Exemplo n.º 1
def info_seq(arg):
    seq = Seq(arg)

    length = seq.len()

    count_a = seq.count_base("A")
    a_percent = (count_a * 100) / length

    count_c = seq.count_base("C")
    c_percent = (count_c * 100) / length

    count_g = seq.count_base("G")
    g_percent = (count_g * 100) / length

    count_t = seq.count_base("T")
    t_percent = (count_t * 100) / length

    res = f"""Sequence: {seq} \n
Total length: {length} \n
A: {round(count_a, 2)} ({a_percent}) \n
C: {round(count_c, 2)} ({c_percent}) \n
G: {round(count_g, 2)} ({g_percent}) \n
T: {round(count_t, 2)} ({t_percent})"""

    return res
Exemplo n.º 2
def info_func(s):
    s = Seq(s)
    l = s.length()
    ac = s.count_base("A")
    tc = s.count_base("T")
    cc = s.count_base("C")
    gc = s.count_base("G")
    resp = f"""Sequence: {s}
    Total length: {l}
    A: {ac} ({round((ac/l)*100)})%  
    C: {cc} ({round((cc/l)*100)})%     
    T: {tc} ({round((tc/l)*100)})%     
    G: {gc} ({round((gc/l)*100)})%"""
    return resp
def INFO(seq):

    seq = Seq(seq)
    lenS = seq.len()
    A_COUNTER = seq.count_base('A')
    G_COUNTER = seq.count_base('G')
    C_COUNTER = seq.count_base('C')
    T_COUNTER = seq.count_base('T')
    A_PER = 100 * A_COUNTER / lenS
    G_PER = 100 * G_COUNTER / lenS
    C_PER = 100 * C_COUNTER / lenS
    T_PER = 100 * T_COUNTER / lenS

    RES = f"Sequence: {seq}\nTotal length: {lenS}\nA: {A_COUNTER} ({A_PER}%)\nC: {C_COUNTER} ({C_PER}%)\nG: {G_COUNTER} ({G_PER}%)\nT: {T_COUNTER} ({T_PER}%)\n"
    return RES
def INFO(SEQ):

    # First convert the string into an object Seq, the using th class functions calculate the info with count_base and
    # len
    s = Seq(SEQ)
    length = s.len()
    counter_A = s.count_base('A')
    perc_A = (100 * counter_A / length)
    counter_C = s.count_base('C')
    perc_C = (100 * counter_C / length)
    counter_G = s.count_base('G')
    perc_G = (100 * counter_G / length)
    counter_T = s.count_base('T')
    perc_T = (100 * counter_T / length)
    INFO = f"Sequence: {s},\n,Total length: {length},A: {counter_A} ({perc_A}%),\n,C: {counter_C} ({perc_C}%),\n,G: {counter_G} ({perc_G}%),\n,T: {counter_T} ({perc_T}%)"
    return INFO
Exemplo n.º 5
def info_command(seq):
    real_seq = Seq(seq)
    length = real_seq.len()
    count_A = real_seq.count_base("A")
    count_C = real_seq.count_base("C")
    count_G = real_seq.count_base("G")
    count_T = real_seq.count_base("T")
    per_A = 100 * (count_A / length)
    per_C = 100 * (count_C / length)
    per_G = 100 * (count_G / length)
    per_T = 100 * (count_T / length)
    response_info = f"""Total length {real_seq}: {length}
                     A : {count_A} ({per_A} %)
                     C : {count_C} ({per_C} %)
                     G : {count_G} ({per_G} %)
                     T : {count_T} ({per_T} %)"""
    return response_info
Exemplo n.º 6
def info(seq):
    s = Seq(seq)
    l = Seq.len(s)
    a = [Seq.count_base(s, "A"), Seq.count_base(s, "A") * 100 / l]
    c = [Seq.count_base(s, "C"), Seq.count_base(s, "C") * 100 / l]
    g = [Seq.count_base(s, "G"), Seq.count_base(s, "G") * 100 / l]
    t = [Seq.count_base(s, "T"), Seq.count_base(s, "T") * 100 / l]
    return "Sequence: " + str(s) + "\nTotal length: " + str(l) + "\nA: " + str(
        a[0]) + " (" + str(round(a[1], 1)) + "%)" + "\nC: " + str(
            c[0]) + " (" + str(round(c[1], 1)) + "%)" + "\nG: " + str(
                g[0]) + " (" + str(round(g[1], 1)) + "%)" + "\nT: " + str(
                    t[0]) + " (" + str(round(t[1], 1)) + "%)"
Exemplo n.º 7
def info_cmd(strseq):
    s = Seq(strseq)
    sl = s.len()
    ca = s.count_base('A')
    pa = "{:.1f}".format(100 * ca / sl)
    cc = s.count_base('C')
    pc = "{:.1f}".format(100 * cc / sl)
    cg = s.count_base('G')
    pg = "{:.1f}".format(100 * cg / sl)
    ct = s.count_base('T')
    pt = "{:.1f}".format(100 * ct / sl)

    resp = f"""Sequence: {s}
Total length: {sl}
A: {ca} ({pa}%)
C: {cc} ({pc}%)
G: {cg} ({pg}%)
T: {ct} ({pt}%)"""
    return resp
Exemplo n.º 8
def info_cmd(strseq):
    s = Seq(strseq)
    slen = s.len()
    bases = ['A', 'C', 'G', 'T']
    response = f"Sequence: {s}\n"
    response += f"Total length: {slen}\n"
    for element in bases:
        count = s.count_base(element)
        percentage = round(100 * count / slen, 1)
        response += f"{element}: {count} ({percentage}%) \n"
    return response
def info_cmd(strseq):

    # -- Create the object sequence from the string
    s = Seq(strseq)
    sl = s.len()
    ca = s.count_base('A')
    sa = "{:.1f}".format(100 * ca / sl)
    cc = s.count_base('C')
    sc = "{:.1f}".format(100 * cc / sl)
    cg = s.count_base('G')
    sg = "{:.1f}".format(100 * cg / sl)
    ct = s.count_base('T')
    st = "{:.1f}".format(100 * ct / sl)

    resp = f"""Sequence: {s}
Total length: {sl}
A: {ca} ({sa}%)
C: {cc} ({sc}%)
G: {cg} ({sg}%)
T: {ct} ({st}%)"""
    return resp
def info(seq):
    s = Seq(seq)
    result = "Sequence: " + str(s)
    length = Seq.len(s)
    result += "\nTotal length: " + str(length)
    a = [Seq.count_base(s, "A"), Seq.count_base(s, "A") * 100 / length]
    result += "\nA: " + str(a[0]) + " (" + str(round(a[1], 1)) + "%)"
    c = [Seq.count_base(s, "C"), Seq.count_base(s, "C") * 100 / length]
    result += "\nC: " + str(c[0]) + " (" + str(round(c[1], 1)) + "%)"
    g = [Seq.count_base(s, "G"), Seq.count_base(s, "G") * 100 / length]
    result += "\nG: " + str(g[0]) + " (" + str(round(g[1], 1)) + "%)"
    t = [Seq.count_base(s, "T"), Seq.count_base(s, "T") * 100 / length]
    result += "\nT: " + str(t[0]) + " (" + str(round(t[1], 1)) + "%)"
    context = {"seq": s, "op": "Info", "res": result}
    content = read_template("./html/operation.html").render(context=context)
    return content
Exemplo n.º 11
def info_cmd(strseq):
    """INFO seq
    returns: The string with the information
    # -- Create the object sequence from the string
    s = Seq(strseq)
    sl = s.len()
    ca = s.count_base('A')
    pa = "{:.1f}".format(100 * ca / sl)
    cc = s.count_base('C')
    pc = "{:.1f}".format(100 * cc / sl)
    cg = s.count_base('G')
    pg = "{:.1f}".format(100 * cg / sl)
    ct = s.count_base('T')
    pt = "{:.1f}".format(100 * ct / sl)

    resp = f"""Sequence: {s}
Total length: {sl}
A: {ca} ({pa}%)
C: {cc} ({pc}%)
G: {cg} ({pg}%)
T: {ct} ({pt}%)"""
    return resp
Exemplo n.º 12
def info(sequence):
    useful_seq = Seq(sequence)
    complete_nuc_info = ""
    seq_len = f"Total length: {len(sequence)}\n"
    complete_nuc_info += seq_len

