Exemplo n.º 1
    def initialize(self):
        """Initializes the analysis (e.g. parses and checks input parameters, set some variables ...).

        # The input parameters are parsed.

        self.bondNames = {}

        for aIndexes in self.group:

            for at in self.universe.atomList():

                if at.index == aIndexes[0]:

                    if isinstance(at.topLevelChemicalObject(),
                                  (Protein, PeptideChain, NucleotideChain)):
                            aIndexes)] = at.parent.parent.sequence_number

                        self.bondNames[tuple(aIndexes)] = at.index


        self.referenceDirection = Vector(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)

        # The results are stored in dictionnary because the order in which the bonds are treated does not
        # always follow the structure.
        self.P2 = {}
        self.S2 = {}
Exemplo n.º 2
 def centerAndMomentOfInertia(self, conf=None):
     :param conf: a configuration object, or None for the
                  current configuration
     :type conf: :class:`~MMTK.ParticleProperties.Configuration` or NoneType
     :returns: the center of mass and the moment of inertia tensor
               in the given configuration
     from Scientific.Geometry import delta
     offset = None
     universe = self.universe()
     if universe is not None:
         offset = universe.contiguousObjectOffset([self], conf)
     m = 0.
     mr = Vector(0., 0., 0.)
     t = Tensor(3 * [3 * [0.]])
     for a in self.atomIterator():
         ma = a._mass
         if offset is None:
             r = a.position(conf)
             r = a.position(conf) + offset[a]
         m += ma
         mr += ma * r
         t += ma * r.dyadicProduct(r)
     cm = mr / m
     t -= m * cm.dyadicProduct(cm)
     t = t.trace() * delta - t
     return cm, t
Exemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self,
     :param elementary_cell: a list of points in the elementary cell
     :param lattice_vectors: a list of lattice vectors. Each lattice
                             vector defines a lattice dimension (only
                             values from one to three make sense) and
                             indicates the displacement along this
                             dimension from one cell to the next.
     :param cells: a list of integers, whose length must equal the number
                   of dimensions. Each entry specifies how often a cell is
                   repeated along this dimension.
     :param function: a function that is called for every lattice point with
                      the vector describing the point as argument. The return
                      value of this function is stored in the lattice object.
                      If the function is 'None', the vector is directly
                      stored in the lattice object.
     if len(lattice_vectors) != len(cells):
         raise TypeError('Inconsistent dimension specification')
         if base is None:
             base = Vector(0, 0, 0)
     self.dimension = len(lattice_vectors)
     self.elements = []
     self.makeLattice(elementary_cell, lattice_vectors, cells, base)
     Lattice.__init__(self, function)
def randomPointInSphere(r):
    """Returns a vector drawn from a uniform distribution within
    a sphere of radius |r|."""
    rsq = r * r
    while 1:
        x = N.array([uniform(-r, r), uniform(-r, r), uniform(-r, r)])
        if N.dot(x, x) < rsq: break
    return Vector(x)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, universe, cutoff):
        :param universe: the universe for which the basis will be used
        :type universe: :class:~MMTK.Universe.Universe
        :param cutoff: the wavelength cutoff. A smaller value yields
                       a larger basis.
        :type cutoff: float
        p1, p2 = universe.boundingBox()
        p2 = p2 + Vector(cutoff, cutoff, cutoff)
        l = (p2 - p1).array
        n_max = (0.5 * l / cutoff + 0.5).astype(N.Int)

        wave_numbers = [(nx, ny, nz)
                        for nx in range(-n_max[0], n_max[0]+1)
                        for ny in range(-n_max[1], n_max[1]+1)
                        for nz in range(-n_max[2], n_max[2]+1)
                        if (nx/l[0])**2 + (ny/l[1])**2 + (nz/l[2])**2 \
                                    < 0.25/cutoff**2]

