Exemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, graphicStyle=1):
         'SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED'] = '1'  # should center pygame window on the screen
     self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((850, 500))
     self.boardStart_x = 50
     self.boardStart_y = 50
     pygame.display.set_caption('Python Chess')
     self.textBox = ScrollingTextBox(self.screen, 525, 825, 50, 450)
     # pygame.font.init() - should be already called by pygame.init()
     self.fontDefault = pygame.font.Font(None, 20)
     self.PrintMessage("WHITE STARTS")
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, graphicStyle=1):
            'SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED'] = '1'  #should center pygame window on the screen
        self.Rules = ChessRules()
        self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((850, 500))
        #self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((pygame.FULLSCREEN,pygame.FULLSCREEN))
        self.boardStart_x = 50
        self.boardStart_y = 50
        pygame.display.set_caption('El ajedrez parlanchin - Ecab 2017')

        self.textBox = ScrollingTextBox(self.screen, 525, 825, 50, 450)
        #pygame.font.init() - should be already called by pygame.init()
        self.fontDefault = pygame.font.Font(None, 20)
Exemplo n.º 3
class ChessGUI_pygame:
    def __init__(self, graphicStyle=1):
            'SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED'] = '1'  #should center pygame window on the screen
        self.Rules = ChessRules()
        self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((850, 500))
        self.boardStart_x = 50
        self.boardStart_y = 50
        pygame.display.set_caption('Python Chess')

        self.textBox = ScrollingTextBox(self.screen, 525, 825, 50, 450)
        #pygame.font.init() - should be already called by pygame.init()
        self.fontDefault = pygame.font.Font(None, 20)

    def LoadImages(self, graphicStyle):
        if graphicStyle == 0:
            self.square_size = 50  #all images must be images 50 x 50 pixels
            self.white_square = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "white_square.png")).convert()
            self.brown_square = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "brown_square.png")).convert()
            self.cyan_square = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "cyan_square.png")).convert()
            #"convert()" is supposed to help pygame display the images faster.  It seems to mess up transparency - makes it all black!
            #And, for this chess program, the images don't need to change that fast.
            self.black_pawn = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "blackPawn.png"))
            self.black_rook = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "blackRook.png"))
            self.black_knight = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "blackKnight.png"))
            self.black_bishop = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "blackBishop.png"))
            self.black_king = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "blackKing.png"))
            self.black_queen = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "blackQueen.png"))
            self.white_pawn = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "whitePawn.png"))
            self.white_rook = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "whiteRook.png"))
            self.white_knight = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "whiteKnight.png"))
            self.white_bishop = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "whiteBishop.png"))
            self.white_king = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "whiteKing.png"))
            self.white_queen = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "whiteQueen.png"))
        elif graphicStyle == 1:
            self.square_size = 50
            self.white_square = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "white_square.png")).convert()
            self.brown_square = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "brown_square.png")).convert()
            self.cyan_square = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "cyan_square.png")).convert()

            self.black_pawn = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "Chess_tile_pd.png")).convert()
            self.black_pawn = pygame.transform.scale(
                self.black_pawn, (self.square_size, self.square_size))
            self.black_rook = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "Chess_tile_rd.png")).convert()
            self.black_rook = pygame.transform.scale(
                self.black_rook, (self.square_size, self.square_size))
            self.black_knight = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "Chess_tile_nd.png")).convert()
            self.black_knight = pygame.transform.scale(
                self.black_knight, (self.square_size, self.square_size))
            self.black_bishop = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "Chess_tile_bd.png")).convert()
            self.black_bishop = pygame.transform.scale(
                self.black_bishop, (self.square_size, self.square_size))
            self.black_king = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "Chess_tile_kd.png")).convert()
            self.black_king = pygame.transform.scale(
                self.black_king, (self.square_size, self.square_size))
            self.black_queen = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "Chess_tile_qd.png")).convert()
            self.black_queen = pygame.transform.scale(
                self.black_queen, (self.square_size, self.square_size))

