Exemplo n.º 1
def load_diode_state(SchDiode, measurement_id, initial_condition_id=-1, debug=False):
    point_names_long = gen_point_names_Electric_Field_measurement(SchDiode)
    if debug: print '==> Looking for saved solution in the database'
    points_names = [point_names_long['z'][0], point_names_long['Psi'][0], point_names_long['E'][0],
                    point_names_long['Vd'][0], point_names_long['Vd_err'][0], point_names_long['J'][0],
                    point_names_long['J_err'][0], point_names_long['rho_rel_err'][0], point_names_long['ic_id'][0]]
    for BI in SchDiode.Semiconductor.bonding_interfaces:
        for trap in BI.dsl_tilt.traps:
            points_names.append(point_names_long[BI.label + '_tilt_' + trap[0].name + '_F'][0])
        for trap in BI.dsl_twist.traps:
            points_names.append(point_names_long[BI.label + '_twist_' + trap[0].name + '_F'][0])
    for dopant in SchDiode.Semiconductor.dopants:
        points_names.append(point_names_long[dopant.name + '_F'][0])
        data = SchDiode.Project.get_data_points_by_names(measurement_id, points_names)
        if debug: print '==> No solutions found'
        return False, Psi_zero, Psi_zero, np.zeros(1), np.zeros(1), 0, 0, 0, 0, {}, {}, measurement_id

    z_nodes = data[points_names[0]][:, 0]
    Psi_points = data[points_names[1]][:, 0]
    E_points = data[points_names[2]][:, 0]
    Vd = data[points_names[3]][:, 0]
    Vd_err = data[points_names[4]][:, 0]
    J = data[points_names[5]][:, 0]
    J_err = data[points_names[6]][:, 0]
    rho_rel_error_array = data[points_names[7]][:, 0]
    ic_id = data[points_names[8]][:, 0]
    if len(rho_rel_error_array) > 0 and (ic_id[0] == initial_condition_id or initial_condition_id == -1):
        if debug: print '==> Solution found'
        Psi = interp_Fn(z_nodes, Psi_points, interp_type='last')
        E = interp_Fn(z_nodes, E_points, interp_type='last')
        SchDiode.FieldInversionPoint, _, _, _ = SchDiode.get_phi_bn(Psi, Vd, SchottkyEffect=False)
        print '*** !!! Inversion pt (load) !!!', SchDiode.FieldInversionPoint
        BI_F = {}
        for BI in SchDiode.Semiconductor.bonding_interfaces:
            F_tilt = []
            F_twist = []
            for trap in BI.dsl_tilt.traps:
                F_i = data[point_names_long[BI.label + '_tilt_' + trap[0].name + '_F'][0]][:, 0]
                BI_F[BI.label + '_tilt_' + trap[0].name + '_F'] = F_i[0]
            for trap in BI.dsl_twist.traps:
                F_i = data[point_names_long[BI.label + '_twist_' + trap[0].name + '_F'][0]][:, 0]
                BI_F[BI.label + '_twist_' + trap[0].name + '_F'] = F_i[0]
            BI.set_traps_f(np.array(F_tilt), np.array(F_twist))
        dopants_F = {}
        for dopant in SchDiode.Semiconductor.dopants:
            F_i = data[point_names_long[dopant.name + '_F'][0]][:, 0]
            dopants_F[dopant.name + '_F'] = F_i
            # print 'l1'
            dopant.set_F_interp(z_nodes, F_i)
            # print 'l2'
        return True, Psi, E, z_nodes, rho_rel_error_array, Vd, Vd_err, J, J_err, BI_F, dopants_F, measurement_id
        if debug: print '==> No solutions found'
        return False, Psi_zero, Psi_zero, np.zeros(1), np.zeros(1), 0, 0, 0, 0, {}, {}, measurement_id
Exemplo n.º 2
def dirichlet_non_linear_poisson_solver_mesh(mesh, Psi0, f, dfdDPsi, rel=False, W=1, debug=False):
    solves equation of form d2Psi/dx2 = f(Psi(x))
    Psi(x0) = bc1, Psi(xn) = bc2
    using FDE algorithm of O(h2) precision
    and Tailor series for linearization.