        atoms = universe.atomList()
        natoms = len(atoms)
        basis = N.zeros((3 * len(wave_numbers) + 3, natoms, 3), N.Float)
        cm = universe.centerOfMass()
        i = 0
        for rotation in [
                Vector(1., 0., 0.),
                Vector(0., 1., 0.),
                Vector(0., 0., 1.)
            v = ParticleProperties.ParticleVector(universe, basis[i])
            for a in atoms:
                v[a] = rotation.cross(a.position() - cm)
            i += i
        conf = universe.configuration().array - p1.array
        for n in wave_numbers:
            k = 2. * N.pi * N.array(n) / l
            w = self._w(conf[:, 0], k[0]) * self._w(conf[:, 1], k[1]) * \
                self._w(conf[:, 2], k[2])
            basis[i, :, 0] = w
            basis[i + 1, :, 1] = w
            basis[i + 2, :, 2] = w
            i += 3

        self.array = basis
        self.universe = universe
Exemplo n.º 6
 def momentum(self, velocities=None):
     "Returns the momentum."
     if velocities is None:
         velocities = self.atomList()[0].universe().velocities()
     p = Vector(0., 0., 0.)
     for a in self.atomList():
         p = p + a._mass * velocities[a]
     return p
 def __init__(self, points, **attr):
     @param points: a sequence of points to be connected by lines
     @type points: sequence of L{Scientific.Geometry.Vector}
     @param attr: graphics attributes as keyword parameters
     self.points = points
     ShapeObject.__init__(self, attr, None, None, Vector(0., 0., 0.))
Exemplo n.º 8
    def retrieveUnitCell(self, compact=True):
        Constructs a universe (OrthrhombicPeriodicUniverse or
        ParallelepipedicPeriodicUniverse) representing the
        unit cell of the crystal and adds all the molecules it
        contains, i.e. the molecules of the asymmetric unit and
        its images obtained by applying the crystallographic
        symmetry operations.

        :param compact: if True, the images are shifted such that
                        their centers of mass lie inside the unit cell.
        :type compact: bool
        :returns: a universe
        :rtype: :class:~MMTK.Universe.Universe
        if not self.pdb_conf.cs_transformations:
            return self.retrieveAsymmetricUnit()
        universe = self.retrieveUniverse()
        asu_count = 0
        for symop in self.pdb_conf.cs_transformations:
            transformation = symop.asLinearTransformation()
            rotation = transformation.tensor
            translation = transformation.vector
            is_asu = translation.length() < 1.e-8 and \
                                                      -delta).array))) < 1.e-8
            if is_asu:
                asu_count += 1
            asu = MMTK.Collection(self.retrieveMolecules())
            for atom in asu.atomList():
                if hasattr(atom, 'u'):
                    atom.u = rotation.dot(atom.u.dot(rotation.transpose()))
                    atom.u = atom.u.symmetricalPart()
                atom.in_asu = is_asu
            if compact:
                cm = asu.centerOfMass()
                cm_fr = self.pdb_conf.to_fractional(cm)
                cm_fr = Vector(cm_fr[0] % 1., cm_fr[1] % 1., cm_fr[2] % 1.) \
                        - Vector(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
                cm = self.pdb_conf.from_fractional(cm_fr)
        assert asu_count == 1
        return universe
Exemplo n.º 9
    def _planar_qvectors(self):

        hkl_dir = self._generate_hkls()

        self.hkl_dir = []

        factor = pgcd(hkl_dir[0])
        self.hkl_dir.append(Vector(hkl_dir[0]) / factor)

        factor = pgcd(hkl_dir[1])
        self.hkl_dir.append(Vector(hkl_dir[1]) / factor)

        self.qDirections = []

        self.qDirections.append(self.transRecBasis * self.hkl_dir[0])
        self.qDirections.append(self.transRecBasis * self.hkl_dir[1])

        if self.qDirections[0].cross(self.qDirections[1]).length() <= 0:
            raise Error(
                "The q plan must be defined by two non-colinear q-directions.")

