class RemoteContainer:
  def __init__(self, containername, configBuildMachine, logger, packageSrcPath, containertype):
    self.hostname = containername
    self.staticMachine = (True if ('static' in configBuildMachine and configBuildMachine['static'] == "t") else False)

    if configBuildMachine['port'] is not None:
    if configBuildMachine['cid'] is not None:

    self.containername = str(self.cid).zfill(3) + "-" + containername

    if configBuildMachine['local'] is not None and configBuildMachine['local'] == "t":
      # the host server for the build container is actually hosting the LBS application as well
      # or the container is running on localhost
      if containertype == "lxc":
      if containertype == "docker":

    self.config = Config.LoadConfig()
    self.SSHContainerPath = self.config['lbs']['SSHContainerPath']
    self.logger = logger = Shell(logger)
    # we are reusing the slots, for caches etc
    self.slot = containername
    self.distro = ""
    self.release = ""
    self.arch = ""
    self.staticIP = ""
    self.packageSrcPath = packageSrcPath

  def calculateLocalContainerIP(self, cid):
    # test if we are inside a container as well
    # we just test if the host server for the build container is actually hosting the LBS application as well
    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
    # just need to connect to any external host to know which is the IP address of the machine that hosts LBS
    s.connect((self.hostname, 80))
    # on CentOS: /etc/libvirt/qemu/networks/default.xml 192.168.122
    # on Fedora 27: /etc/libvirt/qemu/networks/default.xml 192.168.124
    # on Ubuntu 16.04: /etc/default/lxc-net 10.0.3
    if '.'.join(lbsipaddress) == "192.168.122" or '.'.join(lbsipaddress) == "192.168.124" or '.'.join(lbsipaddress) == "10.0.3":
      return '.'.join(lbsipaddress) + "." + str(cid)

    # we are running uwsgi and lxc/docker on one host
    if os.path.isfile("/etc/redhat-release"):
      file = open("/etc/redhat-release", 'r')
      version =
      if "Fedora" in version:
        return "192.168.124." + str(cid)
      if "CentOS" in version:
        return "192.168.122." + str(cid)
    elif os.path.isfile("/etc/lsb-release"):
      file = open("/etc/lsb-release", 'r')
      version =
      if "Ubuntu" in version:
        return "10.0.3." + str(cid)

  def executeOnHost(self, command):
    if'ssh -f -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -p ' + self.port + ' -i ' + self.SSHContainerPath + "/container_rsa root@" + self.hostname + " \"export LC_ALL=C; (" + command + ") 2>&1; echo \$?\""):
      return self.logger.getLastLine() == "0"
    return False

  def createmachine(self, distro, release, arch, staticIP):
    # not implemented here
    return False

  def startmachine(self):
    # not implemented here
    return False

  def executeInContainer(self, command):
    """Execute a command in a container via SSH"""
    # not implemented here
    return False

  def destroy(self):
    # not implemented here
    return False

  def stop(self):
    # not implemented here
    return False

  def rsyncContainerPut(self, src, dest):
    # not implemented here
    return False

  def rsyncContainerGet(self, path, dest = None):
    # not implemented here
    return False

  def rsyncHostPut(self, src, dest = None):
    # not implemented here
    return False

  def rsyncHostGet(self, path, dest = None):
    # not implemented here
    return False

  def installmount(self, localpath, hostpath = None):
    # not implemented here
    return False
Exemplo n.º 2
    def getPackagingInstructionsInternal(self, userconfig, username,
                                         projectname, branchname,
                                         gitprojectname, lbsproject, pathSrc):
        os.makedirs(pathSrc, exist_ok=True)

        needToDownload = True

        #we want a clean clone
        #but do not delete the tree if it is being used by another build
        t = None
        if os.path.isfile(pathSrc + 'lbs-' + projectname + '-lastused'):
            t = os.path.getmtime(pathSrc + 'lbs-' + projectname + '-lastused')
            # delete the tree only if it has not been used within the last 3 minutes
            if (time.time() - t) < 3 * 60:
                needToDownload = False
            # update the timestamp
            os.utime(pathSrc + 'lbs-' + projectname + '-lastused')
            open(pathSrc + 'lbs-' + projectname + '-lastused', 'a').close()

        headers = {}
        if not 'GitType' in userconfig or userconfig['GitType'] == 'github':
            url = lbsproject + "/archive/" + branchname + ".tar.gz"
        elif userconfig['GitType'] == 'gitlab':
            url = lbsproject + "/repository/archive.tar.gz?ref=" + branchname
            tokenfilename = self.config["lbs"][
                "SSHContainerPath"] + "/" + username + "/" + projectname + "/gitlab_token"
            if os.path.isfile(tokenfilename):
                with open(tokenfilename, "r") as myfile:
                    headers['PRIVATE-TOKEN'] =