    A, C, T, G = useful_seq.count_base()
    context = {"operation": "INFO", "sequence": sequence}

    nucleotides_list = [A, C, T, G]
    nucleotides_names = ["A", "C", "T", "G"]
    for i in range(0, 4):
        nuc_info = f"{nucleotides_names[i]}: {nucleotides_list[i]} ({(nucleotides_list[i] * 100) / len(sequence)}%)\n"
        complete_nuc_info += nuc_info
    context["sequence_modified"] = complete_nuc_info
    contents = read_template_html_file("./HTML_FILES/operation.html").render(
    return contents
Exemplo n.º 13
def info(client_socket, sequence):
    print(Fore.GREEN + "INFO")
    complete_nuc_info = ""
    useful_seq = Seq(sequence)
    A, C, T, G = useful_seq.count_base()

    seq_info = f"Sequence: {sequence}\n"
    complete_nuc_info += seq_info

    seq_len = f"Total length: {len(sequence)}\n"
    complete_nuc_info += seq_len

    nucleotides_list = [A, C, T, G]
    nucleotides_names = ["A", "C", "T", "G"]
    for i in range(0, 4):
        nuc_info = f"{nucleotides_names[i]}: {nucleotides_list[i]} ({(nucleotides_list[i] * 100) / len(sequence)}%)\n"
        complete_nuc_info += nuc_info
Exemplo n.º 14
def info(sequence):
    list_bases = ["A", "C", "T", "G"]
    sequence = Seq(sequence.replace('"', ""))
    t_l = Seq.len(sequence)
    count_list = []
    percentage_list = []
    for base in list_bases:
    for i in range(0, len(count_list)):
        percentage_list.append(count_list[i] * 100 / t_l)

    result = {
        "length": t_l,
        "bases": {
            "A": str(count_list[0]) + " (" + str(percentage_list[0]) + "%)",
            "C": str(count_list[1]) + " (" + str(percentage_list[1]) + "%)",
            "T": str(count_list[2]) + " (" + str(percentage_list[2]) + "%)",
            "G": str(count_list[3]) + " (" + str(percentage_list[3]) + "%)"
    context = {'Sequence': sequence, 'Operation': 'Info', 'Result': result}
    contents = read_template_html_file('./html/operation.html').render(
    return contents
Exemplo n.º 15
# Create a variable with the data,
# form the JSON received
gene = json.loads(data1)

termcolor.cprint("Gene", 'green', end="")
print(f": {gene_user}")
termcolor.cprint("Description", 'green', end="")
print(f": {gene['desc']}")

gene_str = gene['seq']

# Create the object sequence from the string
s = Seq(gene_str)

sl = s.len()
ca = s.count_base('A')
pa = "{:.1f}".format(100 * ca / sl)
cc = s.count_base('C')
pc = "{:.1f}".format(100 * cc / sl)
cg = s.count_base('G')
pg = "{:.1f}".format(100 * cg / sl)
ct = s.count_base('T')
pt = "{:.1f}".format(100 * ct / sl)

termcolor.cprint("Total length", 'green', end="")
print(f": {sl}")

termcolor.cprint("A", 'blue', end="")
print(f": {ca} ({pa}%)")
termcolor.cprint("C", 'blue', end="")
print(f": {cc} ({pc}%)")
Exemplo n.º 16
    def do_GET(self):
        termcolor.cprint(self.requestline, 'green')
        req_line = self.requestline.split()[1]
        verb = req_line.split("?")[0]
        # index
        if verb == "/":
            contents = Path('index.html').read_text()

        # 1) List of species in the genome database
        elif verb == "/listSpecies":
            limit = req_line.split("=")[1]
                info = info_json("info/species?")["species"]  # here we get the all the species
                contents = document("LIST OF SPECIES IN THE BROWSER", "plum")  # we compute the html response
                contents += f"""<h4>The total number of species in ensembl is: 286</h4><p>"""
                contents += f"""<h4>The limit you have selected is: {limit}</h4><p>"""
                if limit == "":  # if the client does not enter anything
                    contents += f"""<h4>The names of the species are:</h4>"""
                    for element in info:
                        contents += f"""<p> • {element["display_name"]}</p>"""  # get the species name
                elif 286 >= int(limit) >= 0:  # if the client enter a valid limit
                    counter = 0
                    contents += f"""<h4>The names of the species are:</h4>"""
                    for element in info:
                        if counter < int(limit):  # get the correct number of species for the limit
                            contents += f"""<p> • {element["display_name"]}</p>"""  # we just ger the specie's name
                            counter += 1
                else:  # if the client enter a value out of range
                    contents = Path('Error.html').read_text()
            except ValueError:  # if the client enter a word
                contents = Path('Error.html').read_text()
            contents += f"""<a href="/">Main page</a></body></html>"""

        # 2) Information about the karyotype
        elif verb == "/karyotype":
            specie = req_line.split("=")[1]
            list_species = info_json("info/species?")["species"]  # we get all the species
            contents = ""
            for dictionary in list_species:
                if specie in dictionary.values():  # check if the specie entered by the client is valid
                    info = info_json("info/assembly/" + specie + "?")["karyotype"]  # get the karyotype of the species
                    contents = document("KARYOTYPE OF A SPECIFIC SPECIES", "plum")  # we compute the html response
                    contents += f"""<h4> The names of the {specie}'s chromosomes are: </h4>"""
                    for element in info:
                        contents += f"""<p> • {element}</p>"""
                else:  # if the species does not exist
                    contents = Path('Error.html').read_text()
            contents += f"""<a href="/">Main page</a></body></html>"""

        # 3) Chromosome Length
        elif verb == "/chromosomeLength":
            number = req_line.split("=")[2]
            values = req_line.split("=")[1]
            specie = values.split("&")[0]
            list_species = info_json("info/species?")["species"]  # we get all the species
            contents = ""
            for dictionary in list_species:
                if specie in dictionary.values():  # check if the specie entered by the client is valid
                    info = info_json("info/assembly/" + specie + "?")["top_level_region"]  # get all the lengths
                    for element in info:
                        if element["name"] == number:  # check if the chromosome is valid
                            # we compute the html response
                            contents = document("LENGTH OF A SPECIFIC CHROMOSOME", "plum")
                            contents += f"""<h4> The length of the chromosomes {number} is: </h4>"""
                            contents += f"""<p> {element["length"]} </p>"""
                        else:  # if the chromosome does not exist
                            contents = Path('Error.html').read_text()
                else:  # if the chromosome does not exist
                    contents = Path('Error.html').read_text()
            contents += f"""<a href="/">Main page</a></body></html>"""

        # 4) Sequence of a human gene
        elif verb == "/geneSeq":
            value = req_line.split("=")[1]
            if value == "":  # if the client does not enter anything
                contents = Path('Error.html').read_text()
                try:  # if the value is a number it prints an error
                    value = int(value)
                    contents = Path('Error.html').read_text()
                except ValueError:
                    try:  # if the value is not a number
                        gene_id = info_json(f"/xrefs/symbol/homo_sapiens/{value}?")[0]["id"]  # get the id
                        seq = info_json(f"/sequence/id/{gene_id}?")   # get all the information about the gene
                        contents = document("GENE SEQUENCE", "plum")  # we compute the html response
                        contents += f'<p> The sequence of gene {value} is: </p>'
                        # get the sequence of the id
                        contents += f'<textarea rows = "30" cols = "150"> {seq["seq"]} </textarea>'
                    except IndexError:  # if the gene does not exist
                        contents = Path('Error.html').read_text()
            contents += f"""<a href="/">Main page</a></body></html>"""

        # 5) Information about a human gene
        elif verb == "/geneInfo":
            value = req_line.split("=")[1]
            if value == "":  # if the client does not enter anything
                contents = Path('Error.html').read_text()
                try:  # if the value is not a number
                    value = int(value)
                    contents = Path('Error.html').read_text()
                except ValueError:
                        gene_id = info_json(f"/xrefs/symbol/homo_sapiens/{value}?")[0]["id"]  # get the id
                        seq_info = info_json(f"/lookup/id/{gene_id}?")  # get all the information about the gene
                        contents = document("SEQUENCE INFORMATION", "plum")  # we compute the html response
                        contents += f'<h4> The sequence of gene {value} is: </h4>'
                        contents += f'<p> The start point is: {seq_info["start"]} </p>'
                        contents += f'<p> The end point is: {seq_info["end"]} </p>'
                        contents += f'<p> The length is: {seq_info["end"] - seq_info["start"]} </p>'
                        contents += f'<p> The id is: {seq_info["id"]} </p>'
                        contents += f'<p> The chromose is: {seq_info["seq_region_name"]} </p>'
                    except IndexError:  # if the gene does not exist
                        contents = Path('Error.html').read_text()
            contents += f"""<a href="/">Main page</a></body></html>"""

        # 6) Total length and % of bases os a human gene
        elif verb == "/geneCalc":
            value = req_line.split("=")[1]
            if value == "":   # if the client does not enter anything
                contents = Path('Error.html').read_text()
                try:  # if the value is not a number
                    value = int(value)
                    contents = Path('Error.html').read_text()
                except ValueError:
                        gene_id = info_json(f"/xrefs/symbol/homo_sapiens/{value}?")[0]["id"]  # get the id
                        sequence = info_json(f"/sequence/id/{gene_id}?")["seq"]  # get the sequence of the gene
                        seq = Seq(sequence)
                        contents = document("SEQUENCE CALCULATIONS", "plum")  # we compute the html response
                        contents += f'<h4> Calculations over the introduced gene {value}: </h4>'
                        contents += f'<p> Total length of this gene is: {seq.len()}</p>'  # calculate the length
                        contents += f'<p> Percentage of the bases is: </p>'
                        for base in bases:  # calculate the count and the percentage od the sequence
                            count = seq.count_base(base)
                            percentage = round(seq.count_base(base) * (100 / seq.len()), 2)
                            contents += f'<p> {base}: {count} ({percentage}%) </p>'
                    except IndexError:  # if the gene does not exist
                        contents = Path('Error.html').read_text()
            contents += f"""<a href="/">Main page</a></body></html>"""

