Exemplo n.º 1
class Player(Repeatable):

    # Set private values

    __vars = []
    __init = False

    # These are used by FoxDot
    keywords = ('degree', 'oct', 'freq', 'dur', 'delay', 'buf', 'blur',
                'amplify', 'scale', 'bpm', 'sample')

    # Base attributes
    base_attributes = (

    fx_attributes = FxList.kwargs()

    metro = None
    server = None

    # Tkinter Window
    widget = None

    default_scale = Scale.default()
    default_root = Root.default()

    def __init__(self):

        # Inherit


        # General setup

        self.synthdef = None
        self.id = None
        self.quantise = False
        self.stopping = False
        self.stop_point = 0
        self.following = None
        self.queue_block = None
        self.playstring = ""
        self.char = PlayerKey("", parent=self)
        self.buf_delay = []

        # Visual feedback information

        self.envelope = None
        self.line_number = None
        self.whitespace = None
        self.bang_kwargs = {}

        # Modifiers

        self.reversing = False
        self.degrading = False

        # Keeps track of which note to play etc

        self.event_index = 0
        self.event_n = 0
        self.notes_played = 0
        self.event = {}

        # Used for checking clock updates

        self.old_dur = None
        self.old_pattern_dur = None

        self.isplaying = False
        self.isAlive = True

        # These dicts contain the attribute and modifier values that are sent to SuperCollider

        self.attr = {}
        self.modf = {}

        # Keyword arguments that are used internally

        self.scale = None
        self.offset = 0
        self.following = None

        # List the internal variables we don't want to send to SuperCollider

        self.__vars = self.__dict__.keys()
        self.__init = True


    # Class methods

    def Attributes(cls):
        return cls.keywords + cls.base_attributes + cls.fx_attributes

    # Player Object Manipulation

    def __rshift__(self, other):
        """ The PlayerObject Method >> """

        if isinstance(other, SynthDefProxy):
            self.update(other.name, other.degree, **other.kwargs)
            self + other.mod
            for method, arguments in other.methods.items():
                args, kwargs = arguments
                getattr(self, method).__call__(*args, **kwargs)
            return self

        raise TypeError(
            "{} is an innapropriate argument type for PlayerObject".format(
        return self

    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        if self.__init:

            # Force the data into a Pattern if the attribute is used with SuperCollider

            if name not in self.__vars:

                value = asStream(value) if not isinstance(value,
                                                          PlayerKey) else value

                # Update the attribute dict
                self.attr[name] = value

                # Update the current event
                # self.event[name] = modi(value, self.event_index)

                ##                #  Make sure the object's dict uses PlayerKey instances
                ##                if name not in self.__dict__:
                ##                    self.__dict__[name] = PlayerKey(self.event[name], parent=self)
                ##                elif not isinstance(self.__dict__[name], PlayerKey):
                ##                    self.__dict__[name] = PlayerKey(self.event[name], parent=self)
                ##                else:
                ##                    self.__dict__[name].update(self.event[name])


        self.__dict__[name] = value

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self is other

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self is other

    # --- Startup methods

    def reset(self):

        # Add all keywords to the dict, then set non-zero defaults

        for key in Player.Attributes():

            if key != "scale":

                self.attr[key] = asStream(0)

                if key not in self.__dict__:

                    self.__dict__[key] = PlayerKey(0, parent=self)

                elif not isinstance(self.__dict__[key], PlayerKey):

                    self.__dict__[key] = PlayerKey(0, parent=self)



        # --- SuperCollider Keywords

        # Left-Right panning (-1,1)
        self.pan = 0

        # Sustain
        self.sus = 1

        # Amplitude
        self.amp = 1

        # Rate - varies between SynthDef
        self.rate = 1

        # Audio sample buffer number
        self.buf = 0

        # Reverb
        self.verb = 0.25
        self.room = 0.00

        # Frequency modifier
        self.fmod = 0

        # Buffer
        self.sample = 0

        # Frequency / rate modifier
        self.slide = 0
        self.slidefrom = 1

        # Echo effect

        self.decay = 1

        # Filters

        self.lpr = 1
        self.hpr = 1

        # --- FoxDot Keywords

        # Duration of notes
        self.dur = 0.5 if self.synthdef == SamplePlayer else 1
        self.old_pattern_dur = self.old_dur = self.attr['dur']

        self.delay = 0

        # Degree of scale / Characters of samples

        self.degree = " " if self.synthdef is SamplePlayer else 0

        # Octave of the note
        self.oct = 5

        # Amplitude mod
        self.amplify = 1

        # Legato
        self.blur = 1

        # Tempo
        self.bpm = None

        # Frequency and modifier
        self.freq = 0

        # Offbeat delay
        self.offset = 0

        # Modifier dict

        self.modf = dict([(key, [0]) for key in self.attr])

        return self

    # --- Update methods

    def __call__(self, **kwargs):

        # If stopping, kill the event

        if self.stopping and self.metro.now() >= self.stop_point:

        # If the duration has changed, work out where the internal markers should be

        if self.dur_updated() or kwargs.get("count", False) is True:


                # this is where self.reversing goes wrong

                self.event_n, self.event_index = self.count(self.event_index)

            except TypeError:

                print("TypeError: Innappropriate argument type for 'dur'")

            self.old_dur = self.attr['dur']

        # Get the current state

        dur = 0

        while True:


            # Set a 'None' to 0

            if self.event['dur'] is None:

                dur = 0

            # If there are more than one dur (happens sometimes because of threading), only use first
            # This is a temporary solution <-- TODO


                if len(self.event['dur']) > 0:

                    self.event['dur'] = self.event['dur'][0]

            except TypeError:



                if isinstance(self.event['dur'], TimeVar.var):

                    dur = float(self.event['dur'].now(self.event_index))


                    dur = float(self.event['dur'])

            # Skip events with durations of 0

            if dur == 0:

                self.event_n += 1



        # Play the note

        if self.metro.solo == self and kwargs.get(
                'verbose', True) and type(self.event['dur']) != rest:


        # If using custom bpm

        if self.event['bpm'] is not None:


                tempo_shift = float(self.metro.bpm) / float(self.event['bpm'])

            except (AttributeError, TypeError):

                tempo_shift = 1

            dur *= tempo_shift

        # Schedule the next event

        self.event_index = self.event_index + dur

        self.metro.schedule(self, self.event_index, kwargs={})

        # Change internal marker

        self.event_n += 1
        self.notes_played += 1


    def count(self, time=None, event_after=False):
        """ Counts the number of events that will have taken place between 0 and `time`. If
            `time` is not specified the function uses self.metro.now(). Setting `event_after`
            to `True` will find the next event *after* `time`"""

        n = 0
        acc = 0
        dur = 0
        now = (time if time is not None else self.metro.now())

        durations = self.rhythm()
        total_dur = float(sum(durations))

        if total_dur == 0:

            WarningMsg("Player object has a total duration of 0. Set to 1")

            durations = [1]
            total_dur = 1
            self.dur = 1

        acc = now - (now % total_dur)


            n = int(len(durations) * (acc / total_dur))

        except TypeError as e:



            return 0, 0

        if acc != now:

            while True:

                dur = float(modi(durations, n))

                if acc + dur == now:

                    acc += dur

                    n += 1


                elif acc + dur > now:

                    if event_after:

                        acc += dur
                        n += 1



                    acc += dur
                    n += 1

        # Store duration times

        self.old_dur = self.attr['dur']

        # Returns value for self.event_n and self.event_index

        return n, acc

    def rhythm(self):
        # If a Pattern TimeVar
        if isinstance(self.attr['dur'], TimeVar.Pvar):
            r = asStream(self.attr['dur'].now().data)

        # If duration is a TimeVar
        elif isinstance(self.attr['dur'], TimeVar.var):
            r = asStream(self.attr['dur'].now())

            r = asStream(self.attr['dur'])

        # TODO: Make sure degree is a string
        if self.synthdef is SamplePlayer:
                d = self.attr['degree'].now()
                d = self.attr['degree']
            r = r * [(char.dur if hasattr(char, "dur") else 1)
                     for char in d.flat()]
        return r

    def update(self, synthdef, degree, **kwargs):

        # SynthDef name

        self.synthdef = synthdef

        if self.isplaying is False:

            self.reset()  # <--

        # If there is a designated solo player when updating, add this at next bar

        if self.metro.solo.active() and self.metro.solo != self:

                lambda *args, **kwargs: self.metro.solo.add(self),

        # Update the attribute values

        special_cases = ["scale", "root", "dur"]

        # Set the degree

        if synthdef == SamplePlayer:

            if type(degree) == str:

                self.playstring = degree


                self.playstring = None

            if degree is not None:

                setattr(self, "degree", degree if len(degree) > 0 else " ")

        elif degree is not None:

            self.playstring = str(degree)

            setattr(self, "degree", degree)

        # Set special case attributes

        self.scale = kwargs.get("scale", self.__class__.default_scale)
        self.root = kwargs.get("root", self.__class__.default_root)

        # If only duration is specified, set sustain to that value also

        if "dur" in kwargs:

            self.dur = kwargs['dur']

            if "sus" not in kwargs and synthdef != SamplePlayer:

                self.sus = self.attr['dur']

        if synthdef is SamplePlayer: pass

        # self.old_pattern_dur

        # self.old_dur = self.attr['dur']

        # Set any other attributes

        for name, value in kwargs.items():

            if name not in special_cases:

                setattr(self, name, value)

        # Calculate new position if not already playing

        if self.isplaying is False:

            # Add to clock

            self.isplaying = True
            self.stopping = False

            next_bar = self.metro.next_bar()
            self.event_n = 0

            self.event_n, self.event_index = self.count(next_bar,

            self.metro.schedule(self, self.event_index)

        return self

    def dur_updated(self):
        dur_updated = self.attr['dur'] != self.old_dur
        if self.synthdef == SamplePlayer:
            dur_updated = (self.pattern_rhythm_updated() or dur_updated)
        return dur_updated

    def step_duration(self):
        return 0.5 if self.synthdef is SamplePlayer else 1

    def pattern_rhythm_updated(self):
        r = self.rhythm()
        if self.old_pattern_dur != r:
            self.old_pattern_dur = r
            return True
        return False

    def char(self, other=None):
        if other is not None:
                if type(other) == str and len(other) == 1:  #char
                    return Samples.bufnum(self.now('buf')) == other
                raise TypeError("Argument should be a one character string")
                return False
                return Samples.bufnum(self.now('buf'))
                return None

    def calculate_freq(self):
        """ Uses the scale, octave, and degree to calculate the frequency values to send to SuperCollider """

        # If the scale is frequency only, just return the degree

        if self.scale == Scale.freq:


                return list(self.event['degree'])


                return [self.event['degree']]

        now = {attr: self.event[attr] for attr in ('degree', 'oct')}

        size = LCM(get_expanded_len(now['oct']),

        f = []

        for i in range(size):


                midinum = midi(self.scale, group_modi(now['oct'], i),
                               group_modi(now['degree'], i), self.now('root'))

            except Exception as e:

                print e

                    "Invalid degree / octave arguments for frequency calculation, reset to default"

                print now['degree'], modi(now['degree'], i)



        return f

    def f(self, *data):
        """ adds value to frequency modifier """

        self.fmod = tuple(data)

        p = []
        for val in self.attr['fmod']:

                pan = tuple((item / ((len(val) - 1) / 2.0)) - 1
                            for item in range(len(val)))
                pan = 0

        self.pan = p

        return self

    # Methods affecting other players - every n times, do a random thing?

    def stutter(self, n=2, **kwargs):
        """ Plays the current note n-1 times. You can specify some keywords,
            such as dur, sus, and rate. """

        if self.metro.solo == self and n > 0:

            dur = float(kwargs.get("dur", self.dur)) / int(n)

            delay = 0

            size = self.largest_attribute()

            for stutter in range(1, n):

                delay += dur

                # Use a custom attr dict and specify the first delay to play "immediately"

                sub = {
                    kw: modi(val, stutter - 1)
                    for kw, val in kwargs.items() + [("send_now", True)]

                self.metro.schedule(func_delay(self.send, **sub),
                                    self.event_index + delay)