    Psi0_nodes = Psi0(mesh.phys_nodes())
    f_nodes = f(mesh.phys_nodes(), Psi0)
    dfdDPsi_nodes = dfdDPsi(mesh.phys_nodes(), Psi0)
    mesh, Psi_nodes, DPsi = dirichlet_non_linear_poisson_solver_mesh_arrays(mesh, Psi0_nodes, f_nodes, dfdDPsi_nodes, rel, W, debug)
    Psi = interp_Fn(mesh.phys_nodes(), Psi_nodes)#, interp_type='last')
    return mesh, Psi, DPsi
Exemplo n.º 3
def dirichlet_non_linear_poisson_solver(nodes, Psi0, f, dfdDPsi, bc1, bc2, J=1, rel=False, W=1, debug=False):
    solves equation of form d2Psi/dx2 = f(Psi(x))
    Psi(x0) = bc1, Psi(xn) = bc2
    using FDE algorithm of O(h2) precision
    and Tailor series for linearization.
    Psi0_nodes = Psi0(nodes)
    f_nodes = f(nodes, Psi0)
    dfdDPsi_nodes = dfdDPsi(nodes, Psi0)
    Psi_nodes, DPsi, R = dirichlet_non_linear_poisson_solver_arrays(nodes, Psi0_nodes, f_nodes, dfdDPsi_nodes, bc1, bc2, J, rel, W, debug)
    Psi = interp_Fn(nodes, Psi_nodes)
    return Psi, DPsi, R
Exemplo n.º 4
def dirichlet_non_linear_poisson_solver_mesh(mesh,
    solves equation of form d2Psi/dx2 = f(Psi(x))
    Psi(x0) = bc1, Psi(xn) = bc2
    using FDE algorithm of O(h2) precision
    and Tailor series for linearization.
    Psi0_nodes = Psi0(mesh.phys_nodes())
    f_nodes = f(mesh.phys_nodes(), Psi0)
    dfdDPsi_nodes = dfdDPsi(mesh.phys_nodes(), Psi0)
    mesh, Psi_nodes, DPsi = dirichlet_non_linear_poisson_solver_mesh_arrays(
        mesh, Psi0_nodes, f_nodes, dfdDPsi_nodes, rel, W, debug)
    Psi = interp_Fn(mesh.phys_nodes(), Psi_nodes)  #, interp_type='last')
    return mesh, Psi, DPsi
Exemplo n.º 5
def dirichlet_non_linear_poisson_solver(nodes,
    solves equation of form d2Psi/dx2 = f(Psi(x))
    Psi(x0) = bc1, Psi(xn) = bc2
    using FDE algorithm of O(h2) precision
    and Tailor series for linearization.
    Psi0_nodes = Psi0(nodes)
    f_nodes = f(nodes, Psi0)
    dfdDPsi_nodes = dfdDPsi(nodes, Psi0)
    Psi_nodes, DPsi, R = dirichlet_non_linear_poisson_solver_arrays(
        nodes, Psi0_nodes, f_nodes, dfdDPsi_nodes, bc1, bc2, J, rel, W, debug)
    Psi = interp_Fn(nodes, Psi_nodes)
    return Psi, DPsi, R
Exemplo n.º 6
 def set_dF_interp(self, Z, dF):
     z and dF must be 1D arrays of equal size
     self.dF = interp_Fn(Z, dF, interp_type='last')
Exemplo n.º 7
 def set_F_interp(self, Z, F):
     z and F must be 1D arrays of equal size
     self.F = interp_Fn(Z, F, interp_type='last')
Exemplo n.º 8
def Reccurent_Poisson_solver(SchDiode, Psi=Psi_zero, Vd_guess=None, Vd_error=1e-6,
                             equilibrium_filling=True, fast_traps=None,
                             t=mp.inf, initial_condition_id=-1,
                             rho_rel_err=1e-3, max_iter=100, debug=False):
    recurrent_solver_start_time = time.time()
    Va = SchDiode.Va
    kT_eV = to_numeric(k * SchDiode.T / q)
    measurement_id = add_Electric_Field_Measurement(SchDiode, Va, equilibrium_filling, t, initial_condition_id)
    Solution_found, Psi_found, E, z_nodes, rho_rel_err_points, Vd, Vd_err, J, J_err, BI_F, dopants_F, measurement_id = load_diode_state(
        SchDiode, measurement_id, initial_condition_id, debug)
    if Solution_found:
        Psi = Psi_found
        Vd_guess = Vd[-1]
        J_tmp = J[-1]
        if max(abs(rho_rel_err_points)) <= rho_rel_err:
            if debug: print '==> Solution satisfy rel_error condition'
            return Psi, E, z_nodes, rho_rel_err_points, Vd[0], Vd_err[0], J[0], J_err[
                0], BI_F, dopants_F, measurement_id
        if debug or 1:
            print '==> Solution found does not satisfy rel_error condition'
            print '==> Recalculating...'