            self.white_pawn = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "Chess_tile_pl.png")).convert()
            self.white_pawn = pygame.transform.scale(
                self.white_pawn, (self.square_size, self.square_size))
            self.white_rook = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "Chess_tile_rl.png")).convert()
            self.white_rook = pygame.transform.scale(
                self.white_rook, (self.square_size, self.square_size))
            self.white_knight = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "Chess_tile_nl.png")).convert()
            self.white_knight = pygame.transform.scale(
                self.white_knight, (self.square_size, self.square_size))
            self.white_bishop = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "Chess_tile_bl.png")).convert()
            self.white_bishop = pygame.transform.scale(
                self.white_bishop, (self.square_size, self.square_size))
            self.white_king = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "Chess_tile_kl.png")).convert()
            self.white_king = pygame.transform.scale(
                self.white_king, (self.square_size, self.square_size))
            self.white_queen = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "Chess_tile_ql.png")).convert()
            self.white_queen = pygame.transform.scale(
                self.white_queen, (self.square_size, self.square_size))

    def PrintMessage(self, message):
        #prints a string to the area to the right of the board

    def ConvertToScreenCoords(self, chessSquareTuple):
        #converts a (row,col) chessSquare into the pixel location of the upper-left corner of the square
        (row, col) = chessSquareTuple
        screenX = self.boardStart_x + col * self.square_size
        screenY = self.boardStart_y + row * self.square_size
        return (screenX, screenY)

    def ConvertToChessCoords(self, screenPositionTuple):
        #converts a screen pixel location (X,Y) into a chessSquare tuple (row,col)
        #x is horizontal, y is vertical
        #(x=0,y=0) is upper-left corner of the screen
        (X, Y) = screenPositionTuple
        row = (Y - self.boardStart_y) / self.square_size
        col = (X - self.boardStart_x) / self.square_size
        return (row, col)

    def Draw(self, board, highlightSquares=[]):
        self.screen.fill((0, 0, 0))
        boardSize = len(
        )  #board should be square.  boardSize should be always 8 for chess, but I dislike "magic numbers" :)

        #draw blank board
        current_square = 0
        for r in range(boardSize):
            for c in range(boardSize):
                (screenX, screenY) = self.ConvertToScreenCoords((r, c))
                if current_square:
                    self.screen.blit(self.brown_square, (screenX, screenY))
                    current_square = (current_square + 1) % 2
                    self.screen.blit(self.white_square, (screenX, screenY))
                    current_square = (current_square + 1) % 2

            current_square = (current_square + 1) % 2

        #draw row/column labels around the edge of the board
        chessboard_obj = ChessBoard(
            0)  #need a dummy object to access some of ChessBoard's methods....
        color = (255, 255, 255)  #white
        antialias = 1

        #top and bottom - display cols
        for c in range(boardSize):
            for r in [-1, boardSize]:
                (screenX, screenY) = self.ConvertToScreenCoords((r, c))
                screenX = screenX + self.square_size / 2
                screenY = screenY + self.square_size / 2
                notation = chessboard_obj.ConvertToAlgebraicNotation_col(c)
                renderedLine = self.fontDefault.render(notation, antialias,
                self.screen.blit(renderedLine, (screenX, screenY))

        #left and right - display rows
        for r in range(boardSize):
            for c in [-1, boardSize]:
                (screenX, screenY) = self.ConvertToScreenCoords((r, c))
                screenX = screenX + self.square_size / 2
                screenY = screenY + self.square_size / 2
                notation = chessboard_obj.ConvertToAlgebraicNotation_row(r)
                renderedLine = self.fontDefault.render(notation, antialias,
                self.screen.blit(renderedLine, (screenX, screenY))

        #highlight squares if specified
        for square in highlightSquares:
            (screenX, screenY) = self.ConvertToScreenCoords(square)
            self.screen.blit(self.cyan_square, (screenX, screenY))