        # 7) List of genes located in a chromosome
        elif verb == "/geneList":
            value = req_line.split("?")[1]
            chromo_number, start_number, end_number = value.split("&")
            chromo = chromo_number.split("=")[1]
            start = start_number.split("=")[1]
            end = end_number.split("=")[1]
            if chromo == "" or start == "" or end == "":  # if the client does not enter anything
                contents = Path('Error.html').read_text()
                    start = int(start)  # check if the start point is a number
                    end = int(end)  # check if the start point is a number
                    # check if the chromosome is human
                    if chromo in ["x", "X", "y", "Y", "MT"] or 1 <= int(chromo) <= 22:
                        # get the genes inside that positions
                        genes = info_json(f"/overlap/region/human/{chromo}:{start}-{end}?feature=gene;")
                            contents = document("GENE LIST", "plum")  # we compute the html response
                            contents += f"<h4>Genes located in the chromosome {chromo} from {start} to {end} positions:</h4>"
                            for list_gene in genes:
                                contents += f'<p> - {list_gene["external_name"]}</p>'
                        except TypeError:  # if the start or end points are no valid
                            contents = Path('Error.html').read_text()
                    else:  # if the chromosome is not one of the human
                        contents = Path('Error.html').read_text()
                except ValueError:  # if something entered by the client is not a number
                    contents = Path('Error.html').read_text()
            contents += f"""<a href="/">Main page</a></body></html>"""

            contents = Path('Error.html').read_text()

        self.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/html')
        self.send_header('Content-Length', len(str.encode(contents)))
    r1 = conn.getresponse()
    print(f"Response received!: {r1.status} {r1.reason}\n")
    data1 = r1.read().decode()

    gene = json.loads(data1)

    termcolor.cprint(f"Gene: ", "yellow", end="")
    termcolor.cprint("Description: ", "yellow", end="")
          )  #see esembl page for desc and seq (especial functions)

    sequence = gene['seq']
    s = Seq(sequence)
    l = s.length()
    ac = s.count_base("A")
    tc = s.count_base("T")
    cc = s.count_base("C")
    gc = s.count_base("G")
    termcolor.cprint("Total length: ", "yellow", end="")
    resp = f"""
    A: {ac} ({round((ac / l) * 100)})%
    C: {cc} ({round((cc / l) * 100)})%
    T: {tc} ({round((tc / l) * 100)})% 
    G: {gc} ({round((gc / l) * 100)})%"""

    dictionary = s.count()
    listvalues = list(dictionary.values())
    maxvalue = max(listvalues)
Exemplo n.º 18
    def do_GET(self):
        """This method is called whenever the client invokes the GET method
        in the HTTP protocol request"""

        # Print the request line
        termcolor.cprint(self.requestline, 'green')  #green request line

        req_line = self.requestline.split(
            ' ')  #splits the request line (by the spaces)

        arguments = (req_line[1]).split(
        )  #We get the first request line and then the path, goes after /. We get the arguments that go after the ?

        first_argument = arguments[0]  #sets the first argument

        contents = Path('Error.html').read_text()  #no argument --> error form

        #--------------------------------------------MAIN PROGRAM--------------------------------------------

            # --------------------------------------------only / --------------------------------------------
            if first_argument == "/":  #return an HTML page with the forms for accessing to all the previous services

                contents = Path('index.html').read_text(
                )  #contents displayed in index.html


            elif first_argument == '/listSpecies':  #part 2, list species --> html form list the names of all the species available in the database
                contents = f"""<!DOCTYPE html> 
                                    <html lang = "en">
                                     <meta charset = "utf-8" >
                                     <title>List of species in the browser</title >
                                    </head >
                                    <body  style="background-color:rgb(255,255,182)">
                                     <h1 style="color:rgb(21,105,150);"> List of species in the genome database</h1>
                                     <p style="color:rgb(21,105,150);"><b>The total number of species in ensembl is: 286</b></p>

                #Get the arguments after the ?
                get_value = arguments[1]

                #We need the value of the index --> position of the sequence
                seq_n = get_value.split('?')  #splits the argument by the ?
                seq_name, index = seq_n[0].split("=")  #splits by the =

                # menu of iteration to chose the path to act when the limit is inputed
                if index == "":  #no index is inputed --> all list must be printed
                    index = "286"
                if index == str:  #this module works as an exception for when a string is inputed
                    contents = """<!DOCTYPE html> 
                                                        <html lang="en"> 
                                                                <meta charset="UTF-8">
                                                            <body style="background-color:rgb(255,255,182)">
                                                                <p> Limit must be a number </p>
                                                                <a href="/"> Main page </a> </p>
                index = int(index)
                if index <= 0:  #index less or equal to 0 --> error
                    contents = """<!DOCTYPE html>
                                <html lang="en" dir="ltr">
                                    <meta charset="utf-8">
                                  <body style="background-color: red;">
                                    <p>Resource not available</p>
                                    <p>Your search's limit is equal or less than 0</p>
                if index > 0:  #index more than 0 --> normal execution of the program
                    #html to print the total numbers of species selected
                    contents += f"""<p>The number of species you selected are: {index} </p>"""

                    #now program starts, gets the requested limit and ...

                    endpoint = 'info/species'  #stablishes the endpoint and its parameters for the request
                    parameters = '?content-type=application/json'
                    request = endpoint + parameters

                        conn.request("GET", request)  #connection request

                    except ConnectionRefusedError:  #exception for connection error
                        print("ERROR! Cannot connect to the Server")

                    #----------------------Main program of listSpecies------------------------

                    # -- Read the response message from the server
                    response = conn.getresponse()

                    # -- Read the response's body
                    body = response.read().decode(
                    )  #utf_8 to admit all characters in the response

                    limit_list = []  #list to save all species within the limit
                    body = json.loads(
                        body)  #loads is a json method to read json response
                    limit = body["species"]  #json.loads(species)

                    if index > len(
                            limit):  #if there are more species than the limit
                        contents = f"""<!DOCTYPE html>
                                                    <html lang = "en">
                                                     <meta charset = "utf-8" >
                                                     <title>ERROR</title >
                                                    <body  style="background-color:rgb(255,255,182)">
                                                    <p>ERROR LIMIT OUT OF RANGE</p>
                                                    <p> Introduce a valid limit</p>
                                                    <a href="/">Main page</a></body></html>"""
                        for element in limit:  #iteration to get all the species within the limit
                            )  #appends each element to the list

                            if len(limit_list) == index:
                                contents += f"""<p>The species are: </p>"""
                                for specie in limit_list:  #iteration to print all the species in the limit list
                                    contents += f"""<p> - {specie} </p>"""
                        contents += f"""<a href="/">Main page</a></body></html>"""  #link to return to main page

            # --------------------------------------------karyotype--------------------------------------------

            elif first_argument == '/karyotype':  #part3, returns the names of the cromosomes of the chosen species

                contents = f"""<!DOCTYPE html>
                                <html lang = "en">
                                    <meta charset = "utf-8">
                                     <title> Karyotype </title >
                                </head >
                                <body  style="background-color:rgb(255,255,182)">

                    # Get the arguments after the ?
                    get_value = arguments[1]

                    # We get the seq index and name
                    specie = get_value.split('?')  # splits by the ?
                    specie_method, name_sp = specie[0].split(
                        "=")  # splits by the =

                    full_name = ""  #we initialize the variable to keep doble or more word names
                    for n in range(
                            0, len(name_sp)
                    ):  #we iterate to inlude all the characters of the entire name (all words combined with +)
                        if name_sp[
                                n] == "+":  #when we get a + we create a space with "%20" in the url to be able to search it in the database as a 2 (or more) word species
                            full_name += "%20"
                            full_name += name_sp[
                                n]  #in case its a one word species

                    endpoint = 'info/assembly/'  #stablishes the endpoint and its parameters for the request
                    parameters = '?content-type=application/json'
                    request = endpoint + full_name + parameters

                        conn.request("GET", request)  #connection request

                    except ConnectionRefusedError:  #exception for connection error
                        print("ERROR! Cannot connect to the Server")

                    # ----------------------Main program of karyotype------------------------
                    # -- Read the response message from the server
                    response = conn.getresponse()

