Exemplo n.º 1
def clusterAnalysis(matrix, tolerance=10.):
    n = matrix.shape[0]
    clusters = []
    covered = N.zeros((n, ), N.Int)
    while 1:
        pick = N.maximum.reduce(matrix)
        if N.maximum.reduce(pick) == 0.:
        imax = N.argmax(pick)
        max_sim = N.maximum.reduce(matrix[imax])
        cutoff = max_sim / tolerance
        mask = N.greater(matrix[imax], cutoff)
        similarity = N.sort(N.repeat(matrix[imax], mask))
        mask[imax] = 1
        clusters.append((similarity, mask))
        covered = N.logical_or(covered, mask)
        mask = N.logical_not(mask)
        matrix = matrix * (mask[N.NewAxis, :] * mask[:, N.NewAxis])
    if N.add.reduce(covered) < n:
        clusters.append((0., N.logical_not(covered)))
    return clusters
 def axisAndAngle(self):
     @returns: the axis (a normalized vector) and angle (in radians).
               The angle is in the interval (-pi, pi]
     @rtype: (L{Scientific.Geometry.Vector}, C{float})
     asym = -self.tensor.asymmetricalPart()
     axis = Geometry.Vector(asym[1, 2], asym[2, 0], asym[0, 1])
     sine = axis.length()
     if abs(sine) > 1.e-10:
         axis = axis / sine
         projector = axis.dyadicProduct(axis)
         cosine = (self.tensor - projector).trace() / (3. - axis * axis)
         angle = angleFromSineAndCosine(sine, cosine)
         t = 0.5 * (self.tensor + Geometry.delta)
         i = N.argmax(t.diagonal().array)
         axis = (t[i] / N.sqrt(t[i, i])).asVector()
         angle = 0.
         if t.trace() < 2.:
             angle = N.pi
     return axis, angle
Exemplo n.º 3
    backbone = chain.backbone()
    for i in range(len(breaks)-1):
        residues = N.take(backbone, helix_indices[breaks[i]:breaks[i+1]])
helices = [h for h in helices if len(h) > 4]


residue_motion_vectors = []
helix_motion_vectors = []
for helix in helices:
    end_to_end = helix[0].centerOfMass()-helix[-1].centerOfMass()
    cms, inertia = helix.centerAndMomentOfInertia()
    moments, axes = inertia.diagonalization()
    axes = [a.asVector() for a in axes]
    helix_axis = axes[N.argmax([abs(end_to_end*v) for v in axes])]
    hmv = ParticleVector(universe)
    for residue in helix:
        mv = ParticleVector(universe)
        mv[residue.C_alpha] = helix_axis.cross(residue.C_alpha.position()-cms)
        hmv[residue.C_alpha] = helix_axis.cross(residue.C_alpha.position()-cms)
residue_subspace = Subspace(universe, residue_motion_vectors)
helix_subspace = Subspace(universe, helix_motion_vectors)

frequencies = []
projections = []
for m in modes[6:]:
Exemplo n.º 4
    def findClusters(self, preferences, max_iterations=500,
                     convergence = 50, damping=0.5):
        @param preferences: the preference values for the cluster
            identification. This can be either a single number,
            or a sequence with one value per item.
        @type preferences: C{float} or sequence of C{float}

        @param max_iterations: the number of iterations at which the
            algorithm is stopped even if there is no convergence.
        @type max_iterations: C{int}

        @param convergence: the number of iterations during which the
            cluster decomposition must remain stable before it is
            returned as converged.
        @type convergence: C{int}

        @param damping: a number between 0 and 1 that influences
            by fast affinity and responsibility values can change.
        @type damping: C{float}
        preferences = N.array(preferences)
        if len(preferences.shape) == 0:
            preferences = preferences + N.zeros((self.nitems,), N.Float)
        if len(preferences) != self.nitems:
            raise ValueError("Number of preferences != number of items")

        noise_scale = 1.e-12*(self.largest_similarity-self.smallest_similarity)
        s = N.concatenate([self.similarities, preferences])
        for i in range(len(s)):
            s[i] += noise_scale*random.random()
        a = N.zeros(s.shape, N.Float)
        r = N.zeros(s.shape, N.Float)
        iterations_left = max_iterations
        convergence_count = 0
        self.exemplar = N.zeros((self.nitems,), N.Int)
        while True:
            a, r = _affinityPropagation(self, s, a, r, damping)
            e = a + r
            exemplar = N.zeros((self.nitems,), N.Int)
            for i in range(self.nitems):
                ii, ik = self.e_indices[i]
                exemplar[i] = ik[N.argmax(N.take(e, ii))]
            if N.logical_and.reduce(exemplar == self.exemplar):
                convergence_count += 1
                if convergence_count == convergence:
                self.exemplar = exemplar
            iterations_left -= 1
            if iterations_left == 0:
                raise ValueError("no convergence in %d iterations"
                                 % max_iterations)
        clusters = []
        indices = N.arange(self.nitems)
        exemplar_indices = N.repeat(indices, self.exemplar == indices)
        for i in exemplar_indices:
            members = list(N.repeat(indices, self.exemplar == self.exemplar[i]))
            members.insert(0, i)
            clusters.append([self.items[m] for m in members])
        return clusters
Exemplo n.º 5
    backbone = chain.backbone()
    for i in range(len(breaks) - 1):
        residues = N.take(backbone, helix_indices[breaks[i]:breaks[i + 1]])
helices = [h for h in helices if len(h) > 4]


residue_motion_vectors = []
helix_motion_vectors = []
for helix in helices:
    end_to_end = helix[0].centerOfMass() - helix[-1].centerOfMass()
    cms, inertia = helix.centerAndMomentOfInertia()
    moments, axes = inertia.diagonalization()
    axes = [a.asVector() for a in axes]
    helix_axis = axes[N.argmax([abs(end_to_end * v) for v in axes])]
    hmv = ParticleVector(universe)
    for residue in helix:
        mv = ParticleVector(universe)
        mv[residue.C_alpha] = helix_axis.cross(residue.C_alpha.position() -
        hmv[residue.C_alpha] = helix_axis.cross(residue.C_alpha.position() -

residue_subspace = Subspace(universe, residue_motion_vectors)
helix_subspace = Subspace(universe, helix_motion_vectors)

frequencies = []
projections = []