        for q in self.qShells:

            qMin = max(q - 0.5 * self.qShellWidth, 0.0)

            qMax = q + 0.5 * self.qShellWidth

            indMax = [int(qMax / v.length()) + 2 for v in self.qDirections]

            grid = N.transpose(numpy.mgrid[-indMax[0]:indMax[0],

            indRange = (-grid).reshape(grid.size / 2,
                                       2).tolist() + grid.reshape(
                                           grid.size / 2, 2).tolist()


            qVects, hkls = self._explicit_qvectors(qMin, qMax, indRange)

            if qVects:

Exemplo n.º 10
 def boundingBox(self, conf=None):
     :param conf: a configuration object, or None for the
                  current configuration
     :type conf: :class:~MMTK.ParticleProperties.Configuration or NoneType
     :returns: two opposite corners of a bounding box around the
               object. The bounding box is the smallest rectangular
               bounding box with edges parallel to the coordinate axes.
     :rtype: tuple of two Scientific.Geometry.Vector
     atoms = self.atomList()
     min = atoms[0].position(conf).array
     max = min
     for a in atoms[1:]:
         r = a.position(conf).array
         min = N.minimum(min, r)
         max = N.maximum(max, r)
     return Vector(min), Vector(max)
Exemplo n.º 11
 def angularVelocity(self, velocities=None, conf=None):
     "Returns the angular velocity."
     if velocities is None:
         velocities = self.atomList()[0].universe().velocities()
     cm, inertia = self.centerAndMomentOfInertia(conf)
     l = Vector(0., 0., 0.)
     for a in self.atomList():
         l = l + a._mass * a.position(conf).cross(velocities[a])
     return inertia.inverse() * l
Exemplo n.º 12
 def angularMomentum(self, velocities=None, conf=None):
     "Returns the angular momentum."
     if velocities is None:
         velocities = self.atomList()[0].universe().velocities()
     cm = self.centerOfMass(conf)
     l = Vector(0., 0., 0.)
     for a in self.atomList():
         l = l + a._mass * a.position(conf).cross(velocities[a])
     return l
Exemplo n.º 13
    def applyTo(self, object):
        Define the positions of the atoms in a chemical object by the
        stored coordinates.