                    # -- Read the response's body
                    body = response.read().decode(
                    )  #utf_8 to admit all characters in the response
                    body = json.loads(
                        body)  #loads is a json method to read json response
                    karyotype_data = body[
                        "karyotype"]  #list to save all the names

                    full_name = full_name.replace(
                        "%20", " "
                    )  #to print it with a space between both words (in double word species)
                    contents += f"""<h2 style="color:rgb(21,105,150);"> The names of the {full_name} chromosomes are:</h2>"""

                    for chromosome in karyotype_data:  #iteration to print all the chromosomes names
                        contents += f"""<p> - {chromosome} </p>"""

                    contents += f"""<a href="/">Main page </a></body></html>"""  #link to return to main page

                except KeyError:  #exception in case no value or an incorrect format value is inputed
                    contents = f"""<!DOCTYPE html> 
                                    <html lang="en"> 
                                            <meta charset="UTF-8">
                                        <body style="background-color:rgb(255,255,182)">
                                            <p> Selected specie's karyotype information is not available </p>
                                            <p><a href="/karyotype?Specie={full_name}">Check if your specie is in our database</a><br><br>
                                            <p> Introduce a specie in the database to find its karyotype </p>
                                            <a href="/"> Main page </a> </p>

            # --------------------------------------------Cromosome length--------------------------------------------

            elif first_argument == "/chromosomeLength":  #part4, Return the Length of the chromosome named "chromo" of the given specie

                    # We get the arguments that go after the ?, it will get us the SPECIE&CHROMOSOME
                    pair = arguments[1]

                    # We have to separate both the species name and the chromo index inputed
                    pairs = pair.split('&')  #splits by the &
                    specie_name, specie = pairs[0].split(
                        "=")  #having pair[0] as the species name

                    chromosome_index, chromosome = pairs[1].split(
                        "=")  #having pair[1] as the species name

                    #html form for when no chromosome index is inputed
                    contents = f"""<!DOCTYPE html>
                                <html lang = "en">
                                 <meta charset = "utf-8" >
                                 <title>ERROR</title >
                                <body  style="background-color:rgb(255,255,182)">
                                <p>ERROR INVALID VALUE</p>
                                <p> Introduce a valid integer value for chromosome of this species</p>
                                <a href="/">Main page</a></body></html>"""

                    full_name = ""  # we initialize the variable to keep doble or more word names
                    for n in range(
                            0, len(specie)
                    ):  # we iterate to inlude all the characters of the entire name (all words combined with +)
                        if specie[
                                n] == "+":  # when we get a + we create a space with "%20" in the url to be able to search it in the database as a 2 (or more) word species
                            full_name += "%20"
                            full_name += specie[
                                n]  # in case its a one word species

                    endpoint = 'info/assembly/'  # stablishes the endpoint and its parameters for the request
                    parameters = '?content-type=application/json'
                    request = endpoint + full_name + parameters

                        conn.request("GET", request)  #connection request
                    except ConnectionRefusedError:  #exception for connection error
                        print("ERROR! Cannot connect to the Server")

                    # ----------------------Main program of chromosome length------------------------
                    # -- Read the response message from the server
                    response = conn.getresponse()

                    # -- Read the response's body
                    body = response.read().decode(
                    )  #utf_8 to admit all characters in the response
                    body = json.loads(
                        body)  #loads is a json method to read json response

                    chromosome_data = body[
                        "top_level_region"]  #list to save all the chromosomes
                    specie = specie.replace(
                        "+", " "
                    )  #to print it with a space between both words (in double word species)

                    for chromo in chromosome_data:  #iteration to get all the chromosomes within the list of data

                        if chromo["name"] == str(
                                chromosome):  #to print the cromosome length
                            length = chromo["length"]
                            contents = f"""<!DOCTYPE html><html lang = "en"><head><meta charset = "utf-8" ><title> Length Chromosome</title >
                                            </head ><body  style="background-color:rgb(255,255,182)"><h2 style="color:rgb(21,105,150);"> The length of the '{chromosome}' {specie} chromosome is: {length}</h2><a href="/"> Main page</a"""

                except KeyError:  #exception in case no value or an incorrect format value is inputed
                    contents = f"""<!DOCTYPE html> 
                                                    <html lang="en"> 
                                                            <meta charset="UTF-8">
                                                        <body style="background-color:rgb(255,255,182)">
                                                            <p> Selected specie's cromosome length information is not available </p>
                                                            <p><a href="/karyotype?Specie={full_name}">Check if your specie is in our database</a><br><br>
                                                            <p> Introduce a specie in the database (with a proper chromosome) to find its length information </p>
                                                            <a href="/"> Main page </a> </p>

            # --------------------------------------------gene Seq--------------------------------------------

            elif first_argument == "/geneSeq":  #Return the sequence of a given human gene

                contents = f"""<!DOCTYPE html>
                            <html lang = "en">            
                            <meta charset = "utf-8">
                            <title> Gene Sequence </title>
                            <body  style="background-color:rgb(255,255,182)">
                                <h1 style="color:rgb(225, 141, 27)"> Gene Sequence</h1>"""

                    # We get the arguments that go after the ?
                    get_value = arguments[1]

                    # We get the seq index, after we have a couple of elements, the one which we need is the value of the index
                    # position of the sequence
                    seq_n = get_value.split('?')  #splits the argument by the ?
                    seq_name, name_seq = seq_n[0].split(
                        "=")  # #splits by the = --> name of the gene inputed

                    contents += f"""<p style="color:rgb(225, 141, 27)"> The sequence of gene {name_seq} is:  </p>"""  #html to print the gene name

                    first_endpoint = "xrefs/symbol/homo_sapiens/"  #first endpoint = homosapiens --> human gene
                    parameters = '?content-type=application/json'
                    first_request = first_endpoint + name_seq + parameters

                        conn.request("GET", first_request)  #connection request

                    except ConnectionRefusedError:  #exception for connection error
                        print("ERROR! Cannot connect to the Server")

                    # ----------------------Main program of geneSeq------------------------

                    # -- Read the response message from the server
                    response = conn.getresponse()
                    # -- Read the response's body
                    body = response.read().decode()
                    body = json.loads(
                        body)  #loads is a json method to read json response

                    id_gene = body[
                        0]  #to get the id of the gene (first column of body) #json.loads(id)
                    id_gene = id_gene["id"]

                    second_endpoint = "sequence/id/"  #to get specifically the sequence of the gene we id'd
                    second_request = second_endpoint + id_gene + parameters

                                     second_request)  #connection request

                    except ConnectionRefusedError:  #exception for connection error
                        print("ERROR! Cannot connect to the Server")

                    # -- Read the second response message from the server
                    second_response = conn.getresponse()

                    # -- Read the second response's body
                    second_body = second_response.read().decode("utf-8")
                    second_body = json.loads(
                    )  #loads is a json method to read json response

                    sequence = second_body["seq"]  #gene sequence asked
                    contents += f"""<p>{sequence}</p><a href="/">Main page</a></body></html>"""  #print the sequence on screen

                except KeyError:  #exception in case no value or an incorrect format value is inputed
                    contents = """<!DOCTYPE html> 
                                      <html lang="en"> 
                                                <meta charset="UTF-8">
                                            <body style="background-color:rgb(255,255,182)">
                                                <p> Selected specie's gene sequence information is not available </p>
                                                <p> Introduce a valid human gene to find its sequence information </p>
                                                <a href="/"> Main page </a> </p>

            # --------------------------------------------gene Info-------------------------------------------

            elif first_argument == "/geneInfo":  #Return information about a human gene: start, end, Length, id and Chromose

                contents = f"""<!DOCTYPE html>
                                <html lang = "en">     
                                    <meta charset = "utf-8" >
                                    <title>Gene Information</title>
                                 <body  style="background-color:rgb(255,255,182)">"""

                    # We get the arguments that go after the ?
                    get_value = arguments[1]

                    # We get the seq index, after we have a couple of elements, the one which we need is the value of the index
                    # position of the sequence
                    seq_n = get_value.split('?')  #splits the argument by the ?
                    seq_name, name_seq = seq_n[0].split(
                        "=")  # #splits by the = --> name of the gene inputed

                    contents += f"""<p style="color:rgb(225, 141, 27)"> Information of gene {name_seq} is:  </p>"""  #html to print the gene name

                    first_endpoint = "xrefs/symbol/homo_sapiens/"  #first endpoint = homosapiens --> human gene
                    parameters = '?content-type=application/json'
                    first_request = first_endpoint + name_seq + parameters

                        conn.request("GET", first_request)  #connection request
                    except ConnectionRefusedError:
                        print("ERROR! Cannot connect to the Server"
                              )  #exception for connection error

                    # ----------------------Main program of geneInfo------------------------

                    # -- Read the response message from the server
                    response = conn.getresponse()

                    # -- Read the response's body
                    body = response.read().decode()
                    body = json.loads(
                        body)  #loads is a json method to read json response

                    id_gene = body[
                        0]  #to get the id of the gene (first column of body) #json.loads(id)
                    id_gene = id_gene["id"]

                    second_endpoint = "lookup/id/"  #to get specifically the info of the sequence of the gene we id'd
                    second_request = second_endpoint + id_gene + parameters

                                     second_request)  #connection request

                    except ConnectionRefusedError:  #exception for connection error
                        print("ERROR! Cannot connect to the Server")

