 4. branching loss and kept to original node


    # 5. editing the event

    e = node.eventRecs[LossIndex].eventCode
    node.eventRecs[LossIndex].eventCode = e[:-1]

Exemplo n.º 8
def NHXtreeToBasicRecTree(nhxTree, spTree=None):

    From a tree read in a NHX format file to a ReconciledTree without any intermediary events (SpeciationLoss events)

        - nhxTree (ete3.TreeNode) : tree read from a NHX formatted line
        - spTree (ete3.Tree or None) [default = None] : if different from None, 
                                            internal node's events associated to species whose name is in the species tree will be kept as such
                                                        if equal to None,
                                            only leaves get to keep their associated species (and species of other events will have to be re-associated later)



    RT = ReconciledTree()

    eventCode = None
    species = None

    ## only terminal events in a DL context are considered here : leaf, speciation or duplication

    if nhxTree.is_leaf():
        eventCode = "C"
        species = nhxTree.S
        ## we only get the species for the leaves
        ##( as they are the only one where we   are sure the species is one that is present in the species tree)

    elif nhxTree.D == "Y":
        eventCode = "D"
        eventCode = "S"

    if not spTree is None:
        if len(spTree.search_nodes(
                name=nhxTree.S)) == 1:  ## not at all efficient ...
            species = nhxTree.S

    ##additional info:
    for f in nhxTree.features:
        RT.add_feature(f, nhxTree.__getattribute__(
            f))  ## stinks that we call thi __method__ ...

    evt = RecEvent(eventCode, species)

    for c in nhxTree.children:
    return RT
Exemplo n.º 9
def refineReconciledTreeWithTransferBack(RT):
    adds transferBack events where they were omitted

        - RT (ReconciledTree) : a reconciled tree obtained from an ale string


    for n in RT.traverse():

        if n.is_root():

        lastEventParent = n.up.getEvent(-1)

        print [x.eventCode+","+x.species for x in n.eventRecs]

        if lastEventParent.eventCode in ["branchingOut", "bro","branchingOutLoss", "broL"]:
            ## parent is an outgoing transfer

            firstEvent = n.getEvent(0)

            print lastEventParent.eventCode , lastEventParent.species , "->",
            print firstEvent.eventCode , firstEvent.species

            if firstEvent.species == lastEventParent.species:
                continue ## this is the "kept" child --> continue

            if firstEvent.eventCode in ["Tb", "transferBack","Bo","bifurcationOut"]:
                continue ## already the correct annotation

            print "  creating event"

            TbEvent = RecEvent("Tb" ,  species = firstEvent.species)

            n.addEvent( TbEvent , append = False)
Exemplo n.º 10
def parse_node_annotation(node_annotation,
        - node_annotation (str): reconciliation annotation on a node

        (list): list of dicts coding a particular event
    #print "annot : ",node_annotation

    l_events = []

    if len(node_annotation) != 0:

        if node_annotation.startswith("."):
            node_annotation = node_annotation[1:]
        tmp_ann = node_annotation.split(".")

        ##further splitting multiple transfer
        s_ann = []
        for ann in tmp_ann:
            if ann.count("@") < 1:
            ## in case of transfer and loss like: T@27|SYNP2@26|ACAM1
            new_anns = ann.split("@")

                new_anns[0:2]))  ##first tranfer, a transfer out

            for a in new_anns[
                    2:]:  ##for each transfer after that (should be only one)
                s_ann.append("@" + a)

        print(node_annotation, "->", s_ann)

        for ann in s_ann:

            if ann[0].isdigit():  ##starts with a number spe,dup or spe+loss
                if ann.isdigit():  ##only numbers: spe or spe+loss
                    target = ann

                    ts = int(target)

                    if isUndated:
                        ts = None

                    l_events.append(RecEvent("S", target, ts))

            if ann.startswith("T@"):  ##Transfer out

                ## time slice of the source
                source_ts = None
                source_sp = None
                if isUndated:
                    ## of the shape : "T@D->A"
                    source_sp = ann[2:].partition("->")[0]
                    source_ts, junk, source_sp = ann[2:].partition(
                        "|")  ## partitionning something like T@22|22
                    source_ts = int(source_ts)

                ##adding the event
                l_events.append(RecEvent("So", source_sp, source_ts))

            if ann.startswith(
                    "@"):  # or ann.startswith("Tb@"):##transfer in or back

                pre = 3  ##cropping size
                if ann.startswith("@"):
                    pre = 1

                target_ts, junk, target_sp = ann[pre:].partition(
                )  ## partitionning something like @22|22 to get the time slice and specie

                ##adding the event
                l_events.append(RecEvent("Tb", target_sp, int(target_ts)))

            if ann.startswith("Tb@"):
                l_events.append(RecEvent("Bo", "-1"))

            if ann.startswith("D@"):  ##Duplication

                ts = None
                sp = None
                if isUndated:
                    sp = ann[2:]
                    ts, junk, sp = ann[2:].partition(
                        "|")  ## partitionning something like D@23|22
                    ts = int(ts)

                l_events.append(RecEvent("D", sp, ts))

    if isLeaf and (len(l_events) == 0 or l_events[-1].eventCode != "C"):
        ts = 0
        if isUndated:
            ts = None
            "C", None, ts))  ##temporary placeholder for the leaf species

    if isDead:  ## we start in the dead so the first event MUST be Bout or Tloss

        if not l_events[0].eventCode in ["Tb", "Bo"]:

            target_ts = l_events[0].timeSlice
            target_sp = l_events[0].species

            l_events.insert(0, RecEvent("Tb", target_sp, target_ts))

    ##adding loss labels
    for i in range(len(l_events) - 1):  ##all events but the last one
        if l_events[i].eventCode in ["So", "S"]:
            l_events[i].eventCode += "L"

    return l_events
Exemplo n.º 11
def addTbEvent(node):
    """ adds a transferBack event at the beginning of a nodes chain of event"""
    sp = node.getEvents()[0].species
    tbEvent = RecEvent("Tb", sp)
    node.addEvent(tbEvent, append=False)
Exemplo n.º 12
def AddLeafEvent(node):
    """ adds a Leaf event to the node """
    sp = node.getEvents()[-1].species
    node.addEvent( RecEvent("C",sp) )
    node.getEvents()[-1].additionnalInfo["geneName"] = node.name