            SchDiode.FieldInversionPoint, PHI_bn, _, PHI_b = SchDiode.get_phi_bn(Psi, Vd_guess, SchottkyEffect=False)
        if debug: print '==> No solutions found'
        if Vd_guess is None:
            Vd_guess = Va
            PHI_b = abs(SchDiode.V_bi(eV=True))
            SchDiode.FieldInversionPoint = 0
            SchDiode.FieldInversionPoint, PHI_bn, _, PHI_b = SchDiode.get_phi_bn(Psi, Vd_guess, SchottkyEffect=False)
            if Va < PHI_b:
                Vd_guess = Va
        J_tmp = 0

    converged = False
    current_iter = 0
    Vd_tmp_corr = 0
    Vd_guess_monitor_length = 5
    Vd_guess_monitor = np.arange(Vd_guess_monitor_length, dtype=np.float)
    Vd_guess_monitor_count = 0
    stalled = False
    while not converged and not stalled and current_iter < max_iter:
        if debug: print '\nIteration:', current_iter, '**'
        if debug or 1: print 'Vd_tmp =', Vd_guess
        if debug: print 'PHI_b =', PHI_b
        if Vd_guess >= PHI_b:
            Vd_guess = PHI_b - 1 * kT_eV
        if debug: print 'Vd_tmp =', Vd_guess
        Vd_guess_monitor[Vd_guess_monitor_count] = Vd_guess
        Vd_guess_monitor_count += 1
        if Vd_guess_monitor_count == Vd_guess_monitor_length:
            Vd_guess_monitor_count = 0
        if np.unique(Vd_guess_monitor).size == 1:
            stalled = True
            print 'Solution process stalled on iteration', current_iter, '!!!'
        nodes_num = int(np.floor(SchDiode.L * 1e6 + 1) * 100)
        nodes, _ = np.linspace(0, SchDiode.L, num=nodes_num + 1, endpoint=True, retstep=True)
        Meshes = Poisson_eq_num_solver_amr(SchDiode, nodes, Psi, Vd_guess, equilibrium_filling, fast_traps,
                                           max_iterations=50, residual_threshold=rho_rel_err,
                                           max_level=5, mesh_refinement_threshold=1e-19, debug=debug)
        z_nodes, Psi_points, rho_rel_err_points = Meshes.flatten(debug=False)
        dz = np.gradient(z_nodes)
        E_points = -np.gradient(Psi_points, dz, edge_order=2)
        Psi = interp_Fn(z_nodes, Psi_points, interp_type='last')
        E = interp_Fn(z_nodes, E_points, interp_type='last')
        SchDiode.FieldInversionPoint, PHI_bn, _, PHI_b = SchDiode.get_phi_bn(Psi, Vd_guess, SchottkyEffect=False)
        print '*** !!! Inversion pt (calc) !!!', SchDiode.FieldInversionPoint
        if debug: print 'PHI_b, PHI_bn =', PHI_b, PHI_bn
        Vd_tmp_corr, J_tmp_corr = SchDiode.ThermionicEmissionCurrent(Va, PHI_bn, debug=True)
        if debug: print 'V_corr, J =', Vd_tmp_corr, J_tmp_corr
        Vd_err = abs(Vd_guess - Vd_tmp_corr)
        J_err = abs(J_tmp - J_tmp_corr)
        if debug or 1: print 'Vd err =', Vd_err
        if debug or 1: print 'J err =', J_err, '\n'
        if Vd_err < Vd_error:
            converged = True
            Vd_guess = Vd_tmp_corr
            J_tmp = J_tmp_corr
        current_iter += 1
    Vd = Vd_tmp_corr
    J = J_tmp
    if debug: print 'Calculation converged'
