Exemplo n.º 1
def processMessage(msg):
	# print("Inside message -->" + msg)
	split_msg = msg.split('$')
	if not isSourceJava(split_msg[0]):

	userID = getSecondColumn(split_msg[1])
	connectionID = getSecondColumn(split_msg[2])
	typeOfTesting = getSecondColumn(split_msg[3])
	timestamp = getSecondColumn(split_msg[4])
	url = getSecondColumn(split_msg[5])

	if url == 'none':
		print("url is none so return")

	isFile = getSecondColumn(split_msg[6])  # isFile -> 0 then only url check ... so DO NOT add to database
	periodicity = getSecondColumn(split_msg[7])
	isPeriodic = getSecondColumn(split_msg[8])

	fileNamePeriodic = "NULL"
	iterationNumber = -1  # Initialise to -1
	if periodicity == 'forced':
		iterationNumber = 0  # Initial check is 0th
	if isPeriodic == 1:
		fileNamePeriodic = getSecondColumn(split_msg[9])
		iterationNumber = getSecondColumn(split_msg[10])

	if typeOfTesting == 'DNS':
		print('Run DNS .... inside pythonServer.py')
		dns_check = DNS_CENSORSHIP()
		if isFile == 0:
			dns_check.ADD_TO_DATABASE = 0

		db = DBHandler()
		# db.checkAndMakeConnection(userID) 	#TO DO  [Problem [NoneType etc]]

		dns_check.dns_censorship_check(url)  # Actually does NOT RETURN
		report = dns_check.report
		# Further modifications ....
		report.url = url
		report.time_stamp = datetime.now().strftime('%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S')  # In this format
		report.is_file_check = isFile
		report.is_periodic = isPeriodic
		report.file_name_periodic = fileNamePeriodic
		report.iteration_number = iterationNumber
		report.type_of_testing = "DNS"
		# print("Inside pythonServer.py ... typeOfTesting('dns') <PRINTING REPORT> url = " + url)
		# report.printReport()


	elif typeOfTesting == 'TCP':
		print('Run TCP ..... inside pythonServer.py')

		tcp_check = TCP_3_WAY_HANDSHAKE()

		db = DBHandler()
		# Check for 5 iterations
		report_arr = tcp_check.tcp_handshake_check(url, 5)

		report = Report()
		report.url = url
		report.time_stamp = datetime.now().strftime('%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S')  # In this format
		report.is_file_check = isFile
		report.is_periodic = isPeriodic
		report.file_name_periodic = fileNamePeriodic
		report.iteration_number = iterationNumber
		report.type_of_testing = "TCP"

		# print("---------------------------INSIDE pythonServer.py report_arr.len = " + len(report_arr).__str__() + "-----------------")

		# for rep in report_arr:
			# rep.printReport()

		# print("----------------------------- DONE PRINTING REPORT [dbHandler.handle report is commented out for now]-----------------------")

		if len(report_arr) > 0:
			report.censorship_details = report_arr[0].censorship_details
			# report.is_censored = report_arr[0].is_censored
			is_cens = 1
			for rep in report_arr:
				if rep.tcp_description.is_censored_TCP == 0:
					is_cens = 0
			report.is_censored = is_cens

			report.censorship_details = report_arr[0].censorship_details

			report.tcp_description_arr = []

			for rep in report_arr:
				rep.tcp_description.is_censored_TCP = rep.is_censored  # For each TCP_Description ...

		# print("Now inside pythonServer.py ... printing report")
		# report.printReport()

	elif typeOfTesting == 'HTTP':
		print('>>>> Run HTTP ..... inside pythonServer.py')

		http_obj = http_https_data()  # For HTTP Checking

		db = DBHandler()

		rep_HTTP, rep_HTTPS = http_obj.check_http_https_censorship(url)

		rep_HTTP.url = url
		rep_HTTP.time_stamp = datetime.now().strftime('%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S')  # In this format
		rep_HTTP.is_file_check = isFile
		rep_HTTP.is_periodic = isPeriodic
		rep_HTTP.file_name_periodic = fileNamePeriodic
		rep_HTTP.iteration_number = iterationNumber
		rep_HTTP.type_of_testing = "HTTP"

		rep_HTTPS.url = url
		rep_HTTPS.time_stamp = datetime.now().strftime('%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S')  # In this format
		rep_HTTPS.is_file_check = isFile
		rep_HTTPS.is_periodic = isPeriodic
		rep_HTTPS.file_name_periodic = fileNamePeriodic
		rep_HTTPS.iteration_number = iterationNumber
		rep_HTTPS.type_of_testing = "HTTPS"

		# Put everything in one report ...


	elif typeOfTesting == 'ALL':
		print('Run All ..... ')