        # check if the version we have is still uptodate
        etagFile = pathSrc + 'lbs-' + projectname + '-etag'
        if needToDownload and os.path.isfile(etagFile):
            with open(etagFile, 'r') as content_file:
                Etag =
                headers['If-None-Match'] = Etag
            r = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
            if 'Etag' in r.headers and r.headers['Etag'] == '"' + Etag + '"':
                needToDownload = False

        if not needToDownload and os.path.isdir(pathSrc + 'lbs-' +
            # we can reuse the existing source, it was used just recently, or has not changed on the server
            self.StorePackageHashes(pathSrc + 'lbs-' + projectname, username,
                                    projectname, branchname)

        # delete the working tree
        if os.path.isdir(pathSrc + 'lbs-' + projectname):
            shutil.rmtree(pathSrc + 'lbs-' + projectname)

        sourceFile = pathSrc + "/" + branchname + ".tar.gz"
        if os.path.isfile(sourceFile):
        r = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
        if r.status_code == 401:
            raise Exception(
                "problem downloading the repository, access denied")
        elif not r.status_code == 200:
            raise Exception("problem downloading the repository " + url +
                            ", HTTP error code " + str(r.status_code))

        chunk_size = 100000
        with open(sourceFile, 'wb') as fd:
            for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size):
        if 'Etag' in r.headers:
            Etag = r.headers['Etag']
            with open(etagFile, 'w') as fd:

        shell = Shell(Logger())
        if not 'GitType' in userconfig or userconfig['GitType'] == 'github':
            cmd = "cd " + pathSrc + ";"
            cmd += "tar xzf " + branchname + ".tar.gz; mv lbs-" + gitprojectname + "-" + branchname + " lbs-" + projectname
        elif userconfig['GitType'] == 'gitlab':
            cmd = "cd " + pathSrc + ";"
            cmd += "tar xzf " + branchname + ".tar.gz; mv lbs-" + gitprojectname + "-" + branchname + "-* lbs-" + projectname

        if os.path.isfile(sourceFile):
        if not os.path.isdir(pathSrc + 'lbs-' + projectname):
            raise Exception("Problem with cloning the git repo")

        self.StorePackageHashes(pathSrc + 'lbs-' + projectname, username,
                                projectname, branchname)
Exemplo n.º 3
class Build:
  'run one specific build of one package'

  def __init__(self, LBS, logger):
    self.LBS = LBS
    self.logger = logger
    self.container = None
    self.finished = False
    self.buildmachine = None
    self.config = Config.LoadConfig()

  def createbuildmachine(self, lxcdistro, lxcrelease, lxcarch, buildmachine, packageSrcPath):
    # create a container on a remote machine
    self.buildmachine = buildmachine
    con = Database(self.config)
    stmt = "SELECT * FROM machine WHERE name = ?"
    cursor = con.execute(stmt, (buildmachine,))
    machine = cursor.fetchone()
    if machine['type'] == 'lxc':
      self.container = LXCContainer(buildmachine, machine, self.logger, packageSrcPath)
    elif machine['type'] == 'docker':
      self.container = DockerContainer(buildmachine, machine, self.logger, packageSrcPath)
    elif machine['type'] == 'copr':
      self.container = CoprContainer(buildmachine, machine, self.logger, packageSrcPath)
    return self.container.createmachine(lxcdistro, lxcrelease, lxcarch, buildmachine)

  def buildpackageOnCopr(self, username, projectname, packagename, branchname, packageSrcPath, lxcdistro, lxcrelease, lxcarch):
    # connect to copr
    coprtoken_filename = self.config['lbs']['SSHContainerPath'] + '/' + username + '/' + projectname + '/copr'
    if not os.path.isfile(coprtoken_filename):
      raise Exception("please download a token file from copr and save in " + coprtoken_filename)

    userconfig = self.config['lbs']['Users'][username]
    copr_projectname =  projectname
    if 'CoprProjectName' in userconfig['Projects'][projectname]:
      copr_projectname = userconfig['Projects'][projectname]['CoprProjectName']

    if not self.container.connectToCopr(coprtoken_filename, copr_projectname):
      raise Exception("problem connecting to copr, does the project " + copr_projectname + " already exist?")