        return self

    # --- Misc. Standard Object methods

    def __int__(self):
        return int(self.now('degree'))

    def __float__(self):
        return float(self.now('degree'))

    def __add__(self, data):
        """ Change the degree modifier stream """
        self.modf['degree'] = asStream(data)
        return self

    def __sub__(self, data):
        """ Change the degree modifier stream """
        data = asStream(data)
        data = [d * -1 for d in data]
        self.modf['degree'] = data
        return self

    def __mul__(self, data):
        """ Multiplying an instrument player multiplies each amp value by
            the input, or circularly if the input is a list. The input is
            stored here and calculated at the update stage """

        if type(data) in (int, float):

            data = [data]

        self.modf['amp'] = asStream(data)

        return self

    def __div__(self, data):

        if type(data) in (int, float):

            data = [data]

        self.modf['amp'] = [1.0 / d for d in data]

        return self

    # --- Data methods

    def __iter__(self):
        for _, value in self.event.items():
            yield value

    def number_of_layers(self):
        """ Returns the deepest nested item in the event """
        num = 1
        for attr, value in self.event.items():
            if isinstance(value, PGroup):
                l = pattern_depth(value)
                l = 1
            if l > num:
                num = l
        return num

    def largest_attribute(self):
        """ Returns the length of the largest nested tuple in the current event dict """

        size = 1
        values = []

        for attr, value in self.event.items():
            l = get_expanded_len(value)
            if l > size:
                size = l
        return size

    # --- Methods for preparing and sending OSC messages to SuperCollider

    def now(self, attr="degree", x=0):
        """ Calculates the values for each attr to send to the server at the current clock time """

        modifier_event_n = self.event_n

        attr_value = self.attr[attr]

        # If we are referencing other players' values, make sure they're updated first

        if isinstance(attr_value, PlayerKey):

            if attr_value.parent in self.queue_block.objects(
            ) and attr_value.parent is not self:

                self.queue_block.call(attr_value.parent, self)


            attr_value = modi(asStream(attr_value), self.event_n + x)

        # If the item is a PGroup - make sure any generator values are forced into one type

        if isinstance(attr_value, PGroup):

            attr_value = attr_value.forced_values()

        # If the attribute isn't in the modf dictionary, default to 0

        modf_value = modi(self.modf[attr], modifier_event_n +
                          x) if attr in self.modf else 0

        # Combine attribute and modifier values

        if not (self.synthdef == SamplePlayer and attr == "degree"):

            # Don't bother trying to add values to a play string...


                attr_value = attr_value + modf_value

            except TypeError:


        return attr_value

    def get_event(self):
        """ Returns a dictionary of attr -> now values """

        attributes = copy(self.attr)

        prime_funcs = {}
        # self.event  = {}

        for key in attributes:

            value = self.event[key] = self.now(key)

            if isinstance(value, PlayerKey):

                value = value.now()

            # Look for PGroupPrimes

            if isinstance(value, PGroup):

                if value.has_behaviour():

                    cls = value.__class__
                    name = cls.__name__

                    getaction = True

                    if name in prime_funcs:

                        if len(value) <= len(prime_funcs[name][1]):

                            getaction = False

                    if getaction:

                        prime_funcs[name] = [key, value, value.get_behaviour()]

            #  Make sure the object's dict uses PlayerKey instances

            if key not in self.__dict__:

                self.__dict__[key] = PlayerKey(value, parent=self)

            elif not isinstance(self.__dict__[key], PlayerKey):

                self.__dict__[key] = PlayerKey(value, parent=self)



        # Add largest PGroupPrime function

        for name, func in prime_funcs.items():

            prime_call = func[-1]

            if prime_call is not None:

                self.event = prime_call(self.event, func[0])

        return self

    def osc_message(self, index=0, **kwargs):
        """ Creates an OSC packet to play a SynthDef in SuperCollider,
            use kwargs to force values in the packet, e.g. pan=1 will force ['pan', 1] """

        message = []
        fx_dict = {}

        # Calculate frequency / buffer number

        if self.synthdef != SamplePlayer:

            degree = group_modi(kwargs.get("degree", self.event["degree"]),
            octave = group_modi(kwargs.get("oct", self.event["oct"]), index)
            root = group_modi(kwargs.get("root", self.event["root"]), index)

            freq = miditofreq(
                midi(kwargs.get("scale", self.scale), octave, degree, root))

            message = ['freq', freq]


            degree = group_modi(kwargs.get("degree", self.event['degree']),
            sample = group_modi(kwargs.get("sample", self.event["sample"]),

            buf = int(Samples[str(degree)].bufnum(sample))

            message = ['buf', buf]

        attributes = self.attr.copy()

        # Go through the attr dictionary and add kwargs

        for key in attributes:


                # Don't use fx keywords or foxdot keywords

                if key not in FxList.kwargs() and key not in self.keywords:

                    group_value = kwargs.get(key, self.event[key])

                    val = group_modi(group_value, index)

                    ## DEBUG

                    if isinstance(val, (Pattern, PGroup)):

                        print "In osc_message:", key, group_value, self.event[
                            key], val

                    # Special case modulation

                    if key == "sus":

                        val = val * self.metro.beat_dur() * group_modi(
                            kwargs.get('blur', self.event['blur']), index)

                    elif key == "amp":

                        val = val * group_modi(
                            kwargs.get('amplify', self.event['amplify']),

                    message += [key, val]

            except KeyError as e:

                WarningMsg("KeyError in function 'osc_message'", key, e)

        # See if any fx_attributes

        for key in self.fx_attributes:

            if key in attributes:

                # All effects use sustain to release nodes

                fx_dict[key] = []

                # Look for any other attributes require e.g. room and verb

                for sub_key in FxList[key].args:

                    if sub_key in self.event:

                        if sub_key in message:

                            i = message.index(sub_key) + 1

                            val = message[i]



                                val = group_modi(
                                    kwargs.get(sub_key, self.event[sub_key]),

                                if isinstance(val, Pattern):

                                    print sub_key, val

                            except TypeError as e:

                                val = 0

                            except KeyError as e:

                                del fx_dict[key]

                        # Don't send fx with zero values, unless it is a timevar or playerkey i.e. has a "now" attr

                        if val == 0 and not hasattr(val, 'now'):

