Exemplo n.º 1
def get_list_contracts(cursor, params):
    req = "select * from Contract"
    status = Object()
    obj = Object()
    status.status = Status.Ok.value

    filtr = params.get(Params.Filter.Name)
    if filtr is not None:
        req += " where"
        if filtr == Params.Filter.Bounty:
            min = params.get(Params.Min)
            max = params.get(Params.Max)

            if min is None or max is None:
                status.status = Status.Error.value
                obj.value = "ERROR:{}{}".format(EventGetListContracts.MinParamMiss if min is None else "",
                                                EventGetListContracts.MaxParamMiss if max is None else "").value
                req += " Bounty > {} and Bounty < {}".format(min, max)

        elif filtr == Params.Filter.Locate:
            town = params.get(Params.Town)
            kingdom = params.get(Params.Kingdom)

            if town is None and kingdom is None:
                status.status = Status.Error.value
                obj.value = EventGetListContracts.FilterLocateErr.value
                req += " Contract.id_task_located in (select id from Town where"

                if town is not None:
                    req += " Town.name = '{}'".format(town)

                    if kingdom is not None:
                        req += " and"
                        req += ')'

                if kingdom is not None:
                    req += " Town.id_kingdom in (select id from Kingdom where Kingdom.name = '{}'))".format(kingdom)

    sort = params.get(Params.Sort.Name)
    if sort is not None:
        req += " order by"
        if sort == Params.Sort.Alph:
            req += " text"
        elif sort == Params.Sort.Locate:
            req += " id_task_located"
        elif sort == Params.Sort.LastUpdate:
            req += " last_update"
            status.status = Status.Error.value
            obj.value = EventGetListContracts.SortErr.value

        sort_type = params.get(Params.SortType.Name)
        if sort_type is not None and sort_type == Params.SortType.Desc:
            req += " desc"

    if status.status == Status.Ok.value:
        contracts = cursor.fetchall()

        cursor.execute("select name from sys.columns where object_id = OBJECT_ID('dbo.Contract')")
        headers = cursor.fetchall()

        obj.contracts = {}
        for i in range(len(headers)):
            head = str(headers[i])[2:-4]
            obj.contracts[head] = []
            for j in range(len(contracts)):

    status.object = obj
    return status.toJSON()
Exemplo n.º 2
def list_contract(cursor, params, **kwargs):
    obj = Object()
    status = Object()
    status.status = Status.Error.value
    obj.message = "Неопознанная ошибка в методу Get List Contracts"

    req = 'select * from Contract'
    req += " inner join \
                (select town, kingdom, idT from ((select [Town].name as town, [Town].id_kingdom, \
                [Town].id as idT from [Town] ) as T\
                inner join \
                (select [Kingdom].name as kingdom, [Kingdom].id as idK From [Kingdom]) as K on T.id_kingdom = K.idK) )\
                 as TK on id_task_located = TK.idT"

    if kwargs.get('id_witcher') is not None:
        req += ' inner join Desired_Contract on Desired_Contract.id_contract = Contract.id \
                 where Desired_Contract.id_witcher={}'.format(
    elif kwargs.get('id_client') is not None:
        req += ' where id_client={}'.format(kwargs.get('id_client'))

    filtr = params.get(Params.Filter.Name)
    if filtr is not None:
        req += " and "
        if filtr == Params.Filter.Bounty:
            min = params.get(Params.Min)
            max = params.get(Params.Max)

            if min is None or max is None:
                status.status = Status.Error.value
                obj.value = "ERROR:{}{}".format(
                    EventGetListContracts.MinParamMiss if min is None else "",
                    EventGetListContracts.MaxParamMiss if max is None else "")
                req += " Bounty > {} and Bounty < {}".format(min, max)

        elif filtr == Params.Filter.Locate:
            town = params.get(Params.Town)
            kingdom = params.get(Params.Kingdom)

            if town is None and kingdom is None:
                status.status = Status.Error.value
                obj.value = EventGetListContracts.FilterLocateErr.value
                if town is not None:
                    req += " town = '{}' {} ".format(
                        town, "and " if kingdom is not None else "")

                if kingdom is not None:
                    req += " kingdom = '{}' ".format(kingdom)

    stat = params.get(Params.Status)
    if stat is not None and (kwargs.get('id_witcher') is not None
                             or kwargs.get('id_client') is not None):
        req += " and status={}".format(stat)

    sort = params.get(Params.Sort.Name)

    if sort is not None:
        sort_type_desc = params.get(Params.SortType.Name) is not None \
                         and params.get(Params.SortType.Name) == Params.SortType.Desc

        req += " order by"
        if sort == Params.Sort.Alph:
            req += " header"
        elif sort == Params.Sort.Locate:
            req += " kingdom {}, town".format("desc" if sort_type_desc else "")
        elif sort == Params.Sort.LastUpdate:
            req += " last_update"
            status.status = Status.Error.value
            obj.value = EventGetListContracts.SortErr.value

        if sort_type_desc:
            req += " desc"

    row = cursor.fetchall()
    headers = tuple(cursor.description)

    obj.contracts = {}
    for N, i in enumerate(row):

        line = Object()
        for n, head in enumerate(headers):
            setattr(line, head[0], i[n])

        obj.contracts[N] = line

    status.object = obj
    status.status = Status.Ok.value
    obj.message = EventGetListContracts.SuccessGetListContracts.value
    return status.toJSON()