Exemplo n.º 1
def SCD_Prediction():
    print ('system start')

    inFile = 'G:\Program\Pycharm Projects\File of Python3\SCD_System\data\metroData_filtered.csv'
    userData = open(inFile, 'r')

    print ('reading data ...')
    # ==== start of reading trips ====
    userCount = 0
    userCount_filter = 0
    userTrips = {}
    numRecords = []

    preUser = ''
    trips = []
    DataCount = 0

    for line in userData:
        DataCount += 1
        line = line.rstrip().split(',')
        if len(line) == 1:
            # a new user
            currentUser = int(line[0])
            if preUser == '':
                preUser = currentUser

            # process the last user
            if currentUser != preUser:
                # filter users
                userTrips[preUser] = trips
                # do something with the trips

                # initialize
                preUser = currentUser
                trips = []
                userCount += 1
                if userCount % 1e2 == 0:
                    print ('# of user count:',userCount)


        currentDay = int(line[0])
        currentTime = int(line[1])
        inStation = int(line[2])
        outStation = int(line[3])

        # calculate timeslot
        ttt = currentTime
        h = int(ttt / 10000)
        m = int((ttt - h * 10000) / 100)
        ts = int(math.ceil((h * 60 + m) / 30.0))
        # print ts

        trips.append([currentDay, currentTime, ts,inStation, outStation])
        if userCount == 100:

        # if len(line) == 0:
        #     break

    # process the last user
    # numRecords.append(len(trips))
    # userTrips[preUser] = trips
    # ==== end of reading trips ====
    print ('end of reading data')

    print ('deal with every data ...')
    # ==== deal with every user ====
    userCount2 = 0
    timeSlotLimit = [i for i in range(11,49)]
    numAccurate_C = 0.0
    numAccurate_NC = 0.0
    num_C = 0
    num_NC = 0
    num_E = 0
    Acc_C = 0.0
    Acc_NC = 0.0
    numAccurate_everyTS_C = [0.0 for x in range(38)]
    numAccurate_everyTS_NC = [0.0 for x in range(38)]
    numPrediction_ls = [0.0 for x in range(38)]
    numTrueState_ls = [0.0 for x in range(38)]
    # dailyTrips_ls = []
    # dailyVisitedLocations_ls = []
    nonTimegotowork = 0
    nonTimegotohome = 0
    stationFlowIn_prediction_ls = [0 for x in range(38)]
    stationFlowOut_prediction_ls = [0 for x in range(38)]
    stationFlowIn_true_ls = [0 for x in range(38)]
    stationFlowOut_true_ls = [0 for x in range(38)]

    trueuserCount = 0

    columns_userAttribute = ['Condition','Station of Home','Station of Workplace','# of Trips','# of Trips (Only in Weekday)','# of Trip Days','# of Trip Days (Only in Weekday)','startTrip','endTrip']
    userAttribute_df = pd.DataFrame(index=userTrips.keys(),columns=columns_userAttribute)

    columns_userTrip = ['userID', 'transDate', 'transTime', 'timeSlot', 'inStation', 'outStation', 'tripLabel','tripDistance']
    userTrip_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns_userTrip)
    userTrip_df.to_csv(r'G:\Program\Pycharm Projects\File of Python3\SCD_System\result\userTrueTrips.csv',index=False)
    userTrip_df.to_csv(r'G:\Program\Pycharm Projects\File of Python3\SCD_System\result\userPredictionTrips.csv',index=False)

    columns_stationFlow = ['Time','Count of In Station','Count of Out Station','True Count of In Station','True Count of Out Station']
    index2 = [631, 843, 842, 841, 646, 839, 838, 837, 836, 835, 834, 830, 833, 832, 736, 138, 740, 634, 827, 117, 114, 111, 113, 118, 123, 119, 249, 247, 246, 244, 243, 242, 115, 241, 250, 251, 252, 823, 253, 324, 321, 320, 319, 318, 316, 313, 311, 312, 315, 326, 329, 317, 239, 237, 238, 127, 130, 323, 129, 131, 133, 240, 332, 334, 333, 335, 337, 338, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 419, 424, 426, 402, 330, 401, 417, 625, 621, 934, 1042, 1041, 1145, 423, 420, 421, 502, 505, 508, 509, 510, 511, 512, 513, 647, 645, 644, 642, 641, 640, 639, 637, 636, 633, 632, 1159, 1151, 1116, 1115, 1114, 1245, 1632, 1236, 1623, 1144, 733, 747, 727, 741, 742, 746, 735, 1132, 1139, 751, 750, 1138, 1241, 1244, 1250, 1247, 1251, 1249, 1135, 928, 930, 931, 1243, 926, 925, 924, 921, 136, 1053, 1044, 1051, 1055, 1059, 630, 1239, 1052, 628, 622, 623, 624, 626, 745, 849, 748, 739, 848, 847, 831, 846, 845, 936, 938, 937, 939, 941, 1062, 1063, 1056, 1064, 1067, 1066, 943, 1057, 935, 1043, 260, 259, 1065, 258, 254, 234, 744, 743, 1141, 1143, 942, 236, 411, 408, 407, 406, 405, 403, 404, 1068, 929, 339, 261, 132, 737, 1335, 1725, 947, 1723, 235, 945, 1722, 1727, 1729, 126, 125, 124, 1220, 1221, 1223, 1222, 753, 1224, 1225, 1226, 1227, 1228, 729, 728, 1137, 731, 821, 820, 734, 627, 1140, 1146, 1118, 1117, 1020, 1119, 137, 1120, 1019, 1018, 826, 724, 721, 1049, 1046, 1048, 1045, 1054, 1240, 722, 1237, 1246, 1248, 1147, 1324, 1325, 1323, 1321, 1327, 1326, 920, 919, 1155, 1153, 829, 1626, 1625, 1631, 1160, 1630, 1627, 1629, 1150, 1156, 1154, 949, 1726, 1731, 1335, 638, 135, 418, 643, 1628, 635, 732, 255, 824, 1058, 263, 1157, 1133, 120, 825, 507, 256, 112, 1229, 1230, 1231, 1232, 1233, 1238, 1234, 1334, 1235, 1332, 1330, 1328, 1329, 1338, 1339, 1621, 1622, 1161, 1162, 1163, 726, 1336, 1721, 1333, 1732, 1724, 950, 951, 1728, 944, 948, 1733, 1730, 946, 248, 245, 325, 314, 128, 336, 425, 422, 648, 840, 933, 738, 725, 1047, 1242, 923, 844, 257, 410, 1322, 1149, 1134, 1142, 121, 828, 927, 922, 1624, 749, 322, 503, 1131, 116, 327, 331, 918, 1148, 730, 723, 1633, 932, 1050, 1060, 409, 940, 1152, 1061, 1337, 501, 822, 328, 134, 952, 122, 629, 262, 752, 1331]
    stationFlow_df = pd.DataFrame(index = index2,columns=columns_stationFlow)
    stationFlow_df['Count of In Station'] = 0
    stationFlow_df['Count of Out Station'] = 0
    stationFlow_df['True Count of In Station'] = 0
    stationFlow_df['True Count of Out Station'] = 0

    for u_id in userTrips.keys():
        # if u_id != 9168592:
        #     continue
        userCount2 += 1
        if userCount2 % 1e2 == 0:
            print ('# of user count2:', userCount2)
        # print(u_id)
        # if u_id in [9166288,9168592,26898615,39316647,45544256,62009255,73963687,100791104,117363888,131714224]:
        #     continue
        # if userCount2<=3400:
        #     continue
        # ==== construct dataframe of trip ====
        userTriplist = userTrips[u_id]

        userIDlist = []
        transDatelist = []
        transTimelist = []
        timeSlotlist = []
        inStationlist = []
        outStationlist = []

        state_LS = []
        truestate_LS = []

        err_m = 0

        userChooseStation_ls = []

        # dailyVisitedStation = []

        for i in range(len(userTriplist)):

        columns = ['userID', 'transDate', 'transTime', 'timeSlot', 'inStation', 'outStation']
        userTrips_df = pd.DataFrame(
            {'userID': userIDlist, 'transDate': transDatelist, 'transTime': transTimelist, 'timeSlot': timeSlotlist,
             'inStation': inStationlist, 'outStation': outStationlist},columns=columns)
        # print userTrips_df

        userAttribute_df.at[u_id,'# of Trips'] = len(userTrips_df)

        TripDaysCount = list(set(list(userTrips_df['transDate'])))
        userAttribute_df.at[u_id,'# of Trip Days'] = len(TripDaysCount)

        # del the trip of weekend
        weekendDate = []
        for i in range(4):
            weekendDate.append(20170506 + 7 * i)
        for i in range(4):
            weekendDate.append(20170507 + 7 * i)
        for i in range(4):
            weekendDate.append(20170603 + 7 * i)
        for i in range(4):
            weekendDate.append(20170604 + 7 * i)
        for i in range(5):
            weekendDate.append(20170701 + 7 * i)
        for i in range(5):
            weekendDate.append(20170702 + 7 * i)
        for i in range(4):
            weekendDate.append(20170805 + 7 * i)
        for i in range(4):
            weekendDate.append(20170806 + 7 * i)
        # print weekendDate

        Date_list = list(userTrips_df.transDate)
        Date_list = list(set(Date_list))

        for i in range(len(weekendDate)):
            if weekendDate[i] in Date_list:
        # print Date_list

        userTrips_df1 = userTrips_df[userTrips_df.transDate.isin(Date_list)] # need xiugai
        userTrips_df2 = userTrips_df1[userTrips_df1.timeSlot.isin(timeSlotLimit)] # need xiugai
        # print userTrips_df2

        userAttribute_df.at[u_id, '# of Trips (Only in Weekday)'] = len(userTrips_df2)

        TripDaysCount = list(set(list(userTrips_df2['transDate'])))
        userAttribute_df.at[u_id, '# of Trip Days (Only in Weekday)'] = len(TripDaysCount)
        # ==== end of construct dataframe of trip ====

        # ==== judgment commuter and station ====
        EveryDays = sorted(list(set(list(userTrips_df2['transDate']))))

        HomeStation = []
        WorkStation = []

        for i in range(len(EveryDays)):
            EveryDay = []
            EveryDayData = userTrips_df2.loc[userTrips_df2['transDate'].isin(EveryDay)]

            FirstData = EveryDayData.head(1)
            if FirstData.iloc[0, 2] < 100000:
                HomeStation.append(FirstData.iloc[0, 4])
                WorkStation.append(FirstData.iloc[0, 5])

            LastData = EveryDayData.tail(1)
            if LastData.iloc[0, 2] > 170000:
                HomeStation.append(LastData.iloc[0, 5])
                WorkStation.append(LastData.iloc[0, 4])

        HomeStationCounter = Counter(HomeStation).most_common(1)
        WorkStationCounter = Counter(WorkStation).most_common(1)
        # print(HomeStationCounter[0][0])
        # print(HomeStationCounter[0][0] == 240)
        # print(type(HomeStationCounter[0][0]))
        if len(HomeStation) != 0:
            if len(HomeStationCounter) == 0:
                HomeStationCounter = [(0,0)]

            if float(HomeStationCounter[0][1])/float(len(HomeStation)) >= 0.4:
                userAttribute_df.at[u_id, 'Station of Home'] = HomeStationCounter[0][0]
                if len(WorkStationCounter) == 0:
                    WorkStationCounter = [(0,0)]
                if float(WorkStationCounter[0][1])/float(len(WorkStation)) >= 0.4:
                    userAttribute_df.at[u_id, 'Station of Workplace'] = WorkStationCounter[0][0]
                    userAttribute_df.at[u_id, 'Condition'] = 'commuter'
                    userAttribute_df.at[u_id, 'Station of Workplace'] = None
                    userAttribute_df.at[u_id, 'Condition'] = 'noncommuter'
                userAttribute_df.at[u_id, 'Station of Home'] = None
                userAttribute_df.at[u_id, 'Station of Workplace'] = None
                userAttribute_df.at[u_id, 'Condition'] = 'nonhome'
            userAttribute_df.at[u_id, 'Station of Home'] = None
            userAttribute_df.at[u_id, 'Station of Workplace'] = None
            userAttribute_df.at[u_id, 'Condition'] = 'nonhome'

        # ==== end of judgment commuter and station ====

        userChooseStation_ls.append(userAttribute_df.loc[u_id,'Station of Home'])
        userChooseStation_ls.append(userAttribute_df.loc[u_id, 'Station of Workplace'])

        # ==== label the trip ====
        userTrips_df2 = userTrips_df2.reset_index(drop=True)
        userTrips_df2['tripLabel'] = 'Other'
        TripLabel_list = []

        for i in range(len(userTrips_df2)):
            if userTrips_df2.iloc[i, 4] == userAttribute_df.at[u_id,'Station of Home']:
                if userTrips_df2.iloc[i, 5] == userAttribute_df.at[u_id,'Station of Workplace']:
            elif userTrips_df2.iloc[i,4] == userAttribute_df.at[u_id,'Station of Workplace']:
                if userTrips_df2.iloc[i, 5] == userAttribute_df.at[u_id,'Station of Home']:
            elif userTrips_df2.iloc[i, 4] != userAttribute_df.at[u_id,'Station of Home'] and userTrips_df2.iloc[i, 4] != userAttribute_df.at[u_id,'Station of Workplace']:
                if userTrips_df2.iloc[i, 5] == userAttribute_df.at[u_id,'Station of Home']:
                elif userTrips_df2.iloc[i, 5] == userAttribute_df.at[u_id,'Station of Workplace']:

        userTrips_df2['tripLabel'] = TripLabel_list
        # ==== end of label the trip ====
        # print(userTrips_df2)

        # ==== calculate trip distance ====
        userTrips_df2['tripDistance'] = 0
        Distance_list = []
        for i in range(len(userTrips_df2)):
        userTrips_df2['tripDistance'] = Distance_list
        # ==== end of calculate trip distance ====

        # ==== statistics commute time ====
        startTrip = []
        endTrip = []
        for d in EveryDays:
            everyDay_df = userTrips_df2[userTrips_df2['transDate'] == d]
            for i in range(len(everyDay_df)):
                if everyDay_df.iloc[i,6] == 'Home-to-Work':
            for j in range(len(everyDay_df)):
                if everyDay_df.iloc[-j-1,6] == 'Work-to-Home':

        if userAttribute_df.loc[u_id,'Condition'] == 'commuter':
            s = 0
            for i in range(len(startTrip)):
                s += startTrip[i]
                userAttribute_df.at[u_id,'startTrip'] = int(s / len(startTrip))
            except ZeroDivisionError:
                userAttribute_df.at[u_id, 'startTrip'] = 17
                nonTimegotowork += 1

            h = 0
            for j in range(len(endTrip)):
                h += endTrip[j]
                # userAttribute_df.at[u_id,'endTrip'] = int(h / len(endTrip))
                if endTrip != []:
                    endTrip = list(sorted(endTrip))
                    userAttribute_df.at[u_id,'endTrip'] = choice(endTrip)
                    userAttribute_df.at[u_id, 'endTrip'] = choice([43, 44, 45, 46, 47])
            except ZeroDivisionError:
                userAttribute_df.at[u_id, 'endTrip'] = choice([43,44,45,46,47])
                nonTimegotohome += 1
            # s = 0
            # for i in range(len(startTrip)):
            #     s += startTrip[i]
            # userAttribute_df.at[u_id, 'startTrip'] = int(s / len(startTrip))
            # h = 0
            # for j in range(len(endTrip)):
            #     h += endTrip[j]
            # userAttribute_df.at[u_id, 'endTrip'] = int(h / len(endTrip))