    # calculate the release number
    release = self.container.getLatestReleaseFromCopr(packagename)
    if release is not None:
      if release.find('.') > -1:
        releasenumber = int(release[:release.find('.')])
        afterreleasenumber = release[release.find('.'):]
        release = str(releasenumber+1)+afterreleasenumber
        release = str(int(release)+1)

    # build the src rpm locally, and move to public directory
    # simplification: tarball must be in the git repository
    # simplification: lbs must run on Fedora = Shell(self.logger)
    rpmbuildpath = "/run/uwsgi/rpmbuild_" + username + "_" + projectname + "_" + packagename"mkdir -p " + rpmbuildpath + "/SOURCES; mkdir -p " + rpmbuildpath + "/SPECS")"cp -R " + packageSrcPath + "/* " + rpmbuildpath + "/SOURCES; mv " + rpmbuildpath + "/SOURCES/*.spec " + rpmbuildpath + "/SPECS")
    if release is not None:"sed -i 's/^Release:.*/Release: " + release + "/g' " + rpmbuildpath + "/SPECS/*.spec")
    if not"rpmbuild --define '_topdir " + rpmbuildpath + "' -bs " + rpmbuildpath + "/SPECS/" + packagename + ".spec"):
      raise Exception("Problem with building the source rpm file for package " + packagename)
    myPath = username + "/" + projectname
    if 'Secret' in self.config['lbs']['Users'][username]:
      raise Exception("You cannot use a secret path when you are working with Copr")
    repoPath=self.config['lbs']['ReposPath'] + "/" + myPath + "/" + lxcdistro + "/" + lxcrelease + "/src"
    files = os.listdir(rpmbuildpath + "/SRPMS")
    if files is not None and len(files) == 1:
      srcrpmfilename = files[0]
      raise Exception("cannot find the source rpm, no files in " + rpmbuildpath + "/SRPMS")
    if not os.path.isfile(rpmbuildpath + "/SRPMS/" + srcrpmfilename):
      raise Exception("cannot find the source rpm, " + rpmbuildpath + "/SRPMS/" + srcrpmfilename + " is not a file")
    if not"mkdir -p " + repoPath + " && mv " + rpmbuildpath + "/SRPMS/" + srcrpmfilename + " " + repoPath + " && rm -Rf " + rpmbuildpath):
      raise Exception("Problem moving the source rpm file")

    # tell copr to build this srpm. raise an exception if the build failed.
    if not self.container.buildProject(self.config['lbs']['DownloadUrl'] + "/repos/" + myPath + "/" + lxcdistro + "/" + lxcrelease + "/src/" + srcrpmfilename):
      raise Exception("problem building the package on copr")

  def buildpackageOnContainer(self, username, projectname, packagename, branchname, lxcdistro, lxcrelease, pathSrc):
        # install a mount for the project repo
        myPath = username + "/" + projectname
        if 'Secret' in self.config['lbs']['Users'][username]:
          myPath = username + "/" + self.config['lbs']['Users'][username]['Secret'] + "/" + projectname
        mountPath=self.config['lbs']['ReposPath'] + "/" + myPath + "/" + lxcdistro + "/" + lxcrelease
        if not self.container.installmount(mountPath, "/mnt" + mountPath, "/root/repo"):
          raise Exception("Problem with installmount")
        mountPath=self.config['lbs']['TarballsPath'] + "/" + myPath
        if not self.container.installmount(mountPath, "/mnt" + mountPath, "/root/tarball"):
          raise Exception("Problem with installmount")
        # prepare container, install packages that the build requires; this is specific to the distro
        self.buildHelper = BuildHelperFactory.GetBuildHelper(lxcdistro, self.container, username, projectname, packagename, branchname)
        if not self.buildHelper.PrepareMachineBeforeStart():
          raise Exception("Problem with PrepareMachineBeforeStart")
        if self.container.startmachine():
          self.logger.print("container has been started successfully")
          raise Exception("Problem with startmachine")
        if not self.buildHelper.PrepareMachineAfterStart():
          raise Exception("Problem with PrepareMachineAfterStart")
        if not self.buildHelper.PrepareForBuilding():
          raise Exception("Problem with PrepareForBuilding")

        # copy the repo to the container
        self.container.rsyncContainerPut(pathSrc+'lbs-'+projectname, "/root/lbs-"+projectname)
        # copy the keys to the container
        sshContainerPath = self.config['lbs']['SSHContainerPath']
        if os.path.exists(sshContainerPath + '/' + username + '/' + projectname):
          self.container.rsyncContainerPut(sshContainerPath + '/' + username + '/' + projectname + '/*', '/root/.ssh/')
          self.container.executeInContainer('chmod 600 /root/.ssh/*')