    recurrent_solver_elapsed_time = time.time() - recurrent_solver_start_time
    if debug: print 'Total recurrent solver execution time =', recurrent_solver_elapsed_time, 's\n'

    save_diode_state(SchDiode, measurement_id, initial_condition_id,
                     z_nodes, Psi_points, E_points, rho_rel_err_points,
                     Vd, Vd_err, J, J_err, debug)
    BI_F = {}
    for BI in SchDiode.Semiconductor.bonding_interfaces:
        for i, trap in enumerate(BI.dsl_tilt.traps):
            BI_F[BI.label + '_tilt_' + trap[0].name + '_F'] = BI.dsl_tilt_f[i]
        for i, trap in enumerate(BI.dsl_twist.traps):
            BI_F[BI.label + '_twist_' + trap[0].name + '_F'] = BI.dsl_twist_f[i]
    dopants_F = {}
    for dopant in SchDiode.Semiconductor.dopants:
        dopants_F[dopant.name + '_F'] = dopant.F(z_nodes)
    recurrent_solver_elapsed_time = time.time() - recurrent_solver_start_time
    if debug: print 'Total recurrent solver execution time =', recurrent_solver_elapsed_time, 's'
    return Psi, E, z_nodes, rho_rel_err_points, Vd, Vd_err, J, J_err, BI_F, dopants_F, measurement_id
Exemplo n.º 9
 def set_dF_interp(self, Z, dF):
     z and dF must be 1D arrays of equal size
     self.dF = interp_Fn(Z, dF, interp_type='last')
Exemplo n.º 10
 def set_F_interp(self, Z, F):
     z and F must be 1D arrays of equal size
     self.F = interp_Fn(Z, F, interp_type='last')
Exemplo n.º 11
def load_diode_state(SchDiode,
    point_names_long = gen_point_names_Electric_Field_measurement(SchDiode)
    if debug: print '==> Looking for saved solution in the database'
    points_names = [
        point_names_long['z'][0], point_names_long['Psi'][0],
        point_names_long['E'][0], point_names_long['Vd'][0],
        point_names_long['Vd_err'][0], point_names_long['J'][0],
        point_names_long['J_err'][0], point_names_long['rho_rel_err'][0],
    for BI in SchDiode.Semiconductor.bonding_interfaces:
        for trap in BI.dsl_tilt.traps:
            points_names.append(point_names_long[BI.label + '_tilt_' +
                                                 trap[0].name + '_F'][0])
        for trap in BI.dsl_twist.traps:
            points_names.append(point_names_long[BI.label + '_twist_' +
                                                 trap[0].name + '_F'][0])
    for dopant in SchDiode.Semiconductor.dopants:
        points_names.append(point_names_long[dopant.name + '_F'][0])
        data = SchDiode.Project.get_data_points_by_names(
            measurement_id, points_names)
        if debug: print '==> No solutions found'
        return False, Psi_zero, Psi_zero, np.zeros(1), np.zeros(
            1), 0, 0, 0, 0, {}, {}, measurement_id

    z_nodes = data[points_names[0]][:, 0]
    Psi_points = data[points_names[1]][:, 0]
    E_points = data[points_names[2]][:, 0]
    Vd = data[points_names[3]][:, 0]
    Vd_err = data[points_names[4]][:, 0]
    J = data[points_names[5]][:, 0]
    J_err = data[points_names[6]][:, 0]