            # userAttribute_df.at[u_id, 'startTrip'] = 17
            # userAttribute_df.at[u_id, 'endTrip'] = 37
        # ==== end of statistics commute time ====

        # # ==== count trips ====
        # tripDays_ls = list(set(list(userTrips_df2['transDate'])))
        # dailyTrips_ls.append(len(userTrips_df2)/len(tripDays_ls))
        # for i in range(len(tripDays_ls)):
        #     tripDays_df = userTrips_df2[userTrips_df2['transDate'] == tripDays_ls[i]]
        #     visitedStation = []
        #     for j in range(len(tripDays_df)):
        #         visitedStation.append(tripDays_df.iloc[j,4])
        #         visitedStation.append(tripDays_df.iloc[j,5])
        #     dailyVisitedStation.append(len(list(set(visitedStation))))
        # s = 0
        # for i in range(len(dailyVisitedStation)):
        #     s += dailyVisitedStation[i]
        # dailyVisitedLocations_ls.append(s / len(tripDays_ls))
        # # ==== end of count trips ====

        userAttribute_df.to_csv(r'G:\Program\Pycharm Projects\File of Python3\SCD_System\result\userAttribute.csv')
        userTrips_df2.to_csv(r'G:\Program\Pycharm Projects\File of Python3\SCD_System\result\userTrueTrips.csv',mode='a',index=False,header=False)

        # ==== choose other probability ====
        homeToother_M_ls = []
        workToother_M_ls = []
        otherToother_M_ls = []
        homeToother_A_ls = []
        workToother_A_ls = []
        otherToother_A_ls = []
        homeToother_E_ls = []
        workToother_E_ls = []
        otherToother_E_ls = []
        for i in range(len(userTrips_df2)):
            if userTrips_df2.iloc[i,3] < 25:
                if userTrips_df2.iloc[i,6] == 'Home-to-Other':
                elif userTrips_df2.iloc[i,6] == 'Other-to-Home':
                elif userTrips_df2.iloc[i,6] == 'Work-to-Other':
                elif userTrips_df2.iloc[i,6] == 'Other-to-Work':
                elif userTrips_df2.iloc[i,6] == 'Other-to-Other':
            elif userTrips_df2.iloc[i,3] >= 25 and userTrips_df2.iloc[i,3] < 37:
                if userTrips_df2.iloc[i,6] == 'Home-to-Other':
                elif userTrips_df2.iloc[i,6] == 'Other-to-Home':
                elif userTrips_df2.iloc[i,6] == 'Work-to-Other':
                elif userTrips_df2.iloc[i,6] == 'Other-to-Work':
                elif userTrips_df2.iloc[i,6] == 'Other-to-Other':
            elif userTrips_df2.iloc[i,3] >= 37:
                if userTrips_df2.iloc[i,6] == 'Home-to-Other':
                elif userTrips_df2.iloc[i,6] == 'Other-to-Home':
                elif userTrips_df2.iloc[i,6] == 'Work-to-Other':
                elif userTrips_df2.iloc[i,6] == 'Other-to-Work':
                elif userTrips_df2.iloc[i,6] == 'Other-to-Other':

        homeToother_M_Counter = Counter(homeToother_M_ls).most_common(1)
        workToother_M_Counter = Counter(workToother_M_ls).most_common(1)
        otherToother_M_Counter = Counter(otherToother_M_ls).most_common(1)
        homeToother_A_Counter = Counter(homeToother_A_ls).most_common(1)
        workToother_A_Counter = Counter(workToother_A_ls).most_common(1)
        otherToother_A_Counter = Counter(otherToother_A_ls).most_common(1)
        homeToother_E_Counter = Counter(homeToother_E_ls).most_common(1)
        workToother_E_Counter = Counter(workToother_E_ls).most_common(1)
        otherToother_E_Counter = Counter(otherToother_E_ls).most_common(1)

        if homeToother_M_Counter == []:
            homeToother_M_Counter = [(0,1)]
        if workToother_M_Counter == []:
            workToother_M_Counter = [(0,1)]
        if otherToother_M_Counter == []:
            otherToother_M_Counter = [(0,1)]
        if homeToother_A_Counter == []:
            homeToother_A_Counter = [(0,1)]
        if workToother_A_Counter == []:
            workToother_A_Counter = [(0,1)]
        if otherToother_A_Counter == []:
            otherToother_A_Counter = [(0,1)]
        if homeToother_E_Counter == []:
            homeToother_E_Counter = [(0,1)]
        if workToother_E_Counter == []:
            workToother_E_Counter = [(0,1)]
        if otherToother_E_Counter == []:
            otherToother_E_Counter = [(0,1)]


        # print(userChooseStation_ls)

        # print(homeToother_M_Counter)
        # print(type(homeToother_M_Counter[0][0]))
        # ==== end of choose other probability ====

        # ==== calculate transition probability ====
        stateTrans_MX = [0 for x in range(38)]
        state_dic = {'stay at home':0,'Home-to-Work':1,'Home-to-Other':2,'stay at work':3,'Work-to-Home':4,
                     'Work-to-Other':5,'stay at other':6,'Other-to-Home':7,'Other-to-Work':8,'Other-to-Other':9}

        train_df = userTrips_df2[userTrips_df2['transDate'] < 20170801]

        # print(userTrips_df2)

        # threshold_C = [10,10,10,10,10,10,16,16,15,15,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,10,10,18,18,18,18,15,15,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11]
        # threshold_NC = [13,13,13,13,13,13,17,17,14,14,10,10,8,8,9,9,9,9,8,8,8,8,10,10,12,12,14,14,12,12,9,9,10,10,9,9,8,8]
        threshold_C = [15,15,16,16,18,18,24,24,19,19,11,11,9,9,9,9,7,7,7,7,8,8,10,10,18,18,19,19,15,15,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11]
        threshold_NC = [13,13,13,13,13,13,17,17,14,14,10,10,8,8,9,9,9,9,8,8,8,8,10,10,12,12,14,14,12,12,9,9,10,10,9,9,8,8]
        for i in range(11,49):
            stateTrans_mx = [[0.0 for x in range(10)] for y in range(10)]
            if list(train_df['timeSlot']) != []:
                minTS = min(list(train_df['timeSlot']))
                minTS = 17
            if i < minTS:
                stateTrans_mx[0][0] = 1
                stateTrans_MX[i-11] = stateTrans_mx

            # ====
            if userAttribute_df.loc[u_id, 'Condition'] == 'commuter':
                thre = threshold_C[i-11]
                thre = threshold_NC[i-11]

            if i in list(train_df['timeSlot']):
                train_df2 = train_df[train_df['timeSlot'] == i]
                if len(train_df2) >= thre or i == 11:
                    for j in range(len(train_df2)):
                        if train_df2.iloc[j, 6] == 'Home-to-Work':
                            stateTrans_mx[0][1] += 1
                        elif train_df2.iloc[j, 6] == 'Home-to-Other':
                            stateTrans_mx[0][2] += 1
                        elif train_df2.iloc[j, 6] == 'Work-to-Home':
                            stateTrans_mx[3][4] += 1
                        elif train_df2.iloc[j, 6] == 'Work-to-Other':
                            stateTrans_mx[3][5] += 1
                        elif train_df2.iloc[j, 6] == 'Other-to-Home':
                            stateTrans_mx[6][7] += 1
                        elif train_df2.iloc[j, 6] == 'Other-to-Work':
                            stateTrans_mx[6][8] += 1
                        elif train_df2.iloc[j, 6] == 'Other-to-Other':
                            stateTrans_mx[6][9] += 1

                    for x in range(len(stateTrans_mx)):
                        s = 0.0
                        for y in range(len(stateTrans_mx[x])):
                            s += stateTrans_mx[x][y]
                        if s != 0.0:
                            for z in range(len(stateTrans_mx[x])):
                                stateTrans_mx[x][z] = stateTrans_mx[x][z] / s

                    stateTrans_MX[i-11] = stateTrans_mx
                    if i - 1 in list(train_df['timeSlot']):
                        train_df2 = train_df[train_df['timeSlot'] == i - 1]
                        for k in range(len(train_df2)):
                            if train_df2.iloc[k, 6] == 'Home-to-Work':
                                stateTrans_mx[3][3] += 1
                            elif train_df2.iloc[k, 6] == 'Home-to-Other':
                                stateTrans_mx[6][6] += 1
                            elif train_df2.iloc[k, 6] == 'Work-to-Home':
                                stateTrans_mx[0][0] += 1
                            elif train_df2.iloc[k, 6] == 'Work-to-Other':
                                stateTrans_mx[6][6] += 1
                            elif train_df2.iloc[k, 6] == 'Other-to-Home':
                                stateTrans_mx[0][0] += 1
                            elif train_df2.iloc[k, 6] == 'Other-to-Work':
                                stateTrans_mx[3][3] += 1
                            elif train_df2.iloc[k, 6] == 'Other-to-Other':
                                stateTrans_mx[6][6] += 1

                        for x in range(len(stateTrans_mx)):
                            s = 0.0
                            for y in range(len(stateTrans_mx[x])):
                                s += stateTrans_mx[x][y]
                            if s != 0.0:
                                for z in range(len(stateTrans_mx[x])):
                                    stateTrans_mx[x][z] = stateTrans_mx[x][z] / s

                        stateTrans_MX[i - 11] = stateTrans_mx
                    elif i - 1 not in list(train_df['timeSlot']):
                        stateTrans_mx[0][0] = stateTrans_MX[i - 12][0][0]
                        stateTrans_mx[3][3] = stateTrans_MX[i - 12][3][3]
                        stateTrans_mx[6][6] = stateTrans_MX[i - 12][6][6]
                        stateTrans_MX[i - 11] = stateTrans_mx

            elif i not in list(train_df['timeSlot']):
                if i - 1 in list(train_df['timeSlot']):
                    train_df2 = train_df[train_df['timeSlot'] == i - 1]
                    for k in range(len(train_df2)):
                        if train_df2.iloc[k, 6] == 'Home-to-Work':
                            stateTrans_mx[3][3] += 1
                        elif train_df2.iloc[k, 6] == 'Home-to-Other':
                            stateTrans_mx[6][6] += 1
                        elif train_df2.iloc[k, 6] == 'Work-to-Home':
                            stateTrans_mx[0][0] += 1
                        elif train_df2.iloc[k, 6] == 'Work-to-Other':
                            stateTrans_mx[6][6] += 1
                        elif train_df2.iloc[k, 6] == 'Other-to-Home':
                            stateTrans_mx[0][0] += 1
                        elif train_df2.iloc[k, 6] == 'Other-to-Work':
                            stateTrans_mx[3][3] += 1
                        elif train_df2.iloc[k, 6] == 'Other-to-Other':
                            stateTrans_mx[6][6] += 1

                    for x in range(len(stateTrans_mx)):
                        s = 0.0
                        for y in range(len(stateTrans_mx[x])):
                            s += stateTrans_mx[x][y]
                        if s != 0.0:
                            for z in range(len(stateTrans_mx[x])):
                                stateTrans_mx[x][z] = stateTrans_mx[x][z] / s

                    stateTrans_MX[i-11] = stateTrans_mx
                elif i - 1 not in list(train_df['timeSlot']):
                    stateTrans_mx[0][0] = stateTrans_MX[i-12][0][0]
                    stateTrans_mx[3][3] = stateTrans_MX[i-12][3][3]
                    stateTrans_mx[6][6] = stateTrans_MX[i-12][6][6]
                    stateTrans_MX[i - 11] = stateTrans_mx

        for m in range(len(stateTrans_MX)):
            stateTrans_df = pd.DataFrame(stateTrans_MX[m])
            columns = ['stay at home','Home-to-Work','Home-to-Other','stay at work','Work-to-Home','Work-to-Other','stay at other','Other-to-Home','Other-to-Work','Other-to-Other']
            stateTrans_df.index = columns
            stateTrans_df.columns = columns
            train_df4 = train_df[train_df['timeSlot'] == m+11]
            print(u_id,userAttribute_df.loc[u_id, 'Condition'])
            print('The trip of {0} is:'.format(m+11))
            print('The state_trans list of {0} is:'.format(m+11))
            print('The state_trans matrix of {0} is:'.format(m+11))

        # if len(stateTrans_MX) != 38:
        #     num_E +=1
        # print(num_E)
        # print(train_df['timeSlot'])
        # print(list(train_df['timeSlot']))

        # ==== end of calculate transition probability ====

        # ==== predict the next day station ====
        test_df = userTrips_df2[userTrips_df2['transDate'] >= 20170801]

        if len(test_df) < 2:

        testday_ls = list(test_df['transDate'])
        c = 0
        while 1:
            c += 1
            testday = choice(testday_ls)
            test_df2 = test_df[test_df['transDate'] == testday]
            if userAttribute_df.loc[u_id, 'Condition'] != 'commuter':
            # if test_df2.iloc[0,6] == 'Home-to-Work' and test_df2.iloc[-1,6] == 'Work-to-Home':
            if test_df2.iloc[0,6] == 'Home-to-Work':
            if c == 50:
        # print(test_df2)

        numAccurate_everyC = 0.0
        numAccurate_everyNC = 0.0

        for i in range(11,49):

            currentState = ''
            # if i < userAttribute_df.loc[u_id,'startTrip']:
            #     currentState = 'stay at home'
            # elif i == userAttribute_df.loc[u_id,'startTrip']:
            #     currentState = 'Home-to-Work'
            # elif i == userAttribute_df.loc[u_id,'endTrip']+1:
            #     currentState = 'Work-to-Home'
            # elif i > userAttribute_df.loc[u_id,'endTrip']+1:
            #     currentState = 'stay at home'
            # else:
            # currentState = 'stay at work'
            currentState_ls = []
            for j in range(10):
                a = 0
                for k in range(10):
                    a += stateTrans_MX[i - 11][k][j]
            p_cur = max(currentState_ls)

            if p_cur != 0:
                if currentState_ls.count(p_cur) == 1:
                    for key,val in state_dic.items():
                        if val == currentState_ls.index(p_cur):
                            currentState = key
                    # may need to be modification
                    err_m += 1
                    for key,val in state_dic.items():
                        if val == currentState_ls.index(p_cur):
                            currentState = key
                currentState = 'stay at home'