                            del fx_dict[key]



                            fx_dict[key] += [sub_key, val]

        return message, fx_dict

    def send(self, **kwargs):
        """ Sends the current event data to SuperCollder.
            Use kwargs to overide values in the """

        size = self.largest_attribute() * pattern_depth(self.event.values())

        banged = False

        sent_messages = []
        delayed_messages = []

        freq = []
        bufnum = []

        last_msg = None

        for i in range(size):

            # Get the basic osc_msg

            osc_msg, effects = self.osc_message(i, **kwargs)

            if "freq" in osc_msg:

                freq_value = osc_msg[osc_msg.index("freq") + 1]

                if freq_value not in freq:


            # Look at delays and schedule events later if need be


                delay = float(
                    group_modi(kwargs.get('delay', self.event.get('delay', 0)),


                print "delay is", self.event['delay']

            if 'buf' in osc_msg:

                buf = group_modi(
                    kwargs.get('buf', osc_msg[osc_msg.index('buf') + 1]), i)


                buf = 0

            if buf not in bufnum:


            amp = group_modi(
                kwargs.get('amp', osc_msg[osc_msg.index('amp') + 1]), i)

            # Any messages with zero amps or 0 buf are not sent <- maybe change that for "now" classes

            if (self.synthdef != SamplePlayer
                    and amp > 0) or (self.synthdef == SamplePlayer and buf > 0
                                     and amp > 0):

                synthdef = self.get_synth_name(buf)

                if delay > 0:

                    if (delay, osc_msg, effects) not in delayed_messages:

                        # Schedule the note to play in the future & to update the playerkeys

                            send_delay(self, synthdef, osc_msg, effects),
                            self.event_index + float(delay))

                        delayed_messages.append((delay, osc_msg, effects))

                    if self.bang_kwargs:

                                            self.metro.now() + delay)


                    # Don't send duplicate messages

                    if (osc_msg, effects) not in sent_messages:

                        # --- New way of sending messages all at once

                        compiled_msg = self.server.sendPlayerMessage(

                        # -- We can specify to send immediately as opposed to all together at the end of the block

                        if kwargs.get("send_now", False):

                            # If send_now is True, then send is being called from somewhere else and so
                            # the the osc message is added to the immediate block




                        sent_messages.append((osc_msg, effects))

                    if not banged and self.bang_kwargs:


                        banged = True

            # Store the last message so we can compare if delayed

            last_msg = (osc_msg, effects)

        self.freq = freq
        self.buf = bufnum


    def get_synth_name(self, buf=0):
        if self.synthdef == SamplePlayer:
            numChannels = Samples.getBuffer(buf).channels
            if numChannels == 1:
                synthdef = "play1"
                synthdef = "play2"
            synthdef = str(self.synthdef)
        return synthdef

    #: Methods for stop/starting players

    def kill(self):
        """ Removes this object from the Clock and resets itself"""
        self.isplaying = False
        self.repeat_events = {}

    def stop(self, N=0):
        """ Removes the player from the Tempo clock and changes its internal
            playing state to False in N bars time
            - When N is 0 it stops immediately"""

        self.stopping = True
        self.stop_point = self.metro.now()

        if N > 0:

            self.stop_point += self.metro.next_bar() + (
                (N - 1) * self.metro.bar_length())



        return self

    def pause(self):

        self.isplaying = False

        return self

    def play(self):

        self.isplaying = True
        self.stopping = False
        self.isAlive = True


        return self

    def follow(self, lead=False):
        """ Takes a Player object and then follows the notes """

        if isinstance(lead, self.__class__):

            self.degree = lead.degree
            self.following = lead


            self.following = None

        return self

    def solo(self, arg=True):

        if arg:




        return self

    def num_key_references(self):
        """ Returns the number of 'references' for the
            attr which references the most other players """
        num = 0
        for attr in self.attr.values():
            if isinstance(attr, PlayerKey):
                if attr.num_ref > num:
                    num = attr.num_ref
        return num

    def lshift(self, n=1):
        self.event_n -= (n + 1)
        return self

    def rshift(self, n=1):
        self.event_n += n
        return self

    def reverse(self):
        """ Sets flag to reverse streams """
        for attr in self.attr:
                self.attr[attr] = self.attr[attr].pivot(self.event_n)
            except AttributeError:
        return self

    def shuffle(self):
        """ Shuffles the degree of a player. """
        # If using a play string for the degree
        if self.synthdef == SamplePlayer and self.playstring is not None:
            # Shuffle the contents of playgroups among the whole string
            new_play_string = PlayString(self.playstring).shuffle()
            new_degree = Pattern(new_play_string).shuffle()
            new_degree = self.attr['degree'].shuffle()
        return self

    def mirror(self):
        """ The degree pattern is reversed """
        return self

    def rotate(self, n=1):
        """ Rotates the values in the degree by 'n' """
        return self

    def _replace_degree(self, new_degree):
        # Update the GUI if possible
        if self.widget:
            if self.synthdef == SamplePlayer:
                if self.playstring is not None:
                    # Replace old_string with new string (only works with plain string patterns)
                    new_string = new_degree.string()
                                              self.playstring, new_string))
                    self.playstring = new_string
                # Replaces the degree pattern in the widget (experimental)
                # self.widget.addTask(target=self.widget.replace_re, args=(self.line_number,), kwargs={'new':str(new_degree)})
                self.playstring = str(new_degree)
        setattr(self, 'degree', new_degree)

    def multiply(self, n=2):
        self.attr['degree'] = self.attr['degree'] * n
        return self

    def degrade(self, amount=0.5):
        """ Sets the amp modifier to a random array of 0s and 1s
            amount=0.5 weights the array to equal numbers """
        if not self.degrading:
            self.amp = Pwrand([0, 1], [1 - amount, amount])
            self.degrading = True
            ones = int(self.amp.count(1) * amount)
            zero = self.amp.count(0)
            self.amp = Pshuf(Pstutter([1, 0], [ones, zero]))
        return self

    def changeSynth(self, list_of_synthdefs):
        new_synth = choice(list_of_synthdefs)
        if isinstance(new_synth, SynthDef):
            new_synth = str(new_synth.name)
        self.synthdef = new_synth
        # TODO, change the >> name
        return self