        if not self.buildHelper.DownloadSources():
          raise Exception("Problem with DownloadSources")
        if not self.buildHelper.InstallRepositories(self.config['lbs']['DownloadUrl']):
          raise Exception("Problem with InstallRepositories")
        if not self.buildHelper.SetupEnvironment(branchname):
          raise Exception("Setup script did not succeed")
        if not self.buildHelper.InstallRequiredPackages():
          raise Exception("Problem with InstallRequiredPackages")
        # disable the network, so that only code from the tarball is being used
        if not self.buildHelper.DisableOutgoingNetwork():
          raise Exception("Problem with disabling the network")
        if not self.buildHelper.BuildPackage():
          raise Exception("Problem with building the package")
        myPath = username + "/" + projectname
        if 'Secret' in self.config['lbs']['Users'][username]:
          myPath = username + "/" + self.config['lbs']['Users'][username]['Secret'] + "/" + projectname
        srcPath=self.config['lbs']['ReposPath'] + "/" + myPath + "/" + lxcdistro + "/" + lxcrelease
        if not self.container.rsyncHostGet(srcPath, destPath):
          raise Exception("Problem with syncing repos")
        srcPath=self.config['lbs']['TarballsPath'] + "/" + myPath
        if not self.container.rsyncHostGet(srcPath, destPath):
          raise Exception("Problem with syncing tarballs")
        # create repo file

  def buildpackage(self, username, projectname, packagename, branchname, lxcdistro, lxcrelease, lxcarch, buildmachine, jobId):
    userconfig = self.config['lbs']['Users'][username]
    self.logger.print(" * Starting at " + strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S GMT%z"))
    self.logger.print(" * Preparing the machine...")

    # get the sources of the packaging instructions
    gotPackagingInstructions = False
      pathSrc=self.LBS.getPackagingInstructions(userconfig, username, projectname, branchname)
      packageSrcPath=pathSrc + '/lbs-'+projectname + '/' + packagename
      gotPackagingInstructions = True
    except Exception as e:
      self.logger.print("LBSERROR: "+str(e)+ "; for more details see /var/log/uwsgi.log")

    jobFailed = True
    if not gotPackagingInstructions:
      self.LBS.ReleaseMachine(buildmachine, jobFailed)
    elif self.createbuildmachine(lxcdistro, lxcrelease, lxcarch, buildmachine, packageSrcPath):
        if type(self.container) is CoprContainer:
          self.buildpackageOnCopr(username, projectname, packagename, branchname, packageSrcPath, lxcdistro, lxcrelease, lxcarch)
          self.buildpackageOnContainer(username, projectname, packagename, branchname, lxcdistro, lxcrelease, pathSrc)
        self.LBS.MarkPackageAsBuilt(username, projectname, packagename, branchname, lxcdistro, lxcrelease, lxcarch)
        jobFailed = False
      except Exception as e:
        # TODO: logging to log file does not work yet?
        logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, filename='/var/log/lbs.log')
        logging.exception("Error happened...")
        self.logger.print("LBSERROR: "+str(e))
        self.LBS.ReleaseMachine(buildmachine, jobFailed)
      self.logger.print("LBSERROR: There is a problem with creating the container!")
      self.LBS.ReleaseMachine(buildmachine, jobFailed)
    self.finished = True
    logpath=self.logger.getLogPath(username, projectname, packagename, branchname, lxcdistro, lxcrelease, lxcarch)['lbs']['DeleteLogAfterDays'], self.config['lbs']['KeepMinimumLogs'], logpath)
    if self.logger.hasLBSERROR() or not self.config['lbs']['SendEmailOnSuccess'] == False:
      if self.config['lbs']['EmailFromAddress'] == '*****@*****.**':
        self.logger.print("Please configure the email settings for sending notification emails")
      else:['lbs']['EmailFromAddress'], userconfig['EmailToAddress'], "LBS Result for " + projectname + "/" + packagename, self.config['lbs']['LBSUrl'] + "/logs/" + logpath + "/" + str(buildnumber))

    # now mark the build finished
    con = Database(self.config)
    stmt = "UPDATE build SET status='FINISHED', finished=?, buildsuccess=?, buildnumber=? WHERE id = ?"
    lastBuild = Logger().getLastBuild(username, projectname, packagename, branchname, lxcdistro+"/"+lxcrelease+"/"+lxcarch)
    con.execute(stmt, ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), lastBuild["resultcode"], lastBuild["number"], jobId))

    return self.logger.get()
  def getPackagingInstructionsInternal(self, userconfig, username, projectname, branchname, gitprojectname, lbsproject, pathSrc):
    os.makedirs(pathSrc, exist_ok=True)

    needToDownload = True

    #we want a clean clone
    #but do not delete the tree if it is being used by another build
    t = None
    if os.path.isfile(pathSrc+'lbs-'+projectname+'-lastused'):
      t = os.path.getmtime(pathSrc+'lbs-'+projectname+'-lastused')
      # delete the tree only if it has not been used within the last 3 minutes
      if (time.time() - t) < 3*60:
        needToDownload = False
      # update the timestamp
      open(pathSrc+'lbs-'+projectname+'-lastused', 'a').close()