            # truecurrentState = ''
            if i < min(list(test_df2['timeSlot'])):
                truecurrentState = 'stay at home'
            elif i > max(list(test_df2['timeSlot'])):
                truecurrentState = 'stay at home'
                if i in list(test_df2['timeSlot']):
                    truecurrentState = test_df2[test_df2['timeSlot'] == i].iloc[-1,-1]
                    if truecurrentState in ['Work-to-Home','Other-to-Home','stay at home']:
                        truecurrentState = 'stay at home'
                    elif truecurrentState in ['Home-to-Work','Other-to-Work','stay at work']:
                        truecurrentState = 'stay at work'
                    elif truecurrentState in ['Home-to-Other','Work-to-Other','Other-to-Other','stay at other']:
                        truecurrentState = 'stay at other'


            if currentState == truecurrentState:
                if userAttribute_df.at[u_id, 'Condition'] == 'commuter':
                    numAccurate_everyC += 1
                    numAccurate_everyTS_C[i - 11] += 1
                elif userAttribute_df.at[u_id, 'Condition'] == 'noncommuter':
                    numAccurate_everyNC += 1
                    numAccurate_everyTS_NC[i - 11] += 1

            if currentState in ['Work-to-Home','Other-to-Home','Home-to-Work','Other-to-Work','Home-to-Other','Work-to-Other','Other-to-Other',]:
                numPrediction_ls[i - 11] += 1

            if truecurrentState in ['Work-to-Home','Other-to-Home','Home-to-Work','Other-to-Work','Home-to-Other','Work-to-Other','Other-to-Other',]:
                numTrueState_ls[i - 11] += 1

            # ==== statistice station flow ====
            top10Station_ls = [111,234,925,820,926,1321,113,133,237,131]
            topStation = top10Station_ls[9]
            # if topStation in userChooseStation_ls:
            tripPrediction_ls = [0,0]
            if currentState == 'Home-to-Work':
                tripPrediction_ls[0] = userAttribute_df.loc[u_id,'Station of Home']
                tripPrediction_ls[1] = userAttribute_df.loc[u_id,'Station of Workplace']
            elif currentState == 'Home-to-Other':
                tripPrediction_ls[0] = userAttribute_df.loc[u_id, 'Station of Home']
                if i < 25:
                    tripPrediction_ls[1] = homeToother_M_Counter[0][0]
                elif i >= 25 and i< 37:
                    tripPrediction_ls[1] = homeToother_A_Counter[0][0]
                elif i >= 37:
                    tripPrediction_ls[1] = homeToother_E_Counter[0][0]
            elif currentState == 'Work-to-Home':
                tripPrediction_ls[0] = userAttribute_df.loc[u_id, 'Station of Workplace']
                tripPrediction_ls[1] = userAttribute_df.loc[u_id, 'Station of Home']
            elif currentState == 'Work-to-Other':
                tripPrediction_ls[0] = userAttribute_df.loc[u_id, 'Station of Workplace']
                if i < 25:
                    tripPrediction_ls[1] = workToother_M_Counter[0][0]
                elif i >= 25 and i< 37:
                    tripPrediction_ls[1] = workToother_A_Counter[0][0]
                elif i >= 37:
                    tripPrediction_ls[1] = workToother_E_Counter[0][0]
            elif currentState == 'Other-to-Home':
                if i < 25:
                    tripPrediction_ls[0] = homeToother_M_Counter[0][0]
                elif i >= 25 and i< 37:
                    tripPrediction_ls[0] = homeToother_A_Counter[0][0]
                elif i >= 37:
                    tripPrediction_ls[0] = homeToother_E_Counter[0][0]
                tripPrediction_ls[1] = userAttribute_df.loc[u_id, 'Station of Home']
            elif currentState == 'Other-to-Work':
                if i < 25:
                    tripPrediction_ls[0] = workToother_M_Counter[0][0]
                elif i >= 25 and i< 37:
                    tripPrediction_ls[0] = workToother_A_Counter[0][0]
                elif i >= 37:
                    tripPrediction_ls[0] = workToother_E_Counter[0][0]
                tripPrediction_ls[1] = userAttribute_df.loc[u_id, 'Station of Workplace']
            elif currentState == 'Other-to-Other':
                if i < 25:
                    tripPrediction_ls[0] = otherToother_M_Counter[0][0]
                elif i >= 25 and i< 37:
                    tripPrediction_ls[0] = otherToother_A_Counter[0][0]
                elif i >= 37:
                    tripPrediction_ls[0] = otherToother_E_Counter[0][0]

                if i < 25:
                    tripPrediction_ls[1] = otherToother_M_Counter[0][0]
                elif i >= 25 and i< 37:
                    tripPrediction_ls[1] = otherToother_A_Counter[0][0]
                elif i >= 37:
                    tripPrediction_ls[1] = otherToother_E_Counter[0][0]

            if tripPrediction_ls[0] == topStation:
                stationFlowIn_prediction_ls[i - 11] += 1
            if tripPrediction_ls[1] == topStation:
                stationFlowOut_prediction_ls[i - 11] += 1

            if i in list(test_df2['timeSlot']):
                tripTrue_ls = [0,0]
                tripTrue_ls[0] = test_df2[test_df2['timeSlot'] == i].iloc[-1,4]
                tripTrue_ls[1] = test_df2[test_df2['timeSlot'] == i].iloc[-1,5]

                if tripTrue_ls[0] == topStation:
                    stationFlowIn_true_ls[i - 11] += 1
                if tripTrue_ls[1] == topStation:
                    stationFlowOut_true_ls[i - 11] += 1

            # ==== end of statistice station flow ====
            trip_P_ls = []
            if currentState in ['Work-to-Home','Other-to-Home','Home-to-Work','Other-to-Work','Home-to-Other','Work-to-Other','Other-to-Other',]:
                dis = distance_between_twostations(tripPrediction_ls[0],tripPrediction_ls[1])
                trip_P_ls = [u_id,0,0,i,tripPrediction_ls[0],tripPrediction_ls[1],currentState,dis]
                trip_P_df = pd.DataFrame([trip_P_ls],columns=columns_userTrip)
                trip_P_df.to_csv(r'G:\Program\Pycharm Projects\File of Python3\SCD_System\result\userPredictionTrips.csv',mode='a',index=False,header=False)

        if numAccurate_everyC == 38:
            print('There is a user_C all accurate!')
        if numAccurate_everyNC == 38:
            print('There is a user_NC all accurate!')
        if numAccurate_everyC > 38:
            print('There is a user_C error!')
        if numAccurate_everyNC > 38:
            print('There is a user_NC error!')

        if userAttribute_df.at[u_id, 'Condition'] == 'commuter':
            Acc_C += numAccurate_everyC/38
        elif userAttribute_df.at[u_id, 'Condition'] == 'noncommuter':
            Acc_NC += numAccurate_everyNC/38

        # print(u_id,':')
        # print('Prediction:',state_LS)
        # print('TrueTrueee:',truestate_LS)
        # print(userAttribute_df.loc[u_id,'Condition'],numAccurate_everyC/38)
        # print('==========================')

        if userAttribute_df.at[u_id, 'Condition'] == 'commuter':
            num_C += 1
        elif userAttribute_df.at[u_id, 'Condition'] == 'noncommuter':
            num_NC += 1

        trueuserCount += 1
        # ==== end of predict next day station ====

    # print(u_id)
    # print(userAttribute_df.at[168840, 'Station of Workplace'])
    # print(type(userAttribute_df.at[168840, 'Station of Workplace']))
    # if userAttribute_df.at[168840, 'Station of Workplace'] in stationFlow_df.index:
    #     print('T')
    # stationFlow_df.at[userAttribute_df.at[u_id, 'Station of Home'], 'Count of In Station'] += 1
    # print(stationFlow_df)

    print ('The user count:', userCount)
    print('The accuracy of commuter:', Acc_C / num_C)
    # print('The accuracy of noncommuter:', Acc_NC / num_NC)
    print('The true user count:',trueuserCount)

    numAccurate_everyTS_C2 = [0.0 for x in range(38)]
    numAccurate_everyTS_NC2 = [0.0 for x in range(38)]
    for i in range(38):
        numAccurate_everyTS_C2[i] = numAccurate_everyTS_C[i]/num_C
        # numAccurate_everyTS_NC2[i] = numAccurate_everyTS_NC[i]/num_NC
    print('The every timeslot accuracy of commuter:',numAccurate_everyTS_C2)
    # print('The every timeslot accuracy of noncommuter:',numAccurate_everyTS_NC2)

    numPrediction_ls2 = [0.0 for x in range(19)]
    numTrueState_ls2 = [0.0 for x in range(19)]
    s1 = 0.0
    for i in range(38):
        s1 += numPrediction_ls[i]
    print('* ave Prediction Count:',s1/trueuserCount)
    for j in range(19):
        numPrediction_ls2[j] = (numPrediction_ls[j*2] + numPrediction_ls[j*2+1]) / s1
    s2 = 0.0
    for k in range(38):
        s2 += numTrueState_ls[k]
    print('* ave True Count:', s2 / trueuserCount)
    for l in range(19):
        numTrueState_ls2[l] = (numTrueState_ls[l*2] + numTrueState_ls[l*2+1]) / s2
    # print(numPrediction_ls)
    # print(numTrueState_ls)
    # print(s1,s2)
    print('The Flow Fractions of Prediction:',numPrediction_ls2)
    print('The Flow Fractions of True:',numTrueState_ls2)

    numPrediction_ls3 = [0.0 for x in range(19)]
    numTrueState_ls3 = [0.0 for x in range(19)]
    for j in range(19):
        numPrediction_ls3[j] = numPrediction_ls[j*2] + numPrediction_ls[j*2+1]
    for l in range(19):
        numTrueState_ls3[l] = numTrueState_ls[l*2] + numTrueState_ls[l*2+1]
    print('The Flow Count of Prediction:',numPrediction_ls3)
    print('The Flow Count of True:',numTrueState_ls3)

    # print('*', dailyTrips_ls)
    # print('**', dailyVisitedLocations_ls)

    print('non Regular Time to Work:',nonTimegotowork)
    print('non Regular Time to Home:',nonTimegotohome)


    # ==========
    stationFlowIn_prediction_ls2 = [0.0 for x in range(19)]
    stationFlowOut_prediction_ls2 = [0.0 for x in range(19)]
    stationFlowIn_true_ls2 = [0.0 for x in range(19)]
    stationFlowOut_true_ls2 = [0.0 for x in range(19)]

    for k in range(19):
        stationFlowIn_prediction_ls2[k] = stationFlowIn_prediction_ls[k * 2] + stationFlowIn_prediction_ls[k * 2 + 1]
        stationFlowOut_prediction_ls2[k] = stationFlowOut_prediction_ls[k * 2] + stationFlowOut_prediction_ls[k * 2 + 1]
        stationFlowIn_true_ls2[k] = stationFlowIn_true_ls[k * 2] + stationFlowIn_true_ls[k * 2 + 1]
        stationFlowOut_true_ls2[k] = stationFlowOut_true_ls[k * 2] + stationFlowOut_true_ls[k * 2 + 1]

    print('SCD_Prediction10.0 :')
    # ==========

    with open(r'G:\Program\Pycharm Projects\File of Python3\SCD_System\result\TXT\prediction_accuracy.txt','a') as f:
        f.write('The user count:')
        f.write('The commuter count:')
        f.write('The noncommuter count:')
        # f.write(str(num_NC))
        f.write('The accuracy of commuter:')
        f.write(str(Acc_C / num_C))
        f.write('The accuracy of noncommuter:')
        # f.write(str(Acc_NC / num_NC))

    with open(r'G:\Program\Pycharm Projects\File of Python3\SCD_System\result\TXT\prediction_accuracy_everyTS.txt','a') as f:


    print ('end of deal with every data')
    print ('system end')
def SCD_Prediction():
    print('system start')

    inFile = 'G:\Program\Pycharm Projects\File of Python3\SCD_System\data\metroData_filtered.csv'
    userData = open(inFile, 'r')

    print('reading data ...')
    # ==== start of reading trips ====
    userCount = 0
    userCount_filter = 0
    userTrips = {}
    numRecords = []

    preUser = ''
    trips = []
    DataCount = 0

    for line in userData:
        DataCount += 1
        line = line.rstrip().split(',')
        if len(line) == 1:
            # a new user
            currentUser = int(line[0])
            if preUser == '':
                preUser = currentUser

            # process the last user
            if currentUser != preUser:
                # filter users
                userTrips[preUser] = trips
                # do something with the trips

                # initialize
                preUser = currentUser
                trips = []
                userCount += 1
                if userCount % 1e2 == 0:
                    print('# of user count:', userCount)


        currentDay = int(line[0])
        currentTime = int(line[1])
        inStation = int(line[2])
        outStation = int(line[3])

        # calculate timeslot
        ttt = currentTime
        h = int(ttt / 10000)
        m = int((ttt - h * 10000) / 100)
        ts = int(math.ceil((h * 60 + m) / 30.0))
        # print ts

        trips.append([currentDay, currentTime, ts, inStation, outStation])
        if userCount == 10000:

        # if len(line) == 0:
        #     break

    # process the last user
    # numRecords.append(len(trips))
    # userTrips[preUser] = trips
    # ==== end of reading trips ====
    print('end of reading data')

    print('deal with every data ...')
    # ==== deal with every user ====
    userCount2 = 0
    timeSlotLimit = [i for i in range(11, 49)]
    numAccurate_C = 0.0
    numAccurate_NC = 0.0
    num_C = 0
    num_NC = 0
    num_E = 0
    Acc_C = 0.0
    Acc_NC = 0.0
    numAccurate_everyTS_C = [0.0 for x in range(38)]
    numAccurate_everyTS_NC = [0.0 for x in range(38)]
    numPrediction_ls = [0.0 for x in range(38)]
    numTrueState_ls = [0.0 for x in range(38)]
    # dailyTrips_ls = []
    # dailyVisitedLocations_ls = []
    nonTimegotowork = 0
    nonTimegotohome = 0
    stationFlowIn_prediction_ls = [0 for x in range(38)]
    stationFlowOut_prediction_ls = [0 for x in range(38)]
    stationFlowIn_true_ls = [0 for x in range(38)]
    stationFlowOut_true_ls = [0 for x in range(38)]
    s = 0
    user_errorcuont = 0
    user_error_ls = []
    non_tripuser = 0

    trueuserCount = 0

    columns_userAttribute = [
        'Condition', 'Station of Home', 'Station of Workplace', '# of Trips',
        '# of Trips (Only in Weekday)', '# of Trip Days',
        '# of Trip Days (Only in Weekday)', 'startTrip', 'endTrip'
    userAttribute_df = pd.DataFrame(index=userTrips.keys(),

    columns_userTrip = [
        'userID', 'transDate', 'transTime', 'timeSlot', 'inStation',
        'outStation', 'tripLabel', 'tripDistance'
    userTrip_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns_userTrip)
    # userTrip_df.to_csv(r'G:\Program\Pycharm Projects\File of Python3\SCD_System\result\userTrueTrips.csv',index=False)
        r'G:\Program\Pycharm Projects\File of Python3\SCD_System\result\userPredictionTrips.csv',