    rho_rel_error_array = data[points_names[7]][:, 0]
    ic_id = data[points_names[8]][:, 0]
    if len(rho_rel_error_array) > 0 and (ic_id[0] == initial_condition_id
                                         or initial_condition_id == -1):
        if debug: print '==> Solution found'
        Psi = interp_Fn(z_nodes, Psi_points, interp_type='last')
        E = interp_Fn(z_nodes, E_points, interp_type='last')
        SchDiode.FieldInversionPoint, _, _, _ = SchDiode.get_phi_bn(
            Psi, Vd, SchottkyEffect=False)
        print '*** !!! Inversion pt (load) !!!', SchDiode.FieldInversionPoint
        BI_F = {}
        for BI in SchDiode.Semiconductor.bonding_interfaces:
            F_tilt = []
            F_twist = []
            for trap in BI.dsl_tilt.traps:
                F_i = data[point_names_long[BI.label + '_tilt_' +
                                            trap[0].name + '_F'][0]][:, 0]
                BI_F[BI.label + '_tilt_' + trap[0].name + '_F'] = F_i[0]
            for trap in BI.dsl_twist.traps:
                F_i = data[point_names_long[BI.label + '_twist_' +
                                            trap[0].name + '_F'][0]][:, 0]
                BI_F[BI.label + '_twist_' + trap[0].name + '_F'] = F_i[0]
            BI.set_traps_f(np.array(F_tilt), np.array(F_twist))
        dopants_F = {}
        for dopant in SchDiode.Semiconductor.dopants:
            F_i = data[point_names_long[dopant.name + '_F'][0]][:, 0]
            dopants_F[dopant.name + '_F'] = F_i
            # print 'l1'
            dopant.set_F_interp(z_nodes, F_i)
            # print 'l2'
        return True, Psi, E, z_nodes, rho_rel_error_array, Vd, Vd_err, J, J_err, BI_F, dopants_F, measurement_id
        if debug: print '==> No solutions found'
        return False, Psi_zero, Psi_zero, np.zeros(1), np.zeros(
            1), 0, 0, 0, 0, {}, {}, measurement_id
Exemplo n.º 12
def Reccurent_Poisson_solver(SchDiode,
    recurrent_solver_start_time = time.time()
    Va = SchDiode.Va
    kT_eV = to_numeric(k * SchDiode.T / q)
    if save_to_db:
        measurement_id = add_Electric_Field_Measurement(
            SchDiode, Va, equilibrium_filling, t, initial_condition_id)
        Solution_found, Psi_found, E, z_nodes, rho_rel_err_points, Vd, Vd_err, J, J_err, BI_F, dopants_F, measurement_id = load_diode_state(
            SchDiode, measurement_id, initial_condition_id, debug)
        Solution_found = False
        measurement_id = -1
    if Solution_found:
        Psi = Psi_found
        Vd_guess = Vd[-1]
        J_tmp = J[-1]
        if max(abs(rho_rel_err_points)) <= rho_rel_err:
            if debug: print '==> Solution satisfy rel_error condition'
            return Psi, E, z_nodes, rho_rel_err_points, Vd[0], Vd_err[0], J[
                0], J_err[0], BI_F, dopants_F, measurement_id
        if debug or 1:
            print '==> Solution found does not satisfy rel_error condition'
            print '==> Recalculating...'