        #draw pieces
        for r in range(boardSize):
            for c in range(boardSize):
                (screenX, screenY) = self.ConvertToScreenCoords((r, c))
                if board[r][c] == 'bP':
                    self.screen.blit(self.black_pawn, (screenX, screenY))
                if board[r][c] == 'bR':
                    self.screen.blit(self.black_rook, (screenX, screenY))
                if board[r][c] == 'bT':
                    self.screen.blit(self.black_knight, (screenX, screenY))
                if board[r][c] == 'bB':
                    self.screen.blit(self.black_bishop, (screenX, screenY))
                if board[r][c] == 'bQ':
                    self.screen.blit(self.black_queen, (screenX, screenY))
                if board[r][c] == 'bK':
                    self.screen.blit(self.black_king, (screenX, screenY))
                if board[r][c] == 'wP':
                    self.screen.blit(self.white_pawn, (screenX, screenY))
                if board[r][c] == 'wR':
                    self.screen.blit(self.white_rook, (screenX, screenY))
                if board[r][c] == 'wT':
                    self.screen.blit(self.white_knight, (screenX, screenY))
                if board[r][c] == 'wB':
                    self.screen.blit(self.white_bishop, (screenX, screenY))
                if board[r][c] == 'wQ':
                    self.screen.blit(self.white_queen, (screenX, screenY))
                if board[r][c] == 'wK':
                    self.screen.blit(self.white_king, (screenX, screenY))


    def EndGame(self, board):
        self.PrintMessage("Press any key to exit.")
        self.Draw(board)  #draw board to show end game status
        while 1:
            e = pygame.event.wait()
            if e.type is KEYDOWN:
            if e.type is QUIT:

    def GetPlayerInput(self, board, currentColor):
        #returns ((from_row,from_col),(to_row,to_col))
        fromSquareChosen = 0
        toSquareChosen = 0
        while not fromSquareChosen or not toSquareChosen:
            squareClicked = []
            e = pygame.event.wait()
            if e.type is KEYDOWN:
                if e.key is K_ESCAPE:
                    fromSquareChosen = 0
                    fromTuple = []
            if e.type is MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
                (mouseX, mouseY) = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
                squareClicked = self.ConvertToChessCoords((mouseX, mouseY))
                if squareClicked[0] < 0 or squareClicked[
                        0] > 7 or squareClicked[1] < 0 or squareClicked[1] > 7:
                    squareClicked = []  #not a valid chess square
            if e.type is QUIT:  #the "x" kill button

            if not fromSquareChosen and not toSquareChosen:
                if squareClicked != []:
                    (r, c) = squareClicked
                    if currentColor == 'black' and 'b' in board[r][c]:
                        if len(
                                    board, currentColor, squareClicked)) > 0:
                            fromSquareChosen = 1
                            fromTuple = squareClicked
                    elif currentColor == 'white' and 'w' in board[r][c]:
                        if len(
                                    board, currentColor, squareClicked)) > 0:
                            fromSquareChosen = 1
                            fromTuple = squareClicked

            elif fromSquareChosen and not toSquareChosen:
                possibleDestinations = self.Rules.GetListOfValidMoves(
                    board, currentColor, fromTuple)
                self.Draw(board, possibleDestinations)
                if squareClicked != []:
                    (r, c) = squareClicked
                    if squareClicked in possibleDestinations:
                        toSquareChosen = 1
                        toTuple = squareClicked
                    elif currentColor == 'black' and 'b' in board[r][c]:
                        if squareClicked == fromTuple:
                            fromSquareChosen = 0
                        elif len(
                                    board, currentColor, squareClicked)) > 0:
                            fromSquareChosen = 1
                            fromTuple = squareClicked
                            fromSquareChosen = 0  #piece is of own color, but no possible moves
                    elif currentColor == 'white' and 'w' in board[r][c]:
                        if squareClicked == fromTuple:
                            fromSquareChosen = 0
                        elif len(
                                    board, currentColor, squareClicked)) > 0:
                            fromSquareChosen = 1
                            fromTuple = squareClicked
                            fromSquareChosen = 0
                    else:  #blank square or opposite color piece not in possible destinations clicked
                        fromSquareChosen = 0

        return (fromTuple, toTuple)

    def GetClickedSquare(self, mouseX, mouseY):
        #test function
        print "User clicked screen position x =", mouseX, "y =", mouseY
        (row, col) = self.ConvertToChessCoords((mouseX, mouseY))
        if col < 8 and col >= 0 and row < 8 and row >= 0:
            print "  Chess board units row =", row, "col =", col