    columns_stationFlow = [
        'Time', 'Count of In Station', 'Count of Out Station',
        'True Count of In Station', 'True Count of Out Station'
    index2 = [
        631, 843, 842, 841, 646, 839, 838, 837, 836, 835, 834, 830, 833, 832,
        736, 138, 740, 634, 827, 117, 114, 111, 113, 118, 123, 119, 249, 247,
        246, 244, 243, 242, 115, 241, 250, 251, 252, 823, 253, 324, 321, 320,
        319, 318, 316, 313, 311, 312, 315, 326, 329, 317, 239, 237, 238, 127,
        130, 323, 129, 131, 133, 240, 332, 334, 333, 335, 337, 338, 412, 413,
        414, 415, 416, 419, 424, 426, 402, 330, 401, 417, 625, 621, 934, 1042,
        1041, 1145, 423, 420, 421, 502, 505, 508, 509, 510, 511, 512, 513, 647,
        645, 644, 642, 641, 640, 639, 637, 636, 633, 632, 1159, 1151, 1116,
        1115, 1114, 1245, 1632, 1236, 1623, 1144, 733, 747, 727, 741, 742, 746,
        735, 1132, 1139, 751, 750, 1138, 1241, 1244, 1250, 1247, 1251, 1249,
        1135, 928, 930, 931, 1243, 926, 925, 924, 921, 136, 1053, 1044, 1051,
        1055, 1059, 630, 1239, 1052, 628, 622, 623, 624, 626, 745, 849, 748,
        739, 848, 847, 831, 846, 845, 936, 938, 937, 939, 941, 1062, 1063,
        1056, 1064, 1067, 1066, 943, 1057, 935, 1043, 260, 259, 1065, 258, 254,
        234, 744, 743, 1141, 1143, 942, 236, 411, 408, 407, 406, 405, 403, 404,
        1068, 929, 339, 261, 132, 737, 1335, 1725, 947, 1723, 235, 945, 1722,
        1727, 1729, 126, 125, 124, 1220, 1221, 1223, 1222, 753, 1224, 1225,
        1226, 1227, 1228, 729, 728, 1137, 731, 821, 820, 734, 627, 1140, 1146,
        1118, 1117, 1020, 1119, 137, 1120, 1019, 1018, 826, 724, 721, 1049,
        1046, 1048, 1045, 1054, 1240, 722, 1237, 1246, 1248, 1147, 1324, 1325,
        1323, 1321, 1327, 1326, 920, 919, 1155, 1153, 829, 1626, 1625, 1631,
        1160, 1630, 1627, 1629, 1150, 1156, 1154, 949, 1726, 1731, 1335, 638,
        135, 418, 643, 1628, 635, 732, 255, 824, 1058, 263, 1157, 1133, 120,
        825, 507, 256, 112, 1229, 1230, 1231, 1232, 1233, 1238, 1234, 1334,
        1235, 1332, 1330, 1328, 1329, 1338, 1339, 1621, 1622, 1161, 1162, 1163,
        726, 1336, 1721, 1333, 1732, 1724, 950, 951, 1728, 944, 948, 1733,
        1730, 946, 248, 245, 325, 314, 128, 336, 425, 422, 648, 840, 933, 738,
        725, 1047, 1242, 923, 844, 257, 410, 1322, 1149, 1134, 1142, 121, 828,
        927, 922, 1624, 749, 322, 503, 1131, 116, 327, 331, 918, 1148, 730,
        723, 1633, 932, 1050, 1060, 409, 940, 1152, 1061, 1337, 501, 822, 328,
        134, 952, 122, 629, 262, 752, 1331
    stationFlow_df = pd.DataFrame(index=index2, columns=columns_stationFlow)
    stationFlow_df['Count of In Station'] = 0
    stationFlow_df['Count of Out Station'] = 0
    stationFlow_df['True Count of In Station'] = 0
    stationFlow_df['True Count of Out Station'] = 0

    for u_id in userTrips.keys():
        # if u_id != 9168592:
        #     continue
        userCount2 += 1
        if userCount2 % 1e2 == 0:
            print('# of user count2:', userCount2)
        # print(u_id)
        # if u_id in [9166288,9168592,26898615,39316647,45544256,62009255,73963687,100791104,117363888,131714224]:
        #     continue
        # if userCount2<=3400:
        #     continue
        # ==== construct dataframe of trip ====
        userTriplist = userTrips[u_id]

        userIDlist = []
        transDatelist = []
        transTimelist = []
        timeSlotlist = []
        inStationlist = []
        outStationlist = []

        state_LS = []
        truestate_LS = []

        err_m = 0

        userChooseStation_ls = []

        # dailyVisitedStation = []

        for i in range(len(userTriplist)):

        columns = [
            'userID', 'transDate', 'transTime', 'timeSlot', 'inStation',
        userTrips_df = pd.DataFrame(
                'userID': userIDlist,
                'transDate': transDatelist,
                'transTime': transTimelist,
                'timeSlot': timeSlotlist,
                'inStation': inStationlist,
                'outStation': outStationlist
        # print userTrips_df

        userAttribute_df.at[u_id, '# of Trips'] = len(userTrips_df)

        TripDaysCount = list(set(list(userTrips_df['transDate'])))
        userAttribute_df.at[u_id, '# of Trip Days'] = len(TripDaysCount)

        # del the trip of weekend
        weekendDate = []
        for i in range(4):
            weekendDate.append(20170506 + 7 * i)
        for i in range(4):
            weekendDate.append(20170507 + 7 * i)
        for i in range(4):
            weekendDate.append(20170603 + 7 * i)
        for i in range(4):
            weekendDate.append(20170604 + 7 * i)
        for i in range(5):
            weekendDate.append(20170701 + 7 * i)
        for i in range(5):
            weekendDate.append(20170702 + 7 * i)
        for i in range(4):
            weekendDate.append(20170805 + 7 * i)
        for i in range(4):
            weekendDate.append(20170806 + 7 * i)
        # print weekendDate

        Date_list = list(userTrips_df.transDate)
        Date_list = list(set(Date_list))

        for i in range(len(weekendDate)):
            if weekendDate[i] in Date_list:
        # print Date_list

        userTrips_df1 = userTrips_df[userTrips_df.transDate.isin(
            Date_list)]  # need xiugai
        userTrips_df2 = userTrips_df1[userTrips_df1.timeSlot.isin(
            timeSlotLimit)]  # need xiugai
        # print userTrips_df2

        userAttribute_df.at[u_id, '# of Trips (Only in Weekday)'] = len(

        TripDaysCount = list(set(list(userTrips_df2['transDate'])))
        userAttribute_df.at[u_id, '# of Trip Days (Only in Weekday)'] = len(
        # ==== end of construct dataframe of trip ====

        # ==== judgment commuter and station ====
        EveryDays = sorted(list(set(list(userTrips_df2['transDate']))))

        HomeStation = []
        WorkStation = []

        for i in range(len(EveryDays)):
            EveryDay = []
            EveryDayData = userTrips_df2.loc[userTrips_df2['transDate'].isin(

            FirstData = EveryDayData.head(1)
            if FirstData.iloc[0, 2] < 100000:
                HomeStation.append(FirstData.iloc[0, 4])
                WorkStation.append(FirstData.iloc[0, 5])

            LastData = EveryDayData.tail(1)
            if LastData.iloc[0, 2] > 170000:
                HomeStation.append(LastData.iloc[0, 5])
                WorkStation.append(LastData.iloc[0, 4])

        HomeStationCounter = Counter(HomeStation).most_common(1)
        WorkStationCounter = Counter(WorkStation).most_common(1)
        # print(HomeStationCounter[0][0])
        # print(HomeStationCounter[0][0] == 240)
        # print(type(HomeStationCounter[0][0]))
        if len(HomeStation) != 0:
            if len(HomeStationCounter) == 0:
                HomeStationCounter = [(0, 0)]

            if float(HomeStationCounter[0][1]) / float(
                    len(HomeStation)) >= 0.4:
                    u_id, 'Station of Home'] = HomeStationCounter[0][0]
                if len(WorkStationCounter) == 0:
                    WorkStationCounter = [(0, 0)]
                if float(WorkStationCounter[0][1]) / float(
                        len(WorkStation)) >= 0.4:
                        'Station of Workplace'] = WorkStationCounter[0][0]
                    userAttribute_df.at[u_id, 'Condition'] = 'commuter'
                    userAttribute_df.at[u_id, 'Station of Workplace'] = None
                    userAttribute_df.at[u_id, 'Condition'] = 'noncommuter'
                userAttribute_df.at[u_id, 'Station of Home'] = None
                userAttribute_df.at[u_id, 'Station of Workplace'] = None
                userAttribute_df.at[u_id, 'Condition'] = 'nonhome'
            userAttribute_df.at[u_id, 'Station of Home'] = None
            userAttribute_df.at[u_id, 'Station of Workplace'] = None
            userAttribute_df.at[u_id, 'Condition'] = 'nonhome'

        # ==== end of judgment commuter and station ====

                                                         'Station of Home'])
            userAttribute_df.loc[u_id, 'Station of Workplace'])

        # ==== label the trip ====
        userTrips_df2 = userTrips_df2.reset_index(drop=True)
        userTrips_df2['tripLabel'] = 'Other'
        TripLabel_list = []

        for i in range(len(userTrips_df2)):
            if userTrips_df2.iloc[i,
                                  4] == userAttribute_df.at[u_id,
                                                            'Station of Home']:
                if userTrips_df2.iloc[i, 5] == userAttribute_df.at[
                        u_id, 'Station of Workplace']:
                    TripLabel_list.append('Home-to-Work')  #
                    TripLabel_list.append('Home-to-Other')  #
            elif userTrips_df2.iloc[i, 4] == userAttribute_df.at[
                    u_id, 'Station of Workplace']:
                if userTrips_df2.iloc[i, 5] == userAttribute_df.at[
                        u_id, 'Station of Home']:
                    TripLabel_list.append('Work-to-Home')  #
                    TripLabel_list.append('Work-to-Other')  #
            elif userTrips_df2.iloc[i, 4] != userAttribute_df.at[
                    u_id, 'Station of Home'] and userTrips_df2.iloc[
                        i, 4] != userAttribute_df.at[u_id,
                                                     'Station of Workplace']:
                if userTrips_df2.iloc[i, 5] == userAttribute_df.at[
                        u_id, 'Station of Home']:
                    TripLabel_list.append('Other-to-Home')  #
                elif userTrips_df2.iloc[i, 5] == userAttribute_df.at[
                        u_id, 'Station of Workplace']:
                    TripLabel_list.append('Other-to-Work')  #

        userTrips_df2['tripLabel'] = TripLabel_list
        # ==== end of label the trip ====
        # print(userTrips_df2)

        # ==== calculate trip distance ====
        userTrips_df2['tripDistance'] = 0
        Distance_list = []
        for i in range(len(userTrips_df2)):
                distance_between_twostations(userTrips_df2.iloc[i, 4],
                                             userTrips_df2.iloc[i, 5]))
        userTrips_df2['tripDistance'] = Distance_list
        # ==== end of calculate trip distance ====

        # ==== statistics commute time ====
        startTrip = []
        endTrip = []
        for d in EveryDays:
            everyDay_df = userTrips_df2[userTrips_df2['transDate'] == d]
            for i in range(len(everyDay_df)):
                if everyDay_df.iloc[i, 6] == 'Home-to-Work':
                    startTrip.append(everyDay_df.iloc[i, 3])
            for j in range(len(everyDay_df)):
                if everyDay_df.iloc[-j - 1, 6] == 'Work-to-Home':
                    endTrip.append(everyDay_df.iloc[-j - 1, 3])

        if userAttribute_df.loc[u_id, 'Condition'] == 'commuter':
            s = 0
            for i in range(len(startTrip)):
                s += startTrip[i]
                                    'startTrip'] = int(s / len(startTrip))
            except ZeroDivisionError:
                userAttribute_df.at[u_id, 'startTrip'] = 17
                nonTimegotowork += 1

            h = 0
            for j in range(len(endTrip)):
                h += endTrip[j]
                # userAttribute_df.at[u_id,'endTrip'] = int(h / len(endTrip))
                if endTrip != []:
                    endTrip = list(sorted(endTrip))
                    userAttribute_df.at[u_id, 'endTrip'] = choice(endTrip)
                    userAttribute_df.at[u_id, 'endTrip'] = choice(
                        [43, 44, 45, 46, 47])
            except ZeroDivisionError:
                                    'endTrip'] = choice([43, 44, 45, 46, 47])
                nonTimegotohome += 1
            # s = 0
            # for i in range(len(startTrip)):
            #     s += startTrip[i]
            # userAttribute_df.at[u_id, 'startTrip'] = int(s / len(startTrip))
            # h = 0
            # for j in range(len(endTrip)):
            #     h += endTrip[j]
            # userAttribute_df.at[u_id, 'endTrip'] = int(h / len(endTrip))

            # userAttribute_df.at[u_id, 'startTrip'] = 17
            # userAttribute_df.at[u_id, 'endTrip'] = 37
        # ==== end of statistics commute time ====

        # # ==== count trips ====
        # tripDays_ls = list(set(list(userTrips_df2['transDate'])))
        # dailyTrips_ls.append(len(userTrips_df2)/len(tripDays_ls))
        # for i in range(len(tripDays_ls)):
        #     tripDays_df = userTrips_df2[userTrips_df2['transDate'] == tripDays_ls[i]]
        #     visitedStation = []
        #     for j in range(len(tripDays_df)):
        #         visitedStation.append(tripDays_df.iloc[j,4])
        #         visitedStation.append(tripDays_df.iloc[j,5])
        #     dailyVisitedStation.append(len(list(set(visitedStation))))
        # s = 0
        # for i in range(len(dailyVisitedStation)):
        #     s += dailyVisitedStation[i]
        # dailyVisitedLocations_ls.append(s / len(tripDays_ls))
        # # ==== end of count trips ====

        # userAttribute_df.to_csv(r'G:\Program\Pycharm Projects\File of Python3\SCD_System\result\userAttribute.csv')
        # userTrips_df2.to_csv(r'G:\Program\Pycharm Projects\File of Python3\SCD_System\result\userTrueTrips.csv',mode='a',index=False,header=False)