                    # -- Read the second response message from the server
                    second_response = conn.getresponse()
                    # -- Read the response's body
                    second_body = second_response.read().decode()
                    second_body = json.loads(
                    )  #loads is a json method to read json response

                    length = int(second_body["end"]) - int(
                        second_body["start"])  #measure the length of the gene

                    #prints the data of the starting point, end, length, region name and gene id
                    contents += f"""<p> -Starts at: {second_body ["start"]} </p><p> -Ends at: {second_body ["end"]} </p>
                                <p> -Length is: {length}</p>
                                <p> -ID is at: {id_gene} </p> <p> Located in chromosome: {second_body ["seq_region_name"]} </p>
                                <a href="/">Main page</a></body></html>"""

                except KeyError:  #exception in case no value or an incorrect format value is inputed
                    contents = """<!DOCTYPE html> 
                                                <html lang="en"> 
                                                          <meta charset="UTF-8">
                                                      <body style="background-color:rgb(255,255,182)">
                                                          <p> Selected specie's gene information is not available </p>
                                                          <p> Introduce a valid human gene to find its information </p>
                                                          <a href="/"> Main page </a> </p>

            # --------------------------------------------gene Calc--------------------------------------------

            elif first_argument == "/geneCalc":  #Return the names of the genes located in the chromosome "chromo" from the start to end positions

                contents = f"""<!DOCTYPE html>
                                    <html lang = "en">            
                                    <meta charset = "utf-8">
                                    <title> Gene Calculations</title>
                                        <body  style="background-color:rgb(255,255,182)">
                                        <h1 style="color:rgb(225, 141, 27)">Gene calculations</h1>"""
                    # We get the arguments that go after the ?
                    get_value = arguments[1]

                    # We get the seq index, after we have a couple of elements, the one which we need is the value of the index
                    # position of the sequence
                    seq_n = get_value.split('?')  #splits the argument by the ?
                    seq_name, name_seq = seq_n[0].split(
                        "=")  #splits by the = --> name of the gene inputed

                    first_endpoint = "xrefs/symbol/homo_sapiens/"  #first endpoint = homosapiens --> human gene
                    parameters = '?content-type=application/json'
                    first_request = first_endpoint + name_seq + parameters

                        conn.request("GET", first_request)  #connection request

                    except ConnectionRefusedError:
                        print("ERROR! Cannot connect to the Server"
                              )  #exception for connection error

                    # ----------------------Main program of geneCalc------------------------

                    # -- Read the response message from the server
                    response = conn.getresponse()

                    # -- Read the response's body
                    body = response.read().decode('utf-8')
                    body = json.loads(
                        body)  #loads is a json method to read json response

                    id_gene = body[
                        0]  #to get the id of the gene (first column of body) #json.loads(id)
                    id_gene = id_gene["id"]

                    second_endpoint = "sequence/id/"  #to get specifically the info of the sequence of the gene we id'd
                    second_request = second_endpoint + id_gene + parameters

                                     second_request)  #connection request

                    except ConnectionRefusedError:
                        print("ERROR! Cannot connect to the Server"
                              )  #exception for connection error

                    # -- Read the second response message from the server
                    second_response = conn.getresponse()

                    # -- Read the second response's body
                    second_body = second_response.read().decode()
                    second_body = json.loads(second_body)

                    sequence = Seq(
                        second_body["seq"])  #gets the sequence of the gene

                    contents += f"""<p> The length of gene {name_seq} is: {sequence.len()} </p>"""

                    list_of_bases = ["A", "C", "G", "T"]

                    for base in list_of_bases:
                        perc_base = round(
                            sequence.count_base(base) * 100 / sequence.len(),
                        contents += f"""<p> {base} : {sequence.count_base(base)} ({perc_base}%) </p>"""
                    contents += f"""<a href="/">Main page</a></body></html>"""

                except KeyError:  #exception in case no value or an incorrect format value is inputed
                    contents = """<!DOCTYPE html> 
                                                <html lang="en"> 
                                                          <meta charset="UTF-8">
                                                      <body style="background-color:rgb(255,255,182)">
                                                          <p> Selected specie's gene calculations information is not available </p>
                                                          <p> Introduce a valid human gene to find its calculations information </p>
                                                          <a href="/"> Main page </a> </p>

            # --------------------------------------------gene geneList--------------------------------------------

            elif first_argument == "/geneList":  #Return the names of the genes located in the chromosome "chromo" from the start to end positions

                contents = f"""<!DOCTYPE html>
                              <html lang = "en">            
                              <meta charset = "utf-8">
                              <title> Gene List</title>
                              <body  style="background-color:rgb(255,255,182)">
                              <h1 style="color:rgb(225, 141, 27)">Gene List</h1>"""

                    # We get the arguments that go after the ?
                    get_value = arguments[1]

                    # We get the seq index, after we have a couple of elements, the one which we need is the value of the index
                    # position of the sequence
                    pairs = get_value.split('&')  #splits by the &
                    chromo_value, chromo = pairs[0].split(
                        "=")  #having pair[0] as the species name
                    chromosome_start, start = pairs[1].split(
                        "=")  #chromosome start (pair[1] column)
                    chromosome_end, end = pairs[2].split(
                        "=")  #chromosome end (pair[2] column)

                    contents += f"""<p style="color:rgb(225, 141, 27)"> List of genes of the chromosome {chromo}, which goes from {start} to {end}: </p>"""

                    endpoint = "overlap/region/human/"  # first endpoint --> human
                    parameters = '?feature=gene;content-type=application/json'
                    request = endpoint + chromo + ":" + start + "-" + end + parameters  #request line

                        conn.request("GET", request)  #connection request

                    except ConnectionRefusedError:
                        print("ERROR! Cannot connect to the Server"
                              )  #exception for connection error

                    # ----------------------Main program of geneList------------------------
                    # -- Read the response message from the server
                    response = conn.getresponse()
                    # -- Read the response's body
                    body = response.read().decode(
                    )  #utf_8 to admit all characters in the response
                    body = json.loads(body)

                    for element in body:  #iteration to print all the elements of the chromosome within the chosen limits
                        contents += f"""<p>{element["external_name"]}</p>"""
                    contents += f"""<a href="/">Main page</a></body></html>"""

                except KeyError:  #exception in case no value or an incorrect format value is inputed
                    contents = """<!DOCTYPE html> 
                                                    <html lang="en"> 
                                                              <meta charset="UTF-8">
                                                          <body style="background-color:rgb(255,255,182)">
                                                              <p> Selected specie's gene interval sequence information is not available </p>
                                                              <p> Introduce a valid human gene to find its interval sequence information </p>
                                                              <a href="/"> Main page </a> </p>

    # Open the form1.html file
    # Read the index from th

    # Define the content-type header:
            if 'json=1' in req_line:
                self.send_header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
                self.send_header('Content-Length', len(str.encode(contents)))

                self.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/html')
                self.send_header('Content-Length', len(str.encode(contents)))

            # The header is finished

            # Send the response message


        except (KeyError, ValueError, IndexError, TypeError):
            contents = Path('error.html').read_text()
Exemplo n.º 19
    def do_GET(self):
        """This method is called whenever the client invokes the GET method
       in the HTTP protocol request"""
        termcolor.cprint(self.requestline, "green")
        req_line = self.requestline.split(' ')
        path = req_line[1]
        arguments = path.split('?')
        option = arguments[0]
        content = Path('error.html').read_text()
        cod = 404
        if option == "/":
            content = Path('form-4.html').read_text()
            cod = 200
        elif option == "/ping":
            content = """<!DOCTYPE html><html lang = "en"><head><meta charset = "utf-8" ><title> Ping </title ></head >
           <body><h2> PING OK!</h2><p> The SEQ2 server in running.... </p><a href="/">Main page</a></body></html>"""
            cod = 200
        elif option == "/get":
            get_seq = arguments[1]
            seq = get_seq.split('?')
            name, seq_index = seq[0].split("=")
            seq_index = int(seq_index)
            seq = LIST_SEQ[seq_index]
            content = f"""<!DOCTYPE html><html lang = "en"><head><meta charset = "utf-8" ><title> Get </title ></head >
           <body><h2> Sequence number {seq_index}</h2><p> {seq} </p><a href="/">Main page</a></body></html>"""
            cod = 200
        elif option == "/gene":
            get_gene = arguments[1]
            couple = get_gene.split('?')
            name, gene = couple[0].split("=")
            seq = Seq()
            filename = FOLDER + gene + TXT
            seq = Seq(seq.read_fasta(filename))
            gene = str(seq)
            content = f"""<!DOCTYPE html><html lang = "en"><head><meta charset = "utf-8" ><title> Gene </title ></head>
           <body><h2> Gene: {gene}</h2><textarea readonly rows="20" cols="80"> {gene_seq} </textarea><br><br>
           <a href="/">Main page</a></body></html>"""
            cod = 200
        elif option == "/operation":
            operation = arguments[1]
            couple = operation.split('&')
            name_s, seq = couple[0].split("=")
            name_o, op = couple[1].split("=")
            seq = Seq(seq)
            if op == "comp":
                result = seq.complement()
            elif op == "rev":
                result = seq.reverse()
                l = seq.len()
                A_COUNTER = seq.count_base('A')
                C_COUNTER = seq.count_base('C')
                G_COUNTER = seq.count_base('G')
                T_COUNTER = seq.count_base('T')
                A_PER = 100 * A_COUNTER / l
                C_PER = 100 * C_COUNTER / l
                G_PER = 100 * G_COUNTER / l
                T_PER = 100 * T_COUNTER / l
                result = f"""<p>Total length: {l}</p><p>A: {A_COUNTER} ({A_PER}%)</p><p>G: {C_COUNTER} ({C_PER}%)
               </p><p>C: {G_COUNTER} ({G_PER}%)</p><p>T: {T_COUNTER} ({T_PER}%)</p>"""

            content = f"""<!DOCTYPE html><html lang = "en"><head><meta charset = "utf-8" ><title> Operation </title >
           </head ><body><h2> Sequence </h2><p>{seq}</p><h2> Operation: </h2><p>{op}</p><h2> Result: </h2><p>{result}
           </p><br><br><a href="/">Main page</a></body></html>"""
            cod = 200

