Exemplo n.º 1
 def exist(state):
     def key(y):
         dxy = np.fabs(y.state[:-1] - s[:-1])
         da = ((y.state[-1] + np.pi) % (2 * np.pi) - np.pi) - ((s[-1] + np.pi) % (2 * np.pi) - np.pi)
         return dxy[0] < self.exist_res and dxy[1] < self.exist_res and da < self.exist_res
     s = np.array(state)
     result = filter(key, self.vertices)
     Debugger.breaker('sample exclusive: {}'.format(result == []), switch=self.debug)
     return result
Exemplo n.º 2
 def planning(self, times, repeat=10, optimize=False, debug=False):
     """main flow."""
     self.debug = debug
     past = time.time()
     for i in range(times):
         x_new = self.sample_free(i, repeat)
         x_nearest = self.nearest(x_new) if not optimize else self.least(x_new)
         if x_nearest and self.benefit(x_new) and self.collision_free(x_nearest, x_new):
             self.attach(x_nearest, x_new)
             self.x_best = self.best()
         Debugger().debug_planned_path(self, i, switch=self.debug)
         Debugger().debug_planning_hist(self, i, (time.time() - past), switch=True)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def recheck(x):
     available, cost = self.collision_free(x_new, x), self.cost(x_new, x)
     if available and x.g > x_new.g + cost:
         Debugger().debug_rewiring(x, x_new.g + cost, switch=self.debug)
         x.g = x_new.g + cost
         x.fu, x.fl = x.g + x.hu, x.g + x.hl
Exemplo n.º 4
 def is_free(state):
     contour = self.transform(self.check_poly, state[0], state[1], state[2])
     contour = np.floor(contour / self.grid_res + self.grid_map.shape[0] / 2.).astype(int)
     mask = np.zeros_like(self.grid_map, dtype=np.uint8)
     cv2.fillPoly(mask, [contour], 255)
     result = np.bitwise_and(mask, self.grid_map)
     Debugger().breaker('sample free: {}'.format(np.all(result < self.obstacle)), self.debug)
     return np.all(result < self.obstacle)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def branch_and_bound(self, space=None):
     def out(x):
     vertices = space if space else self.vertices
     vs = filter(lambda x: x.fl > self.x_best.fu + self.epsilon, vertices)
     map(out, vs)
     Debugger().debug_branch_and_bound(vs, switch=self.debug)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def swap(self, i):
     if self.root is self.start:
         self.root = self.goal
         self.gain = self.start
         self.vertices = self.g_vertices
         n = -((i/2) % len(self.heuristic)) - 1 if self.heuristic else i
         Debugger.breaker('swap: goal -> start, {}, {}'.format(i, n), self.debug)
         return n
         self.root = self.start
         self.gain = self.goal
         self.vertices = self.s_vertices
         n = (i/2) % len(self.heuristic) if self.heuristic else i
         Debugger.breaker('swap: start -> goal, {}, {}'.format(i, n), self.debug)
         return n
Exemplo n.º 7
def optimize_path(source, target, grid_map, yips_path, debug=False):
    rrt_star = BiRRTStar().set_vehicle(contour(), 0.3, 0.20)
    heuristic = yips_path_to_heuristic(yips_path)
    ori = carla_transform_to_node(source)
    start = center2rear(carla_transform_to_node(source)).gcs2lcs(ori.state)
    goal = center2rear(carla_transform_to_node(target)).gcs2lcs(ori.state)
    grid_ori, grid_res = deepcopy(ori).gcs2lcs(ori.state), 0.1
    if debug:
        Debugger.plot_grid(grid_map, grid_res)
        Debugger().plot_nodes([start, goal])
            transform(contour().transpose(), start.state).transpose(), True, color='b', fill=False, lw=2.0))
            transform(contour().transpose(), goal.state).transpose(), True, color='g', fill=False, lw=2.0))
        if heuristic:
    rrt_star.debug = debug
    rrt_star.preset(start, goal, grid_map, grid_res, grid_ori, 255, heuristic).planning(500)
    while not rrt_star.x_best.fu < np.inf:
        logging.warning('Warning, Hard Problem')
        rrt_star.preset(start, goal, grid_map, grid_res, grid_ori, 255, heuristic).planning(500*4)
    tj = rrt_star.trajectory(a_cc=3, v_max=10, res=0.1)
    plt.plot([t.state[0] for t in tj], [t.state[1] for t in tj])
    plt.scatter([t.state[0] for t in tj], [t.state[1] for t in tj], c=[t.k for t in tj], s=50)
    # LCS to GCS
    tj = [t.lcs2gcs(ori.state) for t in tj]
    motion = [(t.state[0], t.state[1], t.state[2], t.k, t.v) for t in tj]
    Debugger.breaker('Plotting', switch=debug)
    return motion, [tuple(p.state) for p in rrt_star.path()]
Exemplo n.º 8
 def attach(self, x_nearest, x_new):  # type: (StateNode, StateNode) -> None
     """add the new state to the tree and complement other values.
     And fill the hu and fu properties of x_new.
     available = self.collision_free(x_new, self.gain)
     x_new.hu = x_new.hl if available else np.inf
     x_new.fu = x_new.g + x_new.hu
     x_new.status = 0 if available else 1
     Debugger().debug_attaching(x_nearest, x_new, 1. / self.maximum_curvature, switch=self.debug)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def sample_free(self, n, repeat=10, default=((2., .5), (0., np.pi / 4.), (0, np.pi / 6.))):
        """sample a state from free configuration space."""