        # ==== choose other probability ====
        homeToother_M_ls = []
        workToother_M_ls = []
        otherToother_M_ls = []
        homeToother_A_ls = []
        workToother_A_ls = []
        otherToother_A_ls = []
        homeToother_E_ls = []
        workToother_E_ls = []
        otherToother_E_ls = []
        for i in range(len(userTrips_df2)):
            if userTrips_df2.iloc[i, 3] < 25:
                if userTrips_df2.iloc[i, 6] == 'Home-to-Other':
                    homeToother_M_ls.append(userTrips_df2.iloc[i, 5])
                elif userTrips_df2.iloc[i, 6] == 'Other-to-Home':
                    homeToother_M_ls.append(userTrips_df2.iloc[i, 4])
                elif userTrips_df2.iloc[i, 6] == 'Work-to-Other':
                    workToother_M_ls.append(userTrips_df2.iloc[i, 5])
                elif userTrips_df2.iloc[i, 6] == 'Other-to-Work':
                    workToother_M_ls.append(userTrips_df2.iloc[i, 4])
                elif userTrips_df2.iloc[i, 6] == 'Other-to-Other':
                    otherToother_M_ls.append(userTrips_df2.iloc[i, 5])
            elif userTrips_df2.iloc[i, 3] >= 25 and userTrips_df2.iloc[i,
                                                                       3] < 37:
                if userTrips_df2.iloc[i, 6] == 'Home-to-Other':
                    homeToother_A_ls.append(userTrips_df2.iloc[i, 5])
                elif userTrips_df2.iloc[i, 6] == 'Other-to-Home':
                    homeToother_A_ls.append(userTrips_df2.iloc[i, 4])
                elif userTrips_df2.iloc[i, 6] == 'Work-to-Other':
                    workToother_A_ls.append(userTrips_df2.iloc[i, 5])
                elif userTrips_df2.iloc[i, 6] == 'Other-to-Work':
                    workToother_A_ls.append(userTrips_df2.iloc[i, 4])
                elif userTrips_df2.iloc[i, 6] == 'Other-to-Other':
                    otherToother_A_ls.append(userTrips_df2.iloc[i, 5])
            elif userTrips_df2.iloc[i, 3] >= 37:
                if userTrips_df2.iloc[i, 6] == 'Home-to-Other':
                    homeToother_E_ls.append(userTrips_df2.iloc[i, 5])
                elif userTrips_df2.iloc[i, 6] == 'Other-to-Home':
                    homeToother_E_ls.append(userTrips_df2.iloc[i, 4])
                elif userTrips_df2.iloc[i, 6] == 'Work-to-Other':
                    workToother_E_ls.append(userTrips_df2.iloc[i, 5])
                elif userTrips_df2.iloc[i, 6] == 'Other-to-Work':
                    workToother_E_ls.append(userTrips_df2.iloc[i, 4])
                elif userTrips_df2.iloc[i, 6] == 'Other-to-Other':
                    otherToother_E_ls.append(userTrips_df2.iloc[i, 5])

        homeToother_M_Counter = Counter(homeToother_M_ls).most_common(1)
        workToother_M_Counter = Counter(workToother_M_ls).most_common(1)
        otherToother_M_Counter = Counter(otherToother_M_ls).most_common(1)
        homeToother_A_Counter = Counter(homeToother_A_ls).most_common(1)
        workToother_A_Counter = Counter(workToother_A_ls).most_common(1)
        otherToother_A_Counter = Counter(otherToother_A_ls).most_common(1)
        homeToother_E_Counter = Counter(homeToother_E_ls).most_common(1)
        workToother_E_Counter = Counter(workToother_E_ls).most_common(1)
        otherToother_E_Counter = Counter(otherToother_E_ls).most_common(1)

        if homeToother_M_Counter == []:
            homeToother_M_Counter = [(0, 1)]
        if workToother_M_Counter == []:
            workToother_M_Counter = [(0, 1)]
        if otherToother_M_Counter == []:
            otherToother_M_Counter = [(0, 1)]
        if homeToother_A_Counter == []:
            homeToother_A_Counter = [(0, 1)]
        if workToother_A_Counter == []:
            workToother_A_Counter = [(0, 1)]
        if otherToother_A_Counter == []:
            otherToother_A_Counter = [(0, 1)]
        if homeToother_E_Counter == []:
            homeToother_E_Counter = [(0, 1)]
        if workToother_E_Counter == []:
            workToother_E_Counter = [(0, 1)]
        if otherToother_E_Counter == []:
            otherToother_E_Counter = [(0, 1)]


        # print(userChooseStation_ls)

        # print(homeToother_M_Counter)
        # print(type(homeToother_M_Counter[0][0]))
        # ==== end of choose other probability ====

        # ==== calculate transition probability ====
        stateTrans_MX = [[[0.0 for x in range(10)] for y in range(10)]
                         for z in range(38)]
        state_dic = {
            'stay at home': 0,
            'Home-to-Work': 1,
            'Home-to-Other': 2,
            'stay at work': 3,
            'Work-to-Home': 4,
            'Work-to-Other': 5,
            'stay at other': 6,
            'Other-to-Home': 7,
            'Other-to-Work': 8,
            'Other-to-Other': 9

        train_df = userTrips_df2[userTrips_df2['transDate'] < 20170801]
        if len(train_df) < 2:
            user_errorcuont += 1
        minAllDayTS = min(list(train_df['timeSlot']))
        # print(u_id,'start trip:',minAllDayTS)

        tripDays_train = list(set(list(train_df['transDate'])))
        for i in tripDays_train:
            tripThisDay_df = train_df[train_df['transDate'] == i]
            minThisDayTS = min(list(tripThisDay_df['timeSlot']))
            for j in range(11, 49):
                if j < minAllDayTS:
                    stateTrans_MX[j - 11][0][0] = 1
                if j < minThisDayTS:
                    stateTrans_MX[j - 11][0][0] += 1
                if j in list(tripThisDay_df['timeSlot']):
                    tripThisTS_df = tripThisDay_df[tripThisDay_df['timeSlot']
                                                   == j]
                    if j - 1 in list(tripThisDay_df['timeSlot']):
                        tripLastTS_df = tripThisDay_df[
                            tripThisDay_df['timeSlot'] == j - 1]
                        tripLastTS_1 = tripLastTS_df.tail(1)
                        for z in range(len(tripThisTS_df)):
                            stateTrans_MX[j - 11][state_dic[tripLastTS_1.iloc[
                                0, 6]]][state_dic[tripThisTS_df.iloc[z,
                                                                     6]]] += 1
                        for z in range(len(tripThisTS_df)):
                            if tripThisTS_df.iloc[z, 6] == 'Home-to-Work':
                                stateTrans_MX[j - 11][0][1] += 1
                            elif tripThisTS_df.iloc[z, 6] == 'Home-to-Other':
                                stateTrans_MX[j - 11][0][2] += 1
                            elif tripThisTS_df.iloc[z, 6] == 'Work-to-Home':
                                stateTrans_MX[j - 11][3][4] += 1
                            elif tripThisTS_df.iloc[z, 6] == 'Work-to-Other':
                                stateTrans_MX[j - 11][3][5] += 1
                            elif tripThisTS_df.iloc[z, 6] == 'Other-to-Home':
                                stateTrans_MX[j - 11][6][7] += 1
                            elif tripThisTS_df.iloc[z, 6] == 'Other-to-Work':
                                stateTrans_MX[j - 11][6][8] += 1
                            elif tripThisTS_df.iloc[z, 6] == 'Other-to-Other':
                                stateTrans_MX[j - 11][6][9] += 1
                    if j - 1 in list(tripThisDay_df['timeSlot']):
                        tripLastTS_df = tripThisDay_df[
                            tripThisDay_df['timeSlot'] == j - 1]
                        tripLastTS_1 = tripLastTS_df.tail(1)
                        if tripLastTS_1.iloc[0, 6] == 'Home-to-Work':
                            stateTrans_MX[j - 11][1][3] += 1
                        elif tripLastTS_1.iloc[0, 6] == 'Home-to-Other':
                            stateTrans_MX[j - 11][2][6] += 1
                        elif tripLastTS_1.iloc[0, 6] == 'Work-to-Home':
                            stateTrans_MX[j - 11][4][0] += 1
                        elif tripLastTS_1.iloc[0, 6] == 'Work-to-Other':
                            stateTrans_MX[j - 11][5][6] += 1
                        elif tripLastTS_1.iloc[0, 6] == 'Other-to-Home':
                            stateTrans_MX[j - 11][7][0] += 1
                        elif tripLastTS_1.iloc[0, 6] == 'Other-to-Work':
                            stateTrans_MX[j - 11][8][3] += 1
                        elif tripLastTS_1.iloc[0, 6] == 'Other-to-Other':
                            stateTrans_MX[j - 11][9][6] += 1
                        for n in range(1, 38):
                            if j - n in list(tripThisDay_df['timeSlot']):
                                tripLastnTS_df = tripThisDay_df[
                                    tripThisDay_df['timeSlot'] == j - n]
                                tripLastnTS_1 = tripLastnTS_df.tail(1)
                                if tripLastnTS_1.iloc[0, 6] == 'Home-to-Work':
                                    stateTrans_MX[j - 11][3][3] += 1
                                elif tripLastnTS_1.iloc[0,
                                                        6] == 'Home-to-Other':
                                    stateTrans_MX[j - 11][6][6] += 1
                                elif tripLastnTS_1.iloc[0,
                                                        6] == 'Work-to-Home':
                                    stateTrans_MX[j - 11][0][0] += 1
                                elif tripLastnTS_1.iloc[0,
                                                        6] == 'Work-to-Other':
                                    stateTrans_MX[j - 11][6][6] += 1
                                elif tripLastnTS_1.iloc[0,
                                                        6] == 'Other-to-Home':
                                    stateTrans_MX[j - 11][0][0] += 1
                                elif tripLastnTS_1.iloc[0,
                                                        6] == 'Other-to-Work':
                                    stateTrans_MX[j - 11][3][3] += 1
                                elif tripLastnTS_1.iloc[0,
                                                        6] == 'Other-to-Other':
                                    stateTrans_MX[j - 11][6][6] += 1

        tripProbability_ls = [0.0 for x in range(38)]
        tripProbability_true_ls = [0.0 for x in range(38)]
        for i in range(11, 49):
            if i in list(train_df['timeSlot']):
                tripThisTS_df2 = train_df[train_df['timeSlot'] == i]
                tripProbabilityThisTS = len(
                    list(set(list(tripThisTS_df2['transDate'])))) / len(
                tripProbability_true_ls[i - 11] = tripProbabilityThisTS
                if tripProbabilityThisTS >= 0.5:
                    tripProbability_ls[i - 11] = 1
                    tripProbability_ls[i - 11] = 0
        for j in range(11, 49 - 1):
            if tripProbability_ls[j - 11] == tripProbability_ls[j - 11 + 1] == 1 and \
                    np.array(stateTrans_MX[j - 11]).argmax() == np.array(stateTrans_MX[j - 11 + 1]).argmax():
                if tripProbability_ls[j - 11] <= tripProbability_ls[j - 11 +
                    tripProbability_ls[j - 11] = 0
                    tripProbability_ls[j - 11 + 1] = 0
        # print(tripProbability_true_ls)
        if sum(tripProbability_ls) == 0:
            maxpro = max(tripProbability_true_ls)
            tripProbability_ls[tripProbability_true_ls.index(maxpro)] = 1

        # print(u_id,'tripProbability:',tripProbability_ls)

        # for m in range(len(stateTrans_MX)):
        #     stateTrans_df = pd.DataFrame(stateTrans_MX[m])
        #     columns = ['stay at home','Home-to-Work','Home-to-Other','stay at work','Work-to-Home','Work-to-Other','stay at other','Other-to-Home','Other-to-Work','Other-to-Other']
        #     stateTrans_df.index = columns
        #     stateTrans_df.columns = columns
        #     print('==============================')
        #     train_df4 = train_df[train_df['timeSlot'] == m+11]
        #     print(u_id,userAttribute_df.loc[u_id, 'Condition'],'trip days count:',len(tripDays_train))
        #     print('The trip of {0} is:'.format(m+11),'tripProbability:',tripProbability_ls[m])
        #     print(train_df4)
        #     # print('The state_trans list of {0} is:'.format(m+11))
        #     # print(stateTrans_MX[m])
        #     print('The state_trans matrix of {0} is:'.format(m+11))
        #     print(stateTrans_df)

        # ==== end of calculate transition probability ====

        # ==== predict the next day station ====
        # ==== multi-step prediction ====
        non_trip = 0

        for i in range(11, 49):
            if i == 11:
                lastPredictionState = 'stay at home'

            nextPredictionState = ''
            thisTS_MXls = stateTrans_MX[i - 11][state_dic[lastPredictionState]]
            if tripProbability_ls[i - 11] == 1:
                if i > 18:
                    thisTS_MXls[0] = 0
                    thisTS_MXls[3] = 0
                    thisTS_MXls[6] = 0
                thisTS_max = max(thisTS_MXls)
                if thisTS_max != 0:
                    for key, val in state_dic.items():
                        if val == thisTS_MXls.index(thisTS_max):
                            nextPredictionState = key
                    aa_ls = []
                    for j in range(10):
                        aa = 0
                        for k in range(10):
                            aa += stateTrans_MX[i - 11][k][j]
                    aa_ls[0] = 0
                    aa_ls[3] = 0
                    aa_ls[6] = 0
                    bb = max(aa_ls)
                    if bb != 0:
                        for key, val in state_dic.items():
                            if val == aa_ls.index(bb):
                                nextPredictionState = key
                if i <= 18:
                    thisTS_MXls[1] = 0
                    thisTS_MXls[2] = 0
                    thisTS_MXls[4] = 0
                    thisTS_MXls[5] = 0
                    thisTS_MXls[7] = 0
                    thisTS_MXls[8] = 0
                    thisTS_MXls[9] = 0
                thisTS_max = max(thisTS_MXls)
                if lastPredictionState in [
                        'Work-to-Home', 'Other-to-Home', 'Home-to-Work',
                        'Other-to-Work', 'Home-to-Other', 'Work-to-Other',
                    thisTS_max = 0
                if thisTS_max != 0:
                    for key, val in state_dic.items():
                        if val == thisTS_MXls.index(thisTS_max):
                            nextPredictionState = key
                    if lastPredictionState in [
                            'stay at home', 'Work-to-Home', 'Other-to-Home'
                        nextPredictionState = 'stay at home'
                    elif lastPredictionState in [
                            'stay at work', 'Home-to-Work', 'Other-to-Work'
                        nextPredictionState = 'stay at work'
                        nextPredictionState = 'stay at other'

            # ==== prediction station ====
            tripPrediction_ls = [0, 0]
            if nextPredictionState == 'Home-to-Work':
                tripPrediction_ls[0] = userAttribute_df.loc[u_id,
                                                            'Station of Home']
                tripPrediction_ls[1] = userAttribute_df.loc[
                    u_id, 'Station of Workplace']
            elif nextPredictionState == 'Home-to-Other':
                tripPrediction_ls[0] = userAttribute_df.loc[u_id,
                                                            'Station of Home']
                if i < 25:
                    tripPrediction_ls[1] = homeToother_M_Counter[0][0]
                elif i >= 25 and i < 37:
                    tripPrediction_ls[1] = homeToother_A_Counter[0][0]
                elif i >= 37:
                    tripPrediction_ls[1] = homeToother_E_Counter[0][0]
            elif nextPredictionState == 'Work-to-Home':
                tripPrediction_ls[0] = userAttribute_df.loc[
                    u_id, 'Station of Workplace']
                tripPrediction_ls[1] = userAttribute_df.loc[u_id,
                                                            'Station of Home']
            elif nextPredictionState == 'Work-to-Other':
                tripPrediction_ls[0] = userAttribute_df.loc[
                    u_id, 'Station of Workplace']
                if i < 25:
                    tripPrediction_ls[1] = workToother_M_Counter[0][0]
                elif i >= 25 and i < 37:
                    tripPrediction_ls[1] = workToother_A_Counter[0][0]
                elif i >= 37:
                    tripPrediction_ls[1] = workToother_E_Counter[0][0]
            elif nextPredictionState == 'Other-to-Home':
                if i < 25:
                    tripPrediction_ls[0] = homeToother_M_Counter[0][0]
                elif i >= 25 and i < 37:
                    tripPrediction_ls[0] = homeToother_A_Counter[0][0]
                elif i >= 37:
                    tripPrediction_ls[0] = homeToother_E_Counter[0][0]
                tripPrediction_ls[1] = userAttribute_df.loc[u_id,
                                                            'Station of Home']
            elif nextPredictionState == 'Other-to-Work':
                if i < 25:
                    tripPrediction_ls[0] = workToother_M_Counter[0][0]
                elif i >= 25 and i < 37:
                    tripPrediction_ls[0] = workToother_A_Counter[0][0]
                elif i >= 37:
                    tripPrediction_ls[0] = workToother_E_Counter[0][0]
                tripPrediction_ls[1] = userAttribute_df.loc[
                    u_id, 'Station of Workplace']
            elif nextPredictionState == 'Other-to-Other':
                if i < 25:
                    tripPrediction_ls[0] = otherToother_M_Counter[0][0]
                elif i >= 25 and i < 37:
                    tripPrediction_ls[0] = otherToother_A_Counter[0][0]
                elif i >= 37:
                    tripPrediction_ls[0] = otherToother_E_Counter[0][0]

                if i < 25:
                    tripPrediction_ls[1] = otherToother_M_Counter[0][0]
                elif i >= 25 and i < 37:
                    tripPrediction_ls[1] = otherToother_A_Counter[0][0]
                elif i >= 37:
                    tripPrediction_ls[1] = otherToother_E_Counter[0][0]

