Exemplo n.º 1
class Person(object):

	def __init__(self, name, quids):
		self.balanceHistory=RingList(90) #history of daily balances over last 90 days
		self.debitsHistory=RingList(90)  #history of daily debits over last 90 days
		self.dailyDebits=[]              #daily debits list
	def startDayTrading(self):
		self.dailyDebits=[]             #on day trading start, the daily debits list gets reset
	def appendDailyDebits(self):
		self.debitsHistory.append(self.dailyDebits) #individual bought something
	def closeDayTrading(self):         #day ends
	def checkLimits(self):             #not needed yet
		print "Check Limits"

	def removeQuids(self):             #velocity below limits --> quids removed
		print "removeQuids"
		toremove = self.quids*(5.0/100)
		self.quids=self.quids -toremove
		return toremove

	def newBalance(self):              #just print balance
		if DEBUGLEVEL >= 7:
		  print "Member %s new balance: %s " %(self.name, self.quids)

	def addQuids(self):                #velocity above higher limit --> quids added
		print "addQuids"
		toadd = self.quids*(5.0/100)
		self.quids=self.quids + toadd
		return toadd

	def check(self, buy):              #does individual have funds to buy the good?
		if DEBUGLEVEL >= 8:
			print "%s would like to buy %s for %s" %(self.name, buy.good, buy.quid)
		if (self.quids < buy.quid):
			if DEBUGLEVEL >= 8:
				print "%s does not have sufficient funds to buy %s" %(self.name,buy.good)
			return 0
			return 1
	def buy(self, buy):                #Yes, so do buying
		if DEBUGLEVEL >= 8:
			print "Transaction %s: %s buying %s for %s" %(buy.getID(), self.name, buy.good, buy.quid)
		self.quids=self.quids - buy.quid

	def sell(self,sell):               #actually crediting an account (a business)
		if DEBUGLEVEL  >= 8:
			print "Selling %s for %s" %(sell.good, sell.quid)
		self.quids=self.quids + sell.quid
	def computeDailyVelocity(self):    #
		dailyvelocity = 0.0
		sum = 0.0 
		dailytransactions = len(self.dailyDebits)
		if dailytransactions == 0:
			if DEBUGLEVEL >= 7:
				print "No activity on account %s yet" %self.name
			for i in self.dailyDebits:
				sum = sum + i
			dailyvelocity = sum / dailytransactions
			if DEBUGLEVEL >= 5:
				print "%s's daily velocity: %s" %dailyvelocity
	def computeVelocity(self):         #at week termination, the velocity gets calculated
		balances = self.balanceHistory.get()
		days = len(balances)
		if days == 0:
			if DEBUGLEVEL >= 7:
				print "No activity on account %s yet" %self.name
		velocity = 0.0
		totaldebits = self.calcTotalDebitsInPeriod()
		totaltransactionsinperiod = self.__getTotalTransactionsInPeriod__()
		if (totaltransactionsinperiod > 0):
			velocity = totaldebits / totaltransactionsinperiod
		#divide by average balance or total number of transactions?
		#averagebalance = self.calcAverageBalance()
		#if averagebalance >0:
		#	velocity = totaldebits / averagebalance
			if DEBUGLEVEL >= 3:
				print "%s's velocity over the last %s days: %s" %(self.name, days, velocity)
		return velocity
	def __getTotalTransactionsInPeriod__(self):
		debits = self.debitsHistory.get()
		totalTransactions = 0
		for dailyDebits in debits:
			transactions = len(dailyDebits)
			totalTransactions = totalTransactions + transactions
		return totalTransactions
	def getVelocity(self):
		return self.velocity
	def calcAverageBalance(self):
		totalbalance = 0.0
		averagebalance = 0.0
		balances = self.balanceHistory.get()
		days = len(balances)
		for i in balances:
			totalbalance = totalbalance + i	
		if days > 0:	
			averagebalance = totalbalance / days
		return averagebalance
	def calcTotalDebitsInPeriod(self):
		totaldebits = 0.0
		debits = self.debitsHistory.get()
		for day in debits:
			for transaction in day:
				totaldebits = totaldebits + transaction
		if DEBUGLEVEL >= 6:
			print "%s's total debits over the last 90 days: %s" %(self.name,totaldebits)
		return totaldebits
Exemplo n.º 2
class NetworkManager(object):
	def __init__(self, variables):
		self.variables = variables
		self.transactionCount = 0
		self.failedCount = 0
		self.turnover = 0.0
		self.dailyTurnover = []
		self.balanceHistory = RingList(90)
	def getTurnover(self):
		return self.turnover
	#on every transaction
	def transactionEvent(self, transaction):
		self.transactionCount = self.transactionCount + 1
		if (not transaction.isSuccessful()):
			self.failedCount = self.failedCount + 1
			self.turnover = self.turnover + transaction.quid
	#on every day		
	def dayStartedEvent(self):
		self.dailyTurnover = []
	#end of day	
	def dayClosedEvent(self):
	#returns how many transactions in total	
	def getTransactionCount(self):
		return self.transactionCount
	#how many ta's rejected
	def getFailedCount(self):
		return self.failedCount
    #check if the threshold for failing/succeeding ta's should be changed
	def checkPercentage(self):
		tcount = self.getTransactionCount()
		vars = self.variables
		if (tcount == vars.higherAcceptanceThreshold) and (vars.percentSuccessfulTransactions <= vars.maxSuccessfulTransactions):
			vars.percentSuccessfulTransactions = vars.percentSuccessfulTransactions + 10
			vars.higherAcceptanceThreshold = vars.higherAcceptanceThreshold + vars.higherAcceptanceIncreaseStep
			print "New successful transactions percentage: %s" %vars.percentSuccessfulTransactions 
    #global velocity of the system
	def getGlobalVelocity(self):
		balances = self.balanceHistory.get()
		days = len(balances)
		balance = 0.0
		globalvelocity = 0.0
		transactions = 0
		for dailyBalance in balances:
			for transaction in dailyBalance:
				balance = balance + transaction
				transactions = transactions + 1
		if (transactions >0 ):
			if DEBUGLEVEL >= 3:
				print "Global balance: %s - Global transactions: %s" %(balance,transactions)
			globalvelocity = balance / transactions
		if DEBUGLEVEL >= 3:
			print "Global velocity over the last %s days: %s" %(days,globalvelocity)
		return globalvelocity
	#determines if a transaction will be successful or will fail (simulating acceptance, etc.)
	def evalShouldTransactionBeSuccessful(self):
		rate = self.variables.percentSuccessfulTransactions/100.0
		rnd = random.random()
		if rnd <= rate:
			successful = 1 #above success rate --> succeeds
			successful = 0 #below --> fails
		return successful
	#checks if the amount of ta's happening with existing businesses rather new ones should be adjusted
	def shouldIncreaseNewBusinessRate(self,existingBiz):
		if existingBiz == 0:
		tmp = existingBiz % vars.newBizThreshold	
		if tmp <= vars.newBizThreshold:
			if tmp==0 and vars.percentNewBusiness != 0:
				vars.percentNewBusiness = vars.percentNewBusiness - vars.percentNewBusinessAdjustment
				vars.newBizThreshold = vars.newBizThreshold + vars.newBizThresholdStep