        def is_free(state):
            contour = self.transform(self.check_poly, state[0], state[1], state[2])
            contour = np.floor(contour / self.grid_res + self.grid_map.shape[0] / 2.).astype(int)
            mask = np.zeros_like(self.grid_map, dtype=np.uint8)
            cv2.fillPoly(mask, [contour], 255)
            result = np.bitwise_and(mask, self.grid_map)
            Debugger().breaker('sample free: {}'.format(np.all(result < self.obstacle)), self.debug)
            return np.all(result < self.obstacle)

        def exist(state):
            def key(y):
                dxy = np.fabs(y.state[:-1] - s[:-1])
                da = ((y.state[-1] + np.pi) % (2 * np.pi) - np.pi) - ((s[-1] + np.pi) % (2 * np.pi) - np.pi)
                return dxy[0] < self.exist_res and dxy[1] < self.exist_res and da < self.exist_res
            s = np.array(state)
            result = filter(key, self.vertices)
            Debugger.breaker('sample exclusive: {}'.format(result == []), switch=self.debug)
            return result

        def emerge():
            if self.heuristic:
                i = n % len(self.heuristic)
                state, biasing = self.heuristic[int(i)]
                rand = [state[0], state[1], state[2]]  # [x_o, y_o, a_o]
                (x_mu, x_sigma), (y_mu, y_sigma), (a_mu, a_sigma) = biasing
                rand[0] += np.random.normal(x_mu, x_sigma)
                rand[1] += np.random.normal(y_mu, y_sigma)
                rand[2] += np.random.normal(a_mu, a_sigma)
                return rand
                Debugger().debug_no_heuristic(vertex.state, default, self.debug)
                rand = [vertex.state[0], vertex.state[1], vertex.state[2]]
                (r_mu, r_sigma), (t_mu, t_sigma), (a_mu, a_sigma) = default
                r, theta = np.random.normal(r_mu, r_sigma), np.random.normal(t_mu, t_sigma) + rand[2]
                rand[0] += r * np.cos(theta)
                rand[1] += r * np.sin(theta)
                rand[2] += np.random.normal(a_mu, a_sigma)
                return rand

        vertex = np.random.choice(self.vertices)
        for i in range(repeat):
            x_rand = emerge()
            Debugger().debug_sampling(x_rand, self.check_poly, switch=self.debug)
            if is_free(x_rand):
                if not exist(x_rand):
                    return self.StateNode(tuple(x_rand))
        return self.StateNode(tuple(x_rand))
Exemplo n.º 10
    def rewire(self, x_new, gamma=0.2):  # type: (StateNode, float) -> None
        """rewiring tree by the new state."""

        def recheck(x):
            available, cost = self.collision_free(x_new, x), self.cost(x_new, x)
            if available and x.g > x_new.g + cost:
                Debugger().debug_rewiring(x, x_new.g + cost, switch=self.debug)
                x.g = x_new.g + cost
                x.fu, x.fl = x.g + x.hu, x.g + x.hl