            # ==== save data to csv ====
            trip_P_ls = []
            if nextPredictionState in [
                dis = distance_between_twostations(tripPrediction_ls[0],
                trip_P_ls = [
                    u_id, 0, 0, i, tripPrediction_ls[0], tripPrediction_ls[1],
                    nextPredictionState, dis
                trip_P_df = pd.DataFrame([trip_P_ls], columns=columns_userTrip)
                    r'G:\Program\Pycharm Projects\File of Python3\SCD_System\result\userPredictionTrips.csv',
                non_trip += 1

            lastPredictionState = nextPredictionState

        if non_trip == 38:
            non_tripuser += 1

    print('The user count:', userCount)
    print('# non trip user:'******'The error user:'******'The error user count:',len(user_error_ls))
    print('end of deal with every data')
    print('system end')
Exemplo n.º 3
def SCD_Prediction():
    print('system start')

    inFile = r'G:\Program\Pycharm Projects\File of Python3\SCD_System\data\raw_data\metroData_filtered.csv'
    userData = open(inFile, 'r')

    print('reading data ...')
    # ==== start of reading trips ====
    userCount = 0
    userCount_filter = 0
    userTrips = {}
    numRecords = []

    preUser = ''
    trips = []
    DataCount = 0

    for line in userData:
        DataCount += 1
        line = line.rstrip().split(',')
        if len(line) == 1:
            # a new user
            currentUser = int(line[0])
            if preUser == '':
                preUser = currentUser

            # process the last user
            if currentUser != preUser:
                # filter users
                userTrips[preUser] = trips
                # do something with the trips

                # initialize
                preUser = currentUser
                trips = []
                userCount += 1
                if userCount % 1e2 == 0:
                    print('# of user count:', userCount)


        currentDay = int(line[0])
        currentTime = int(line[1])
        inStation = int(line[2])
        outStation = int(line[3])

        # calculate timeslot
        ttt = currentTime
        h = int(ttt / 10000)
        m = int((ttt - h * 10000) / 100)
        ts = int(math.ceil((h * 60 + m) / 30.0))
        # print ts

        trips.append([currentDay, currentTime, ts, inStation, outStation])
        if userCount == 100000:

        # if len(line) == 0:
        #     break

    # process the last user
    # numRecords.append(len(trips))
    # userTrips[preUser] = trips
    # ==== end of reading trips ====
    print('end of reading data')

    print('deal with every data ...')
    # ==== deal with every user ====
    userCount2 = 0
    timeSlotLimit = [i for i in range(13, 47)]
    numAccurate_C = 0.0
    numAccurate_NC = 0.0
    num_C = 0
    num_NC = 0
    num_E = 0
    Acc_C = 0.0
    Acc_NC = 0.0
    numAccurate_everyTS_C = [0.0 for x in range(38)]
    numAccurate_everyTS_NC = [0.0 for x in range(38)]
    numPrediction_ls = [0.0 for x in range(38)]
    numTrueState_ls = [0.0 for x in range(38)]
    # dailyTrips_ls = []
    # dailyVisitedLocations_ls = []
    nonTimegotowork = 0
    nonTimegotohome = 0
    stationFlowIn_prediction_ls = [0 for x in range(38)]
    stationFlowOut_prediction_ls = [0 for x in range(38)]
    stationFlowIn_true_ls = [0 for x in range(38)]
    stationFlowOut_true_ls = [0 for x in range(38)]

    trueuserCount = 0

    columns_userAttribute = [
        'Condition', 'Station of Home', 'Station of Workplace', '# of Trips',
        '# of Trips (Only in Weekday)', '# of Trip Days',
        '# of Trip Days (Only in Weekday)', 'startTrip', 'endTrip'
    userAttribute_df = pd.DataFrame(index=userTrips.keys(),

    columns_userTrip = [
        'userID', 'transDate', 'transTime', 'timeSlot', 'inStation',
        'outStation', 'tripLabel', 'tripDistance'
    userTrip_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns_userTrip)
        r'G:\Program\Pycharm Projects\File of Python3\SCD_System\result\userTrueTrips.csv',
    # userTrip_df.to_csv(r'G:\Program\Pycharm Projects\File of Python3\SCD_System\result\userPredictionTrips_6.csv',index=False)

    columns_stationFlow = [
        'Time', 'Count of In Station', 'Count of Out Station',
        'True Count of In Station', 'True Count of Out Station'
    index2 = [
        631, 843, 842, 841, 646, 839, 838, 837, 836, 835, 834, 830, 833, 832,
        736, 138, 740, 634, 827, 117, 114, 111, 113, 118, 123, 119, 249, 247,
        246, 244, 243, 242, 115, 241, 250, 251, 252, 823, 253, 324, 321, 320,
        319, 318, 316, 313, 311, 312, 315, 326, 329, 317, 239, 237, 238, 127,
        130, 323, 129, 131, 133, 240, 332, 334, 333, 335, 337, 338, 412, 413,
        414, 415, 416, 419, 424, 426, 402, 330, 401, 417, 625, 621, 934, 1042,
        1041, 1145, 423, 420, 421, 502, 505, 508, 509, 510, 511, 512, 513, 647,
        645, 644, 642, 641, 640, 639, 637, 636, 633, 632, 1159, 1151, 1116,
        1115, 1114, 1245, 1632, 1236, 1623, 1144, 733, 747, 727, 741, 742, 746,
        735, 1132, 1139, 751, 750, 1138, 1241, 1244, 1250, 1247, 1251, 1249,
        1135, 928, 930, 931, 1243, 926, 925, 924, 921, 136, 1053, 1044, 1051,
        1055, 1059, 630, 1239, 1052, 628, 622, 623, 624, 626, 745, 849, 748,
        739, 848, 847, 831, 846, 845, 936, 938, 937, 939, 941, 1062, 1063,
        1056, 1064, 1067, 1066, 943, 1057, 935, 1043, 260, 259, 1065, 258, 254,
        234, 744, 743, 1141, 1143, 942, 236, 411, 408, 407, 406, 405, 403, 404,
        1068, 929, 339, 261, 132, 737, 1335, 1725, 947, 1723, 235, 945, 1722,
        1727, 1729, 126, 125, 124, 1220, 1221, 1223, 1222, 753, 1224, 1225,
        1226, 1227, 1228, 729, 728, 1137, 731, 821, 820, 734, 627, 1140, 1146,
        1118, 1117, 1020, 1119, 137, 1120, 1019, 1018, 826, 724, 721, 1049,
        1046, 1048, 1045, 1054, 1240, 722, 1237, 1246, 1248, 1147, 1324, 1325,
        1323, 1321, 1327, 1326, 920, 919, 1155, 1153, 829, 1626, 1625, 1631,
        1160, 1630, 1627, 1629, 1150, 1156, 1154, 949, 1726, 1731, 1335, 638,
        135, 418, 643, 1628, 635, 732, 255, 824, 1058, 263, 1157, 1133, 120,
        825, 507, 256, 112, 1229, 1230, 1231, 1232, 1233, 1238, 1234, 1334,
        1235, 1332, 1330, 1328, 1329, 1338, 1339, 1621, 1622, 1161, 1162, 1163,
        726, 1336, 1721, 1333, 1732, 1724, 950, 951, 1728, 944, 948, 1733,
        1730, 946, 248, 245, 325, 314, 128, 336, 425, 422, 648, 840, 933, 738,
        725, 1047, 1242, 923, 844, 257, 410, 1322, 1149, 1134, 1142, 121, 828,
        927, 922, 1624, 749, 322, 503, 1131, 116, 327, 331, 918, 1148, 730,
        723, 1633, 932, 1050, 1060, 409, 940, 1152, 1061, 1337, 501, 822, 328,
        134, 952, 122, 629, 262, 752, 1331
    stationFlow_df = pd.DataFrame(index=index2, columns=columns_stationFlow)
    stationFlow_df['Count of In Station'] = 0
    stationFlow_df['Count of Out Station'] = 0
    stationFlow_df['True Count of In Station'] = 0
    stationFlow_df['True Count of Out Station'] = 0

    for u_id in userTrips.keys():
        # if u_id != 9168592:
        #     continue
        userCount2 += 1
        if userCount2 % 1e2 == 0:
            print('# of user count2:', userCount2)
        # print(u_id)
        # if u_id in [9166288,9168592,26898615,39316647,45544256,62009255,73963687,100791104,117363888,131714224]:
        #     continue
        # if userCount2<=3400:
        #     continue
        # ==== construct dataframe of trip ====
        userTriplist = userTrips[u_id]

        userIDlist = []
        transDatelist = []
        transTimelist = []
        timeSlotlist = []
        inStationlist = []
        outStationlist = []

        state_LS = []
        truestate_LS = []

        err_m = 0

        userChooseStation_ls = []

        # dailyVisitedStation = []

        for i in range(len(userTriplist)):

        columns = [
            'userID', 'transDate', 'transTime', 'timeSlot', 'inStation',
        userTrips_df = pd.DataFrame(
                'userID': userIDlist,
                'transDate': transDatelist,
                'transTime': transTimelist,
                'timeSlot': timeSlotlist,
                'inStation': inStationlist,
                'outStation': outStationlist
        # print userTrips_df

        userAttribute_df.at[u_id, '# of Trips'] = len(userTrips_df)

        TripDaysCount = list(set(list(userTrips_df['transDate'])))
        userAttribute_df.at[u_id, '# of Trip Days'] = len(TripDaysCount)

        # del the trip of weekend
        # weekendDate = []
        # for i in range(4):
        #     weekendDate.append(20170506 + 7 * i)
        # for i in range(4):
        #     weekendDate.append(20170507 + 7 * i)
        # for i in range(4):
        #     weekendDate.append(20170603 + 7 * i)
        # for i in range(4):
        #     weekendDate.append(20170604 + 7 * i)
        # for i in range(5):
        #     weekendDate.append(20170701 + 7 * i)
        # for i in range(5):
        #     weekendDate.append(20170702 + 7 * i)
        # for i in range(4):
        #     weekendDate.append(20170805 + 7 * i)
        # for i in range(4):
        #     weekendDate.append(20170806 + 7 * i)
        # # print weekendDate
        # Date_list = list(userTrips_df.transDate)
        # Date_list = list(set(Date_list))
        # for i in range(len(weekendDate)):
        #     if weekendDate[i] in Date_list:
        #         Date_list.remove(weekendDate[i])
        #     else:
        #         continue
        # print Date_list
        # Date_list = [20170619,20170620,20170621,20170622,20170623,20170624,20170625]
        Date_list = [20170619]

        userTrips_df1 = userTrips_df[userTrips_df.transDate.isin(
            Date_list)]  # need xiugai
        userTrips_df2 = userTrips_df1[userTrips_df1.timeSlot.isin(
            timeSlotLimit)]  # need xiugai
        # print userTrips_df2

        userAttribute_df.at[u_id, '# of Trips (Only in Weekday)'] = len(

        TripDaysCount = list(set(list(userTrips_df2['transDate'])))
        userAttribute_df.at[u_id, '# of Trip Days (Only in Weekday)'] = len(
        # ==== end of construct dataframe of trip ====

        # ==== judgment commuter and station ====
        EveryDays = sorted(list(set(list(userTrips_df2['transDate']))))

        HomeStation = []
        WorkStation = []

        for i in range(len(EveryDays)):
            EveryDay = []
            EveryDayData = userTrips_df2.loc[userTrips_df2['transDate'].isin(

            FirstData = EveryDayData.head(1)
            if FirstData.iloc[0, 2] < 100000:
                HomeStation.append(FirstData.iloc[0, 4])
                WorkStation.append(FirstData.iloc[0, 5])

            LastData = EveryDayData.tail(1)
            if LastData.iloc[0, 2] > 170000:
                HomeStation.append(LastData.iloc[0, 5])
                WorkStation.append(LastData.iloc[0, 4])

        HomeStationCounter = Counter(HomeStation).most_common(1)
        WorkStationCounter = Counter(WorkStation).most_common(1)
        # print(HomeStationCounter[0][0])
        # print(HomeStationCounter[0][0] == 240)
        # print(type(HomeStationCounter[0][0]))
        if len(HomeStation) != 0:
            if len(HomeStationCounter) == 0:
                HomeStationCounter = [(0, 0)]

            if float(HomeStationCounter[0][1]) / float(
                    len(HomeStation)) >= 0.4:
                    u_id, 'Station of Home'] = HomeStationCounter[0][0]
                if len(WorkStationCounter) == 0:
                    WorkStationCounter = [(0, 0)]
                if float(WorkStationCounter[0][1]) / float(
                        len(WorkStation)) >= 0.4:
                        'Station of Workplace'] = WorkStationCounter[0][0]
                    userAttribute_df.at[u_id, 'Condition'] = 'commuter'
                    userAttribute_df.at[u_id, 'Station of Workplace'] = None
                    userAttribute_df.at[u_id, 'Condition'] = 'noncommuter'
                userAttribute_df.at[u_id, 'Station of Home'] = None
                userAttribute_df.at[u_id, 'Station of Workplace'] = None
                userAttribute_df.at[u_id, 'Condition'] = 'nonhome'
            userAttribute_df.at[u_id, 'Station of Home'] = None
            userAttribute_df.at[u_id, 'Station of Workplace'] = None
            userAttribute_df.at[u_id, 'Condition'] = 'nonhome'

        # ==== end of judgment commuter and station ====

                                                         'Station of Home'])
            userAttribute_df.loc[u_id, 'Station of Workplace'])