        # Generating the response message
        self.send_response(cod)  # -- Status line: OK!

        # Define the content-type header:
        self.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/html')
        self.send_header('Content-Length', len(str.encode(content)))

        # The header is finished

        # Send the response message

r1 = conn.getresponse()
print(f"Response received!: {r1.status} {r1.reason}\n")
data1 = r1.read().decode()
gene = json.loads(data1)

termcolor.cprint("Gene", 'green', end="")
print(f": {name}")
termcolor.cprint("Description", 'green', end="")
print(f": {gene['desc']}")

genestr = gene['seq']
s = Seq(genestr)

length = s.len()
termcolor.cprint("Total length", 'green', end="")
print(f": {length}")

for e in BASES:
    count = s.count_base(e)
    percentage = round(s.count_base(e) * (100 / s.len()), 2)
    termcolor.cprint(f"{e}", 'blue', end="")
    print(f": {count} ({percentage}%)")

dictionary = s.count()
list_values = list(dictionary.values())
max_base = max(list_values)

termcolor.cprint("Most frequent Base", 'green', end="")
print(f": {BASES[list_values.index(max_base)]}")
console = json.loads(data1)
sequence = console['id']

termcolor.cprint('GENE:', 'green')
termcolor.cprint("Description:", 'green')
termcolor.cprint('Bases:', 'green')

sequence = Seq(console['seq'])

termcolor.cprint('Total length:', 'green')
termcolor.cprint('A:', 'blue')
print('(', sequence.count_base('A') * 100 / sequence.len(), '%)')
termcolor.cprint('C:', 'blue')
print('(', sequence.count_base('C') * 100 / sequence.len(), '%)')
termcolor.cprint('G:', 'blue')
print('(', sequence.count_base('G') * 100 / sequence.len(), '%)')
termcolor.cprint('T:', 'blue')
print('(', sequence.count_base('T') * 100 / sequence.len(), '%)')

total_bases = list(sequence.count().values())
maximum = max(total_bases)
termcolor.cprint("Most frequent base: ", 'green')
    def do_GET(self):

        termcolor.cprint(self.requestline, 'green')
        request = self.requestline.split(' ')
        raw_arg = request[1]
        clean_arg = raw_arg.split('?')
        argument = clean_arg[0]

        if argument == '/':
            contents = Path('form-4.html').read_text()

        elif argument == '/ping':
            contents = f"""
                        <!DOCTYPE html>
                        <html lang = "en">
                        <meta charset = "utf-8" >
                          <title> PING </title >
                        </head >
                        <h2> PING OK!</h2>
                        <p> The SEQ2 server is running </p>
                        <a href="/">Main page</a>
                        </html> """

        elif argument == '/get':
            argument1 = clean_arg[1].split('&')
            name, value = argument1[0].split('=')
            value = int(value)
            sequence = Sequences[value]
            contents = f"""
                        <!DOCTYPE html>
                        <html lang = "en">
                        <meta charset = "utf-8" >
                          <title> GET </title >
                        </head >
                        <h2> Sequence number {value}</h2>
                        <p> {sequence} </p>
                        <a href="/">Main page</a>
                        </html> """

        elif argument == '/gene':
            argument1 = clean_arg[1].split('&')
            name, gene = argument1[0].split('=')
            sequence = Seq()
            sequence.read_fasta(FOLDER + gene + EXT)
            gene_str = str(sequence)
            contents = f"""
                       <!DOCTYPE html>
                       <html lang = "en">
                       <meta charset = "utf-8" >
                         <title> GENE </title >
                       </head >
                       <h2> Gene: {gene}</h2>
                       <textarea readonly rows="20" cols="80"> {gene_str} </textarea>
                       <a href="/">Main page</a>

        elif argument == '/operation':
            argument1 = clean_arg[1].split('&')
            name, sequence = argument1[0].split("=")
            name, operation = argument1[1].split("=")
            seq = Seq(sequence)
            if operation == 'comp':
                result = seq.complement()
            elif operation == 'rev':
                result = seq.reverse()
                length = seq.len()
                num_bases = []
                perc_bases = []
                for element in bases:
                    counter_bases = seq.count_base(element)
                    percentage = round((seq.count_base(element) * 100 / seq.len()), 2)

                result = f"""
                        <p>Total length: {length}</p>
                        <p>A: {num_bases[0]} ({perc_bases[0]}%)</p>
                        <p>C: {num_bases[1]} ({perc_bases[1]}%)</p>
                        <p>G: {num_bases[2]} ({perc_bases[2]}%)</p>
                        <p>T: {num_bases[3]} ({perc_bases[3]}%)</p>"""

            contents = f"""
                    <!DOCTYPE html>
                    <html lang = "en">
                    <meta charset = "utf-8" >
                      <title> OPERATION </title >
                    </head >
                    <a href="/">Main page</a>

            contents = Path('Error.html').read_text()

        self.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/html')
        self.send_header('Content-Length', len(str.encode(contents)))

Exemplo n.º 23
    def do_GET(self):

        # Print the request line
        termcolor.cprint(self.requestline, 'green')

        path = self.requestline.split()[1]
        arguments = path.split('?')
        firts_argument = arguments[0]


            if firts_argument == "/":
                contents = Path("main-page.html").read_text()

            elif firts_argument == "/listSpecies":
                second_argument = arguments[1]
                new_argument = second_argument.split("&")
                data = client_get_species(
                if len(new_argument) == 2:
                    parameter, json = second_argument.split("&")
                    third_argument = parameter.split("=")[1]
                    if json == "json=1":
                        new_list = []
                        counter = 0
                        if third_argument == "":
                            for element in data:
                                counter += 1
                            contents = list_species(third_argument, new_list)
                        elif int(third_argument) <= 267:
                            for element in data:
                                if counter < int(third_argument):
                                    counter += 1
                            contents = list_species(third_argument, new_list)
                        contents = Path('Error.json').read_text()
                elif len(new_argument) == 1:
                    third_argument = second_argument.split("=")[1]
                    contents = html_file("lightblue", "List of species")
                    contents += f"""<p>Total number of species is 267</p>"""
                    if third_argument == "":
                        contents += f""" <p>The limit you have selected is:{267} </p>
                                        <p>The names of the species are:</p>"""
                        for element in data:
                            contents += f"""<p> · {element["display_name"]} </p>"""
                    elif 267 >= int(third_argument):
                        contents += f""" <p>Total number of species is: 267 </p>
                                    <p>The limit you have selected is: {third_argument}</p>
                                    <p>The names of the species are:</p>"""
                        count = 0
                        for element in data:
                            if count < int(third_argument):
                                contents += f'''<p> · {element["display_name"]}</p>'''
                            count += 1
                        contents += f"""<p>Total number of species is: 267 </p>
                                        <p>The limit you have selected is:{third_argument}</p>
                                        <p>The names of the species are:</p>"""
                        for element in data:
                            contents += f"""<p> · {element["display_name"]} </p>"""
            elif firts_argument == "/karyotype":
                second_argument = arguments[1]
                new_argument = second_argument.split("&")
                if len(new_argument) == 2:
                    parameter, json = second_argument.split("&")
                    third_argument = parameter.split("=")[1]
                    data = client_get_species(

                    if json == "json=1":
                        contents_1 = data["karyotype"]
                        new_list = []
                        for element in contents_1:
                        contents = karyotype_dic(new_list)
                        contents = Path('Error.json').read_text()
                elif len(new_argument) == 1:

                    third_argument = second_argument.split("=")[1]
                    species = client_get_species(
                        "info/assembly/" + third_argument +
                    contents = html_file("pink", "Name of chromosomes:")
                    contents += f"""<p>The names of the chromosomes are: </p>"""
                    for element in species:
                        contents += f"""<p> · {element} </p>"""
            elif firts_argument == "/chromosomeLength":
                second_argument = arguments[1]
                new_argument = second_argument.split("&")
                if len(new_argument) == 3:
                    specie, chromosome, json = second_argument.split("&")
                    specie_1 = specie.split("=")[1]
                    chromo = chromosome.split("=")[1]
                    species = client_get_species(
                        "info/assembly/" + specie_1 +

                    if json == "json=1":
                        info = species["top_level_region"]
                        contents = dic_chromosomeLength(0)
                        for element in info:
                            if element["name"] == chromo:
                                length = element["length"]
                                contents = dic_chromosomeLength(length)
                        contents = Path('Error.json').read_text()
                elif len(new_argument) == 2:
                    specie, chromosome = second_argument.split("&")
                    specie_1 = specie.split("=")[1]
                    chromo = chromosome.split("=")[1]
                    species = client_get_species(
                        "info/assembly/" + specie_1 +
                    info = species["top_level_region"]
                    contents = html_file("plum", "Chromosome length")
                    for element in info:
                        if element["coord_system"] == "chromosome":
                            if element["name"] == chromo:
                                contents += f"""<p> The length of the chromosome is: {element["length"]} </p>"""
            elif firts_argument == "/geneSeq":
                second_argument = arguments[1]
                new_argument = second_argument.split("&")
                if len(new_argument) == 2:
                    parameter, json = second_argument.split("&")
                    gene = parameter.split("=")[1]
                    id_gen = client_get_species(
                    data = client_get_species(
                    if json == "json=1":
                        contents = dict_geneSeq(data["seq"])
                        contents = Path('Error.json').read_text()
                elif len(new_argument) == 1:
                    gene = second_argument.split("=")[1]
                    id_gen = client_get_species(
                    data = client_get_species(
                    contents = html_file("aquamarine",
                                         "Sequence of a human gene")
                    contents += f'<p> The sequence of gene {gene} is: </p>'
                    contents += f'<textarea rows = "100" "cols = 500"> {data["seq"]} </textarea>'

            elif firts_argument == "/geneInfo":
                second_argument = arguments[1]
                new_argument = second_argument.split("&")
                if len(new_argument) == 2:
                    parameter, json = second_argument.split("&")
                    gene = parameter.split("=")[1]
                    id_gen = client_get_species(
                    data = client_get_species(
                    if json == "json=1":
                        length = data["end"] - data["start"]
                        contents = dict_geneInfo(data["start"], data["end"],
                                                 length, data["id"],
                        contents = Path('Error.json').read_text()
                elif len(new_argument) == 1:
                    gene = second_argument.split("=")[1]
                    id_gen = \
                    data = client_get_species(
                    contents = html_file("palevioletred",
                                         "Information of a human gene")
                    contents += f'<p> The gene is on chromosome {data["seq_region_name"]} </p>'
                    contents += f'<p> The start of the gene is: {data["start"]} </p>'
                    contents += f'<p> The end of the gene is: {data["end"]}</p>'
                    contents += f'<p> The length of the gene is: {data["end"] - data["start"]}</p>'
                    contents += f'<p> The identification of the gene is: {id_gen}</p>'
            elif firts_argument == "/geneCalc":
                second_argument = arguments[1]
                new_argument = second_argument.split("&")
                if len(new_argument) == 2:
                    parameter, json = second_argument.split("&")
                    gene = parameter.split("=")[1]
                    id_gen = client_get_species(
                    data = client_get_species(
                    sequence = Seq(data["seq"])
                    if json == "json=1":
                        bases_list = []
                        for base in list_bases:
                        contents = dict_geneCalc(sequence.len(), bases_list)
                        contents = Path('Error.json').read_text()

                elif len(new_argument) == 1:
                    gene = second_argument.split("=")[1]
                    id_gen = \
                    data = client_get_species(
                    sequence = data["seq"]
                    gene_seq = Seq(sequence)
                    contents = html_file(
                        "Length and percentage of basis of the gene")
                    contents += f"The total lenght of the sequence is: {gene_seq.len()}"
                    for element in list_bases:
                        contents += f"<p>Base {element}: Percentage: ({gene_seq.count_base(element)[1]}%)</p>"

            elif firts_argument == "/geneList":
                second_argument = arguments[1]
                new_argument = second_argument.split("&")
                if len(new_argument) == 4:
                    first, second, third, json = second_argument.split("&")
                    chromo = first.split("=")[1]
                    start = second.split("=")[1]
                    end = third.split("=")[1]
                    data = client_get_species(
                        "overlap/region/human/" + chromo + ":" + start + "-" +
                        end + "?feature=gene;content-type=application/json")
                    if json == "json=1":
                        new_list = []
                        for gene in data:
                        contents = dict_geneList(new_list)
                        contents = Path('Error.json').read_text()
                elif len(new_argument) == 3:
                    first, second, third = second_argument.split("&")
                    chromo = first.split("=")[1]
                    start = second.split("=")[1]
                    end = third.split("=")[1]
                    data = client_get_species(
                        "overlap/region/human/" + chromo + ":" + start + "-" +
                        end + "?feature=gene;content-type=application/json")
                    contents = html_file("moccasin", "List of human genes")
                    for gene in data:
                        contents += f"<p> · {gene['external_name']} </p>"

        except (KeyError, ValueError, IndexError, TypeError):
            contents = Path('Error.html').read_text()

        endpoints = [
            "/", "/listSpecies", "/karyotype", "/chromosomeLength", "/geneSeq",
            "/geneInfo", "/geneCalc", "/geneList"

        if firts_argument in endpoints:
            if "json" in path:
                type = "application/json"
                type = "text/html"

        self.send_header('Content-Type', type)
        self.send_header('Content-Length', len(str.encode(contents)))
Exemplo n.º 24
    def do_GET(self):
        """This method is called whenever the client invokes the GET method
        in the HTTP protocol request"""

        # Print the request line
        termcolor.cprint(self.requestline, 'green')

        # Analize the request line
        req_line = self.requestline.split(' ')

        # Get the path. It always start with the / symbol
        path = req_line[1]

        # Read the arguments
        arguments = path.split('?')

        # Get the verb. It is the first argument
        verb = arguments[0]

        # -- Content type header
        # -- Both, the error and the main page are in HTML
        contents = Path('Error.html').read_text()
        error_code = 404

        if verb == "/":
            # Open the form1.html file
            # Read the index from the file
            contents = Path('form-4.html').read_text()
            error_code = 200
        elif verb == "/ping":
            contents = """
            <!DOCTYPE html>
            <html lang = "en">
            <meta charset = "utf-8" >
              <title> PING </title >
            </head >
            <h2> PING OK!</h2>
            <p> The SEQ2 server in running... </p>
            <a href="/">Main page</a>
            error_code = 200
        elif verb == "/get":
            # -- Get the argument to the right of the ? symbol
            pair = arguments[1]
            # -- Get all the pairs name = value
            pairs = pair.split('&')
            # -- Get the two elements: name and value
            name, value = pairs[0].split("=")
            n = int(value)

            # -- Get the sequence
            seq = SEQ_GET[n]

            # -- Generate the html code
            contents = f"""
                        <!DOCTYPE html>
                        <html lang = "en">
                        <meta charset = "utf-8" >
                          <title> GET </title >
                        </head >
                        <h2> Sequence number {n}</h2>
                        <p> {seq} </p>
                        <a href="/">Main page</a>
            error_code = 200
        elif verb == "/gene":
            # -- Get the argument to the right of the ? symbol
            pair = arguments[1]
            # -- Get all the pairs name = value
            pairs = pair.split('&')
            # -- Get the two elements: name and value
            name, gene = pairs[0].split("=")

            s = Seq()
            s.read_fasta(FOLDER + gene)
            gene_str = str(s)
            # -- Generate the html code
            contents = f"""
                        <!DOCTYPE html>
                        <html lang = "en">
                        <meta charset = "utf-8" >
                          <title> GENE </title >
                        </head >
                        <h2> Gene: {gene}</h2>
                        <textarea readonly rows="20" cols="80"> {gene_str} </textarea>
                        <a href="/">Main page</a>
            error_code = 200
        elif verb == "/operation":
            # -- Get the argument to the right of the ? symbol
            pair = arguments[1]
            # -- Get all the pairs name = value
            pairs = pair.split('&')
            # -- Get the two elements: name and value
            name, seq = pairs[0].split("=")
            # -- Get the two elements of the operation
            name, op = pairs[1].split("=")

            # -- Create the sequence
            s = Seq(seq)

            if op == "comp":
                result = s.complement()
            elif op == "rev":
                result = s.reverse()
                length = s.len()
                count_bases = []
                count_percentages = []
                for e in bases:
                    count = s.count_base(e)
                    percentage = round(s.count_base(e) * (100 / s.len()), 2)

                result = f"""
                <p>Total length: {length}</p>
                <p>A: {count_bases[0]} ({count_percentages[0]}%)</p>
                <p>C: {count_bases[1]} ({count_percentages[1]}%)</p>
                <p>G: {count_bases[2]} ({count_percentages[2]}%)</p>
                <p>T: {count_bases[3]} ({count_percentages[3]}%)</p>"""

            contents = f"""
                        <!DOCTYPE html>
                        <html lang = "en">
                        <meta charset = "utf-8" >
                          <title> OPERATION </title >
                        </head >
                        <h2> Sequence </h2>
                        <h2> Operation: </h2>
                        <h2> Result: </h2>
                        <a href="/">Main page</a>
            error_code = 200

