Exemplo n.º 1
def save_templates( templates, outputDir, lead_ptrange=(None,None), namePostfix='' ) :

    if outputDir is None :

    draw_templates = {'lead' : {}, 'subl' : {} }

    draw_templates['lead']['real'] = templates['lead']['real']['Data'].Clone( 'draw_%s' %templates['lead']['real']['Data'].GetName())
    draw_templates['lead']['fake'] = templates['lead']['fake']['Data'].Clone( 'draw_%s' %templates['lead']['fake']['Data'].GetName())

    if templates['lead']['real']['Background'] is not None :
        draw_templates['lead']['real'].Add( templates['lead']['real']['Background'])
    if templates['lead']['fake']['Background'] is not None :
        draw_templates['lead']['fake'].Add( templates['lead']['fake']['Background'])

    can_lead_real = ROOT.TCanvas('can_lead_real', '')
    can_lead_fake = ROOT.TCanvas('can_lead_fake', '')

    pt_label_lead = None
    if lead_ptrange[0] is not None :
        if lead_ptrange[1] == None :
            pt_label_lead = ' p_{T} > %d ' %( lead_ptrange[0] )
        else :
            pt_label_lead = ' %d < p_{T} < %d ' %( lead_ptrange[0], lead_ptrange[1] )

    draw_template( can_lead_real, draw_templates['lead']['real'], sampManFit, normalize=1, label=pt_label_lead, outputName = outputDir+'/template_lead_real%s.pdf' %namePostfix )
    draw_template( can_lead_fake, draw_templates['lead']['fake'], sampManFit, normalize=1, label=pt_label_lead, outputName = outputDir+'/template_lead_fake%s.pdf' %namePostfix )
Exemplo n.º 2
def run_photon_fit( templates, gg_hist, lead_reg, fitvar='sigmaIEIE', pid='Medium', lead_ptrange=(None,None), outputDir=None, outputPrefix='', systematics=None ) :

    accept_reg = ['EB', 'EE']
    if lead_reg not in accept_reg :
        print 'Lead region does not make sense'

    # get the defaults
    samples = get_default_samples()
    plotbinning = get_default_binning(var=fitvar)
    cuts = get_default_cuts(var=fitvar, pid=pid)

    # Find the bins corresponding to the cuts
    # lead photon on X axis, subl on Y axis
    bins_lead_tight = ( gg_hist.GetXaxis().FindBin( cuts[lead_reg]['tight'][0] ), gg_hist.GetXaxis().FindBin( cuts[lead_reg]['tight'][1] ) )
    bins_lead_loose = ( gg_hist.GetXaxis().FindBin( cuts[lead_reg]['loose'][0] ), gg_hist.GetXaxis().FindBin( cuts[lead_reg]['loose'][1] ) )

    print 'cuts, bins lead, tight = %f-%f ( %d - %d ) ' %( cuts[lead_reg]['tight'][0], cuts[lead_reg]['tight'][1], bins_lead_tight[0], bins_lead_tight[1] )
    print 'cuts, bins lead, loose = %f-%f ( %d - %d ) ' %( cuts[lead_reg]['loose'][0], cuts[lead_reg]['loose'][1], bins_lead_loose[0], bins_lead_loose[1] )

    # Integrate to the the data in the four regions
    Ndata_T = gg_hist.Integral( bins_lead_tight[0], bins_lead_tight[1])
    Ndata_L = gg_hist.Integral( bins_lead_loose[0], bins_lead_loose[1])

    # ufloat it!
    Ndata = {}
    Ndata['T'] = ufloat( Ndata_T, math.sqrt(Ndata_T ), 'Ndata_T' )
    Ndata['L'] = ufloat( Ndata_L, math.sqrt(Ndata_L ), 'Ndata_L' )

    print 'N data T = ', Ndata['T']
    print 'N data L = ', Ndata['L']

    # arragnge the cuts by 
    eff_cuts = {}
    eff_cuts['lead'] = {}
    eff_cuts['lead']['tight'] = cuts[lead_reg]['tight']
    eff_cuts['lead']['loose'] = cuts[lead_reg]['loose']

    # get 2-d efficiencies from 1-d inputs
    (eff_1d_stat, eff_1d_syst) =generate_1d_efficiencies( templates, eff_cuts, lead_reg, lead_ptrange,  systematics=systematics )

    print 'eff_1d'
    print eff_1d_stat

    results_stat = run_fit( {'T': Ndata['T'], 'L' : Ndata['L']}, eff_1d_stat )
    results_syst = run_fit( {'T': Ndata['T'], 'L' : Ndata['L']}, eff_1d_syst )

    print 'Real Norm = ', results_stat.item(0)
    print 'Fake Norm = ', results_stat.item(1)

    hist_temp_lead_real = templates['lead']['real']['Data'].Clone( 'hist_temp_lead_real' )
    hist_temp_lead_fake = templates['lead']['fake']['Data'].Clone( 'hist_temp_lead_fake' )

    if templates['lead']['real']['Background'] is not None :
        hist_temp_lead_real.Add( templates['lead']['real']['Background'] )
    if templates['lead']['fake']['Background'] is not None :
        hist_temp_lead_fake.Add( templates['lead']['fake']['Background'] )

    p_R_T = results_stat.item(0)*eff_1d_stat['eff_R_T_lead']
    p_R_L = results_stat.item(0)*eff_1d_stat['eff_R_L_lead']
    p_F_T = results_stat.item(1)*eff_1d_stat['eff_F_T_lead']
    p_F_L = results_stat.item(1)*eff_1d_stat['eff_F_L_lead']

    print 'nPred Real Tight = ', p_R_T
    print 'nPred Real Loose = ', p_R_L
    print 'nPred Fake Tight = ', p_F_T
    print 'nPred Fake Loose = ', p_F_L
    #normalize lead real template according to fit
    hist_temp_lead_real.Scale( ( p_R_T+p_R_L ).n/ hist_temp_lead_real.Integral() )
    hist_temp_lead_fake.Scale( ( p_F_T+p_F_L ).n/ hist_temp_lead_fake.Integral() )




    can_proj_lead = ROOT.TCanvas('proj_lead', '')

    namePostfix = '__%s' %( lead_reg )
    if lead_ptrange[0] is not None :
        if lead_ptrange[1] is None :
            namePostfix += '__pt_%d-max' %( lead_ptrange[0])
        else :
            namePostfix += '__pt_%d-%d' %( lead_ptrange[0], lead_ptrange[1])

    if outputDir is not None :
        outputNamePL = outputDir + '/fit_with_data_projlead%s%s.pdf' %(outputPrefix, namePostfix)

    if lead_reg == 'EE' :

    draw_template(can_proj_lead, [gg_hist, hist_temp_lead_real, hist_temp_lead_fake], sampManFit, normalize=False, first_hist_is_data=True, legend_entries=['Data', 'real+fake prediction', 'fake+fake prediction' ], outputName=outputNamePL )

    text_results_stat = collect_results( results_stat, Ndata, eff_1d_stat, templates, bins_lead_loose, bins_lead_tight )
    text_results_syst = collect_results( results_syst, Ndata, eff_1d_stat, templates, bins_lead_loose, bins_lead_tight )

    return text_results_stat, text_results_syst