Exemplo n.º 1
def test_genCFile(tmp_path):
    dyn = Parameters.Dynamics()
    geo = Parameters.Geometry()
    d = tmp_path / "sub"
    #p = d / "hello.txt"
    #p.write_text("Stuff in txt file")
    folder_path = Parameters.FilePath(str(d))
    UDF = CFile_Generation.genCFile(folder_path, geo, dyn)
Exemplo n.º 2
def genCFile(FilePath, FoilGeo, FoilDyn):

    if Parameters.query_yes_no(
            "Are these the parameters you want to use to generate a user defined function?"
    ) == False:
            "\nPlease enter the desired foil parameters into the input form")

    parameter_search = np.array([[FoilGeo.chord, 'C_chord_length'],
                                 [FoilDyn.rho, 'C_fluid_density'],
                                 [FoilDyn.freq, 'C_heaving_frequency'],
                                 [FoilDyn.h0, 'C_heaving_amplitude'],
                                 [FoilDyn.theta0, 'C_pitching_amplitude'],
                                 [FoilDyn.velocity_inf, 'C_velocity_inf']])
    UDF_file = open(
        os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) +
        "\\AnsysFiles\\Rigid_TemPlate.c", "r").readlines()
    for param in parameter_search:
        UDF_file = [w.replace(param[1], param[0]).strip() for w in UDF_file]

    with open(FilePath.data_path + "\\modRigidPlateFile.c",
              "w") as new_UDF_file:
        for lineitem in UDF_file:
            new_UDF_file.write('%s\n' % lineitem)

    print('\nUDF has been generated.\n')
    if hasattr(__main__, '__file__'):
        if "test" in __main__.__file__.lower():
            return UDF_file
    return FilePath
Exemplo n.º 3
def directory_Request(FilePath, dirReq):
    if dirReq == 0:
        Folder_Path = Parameters.path_check(
            "\nStore simulation files to %s?\nA) Yes, use/create the folder and save to it \nB) No, I want to specify a different folder directory \nC) No, I want to cancel this process\nPick an answer of A, B, or C: ",
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_Dynamics():
    k = 0.08
    freq = 1.6
    chord = 0.15
    dyn = Parameters.Dynamics(k, freq, 0.075, 70, chord, 1000, 1, 1.225)
    assert dyn.velocity_inf == freq * chord / k
    assert np.allclose(dyn.theta[250], -dyn.theta0)
    assert np.allclose(dyn.theta[1000], 0)
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_processWallshear():
    folder_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    k = 0.12
    freq = 1.6
    chord = 0.15
    time_step = 1130
    vortex_xC = 0.053220586717218  #vortex_xC is the x position relative to the chord length that the vortex is being shed
    dyn = Parameters.Dynamics(k, freq, 0.075, 70, chord, 1000, 2, 1.225)
    output = processWallshear.wallshearData(folder_path + r"\Assets", dyn)
    assert output[0] == time_step
    assert np.allclose(output[1], vortex_xC)
Exemplo n.º 6
def main(files, geo, dyn, axs=2, x=2, CollectData=False):
    """Runs simulation from reading in input form to processing end data"""

    if len(os.listdir(files.folder_path)) == 0:
        Folder_Path = Parameters.path_check(
            "\nStore simulation files to %s?\nA) Yes, use/create the folder and save to it \nB) No, I want to specify a different folder directory \nC) No, I want to cancel this process\nPick an answer of A, B, or C: ",

        ## Generate Journal Files
        talkToAnsys.generateMesh_wbjn(files, geo, 1)
        talkToAnsys.generateFluent_wbjn(files, dyn, 1)

        if hasattr(files, 'WB_path'):
            talkToAnsys.run_wbjn(files.WB_path, files.wbjnMesh_path, '-B')
                "Project with Mesh file has been generated. Begin simulation? (This will take a long time)"
            ## Generate C File
            files = CFile_Generation.genCFile(files, geo, dyn)
            talkToAnsys.run_wbjn(files.WB_path, files.wbjnFluent_path, '-B')
Exemplo n.º 7
def genCFile(FilePath, FoilGeo, FoilDyn):

    if Parameters.query_yes_no("Are these the parameters you want to use to generate a user defined function?")== False:
        sys.exit("\nPlease enter the desired foil parameters into the input form")
    # Folder_Path = Parameters.path_check(FilePath.folder_path, "\nStore simulation files to %s?\nA) Yes, use/create the folder and save to it \nB) No, I want to specify a different folder directory \nC) No, I want to cancel this process\nPick an answer of A, B, or C: ")
    # FilePath.newFolderPath(Folder_Path)

    parameter_search = np.array([[FoilGeo.chord, 'C_chord_length'], [FoilDyn.rho, 'C_fluid_density'], [FoilDyn.freq, 'C_heaving_frequency'], [FoilDyn.h0, 'C_heaving_amplitude'], [FoilDyn.theta0, 'C_pitching_amplitude'], [FoilDyn.velocity_inf, 'C_velocity_inf']])
    UDF_file = open(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "\\AnsysFiles\\Rigid_TemPlate.c", "r").readlines()
    for param in parameter_search:
        UDF_file = [w.replace(param[1], param[0]).strip() for w in UDF_file]

    with open(FilePath.folder_path + "\\modRigidPlateFile.c", "w") as new_UDF_file:
        for lineitem in UDF_file:
            new_UDF_file.write('%s\n' % lineitem)
    print('\nUDF has been generated.\n')
    if hasattr(__main__, '__file__'):
        if "test" in __main__.__file__.lower():   
            return UDF_file
    return FilePath
import sys
from RigidFoilSimer import Parameters
from RigidFoilSimer import RigidFoilSimer
## Reading in input form
FilePaths = Parameters.FilePath("C:/Users/vicki/Desktop", "githubVersion")
FoilGeo = Parameters.Geometry()
FoilDyn = Parameters.Dynamics()
RigidFoilSimer.main(FilePaths, FoilGeo, FoilDyn)
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_Geometry():
    geo = Parameters.Geometry(0.15, 0.15 * 0.075, 0.15 * 0.3, 0.001, 0.006)
    assert geo.chord == 0.15
    assert np.allclose(geo.trailing_ellipse_origin, 0.069)
def yesNo(prompt):
    if Parameters.query_yes_no(prompt) == False: