Exemplo n.º 1
def iperf_client(client_ip, username, password, server_ip, port):
    print("Connecting to Client: {0}".format(client_ip))

    client_conn = SSHConnection(IP=client_ip, username=username, password=password)

    iperf_client_cmd = "iperf -c {0} -p {1}".format(server_ip, port)
    print("Traffic Sent from Client:{0} to Server:{1}".format(client_ip, server_ip))
    return client_conn.resp
Exemplo n.º 2
def monitor_server_traffic(server_ip, server_username, server_password, client_ip,
                           client_username, client_password, port):

    print("Connecting to Server: {0}".format(server_ip))
    server_conn = SSHConnection(IP=server_ip, username=server_username, password=server_password)

    # Run iperf server to listed on TCP port. Don't wait for command to complete execution
    iperf_svr_cmd = "iperf -s -p {0}".format(port)
    server_conn.execute_command(iperf_svr_cmd, wait=False)

    # Run iperf client command and pump traffic to server on TCP port
    transmitted_traffic = iperf_client(client_ip=client_ip, username=client_username, password=client_password,
                 server_ip=server_ip, port=port)

    # Open a New server session to kill the iperf server running
    server_conn_2 = SSHConnection(IP=server_ip, username=server_username, password=server_password)
    server_conn_2.execute_command("lsof -i | grep 5001")
    expr = r'iperf \s*(\d*).'
    command_pid = re.search(expr, server_conn_2.resp).groups()[0].strip()
    print("Killing iperf server with PID :" + command_pid)
    server_conn_2.execute_command("kill -9 {0}".format(command_pid))

    received_traffic = server_conn.rc.capture_output(wait=False)
    print("Server Output: \n{0}".format(received_traffic))

    return transmitted_traffic, received_traffic
Exemplo n.º 3
def remote_ping(source_ip, source_user, source_password, destination_ip, echo_count=1):
    status = False
    ssh_obj = SSHConnection(IP=source_ip, username=source_user, password=source_password)
    conn_status = ssh_obj.connect()
    if conn_status:
        print destination_ip
        print("SSH connection success")
        cmd = "ping {0} -c{1}".format(destination_ip, echo_count)
        if ssh_obj.execute_command(cmd=cmd):
            exp_message = r'{0} packets transmitted, {1} received, 0% packet loss'.format(echo_count, echo_count)
            command_output = ssh_obj.resp
            #print command_output
            #print exp_message
            status = True if exp_message in command_output else False
    return status
class test_OVS_FUNC(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUpClass(self):
        self.ovs_obj = ovs(IP=config.SWITCH_IP, username= config.SWITCH_USER, password= config.SWITCH_PASSWORD,root_password=config.SWITCH_ROOT_PSWD)

        if config.MININET:
            self.mn = SSHConnection(IP=config.SWITCH_IP, username= config.SWITCH_USER, password= config.SWITCH_PASSWORD)
            self.mn.execute_command(cmd="sudo su", exp_out=":")
            self.mn.execute_command(cmd=config.SWITCH_ROOT_PSWD, exp_out="#")

    unittest.skip("Test to be Skipped")

    def test_1_ovs_cntrlr_health_check(self):
         Check the requested bridge
         is configured and available in vsctl
        if config.MININET and self.MN:
            self.mn.execute_command("sudo mn -c")
            if self.mn.execute_command("sudo mn",exp_out="mininet>"):
                print "Bridge created with controller has created by MININET\n"
                return True
                print "Mininet is not able to prepare topology, chacl it...\n"
                return False
        if self.ovs_obj.create_validate_bridge(config.OVS_BRIDGE,[config.CONTROLLER_IP, 6653]):
            print "bridge %s and controller %s configured properly\n" %(config.OVS_BRIDGE, config.CONTROLLER_IP)
            return True
            print "Something wrong with OVS bridge & controller config\n"

    def test_2_ovs_ports_connectivity(self):
        Checks the topology availability
        i.e., links between hosts & OVS and OVS & controller
        if config.MININET and self.MN:
            print "Ports association with bridge has done by MININET\n"
            return True
        if self.ovs_obj.addports_validate(config.OVS_BRIDGE, config.OVS_BRIDGE_PORTS):
            print "Ports %s are connected properly to the bridge %s\n" %(config.OVS_BRIDGE_PORTS, config.OVS_BRIDGE)
            return True
            print "Something wrong with logical connections with the ports %s and bridge %s\n"%(config.OVS_BRIDGE_PORTS, config.OVS_BRIDGE)
            return False

    def test_3_port_based_flows_test(self):
        This method is to test the OVS functionality in presence of traffic
        self.ovs_obj.manage_flows(manage_type="delete", br_name=config.OVS_BRIDGE, inputs=None)
        flow_input = {OvsConf.flow_inputs['Pri']: OvsConf.priority[0], OvsConf.flow_inputs['iPort']: OvsConf.ports[0]}
        action = {OvsConf.flow_actions[0]: [OvsConf.ports[1]]}
        self.ovs_obj.manage_flows(manage_type="add", br_name=config.OVS_BRIDGE, inputs=flow_input, action=action)
        flow_input = {OvsConf.flow_inputs['Pri']: OvsConf.priority[0], OvsConf.flow_inputs['iPort']: OvsConf.ports[1]}
        action = {OvsConf.flow_actions[0]: [OvsConf.ports[0]]}
        self.ovs_obj.manage_flows(manage_type="add", br_name=config.OVS_BRIDGE, inputs=flow_input, action=action)
        if config.MININET and self.MN:
            temp = self.mn.execute_command("h1 ping h2 -c 5",exp_out = "0% packet loss")
            if temp:
                print self.mn.resp
                print self.mn.resp
        self.ovs_obj.manage_flows(manage_type="delete", br_name=config.OVS_BRIDGE, inputs=flow_input)
        if config.MININET and self.MN:
            temp = self.mn.execute_command("h1 ping h2 -c 5",exp_out = "0% packet loss")
            if temp:
                print self.mn.resp
                return False
                print self.mn.resp
                return True

            status = remote_ping(config.HOST1_IP,config.HOST1_USER,config.HOST1_PASSWORD,config.h2_port1,echo_count=10)
            if status:
                print "Ping between hosts H1 & H2 through OVS is Successfull\n"
        self.ovs_obj.manage_flows(manage_type="delete", br_name=config.OVS_BRIDGE, inputs=flow_input)
        status = remote_ping(config.HOST1_IP, config.HOST1_USER, config.HOST1_PASSWORD, config.h2_port1, echo_count=10)
        if not status:
            print "Ping between hosts H1 & H2 through OVS failed as flows are deleted\n"
        self.ovs_obj.manage_flows(manage_type="add", br_name=config.OVS_BRIDGE, inputs=flow_input, action=action)
        action = {OvsConf.flow_actions[2]: None}
        self.ovs_obj.manage_flows(manage_type="alter", br_name=config.OVS_BRIDGE, inputs=flow_input, action=action)

        #flow_input = {OvsConf.flow_inputs['Pri']:OvsConf.priority[0],OvsConf.flow_inputs['iPort']:OvsConf.ports[0],OvsConf.flow_inputs['Protocol']:"arp"}
        #action = {OvsConf.flow_actions[0]:[OvsConf.ports[1]]}
        #self.ovs_obj.manage_flows(manage_type="add",br_name=config.OVS_BRIDGE, inputs = flow_input, action = action)
        #action = {OvsConf.flow_actions[2]: None}
        #self.ovs_obj.manage_flows(manage_type="alter", br_name=config.OVS_BRIDGE, inputs=flow_input,action=action)
        #action = {OvsConf.flow_actions[0]:[OvsConf.ports[1],4]}
        #self.ovs_obj.manage_flows(manage_type="alter", br_name=config.OVS_BRIDGE, inputs=flow_input, action=action)
        #self.ovs_obj.manage_flows(manage_type="delete", br_name=config.OVS_BRIDGE, inputs=flow_input)
Exemplo n.º 5
class ovs(object):

    _OVS_OFCTL_COMMAND = "ovs-ofctl"

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.rc = SSHConnection(IP=kwargs["IP"],

    def addflows(self, **kwargs):
        self.parameters = "add-flow "
        self.interface, self.priority, self.protocol, self.protocol_type, self.input_port, self.action = (
            kwargs["interface"], kwargs["priority"], kwargs['protocol'],
            kwargs["protocolType"], kwargs["input_port"], kwargs["action"])
        if self.interface:
            self.parameters += "%s " % self.interface

        if self.priority:
            self.parameters += "priority=%d" % self.priority

        if self.protocol:
            self.parameters += ",%s" % self.protocol

        if self.protocol_type:
            self.parameters += " %s " % self.protocol_type

        if self.input_port:
            self.parameters += ",in_port=%d" % self.input_port

        if self.action:
            self.parameters += ",actions=%s" % self.action

        self.CMD = "%s %s" % (self._OVS_OFCTL_COMMAND, self.parameters)
        print("Flow Configured on %s : %s" % ("SWITCH", self.CMD))
        return True if self.rc.execute_command(self.CMD) else False

    def dumpflows(self, **kwargs):
        self.parameters = " dump-flows "
        self.protocol, self.protocol_type, self.interface = (
            kwargs["protocol"], kwargs["protocolType"], kwargs['interface'])
        if self.protocol:
            self.parameters += "-O %s " % self.protocol

        if self.interface:
            self.parameters += " %s " % self.interface

        if self.protocol_type:
            self.parameters += " %s " % self.protocol_type

        self.CMD = "sudo %s %s" % (self._OVS_OFCTL_COMMAND, self.parameters)
        #self.CMD = "%s %s" % (self._OVS_OFCTL_COMMAND, self.parameters)
        return True if self.rc.execute_command(self.CMD) else False

    # TBD: This needs to be moved to the system utils module
    def ifconfig(self, **kwargs):
        self.CMD = "ifconfig %s"
        self.parameters = " "
        if kwargs.get('InterfaceList') is True:
            self.parameters += "| grep Link| awk '{print $1}'"

        dlog(self.CMD % (self.parameters))
        return [True, self.rc.resp] if self.rc.execute_command(
            self.CMD % (self.parameters)) else False

    def version(self):
        #self.CMD = "sudo %s %s"%(self._OVS_OFCTL_COMMAND, "--version")
        self.CMD = "%s %s" % (self._OVS_OFCTL_COMMAND, "--version")
        regexp = r'\(Open vSwitch\).(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)'
        status = self.rc.execute_command(self.CMD)
        if status:
            match = re.search(regexp, self.rc.resp)
            if match:
                return match.groups()[0]

    def add_group_flows(self, flows_input):
        self.pattern = 'add-group -O OpenFlow13'

        bucket_frame = ''
        inputs = flows_input.copy()
        for key, value in inputs.items():
            if key is 'bridge':
                self.pattern += " %s " % value
            elif key is 'group':
                self.pattern += "group_id=%s" % (value)
            elif key is 'type':
                self.pattern += ",%s=%s," % (key, value)
            elif key is 'buckets':
                for bucket in value:
                    bucket = 'bucket=%s,' % bucket
                    bucket_frame += bucket
        self.pattern += bucket_frame.rstrip(',')
        #print pattern
        self.CMD = "%s %s" % (self._OVS_OFCTL_COMMAND, self.pattern)
        print self.CMD
        print("Flow Configured on %s : %s" % ("SWITCH", self.CMD))
        return True if self.rc.execute_command(self.CMD) else False