    headers = {}
    if not 'GitType' in userconfig or userconfig['GitType'] == 'github':
      url=lbsproject + "/archive/" + branchname + ".tar.gz"
    elif userconfig['GitType'] == 'gitlab':
      url=lbsproject + "/repository/archive.tar.gz?ref=" + branchname
      tokenfilename=self.config["lbs"]["SSHContainerPath"] + "/" + username + "/" + projectname + "/gitlab_token"
      if os.path.isfile(tokenfilename):
        with open (tokenfilename, "r") as myfile:
          headers['PRIVATE-TOKEN'] =

    # check if the version we have is still uptodate
    etagFile = pathSrc+'lbs-'+projectname+'-etag'
    if needToDownload and os.path.isfile(etagFile):
      with open(etagFile, 'r') as content_file:
        Etag =
        headers['If-None-Match'] = Etag
      r = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
      if 'Etag' in r.headers and r.headers['Etag'] == '"' + Etag + '"':
         needToDownload = False

    if not needToDownload and os.path.isdir(pathSrc+'lbs-'+projectname):
      # we can reuse the existing source, it was used just recently, or has not changed on the server
      self.StorePackageHashes(pathSrc+'lbs-'+projectname, username, projectname, branchname)

    # delete the working tree
    if os.path.isdir(pathSrc+'lbs-'+projectname):

    sourceFile = pathSrc + "/" + branchname + ".tar.gz"
    if os.path.isfile(sourceFile):
    r = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
    if r.status_code == 401:
      raise Exception("problem downloading the repository, access denied")
    elif not r.status_code == 200:
      raise Exception("problem downloading the repository " + url + ", HTTP error code " + str(r.status_code))

    chunk_size = 100000
    with open(sourceFile, 'wb') as fd:
      for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size):
    if 'Etag' in r.headers:
      Etag = r.headers['Etag']
      with open(etagFile, 'w') as fd:

    shell = Shell(Logger())
    if not 'GitType' in userconfig or userconfig['GitType'] == 'github':
      cmd="cd " + pathSrc + ";"
      cmd+="tar xzf " + branchname + ".tar.gz; mv lbs-" + gitprojectname + "-" + branchname + " lbs-" + projectname
    elif userconfig['GitType'] == 'gitlab':
      cmd="cd " + pathSrc + ";"
      cmd+="tar xzf " + branchname + ".tar.gz; mv lbs-" + gitprojectname + "-" + branchname + "-* lbs-" + projectname

    if os.path.isfile(sourceFile):
    if not os.path.isdir(pathSrc+'lbs-'+projectname):
      raise Exception("Problem with cloning the git repo")

    self.StorePackageHashes(pathSrc+'lbs-'+projectname, username, projectname, branchname)
class RemoteContainer:
    def __init__(self, containername, configBuildMachine, logger,
                 packageSrcPath, containertype):
        self.hostname = containername
        self.containertype = containertype
        self.staticMachine = (True if ('static' in configBuildMachine
                                       and configBuildMachine['static'] == "t")
                              else False)

        self.port = "22"
        if configBuildMachine['port'] is not None:
            self.port = str(configBuildMachine['port'])
        self.cid = 10
        if configBuildMachine['cid'] is not None:
            self.cid = configBuildMachine['cid']

        self.containername = str(self.cid).zfill(3) + "-" + containername
        if containertype == "lxd":
            self.containername = "l" + str(
                self.cid).zfill(3) + "-" + containername.replace(".", "-")

        self.containerIP = socket.gethostbyname(self.hostname)
        self.containerPort = str(2000 + int(self.cid))

        if configBuildMachine['local'] is not None and configBuildMachine[
                'local'] == "t":
            # the host server for the build container is actually hosting the LBS application as well
            # or the container is running on localhost
            if containertype == "lxc":
                self.containerIP = self.calculateLocalContainerIP(self.cid)
                self.containerPort = "22"
            if containertype == "lxd":
                self.containerIP = self.calculateLocalContainerIP(self.cid)
                self.containerPort = "22"
            if containertype == "docker":
                self.containerIP = self.calculateLocalContainerIP(1)
                self.containerPort = str(2000 + int(self.cid))

        self.config = Config.LoadConfig()
        self.SSHContainerPath = self.config['lbs']['SSHContainerPath']
        self.logger = logger = Shell(logger)
        # we are reusing the slots, for caches etc
        self.slot = containername
        self.distro = ""
        self.release = ""
        self.arch = ""
        self.staticIP = ""
        self.packageSrcPath = packageSrcPath

    def calculateLocalContainerIP(self, cid):
        # for LXD, we always configure the bridge with 10.0.4:
        # lxc network create lxdbr0 ipv6.address=none ipv4.address= ipv4.nat=true
        if self.containertype == "lxd":
            return "10.0.4." + str(cid)

        # test if we are inside a container as well
        # we just test if the host server for the build container is actually hosting the LBS application as well
        s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
        # just need to connect to any external host to know which is the IP address of the machine that hosts LBS
        s.connect((self.hostname, 80))
        lbsipaddress = s.getsockname()[0].split('.')
        # on CentOS: /etc/libvirt/qemu/networks/default.xml 192.168.122
        # on Fedora 27: /etc/libvirt/qemu/networks/default.xml 192.168.124
        # on Ubuntu 16.04: /etc/default/lxc-net 10.0.3
        if '.'.join(lbsipaddress) == "192.168.122" or '.'.join(
                lbsipaddress) == "192.168.124" or '.'.join(
                    lbsipaddress) == "10.0.3":
            return '.'.join(lbsipaddress) + "." + str(cid)

        # we are running uwsgi and lxc/docker on one host
        if os.path.isfile("/etc/redhat-release"):
            file = open("/etc/redhat-release", 'r')
            version =
            if "Fedora" in version:
                return "192.168.124." + str(cid)
            if "CentOS" in version:
                return "192.168.122." + str(cid)
        elif os.path.isfile("/etc/lsb-release"):
            file = open("/etc/lsb-release", 'r')
            version =
            if "Ubuntu" in version:
                return "10.0.3." + str(cid)

    def executeOnHost(self, command):
        if'ssh -f -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -p ' +
                                   self.port + ' -i ' + self.SSHContainerPath +
                                   "/container_rsa root@" + self.hostname +
                                   " \"export LC_ALL=C; (" + command +
                                   ") 2>&1; echo \$?\""):
            return self.logger.getLastLine() == "0"
        return False

    def createmachine(self, distro, release, arch, staticIP):
        # not implemented here
        return False

    def startmachine(self):
        # not implemented here
        return False

    def executeInContainer(self, command):
        """Execute a command in a container via SSH"""
        # not implemented here
        return False

    def destroy(self):
        # not implemented here
        return False

    def stop(self):
        # not implemented here
        return False

    def rsyncContainerPut(self, src, dest):
        # not implemented here
        return False

    def rsyncContainerGet(self, path, dest=None):
        # not implemented here
        return False

    def rsyncHostPut(self, src, dest=None):
        # not implemented here
        return False

    def rsyncHostGet(self, path, dest=None):
        # not implemented here
        return False

    def installmount(self, localpath, hostpath=None):
        # not implemented here
        return False
Exemplo n.º 6
class Build:
    'run one specific build of one package'

    def __init__(self, LBS, logger):
        self.LBS = LBS
        self.logger = logger
        self.container = None
        self.finished = False
        self.buildmachine = None
        self.config = Config.LoadConfig()

    def createbuildmachine(self, lxcdistro, lxcrelease, lxcarch, buildmachine,
        # create a container on a remote machine
        self.buildmachine = buildmachine
        con = Database(self.config)
        stmt = "SELECT * FROM machine WHERE name = ?"
        cursor = con.execute(stmt, (buildmachine, ))
        machine = cursor.fetchone()
        if machine['type'] == 'lxc':
            self.container = LXCContainer(buildmachine, machine, self.logger,
        elif machine['type'] == 'lxd':
            self.container = LXDContainer(buildmachine, machine, self.logger,
        elif machine['type'] == 'docker':
            self.container = DockerContainer(buildmachine, machine,
                                             self.logger, packageSrcPath)
        elif machine['type'] == 'copr':
            self.container = CoprContainer(buildmachine, machine, self.logger,
        return self.container.createmachine(lxcdistro, lxcrelease, lxcarch,

    def buildpackageOnCopr(self, username, projectname, packagename,
                           branchname, packageSrcPath, lxcdistro, lxcrelease,
        # connect to copr
        coprtoken_filename = self.config['lbs'][
            'SSHContainerPath'] + '/' + username + '/' + projectname + '/copr'
        if not os.path.isfile(coprtoken_filename):
            raise Exception(
                "please download a token file from copr and save in " +

        userconfig = self.config['lbs']['Users'][username]
        copr_projectname = projectname
        if 'CoprProjectName' in userconfig['Projects'][projectname]:
            copr_projectname = userconfig['Projects'][projectname][
        copr_username = username
        if 'CoprUserName' in userconfig['Projects'][projectname]:
            copr_username = userconfig['Projects'][projectname]['CoprUserName']

        if not self.container.connectToCopr(coprtoken_filename, copr_username,
            raise Exception("problem connecting to copr, does the project " +
                            copr_projectname + " already exist?")

