def testParsingFilenamesOnly(self):
        # Let's pretend they did a 'find' search for '.php' and are piping that to our converter...
        converter = SearchResultsLineToVimSessionLineConverter(
            """badd +1 ./tests/SomeTest.php
badd +1 ./backend/tests/AnotherTest.php
execute ":1"
    def testParsing(self):
        # Let's pretend they did a 'cgrep' search for 'table' and are piping that to our converter...
        converter = SearchResultsLineToVimSessionLineConverter(
            """./db/table.sql:1,000,000: CREATE TABLE table (	-- a comment about my table
./css/screen.css:6.0221415*10^23: table {	/* a comment about my table */
./css/screen.css:the very next line:This line should have *no effect* on the output, because want to put the cursor on the *first* occurence of a search term, not the *last*! ("table!")
A file in the curent working directory:-1:You can't have negative line numbers, silly! But imagine if you could... ("table!")
            """badd +1,000,000 ./db/table.sql
badd +6.0221415*10^23 ./css/screen.css
badd +-1 A file in the curent working directory
execute ":1,000,000"
 def testWithEmptyInput(self):
     # Let's pretend they did a 'cgrep' search for 'table' and are piping that to our converter...
     converter = SearchResultsLineToVimSessionLineConverter("")
     self.myAssertEqual("", converter.get())