    def validate_flows(self,
                       ovs_protocol="-O OpenFlow13"):
        This method is to validate the flows created using ovs-ofctl dump-flows cli
        :return: True if it validates the flows properly else False
        search = ""
        if input.has_key("id"): del input["id"]
        if input.has_key("order"): del input["order"]
        self.CMD = self._OVS_OFCTL_COMMAND + " group-flows %s %s" % (
            ovs_protocol, br_name)
        if self.rc.execute_command(self.CMD, "#"):
            group_flows = self.rc.resp
            print group_flows
            if len(input) == 0:
                search = None
            input_list = group_flows.splitlines()
            if len(input_list) == 1 and "OFPST_FLOW reply" in input_list[0]:
                search = None
                for key, value in input.items():
                    pattern = key + "=" + str(value)
                    if key is "dl_type":
                        if value is "2048":
                            pattern = ',ip,'

                    return_list = self.get_match_flow(pattern=pattern,
                    if len(return_list) > 1:
                        return_list = self.get_match_flow(
                            pattern=pattern, input_list=return_list)
                        search = None if len(return_list) == 0 else True
                        input_list = return_list
            if manage_type is not "delete" and search is not None:
                return True
            elif manage_type is "delete" and search is None:
                return True

    def get_flows(self, **kwargs):

        self.parameters = " dump-flows "
        self.protocol, self.protocol_type, self.interface = (
            kwargs["protocol"], kwargs["protocolType"], kwargs['interface'])
        if self.protocol:
            self.parameters += "-O %s " % self.protocol

        if self.interface:
            self.parameters += " %s " % self.interface

        if self.protocol_type:
            self.parameters += " %s " % self.protocol_type

        self.CMD = "sudo %s %s" % (self._OVS_OFCTL_COMMAND, self.parameters)
        #self.CMD = "%s %s" % (self._OVS_OFCTL_COMMAND, self.parameters)

        flow_records = []
        #print "\nself.CMD = ", self.CMD
        #print "\nself.rc.execute_command(self.CMD) = ", self.rc.execute_command(self.CMD)

        if self.rc.execute_command(self.CMD):
            #print "\nself.rc.resp = ", self.rc.resp
            for line in self.rc.resp.split("\r\n"):
                line = line.strip()
                if line.startswith("cookie"):
                    flow_info = {}
                    for flow_param in line.split(", "):
                        param, value = flow_param.split("=", 1)
                        flow_info[param] = value
            print "\nInvalid Command: ", self.CMD
        return flow_records

    def _check_iperf_server(self, **kwargs):
        import time
        ip = kwargs['ServerIP']

        self.clientobject = SSHConnection(IP=self.client,

        self.cmd = 'iperf -c %s' % (ip)

        clientrun = 1
        string = "/sec"
        Resp = ""
        ser_Resp = ""
        ## Checking for the Client and Server response for req-string.
        while string not in Resp and string not in ser_Resp:
            if clientrun:
                result = self.clientobject.execute_command(self.cmd)
                    "\n")  ## To update the server response.
                print result
                clientrun = 0
            Resp = self.clientobject.rc.rc.before
            ## TBD:rc object is cascaded a bit more !!
            ser_Resp = self.rc.rc.rc.before
            'c')  ## Gently terminate the server connection
        del self.clientobject
        print Resp
        return result

    def iperf_client(self, **kwargs):

        ##import socket
        import os

        self.serverIP = kwargs['serverip']

        self.cmd = 'iperf %s'
        self.server_cmd = 'iperf -s'
        self.parameters = ""
        ##source = kwargs['source']
        dlog('Checking for any iperf sessions running:')
        if os.system('killall -9 iperf') :
            dlog("Killing the existing instance")
            dlog("No instances found.")
        if kwargs.has_key('client'):
            self.client = kwargs['client']
        if kwargs.has_key('client_username'):
            self.client_username = kwargs['client_username']
        if kwargs.has_key('client_password'):
            self.client_password = kwargs['client_password']

        if kwargs.has_key('timeout'):
            self.timeout = kwargs['timeout']
        if kwargs.has_key('connectiontype'):
            self.connectiontype = kwargs['connectiontype']
            self.parameters = "-u "

            ##self.parameters += " -c %s"%(self.client)

        return self._check_iperf_server(ServerIP=self.serverIP)