Exemplo n.º 1
def build_unittest(test, arch, summary_env, cmds=None):
	Build a hex file from the source files test_files for the indicated chip
	If cmds is passed, replace the generic run command to gpsim with the commands
	listed in the passed file

	#Extract information from test
	#Allow files to be renamed with architecture extensions automatically
	test_files = filter(lambda x: x is not None, map(lambda x: test.find_support_file(x, arch), test.files))

	name = test.name
	type = test.type

	env = Environment(tools=['xc8_compiler', 'patch_mib12', 'merge_mib12_app', 'merge_mib12_sym', 'gpsim_runner'], ENV = os.environ)
	env['ORIGINAL_ARCH'] = arch
	env['TEST'] = test

	#Configure for app module or exec
	if type.startswith("executive"):
		orig_name = 'mib12_executive_symbols'
		env['ARCH'] = arch.retarget(remove=['exec'], add=['app'])
		pic12.configure_env_for_xc8(env, force_app=True)
		test_harness = ['../test/pic12/exec_harness/mib12_exec_unittest.c', '../test/pic12/exec_harness/mib12_api.as', '../test/pic12/exec_harness/mib12_exec_unittest_startup.as', '../test/pic12/gpsim_logging/test_log.as', '../test/pic12/gpsim_logging/test_mib.as']
	elif type == "application":
		orig_name = "mib12_app_module_symbols"

		env['ARCH'] = arch.retarget(remove=['app'], add=['exec'])

		pic12.configure_env_for_xc8(env, force_exec=True)
		test_harness = ['../test/pic12/app_harness/mib12_app_unittest.c', '../test/pic12/app_harness/mib12_test_api.as', '../test/pic12/gpsim_logging/test_log.as']
		raise BuildError("Invalid unit test type specified. Should start with executive or application.", type=type)

	orig_symfile = orig_name + '.h'
	orig_symtab = orig_name + '.stb'

	dirs = arch.build_dirs()

	builddir = dirs['build']
	testdir = os.path.join(dirs['test'], name, 'objects')
	finaldir = dirs['output']
	outdir = os.path.join(dirs['test'], name)

	incs = []
	incs.extend(arch.property('test_includes', []))

	env['INCLUDE'] += incs

	#Copy over the symbol file from the module we're testing so we can reference it
	symfile = Command(os.path.join(testdir, 'symbols.h'),  os.path.join(builddir, orig_symfile), Copy("$TARGET", "$SOURCE"))
	testee_symtab = Command(os.path.join(testdir, 'symbols.stb'),  os.path.join(builddir, orig_symtab), Copy("$TARGET", "$SOURCE"))

	symtab = env.merge_mib12_symbols([os.path.join(outdir, 'symbols.stb')], [testee_symtab, os.path.join(testdir, name + '_unit.sym')])

	#Load in all of the xc8 configuration from build_settings
	sim = arch.property('gpsim_proc')

	env['TESTCHIP'] = sim
	env['TESTNAME'] = name
	env['TESTAPPEND'] = arch.arch_name()
	env['EXTRACMDS'] = cmds

	#Must do this in 1 statement so we don't modify test_files
	srcfiles = test_files + test_harness

	apphex = env.xc8(os.path.join(testdir, name + '_unit.hex'), srcfiles)
	env.Depends(apphex[0], symfile)

	if type.startswith("executive"):
		app_start = env['CHIP'].app_rom[0] + 2

		#Executive integration tests run the entire executive startup routine
		#Regular integration tests skip it to save time (1 second delay for registration)
		#and to avoid triggering any bugs in the executive code since these are unit tests.
		#for specific routines.
		if type == "executive_integration":
			lowhex = os.path.join(builddir, 'mib12_executive_patched.hex')
			lowhex = env.Command(os.path.join(testdir, 'mib12_executive_local.hex'), os.path.join(builddir, 'mib12_executive_patched.hex'), action='python ../../tools/scripts/patch_start.py %d $SOURCE $TARGET' % app_start)
		highhex = apphex[0]
		lowhex = apphex[0]
		highhex = env.Command(os.path.join(testdir, 'mib12_app_module_local.hex'), os.path.join(builddir, 'mib12_app_module.hex'), Copy("$TARGET", "$SOURCE"))
	outhex = env.merge_mib12_app(os.path.join(outdir, name + '.hex'), [lowhex, highhex])

	outscript = env.Command([os.path.join(outdir, 'test.stc')], [outhex], action=env.Action(build_unittest_script, "Building test script"))

	raw_log_path = os.path.join(outdir, build_logfile_name(env))

	raw_results = env.gpsim_run(raw_log_path, [outscript, outhex]) #include outhex so that scons knows to rerun this command when the hex changes
	formatted_log = env.Command([build_formatted_log_name(env), build_status_name(env)], [raw_results, symtab], action=env.Action(process_unittest_log, 
		"Processing test log"))

	#Add this unit test to the unit test summary command

	#Remember to remove the test directory when cleaning
	#Also add any extra intermediate files that the unit test defines so that 
	#those are cleaned up as well
	env.Clean(outscript, testdir)
	env.Clean(outscript, outdir)
	additional_files = test.get_intermediates(arch)
	for file in additional_files:
		env.Clean(outscript, file)