        xs = filter(lambda x: x.g > x_new.g + gamma, self.vertices)
        Debugger().debug_rewiring_check(xs, x_new, switch=self.debug)
        map(recheck, xs)
Exemplo n.º 11
 def collision_free(self, x_from, x_to):  # type: (StateNode, StateNode) -> bool
     """check if the path from one state to another state collides with any obstacles or not."""
     # making contours of the curve
     states = reeds_shepp.path_sample(x_from.state, x_to.state, 1. / self.maximum_curvature, 0.3)
     # states.append(tuple(x_to.state))  # include the end point
     contours = [self.transform(self.check_poly, s[0], s[1], s[2]) for s in states]
     contours = [np.floor(con / self.grid_res + self.grid_map.shape[0] / 2.).astype(int) for con in contours]
     # making mask
     mask = np.zeros_like(self.grid_map, dtype=np.uint8)
     [cv2.fillPoly(mask, [con], 255) for con in contours]
     # checking
     result = np.bitwise_and(mask, self.grid_map)
     Debugger().debug_collision_checking(states, self.check_poly, np.all(result < self.obstacle), switch=self.debug)
     return np.all(result < self.obstacle)
Exemplo n.º 12
 def connect_graphs(self, x_new):
     if self.root is self.start:
         vs = self.g_vertices
         vs = self.s_vertices
     costs = list(map(lambda x: self.cost(x_new, x), vs))
     x_nearest, cost = vs[int(np.argmin(costs))], np.min(costs)
     Debugger().debug_connect_graphs(x_nearest.state, x_new.g+cost+x_nearest.g, self.x_best.fu, switch=self.debug)
     if x_new.g + cost + x_nearest.g < self.x_best.fu:
         if self.collision_free(x_new, x_nearest):
             x_nearest.fu = x_new.fu = x_new.g + cost + x_nearest.g
             x_new.hu = x_new.fu - x_new.g
             x_nearest.hu = x_nearest.fu - x_nearest.g
             x_new.neighbor = x_nearest
             x_nearest.neighbor = x_new
             self.x_best = x_new
Exemplo n.º 13
    def nearest(self, x_rand):  # type: (StateNode) -> StateNode
        """find the state in the tree which is nearest to the sampled state.
        And fill the g, hl and fl properties of the sampled state.

        def replenish(x_n, x_r):
            x_r.g, x_r.hl = x_n.g + self.cost(x_n, x_r), self.cost(x_r, self.gain)
            x_r.fl = x_r.g + x_r.hl

        # quick shot
        if self.collision_free(self.root, x_rand):
            x_nearest = self.root
            costs = list(map(lambda x: self.cost(x, x_rand), self.vertices))
            x_nearest = self.vertices[int(np.argmin(costs))]
        replenish(x_nearest, x_rand)
        Debugger().debug_nearest_searching(x_nearest.state, switch=self.debug)
        return x_nearest
Exemplo n.º 14
    def least(self, x_rand):  # type: (StateNode) -> StateNode
        def replenish(x_n, x_r):
            x_r.g, x_r.hl = x_n.g + self.cost(x_n, x_r), self.cost(x_r, self.gain)
            x_r.fl = x_r.g + x_r.hl

        # quick shot
        if self.collision_free(self.root, x_rand):
            x_least = self.root
            nodes = filter(lambda x: self.collision_free(x, x_rand), self.vertices)
            if nodes:
                costs = list(map(lambda x: x.g + self.cost(x, x_rand), nodes))
                x_least = nodes[int(np.argmin(costs))]
                x_least = None
        if x_least:
            replenish(x_least, x_rand)
            Debugger().debug_nearest_searching(x_least.state, switch=self.debug)
        return x_least
Exemplo n.º 15
 def emerge():
     if self.heuristic:
         i = n % len(self.heuristic)
         state, biasing = self.heuristic[int(i)]
         rand = [state[0], state[1], state[2]]  # [x_o, y_o, a_o]
         (x_mu, x_sigma), (y_mu, y_sigma), (a_mu, a_sigma) = biasing
         rand[0] += np.random.normal(x_mu, x_sigma)
         rand[1] += np.random.normal(y_mu, y_sigma)
         rand[2] += np.random.normal(a_mu, a_sigma)
         return rand
         Debugger().debug_no_heuristic(vertex.state, default, self.debug)
         rand = [vertex.state[0], vertex.state[1], vertex.state[2]]
         (r_mu, r_sigma), (t_mu, t_sigma), (a_mu, a_sigma) = default
         r, theta = np.random.normal(r_mu, r_sigma), np.random.normal(t_mu, t_sigma) + rand[2]
         rand[0] += r * np.cos(theta)
         rand[1] += r * np.sin(theta)
         rand[2] += np.random.normal(a_mu, a_sigma)
         return rand
Exemplo n.º 16
 def benefit(self, x_new):
     words = 'Benefit: {}/ ({}, {})'.format(x_new.fl <= self.x_best.fu, x_new.fl, self.x_best.fu)
     Debugger.breaker(words, switch=self.debug)
     return x_new.fl < self.x_best.fu