        :param object: the object to which the coordinates are applied
        for a, r in self.dict.items():
            object.setPosition(a, Vector(r[0], r[1], r[2]))
Exemplo n.º 14
 def dipole(self, atoms, reference=None):
     if reference is None:
         reference = atoms.centerOfMass()
     total = Vector(0., 0., 0.)
     for a in atoms.atomList():
         charge = a.topLevelChemicalObject() \
                  .getAtomProperty(a, self.dataset.charge_property)
         total = total + charge * (a.position() - reference)
     return total
Exemplo n.º 15
def randomPointInBox(a, b=None, c=None):
    """Returns a vector drawn from a uniform distribution within a
    rectangular box with edge lengths |a|, |b|, |c|. If |b| and/or |c|
    are omitted, they are taken to be equal to |a|."""
    if b is None: b = a
    if c is None: c = a
    x = uniform(-0.5 * a, 0.5 * a)
    y = uniform(-0.5 * b, 0.5 * b)
    z = uniform(-0.5 * c, 0.5 * c)
    return Vector(x, y, z)
Exemplo n.º 16
def EnergyGradientsForceConstants(e, n):
    energy = e[0]
    deriv = e[1]
    deriv = deriv + (3 * n - len(deriv)) * [0]
    gradients = []
    i = 0
    for j in range(n):
        gradients.append(Vector(deriv[i], deriv[i + 1], deriv[i + 2]))
        i = i + 3
    return (energy, gradients, Numeric.array(e[2]))
Exemplo n.º 17
 def __init__(self, cellsize, cells, function=None, base=None):
     :param cellsize: the edge length of the elementary cell
     :type cellsize: float
     :param cells: a list of integers, whose length must equal the number
                   of dimensions. Each entry specifies how often a cell is
                   repeated along this dimension.
     :param function: a function that is called for every lattice point with
                      the vector describing the point as argument. The return
                      value of this function is stored in the lattice object.
                      If the function is 'None', the vector is directly
                      stored in the lattice object.
     lattice_vectors = (cellsize * Vector(1., 0., 0.),
                        cellsize * Vector(0., 1., 0.),
                        cellsize * Vector(0., 0., 1.))
     if type(cells) != type(()):
         cells = 3 * (cells, )
     BravaisLattice.__init__(self, lattice_vectors, cells, function, base)
Exemplo n.º 18
 def cornerPoints(self):
     (c1x, c1y, c1z), (c2x, c2y, c2z) = self.corners
     return [
         Vector(c1x, c1y, c1z),
         Vector(c1x, c1y, c2z),
         Vector(c1x, c2y, c1z),
         Vector(c2x, c1y, c1z),
         Vector(c2x, c2y, c1z),
         Vector(c2x, c1y, c2z),
         Vector(c1x, c2y, c2z),
         Vector(c2x, c2y, c2z)
Exemplo n.º 19
 def atomicParameters(self):
     :returns: an iterator over the atoms in the model yielding a tuple
               (atom_id, position, ADP_tensor, occupancy)
     :rtype:   iterator
     for atom_id in self.ids:
         yield (atom_id, Vector(self.positions[self.id_dict[atom_id]]),
    def __init__(self, elementary_cell, lattice_vectors, cells,
                 function=None, base=None):
	if len(lattice_vectors) != len(cells):
	    raise TypeError, 'Inconsistent dimension specification'
        if base is None:
            base = Vector(0, 0, 0)
	self.dimension = len(lattice_vectors)
	self.elements = []
	self.makeLattice(elementary_cell, lattice_vectors, cells, base)
	Lattice.__init__(self, function)
Exemplo n.º 21
    def releasehandler1(self, event):
            dx = event.x - self.click1x
            dy = event.y - self.click1y
        except AttributeError:
        if dx != 0 or dy != 0:
            normal = Vector(self.axis)
            move = Vector(-dx*self.plane[:,0]+dy*self.plane[:,1])
            axis = normal.cross(move) / \
            rot = Rotation(axis.normal(), axis.length())
            self.axis = rot(normal).array
            self.plane[:,0] = rot(Vector(self.plane[:,0])).array
            self.plane[:,1] = rot(Vector(self.plane[:,1])).array
Exemplo n.º 22
 def __call__(self, *points):
     if len(points) == 1:
         points = tuple(points[0])
     value = apply(Interpolation.InterpolatingFunction.__call__,
                   (self, ) + points)
     if self.rank == 0:
         return value
     elif self.rank == 1:
         return Vector(value)
         return Tensor(value)
Exemplo n.º 23
 def _test_position_derivatives(self, precision):
     llk, pd = self.re.targetFunctionAndPositionDerivatives()
     dp = 0.0001
     max_error = 0.
     for atom_id in self.atom_ids:
         p = self.re.getPosition(atom_id)
         gradient = Vector(0., 0., 0.)
         for v in [
                 Vector(1., 0., 0.),
                 Vector(0., 1., 0.),
                 Vector(0., 0., 1.)
             self.re.setPosition(atom_id, p + dp * v)
             llk_p, dummy = self.re.targetFunctionAndPositionDerivatives()
             self.re.setPosition(atom_id, p - dp * v)
             llk_m, dummy = self.re.targetFunctionAndPositionDerivatives()
             gradient += (llk_p - llk_m) / (2. * dp) * v
         self.re.setPosition(atom_id, p)
         error = (gradient - pd[atom_id]).length() / pd[atom_id].length()
         max_error = max(max_error, error)
     self.assert_(max_error < precision)
Exemplo n.º 24
def randomVelocity(temperature, mass):
    :param temperature: the temperature defining a Maxwell distribution
    :type temperature: float
    :param mass: the mass of a particle
    :type mass: float
    :returns: a random velocity vector for a particle of a given mass
              at a given temperature
    :rtype: Scientific.Geometry.Vector
    sigma = N.sqrt((temperature * Units.k_B) / (mass * Units.amu))
    return Vector(gaussian(0., sigma, (3, )))
Exemplo n.º 25
 def momentum(self, velocities = None):
     :param velocities: a set of velocities for all atoms, or
                        None for the current velocities
     :type velocities: :class:`~MMTK.ParticleProperties.ParticleVector`
     :returns: the momentum
     :rtype: Scientific.Geometry.Vector
     if velocities is None:
         velocities = self.atomList()[0].universe().velocities()
     return sum((a._mass*velocities[a] for a in self.atomIterator()),
                Vector(0., 0., 0.))
Exemplo n.º 26
 def __init__(self, attr, rotation, translation, reference_point):
     VRMLObject.__init__(self, attr)
     if rotation is None:
         rotation = Transformation.Rotation(ez, 0.)
         rotation = apply(Transformation.Rotation, rotation)
     if translation is None:
         translation = Transformation.Translation(Vector(0., 0., 0.))
         translation = Transformation.Translation(translation)
     self.transformation = translation * rotation
     self.reference_point = reference_point
Exemplo n.º 27
def randomPointInSphere(r):
    :param r: the radius of a sphere
    :type r: float
    :returns: a vector drawn from a uniform distribution within
              a sphere of radius r.
    :rtype: Scientific.Geometry.Vector
    rsq = r * r
    while 1:
        x = N.array([uniform(-r, r), uniform(-r, r), uniform(-r, r)])
        if N.dot(x, x) < rsq: break
    return Vector(x)
Exemplo n.º 28
 def boundingSphere(self, conf=None):
     """Returns a sphere that contains all atoms in the object.
     This is *not* the minimal bounding sphere, just *some*
     bounding sphere."""
     atoms = self.atomList()
     r = Vector(0., 0., 0.)
     for a in atoms:
         r = r + a.position(conf)
     center = r / len(atoms)
     r = 0.
     for a in self.atomList():
         r = max(r, (a.position(conf) - center).length())
     return Objects3D.Sphere(center, r)
Exemplo n.º 29
 def __init__(self, points, index_lists, **attr):
     @param points: a sequence of points
     @type points: sequence of L{Scientific.Geometry.Vector}
     @param index_lists: a sequence of index lists, one for each polygon.
                         The index list for a polygon defines which points
                         are vertices of the polygon.
     @type index_lists: sequence of C{list}
     @param attr: graphics attributes as keyword parameters
     self.points = points
     self.index_lists = index_lists
     ShapeObject.__init__(self, attr, None, None, Vector(0., 0., 0.))
    def __init__(self, universe, cutoff):
        p1, p2 = universe.boundingBox()
        p2 = p2 + Vector(cutoff, cutoff, cutoff)
        l = (p2-p1).array
        n_max = (0.5*l/cutoff+0.5).astype(Numeric.Int)