        # ==== label the trip ====
        userTrips_df2 = userTrips_df2.reset_index(drop=True)
        userTrips_df2['tripLabel'] = 'Other'
        TripLabel_list = []

        for i in range(len(userTrips_df2)):
            if userTrips_df2.iloc[i,
                                  4] == userAttribute_df.at[u_id,
                                                            'Station of Home']:
                if userTrips_df2.iloc[i, 5] == userAttribute_df.at[
                        u_id, 'Station of Workplace']:
                    TripLabel_list.append('Home-to-Work')  #
                    TripLabel_list.append('Home-to-Other')  #
            elif userTrips_df2.iloc[i, 4] == userAttribute_df.at[
                    u_id, 'Station of Workplace']:
                if userTrips_df2.iloc[i, 5] == userAttribute_df.at[
                        u_id, 'Station of Home']:
                    TripLabel_list.append('Work-to-Home')  #
                    TripLabel_list.append('Work-to-Other')  #
            elif userTrips_df2.iloc[i, 4] != userAttribute_df.at[
                    u_id, 'Station of Home'] and userTrips_df2.iloc[
                        i, 4] != userAttribute_df.at[u_id,
                                                     'Station of Workplace']:
                if userTrips_df2.iloc[i, 5] == userAttribute_df.at[
                        u_id, 'Station of Home']:
                    TripLabel_list.append('Other-to-Home')  #
                elif userTrips_df2.iloc[i, 5] == userAttribute_df.at[
                        u_id, 'Station of Workplace']:
                    TripLabel_list.append('Other-to-Work')  #

        userTrips_df2['tripLabel'] = TripLabel_list
        # ==== end of label the trip ====
        # print(userTrips_df2)

        # ==== calculate trip distance ====
        userTrips_df2['tripDistance'] = 0
        Distance_list = []
        for i in range(len(userTrips_df2)):
                distance_between_twostations(userTrips_df2.iloc[i, 4],
                                             userTrips_df2.iloc[i, 5]))
        userTrips_df2['tripDistance'] = Distance_list
        # ==== end of calculate trip distance ====
        # ==== statistics commute time ====
        startTrip = []
        endTrip = []
        for d in EveryDays:
            everyDay_df = userTrips_df2[userTrips_df2['transDate'] == d]
            for i in range(len(everyDay_df)):
                if everyDay_df.iloc[i,6] == 'Home-to-Work':
            for j in range(len(everyDay_df)):
                if everyDay_df.iloc[-j-1,6] == 'Work-to-Home':

        if userAttribute_df.loc[u_id,'Condition'] == 'commuter':
            s = 0
            for i in range(len(startTrip)):
                s += startTrip[i]
                userAttribute_df.at[u_id,'startTrip'] = int(s / len(startTrip))
            except ZeroDivisionError:
                userAttribute_df.at[u_id, 'startTrip'] = 17
                nonTimegotowork += 1

            h = 0
            for j in range(len(endTrip)):
                h += endTrip[j]
                # userAttribute_df.at[u_id,'endTrip'] = int(h / len(endTrip))
                if endTrip != []:
                    endTrip = list(sorted(endTrip))
                    userAttribute_df.at[u_id,'endTrip'] = choice(endTrip)
                    userAttribute_df.at[u_id, 'endTrip'] = choice([43, 44, 45, 46, 47])
            except ZeroDivisionError:
                userAttribute_df.at[u_id, 'endTrip'] = choice([43,44,45,46,47])
                nonTimegotohome += 1
            # s = 0
            # for i in range(len(startTrip)):
            #     s += startTrip[i]
            # userAttribute_df.at[u_id, 'startTrip'] = int(s / len(startTrip))
            # h = 0
            # for j in range(len(endTrip)):
            #     h += endTrip[j]
            # userAttribute_df.at[u_id, 'endTrip'] = int(h / len(endTrip))

            # userAttribute_df.at[u_id, 'startTrip'] = 17
            # userAttribute_df.at[u_id, 'endTrip'] = 37
        # ==== end of statistics commute time ====

        # # ==== count trips ====
        # tripDays_ls = list(set(list(userTrips_df2['transDate'])))
        # dailyTrips_ls.append(len(userTrips_df2)/len(tripDays_ls))
        # for i in range(len(tripDays_ls)):
        #     tripDays_df = userTrips_df2[userTrips_df2['transDate'] == tripDays_ls[i]]
        #     visitedStation = []
        #     for j in range(len(tripDays_df)):
        #         visitedStation.append(tripDays_df.iloc[j,4])
        #         visitedStation.append(tripDays_df.iloc[j,5])
        #     dailyVisitedStation.append(len(list(set(visitedStation))))
        # s = 0
        # for i in range(len(dailyVisitedStation)):
        #     s += dailyVisitedStation[i]
        # dailyVisitedLocations_ls.append(s / len(tripDays_ls))
        # # ==== end of count trips ====

        # userAttribute_df.to_csv(r'G:\Program\Pycharm Projects\File of Python3\SCD_System\result\userAttribute.csv')
            r'G:\Program\Pycharm Projects\File of Python3\SCD_System\result\userTrueTrips.csv',

    # print(u_id)
    # print(userAttribute_df.at[168840, 'Station of Workplace'])
    # print(type(userAttribute_df.at[168840, 'Station of Workplace']))
    # if userAttribute_df.at[168840, 'Station of Workplace'] in stationFlow_df.index:
    #     print('T')
    # stationFlow_df.at[userAttribute_df.at[u_id, 'Station of Home'], 'Count of In Station'] += 1
    # print(stationFlow_df)

    print('The user count:', userCount)

    print('end of deal with every data')
    print('system end')
Exemplo n.º 4
                        tripPrediction_ls[0] = othersta_tp[0]
                        tripPrediction_ls[1] = othersta_tp[1]

            trip_P_ls = []
            if nextPredictionState in [
                result_df.iloc[i - 11, 5] = tripPrediction_ls[0]
                result_df.iloc[i - 11, 6] = tripPrediction_ls[1]
                dis = distance_between_twostations(tripPrediction_ls[0],
                trip_P_ls = [
                    u_id, testday, 0, i, tripPrediction_ls[0],
                    tripPrediction_ls[1], nextPredictionState, dis
                trip_P_df = pd.DataFrame([trip_P_ls], columns=columns_userTrip)
                    r'G:\Program\Pycharm Projects\File of Python3\SCD_System\result\data\singlestep_data\userPredictionTrips.csv',

        # print('user:'******' user attribute:',userAttribute_df.loc[u_id, 'Condition'],' test day:',testday)
        # print(test_df2)
        # print(result_df)
        # for mm in range(len(result_df)):
Exemplo n.º 5
def SCD_System():
    print('system start')

    inFile = r'G:\Program\Pycharm Projects\File of Python3\SCD_System\data\metroData_filtered.csv'
    userData = open(inFile, 'r')

    print('reading data ...')
    # ==== start of reading trips ====
    userCount = 0
    userCount_filter = 0
    userTrips = {}
    numRecords = []

    preUser = ''
    trips = []
    DataCount = 0

    for line in userData:
        DataCount += 1
        line = line.rstrip().split(',')
        if len(line) == 1:
            # a new user
            currentUser = int(line[0])
            if preUser == '':
                preUser = currentUser

            # process the last user
            if currentUser != preUser:
                # filter users
                userTrips[preUser] = trips
                # do something with the trips

                # initialize
                preUser = currentUser
                trips = []
                userCount += 1
                if userCount % 1e2 == 0:
                    print('# of user count:',userCount)


        currentDay = int(line[0])
        currentTime = int(line[1])
        inStation = int(line[2])
        outStation = int(line[3])

        # calculate timeslot
        ttt = currentTime
        h = ttt / 10000
        m = (ttt - h * 10000) / 100
        ts = int(math.ceil((h * 60 + m) / 10.0))
        # print ts

        trips.append([currentDay, currentTime, ts,inStation, outStation])
        if userCount == 100000:

        # if len(line) == 0:
        #     break

    # process the last user
    # numRecords.append(len(trips))
    # userTrips[preUser] = trips
    # ==== end of reading trips ====
    print('end of reading data')

    print('deal with every data ...')
    # ==== deal with every user ====
    userCount2 = 0

    HBW_C_list = []
    HBO_C_list = []
    NHB_C_list = []
    ALL_C_list = []

    HBW_NC_list = []
    HBO_NC_list = []
    NHB_NC_list = []
    ALL_NC_list = []

    DistanceTotal_list = []

    TripHourCount_C = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
    TripHourCount_NC = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
    TripHourCount_NH = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]

    columns = ['Condition','Station of Home','Station of Workplace','# of Trips','# of Trips (Only in Weekday)','# of Trip Days','# of Trip Days (Only in Weekday)']
    UserDataFrame = pd.DataFrame(index=userTrips.keys(),columns=columns)

    for u_id in userTrips.keys():
        userCount2 += 1
        if userCount2 % 1e2 == 0:
            print('# of user count2:', userCount2)
        # ==== construct dataframe of trip ====
        userTriplist = userTrips[u_id]

        userIDlist = []
        transDatelist = []
        transTimelist = []
        timeSlotlist = []
        inStationlist = []
        outStationlist = []

        for i in range(len(userTriplist)):

        columns = ['userID', 'transDate', 'transTime', 'timeSlot', 'inStation', 'outStation']
        TripDataFrame = pd.DataFrame(
            {'userID': userIDlist, 'transDate': transDatelist, 'transTime': transTimelist, 'timeSlot': timeSlotlist,
             'inStation': inStationlist, 'outStation': outStationlist},columns=columns)
        # print TripDataFrame

        UserDataFrame.at[u_id,'# of Trips'] = len(TripDataFrame)

        TripDaysCount = list(set(list(TripDataFrame['transDate'])))
        UserDataFrame.at[u_id,'# of Trip Days'] = len(TripDaysCount)

        # del the trip of weekend
        weekendDate = []
        for i in range(4):
            weekendDate.append(20170506 + 7 * i)
        for i in range(4):
            weekendDate.append(20170507 + 7 * i)
        for i in range(4):
            weekendDate.append(20170603 + 7 * i)
        for i in range(4):
            weekendDate.append(20170604 + 7 * i)
        for i in range(5):
            weekendDate.append(20170701 + 7 * i)
        for i in range(5):
            weekendDate.append(20170702 + 7 * i)
        for i in range(4):
            weekendDate.append(20170805 + 7 * i)
        for i in range(4):
            weekendDate.append(20170806 + 7 * i)
        # print weekendDate

        Date_list = list(TripDataFrame.transDate)
        Date_list = list(set(Date_list))

        for i in range(len(weekendDate)):
            if weekendDate[i] in Date_list:
        # print Date_list

        TripDataFrame2 = TripDataFrame[TripDataFrame.transDate.isin(Date_list)]
        # print TripDataFrame2

        UserDataFrame.at[u_id, '# of Trips (Only in Weekday)'] = len(TripDataFrame2)

        TripDaysCount = list(set(list(TripDataFrame2['transDate'])))
        UserDataFrame.at[u_id, '# of Trip Days (Only in Weekday)'] = len(TripDaysCount)
        # ==== end of construct dataframe of trip ====

        # ==== judgment commuter and station ====
        EveryDays = list(TripDataFrame2['transDate'])
        EveryDays = list(set(EveryDays))
        EveryDays = sorted(EveryDays)

        HomeStation = []
        WorkStation = []
        for i in range(len(EveryDays)):
            EveryDay = []
            EveryDayData = TripDataFrame2.loc[TripDataFrame2['transDate'].isin(EveryDay)]

            FirstData = EveryDayData.head(1)
            if FirstData.iloc[0, 2] < 100000:
                HomeStation.append(FirstData.iloc[0, 4])
                WorkStation.append(FirstData.iloc[0, 5])

            LastData = EveryDayData.tail(1)
            if LastData.iloc[0, 2] > 170000:
                HomeStation.append(LastData.iloc[0, 5])
                WorkStation.append(LastData.iloc[0, 4])

        HomeStationCounter = Counter(HomeStation).most_common(1)
        WorkStationCounter = Counter(WorkStation).most_common(1)
        # print type(HomeStationCounter),HomeStationCounter
        if len(HomeStation) != 0:
            if len(HomeStationCounter) == 0:
                HomeStationCounter = [(0,0)]

            if float(HomeStationCounter[0][1])/float(len(HomeStation)) >= 0.4:
                UserDataFrame.at[u_id, 'Station of Home'] = HomeStationCounter[0][0]
                if len(WorkStationCounter) == 0:
                    WorkStationCounter = [(0,0)]
                if float(WorkStationCounter[0][1])/float(len(WorkStation)) >= 0.4:
                    UserDataFrame.at[u_id, 'Station of Workplace'] = WorkStationCounter[0][0]
                    UserDataFrame.at[u_id, 'Condition'] = 'commuter'
                    UserDataFrame.at[u_id, 'Station of Workplace'] = None
                    UserDataFrame.at[u_id, 'Condition'] = 'noncommuter'
                UserDataFrame.at[u_id, 'Station of Home'] = None
                UserDataFrame.at[u_id, 'Station of Workplace'] = None
                UserDataFrame.at[u_id, 'Condition'] = 'nonhome'
            UserDataFrame.at[u_id, 'Station of Home'] = None
            UserDataFrame.at[u_id, 'Station of Workplace'] = None
            UserDataFrame.at[u_id, 'Condition'] = 'nonhome'
        # ==== end of judgment commuter and station ====
    # print UserDataFrame

        # ==== label the trip ====
        TripDataFrame2 = TripDataFrame2.reset_index(drop=True)
        TripDataFrame2['TripLabel'] = 'Other'
        TripLabel_list = []

        for i in range(len(TripDataFrame2)):
            if TripDataFrame2.iloc[i, 4] == UserDataFrame.at[u_id,'Station of Home']:
                if TripDataFrame2.iloc[i, 5] == UserDataFrame.at[u_id,'Station of Workplace']:
            elif TripDataFrame2.iloc[i,4] == UserDataFrame.at[u_id,'Station of Workplace']:
                if TripDataFrame2.iloc[i, 5] == UserDataFrame.at[u_id,'Station of Home']:
            elif TripDataFrame2.iloc[i, 4] != UserDataFrame.at[u_id,'Station of Home'] and TripDataFrame2.iloc[i, 4] != UserDataFrame.at[u_id,'Station of Workplace']:
                if TripDataFrame2.iloc[i, 5] == UserDataFrame.at[u_id,'Station of Home']:
                elif TripDataFrame2.iloc[i, 5] == UserDataFrame.at[u_id,'Station of Workplace']:

        TripDataFrame2['TripLabel'] = TripLabel_list
        # ==== end of label the trip ====

        # ==== calculate trip distance ====
        TripDataFrame2['TripDistance'] = 0
        Distance_list = []
        for i in range(len(TripDataFrame2)):
        TripDataFrame2['TripDistance'] = Distance_list
        # ==== end of calculate trip distance ====

        # ==== calculate the ratio of home-based work trips ====
        # CommutingCount = 0
        # for i in range(len(TripDataFrame2)):
        #     if TripDataFrame2.iloc[i,6] == 'Home-to-Work' or TripDataFrame2.iloc[i,6] == 'Work-to-Home':
        #         CommutingCount += 1
        #     else:
        #         continue
        # Entropy = float(format(float(CommutingCount)/float(len(TripDataFrame2)),'.2f'))
        # UserDataFrame.at[u_id,'home-based work'] = Entropy
        # ==== end of calculate the ratio of home-based work trips ====

        # ==== Statistics HBW ====
        for i in range(len(TripDataFrame2)):
            if TripDataFrame2.iloc[i,6] == 'Home-to-Work' or TripDataFrame2.iloc[i,6] == 'Work-to-Home':
                if UserDataFrame.loc[u_id, 'Condition'] == 'commuter':
                elif UserDataFrame.loc[u_id, 'Condition'] == 'noncommuter':
        # ==== end of Statistics HBW ====