            SchDiode.FieldInversionPoint, PHI_bn, _, PHI_b = SchDiode.get_phi_bn(
                Psi, Vd_guess, SchottkyEffect=False)
        if debug: print '==> No solutions found'
        if Vd_guess is None:
            Vd_guess = Va
            PHI_b = abs(SchDiode.V_bi(eV=True))
            SchDiode.FieldInversionPoint = 0
            SchDiode.FieldInversionPoint, PHI_bn, _, PHI_b = SchDiode.get_phi_bn(
                Psi, Vd_guess, SchottkyEffect=False)
            if Va < PHI_b:
                Vd_guess = Va
        J_tmp = 0

    converged = False
    current_iter = 0
    Vd_tmp_corr = 0
    Vd_guess_monitor_length = 5
    Vd_guess_monitor = np.arange(Vd_guess_monitor_length, dtype=np.float)
    Vd_guess_monitor_count = 0
    stalled = False
    while not converged and not stalled and current_iter < max_iter:
        if debug: print '\nIteration:', current_iter, '**'
        if debug or 1: print 'Vd_tmp =', Vd_guess
        if debug: print 'PHI_b =', PHI_b
        if Vd_guess >= PHI_b:
            Vd_guess = PHI_b - 1 * kT_eV
        if debug: print 'Vd_tmp =', Vd_guess
        Vd_guess_monitor[Vd_guess_monitor_count] = Vd_guess
        Vd_guess_monitor_count += 1
        if Vd_guess_monitor_count == Vd_guess_monitor_length:
            Vd_guess_monitor_count = 0
        if np.unique(Vd_guess_monitor).size == 1:
            stalled = True
            print 'Solution process stalled on iteration', current_iter, '!!!'
        nodes_num = int(np.floor(SchDiode.L * 1e6 + 1) * 100)
        nodes, _ = np.linspace(0,
                               num=nodes_num + 1,
        Meshes = Poisson_eq_num_solver_amr(SchDiode,
        z_nodes, Psi_points, rho_rel_err_points = Meshes.flatten(debug=False)
        E_points = -np.gradient(Psi_points, z_nodes, edge_order=2)
        Psi = interp_Fn(z_nodes, Psi_points, interp_type='last')
        E = interp_Fn(z_nodes, E_points, interp_type='last')
        SchDiode.FieldInversionPoint, PHI_bn, _, PHI_b = SchDiode.get_phi_bn(
            Psi, Vd_guess, SchottkyEffect=False)
        print '*** !!! Inversion pt (calc) !!!', SchDiode.FieldInversionPoint
        if debug: print 'PHI_b, PHI_bn =', PHI_b, PHI_bn
        Vd_tmp_corr, J_tmp_corr = SchDiode.ThermionicEmissionCurrent(
            Va, PHI_bn, debug=True)
        if debug: print 'V_corr, J =', Vd_tmp_corr, J_tmp_corr
        Vd_err = abs(Vd_guess - Vd_tmp_corr)
        J_err = abs(J_tmp - J_tmp_corr)
        if debug or 1: print 'Vd err =', Vd_err
        if debug or 1: print 'J err =', J_err, '\n'
        if Vd_err < Vd_error:
            converged = True
            Vd_guess = Vd_tmp_corr
            J_tmp = J_tmp_corr
        current_iter += 1
    Vd = Vd_tmp_corr
    J = J_tmp
    if debug: print 'Calculation converged'
    recurrent_solver_elapsed_time = time.time() - recurrent_solver_start_time
    if debug:
        print 'Total recurrent solver execution time =', recurrent_solver_elapsed_time, 's\n'
    if save_to_db:
        save_diode_state(SchDiode, measurement_id, initial_condition_id,
                         z_nodes, Psi_points, E_points, rho_rel_err_points, Vd,
                         Vd_err, J, J_err, debug)
    BI_F = {}
    for BI in SchDiode.Semiconductor.bonding_interfaces:
        for i, trap in enumerate(BI.dsl_tilt.traps):
            BI_F[BI.label + '_tilt_' + trap[0].name + '_F'] = BI.dsl_tilt_f[i]
        for i, trap in enumerate(BI.dsl_twist.traps):
            BI_F[BI.label + '_twist_' + trap[0].name +
                 '_F'] = BI.dsl_twist_f[i]
    dopants_F = {}
    for dopant in SchDiode.Semiconductor.dopants:
        dopants_F[dopant.name + '_F'] = dopant.F(z_nodes)
    recurrent_solver_elapsed_time = time.time() - recurrent_solver_start_time
    if debug:
        print 'Total recurrent solver execution time =', recurrent_solver_elapsed_time, 's'
    return Psi, E, z_nodes, rho_rel_err_points, Vd, Vd_err, J, J_err, BI_F, dopants_F, measurement_id