        wave_numbers = []
        for nx in range(-n_max[0], n_max[0]+1):
            for ny in range(-n_max[1], n_max[1]+1):
                for nz in range(-n_max[2], n_max[2]+1):
                    if (nx/l[0])**2 + (ny/l[1])**2 + (nz/l[2])**2 \
                                    < 0.25/cutoff**2:
                        wave_numbers.append((nx, ny, nz))

        atoms = universe.atomList()
        natoms = len(atoms)
        basis = Numeric.zeros((3*len(wave_numbers)+3, natoms, 3),
        cm = universe.centerOfMass()
        i = 0
        for rotation in [Vector(1.,0.,0.), Vector(0.,1.,0.),
            v = ParticleProperties.ParticleVector(universe, basis[i])
            for a in atoms:
                v[a] = rotation.cross(a.position()-cm)
            i = i + 1
        conf = universe.configuration().array-p1.array
        for n in wave_numbers:
            k = 2.*Numeric.pi*Numeric.array(n)/l
            w = self._w(conf[:, 0], k[0]) * self._w(conf[:, 1], k[1]) * \
                self._w(conf[:, 2], k[2])
            basis[i, :, 0] = w
            basis[i+1, :, 1] = w
            basis[i+2, :, 2] = w
            i = i + 3

        self.array = basis
        self.universe = universe