        Modifier Methods

        Other modifiers for affecting the playback of Players


    def offbeat(self, dur=0.5):
        """ Off sets the next event occurence """

        self.attr['delay'] += (dur - self.offset)

        self.offset = dur

        return self

    def strum(self, dur=0.025):
        """ Adds a delay to a Synth Envelope """
        x = self.largest_attribute()
        if x > 1:
            self.delay = asStream([tuple(a * dur for a in range(x))])
            self.delay = asStream(dur)
        return self

    def __repr__(self):
        return "a '%s' Player Object" % self.synthdef

    def info(self):
        s = "Player Instance using '%s' \n\n" % self.synthdef
        s += "ATTRIBUTES\n"
        s += "----------\n\n"
        for attr, val in self.attr.items():
            s += "\t{}\t:{}\n".format(attr, val)
        return s

    def bang(self, **kwargs):
        Triggered when sendNote is called. Responsible for any
        action to be triggered by a note being played. Default action
        is underline the player
        if kwargs:

            self.bang_kwargs = kwargs

        elif self.bang_kwargs:

            print self.bang_kwargs

            bang = Bang(self, self.bang_kwargs)

        return self
Exemplo n.º 2
class Player(Repeatable):

    # Set private values

    __vars = []
    __init = False

    # These are used by FoxDot
    keywords = ('degree', 'oct', 'freq', 'dur', 'delay', 'blur', 'amplify',
                'scale', 'bpm', 'sample')

    # Base attributes
    base_attributes = ('sus', 'fmod', 'vib', 'slide', 'slidefrom', 'pan',
                       'rate', 'amp', 'room', 'buf', 'bits')
    play_attributes = ('scrub', 'cut')
    fx_attributes = FxList.kwargs()

    metro = None
    server = None

    # Tkinter Window
    widget = None

    default_scale = Scale.default()
    default_root = Root.default()

    def __init__(self):

        # Inherit


        # General setup

        self.synthdef = None
        self.id = None
        self.quantise = False
        self.stopping = False
        self.stop_point = 0
        self.following = None
        self.queue_block = None
        self.playstring = ""
        self.buf_delay = []

        # Visual feedback information

        self.envelope = None
        self.line_number = None
        self.whitespace = None
        self.bang_kwargs = {}

        # Modifiers

        self.reversing = False
        self.degrading = False

        # Keeps track of which note to play etc

        self.event_index = 0
        self.event_n = 0
        self.notes_played = 0
        self.event = {}

        # Used for checking clock updates

        self.old_dur = None
        self.old_pattern_dur = None

        self.isplaying = False
        self.isAlive = True

        # These dicts contain the attribute and modifier values that are sent to SuperCollider

        self.attr = {}
        self.modf = {}

        # Keyword arguments that are used internally

        self.scale = None
        self.offset = 0

        # List the internal variables we don't want to send to SuperCollider

        self.__vars = self.__dict__.keys()
        self.__init = True


    # Class methods

    def Attributes(cls):
        return cls.keywords + cls.base_attributes + cls.fx_attributes + cls.play_attributes

    # Player Object Manipulation

    def __rshift__(self, other):
        """ The PlayerObject Method >> """

        if isinstance(other, SynthDefProxy):
            self.update(other.name, other.degree, **other.kwargs)
            self + other.mod
            for method, arguments in other.methods.items():
                args, kwargs = arguments
                getattr(self, method).__call__(*args, **kwargs)
            return self
        raise TypeError(
            "{} is an innapropriate argument type for PlayerObject".format(
        return self

    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        if self.__init:
            # Force the data into a TimeVar or Pattern if the attribute is used with SuperCollider
            if name not in self.__vars:
                value = asStream(value) if not isinstance(
                    value, (PlayerKey, TimeVar.var)) else value
                # Update the attribute dict
                self.attr[name] = value
                # Update the current event
                self.event[name] = modi(value, self.event_index)
        self.__dict__[name] = value

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self is other

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self is other

    # --- Startup methods

    def reset(self):

        # --- SuperCollider Keywords

        # Left-Right panning (-1,1)
        self.pan = 0

        # Sustain and blur (aka legato)
        self.sus = 1

        # Amplitude
        self.amp = 1

        # Rate - varies between SynthDef
        self.rate = 1

        # Audio sample buffer number
        self.buf = 0

        # Reverb
        self.verb = 0.25
        self.room = 0.00

        # Frequency modifier
        self.fmod = 0

        # Buffer
        self.sample = 0

        # --- FoxDot Keywords

        # Duration of notes
        self.dur = 0.5 if self.synthdef == SamplePlayer else 1
        self.old_pattern_dur = self.old_dur = self.attr['dur']

        self.delay = 0

        # Degree of scale / Characters of samples

        self.degree = " " if self.synthdef is SamplePlayer else 0

        # Octave of the note
        self.oct = 5

        # Amplitude mod
        self.amplify = 1

        # Legato
        self.blur = 1

        # Tempo
        self.bpm = None

        # Frequency and modifier
        self.freq = 0

        # Offbeat delay
        self.offset = 0

        self.modf = dict([(key, [0]) for key in self.attr])
        return self

    # --- Update methods

    def __call__(self, **kwargs):

        # If stopping, kill the event

        if self.stopping and self.metro.now() >= self.stop_point:

        # If the duration has changed, work out where the internal markers should be

        if self.dur_updated():


                self.event_n, self.event_index = self.count()

            except TypeError:

                print("TypeError: Innappropriate argument type for 'dur'")

            self.old_dur = self.attr['dur']

        # Get the current state

        dur = 0

        while True:


            # Set a 'None' to 0

            if self.event['dur'] is None:

                dur = 0

            # If there are more than one dur (happens sometimes because of threading), only use first

            elif hasattr(self.event['dur'], '__iter__'):

                dur = float(self.event['dur'][0])


                # Normal duration

                dur = float(self.event['dur'])