    def TestRoutine(self):
        #test function
        while 1:
            e = pygame.event.wait()
            if e.type is QUIT:
            if e.type is KEYDOWN:
                if e.key is K_ESCAPE:
            if e.type is MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
                (mouseX, mouseY) = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
                #x is horizontal, y is vertical
                #(x=0,y=0) is upper-left corner of the screen
                self.GetClickedSquare(mouseX, mouseY)
Exemplo n.º 4
class ChessGUI_pygame:
    def __init__(self, graphicStyle=1):
            'SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED'] = '1'  # should center pygame window on the screen
        self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((850, 500))
        self.boardStart_x = 50
        self.boardStart_y = 50
        pygame.display.set_caption('Python Chess')
        self.textBox = ScrollingTextBox(self.screen, 525, 825, 50, 450)
        # pygame.font.init() - should be already called by pygame.init()
        self.fontDefault = pygame.font.Font(None, 20)
        self.PrintMessage("WHITE STARTS")

    def LoadImages(self, graphicStyle):
        if graphicStyle == 0:
            self.square_size = 50  # all images must be images 50 x 50 pixels
            self.white_square = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "white_square.png")).convert()
            self.brown_square = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "brown_square.png")).convert()
            self.cyan_square = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "cyan_square.png")).convert()
            # "convert()" is supposed to help pygame display the images faster.  It seems to mess up transparency - makes it all black!
            # And, for this chess program, the images don't need to change that fast.
            self.black_pawn = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "blackPawn.png"))
            self.black_rook = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "blackRook.png"))
            self.black_knight = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "blackKnight.png"))
            self.black_bishop = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "blackBishop.png"))
            self.black_king = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "blackKing.png"))
            self.black_queen = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "blackQueen.png"))
            self.white_pawn = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "whitePawn.png"))
            self.white_rook = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "whiteRook.png"))
            self.white_knight = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "whiteKnight.png"))
            self.white_bishop = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "whiteBishop.png"))
            self.white_king = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "whiteKing.png"))
            self.white_queen = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "whiteQueen.png"))
        elif graphicStyle == 1:
            self.square_size = 50
            self.white_square = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "white_square.png")).convert()
            self.brown_square = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "brown_square.png")).convert()
            self.cyan_square = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "cyan_square.png")).convert()

            self.black_pawn = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "Chess_tile_pd.png")).convert()
            self.black_pawn = pygame.transform.scale(
                self.black_pawn, (self.square_size, self.square_size))
            self.black_rook = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "Chess_tile_rd.png")).convert()
            self.black_rook = pygame.transform.scale(
                self.black_rook, (self.square_size, self.square_size))
            self.black_knight = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "Chess_tile_nd.png")).convert()
            self.black_knight = pygame.transform.scale(
                self.black_knight, (self.square_size, self.square_size))
            self.black_bishop = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "Chess_tile_bd.png")).convert()
            self.black_bishop = pygame.transform.scale(
                self.black_bishop, (self.square_size, self.square_size))
            self.black_king = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "Chess_tile_kd.png")).convert()
            self.black_king = pygame.transform.scale(
                self.black_king, (self.square_size, self.square_size))
            self.black_queen = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "Chess_tile_qd.png")).convert()
            self.black_queen = pygame.transform.scale(
                self.black_queen, (self.square_size, self.square_size))

            self.white_pawn = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "Chess_tile_pl.png")).convert()
            self.white_pawn = pygame.transform.scale(
                self.white_pawn, (self.square_size, self.square_size))
            self.white_rook = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "Chess_tile_rl.png")).convert()
            self.white_rook = pygame.transform.scale(
                self.white_rook, (self.square_size, self.square_size))
            self.white_knight = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "Chess_tile_nl.png")).convert()
            self.white_knight = pygame.transform.scale(
                self.white_knight, (self.square_size, self.square_size))
            self.white_bishop = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "Chess_tile_bl.png")).convert()
            self.white_bishop = pygame.transform.scale(
                self.white_bishop, (self.square_size, self.square_size))
            self.white_king = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "Chess_tile_kl.png")).convert()
            self.white_king = pygame.transform.scale(
                self.white_king, (self.square_size, self.square_size))
            self.white_queen = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "Chess_tile_ql.png")).convert()
            self.white_queen = pygame.transform.scale(
                self.white_queen, (self.square_size, self.square_size))

    def PrintMessage(self, message):
        # prints a string to the area to the right of the board