        # ==== Statistics HBO ====
        for i in range(len(TripDataFrame2)):
            if TripDataFrame2.iloc[i,6] == 'Home-to-Other' or TripDataFrame2.iloc[i,6] == 'Other-to-Home':
                if UserDataFrame.loc[u_id, 'Condition'] == 'commuter':
                    HBO_C_list.append(TripDataFrame2.iloc[i, 2] / 10000)
                elif UserDataFrame.loc[u_id, 'Condition'] == 'noncommuter':
                    HBO_NC_list.append(TripDataFrame2.iloc[i, 2] / 10000)
        # ==== end of Statistics HBO ====

        # ==== Statistics NHB ====
        for i in range(len(TripDataFrame2)):
            if TripDataFrame2.iloc[i, 6] == 'Work-to-Other' or TripDataFrame2.iloc[i, 6] == 'Other-to-Work' or TripDataFrame2.iloc[i, 6] == 'Other-to-Other':
                if UserDataFrame.loc[u_id, 'Condition'] == 'commuter':
                    NHB_C_list.append(TripDataFrame2.iloc[i, 2] / 10000)
                elif UserDataFrame.loc[u_id, 'Condition'] == 'noncommuter':
                    NHB_NC_list.append(TripDataFrame2.iloc[i, 2] / 10000)
        # ==== end of Statistics NHB ====

        # ==== Statistics ALL ====
        for i in range(len(TripDataFrame2)):
            if UserDataFrame.loc[u_id, 'Condition'] == 'commuter':
                ALL_C_list.append(TripDataFrame2.iloc[i, 2] / 10000)
            elif UserDataFrame.loc[u_id, 'Condition'] == 'noncommuter':
                ALL_NC_list.append(TripDataFrame2.iloc[i, 2] / 10000)
        # ==== end of Statistics ALL ====

        # ==== Statistics DistanceTotal ====
        for i in range(len(TripDataFrame2)):
        # ==== end of Statistics DistanceTotal ====

        # ==== Statistics TripHourCount ====
        for i in range(len(TripDataFrame2)):
            h = int(TripDataFrame2.iloc[i,2] / 10000)
            if UserDataFrame.loc[u_id, 'Condition'] == 'commuter':
                TripHourCount_C[h] += 1
            elif UserDataFrame.loc[u_id, 'Condition'] == 'noncommuter':
                TripHourCount_NC[h] += 1
            elif UserDataFrame.loc[u_id, 'Condition'] == 'nonhome':
                TripHourCount_NH[h] += 1
        # ==== end of Statistics TripHourCount ====

        # C_Count = 0
        # NC_Count = 0
        # NH_Count = 0
        # for i in range(len(UserDataFrame)):
        #     if UserDataFrame.iloc[i, 0] == 'commuter':
        #         C_Count += 1
        #     elif UserDataFrame.iloc[i, 0] == 'noncommuter':
        #         NC_Count += 1
        #     elif UserDataFrame.iloc[i, 0] == 'nonhome':
        #         NH_Count += 1
        # print 'commuter ratio:', float(C_Count) / float(len(UserDataFrame))
        # print 'noncommuter ratio:', float(NC_Count) / float(len(UserDataFrame))
        # print 'nonhome ratio:', float(NH_Count) / float(len(UserDataFrame))
        # print 'total:', C_Count + NC_Count + NH_Count

        # print TripDataFrame2
    # print UserDataFrame
    # print len(UserDataFrame)
    # ==== end of deal with every user ====
    print('end of deal with every data')

    print('plot ...')
    # ==== plot the distribution of # ====
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))
    ax1 = plt.subplot(2, 2, 1)
    ax2 = plt.subplot(2, 2, 2)
    ax3 = plt.subplot(2, 2, 3)
    ax4 = plt.subplot(2, 2, 4)

    # plot the distribution of # of Trips
    TripsCount_list = list(UserDataFrame['# of Trips'])
    interval = 5
    bins = np.linspace(100, 300, 41)
    usagesHist = np.histogram(np.array(TripsCount_list), bins)
    bins = np.array(bins[1:])
    usagesHist = np.divide(usagesHist[0], float(np.sum(usagesHist[0])))
    # print usagesHist

    plt.bar(bins.tolist(), usagesHist.tolist(), align='edge', width=interval, linewidth=1, facecolor='#41A7D8',

    plt.xlim(100, 310)
    plt.xticks(range(100, 310, 20))
    plt.xlabel(r'# Trips', fontsize=12)
    plt.ylabel(r"Fraction", fontsize=12)

    # plot the distribution of # of Trip Days
    TripDaysCount_list = list(UserDataFrame['# of Trip Days'])
    interval = 5
    bins = np.linspace(20, 110, 19)
    usagesHist = np.histogram(np.array(TripDaysCount_list), bins)
    bins = np.array(bins[1:])
    usagesHist = np.divide(usagesHist[0], float(np.sum(usagesHist[0])))
    # print usagesHist

    plt.bar(bins.tolist(), usagesHist.tolist(), align='edge', width=interval, linewidth=1, facecolor='#41A7D8',

    plt.xlim(20, 120)
    plt.xticks(range(20, 120, 5))
    plt.xlabel(r'# Trip Days', fontsize=12)
    plt.ylabel(r"Fraction", fontsize=12)

    # plot the distribution of # of Trips (Only in Workday)
    TripsCount_list = list(UserDataFrame['# of Trips (Only in Weekday)'])
    interval = 5
    bins = np.linspace(100, 300, 41)
    usagesHist = np.histogram(np.array(TripsCount_list), bins)
    bins = np.array(bins[1:])
    usagesHist = np.divide(usagesHist[0], float(np.sum(usagesHist[0])))
    # print usagesHist

    plt.bar(bins.tolist(), usagesHist.tolist(), align='edge', width=interval, linewidth=1, facecolor='#41A7D8',

    plt.xlim(100, 310)
    plt.xticks(range(100, 310, 20))
    plt.xlabel(r'# Trips (Only in Weekday)', fontsize=12)
    plt.ylabel(r"Fraction", fontsize=12)

    # plot the distribution of # of Trip Days (Only in Workday)
    TripDaysCount_list = list(UserDataFrame['# of Trip Days (Only in Weekday)'])
    interval = 5
    bins = np.linspace(20, 110, 19)
    usagesHist = np.histogram(np.array(TripDaysCount_list), bins)
    bins = np.array(bins[1:])
    usagesHist = np.divide(usagesHist[0], float(np.sum(usagesHist[0])))
    # print usagesHist

    plt.bar(bins.tolist(), usagesHist.tolist(), align='edge', width=interval, linewidth=1, facecolor='#41A7D8',

    plt.xlim(20, 120)
    plt.xticks(range(20, 120, 5))
    plt.xlabel(r'# Trip Days (Only in Weekday)', fontsize=12)
    plt.ylabel(r"Fraction", fontsize=12)

    plt.savefig('result\metro_trip_count_distribution.png', dpi=150)
    # plt.show()

    # ==== plot the distribution of commuter trip time ====
    fig = plt.figure(2, figsize=(12, 8))

    ax1 = plt.subplot(2, 2, 1)
    ax2 = plt.subplot(2, 2, 2)
    ax3 = plt.subplot(2, 2, 3)
    ax4 = plt.subplot(2, 2, 4)

    # plot the distribution of HBW
    bins = np.linspace(5, 24, 20)
    usagesHist = np.histogram(np.array(HBW_C_list), bins)
    bins = np.array(bins[1:])
    usagesHist = np.divide(usagesHist[0], float(np.sum(usagesHist[0])))
    # print usagesHist

    plt.bar(bins.tolist(), usagesHist.tolist(), align='edge', width=1, linewidth=1, facecolor='#41A7D8',
            label='(a) home-based work trips of C')

    plt.xlim(5, 25)
    plt.xticks(range(5, 25, 1))
    plt.xlabel(r'Departure hour,h', fontsize=12)
    plt.ylabel(r"Fraction", fontsize=12)

    # plot the distribution of HBO
    bins = np.linspace(5, 24, 20)
    usagesHist = np.histogram(np.array(HBO_C_list), bins)
    bins = np.array(bins[1:])
    usagesHist = np.divide(usagesHist[0], float(np.sum(usagesHist[0])))
    # print usagesHist

    plt.bar(bins.tolist(), usagesHist.tolist(), align='edge', width=1, linewidth=1, facecolor='#41A7D8',
            label='(b) home-based other trips of C')

    plt.xlim(5, 25)
    plt.xticks(range(5, 25, 1))
    plt.xlabel(r'Departure hour,h', fontsize=12)
    plt.ylabel(r"Fraction", fontsize=12)

    # plot the distribution of NHB
    bins = np.linspace(5, 24, 20)
    usagesHist = np.histogram(np.array(NHB_C_list), bins)
    bins = np.array(bins[1:])
    usagesHist = np.divide(usagesHist[0], float(np.sum(usagesHist[0])))
    # print usagesHist

    plt.bar(bins.tolist(), usagesHist.tolist(), align='edge', width=1, linewidth=1, facecolor='#41A7D8',
            label='(c) non-home based trips of C')

    plt.xlim(5, 25)
    plt.xticks(range(5, 25, 1))
    plt.xlabel(r'Departure hour,h', fontsize=12)
    plt.ylabel(r"Fraction", fontsize=12)

    # plot the distribution of ALL
    bins = np.linspace(5, 24, 20)
    usagesHist = np.histogram(np.array(ALL_C_list), bins)
    bins = np.array(bins[1:])
    usagesHist = np.divide(usagesHist[0], float(np.sum(usagesHist[0])))
    # print usagesHist

    plt.bar(bins.tolist(), usagesHist.tolist(), align='edge', width=1, linewidth=1, facecolor='#41A7D8',
            label='(d) all trips of C')

    plt.xlim(5, 25)
    plt.xticks(range(5, 25, 1))
    plt.xlabel(r'Departure hour,h', fontsize=12)
    plt.ylabel(r"Fraction", fontsize=12)

    plt.savefig('result\metro_C_trip_time_distribution.png', dpi=150)

    # ==== plot the distribution of not commuter trip time ====
    fig = plt.figure(3, figsize=(12, 8))

    ax1 = plt.subplot(2, 2, 1)
    ax2 = plt.subplot(2, 2, 2)
    ax3 = plt.subplot(2, 2, 3)
    ax4 = plt.subplot(2, 2, 4)

    # plot the distribution of HBW
    bins = np.linspace(5, 24, 20)
    usagesHist = np.histogram(np.array(HBW_NC_list), bins)
    bins = np.array(bins[1:])
    usagesHist = np.divide(usagesHist[0], float(np.sum(usagesHist[0])))
    # print usagesHist

    plt.bar(bins.tolist(), usagesHist.tolist(), align='edge', width=1, linewidth=1, facecolor='#41A7D8',
            label='(a) home-based work trips of NC')

    plt.xlim(5, 25)
    plt.xticks(range(5, 25, 1))
    plt.xlabel(r'Departure hour,h', fontsize=12)
    plt.ylabel(r"Fraction", fontsize=12)

    # plot the distribution of HBO
    bins = np.linspace(5, 24, 20)
    usagesHist = np.histogram(np.array(HBO_NC_list), bins)
    bins = np.array(bins[1:])
    usagesHist = np.divide(usagesHist[0], float(np.sum(usagesHist[0])))
    # print usagesHist

    plt.bar(bins.tolist(), usagesHist.tolist(), align='edge', width=1, linewidth=1, facecolor='#41A7D8',
            label='(b) home-based other trips of NC')

    plt.xlim(5, 25)
    plt.xticks(range(5, 25, 1))
    plt.xlabel(r'Departure hour,h', fontsize=12)
    plt.ylabel(r"Fraction", fontsize=12)

    # plot the distribution of NHB
    bins = np.linspace(5, 24, 20)
    usagesHist = np.histogram(np.array(NHB_NC_list), bins)
    bins = np.array(bins[1:])
    usagesHist = np.divide(usagesHist[0], float(np.sum(usagesHist[0])))
    # print usagesHist

    plt.bar(bins.tolist(), usagesHist.tolist(), align='edge', width=1, linewidth=1, facecolor='#41A7D8',
            label='(c) non-home based trips of NC')

    plt.xlim(5, 25)
    plt.xticks(range(5, 25, 1))
    plt.xlabel(r'Departure hour,h', fontsize=12)
    plt.ylabel(r"Fraction", fontsize=12)

    # plot the distribution of ALL
    bins = np.linspace(5, 24, 20)
    usagesHist = np.histogram(np.array(ALL_NC_list), bins)
    bins = np.array(bins[1:])
    usagesHist = np.divide(usagesHist[0], float(np.sum(usagesHist[0])))
    # print usagesHist

    plt.bar(bins.tolist(), usagesHist.tolist(), align='edge', width=1, linewidth=1, facecolor='#41A7D8',
            label='(d) all trips of NC')

    plt.xlim(5, 25)
    plt.xticks(range(5, 25, 1))
    plt.xlabel(r'Departure hour,h', fontsize=12)
    plt.ylabel(r"Fraction", fontsize=12)

    plt.savefig('result\metro_NC_trip_time_distribution.png', dpi=150)

    # ==== plot the distance of Trip ====
    fig = plt.figure(4, figsize=(12, 8))

    # ax1 = plt.subplot(2, 2, 1)
    # ax2 = plt.subplot(2, 2, 2)
    # ax3 = plt.subplot(2, 2, 3)
    # ax4 = plt.subplot(2, 2, 4)

    bins = np.linspace(0, 50, 51)
    usagesHist = np.histogram(np.array(DistanceTotal_list), bins)
    bins = np.array(bins[1:])
    usagesHist = np.divide(usagesHist[0], float(np.sum(usagesHist[0])))
    # print usagesHist

    # plt.sca(ax1)
    plt.bar(bins.tolist(), usagesHist.tolist(), align='edge', width=1, linewidth=1, facecolor='#41A7D8',
            label='Distance of Trip')

    plt.xlim(0, 51)
    plt.xticks(range(0, 51, 1))
    plt.xlabel(r'Distance of Trip (/km)', fontsize=12)
    plt.ylabel(r"Fraction", fontsize=12)
    # plt.legend()

    plt.savefig('result\metro_trip_distance_distribution.png', dpi=150)

    # ==== plot the tirp hour count ====
    fig = plt.figure(5,figsize=(12,8))

    x = np.linspace(0,23,24)
    y1 = TripHourCount_C
    y2 = TripHourCount_NC
    y3 = TripHourCount_NH
    plt.plot(x,y1,linewidth = 2,color = 'r',label = 'commuter')
    plt.plot(x,y2,linewidth = 2,color = 'b',label = 'non-commuter')
    plt.plot(x,y3,linewidth = 2,color = 'k',label = 'non-home')

    plt.xlabel(r'Depature time, t[h]', fontsize=12)
    plt.ylabel(r'No. of depatures, N', fontsize=12)

    plt.savefig('result\metro_trip_hour_count.png', dpi=150)

    print('end of plot')
    # plt.show()
    # ==== end of plot the distribution ====
    print('The user count:',userCount)
    print('system end')