            # Skip events with durations of 0

            if dur == 0:

                self.event_n += 1



        # Play the note

        if self.metro.solo == self and kwargs.get(
                'verbose', True) and type(self.event['dur']) != rest:

            self.freq = 0 if self.synthdef == SamplePlayer else self.calculate_freq(


        # If using custom bpm

        if self.event['bpm'] is not None:


                tempo_shift = float(self.metro.bpm) / float(self.event['bpm'])


                tempo_shift = 1

            dur *= tempo_shift

        # Schedule the next event

        self.event_index = self.event_index + dur

        self.metro.schedule(self, self.event_index, kwargs={})

        # Change internal marker

        self.event_n += 1 if not self.reversing else -1
        self.notes_played += 1


    def count(self, time=None):

        # Count the events that should have taken place between 0 and now()

        n = 0
        acc = 0
        dur = 0
        now = time if time is not None else self.metro.now()

        durations = self.rhythm()
        total_dur = float(sum(durations))

        if total_dur == 0:

            WarningMsg("Player object has a total duration of 0. Set to 1")

            self.dur = total_dur = durations = 1

        acc = now - (now % total_dur)


            n = int(len(durations) * (acc / total_dur))

        except TypeError as e:



            return 0, 0

        while True:

            dur = float(modi(durations, n))

            if acc + dur > now:



                acc += dur
                n += 1

        # Store duration times

        self.old_dur = self.attr['dur']

        # Returns value for self.event_n and self.event_index

        self.notes_played = n

        return n, acc

    def update(self, synthdef, degree, **kwargs):

        # SynthDef name

        self.synthdef = synthdef

        if self.isplaying is False:


        # If there is a designated solo player when updating, add this at next bar

        if self.metro.solo.active() and self.metro.solo != self:

            self.metro.schedule(lambda: self.metro.solo.add(self),
                                self.metro.next_bar() - 0.001)

        # Update the attribute values

        special_cases = ["scale", "root", "dur"]

        # Set the degree

        if synthdef is SamplePlayer:

            self.playstring = degree

            setattr(self, "degree", degree if len(degree) > 0 else " ")

        elif degree is not None:

            self.playstring = str(degree)

            setattr(self, "degree", degree)

        # Set special case attributes

        self.scale = kwargs.get("scale", self.__class__.default_scale)
        self.root = kwargs.get("root", self.__class__.default_root)

        # If only duration is specified, set sustain to that value also

        if "dur" in kwargs:

            self.dur = kwargs['dur']

            if "sus" not in kwargs and synthdef != SamplePlayer:

                self.sus = self.attr['dur']

        if synthdef is SamplePlayer: pass

        # self.old_pattern_dur

        # self.old_dur = self.attr['dur']

        # Set any other attributes

        for name, value in kwargs.items():

            if name not in special_cases:

                setattr(self, name, value)

        # Calculate new position if not already playing

        if self.isplaying is False:

            # Add to clock
            self.isplaying = True
            self.stopping = False

            self.event_index = self.metro.next_bar()
            self.event_n = 0

            self.event_n, _ = self.count(self.event_index)

            self.metro.schedule(self, self.event_index)

        return self

    def dur_updated(self):
        dur_updated = self.attr['dur'] != self.old_dur
        if self.synthdef == SamplePlayer:
            dur_updated = (self.pattern_rhythm_updated() or dur_updated)
        return dur_updated

    def step_duration(self):
        return 0.5 if self.synthdef is SamplePlayer else 1

    def rhythm(self):
        # If a Pattern TimeVar
        if isinstance(self.attr['dur'], TimeVar.Pvar):
            r = asStream(self.attr['dur'].now().data)

        # If duration is a TimeVar
        elif isinstance(self.attr['dur'], TimeVar.var):
            r = asStream(self.attr['dur'].now())

            r = asStream(self.attr['dur'])

        # TODO: Make sure degree is a string
        if self.synthdef is SamplePlayer:
                d = self.attr['degree'].now()
                d = self.attr['degree']
            r = r * [(char.dur if hasattr(char, "dur") else 1)
                     for char in d.flat()]
        return r

    def pattern_rhythm_updated(self):
        r = self.rhythm()
        if self.old_pattern_dur != r:
            self.old_pattern_dur = r
            return True
        return False

    def char(self, other=None):
        if other is not None:
                if type(other) == str and len(other) == 1:  #char
                    return BufferManager.bufnum(self.now('buf')) == other
                raise TypeError("Argument should be a one character string")
                return False
                return BufferManager.bufnum(self.now('buf'))
                return None

    def calculate_freq(self):
        """ Uses the scale, octave, and degree to calculate the frequency values to send to SuperCollider """

        # If the scale is frequency only, just return the degree

        if self.scale == Scale.freq:


                return list(self.event['degree'])


                return [self.event['degree']]

        now = {}

        for attr in ('degree', 'oct'):

            now[attr] = self.event[attr]


                now[attr] = list(now[attr])


                now[attr] = [now[attr]]

        size = max(len(now['oct']), len(now['degree']))

        f = []

        for i in range(size):


                midinum = midi(self.scale, modi(now['oct'], i),
                               modi(now['degree'], i), self.now('root'))


                    "Invalid degree / octave arguments for frequency calculation, reset to default"

                print now['degree'], modi(now['degree'], i)



        return f

    def f(self, *data):
        """ adds value to frequency modifier """

        self.fmod = tuple(data)

        p = []
        for val in self.attr['fmod']:

                pan = tuple((item / ((len(val) - 1) / 2.0)) - 1
                            for item in range(len(val)))
                pan = 0

        self.pan = p

        return self

    # Methods affecting other players - every n times, do a random thing?

    def stutter(self, n=2, **kwargs):
        """ Plays the current note n-1 times. You can specify some keywords,
            such as dur, sus, and rate. """

        if self.metro.solo == self and n > 0:

            dur = float(kwargs.get("dur", self.dur)) / int(n)

            delay = 0

            for stutter in range(1, n):

                delay += dur

                sub = {
                    kw: modi(val, stutter - 1)
                    for kw, val in kwargs.items()

                self.metro.schedule(func_delay(self.send, **sub),
                                    self.event_index + delay)

        return self

    # --- Misc. Standard Object methods

    def __int__(self):
        return int(self.now('degree'))

    def __float__(self):
        return float(self.now('degree'))

    def __add__(self, data):
        """ Change the degree modifier stream """
        self.modf['degree'] = asStream(data)
        return self

    def __sub__(self, data):
        """ Change the degree modifier stream """
        data = asStream(data)
        data = [d * -1 for d in data]
        self.modf['degree'] = data
        return self

    def __mul__(self, data):
        """ Multiplying an instrument player multiplies each amp value by
            the input, or circularly if the input is a list. The input is
            stored here and calculated at the update stage """

        if type(data) in (int, float):

            data = [data]

        self.modf['amp'] = asStream(data)

        return self

    def __div__(self, data):

        if type(data) in (int, float):

            data = [data]

        self.modf['amp'] = [1.0 / d for d in data]

        return self

    # --- Data methods

    def largest_attribute(self):
        """ Returns the length of the largest nested tuple in the attr dict """