        # calculate the release number
        release = self.container.getLatestReleaseFromCopr(packagename)
        if release is not None:
            if release.find('.') > -1:
                releasenumber = int(release[:release.find('.')])
                afterreleasenumber = release[release.find('.'):]
                release = str(releasenumber + 1) + afterreleasenumber
                release = str(int(release) + 1)

        # build the src rpm locally, and move to public directory
        # simplification: tarball must be in the git repository = Shell(self.logger)
        rpmbuildpath = "/run/uwsgi/rpmbuild_" + username + "_" + projectname + "_" + packagename"mkdir -p " + rpmbuildpath +
                                "/SOURCES; mkdir -p " + rpmbuildpath +
                                "/SPECS")"cp -R " + packageSrcPath + "/* " +
                                rpmbuildpath + "/SOURCES; mv " + rpmbuildpath +
                                "/SOURCES/*.spec " + rpmbuildpath + "/SPECS")
        if release is not None:
  "sed -i 's/^Release:.*/Release: " +
                                    release + "/g' " + rpmbuildpath +
        if not"rpmbuild --define '_topdir " +
                                       rpmbuildpath + "' -bs " + rpmbuildpath +
                                       "/SPECS/" + packagename + ".spec"):
            raise Exception(
                "Problem with building the source rpm file for package " +
        myPath = username + "/" + projectname
        if 'Secret' in self.config['lbs']['Users'][username]:
            raise Exception(
                "You cannot use a secret path when you are working with Copr")
        repoPath = self.config['lbs'][
            'ReposPath'] + "/" + myPath + "/" + lxcdistro + "/" + lxcrelease + "/src"
        files = os.listdir(rpmbuildpath + "/SRPMS")
        if files is not None and len(files) == 1:
            srcrpmfilename = files[0]
            raise Exception("cannot find the source rpm, no files in " +
                            rpmbuildpath + "/SRPMS")
        if not os.path.isfile(rpmbuildpath + "/SRPMS/" + srcrpmfilename):
            raise Exception("cannot find the source rpm, " + rpmbuildpath +
                            "/SRPMS/" + srcrpmfilename + " is not a file")
        if not"mkdir -p " + repoPath + " && mv " +
                                       rpmbuildpath + "/SRPMS/" +
                                       srcrpmfilename + " " + repoPath +
                                       " && rm -Rf " + rpmbuildpath):
            raise Exception("Problem moving the source rpm file")

        # tell copr to build this srpm. raise an exception if the build failed.
        if not self.container.buildProject(self.config['lbs']['DownloadUrl'] +
                                           "/repos/" + myPath + "/" +
                                           lxcdistro + "/" + lxcrelease +
                                           "/src/" + srcrpmfilename):
            raise Exception("problem building the package on copr")

    def buildpackageOnContainer(self, username, projectname, packagename,
                                branchname, lxcdistro, lxcrelease, pathSrc):
        # install a mount for the project repo
        myPath = username + "/" + projectname
        if 'Secret' in self.config['lbs']['Users'][username]:
            myPath = username + "/" + self.config['lbs']['Users'][username][
                'Secret'] + "/" + projectname
        mountPath = self.config['lbs'][
            'ReposPath'] + "/" + myPath + "/" + lxcdistro + "/" + lxcrelease
        if not self.container.installmount(mountPath, "/mnt" + mountPath,
            raise Exception("Problem with installmount")
        mountPath = self.config['lbs']['TarballsPath'] + "/" + myPath
        if not self.container.installmount(mountPath, "/mnt" + mountPath,
            raise Exception("Problem with installmount")

        # prepare container, install packages that the build requires; this is specific to the distro
        self.buildHelper = BuildHelperFactory.GetBuildHelper(
            lxcdistro, self.container, username, projectname, packagename,
        if not self.buildHelper.PrepareMachineBeforeStart():
            raise Exception("Problem with PrepareMachineBeforeStart")
        if self.container.startmachine():
            self.logger.print("container has been started successfully")
            raise Exception("Problem with startmachine")
        if not self.buildHelper.PrepareMachineAfterStart():
            raise Exception("Problem with PrepareMachineAfterStart")
        if not self.buildHelper.PrepareForBuilding():
            raise Exception("Problem with PrepareForBuilding")