    def ConvertToScreenCoords(self, chessSquareTuple):
        # converts a (row,col) chessSquare into the pixel location of the upper-left corner of the square
        (row, col) = chessSquareTuple
        screenX = self.boardStart_x + col * self.square_size
        screenY = self.boardStart_y + row * self.square_size
        return (screenX, screenY)

    def ConvertToChessCoords(self, screenPositionTuple):
        # converts a screen pixel location (X,Y) into a chessSquare tuple (row,col)
        # x is horizontal, y is vertical
        # (x=0,y=0) is upper-left corner of the screen
        (X, Y) = screenPositionTuple
        row = (Y - self.boardStart_y) / self.square_size
        col = (X - self.boardStart_x) / self.square_size
        return (row, col)

    def Draw(self, board):
        self.screen.fill((0, 0, 0))
        boardSize = len(board)

        # draw blank board
        current_square = 0
        for r in range(boardSize):
            for c in range(boardSize):
                (screenX, screenY) = self.ConvertToScreenCoords((r, c))
                if current_square:
                    self.screen.blit(self.brown_square, (screenX, screenY))

                    self.screen.blit(self.white_square, (screenX, screenY))

                current_square = (current_square + 1) % 2

            current_square = (current_square + 1) % 2

        # draw row/column labels around the edge of the board
        # chessboard_obj = ChessBoard(0)  # need a dummy object to access some of ChessBoard's methods....
        color = (255, 255, 255)  # white
        antialias = 1

        # top and bottom - display cols
        for c in range(boardSize):
            for r in [-1, boardSize]:
                (screenX, screenY) = self.ConvertToScreenCoords((r, c))
                screenX = screenX + self.square_size / 2
                screenY = screenY + self.square_size / 2
                # notation = chessboard_obj.ConvertToAlgebraicNotation_col(c)
                # renderedLine = self.fontDefault.render(notation, antialias, color)
                # self.screen.blit(renderedLine, (screenX, screenY))

        # left and right - display rows
        for r in range(boardSize):
            for c in [-1, boardSize]:
                (screenX, screenY) = self.ConvertToScreenCoords((r, c))
                screenX = screenX + self.square_size / 2
                screenY = screenY + self.square_size / 2
                # notation = chessboard_obj.ConvertToAlgebraicNotation_row(r)
                # renderedLine = self.fontDefault.render(notation, antialias, color)
                # self.screen.blit(renderedLine, (screenX, screenY))

        # highlight squares if specified
        # for square in highlightSquares:
        #     (screenX, screenY) = self.ConvertToScreenCoords(square)
        #     self.screen.blit(self.cyan_square, (screenX, screenY))

        # draw pieces
        for r in range(boardSize):
            for c in range(boardSize):
                (screenX, screenY) = self.ConvertToScreenCoords((r, c))
                if board[r][c] == 'P':
                    self.screen.blit(self.black_pawn, (screenX, screenY))
                if board[r][c] == 'R':
                    self.screen.blit(self.black_rook, (screenX, screenY))
                if board[r][c] == 'K':
                    self.screen.blit(self.black_knight, (screenX, screenY))
                if board[r][c] == 'B':
                    self.screen.blit(self.black_bishop, (screenX, screenY))
                if board[r][c] == 'Q':
                    self.screen.blit(self.black_queen, (screenX, screenY))
                if board[r][c] == 'KI':
                    self.screen.blit(self.black_king, (screenX, screenY))
                if board[r][c] == 'p':
                    self.screen.blit(self.white_pawn, (screenX, screenY))
                if board[r][c] == 'r':
                    self.screen.blit(self.white_rook, (screenX, screenY))
                if board[r][c] == 'k':
                    self.screen.blit(self.white_knight, (screenX, screenY))
                if board[r][c] == 'b':
                    self.screen.blit(self.white_bishop, (screenX, screenY))
                if board[r][c] == 'q':
                    self.screen.blit(self.white_queen, (screenX, screenY))
                if board[r][c] == 'ki':
                    self.screen.blit(self.white_king, (screenX, screenY))


    def GetClickedSquare(self, mouseX, mouseY):
        # test function
        # print
        # "User clicked screen position x =", mouseX, "y =", mouseY
        (row, col) = self.ConvertToChessCoords((mouseX, mouseY))
        if col < 8 and col >= 0 and row < 8 and row >= 0:
            print("  Chess board units row =", math.floor(row), "col =",
            return row, col
            return -1, -1
Exemplo n.º 5
movesCount = 1

class resurrectedPiece:
    def _init_(self):
        self.name = ""

def drawMessage(message):