        # Generating the response message
        self.send_response(error_code)  # -- Status line: OK!

        # Define the content-type header:
        self.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/html')
        self.send_header('Content-Length', len(str.encode(contents)))

        # The header is finished

        # Send the response message

Exemplo n.º 25
    def do_GET(self):
        """This method is called whenever the client invokes the GET method
        in the HTTP protocol request"""

        # Print the request line
        termcolor.cprint(self.requestline, 'green')

        # Analize the request line
        req_line = self.requestline.split(' ')

        # Take the path info
        path = req_line[1]

        # Separate the path from the rest of the request line
        arguments = path.split('?')

        # we take the service names from the path
        action = arguments[0]

        # -- Content type header
        # -- Both, the error and the main page are in HTML
        contents = Path('Error.html').read_text()
        error_code = 404

        if action == "/":
            # Open the form1.html file
            # Read the index from the file
            contents = Path('form-4.html').read_text()
            error_code = 200
        elif action == "/ping":
            contents = """
            <!DOCTYPE html>
            <html lang = "en">
            <meta charset = "utf-8" >
              <title> PING </title >
            </head >
            <h2> PING OK!</h2>
            <p> The SEQ2 server in running... </p>
            <a href="/">Main page</a>
            error_code = 200
        elif action == "/get":
            # -- Get the argument to the right of the ? symbol
            pair = arguments[1]
            # -- Get all the pairs name = value
            pairs = pair.split('&')
            # -- Get the two elements: name and value
            name, value = pairs[0].split("=")
            n = int(value)

            # -- Get the sequence
            seq = SEQ_GET[n]

            # -- Generate the html code
            contents = f"""
                        <!DOCTYPE html>
                        <html lang = "en">
                        <meta charset = "utf-8" >
                          <title> GET </title >
                        </head >
                        <h2> Sequence number {n}</h2>
                        <p> {seq} </p>
                        <a href="/">Main page</a>
            error_code = 200
        elif action == "/gene":
            # -- Get the argument to the right of the ? symbol
            pair = arguments[1]
            # -- Get all the pairs name = value
            pairs = pair.split('&')
            # -- Get the two elements: name and value
            name, gene = pairs[0].split("=")

            s = Seq()
            s.read_fasta(FOLDER + gene + EXT)
            gene_str = str(s)
            # -- Generate the html code
            contents = f"""
                        <!DOCTYPE html>
                        <html lang = "en">
                        <meta charset = "utf-8" >
                          <title> GENE </title >
                        </head >
                        <h2> Gene: {gene}</h2>
                        <textarea readonly rows="20" cols="80"> {gene_str} </textarea>
                        <a href="/">Main page</a>
            error_code = 200
        elif action == "/operation":
            # -- Get the argument to the right of the ? symbol
            pair = arguments[1]
            # -- Get all the pairs name = value
            pairs = pair.split('&')
            # -- Get the two elements: name and value
            name, seq = pairs[0].split("=")
            # -- Get the two elements of the operation
            name, op = pairs[1].split("=")

            # -- Create the sequence
            s = Seq(seq)

            if op == "comp":
                result = s.complement()
            elif op == "rev":
                result = s.reverse()
                sl = s.len()
                ca = s.count_base('A')
                pa = "{:.1f}".format(100 * ca / sl)
                cc = s.count_base('C')
                pc = "{:.1f}".format(100 * cc / sl)
                cg = s.count_base('G')
                pg = "{:.1f}".format(100 * cg / sl)
                ct = s.count_base('T')
                pt = "{:.1f}".format(100 * ct / sl)

                result = f"""
                <p>Total length: {sl}</p>
                <p>A: {ca} ({pa}%)</p>
                <p>C: {cc} ({pc}%)</p>
                <p>G: {cg} ({pg}%)</p>
                <p>T: {ct} ({pt}%)</p>"""

            contents = f"""
                        <!DOCTYPE html>
                        <html lang = "en">
                        <meta charset = "utf-8" >
                          <title> OPERATION </title >
                        </head >
                        <h2> Sequence </h2>
                        <h2> Operation: </h2>
                        <h2> Result: </h2>
                        <a href="/">Main page</a>
            error_code = 200

        # Generating the response message
        self.send_response(error_code)  # -- Status line: OK!

        # Define the content-type header:
        self.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/html')
        self.send_header('Content-Length', len(str.encode(contents)))

        # The header is finished

        # Send the response message

    # -- Create a variable with the data,
    # -- form the JSON received
    gene = json.loads(body)

    print("Gene", end="")
    print(":", colored(name, "green"))
    print("Description", end="")
    print(":", colored(gene['desc'], "green"))

    body = gene['seq']

    # -- Create the object sequence from the string
    # We use class Seq for using its functions
    seq = Seq(body)
    length = seq.len()
    counter_a = seq.count_base('A')
    counter_g = seq.count_base('G')
    counter_c = seq.count_base('C')
    counter_t = seq.count_base('T')
    perc_a = 100 * counter_a / length
    perc_g = 100 * counter_g / length
    perc_c = 100 * counter_c / length
    perc_t = 100 * counter_t / length

    print("Total lengh", end="")
    print(":", colored(length, "green"))

    print("A", end="")
    print(":", colored(counter_a, "green"), colored(perc_a, "blue"), "%")
    print("C", end="")
    print(":", colored(counter_c, "green"), colored(perc_c, "blue"), "%")
        termcolor.cprint("Description :", "green", end=" ")

        sequence = Seq(gene_info['seq'])

        termcolor.cprint("Total length: ", "green", end=" ")

        bases = ['A', 'C', 'G', 'T']

        for base in bases:
            termcolor.cprint(base, "blue", end=" ")
            print(f": {sequence.count_base(base)}", end=" ")
            percentage_base = "{:.1f}".format(
                sequence.count_base(base) / sequence.len() * 100)
            print(f"({percentage_base} %)")

        max = 0
        max_base = ""
        for base in bases:
            if sequence.count_base(base) > int(max):
                max = sequence.count_base(base)
                max_base = base

        print("Most frequent base: ", {max_base})

except ConnectionRefusedError:
    print("ERROR! Cannot connect to the Server")
Exemplo n.º 28
from Seq1 import Seq

print("Practice 1, Exercise 5")

s1 = Seq()
s2 = Seq("GATCGG")
s3 = Seq("Invalid sequence")

validbases = ["A", "T", "G", "C"]
print("Sequence 1: (Length : ", s1.len(), ")", s1)
for element in validbases:
    print(element + ":", s1.count_base(element), end=",  ")
print("\nSequence 2: (Length : ", s2.len(), ")", s2)
for element in validbases:
    print(element + ":", s2.count_base(element), end=",  ")
print("\nSequence 3: (Length : ", s3.len(), ")", s3)
for element in validbases:
    print(element + ":", s3.count_base(element), end=",  ")
Exemplo n.º 29
    # -- Read the response's body
    data1 = r1.read().decode("utf-8")

    # -- Create a variable with the data,
    # -- form the JSON received
    response = json.loads(data1)

    termcolor.cprint(f"Gene: ", "green", end="")

    termcolor.cprint(f"Description: ", "green", end="")

    seq_bases = response['seq']
    sequence = Seq(seq_bases)
    termcolor.cprint(f"Total length: ", "green", end="")

    for base in bases:
        count = sequence.count_base(base)
        percentage = round(
            sequence.count_base(base) * (100 / sequence.len()), 2)
        termcolor.cprint(f"{base}", 'blue', end="")
        print(f": {count} ({percentage}%)")

    d = sequence.seq_count()
    ll = list(d.values())
    m = max(ll)
    termcolor.cprint("Most frequent Base:", 'green', end="")
    content = answer.read().decode()

    # -- Create a variable with the data,
    # -- form the JSON received
    gene = json.loads(content)

    termcolor.cprint("Gene:", "green", end="")
    termcolor.cprint("Description:", "green", end="")

    GENE_SEQ = gene["seq"]

    seq = Seq(GENE_SEQ)
    l = seq.len()
    A_COUNTER = seq.count_base('A')
    C_COUNTER = seq.count_base('C')
    G_COUNTER = seq.count_base('G')
    T_COUNTER = seq.count_base('T')
    A_PER = 100 * A_COUNTER / l
    C_PER = 100 * C_COUNTER / l
    G_PER = 100 * G_COUNTER / l
    T_PER = 100 * T_COUNTER / l

print(f"""Total length: {l}
T: {T_COUNTER} ({T_PER}%)""")

DICT_VALUES = seq.count()