Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, port):
        self._nrf = BusPirate(port)
        self._currentState = NrfStates.POWER_DOWN

        self.__logger = logging.getLogger('BusPirateNRF')
        self.__logger.info('__init__("' + str(port) + '")')
Exemplo n.º 2
class BusPirateNRF(RespireNRF):
    def __init__(self, port):
        self._nrf = BusPirate(port)
        self._currentState = NrfStates.POWER_DOWN

        self.__logger = logging.getLogger('BusPirateNRF')
        self.__logger.info('__init__("' + str(port) + '")')

    def setCE(self, state):
        self._nrf.setPin(BusPiratePins.AUX, state)
        self.__logger.info('CE: ' + str(state))

    def getIRQ(self):
        # The BusPirate cannot read the IRQ pin !!
        # so we read the status and config reg and return are calc of it
        status = self.getReg(self.STATUS)
        config = self.getReg(self.CONFIG)

        rx_dr = (status & self.RX_DR) != 0
        tx_ds = (status & self.TX_DS) != 0
        max_rt = (status & self.MAX_RT) != 0

        mask_rx_dr = (config & self.MASK_RX_DR) != 0
        mask_tx_ds = (config & self.MASK_TX_DS) != 0
        mask_max_rt = (config & self.MASK_MAX_RT) != 0

        irq = (mask_rx_dr and rx_dr) or (mask_tx_ds and tx_ds) or (mask_max_rt
                                                                   and max_rt)

        self.__logger.info('S  : ' + int2bin(status))
        self.__logger.info('C  : ' + int2bin(config))
        self.__logger.info('IRQ: ' + str(irq))

        return irq