    #prints a string to the area to the right of the board

textBox = ScrollingTextBox(gameDisplay, 860, 1100, 40, 670)

def converIndCol(num):
    if num == 0:
        return 'a'
    if num == 1:
        return 'b'
    if num == 2:
        return 'c'
    if num == 3:
        return 'd'
    if num == 4:
        return 'e'
    if num == 5:
        return 'f'
Exemplo n.º 6
class ChessGUI_pygame:
    def __init__(self, graphicStyle=1):
            'SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED'] = '1'  # should center pygame window on the screen
        self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((850, 500))
        self.boardStart_x = 50
        self.boardStart_y = 50
        pygame.display.set_caption('Python Chess')

        self.textBox = ScrollingTextBox(self.screen, 525, 825, 50, 450)
        # pygame.font.init() - should be already called by pygame.init()
        self.fontDefault = pygame.font.Font(None, 20)

    def LoadImages(self, graphicStyle):
        if graphicStyle == 0:
            self.square_size = 50  # all images must be images 50 x 50 pixels
            self.white_square = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "white_square.png")).convert()
            self.brown_square = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "brown_square.png")).convert()
            self.cyan_square = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "cyan_square.png")).convert()
            # "convert()" is supposed to help pygame display the images faster.  It seems to mess up transparency - makes it all black!
            # And, for this chess program, the images don't need to change that fast.
            self.black_pawn = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "blackPawn.png"))
            self.black_rook = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "blackRook.png"))
            self.black_knight = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "blackKnight.png"))
            self.black_bishop = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "blackBishop.png"))
            self.black_king = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "blackKing.png"))
            self.black_queen = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "blackQueen.png"))
            self.white_pawn = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "whitePawn.png"))
            self.white_rook = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "whiteRook.png"))
            self.white_knight = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "whiteKnight.png"))
            self.white_bishop = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "whiteBishop.png"))
            self.white_king = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "whiteKing.png"))
            self.white_queen = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "whiteQueen.png"))
        elif graphicStyle == 1:
            self.square_size = 50
            self.white_square = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "white_square.png")).convert()
            self.brown_square = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "brown_square.png")).convert()
            self.cyan_square = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "cyan_square.png")).convert()

            self.black_pawn = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "Chess_tile_pd.png")).convert()
            self.black_pawn = pygame.transform.scale(
                self.black_pawn, (self.square_size, self.square_size))
            self.black_rook = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "Chess_tile_rd.png")).convert()
            self.black_rook = pygame.transform.scale(
                self.black_rook, (self.square_size, self.square_size))
            self.black_knight = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "Chess_tile_nd.png")).convert()
            self.black_knight = pygame.transform.scale(
                self.black_knight, (self.square_size, self.square_size))
            self.black_bishop = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "Chess_tile_bd.png")).convert()
            self.black_bishop = pygame.transform.scale(
                self.black_bishop, (self.square_size, self.square_size))
            self.black_king = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "Chess_tile_kd.png")).convert()
            self.black_king = pygame.transform.scale(
                self.black_king, (self.square_size, self.square_size))
            self.black_queen = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "Chess_tile_qd.png")).convert()
            self.black_queen = pygame.transform.scale(
                self.black_queen, (self.square_size, self.square_size))

            self.white_pawn = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "Chess_tile_pl.png")).convert()
            self.white_pawn = pygame.transform.scale(
                self.white_pawn, (self.square_size, self.square_size))
            self.white_rook = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "Chess_tile_rl.png")).convert()
            self.white_rook = pygame.transform.scale(
                self.white_rook, (self.square_size, self.square_size))
            self.white_knight = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "Chess_tile_nl.png")).convert()
            self.white_knight = pygame.transform.scale(
                self.white_knight, (self.square_size, self.square_size))
            self.white_bishop = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "Chess_tile_bl.png")).convert()
            self.white_bishop = pygame.transform.scale(
                self.white_bishop, (self.square_size, self.square_size))
            self.white_king = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "Chess_tile_kl.png")).convert()
            self.white_king = pygame.transform.scale(
                self.white_king, (self.square_size, self.square_size))
            self.white_queen = pygame.image.load(
                os.path.join("images", "Chess_tile_ql.png")).convert()
            self.white_queen = pygame.transform.scale(
                self.white_queen, (self.square_size, self.square_size))