        # copy the repo to the container
        self.container.rsyncContainerPut(pathSrc + 'lbs-' + projectname,
                                         "/root/lbs-" + projectname)
        # copy the keys to the container
        sshContainerPath = self.config['lbs']['SSHContainerPath']
        if os.path.exists(sshContainerPath + '/' + username + '/' +
                sshContainerPath + '/' + username + '/' + projectname + '/*',
            self.container.executeInContainer('chmod 600 /root/.ssh/*')

        if not self.buildHelper.DownloadSources():
            raise Exception("Problem with DownloadSources")
        if not self.buildHelper.InstallRepositories(
            raise Exception("Problem with InstallRepositories")
        if not self.buildHelper.SetupEnvironment(branchname):
            raise Exception("Setup script did not succeed")
        if not self.buildHelper.InstallRequiredPackages():
            raise Exception("Problem with InstallRequiredPackages")
        # disable the network, so that only code from the tarball is being used
        if not self.buildHelper.DisableOutgoingNetwork():
            raise Exception("Problem with disabling the network")
        if not self.buildHelper.BuildPackage():
            raise Exception("Problem with building the package")
        myPath = username + "/" + projectname
        if 'Secret' in self.config['lbs']['Users'][username]:
            myPath = username + "/" + self.config['lbs']['Users'][username][
                'Secret'] + "/" + projectname
        srcPath = self.config['lbs'][
            'ReposPath'] + "/" + myPath + "/" + lxcdistro + "/" + lxcrelease
        destPath = srcPath[:srcPath.rindex("/")]
        srcPath = "/mnt" + srcPath
        if not self.container.rsyncHostGet(srcPath, destPath):
            raise Exception("Problem with syncing repos")
        srcPath = self.config['lbs']['TarballsPath'] + "/" + myPath
        destPath = srcPath[:srcPath.rindex("/")]
        srcPath = "/mnt" + srcPath
        if not self.container.rsyncHostGet(srcPath, destPath):
            raise Exception("Problem with syncing tarballs")
        # create repo file

    def buildpackage(self, username, projectname, packagename, branchname,
                     lxcdistro, lxcrelease, lxcarch, buildmachine, jobId):
        userconfig = self.config['lbs']['Users'][username]
        self.logger.print(" * Starting at " +
                          strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S GMT%z"))
        self.logger.print(" * Preparing the machine...")

        # get the sources of the packaging instructions
        gotPackagingInstructions = False
            pathSrc = self.LBS.getPackagingInstructions(
                userconfig, username, projectname, branchname)
            packageSrcPath = pathSrc + '/lbs-' + projectname + '/' + packagename
            gotPackagingInstructions = True
        except Exception as e:
            self.logger.print("LBSERROR: " + str(e) +
                              "; for more details see /var/log/uwsgi.log")

        jobFailed = True
        if not gotPackagingInstructions:
            self.LBS.ReleaseMachine(buildmachine, jobFailed)
        elif self.createbuildmachine(lxcdistro, lxcrelease, lxcarch,
                                     buildmachine, packageSrcPath):
                if type(self.container) is CoprContainer:
                    self.buildpackageOnCopr(username, projectname, packagename,
                                            branchname, packageSrcPath,
                                            lxcdistro, lxcrelease, lxcarch)
                    self.buildpackageOnContainer(username, projectname,
                                                 packagename, branchname,
                                                 lxcdistro, lxcrelease,
                self.LBS.MarkPackageAsBuilt(username, projectname, packagename,
                                            branchname, lxcdistro, lxcrelease,
                jobFailed = False
            except Exception as e:
                self.logger.print("LBSERROR: " + str(e), 0)
                self.LBS.ReleaseMachine(buildmachine, jobFailed)
                "LBSERROR: There is a problem with creating the container!")
            self.LBS.ReleaseMachine(buildmachine, jobFailed)
        self.finished = True
        logpath = self.logger.getLogPath(username, projectname, packagename,
                                         branchname, lxcdistro, lxcrelease,
        buildnumber =
            self.config['lbs']['KeepMinimumLogs'], logpath)
        if self.logger.hasLBSERROR(
        ) or not self.config['lbs']['SendEmailOnSuccess'] == False:
            if self.config['lbs']['EmailFromAddress'] == '*****@*****.**':
                    "Please configure the email settings for sending notification emails"
                        "LBS Result for " + projectname + "/" + packagename,
                        self.config['lbs']['LBSUrl'] + "/logs/" + logpath +
                        "/" + str(buildnumber))
                except Exception as e:
                    self.logger.print("ERROR: we could not send the email")

        # now mark the build finished
        con = Database(self.config)
        stmt = "UPDATE build SET status='FINISHED', finished=?, buildsuccess=?, buildnumber=? WHERE id = ?"
        lastBuild = Logger().getLastBuild(
            username, projectname, packagename, branchname,
            lxcdistro + "/" + lxcrelease + "/" + lxcarch)
                    ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
                     lastBuild["resultcode"], lastBuild["number"], jobId))

        return self.logger.get()