        # exclude = 'degree' if self.synthdef is SamplePlayer else None
        exclude = None

        size = len(self.attr['freq'])

        for attr, value in self.event.items():
            if attr != exclude:
                    l = len(value)
                    if l > size:
                        size = l

        return size

    # --- Methods for preparing and sending OSC messages to SuperCollider

    def now(self, attr="degree", x=0):
        """ Calculates the values for each attr to send to the server at the current clock time """

        modifier_event_n = self.event_n

        attr_value = self.attr[attr]

        attr_value = modi(asStream(attr_value), self.event_n + x)

        ## If this player is following another, update that player first

        if attr == "degree" and self.following != None:

            if self.following in self.queue_block.objects():

                self.queue_block.call(self.following, self)

        # If the attribute isn't in the modf dictionary, default to 0


            modf_value = modi(self.modf[attr], modifier_event_n + x)


            modf_value = 0

        # If any values are time-dependant, get the now values


            attr_value = attr_value.now()




            modf_value = modf_value.now()



        # Combine attribute and modifier values


            ##            if attr == "dur" and type(attr_value) == rest:
            ##                value = rest(attr_value + modf_value)
            ##            else:

            value = attr_value + modf_value


            value = attr_value

        return value

    def get_event(self):
        """ Returns a dictionary of attr -> now values """

        # Get the current event

        self.event = {}

        attributes = copy(self.attr)

        for key in attributes:

            # Eg. sp.sus returns the currently used value for sustain

            self.event[key] = self.now(key)

            #  Make sure the object's dict uses PlayerKey instances

            if key not in self.__dict__:

                self.__dict__[key] = PlayerKey(self.event[key])

            elif not isinstance(self.__dict__[key], PlayerKey):

                self.__dict__[key] = PlayerKey(self.event[key])



        # Special case: sample player

        if self.synthdef == SamplePlayer:


                event_dur = self.event['dur']

                if isinstance(self.event['degree'], PlayGroup):

                    buf_list = ((0, self.event['degree']), )
                    event_buf = [0]


                    buf_list = enumerate(self.event['degree'])
                    event_buf = list(range(len(self.event['degree'])))

                self.buf_delay = []

                for i, bufchar in buf_list:

                    if isinstance(bufchar, PlayGroup):

                        char = BufferManager[bufchar[0]]

                        # Get the buffer number to play

                        buf_mod_index = modi(self.event['sample'], i)

                        event_buf[i] = char.bufnum(buf_mod_index).bufnum

                        delay = 0

                        for n, b in enumerate(bufchar[1:]):

                            if hasattr(b, 'now'):

                                b = b.now()

                            char = BufferManager[b]

                            buf_mod_index = modi(self.event['sample'], i)

                            delay += (bufchar[n].dur * self.event['dur'])

                                (char.bufnum(buf_mod_index), delay))


                        char = BufferManager[bufchar]

                        # Get the buffer number to play
                        buf_mod_index = modi(self.event['sample'], i)

                        event_buf[i] = char.bufnum(buf_mod_index).bufnum

                self.event['buf'] = P(event_buf)

            except TypeError:


        return self

    def osc_message(self, index=0, **kwargs):
        """ NEW: Creates an OSC packet to play a SynthDef in SuperCollider,
            use kwargs to force values in the packet, e.g. pan=1 will force ['pan', 1] """

        freq = float(modi(self.attr['freq'], index))

        message = ['freq', freq]
        fx_dict = {}

        attributes = self.attr.copy()

        # Go through the attr dictionary and add kwargs

        for key in attributes:


                # Don't use fx keywords or foxdot keywords

                if key not in FxList.kwargs() and key not in self.keywords:

                    val = modi(kwargs.get(key, self.event[key]), index)

                    # Special case modulation

                    if key == "sus":

                        val = val * self.metro.beat() * modi(
                            kwargs.get('blur', self.event['blur']), index)

                    elif key == "amp":

                        val = val * modi(
                            kwargs.get('amplify', self.event['amplify']),

                    message += [key, float(val)]



        # See if any fx_attributes

        for key in self.fx_attributes:

            if key in attributes:

                # All effects use sustain to release nodes

                fx_dict[key] = []

                # Look for any other attributes require e.g. room and verb

                for sub_key in FxList[key].args:

                    if sub_key in self.event:

                        if sub_key in message:

                            i = message.index(sub_key)

                            val = float(message[i + 1])



                                val = float(

                            except TypeError as e:

                                # If we get None, there was an error, set the value to 0

                                val = 0

                        # Don't send fx with zero values

                        if val == 0:

                            del fx_dict[key]



                            fx_dict[key] += [sub_key, val]

        return message, fx_dict

    def send(self, **kwargs):
        """ Sends the current event data to SuperCollder.
            Use kwargs to overide values in the """

        size = self.largest_attribute()
        banged = False
        sent_messages = []
        delayed_messages = []

        for i in range(size):

            osc_msg, effects = self.osc_message(i, **kwargs)

            delay = modi(kwargs.get('delay', self.event['delay']), i)
            buf = modi(kwargs.get('buf', self.event['buf']), i)

            amp = osc_msg[osc_msg.index('amp') + 1]

            # Any messages with zero amps or 0 buf are not sent

            if (self.synthdef != SamplePlayer
                    and amp > 0) or (self.synthdef == SamplePlayer and buf > 0
                                     and amp > 0):

                if self.synthdef == SamplePlayer:

                    numChannels = BufferManager.getBuffer(buf).channels

                    if numChannels == 1:

                        synthdef = "play1"


                        synthdef = "play2"


                    synthdef = str(self.synthdef)

                if delay > 0:

                    # Sometimes there are race conditions, so make sure delay is just one value

                    while hasattr(delay, "__len__"):

                        delay = delay[i]

                    if (delay, osc_msg, effects) not in delayed_messages:

                            send_delay(self, synthdef, osc_msg, effects),
                            self.event_index + delay)

                        delayed_messages.append((delay, osc_msg, effects))

                    if self.bang_kwargs:

                                            self.metro.now() + delay)


                    # Don't send duplicate messages

                    if (osc_msg, effects) not in sent_messages:

                        self.server.sendPlayerMessage(synthdef, osc_msg,

                        sent_messages.append((osc_msg, effects))

                    if not banged and self.bang_kwargs:


                        banged = True

            if self.buf_delay:

                for buf_num, buf_delay in self.buf_delay:

                    # Only send messages with amps > 0

                    i = osc_msg.index('amp') + 1

                    if osc_msg[i] > 0:

                        # Make sure we use an integer number

                        buf_num = int(buf_num)

                        if buf_num > 0:

                            i = osc_msg.index('buf') + 1

                            osc_msg[i] = buf_num

                            numChannels = BufferManager.getBuffer(

                            if numChannels == 1:

                                synthdef = "play1"


                                synthdef = "play2"

                            if (buf_delay + delay, osc_msg,
                                    effects) not in delayed_messages:

                                    send_delay(self, synthdef, osc_msg,
                                    self.event_index + buf_delay + delay)

                                    (buf_delay + delay, osc_msg, effects))

    #: Methods for stop/starting players

    def kill(self):
        """ Removes this object from the Clock and resets itself"""
        self.isplaying = False
        self.repeat_events = {}

    def stop(self, N=0):
        """ Removes the player from the Tempo clock and changes its internal
            playing state to False in N bars time
            - When N is 0 it stops immediately"""

        self.stopping = True
        self.stop_point = self.metro.now()

        if N > 0:

            self.stop_point += self.metro.next_bar() + (
                (N - 1) * self.metro.bar_length())



        return self

    def pause(self):

        self.isplaying = False

        return self

    def play(self):

        self.isplaying = True
        self.stopping = False
        self.isAlive = True


        return self

    def follow(self, lead, follow=True):
        """ Takes a now object and then follows the notes """

        self.degree = lead.degree
        self.following = lead

        return self

    def solo(self, arg=True):

        if arg:




        return self

    def num_key_references(self):
        """ Returns the number of 'references' for the
            attr which references the most other players """
        num = 0
        for attr in self.attr.values():
            if isinstance(attr, PlayerKey):
                if attr.num_ref > num:
                    num = attr.num_ref
        return num

        State-Shift Methods

        These methods are used in conjunction with Patterns.Feeders functions.
        They change the state of the Player Object and return the object.

        See 'Player.Feeders' for more info on how to use


    def lshift(self, n=1):
        self.event_n -= (n + 1)
        return self

    def rshift(self, n=1):
        self.event_n += n
        return self

    def reverse(self):
        """ Sets flag to reverse streams """
        self.reversing = not self.reversing
        if self.reversing:
            self.event_n -= 1
            self.event_n += 1
        return self

    def shuffle(self):
        """ Shuffles the degree of a player. If possible, do it visually """
        if self.synthdef == SamplePlayer:
        return self

    def mirror(self):
        if self.synthdef == SamplePlayer:
        return self

    def rotate(self, n=1):
        if self.synthdef == SamplePlayer:
        return self

    def _replace_string(self, new_string):
        # Update the GUI if possible
        if self.widget:
            # Replace old_string with new string
                                args=(self.line_number, self.playstring,
        self.playstring = new_string
        setattr(self, 'degree', new_string)

    def _replace_degree(self, new_degree):
        # Update the GUI if possible
        if self.widget:
            # Replace old_string with new string
                                args=(self.line_number, ),
                                kwargs={'new': str(new_degree)})
        self.playstring = str(new_degree)
        setattr(self, 'degree', new_degree)

    def multiply(self, n=2):
        self.attr['degree'] = self.attr['degree'] * n
        return self

    def degrade(self, amount=0.5):
        """ Sets the amp modifier to a random array of 0s and 1s
            amount=0.5 weights the array to equal numbers """
        if not self.degrading:
            self.amp = Pwrand([0, 1], [1 - amount, amount])
            self.degrading = True
            ones = int(self.amp.count(1) * amount)
            zero = self.amp.count(0)
            self.amp = Pshuf(Pstutter([1, 0], [ones, zero]))
        return self

    def changeSynth(self, list_of_synthdefs):
        new_synth = choice(list_of_synthdefs)
        if isinstance(new_synth, SynthDef):
            new_synth = str(new_synth.name)
        self.synthdef = new_synth
        # TODO, change the >> name
        return self


        Modifier Methods

        Other modifiers for affecting the playback of Players


    def offbeat(self, dur=0.5):
        """ Off sets the next event occurence """

        self.attr['delay'] += (dur - self.offset)

        self.offset = dur

        return self

    def strum(self, dur=0.025):
        """ Adds a delay to a Synth Envelope """
        x = self.largest_attribute()
        if x > 1:
            self.delay = asStream([tuple(a * dur for a in range(x))])
            self.delay = asStream(dur)
        return self

    def __repr__(self):
        return "a '%s' Player Object" % self.synthdef

    def info(self):
        s = "Player Instance using '%s' \n\n" % self.synthdef
        s += "ATTRIBUTES\n"
        s += "----------\n\n"
        for attr, val in self.attr.items():
            s += "\t{}\t:{}\n".format(attr, val)
        return s

    def bang(self, **kwargs):
        Triggered when sendNote is called. Responsible for any
        action to be triggered by a note being played. Default action
        is underline the player
        if kwargs:

            self.bang_kwargs = kwargs

        elif self.bang_kwargs:

            print self.bang_kwargs

            bang = Bang(self, self.bang_kwargs)

        return self