    def PrintMessage(self, message):
        # prints a string to the area to the right of the board

    def ConvertToScreenCoords(self, chessSquare):
        # converts a (row,col) chessSquare into the pixel location of the upper-left corner of the square
        chessSquareTuple = (chess.square_file(chessSquare),
        (col, row) = chessSquareTuple
        col = col
        row = 7 - row
        screenX = self.boardStart_x + col * self.square_size
        screenY = self.boardStart_y + row * self.square_size
        return (screenX, screenY)

    def ConvertToChessCoords(self, screenPositionTuple):
        # converts a screen pixel location (X,Y) into a chessSquare tuple (row,col)
        # x is horizontal, y is vertical
        # (x=0,y=0) is upper-left corner of the screen
        (X, Y) = screenPositionTuple
        row = (Y - self.boardStart_y) / self.square_size
        col = (X - self.boardStart_x) / self.square_size
        return col, 7 - row

    def Draw(self, board, highlightSquares=[]):
        self.screen.fill((0, 0, 0))
        boardSize = 8  # board should be square.  boardSize should be always 8 for chess, but I dislike "magic numbers"

        # draw blank board
        brown = False
        for square in chess.SQUARES:
            (screenX, screenY) = self.ConvertToScreenCoords(square)
            if brown:
                self.screen.blit(self.brown_square, (screenX, screenY))

                self.screen.blit(self.white_square, (screenX, screenY))

            brown = not brown
            if (square + 1) % 8 == 0:
                brown = not brown

        # draw row/column labels around the edge of the board
        color = (255, 255, 255)  # white
        antialias = 1
        chars = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H']

        # top and bottom - display cols
        for c in range(boardSize):
            # render letters
            screenX = (c + 1) * self.square_size + self.square_size / 2
            screenY = self.square_size / 2
            renderedLine = self.fontDefault.render(chars[c], antialias, color)
            self.screen.blit(renderedLine, (screenX, screenY))
            screenY = (boardSize + 1) * self.square_size + self.square_size / 2
            renderedLine = self.fontDefault.render(chars[c], antialias, color)
            self.screen.blit(renderedLine, (screenX, screenY))

            # render numbers
            screenY = (c + 1) * self.square_size + self.square_size / 2
            screenX = self.square_size / 2
            renderedLine = self.fontDefault.render(str(8 - c), antialias,
            self.screen.blit(renderedLine, (screenX, screenY))
            screenX = (boardSize + 1) * self.square_size + self.square_size / 2
            renderedLine = self.fontDefault.render(str(8 - c), antialias,
            self.screen.blit(renderedLine, (screenX, screenY))

        # highlight squares if specified
        for square in highlightSquares:
            (screenX, screenY) = self.ConvertToScreenCoords(square)
            self.screen.blit(self.cyan_square, (screenX, screenY))

        # draw pieces
        for square in chess.SQUARES:
            (screenX, screenY) = self.ConvertToScreenCoords(square)
            piece = board.piece_at(square)
            if piece:
                if piece.color is chess.BLACK:
                    if piece.piece_type == chess.PAWN:
                        self.screen.blit(self.black_pawn, (screenX, screenY))
                    if piece.piece_type == chess.ROOK:
                        self.screen.blit(self.black_rook, (screenX, screenY))
                    if piece.piece_type == chess.KNIGHT:
                        self.screen.blit(self.black_knight, (screenX, screenY))
                    if piece.piece_type == chess.BISHOP:
                        self.screen.blit(self.black_bishop, (screenX, screenY))
                    if piece.piece_type == chess.QUEEN:
                        self.screen.blit(self.black_queen, (screenX, screenY))
                    if piece.piece_type == chess.KING:
                        self.screen.blit(self.black_king, (screenX, screenY))
                if piece.color == chess.WHITE:
                    if piece.piece_type == chess.PAWN:
                        self.screen.blit(self.white_pawn, (screenX, screenY))
                    if piece.piece_type == chess.ROOK:
                        self.screen.blit(self.white_rook, (screenX, screenY))
                    if piece.piece_type == chess.KNIGHT:
                        self.screen.blit(self.white_knight, (screenX, screenY))
                    if piece.piece_type == chess.BISHOP:
                        self.screen.blit(self.white_bishop, (screenX, screenY))
                    if piece.piece_type == chess.QUEEN:
                        self.screen.blit(self.white_queen, (screenX, screenY))
                    if piece.piece_type == chess.KING:
                        self.screen.blit(self.white_king, (screenX, screenY))


    def EndGame(self, board):
        self.PrintMessage("Press any key to exit.")
        self.Draw(board)  # draw board to show end game status
        while 1:
            e = pygame.event.wait()
            if e.type is KEYDOWN:
            if e.type is QUIT:

    def GetPlayerInput(self, board):
        # returns ((from_row,from_col),(to_row,to_col))
        fromSquareChosen = 0
        toSquareChosen = 0
        while not fromSquareChosen or not toSquareChosen:
            squareClicked = -1
            e = pygame.event.wait()
            if e.type is KEYDOWN:
                if e.key is K_ESCAPE:
                    fromSquareChosen = 0
                    fromTuple = []
            if e.type is MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
                (mouseX, mouseY) = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
                coords = self.ConvertToChessCoords((mouseX, mouseY))
                if coords[0] < 0 or coords[0] > 7 or coords[1] < 0 or coords[
                        1] > 7:
                    squareClicked = []  # not a valid chess square
                    squareClicked = chess.square(coords[0], coords[1])
            if e.type is QUIT:  # the "x" kill button

            if not fromSquareChosen and not toSquareChosen:
                if squareClicked != -1:
                    allowedSquares = []
                    if board.piece_at(
                            squareClicked) and board.turn == board.piece_at(
                        for move in board.legal_moves:
                            if move.from_square == squareClicked:
                        if len(allowedSquares) > 0:
                            fromSquareChosen = 1
                            fromSquare = squareClicked

            elif fromSquareChosen and not toSquareChosen:
                possibleDestinations = allowedSquares
                self.Draw(board, possibleDestinations)
                if squareClicked != -1:

                    if squareClicked in possibleDestinations:
                        toSquareChosen = 1
                        toSquare = squareClicked

                    elif board.piece_at(
                            squareClicked) and board.turn == board.piece_at(
                        allowedDestinationSquares = []
                        for move in board.legal_moves:
                            if move.from_square == squareClicked:

                        if squareClicked == fromSquare:
                            fromSquareChosen = 0
                        elif len(allowedDestinationSquares) > 0:
                            fromSquareChosen = 1
                            fromSquare = squareClicked
                            possibleDestinations = allowedDestinationSquares
                            allowedSquares = allowedDestinationSquares
                            self.Draw(board, possibleDestinations)
                            fromSquareChosen = 0  # piece is of own color, but no possible moves
                    else:  # blank square or opposite color piece not in possible destinations clicked
                        fromSquareChosen = 0

        return chess.Move(fromSquare, toSquare)

    def GetClickedSquare(self, mouseX, mouseY):
        # test function
        print "User clicked screen position x =", mouseX, "y =", mouseY
        row, col = self.ConvertToChessCoords((mouseX, mouseY))
        if col < 8 and col >= 0 and row < 8 and row >= 0:
            print "  Chess board units row =", row, "col =", col
            print "Square Number", chess.square(row, col)
            return chess.square(row, col)

    def TestRoutine(self, board):
        # test function
        while 1:
            e = pygame.event.wait()
            if e.type is QUIT:
            if e.type is KEYDOWN:

                if e.key is K_ESCAPE:
            if e.type is MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
                (mouseX, mouseY) = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
                # x is horizontal, y is vertical
                # (x=0,y=0) is upper-left corner of the screen
                self.GetClickedSquare(mouseX, mouseY)
                print "Piece", board.piece_at(
                    self.GetClickedSquare(mouseX, mouseY))